Cafe Astrology interprets the natal chart of Michael Jackson.
Whitney Houston – Celebrity Birth Natal Chart
Cafe Astrology interprets the natal chart of Michael Jackson.
Amy Winehouse – Celebrity Birth Natal Chart
The astrology natal birthday chart of Amy Winehouse.
Angelina Jolie
Natal chart and birth date, birth data. Analysis of Angelina Jolie in astrology. Relationship with Billy Bob Thornton.
Avril Lavigne – Celebrity Birth Chart
Cafe Astrology does an interpretation of Canadian young singer-songwriter, Avril Lavigne’s birth chart. Famous people: Libra.
Britney Spears – Celebrity Birth Chart
Cafe Astrology does an interpretation of Britney Spears’ birth chart. Famous people: Sagittarius.
Karla Homolka & Paul Bernardo – Natal Chart
Natal chart and birth data. Composite chart.
Astrology of Relationships: Angelina Jolie Billy Bob Thornton
Cafe Astrology does an interpretation of the synastry between Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton, as well as Brad Pitt.
Astrology of Relationships: Break-ups & Transits to the Moon
Cafe Astrology looks at transits at the time of celebrity breakups: Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, Princess Diana, Nicole Kidman, Mia Farrow, Farrah Fawcett
Astrology of Relationships:Farrah Fawcett & Ryan O’Neal
Cafe Astrology does an interpretation of the synastry between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Natal chart and chart comparison.