Compare Astrological House Systems Report
The following tool allows you to compare various house systems to determine how they affect your natal chart through a table of house positions and planet house positions for each house system.
The house systems used in this report are Placidus, Whole Sign, Equal, Koch, Regiomontanus, Morinus, Alcabitius, Campanus, Porphyry, Topocentric, Meridian, and Vehlow.
Please note that without a birth time, house positions cannot be determined.
If you need help with the time zone offset, please send an email to Be sure to mention that it’s for time zone help and provide your birth data.
See also the Natal Chart report for positions of planets by sign, house, and aspect with interpretations.
Which house system should you choose?
The answer to this question is far from simple. As you can see from the chart generated on this page, there are many different house systems to choose from (there are even more than listed here), and astrologers are not in agreement regarding which one to choose. I would suggest using a popular house system such as Placidus or one that your first instructor suggests, working with it, and then later in your studies, begin experimenting with others.
Keep in mind that choosing a popular house system is not a sign that you’re unevolved. There are certain systems that simply work well, although it’s always nice to keep an open mind regarding house cusps. It’s best not to fall for the idea that any one system is superior to others only because one particular practitioner of astrology has deemed it superior. Over time, you will discover what’s best for you.
You might, like myself, start to look at planets more in terms of their relative distance from the angles than their precise house position. Or, you might use different house systems for different techniques, which is something I do as well. The tables above can help show you the differences in a particular chart, which can aid decision-making tremendously. You might also want to read up on some fo the house systems at Astrodienst here.