Ask Annie
Astrologer Annie answers your questions from an astrological perspective. She specializes in the topics of personality, relationships, and love.
If you have a question for Annie, please be specific and include your full birth data (include birthday, time and place for best results). Fictional names are fine. We may publish both your question and an astrologer’s answer in this column, NOT your email address. We adhere to a strict privacy policy regarding email addresses.
Please understand that we cannot answer all questions we receive. We receive a large volume of emails and we are sorry but time does not permit answering all or even most of them! We cannot give a full, detailed reading in this column. Also note that emails have been altered both for the sake of readability and to protect the querent’s identity.
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Question About Signs on Houses and Planets in Houses
Hi Annie,
i was born on [] and I was wondering about my 1st house placements?? I’ve been told I have no placements in my first house but I’ve also been told i have Venus in my first house due to the fact that I’m Gemini Ascendant and my Venus is in Gemini.
Sorry if it seems like common sense–I’m quite new to astrology so any help would be very appreciated !!
Thank you,
Annie’s Answer
Hello, l!
If you’re interested in house placements, then you’re coming along quite nicely!
When first learning about the houses, it’s normal to wonder why a sign is found on a house cusp but a planet in that sign is not in that house.
I’ve put a clip of part of your chart here:
Your first house STARTS very late in the sign of Gemini. Each sign spans 30 degrees, and your Ascendant is at 28 degrees (almost 29) Gemini. That’s the position of your Ascendant (28 Gemini 40).
However, your Venus is at an earlier degree of Gemini–14 degrees Gemini. It doesn’t make it into the first house since your first house only begins later in Gemini (at 28 Gemini 40), and only planets posited after 28 Gemini 40 are in your first house.
So, the statement that you don’t have any first house placements is correct. The second statement, that Venus is in your first house, is incorrect. Venus is actually in the house behind the first house, the twelfth house.
Mind you, this is the case for most house systems. The second statement would be correct if you’re using the Whole House system, and some astrologers do use that system. It’s possible that you’re talking to people who are using two totally different systems of houses.
If you’re interested in learning more about how the houses are constructed, you can read my article, Understanding the Houses. You might also check out this page about house cusps from Big Sky Astrology.
Question About Recurring Patterns with Transits
Hi Annie,
I am wondering about a specific pattern that shows up in my transits chart all the time. I see planets that are transiting these three:
North Node
In my transits now, Mercury and Uranus are transiting this pattern, but it changes…next, the sun or Venus…and it’s always these three, always in that order
My question is why is there this consistent pattern that keeps coming up in my transits charts? Does it mean something? It’s always in my chart and is a reoccurring pattern…I don’t understand.
Thank you,
Annie’s Answer
Hello, R!
You have a sharp eye! The reason Uranus, Lilith, and the North Node receive transits around the same time is because, in your natal chart, Uranus is aligned with the North Node, and both bodies are closely opposite Lilith. Uranus is at 4 degrees, the North Node at 4 degrees, and Lilith at 4 degrees. So, when transiting planets reach 4 degrees of a particular sign, they will make an aspect first to Uranus at 4 degrees and 19 minutes, then Lilith at 4 degrees and 20 minutes, and then the North Node at 4 degrees and 40 minutes. This doesn’t happen to everyone since most people do not have these bodies all so close to one another, but similar situations occur with other planets if they are configured close together in the natal chart.
In other words, if you have Uranus conjunct the North Node in your natal chart, which you do, transits to Uranus will always occur around the same time as transits to the North Node because of the way your natal chart is configured. Because Uranus comes before the North Node in your birth chart, transits will first happen to Uranus and then to the North Node.
Question About Synastry and Whether or Not to use the Relocated Chart
I wanted to know if when comparing natal charts between 2 people, to check compatibility, if I’ve moved, do I go by the new relocated chart or my regular birth natal chart?
Annie’s Answer
Thank you for writing!
That’s a personal choice. I feel that it’s best to use your natal charts when doing comparisons, and to consider the relocated chart only if you relate very much to it.
Keep in mind that with your relocated chart, your relocated planets are exactly the same sign and degree as your natal planets. The only things that change are the houses and house-related points (example, Ascendant). This is important to note because some people don’t understand the concept of relocating charts and they simply substitute their birth places without adjusting their birth times, resulting in a meaningless chart in which the Moon (most notably) and the other planets (to some degree) differ from the natal chart. If these differ, then the relocation chart was not calculated properly. If you need more information about it, see my article about the proper way to relocate a chart. The bottom line is that you have to use the same moment in time of your birth or else the time (and the resulting chart) has no meaning to you.
I don’t use the relocated natal chart for anything other than its purpose — to see how a new location may change things. I don’t use it for regular chart reading. It’s not a common practice, but some people do substitute their relocated chart, but it’s not for me.
The reasoning behind comparing natal charts by default (and not relocated charts) is that I feel the natal chart represents “you” and your essence, and the relocated chart represents a shade of “you.” I do feel that moving to a new place changes some expressions of your personality but not your core. If you do use your relocated chart in everyday practice, then it does make sense to use it in your compatibility analyses, but I wouldn’t do so under normal circumstances.
I feel that it remains a useful exercise to compare progressed charts or relocated charts in synastry, always keeping in mind what you’re comparing. However, I think the most useful information can be gleaned from comparing natal charts and the most basic planets and points. The rest, to me, is extra!
Question About Saturn Transiting the First and Saturn Return
Hi Annie, I’m a bit worried and confused about my current Saturn’s whereabouts! I have an app which tells me my was telling me that I had Saturn transiting my 1st house since 2016! Now it’s saying since November last year until 2020!! So I’m wondering can you have a Saturn transit the 1st house and go through your Saturn return at the same time?? Is this a double whammy? I have felt a strong change in me for a year or two now.. I just turned 27 so my Saturn return must be approaching also.
Annie’s Answer Hello,
You have a bigger than usual first house (in the Placidus house system), and that’s why you will see a planetary transit of your first house for longer than usual. However, keep in mind that while Saturn is technically in your first house for several years, the dynamic elements of the transit occur when it transits conjunct your Ascendant which is the start of your first house in this system. This already happened to you in 2018. In other words, the intensity of the transit is already behind you!
Saturn did not enter your first house until February 2018. Is it possible that you used an earlier birth time in whichever app you were using that gave you the 2016 start time? This is because, for example, even an hour’s difference in birth time can change the transit of slower-moving planets such as Saturn to the Ascendant by a year or years. Your Ascendant is 5 degrees Capricorn, and Saturn only first entered Capricorn in December of 2017. Saturn reached 5 degrees Capricorn in February 2018. In most house systems, that would be the start date of Saturn’s transit of your first house. For the Whole House system, it would have begun in December of 2017.
At any rate, Saturn will move out of your first house and into your second house in 2022-2023. Very often, a slower-moving planet like Saturn will go into a new house, move back out of it, and then re-enter it the following year. This little “dance” is due to retrograde motion and is the reason why I give you the range of 2022-2023. This dance doesn’t always happen but usually does, depending on the degree of your house cusp.
Please don’t worry about having Saturn in your first house for more than the usual years–it’s not any more difficult than if your first house were smaller. The dynamic energy of this Saturn transit is strongest when it is on an angle such as on the Ascendant. You would have felt this transit most intensely throughout the year 2018. As it keeps moving away from the Ascendant, it’s less personal and direct.
Yes, your Saturn Return CAN occur when Saturn is also transiting your first house. This is the case for all people who have Saturn in the first house in their natal charts. Saturn can be in one of twelve houses, and yours is in the first house. It’s not very close to the start of the first house and is, in fact, more than 30 degrees away from it and in the next sign, so Saturn in the first house for you is not as personal or dynamic as it would be for someone who has Saturn closer to the Ascendant or start of the first house.
Since your Saturn is in the first house, when Saturn comes around to “return” to its natal position, in other words when a Saturn Return occurs, this will always happen in your first house. It doesn’t mean it will be more difficult, but that you will process it in the special way that you do as a person who has Saturn in your first house! It’s a time for really feeling your age and recognizing the need to mature. In the first house, you may feel you have to stand on your own for a spell, and as you do, you learn, grow, and mature. It’s a time for learning to depend on yourself and for growing your confidence and sense of independence. Taking better care of your physical body can be in focus. With Saturn rather close to the second house, it can also be a time for growing more self-reliant and learning to provide for yourself.
Regarding timing, your Saturn Return will happen from April 2021 to January 2022. While there are three exact dates that transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Saturn during this range, you can consider it in effect throughout (and at least) this range.
Question About Saturn and Uranus in the Composite Chart Dear Annie,
My question is about the composite chart between my boyfriend and I. We have both Saturn and Uranus prominent and somewhat challenging. I am having troubles understanding this because Saturn and Uranus are so different and almost opposite in nature. Do they in some way cancel themselves out?
Annie’s Answer Dear R,
No they don’t cancel each other out. Instead, what you will likely experience is a push-pull energy. This relationship can be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride!
You have the Sun square Saturn in your composite chart and Venus and the Moon square Uranus, amongst other aspects. The Saturn influence is restrictive–there will be a strong need to define your relationship. However, the Uranus influence fights that definition and restriction. The Uranus energy brings a great need for spontaneity in your connection, and living your relationship day to day rather than mapping out where you will be with each other next year, and possibly even tomorrow! Many couples with both strong Uranus and Saturn in their composite charts have on-off relationships. When one person is seeking commitment or reliability, the other may feel rebellious. Sometimes it’s experienced as outside influences getting in the way of an even, paced, and stable relationship.
In order to maintain such a relationship, you will need to allow each other a certain amount of freedom, and you will need to accept that your relationship is not the most conventional, reliable, or traditional set-up. However, you must also honor the Saturn influence, which is slightly less prominent than Uranus, but which is still strong. There has to be some accountability and maturity in your relationship, or it just won’t work. Finding a balance between these two energies is likely to be challenging, but not impossible.
Question About a Troubled Relationship Dear Annie!
I love my husband but it is not working out. We have incredible tantrum-like arguments and drive each other to exhaustion and anger. We almost divorced out of anger last month but he would like to stay married. I feel so uncertain towards him and towards my future with him. Could you please help. I want to stay together but see no light in sight.
Annie’s Answer K,
You have a rather combatant combination in your chart that may not be overt because of the sign positions involved, but that would certainly be easily triggered in a long-term relationship. Your Sun is conjunct Mars in Pisces and square the Moon in Gemini. In general, I would think that you need someone who has at least a couple planets that support any of these planets in your chart. Your husband doesn’t, and in fact, his T-square involving Venus, Neptune, and Saturn triggers your own square. His Venus conjunct your Sun-Mars suggests to me that he was attracted to your spirited approach to life in the first place, but he has his own issues to deal with, having Venus square Saturn and Neptune, and it’s pretty safe to say that it has turned into an intense love-hate situation. It’s not easy!
However, I can also see that there are some aspects between your charts that are what some might beg for, and could be considered dream aspects in synastry. His Venus is conjunct your Mars, and your Venus is conjunct his Mars. Venus conjunct Mars is thus repeated in your composite chart, and the composite Moon is tightly conjunct both! It’s rare to find so many engaging and stimulating aspects in synastry. This stellium is trine Neptune and sextile Mercury, so we’ve got an intense yet dreamy combination, but they’re also opposite Uranus and Pluto. Feelings are powerful between you, but not always reliably so, and certainly they blow hot and cold. This whole picture is very complicated, because the attraction is so strong, yet the challenges are enormous as well. I’m fairly certain that the attraction was powerful when you first met, and that the challenges came after commitment.
There are so many more aspects to list, but instead of doing so, I will try to find some sort of bottom line. That’s not easy because there isn’t a bottom line in any relationship unless or until it’s over. So far we see intense attraction, but of a love-hate variety, mainly because both of you are triggering intense configurations in one another, so you’re forced to work with your own inner “demons” through each other. The composite chart’s Saturn is conjunct your Venus and his Mars, so each of you feels restricted by the committed relationship. However, I would say that he is a little more emotionally attached, with his Moon conjunct your South Node. This latter aspect occurs very frequently in situations of heartbreak, where the Moon person (him in this case) is emotionally attached and the South Node partner (you in this case) eventually outgrows the attachment in some way. Even though the scales seem to be tipped in that direction, the attachment is clear on both sides. I can see it’s a difficult situation, but I cannot say it’s unworkable either. Both parties have to disengage a little and figure out what behavior is their own and why the other person seems to stimulate such intense reactions.
Question about Forecasts
Hi Annie, I was reading over my May and April forecasts and I noticed that some of the entries were the same, word for word. How do you explain that? Annie’s Answer Planetary influences for any given month do not begin and end exactly on the first and last days of the month. For example, if Venus is in Taurus, it may occur from April 17 to May 19. The detailed monthly forecasts on this site list the planetary influences present in the month, and many of them overlap from one month to the next. The dates are listed with each influence, so, with the example I just gave, you will find the interpretation of the influence of Venus in Taurus for a zodiac sign occurring “from April 17th forward” in the April Monthly Forecast, and then “until May 19” in the May Monthly Forecast.
It would help horoscope writers if planetary influences fell neatly into any given month, but they don’t, and oftentimes overlap.
There are also monthly peak dates that will repeat in different months, but will occur on different days. An example is the monthly career peak.
Repeated interpretations also occur in computerized transit reports, and when they do, it is because, quite simply, the planetary influences are repeating themselves!
Hope this helps,
Question about Synastry: Planets in 2nd and 3rd houses I am a novice in astrology but it interests me tremendously. I was learning to interpret composite charts, and of course using my own and my partner’s as sample. And I am naturally getting many doubts and confusions, your website is most useful on many such occasions. I will be obliged if you can clarify on one of the confusions I have. Though I could map out the houses, planets and aspects, read interpretations for each placement, I could not find much information on the significance of planets on houses. And I am talking about the 2nd and 3rd houses, which I gather are no where considered important in relationship astrology compared to 1st, 5th or 7th houses. However, I found this in one of the astrology articles: “Strangely enough, a person with many planets in another’s second house (money, values, self-esteem) and/or third house (basic communications, lifestyle) often comes off as a user and lacks commitment potential.” I could see almost all of our planets are in each other’s 2nd and 3rd houses, what can be the significance of this? There are few exceptions – my 5th house Moon on his 6th house, Jupiter on 10th and my Saturn on his 12th; his Saturn on my 9th (the placement is almost same in our individual horoscopes, is it because I am Libran and he is Scorpio both with Leo ascendant??). Except these, all the planets are either in 2nd or 3rd house when I compare either way. Does that mean the partners will never commit to each other and just use each other (it sounds quite awful – relation doesn’t appear to me like that!!)? And do you think many personal planets in these 2 houses means not much physical or emotional compatibility or depth in the relationship?
Annie’s Answer If you share an Ascendant and are born in the same year or two, then the outer planets’ positions in house overlays in synastry will be similar. This is because the outer planets don’t move as quickly as the inner planets do.
Regarding the article you found on the net about house overlays in the second and third houses, I think that it is rather true that they may “come across as” users. It doesn’t mean that they are. Perhaps if a person is perceived this way, the idea of committing to him or her could evoke feelings of reticence.
Let’s say many of A’s planets fall in my second house. I might feel that A treats me like an object or a possession, and A may feel the same way as well. I think it depends very much on the people involved whether this feeling is sexy, comforting, or disconcerting.
In my article, House Overlays, I wrote this about another person’s planets falling primarily in one’s earth houses (which includes the second house):
“If I primarily activate (let’s say with my Sun and Moon and one or more other planets) your earth houses, you may see me as a means to an end. You may be dependent on me for material support or emotional security, for example. Or, you may view me as particularly useful in your life. How this plays out will depend on how I react to this. I may feel like you see me as an object rather than a person, and this may be difficult to deal with. On the other hand, your seeming dependency on me could feel good to me. Perhaps I feel more useful, and I am boosted by my relationship with you as a result.”
Regarding the third house, which corresponds to air/Gemini, I wrote:
“If I primarily activate your air houses, I may stimulate your social life, you may see me as a good friend, and perhaps not much more than that! Although I generate warm and friendly feelings in you, I may want a more profound relationship. I may want to “get to you” more deeply, and I might feel like your feelings for me are superficial. On the other hand, I might enjoy the lightness and good feelings that this partnership generates.”
I think that the feelings that these overlays generate are entirely dependent on each person’s individual perception and relationship needs. If either of you is yearning for deeper, more emotional ties, then it is possible that this relationship is not going to satisfy over time. However, it should be noted that there are a tremendous number of successful relationships with these types of connections.
Question from a Reader: House Overlays in Synastry Dear Annie,
I have a quick technical question for you: how do you overlay houses?? I am unable to determine from the Brittney and Justin example what exactly you are lining up. (It’s kind of illegible.) I am assuming that you are lining up one person’s point of the first house with the other person’s point of his first house. Is that correct? In that case my planets will always be in the same houses with everybody! And the other person’s planets will also occupy the same houses with everybody else.. Obviously, I am missing something here….Could you please tell me how exactly you do this? I really want to learn this as I am always looking for “clues.”
Annie’s Answer H,
You are referring to this article about transposed houses. We are not comparing houses, but rather one person’s planets in the other person’s houses, and vice versa. Using Britney and Justin as the example, to see where Britney’s planets fall in Justin’s chart, we would place Britney’s planets in (or around) Justin’s natal chart and ignore, for the time being, her house placements. Her Mars, for example, is 23 Virgo. In Justin’s chart, her Mars would fall in his second house because that is where 23 Virgo is in Justin’s chart. Justin’s Mars at 25 Aquarius falls in Britney’s fifth house. I have changed the charts to be a little more clear.
Question from a Reader: Mercury Retrograde Hi Annie, this is just a general question with regards to Mercury retrograde.
Is it usual for people to change their minds, and then again, and then again
during one of these phases?
I know during that we are advised to hold off on decision-making but if we
are faced with someone who doesn’t and who continues to flick back and
forward between two courses of action can we be sure that the end result is set in stone? Or is it advisable to take what is said with a pinch of salt
until Mercury goes direct again?
Many thanks.
K (Pisces) Annie’s Answer: Yes, it is very common that decisions are either hard to come by or too easy to come by with Mercury retrograde! The general rule of thumb is that a change of mind on a decision made during Mercury’s retrograde is likely to take place after the retrograde period–it’s not set in stone, in your words.
Question from a Reader: Degrees I just had a very simple question about degrees when looking at an astrology chart. When looking at a planet’s placement, how do you discern what “degree” it really is. For example, if there is a planet at 12 degrees 37 minutes Aries, which degree would that be considered? 12 or 13? I have Mercury at 28 degrees 30 minutes Cancer would that be considered 29 degrees? That would make the difference whether it was in the ‘anarectic’ degree and would add a whole different dimension to the placement. Just wondering if someone could answer this. Thanks J Annie’s Answer: For such things as “degree meanings” (Sabian symbols, for example), the degree is rounded up to the next degree. There is no zero degree–only degrees 1 through 30. As such, your Mercury would be considered 29 degrees Cancer for these purposes. Even a planet at 28 degrees 01 minutes would be considered 29 degrees. (28 degrees 00 would be considered 28 degrees). However, the anaretic degree is the last degree of the sign, which would be 29 degrees 00 minutes through 29 degrees 59 minutes of a sign.
Question from a Reader: If Today is Your Birthday Hi Annie and Adam,
Today is my brother’s birthday and I sent him the ‘If today is your Birthday’ link. It’s pretty meaty. When I compared it with mine and my husband’s, I felt somewhat shafted as theirs are longer.
Thanks for the great content, but how is it that you have little to say about me and my year?
from your New York City Fan,
L Annie’s Answer: When writing for the site, particularly for the forecasts, I don’t pay attention to word count. Instead, I write about what I am seeing. Some days simply don’t have as many active influences as others, and that is why your Today is Your Birthday forecast this year isn’t as meaty as some of the others. There is no bias involved. Generally, the more active influences for a given birth date, the more complex the year ahead is likely to be. I prefer not to subscribe to a word count so that there is no need for “fillers” or for paring down.
Question from a Reader: On Solar Returns Hey. I love your pages and find them very helpful 🙂 But I thought I’d mail you about something I really wonder…on Solar returns, and the ascendant and its ruler. What exactly is it I have to look at? Is it for instance this year my SR ASC will be in Leo. So the ruler of Leo is the sun, my sun is in my natal tenth house. Is that what to look at? The house position natally of the SR ascendant ruler? Or would it be the house cusp Leo is in? Which is my ninth natal. A bit confusing 🙂
How about the SR ascendant ruler in the SR chart? If the SR sun is in my 3rd house this year. What do I look at then? Ninth house, tenth or third?
Annie’s Answer: When considering the Solar Return Ascendant, most important factors would be: 1- the Solar Return Ascendant ruler (in your case, the Sun) in the Solar Return house (in your case, the third house) and 2- the natal house that is effectively “brought” to the Solar Return Ascendant. Let’s say, for example, your Solar Return Ascendant is 15 degrees Leo. Where is that point in your natal chart? If it’s found in your natal ninth house, then the ninth house is “brought” to the Solar Return Ascendant. Therefore, you would be looking at the the third and ninth houses as the activated houses (both!). Essentially, the conditions surrounding your natal ninth house would be brought to the fore this year. Also, if a natal planet is conjunct the Solar Return Ascendant, the conditions surrounding that natal planet will be brought to the fore in the year of the Solar Return.
Question from a Reader: What is the meaning of a Chiron-Mars square in synastry? Hi Annie
I love your astrology site. I wonder if you could explain why when I calculate my chart on different software or manually the planets sometimes are in different houses. For instance my Mars if worked out by myself is in the third house, but can also show in the second house. [Full birth data provided]
Many Thanks,
Annie’s Answer: The issue is likely due to different house systems. Some of the most commonly used house systems are Placidus, Koch, and Equal, but there are many other systems in use. However, in some cases, it could also be a matter of time zones used or whether or not you or the software you are using accounts for Daylight Savings Time, which was in effect when you were born.
With the Placidus system of houses, your Mars is in the center of the second house. With Koch, your Mars is in the second house, but close to the cusp, or beginning, of the third house. Most house systems put your Mars in the second house. With the Equal system, your Mars is in the third house. I am guessing you are calculating your houses using the Equal house system. In this system, you would put the same degree of your Ascendant (3 degrees) on each house but with progressive zodiac signs.
I hope this helps!
— Annie
Question from a Reader: What is the meaning of a Chiron-Mars square in synastry? What of Venus and Mars with Pluto? I was told that my partner’s Chiron is squared by my Mars in Cancer – what does this imply? An astrologer also said that his Venus conjunct my Pluto and his Mars trine my Pluto were beneficial for me sexually, but not influential to him. This did not make sense to me and as your information asserted what I have believed so far I thought I would mention that as well. Isn’t the Venus planet the one with the affection for the other planet’s influence – in this case the Pluto influence? What about the effect on the Mars person in trine with Pluto? Thank you –
Annie’s Answer: Your partner’s Chiron square your Mars can be a tricky aspect in synastry. It suggests that there are times when your partner feels vulnerable when you naturally assert yourself and express enthusiasm, anger, or your sexuality. There is something about your actions that prompts him to feel insecure. It’s possible that he fears losing you when you are expressing aggression or independence, for example; or that your actions pull up past hurts that undermine his confidence in himself. You might find him overly sensitive to your expressions of anger. He might wish you would express yourself more compassionately, instead of what he might perceive to be your forcing your wishes or opinions on him.
I agree with you that your partner’s Venus and Mars in aspect to your Pluto will affect him deeply. He would bond to you on romantic and sexual levels quite intensely if other factors support the bonding. There is a chance that he shies away from the intensity with his Venus conjunct your Pluto if such is his nature. However, with this configuration, both of you would be affected, not only you. In fact, you might have the “upper hand” in the sense that he is likely to be more vulnerable with his personal planets in strong contact to your Pluto. He is likely to be very intrigued by you, again if other factors in your synastry support this.
— Annie
Question from a Reader: Is Venus and Mars in the same signs significant? How strong are Psyche and Eros interaspects? I enjoy the Composite StarMates, very much, as this website I’m recommending to many and it’s by far the best I’ve ever seen.
I wanted to add to a question I asked the other day. I’ll combine them all again on this one, in case you have yet to get to the original ones yet.
If my Venus is 29 degrees Taurus, and my fiancé’s Mars is 0 degrees Taurus, being that it’s same sign Venus/Mars, is this still significant? Is it as strong as say Venus/Mars Trine (same element w/in 8 degrees)?
How about being Trine Venus 29 Taurus to 4 degrees Libra? Trine, but not same element?
Plus, is a Psyche/Eros Trine as hot as a Venus/Mars Trine? Is either MORE enthralled (Eros or Psyche)? [Full birth data supplied]
Thanks again, (your biggest fan),
Annie’s Answer: T,
Planets in the same sign but not in orb of a major aspect are significant. How significant is the question! In Vedic Astrology, planets in the signs/houses are emphasized, while in Western Astrology, we tend to place more emphasis on aspects between planets. Out-of-sign aspects, such as the trine between a planet at 29 degrees of Taurus and one at 4 degrees of Libra, are considered aspects, but perhaps a little weakened.
In my opinion, your Venus and her Mars in the same sign is certainly relevant, although if they formed a conjunction, it would be stronger. I wouldn’t equate it to a same element trine between Venus and Mars. Planets around the same degree of a sign will be activated by transits at the same times, or similar times, and this means you would share general experiences around the same time, bonding you together on this level. Sharing the same sign helps, however, as your styles are similar and there is a better chance of appreciating one another’s sexual and romantic styles (as well as values, ways of handling anger, and so forth). A weak aspect, or no aspect at all, between the same-sign planets suggests you are more likely to be objective about the energy, but the bond is less intense.
Generally, in synastry, the person who is more enthralled is the “owner” of the more receptive planet. For example, with Venus-Mars interaspects, the Venus person tends to be more enthralled by the Mars person, and perhaps the more vulnerable person in this particular equation. However, the Mars person tends to appreciate the Venus person’s attention, and so it does go both ways. With Psyche and Eros, Psyche would be the person more likely to be enthralled by the Eros person. Again, the enchantment does go both ways, but the Psyche person tends to be the more vulnerable person in this equation.
In your particular case, your Sun/Moon midpoint and your fiance’s Sun/Moon midpoint form a hard angle–this is a sign of a very powerful bond, certainly more important than the interplays between Venus and Mars. There are very strong ties between you.
Question from a Reader: Determining the Ascendant? Hi Annie,
I was reading a book on daily astral diary and noted that it is important to
find out ascending and rising signs. But as I am not sure if the table in
the book for rising signs is in Eastern Time (ET) or Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT), I cannot determine this.
Looking up the internet, I chanced upon your informative website. Your
website quoted natal astrology on Eastern Standard Time.
Do we follow the time you were born in the country of birth?
I was born [full birth details provided] in Singapore, which is GMT+8hours.
For example, at this moment it is 1:30am in Singapore and Eastern Time is
12:30pm (or 1:30pm if daylight saving time).
Following the local Singapore time (GMT+8hrs), I am a Pisces with Taurus
ascendant. If I follow Eastern Standard Time, I am Pisces with Libra
ascendant. And to complicate further, if I use GMT, then I am Pisces with
Scorpio ascendant. So which should it be?
I am confused. Can you help me? So that I can have a more accurate
Many thanks.
Faith Annie’s Answer Faith,
Tables for Ascendants can be quite confusing, as you have discovered. This is why online services for determining your astrological details are handy and comforting. I would suggest using a chart service such as the one at, or ours, which can be found here. I am sending you your astrological details by email as well. Your Ascendant (also referred to as rising sign) is Aries.
Question from a Reader: Sun Sign Forecasts Dear Annie
Pleasant day to you.
I have seen your site and found it most informative and practical for applying it. I am an astrologer and on different panel. Now I have to deliver weekly forecasts for periodicals. Please guide me towards good books on making original and authentic Sun sign forecasts.
with best regards
Annie’s Answer Unfortunately, I don’t know of any books that provide guidance for making Sun sign forecasts. However, typically one would draw up a solar chart for each Sun sign and enter the current transits into that chart. In other words, most Sun sign forecasts are based on charts that place the Sun sign on the first house of a chart. For example, if the Sun is currently transiting Sagittarius, it would be transiting Leo’s fifth house, Virgo’s fourth house, Libra’s third house, and so forth. Thus, you could draw on your knowledge of transits in order to write the forecasts, and/or use any reference for transits of your choice.
Hope this helps!
Question from a Reader: Progressed Planets Dear Annie
I have visited your site. It is amazing and very informative. I am impressed by the methods, clarity and lucidity of the matter.
However, I have a doubt regarding the “Progressed Planet Aspects” of the page of the site in which the interpretation of “progressed Sun to natal Moon aspects” is given. According to the solar returns page, the same degrees of the sun is taken, and that makes the Sun in the same position at which it was at the time of birth. So, the progressed Sun will be in the same position as the natal Sun every time. Therefore the aspect to Natal Moon would also be the same then. So how does the aspect to a natal planet change? Kindly explain?
Annie’s Answer The answer lies in the fact that Progressions and Solar Returns are two entirely different techniques. Solar Return charts are calculated for the exact same degree of the natal Sun for any given year. A progressed chart “progresses” the Sun (and other natal points) by a particular factor. In secondary progressions, which is the most common method of progressions, the natal planets are progressed using a “day for a year” factor. The secondary progressed Sun moves forward roughly one degree per year using this method, and thus the progressed Sun forms aspects to the natal Moon that are different than the natal configuration. It would be useless to examine the Solar Return Sun’s aspects to the natal Moon (or any other natal point, for that matter), as it is the same degree of the natal Sun.
I hope this helps.
Question from a Reader: Born on a cusp Dear Annie,
I am confused as to whether my birthday falls under the sign Taurus or Gemini. I know I am born on a cusp, but I am not sure which sign I truly am. Some astrologers agree that Gemini begins on the 23rd, most on the 21st or 20th, but my birthday is on the 22nd. Could you clarify this confusion for me, with some explanation? Thank you. I do know though that I behave (and act) far more more like a Gemini than anything else. [Full birth data provided].
Thank You Annie’s Answer You are a Gemini. The reason for the variation in starting dates for sun signs is not about lack of agreement between astrologers. In truth, the starting dates vary slightly from year to year. If you are “born on a cusp” (born close to the starting dates for a sign), you will need to determine your sun sign by consulting an ephemeris, a natal chart service (such as ours here), or an astrologer. Your birth year in addition to your birthday, your birth place, and sometimes your birth time will be required in order to determine your Sun sign.
Question from a Reader: Additional Questions Not Answered on the Site Hi Annie,
Your site is very detailed and informative, but I was wondering if you could please answer some additional questions that may help many of us interested in astrology.
1. Who experiences/feels attraction more strongly or how is it different:
a) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s midpoint or the midpoint person?
b) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s chart angle or the ‘angle’ person?
c) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s Vertex or the Vertex person?
d) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s Nodes of the Moon or the Nodes of the Moon person?
2. Is there a meaning when partners’ Sun/Moon midpoints conjunct (5 gemini mine – which also happens to be my DC line 5.15 and Saturn 5.5 and 9 degrees gemini his) (no hard aspects from personal planets though) and both also conjunct composite Sun/Moon midpoint (7 degrees gemini). What would the meaning/connection be?
3. Can Ascendant be involved in a Grand Trine or are just personal planets considered?
4. What other midpoints besides Sun/Moon are important in synastry and how would they be interpreted? (I noticed that you mentioned Venus/Pluto and Mars/Pluto in one of your responses).
5. Which charts require use of birth location (progressed?) and which current living location (Solar return, Solar arc?)?
6. What is the maximum orb you would use as significant in synastry?
7. Are solstice points done only on natal planets or can they be done on progressed planets as well? If they can, do we compare progressed solstice point charts of two people or progressed solstice point chart of one to progressed or natal of the other?
8. How is Solar arc used in synastry? Do we compare Solar arc of one person to natal chart of the other person or to his/her Solar arc?
I know there are a lot of questions here, but I would appreciate even the short-version answers.
Thank you very much,
T. Annie’s Answer T,
I’ll answer your questions to the best of knowledge, and according to my experience, point by point below:
1. Who experiences/feels attraction more strongly or how is it different:
a) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s midpoint or the midpoint person?
b) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s chart angle or the ‘angle’ person?
c) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s Vertex or the Vertex person?
d) Person whose personal planet is contacting someone’s Nodes of the Moon or the Nodes of the Moon person?
The experience for contacting points in synastry is always a two-way affair. How strong the feelings each individual experiences depends on the nature of the planet or point stimulated, as well as the person and the issues surrounding the contacted point in his/her life. It’s always two-way, however. If my Venus conjuncts your Mars, for example, your Mars is activating my Venus, and my Venus is activating your Mars. We’re both stimulated, but in different ways and from different perspectives. I will react in a Venus way to your Mars, and you will react in a Mars way to my Venus. When it comes to attraction, it is generally the Venus person who is especially enamored. When inner planets are stimulated by another person’s outer planets, it’s generally the “inner planet” person who is a little more vulnerable and personally involved. Often, the “outer planet” person holds a special “edge” because of this vulnerability on the part of the “inner planet” person. The outer planet person tends to have the upper hand. This is because inner planets are personal, and outer planets are impersonal.
With midpoints, I tend to think the midpoint person is more vulnerable. I’ve received plenty of questions through emails regarding the special case of the Sun/Moon midpoint contacting another person’s Sun or Moon, which is a strong indication of a powerful bond, for better or worse. When this contact only occurs one way, which is more often the case, readers want to know who is the most needy (so to speak) person in the relationship. The “owner” of the contacted Sun/Moon midpoint is the one who tends to be more attached to the person whose Sun or Moon aspects the midpoint.
This sometimes explains one-sided attachments, but it should be noted that plenty of strong relationships occur when the activated Sun/Moon midpoint isn’t reciprocated by the partner. In fact, the energy does seem to reciprocate in some way, as both partners can feed off the energy of belongingness. Having it both ways (that is, each person’s Sun/Moon midpoint is activated by the other person’s Sun or Moon) is perhaps ideal, but one way works well. Also, if one person’s Sun or Moon forms a hard aspect to the composite Sun/Moon midpoint, that person also has a strong attachment to the relationship.
When personal planets are contacting personal points, neither person is more vulnerable or more attracted unless the particular point involved is especially sensitive or romantic by nature. For example, one person’s Moon conjunct another person’s Mercury is naturally, because of the nature of the planets involved, less balanced. The Moon person is likely to be more vulnerable in this interchart aspect. Or, as another example, if a person’s Venus conjuncts the other person’s Mercury, the Venus person is generally enamored by the Mercury person’s intellect, way of thinking, way of speaking, etc. As an aside, it’s always helpful to think in terms of the individuals taking on the roles of the planets involved. The person whose Venus is stimulated takes on the role of Venus in reaction the other person’s expression of the planet.
Angles such as the Ascendant and Vertex are highly personal and can be considered similar to personal (inner) planets. Item d) of your question is a little trickier for me to answer. Let’s say my Venus conjuncts your South Node. The attraction will go both ways, but the South Node person may be the one more likely to “outgrow” the relationship.
2. Is there a meaning when partners’ Sun/Moon midpoints conjunct (5 gemini mine – which also happens to be my DC line 5.15 and Saturn 5.5 and 9 degrees gemini his) (no hard aspects from personal planets though) and both also conjunct composite Sun/Moon midpoint (7 degrees gemini). What would the meaning/connection be?
If your Sun/Moon midpoints are conjunct, the Sun/Moon midpoint in the composite chart will be along the same axis by default. Yes, when two people share the same Sun/Moon midpoint, it is significant. It points to the potential for a strong bond, for better or worse. You’ll find this connection between charts of many couples who form a long-term relationship. It’s always important to note that connections between Sun/Moon midpoints in synastry do not necessarily point to a “good” interaction in and of themselves, but they do point to a fated feeling, or a strong feeling of needing one another.
3. Can Ascendant be involved in a Grand Trine or are just personal planets considered?
Traditionally, no. Grand trines are supposed to involve planets and not points, such as the Ascendant. These can be any planet, not just personal (inner) planets.
4. What other midpoints besides Sun/Moon are important in synastry and how would they be interpreted? (I noticed that you mentioned Venus/Pluto and Mars/Pluto in one of your reponses).
You can consider any midpoint in a synastry analysis. The question will be how much detail do you want to consider? The way I work, I put the Sun/Moon midpoint into any chart I look at. When doing a relationship analysis, I will also note the Venus/Mars, Moon/Venus, and Sun/Mars midpoints. I will also scan computer-generated midpoint trees in a chart comparison for repeated patterns and themes or other midpoint connections that catch my eye. Of course, I work from my personal “bias” in the sense that certain combinations will stand out more than others, perhaps because I’ve had experience with them or they seem to me to be especially relevant considering the type of analysis I am doing (a romantic relationship analysis, for example) and the nature of the questions I am attempting to answer.
5. For each technique you mention (progressions charts, Solar Return, and solar arc progressions) the current location is generally used for the current chart. In these cases, new charts are created, and these charts are relocated and generally compared to the non-relocated natal chart. Transits involve comparing the current positions of the planets to the natal chart, which is usually not relocated, although it can be if desired!
6. I do not use a strict orb allowance in synastry, although I would say that I tend to favor approximately 5-6 degrees for major aspects–perhaps a little more for conjunctions involving the Sun and Moon.
7. Yes, you can determine solstice points on a progressed chart, and they can be compared, either progressed to progressed or progressed to natal.
8. With Solar Arc progressions, the aspects between the planets in the natal chart remain the same because we are adding the same number of degrees to each planet. Unless there is a large age discrepancy between the two people we are comparing, the interaspects would be largely the same. As well, the Solar Arc interaspects would remain the same indefinitely. As such, comparing Solar Arc progressions doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. If anything, I would compare the Solar Arc progressions of one person to the natal positions of another.
Question from a Reader: Interesting Aspect Patterns in a Relationship Analysis (Eros, Sun/Moon midpoint) Annie,
I was wondering if you could give some commentary on a couple of interesting aspect patterns that I discovered between myself and a recent new love interest. I am a novice astrologer, and I try to notice interesting patterns but then often have to ‘wing it’ when it comes to describing what I see if I have never seen it before.
The most interesting pattern that I noticed was a mutual reception of sorts. It involves the rulers of our eighth houses and the position of our Eros asteroids. Simply put, the ruler of my eighth house (Mars) is conjunct her Eros in Pisces and the ruler of her eighth house (Mercury) is conjunct my Eros in Capricorn. With the eighth house being the house of sexuality and needs etc. and Eros being the asteroid of sexual expression, it seems that this would indicate a very natural and mutual receptive ability for sexual expression and gratification. I tried to emphasize to her the unreal statistical probability of such an occurrence though I am not sure if I can even have an idea of how rare this is. It seems to me that even having one person’s eighth house ruler conjunct the other’s Eros would be rare, never mind a mutual aspect! Does this strike you as rare and/or significant in some way?
Another interesting aspect is the fact that our sun/moon midpoints are conjunct (approximately 23 degrees in Sagittarius). Along with that, both of our suns and moons make hard aspects to each other’s sun/moon midpoints. More specifically, her sun and moon are in square aspect and so each form a semi-square with my midpoint and my sun and moon are in opposition and each form a square with her midpoint. I know that those hard aspects indicate some mutual significance but what is the significance of having our sun/moon midpoints in conjunction?
Just judging by those sun and moon aspects you may think that the compatibility between us is minimal however I ran your synastry analysis and we scored a whopping +63 (+76 and -13)!! That was better than your Paul Newman example. Also, our composite chart has at least one planet on all four angles!! Another sign of significance.
We only met each other in person about 2 weeks ago but the initial meeting unleashed a very comfortable physical expression between the two of us in a very short time. This is strange to both of us who are typically very shy and slow movers. But with each other, there exists an easy comfort and almost uninhibited physical expression. That is what drove me to find that eighth house/Eros mutual aspect pattern. Our birth and first meeting information are below (full birth data included).
Thank you in advance for any comments that you may be able to provide in terms of my questions or the general relationship potential that exists!!
Annie’s Answer Although they don’t necessarily reveal the quality of a relationship, Sun/Moon midpoint contacts between charts do point to a strong sense of belonging together. When I do a chart comparison, and specifically check for potential longevity, first I check for soft and hard aspects between the Sun in one chart and the Moon in another. Next, I check for hard aspects (conjunction, opposition, square, semi-square, and sesquiquadrate) between each person’s Sun/Moon midpoint and the Sun or Moon of their partner.
After that, I calculate the Sun/Moon midpoint in the composite chart, and see if that makes any hard aspects to the Sun and the Moon of each individual’s chart. Any of these factors contribute to an attachment that could be meaningful and long-lasting, although not necessarily idyllic! Again, it’s not about quality–it’s about attachment. The aspects between your Sun/Moon midpoints are hard aspects–but that is a good thing if you’re looking for a relationship that has the potential to last! Oftentimes, couples break up before they’ve really been given a chance to grow and learn through the relationship. Perhaps this is a necessary thing. Relationships that withstand the test of time generally feature a “pull” that can come from Saturn contacts but more so with Sun/Moon midpoint contacts.
As I mentioned in my email to you, I’m excited at your discovery regarding the eighth house rulers in conjunction to the other person’s Eros, and put your theory to an informal test. I do believe you’re onto something here! I absolutely do find it significant–and it is statistically improbable.
The compatibility is very strong. A potential weak point is her Saturn (ruler of her Ascendant) not making any close major aspects to your chart. Saturn is strong in your composite chart, however. With the composite chart representing the potential of your relationship, there may be some hesitance regarding the idea of this being a long-term thing on her part until a formal relationship has been established.
I also see her Sun and Venus novile (40 degrees) your Sun. This connection, I believe, suggests an attraction of the soul that can be very intense and challenging–and rich. This enhances the theme created by the hard aspects between your Moons, your Suns and Moons, and your Sun/Moon midpoints. There is the potential feeling of truly belonging to one another, yet with the challenges between your Suns and Moons, a struggle as well. This is the stuff of life! Another strong point: your seventh house (traditional) ruler, Jupiter, overlays her seventh house and conjuncts her Mars.
As an aside, something you might want to do is progress the First Meeting chart and watch the Moon’s aspects and how they correspond to significant periods in your relationship. The Moon progresses at approximately one degree per month, so, for example, you could watch for when its sextile to Uranus perfects approximately 2 months after meeting. I find this tool very useful for managing the tough periods in a relationship, as they often correspond to the progressed Moon perfecting a challenging aspect in the First Meeting chart. It’s especially useful when the last aspect the Moon makes before leaving its sign is a hard one–being aware of the potential ramifications of such an aspect can help you to avoid making mountains out of molehills if you really want to keep a relationship alive.
Question from a Reader: North Node in the 1st House and Marriage Hi Annie, I found your website a few months ago and I love it.
I had a few solar returns done with you and I really enjoyed them.
I am very confused about my North and South Nodes. My North Node is in LIBRA in my 1st HOUSE and my South Node is in ARIES in my 7th HOUSE. I am a LEO, rising sign is VIRGO, and both my VENUS and MARS are in VIRGO. Someone told me that with my North Node in my first house I should not get married.
Is it true? Please let me know.
Thank you. N
Annie’s Answer I don’t believe that there is any indication in a natal chart that should prohibit marriage. In some charts, indicators for marriage are more challenged than others. Some might suggest delaying marriage until mid-30s and beyond with North Node in the 1st house. With the nodal axis in Aries/Libra and the 1st/7th, your path of development is through partnerships, which can mean some struggles in this area. You are likely to experience a sort of tug-of-war between dependency and independence. The North Node in the 1st house suggests that you are learning to rely on yourself, and that your natural inclination may be to fall back on a partner. Many of your important life lessons revolve around one-to-one relationships. They may be challenging, but ultimately satisfying.
Question from a Reader: Born on the Cusp I know someone, a man, born on May 22, 1948. I know that he will have some Gemini and some Taurus qualities, but which will be most prevalent. Can you help me here. My main worry is that Geminis can be superficial.
Scorpio Annie’s Answer I am one of those people who believe that you’re either a Gemini or a Taurus, regardless of being born on a cusp. I do believe that the early degrees and late degrees of a sign have some significance. However, I consider a person born under zero degrees of Gemini a Gemini, and a person born under 29 degrees of Taurus a Taurus. With the place of birth you gave me, the Sun was in Gemini all day, so he’s a Gemini. None of his personal planets are in Taurus, although there is always a chance he has a Taurus Ascendant.
Read him as a Gemini, in other words. But do remember to consider other factors beyond his Sun sign. For example, his Venus is in Cancer and his Mars in Virgo — signs that are generally considered to be far from superficial. If he was born before approximately 5:30 PM, his Moon is in Scorpio. After that time, his Moon would be in Sagittarius. Also remember that superficiality is one of the negative traits associated with Gemini, but we can hardly consider Geminis superficial in general. Gemini is found in every person’s chart somewhere, and in that area of life (be it romance, career, mentality, etc.), curiosity is high and the tendency to scatter our energies and skim the surface of things is likely. Quantity may be valued over quality, but this allows us to connect with a variety of interests, to be flexible in our approach, and to avoid getting into ruts.
Question from a Reader: Should I book the studio during Mercury’s retrograde cycle? Dear Annie,
I am 48 years old and have been writing songs for the past 20 years. I have finally decided to actually record a demo and try to live my life passion of music. I was born with Mercury retrograde in Leo and the studio time I’ve booked is going to be at a time when Mercury is retrograde in Leo once again (week of July 24th). I have a gut feeling something from my past will come out to help me sing my songs the way they should be heard, to touch hearts and make people think. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Is Mercury retrograde a bad time to go into the studio?
Thank you for any info you may have for me.
J Annie’s Answer J,
Mercury retrogrades on July 3rd in early Leo, but dips back into Cancer for most of the retrograde period. Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer the week that you booked the studio. There are a lot of theories about Mercury’s retrograde, and some of them quite conflicting! Some believe that Mercury’s retrograde cycles are not the same for those born while Mercury is retrograde. This idea works for me–I liken it to, for example, the Moon is in Pisces and its effects on those who were born under the Moon in Pisces. As well, Mercury retrograde cycles are excellent for creativity as well as for re-doing, refining, and re-visiting issues.
Generally, the advice for Mercury retrograde is to avoid signing new contracts and making proposals or presentations of ideas. The only new issue here is the recording aspect of your venture. Continuing work on your songs shouldn’t be a problem. I think there is a general but prevalent misconception that we should put our lives on hold during these cycles. I think you should go with your gut instincts on this one–my opinion, of course!
Question from a Reader: Hard Neptune Aspects in the Composite Chart? Hi Annie! I had my composite chart done with my boyfriend, B. We have a lot of great synastry: Mar conjunct Aquarius My Venus Conj his Sun – Aquarius His Ascendant Conj my Sun – Sag His Mars Conj my Venus – Aqua according to your web-site his Eros and my Psyche are really hot UNFORTUNATELY, I am scared to death of our composite chart where- Sun Square Neptune = delusion, idealism, deceit, lying, a devastating ending according to several interpretations I’ve read.
Venus Square Neptune = idealism, fantasy, disillusionment, possible positive indicator of a spiritual relationship. Do you have any other interpretation? Do these transits mean death to a long lasting love relationship? I don’t want astrology to rule my life but I can’t ignore the signs.
Thanks in advance if I hear from you! Regards, S
Annie’s Answer
There are some very strong connections between your charts. His Moon is in hard aspect to your Sun/Moon midpoint, and your Moon is in hard aspect to his Sun/Moon midpoint, suggesting that there is a strong bond between you, for better or for worse! Your Venus is conjunct his Mars, your Mars is conjunct his Sun, your Mercury is conjunct his Ascendant, your Sun is conjunct his North Node, your Vertex is conjunct his Sun, and the list goes on! There’s a lot of positive to this relationship. Problematic areas in your synastry include his Saturn square your Moon and opposite your Venus. This one is tough — mostly on you. I suggest you read about Moon-Saturn hard aspects in synastry in order to find some strategies to handle this inter-aspect.
In B’s natal chart, I noticed that he has his Sun opposite Pluto, and his Mars opposite Saturn and square Chiron. This suggests to me that he might be a little tough to get through to! This is the case regardless of who he is relating to. Set in his ways, no doubt. He also has his North Node in the 7th house. Read more about this placement here: North Node in Libra or the 7th house. Learning to “partner” effectively is an important life lesson for him that doesn’t always come easy.
The Sun conjunct Venus, both square Neptune, in your composite chart can also be problematic. You need to take steps to be as rigorously honest with each other as possible, as the tendency is to mislead one another. The “deception” with these aspects is rarely deliberate. What it has to do with is expectations.
In other words, it usually has to do with self-deception rather than outright deception. With the strong connections between you, it is unlikely that you are “in love with love” instead of one another, which is a common manifestation of these kinds of aspects in the composite chart. However, you may be in love with false images of one another. Do your best to relate to each other as equals. Avoid the trap of saving your partner or having your partner save you. It won’t work. At some point, there is bound to be strong feelings of disappointment or letdown. One or both of you will likely question whether the other person was completely honest. However, in all likelihood, you have projected what you wanted to see in your partner, and that no one has deliberately tried to present a false image. Sometimes, one or both people may indeed present a false image of themselves, if only to attempt to live up to the expectations of the other. If you can get past this point without pointing fingers, you can truly grow together. This is absolutely possible.
If you cringe at the idea of getting an objective opinion on your relationship, this can be a sign that you already question how sound your relationship is, but are afraid to put it to the test. Chances are, you already know your relationship’s weaknesses on some level. Do your best to see the weaknesses and accept them for what they are. B’s Neptune is in hard aspect to your Sun/Moon midpoint. B’s Neptune is square his Moon. Attempting to push an emotional commitment from him is likely to lead to frustration. You will need to let the relationship flow and wait for an emotional commitment to happen naturally, and you need to figure out if you can live with this.
Question from a Reader: Solar Eclipse Occurring on Birthday I am wondering if you could enlighten me regarding the solar eclipse / new moon which occurs on my birthday this year…how to make the most of this
transit? (Full birth data supplied).
Annie’s Answer
With the Solar Eclipse occurring so close to your birthday, (and your Solar Return), in all likelihood the year ahead will be an eventfuland, eventually, memorableone. There is no need to be nervous about what might happen, as a Solar Eclipse has much of the same effects as a New Moon, except more potent. It can signal some very favorable events in your life. The eclipse on March 29th this year is in Aries, the sign of new beginnings and initiatives. It receives a supportive aspect from steady Saturn, suggesting that new projects initiated are likely to be realistic and well-grounded–reasonable, in other words!
Looking at your Solar Return chart can give more clues as to what this might mean for you personally. The New Moon occurs at the top of your SR chart. Two areas of strong focus this year are tenth house and seventh house matters for you. Your natal tenth house is brought to the SR Ascendant, and the Solar Return Sun and Moon are in the tenth house.
Also, the SR Sun and Moon are at your natal Descendant, and your natal Descendant is brought to the SR Midheaven. Keeping in mind that a “new beginning” is very likely to occur this year, we can think about all of the situations and factors that are associated with the seventh and tenth houses. It may be that you will enter into a new business partnership, or that you meet a “significant other” through your career dealings. It may also be that new beginnings occur in both areas of life, independent of each other. However, looking at the chart, they seem to be connected. The ruler of your natal seventh house is Mars, and it receives a conjunction from both Mercury and Uranus. An unexpected change or event is very possible with regards to a close partnership, and this may be tied to career issues. There may be a change in marital status. Venus is conjunct Mars and trine Neptune in your Solar Return chart, suggesting romantic and creative endeavors are likely to go quite well.
When a New Moon occurs in a Solar Return chart, it suggests that the year ahead is a key period in your life. For example, marriages and births occur frequently when the New Moon occurs in a Solar Return chart. Your actions in such a year get real reactions. You are in the spotlight in some way. The energy of the New Moon is dynamic, and it is also receptive, in that it feels like things are coming to you rather than things being taken away from you.
Because your emotions are very strong in such a year, you are unlikely to do things or feel things in moderation. New experiences, initiatives, and success in projects that are begun in this period are likely. This energy is concentrated in your tenth house of career and public recognition. The benefits can be immense. Your personal efforts over the past few years are likely to pay off. Fortune smiles on you, and there may be some type of public recognition to honor what you have been doing with your life. Under this influence, students often receive academic awards or advanced degrees, workers achieve job promotions, lovers get married, politicians are elected to office, authors publish their books, and so on. Your career may place you before the public in some way. Opportunities for professional advancement may come through a spouse or business associate. You could find yourself involved in negotiations and consultations.
The best way to use this energy is to be proactive. Look for ways to change your life, and especially to take charge of your career and life path. People are going to notice you this year–recognition will come whether you are looking for it or not. As such, do your best to shine, and demonstrate your competency. Whatever it is you begin this year is likely to be long-lasting and significant. Take the time to look within yourself and to examine what it is you want from life. “Taking charge” is a theme of the tenth house, and it would be a good idea to examine your innermost ambitions. This is a year when you can make significant headway–when you can begin to realize some of your goals. It’s also an excellent year for collaboration, so keep your eyes and mind open for opportunities that could come through partnership.
Question from a Reader: Progressed Synastry? Hi Annie,
Synastry is I think the area I prefer in astrology. I have used our natal charts to do a house overlay and also created a synastry grid to compare our aspects. Now I have progressed my husband’s chart and mine and I am wondering if I can, from those 2 progressed charts do the same thing and if the delineations for “natal synastry” can be use for “progressed synastry”, if I can call it that?
My idea by doing this is to find out where we’re at at this time of our lives.
I know, by reading your site, that I can do a progressed composite chart. That’s what gave me the idea.
Thank you so much. Kind regards. Annie. Annie’s Answer Absolutely. In a Synastry article on our site (Synastry in More Detail), I mentioned this kind of comparison in reference to a relationship that seemed to show much promise, but then dissolved. The man’s progressed Sun/Moon midpoint was directly opposite the woman’s Moon when they met, suggesting an extremely powerful feeling of need. However, as his midpoint continued to progress beyond that point, his interest fizzled. This likely would not have been the case if their natal-to-natal interchart aspects were strong.
Essentially, the natal-to-natal interchart aspects should be considered the basic, permanent interplays between two people. One person’s progressed positions in aspect to the other person’s natal positions, as well as one person’s progressed positions in aspect to the other person’s progressed positions, are valid as long as they are considered interplays that are evolving or progressing! In other words, they are useful if we view them in terms of the general symbolism of progressions.
Analyzing all of these factors is a whole lot of work, but if you have the time and the inclination, it can be a very revealing process.
Question from a Reader: Which chart should I use for our relationship? Hi Annie,
I read your most interesting article on Cafe Astrology regarding the synastry charts on relationships. My boyfriend and I met on a specific day, but then we broke up and got back together on another day.
I like the second chart best and am wondering which should I use for our relationship?
Thank you so much.
A Annie’s Answer A,
My answer is, use both of them! The chart of your second “meeting” does not replace the First Meeting Chart, but it still “works” as a new beginning in your relationship. As long as you consider both charts as important–as entities of their own with independent meanings–you’re on the right track, in my opinion. In other words, use the First Meeting Chart as a chart that represents the conception of your relationship, and use the second chart as a chart that represents the re-instatement of your relationship or a re-instatement of your vows, however informal they may be.
Question from a Reader: His Moon in my twelfth housewhat does it mean? Hi Annie,
About 2 years ago I met my husband, and we both fell in love passionately and got married a year and a half later. We have a very open and honest relationship and we are very committed to each other and sympathize with and like each other very much. There is one little snake in the paradise, however. I am very suspicious about him and other women. There is no reason for this suspicion (I find him very attractive though) and the suspicion/jealousy seems to be activated mainly through my dreams. This is impacting me unnecessarily because I do not know what is activating it and it is also starting to strain a very good relationship. My husband is very patient but he is begging me to stop this. I know that he has his Moon in my 12th house, and according to one synastry report, this can mean that he is deceiving me and I guess this is not helping the matter. Is this the only interpretation of the his Moon in my 12th house???
I would be extraordinarily grateful for your help. I do not want mess up our marriage because of this!!!!!!! (Full birth data supplied)
Thanks so much!
Kindest regards,
A Annie’s Answer Dear A,
Your husband’s Moon touches an extraordinarily sensitive part of your chart. The twelfth house rules all that is hidden or below the surface, our dreaming mind, karma, self-undoing, soul growth, and both our hidden strengths and hidden weaknesses. His Moon overlaying your twelfth house is not unlike a permanent transit of the Moon to your twelfth house. This suggests that you tend to confide in him, telling him things you have never told others. Because the feelings he stimulates in you, however, are somewhat vague and extremely hard to define (they often defy reason), some element of mistrust or confusion in your relationship is very possible over time. Your husband must be aware that you are especially sensitive and attached to him, and you sometimes act irrationally as a result. This is because he touches a part of you that is very deep and personal–a place even you have difficulties defining or rationalizing.
You may have read that this position in synastry suggests deception. This is true to some extent, but not in the way that you are thinking. This position does not mean that your husband will be unfaithful or that he will deliberately deceive you. However, if it’s left unchecked or swept under the rug, there may come a day when he feels he has to deceive you.
Let me explain what I mean by this. First and foremost, remember that it is your twelfth house that is activated in this overlay, not his. Something about his emotional expression pulls up vague anxieties in you that are not based on hard, cold facts. Rather, your fears are based on hunches or intuition that you, yourself, don’t even trust. What is happening here is that you are in a state of mistrust of yourself and of your hunches more than of him. He is unwittingly stimulating your own fears and anxieties that exist independent of him! What is contained inside the realm of the twelfth house is your own matter, not his. Understanding this concept is the first step to dealing with the problem. Twelfth house activations in synastry have had a bit of a bad rap, probably because, often enough, they stimulate issues of mistrust and confusion. However, if the twelfth house person is aware of the fact that the “deception” involved has its source within himself or herself, the issues can be dealt with more effectively.
I mentioned that he may, over time, begin to feel the need to deceive you. What is happening is that you are doubting your own ability to see your husband clearly. On one hand, you have fallen for him and want to assign him wonderful, even inhuman, qualities. But as you do this, another voice inside of you questions, “What if I am being blind? What if this perfect situation isn’t so perfect after all?” This other voice is a realistic one–you know you are imperfect, you know that others are imperfect, you know that the world around you is imperfect. What is happening is that you are doubting your faith, perhaps because you know it might be a bit unrealistic. As a result, your lack of trust in your own ability to see your husband clearly can eventually erode the relationship. He may begin to sense that you refuse to see him clearly, he may then label you irrational on this level, and then keep things from you simply because he is afraid you may blow them out of proportion–essentially, he may feel the need to treat you with kid gloves. Deception in this case is not deliberate–it’s the result of sensing a person’s boundaries and limits, and keeping facts from him or her just to avoid a problem.
You can take steps to prevent this from happening. Truth is, this is not a dire situation by any means. Awareness of the source of your fears that your husband may stray is crucial. Don’t let this erode your relationship. Work, instead, on trying to see your husband in solid, realistic, and clear terms (as much as is possible). Let him know that he doesn’t have to treat you with kid gloves. You are sensitive, yes, but even if it takes you time to get to a “happy place” after a problem arises, you would rather deal with the truth than alienate him. Accepting a person at face value is perhaps the most loving thing you can do.
Question from a Reader: Difficult Transits Hi Annie. (Full birth data supplied) Currently I am going through a Pluto transit. I was told that the transit would be difficult, and it sure is. I am having huge money troubles and I seem to be able to make people really upset with me, simply by breathing. I have a feeling that I am supposed to be learning how to be in this worldspecifically, what my role in life is, and how I should best relate to other people. My question is, am I correct in that feeling? Another question is, when will the Pluto transit be over and what are some of the things I should expect to happen to me? How long before I find my purpose in life?
Thanks so much!
L Annie’s Answer: Your Sun is almost 26 degrees Sagittarius. Transiting Pluto has been close to that degree, but it hasn’t yet reached the exact degree of your Sun–it will at the beginning of February 2006. Your Midheaven and South Node of the Moon are 23 and 24 degrees Sagittarius–degrees that Pluto has already transited. The transit of Pluto conjunct your Sun will be in effect until December 2006. On our Pluto Transits page, I wrote the following about Pluto transits to the Sun:
“Pluto transits to the Sun challenge us to face up to unexpressed or poorly expressed traits of our Sun sign, house, and aspects. We discover our own power and strength, and we re-work our very sense of identity, which invariably affects our life path. How we have defined ourselves to date is now challenged. In some cases, women live this transit through key male figures in their lives. These transits force us to confront our will, power, assertion, and authority. Sometimes, the relationship with the father or other important male figures come into focus. We face the need to be more independent, assertive, and autonomous. Perhaps most importantly, Pluto transiting our Sun puts us face to face with exactly what it is that has been holding us back from living life more fully and meaningfully.
Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place).”
In your case, the Sun is in the tenth house and it rules your sixth house, pointing to issues surrounding your work and career, as well as your daily routines, habits, diet, and health regimens. Your hunch seems right on target. Pluto’s transit to your Midheaven and to your tenth house suggest that you will work through issues about your life direction. Pluto demands that you take charge of your life. If other people have been making decisions for you, you will feel frustrated and perhaps manipulated or trapped. This frustration ideally leads to an awareness that you need to assume more responsibility for your life and the direction it takes.
With your Sun in the tenth house, Pluto’s transit to it will bring you face to face with your own ambitions. If you haven’t recognized your desire for approval, power, and influence, Pluto will make you aware of it. Changes, of the “rebirthing” variety, may be forced upon you if you don’t effect changes in your lifestyle on your own. Pluto’s transits often require that we give up something in order to gain something else–and this could be a job, a way of living (routines, habits, and so forth), a relationship, or simply a state of mind or the way we see the world.
You might want to read about the influence of Pluto transits in general on our Pluto transits page in order to feel better prepared for this cycle in your life. The most important thing to remember about Pluto transits is that fearing change is the worst state of mind. Identifying what might need to change in your life will help. Overcoming the fear of change can involve a process in which you review your life and identify turning points, crises, and challenges in your past. This way, you can remind yourself how you pulled through them.
Pluto transits to the Sun draw out your own personal strength. If you don’t know you’re strong, Pluto will let you know. Remember that you can face pretty much anything. In all likelihood, changes that take place won’t be traumatic. But if you find yourself fearing your future nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to spiritually prepare for challenging times. My sister once gave me the advice to do what Rocky did when he prepared for his big fight (if you remember that movie), with the raw eggs and training, except on a spiritual level. It works!
Pluto wants you to own your life, to take charge of your life path, and to know yourself, warts and all. Pluto is not happy with us if we are just coasting along in life. It wants us to know ourselves inside and out, including our more “undesirable” qualities. In your case, Pluto has already transited square your Ascendant and Mars in 2003 and 2004, so you have had a real “taste” of Pluto energies in recent years.
Question from a Reader: Contradictory Venus & Moon signs
What would you make of a person with a Moon in Cancer, but a Venus in Aquarius? Would these not seemingly constitute a contradiction? Clingy and needs space? How would this work if it does not cancel each other out?
Annie’s Answer:
Cancer and Aquarius, being in a natural “inconjunct”, are most certainly contradictory signs. They neither share an element or modalityCancer is a cardinal water sign, and Aquarius is a fixed air sign. The Moon and Venus, however, are both “feminine”, yin, or receptive planets.
It is important to keep in mind that contradictory natures of individual factors in a natal chart do not cancel each other out. Instead, it is helpful to consider each planet’s nature as a role we take on. The Moon rules our emotions in generalour nurturing side, the face we show when we are comfortable, in a family or domestic setting, and so forth. Venus rules our powers of attraction, the style we adopt in social relationships, how we love and how we perceive romantic love, the pleasures we are especially attracted to, etc.
We are all contradictory beings. One person can be shy in a social setting and outgoing and forthright at a business function. Another person can be self-effacing with regards to work, yet demanding in a love affair. A person with a Moon in Cancer and Venus in Aquarius will show both signs in different situations.
Although we live with all of the signs in our natal chart, and, ideally, we pull out qualities from each, we don’t always blend these qualities and behaviors into a cohesive, easy whole. This person may be rather aloof when it comes to the “game” of love, adopting a rather impersonal manner. Get to know this person more intimately, and you will uncover another side to him or her altogether. Once comfortable and cozy, this person is very personal, emotional, and attached.
However, he or she will still need to “feed” the Aquarian needs that are part of his or her make-up. In fact, this person is bound to confuse a partner, perhaps even on a daily basis! Chances are, these contradictory needs are a struggle for him/her as well. How individuals handle this type of “discrepancy” really depends. Someone with Moon and Venus inconjunct by sign, such as the person you are referring to, could work on integrating the two energies in a creative manner. Perhaps more common, however, is the tendency to separate the two functions and to feel dissatisfied with both functions on some level. Both the emotional life and the social life can feel lacking simply because attempts to satisfy one function seem to work against the other function. Behaviors that make this person feel safe and comfortable (represented by the Moon) are completely different than the behaviors that he or she displays and craves in social relationships (represented by Venus).
Chances are that if you are in a romantic relationship with this person, you will frequently witness these dissimilar needs and behaviors. They may seem to need a partner who makes them feel safe and loved, yet when that need is fulfilled, they might crave a lover who is not so smothering and who is more like a good buddy.
The key to handling these dissimilar needs is some sort of integration, but complete integration (that is, blending of the signs) is probably impossible. Think of the Moon and Venus as representatives of two separate functions or roles. They do intersect, they can “get along,” but they remain different functions. You might start to think you’d be better off with someone whose Venus and Moon signs are compatible, such as with someone who has for example Venus in Pisces and Moon in Cancer. It’s true that they might be a little easier to please emotionally, but they could bore you to tears at times! I am definitely not trying to knock harmonious interactions of planets in a natal chart, by all means. Rather, I am trying to illustrate that there are pros and cons to either situation, and no matter what, that Venus Pisces-Moon Cancer person has other areas of his or her chart that contradict these themes.
Question from a Reader: Sun-Moon conjunctions in synastry Hi Annie,
Quick one. Please – can you tell me where to find a reference for interpretation of a Sun-Moon conjunction in Aquarius between partners? In print or net. Thanks so much in advance. My friend-girl (not to confuse with girl-friend) is in depression at the moment and needs some good news: This aspect may tell us how I (Sun) can support her (Moon). The conjunction is spot on – less than 1 degree orb (at 27 degrees Aquarius) . Please help out. A simple ref for this aspect will do.
Annie’s Answer: I don’t know of any reference to a Sun-Moon conjunction in synastry that is sign-specific, unfortunately. You most definitely are equipped to shine some light into her life. Generally, with Sun-Moon conjunctions, it is the Moon person who sort of runs around the Sun person, tending to his/her needs.
However, it can be a two-way street in that the Sun person can radiate strength and warmth towards the Moon when the Moon person is not feeling up to par. Expressing the positive traits of the sign of Aquarius is one way! It is helpful to think about the roles of the Sun and Moon in cases like these. The Sun is the “adult” within us and the Moon is the “child” within us. The two of you will be relating in the same way when you are relating at the level of your Sun-Moon conjunction. You are capable of guiding her along a reasonable and mature path.
Keep in mind that your role with her is a rational one. When she is expressing her Aquarius Moon, it is an irrational, instinctual, and natural response to the world around her. With your Aquarius Sun, your expressions of the sign are more thought-out and responsible. You can read about Sun-Moon aspects in synastry here for a little more information, although this interpretation is designed mainly for romantic pairings.
Question from a Reader: Aries & Libra – Compatibility or Tension? Hi Annie,
I am seeing someone who has four planets in Aries, while I have five planets in Libra. Is this a sign of compatibility or tension? (Full birth data supplied for both people).
Annie’s Answer: The answer is both — with so many oppositions in your synastry, you are attracted to each other and you challenge each other at the same time. In many ways, you come face-to-face with your individual “shadow” personalities through each other.
With oppositions, you have the opportunity to learn much from each other, but you must avoid the tendency to be defensive, or you can end up more like enemies than partners. This goes both ways. What might start out as fascination can end up to be a small war if each of you holds onto your personality traits for dear life and becomes critical of the other’s style of expression.
Signs that are opposite (Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Aquarius, and Virgo-Pisces) tend to fare better together than signs that have nothing in common, simply because they do in fact share a common focus. Aries and Libra are both active cardinal signs. Aries is “me” and Libra is “you”. You might be drawn to your partner in part because of the imbalance in you, with so many planets in Libra and no planets in Aries.
The same goes for your partner, although it may be especially meaningful to him because he has North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries. The Aries personality is so comfortable for him that he tends to fall back on Aries traits and resists accepting Libran traits in his personality. However, because his North Node is in Libra, without even knowing it, he is drawn to Libra because it his path to strike the balance of “me-you” in his own personality. Your Venus and Pluto conjunct his North Node, which is a very strong connection that is not always easy, but certainly intriguing and compelling. I would say this is a very intense relationship–one that can be potentially very rewarding, but not without its fair share of tensions and conflict.
Question from a Reader: Unemotional Signs? Hi, I love your site. I have a question about star signs that are described as unemotional, like Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Does being an unemotional or detached star sign mean you don’t care about others or you don’t have emotions?
Annie’s Answer: No not at all. Every person is emotional in the sense that they have emotions that are powerful. Every person has the Moon, which represents emotions, in their chart. What varies is the sign placement of the Moon which amounts very much to a “style” of expressing and experiencing emotions, as well as other factors, such as the aspects the Moon makes to other planets and points, as well as the house position of the Moon. A person with an Aquarius Moon has just as many feelings and emotions as a person with the classically “emotional” Moon sign of Cancer, for example. The manner in which the Aquarius Moon person expresses, manages, and channels emotions is radically different than the way a Cancer Moon person goes about it, however. People who don’t care about people or don’t seem to display emotions are uncommon and they belong to all the different Moon sign and star sign groups. Generally, it’s a sociopathic thing rather than an astrological phenomena. The Moon sign can greatly affect how a person comes across on an emotional level. Some people “recover” easily on an emotional level, and might be considered less emotional compared to someone who nurses emotional wounds. It’s all about the way people manage, express, and deal with their emotions.
Question from a Reader: Puzzled by My Sign Dearest Annie,
Please offer me some guidance, as I have hit a brick wall both intuitively and with my wisdom, neither of which I seem to be able to apply to my current situation. Recently I left my man of four years (full birth data supplied – “R”), based on the persistent feeling that has been gnawing at me since we met: a troubled anxiety related to him that I can’t place. He was always convinced I was ‘the one’, and gave up an alcoholic addiction and womanizing to live a life that proves that. He really did give his all. I, however, could never truly relax into the relationship. I had wondered whether I let too many external factors influence me (our age, ethnic, and physical difference, his turbulent past, my insecurities), or whether I needed to just grow up, develop more emotional awareness for myself, and fight for him. One thing that always gnawed at me is that I sense in my heart he is better matched to my magnetic and attractive sister (full birth data supplied), who seems to actually suit the ideal image he’s pegged me under. I feel like they are both in my life to help me attain their qualities myself, yet I wonder if I am keeping them apart on some wild level? I feel like there is some chemical attraction between them, although I know neither would ever do anything about it. Are they a better match than him and I? I am wondering if our charts reveal anything I am not subconsciously aware of. What was/is the basis of his and mine strong connection, yet also my feelings of un-ease? Our friendship is still strong, and he is convinced that he will never love another, whether I come back to him or not. I think we are soulmated in some way. We are still in a friendship relationship with strong feelings of attraction still there. Also, if possible, please enlighten me as to what in my chart indicates the persistent issues of envy I have harbored for many years now.
I thank you kindly for any of your thoughts.
K xx Annie’s Answer: I overlayed R’s chart onto yours, and noticed something right away that the computer report didn’t acknowledge. Your Nodes of the Moon are interchanged–that is, his South Node is conjunct your North Node. As well, his Sun is conjunct your North Node and your Moon is conjunct his North Node.
Before I get to that, when you describe feelings of not being capable of living up to the image R has of you, the first thing I think about is Neptune– I expected to see your Neptune powerfully activated by R’s personal planets and points. This is the case, as his Sun opposes your Neptune and your Neptune is on his Descendant. Interestingly, though, your Venus is square his Neptune, so I would suspect that the idealizing goes both ways.
The reason why I presumed Neptune must be heavily involved: When a person’s personal planets/points challenge another person’s Neptune, the romantic attraction at the outset of the relationship is strong and dreamy. Over time, however, the Neptune person begins to sense that the personal point person (let’s say the Sun person, as his Sun opposes your Neptune) is in love with an idealized image of Neptune, and begins to feel pressure to live up to that image. You describe your feelings as vague, as if you cannot bring yourself to totally believe in the relationship. This is Neptune activated in your chart by your male friend. Somewhere inside of you, you can’t help but feel that R is not seeing you for what you are. It doesn’t feel right. It’s a feeling that is virtually inescapable.
You might see R as living in a bubble with regards to you, and either you are afraid to pop that bubble, or when you attempt to help him see where he is misinterpreting the essence that is you, you sense that he just doesn’t want to see it. There is nothing more satisfying, in a romantic relationship, to feel loved for exactly who you are, and each and every one of us deserves to experience that. If you don’t feel that, it can be disheartening, but you may decide to move on and try to find it elsewhere.
By all means, I am not telling you that moving on would be best, as I don’t have the power to know what is best for you. But what I am suggesting is to listen to your heart. It seems to me that you are coming down on yourself, wondering if you should mature and face the idea that the blockage is inside of you. This, of course, might be the case. However, you deserve to feel loved for exactly who you are, and you might not experience that feeling with R.
The Nodal connections mentioned above are just part of the attraction you feel for one another. When the Nodes of the Moon are powerfully activated in Synastry, the relationship is truly life-changing. It touches you in places you might never knew existed inside of you, and this goes both ways.
As far as your natal chart goes, I would say these qualities are very much an expression of your Sun square to Saturn-Pluto conjunction, as well as Sun quincunx Neptune. When you talk about problems with envy, I immediately turn my attention to the Sun, simply because it seems to me to be a problem with confidence, and the Sun is very much about self-confidence. A beleaguered Sun such as yours points to problems of self-acceptance. The square to Saturn and Pluto suggests that you expect to be rejected on some level, and undermines your confidence. When you assert your will, Saturn is effectively saying “I’m not good enough” and Pluto is adding, “Others get what they want and I don’t”.
However, with squares, generally an individual faces situations early in life that force him or her to deal with the tension directly. As you age, and with more experience under your belt, you will learn to deal with this tension. You also have Venus square Uranus, which could very well be involved, and expressed as a fear of commitment. With R’s Saturn falling directly on your Ascendant, you might sense that a relationship with him might be too restrictive and essentially too “heavy”.
I think the fact that you are considering your sister to be more compatible with R speaks volumes, and is very much an expression of Sun square Pluto. When Pluto is functioning poorly in our charts, we can become hell-bent on uncovering a “truth” that is generally negative and that will essentially feed our feelings of envy and jealousy. I put the word truth in quotation marks because our attempts to get to the bottom of a situation are negatively colored when Pluto is challenged–essentially we are attempting to prove the worst to ourselves. It sounds counter-intuitive, but we are very complex beings! When we feel unworthy, we can actually be drawn to negative situations to further prove our perceived unworthiness. Obviously, it’s a negative spiral we can get ourselves into, and it’s best to identify this tendency and work on feeding ourselves with positive feelings and thoughts.
In conclusion, I’d say that working on your own fears (both of success and of failure!) can most certainly benefit you, but having looked at the synastry between you and R, I believe that you might need someone who is more equipped to boost your confidence.
Question from a Reader: Puzzled by My Sign
Hi I came across your website. I am puzzled about my own sign, and feel like I am born under the wrong one! I am a Capricorn (full birth data supplied). I am ambitious and all, though I seem to be so disloyal to my current mate and don’t feel guilty about it. I don’t know what is wrong with me. At times I have standards, and other times I lose total control. I feel as though I am a Scorpio with all my promiscuity. I want to stop my “sordid” ways, though I keep plunging back into debauchery and outlandish ways of living. I don’t expect a response. I guess I just need to get some things stated in e-mail, anonymously.
Thanks. Annie’s Answer: Your affinity to the sign of Scorpio is well-founded, although Scorpio, in general, is not necessarily more promiscuous than other signs of the zodiac. Although your Sun sign is Capricorn, you have an unusual number of planets and points in the sign Scorpio. Your Moon is in Scorpio, conjunct Mars, which is also in Scorpio. Both of these planets are conjunct your Ascendant…which is also Scorpio! Furthermore, you have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter, also in Scorpio.
Your Sun and Mercury are both in Capricorn, which suggests you process information like a Capricorn, and the “adult”, conscious part of you is Capricorn. However, you emote, act, and love like a Scorpio. All of these planets in Scorpio are opposed by Saturn, which is likely the reason for your concern and your reference to your actions as debauchery.
You mention in your email that you don’t feel guilty about your affairs, but you are clearly concerned about your behavior. I feel that Saturn opposing your cluster of planets in Scorpio is the reason for your concern. I propose that when you are involved in this behavior, you are tuned into your Scorpio planets. Your Venus conjuncts Jupiter, suggesting a love of pleasure and a tendency to over-do pleasure and love. Your Moon conjunct Mars in Scorpio is passionate and reactive. In and of itself, it’s spontaneous and natural. You work on instinct and go with your feelings. Taken alone, these planets would suggest a very passionate, pleasure-oriented person. However, complications are brought in by the opposition of Saturn to all of these planets. Saturn rules Capricorn, and thus rules your Sun sign, so it is very much tied to your ego and your identity. Saturn opposing your Scorpio signs literally translates to a part of your nature (the responsible, loyal, and traditional Capricorn/Saturn person) opposing your emotional and sexual nature. It is a true dichotomy.
You said you don’t feel guilty, yet you are certainly feeling guilty enough to want to find answers and to consider your behavior a problem. This might seem like a contradiction, but astrology shows us that we are contradictory beings. Both the enjoyment of pleasure and the desire to control behavior exist as opposing forces in your natal chart. They are both real inside of you.
It is my opinion that you may overdo the pleasure aspect as a result of your Saturn concern that you should be more controlled. In other words, if Saturn were not opposing your Scorpio planets, you would most certainly be a sexual and sensual person, but it wouldn’t necessarily be a sex addiction. But because Saturn does oppose the stellium of planets in Scorpio, the guilt you feel comes after the behavior and actually feeds your addiction. It is not unlike an overweight person who feels uncomfortable with his or her body, and feeds that discomfort with more food. It’s a vicious circle. It doesn’t make sense in absolute terms, but it is the nature of addiction. I propose that your conscience is not only present, it is over-developed in the sense that you are harder on yourself than many, and that this fact exacerbates the problem and leads you to seek out more of the very experiences that make you feel badly after the fact.
I have discussed Venus-Saturn aspects a few times in earlier posts to this column. In those cases, women with this aspect were concerned about their attraction to men they couldn’t have, and I discussed some of the underlying issues with the aspect. Self-worth is one of those issues. I am not a psychologist, but I believe that it is generally accepted that self-worth is an underlying issue for addictions in general.
The answer to the problem is acceptance of both your need for pleasure and intimate connections, and your desire to be a responsible partner. The way I see it, you are handling the opposition by swinging from one end to the other instead of trying to find a balance–something that is very common with oppositions. I am definitely not saying it is easy to handle oppositions. It can be a life-long struggle for many, but they can be managed. For example, I have quite a few oppositions in my chart, and although I have been aware of the dichotomies they create in my nature, it doesn’t mean that finding a balance is always easy. However, awareness is an important first step.
When we find oppositions in a chart, astrologers often look for a possible “release” point–a planet (or planets) that trine and sextile the planets involved in the opposition. In your case, Mercury in Capricorn in the third house is a potential release point for the pressures inherent in the energies of the opposition. Mercury rules communication of all kinds. You have a very capable and logical mind. This position suggests that talking about it–or even “writing anonymously” about your problems–will go a long way towards resolving the imbalance, especially because Mercury also rules your eighth and eleventh houses. In fact, you might even find release in “teaching” others about addictions. Working through the problem logically and verbally may not solve the problem, but it should help you to understand it better. My advice is to seek out support groups, even in an anonymous manner, or to find ways to communicate your concerns.
Question from a Reader: Which transits are more significant? Dear Annie,
Until a few years ago I had a condescending attitude towards astrology because I thought it denied free will. I then read a book about electional astrology. It changed my attitude. Freedom of choice is essential to electional. My discovery also opened-up the big question: How does one decide a timing? I had to learn a bit more about astrology.
At first I tried to time things I wanted to do. It didn’t seem to have any effect on the specific event. But nonetheless I noticed more serendipity in my life. I concluded that following the planets led to more cosmic harmony in my life. I started experienced charming good luck when I didn’t expect it. I stopped attempting to time specific events by aspect.
What I do instead is religiously observe strong aspects. I do this by printing a chart for the exact minute of the aspect in advance. I set a candle upon the chart and light it (day or night) an hour or so before the aspect. At the moment the aspect is partile I ring a little bell. I know, it’s a sentimental ritual, but it is intended out of respect and awe of the cosmos. And I am more attuned to the cosmos as a result.
Having provided this background, my question is: Which aspects in the next 12 months would you observe (if you were me) as if it were a holy day? I read your 12 month report. I can calculate the exact moment of the aspect myself. What I would like to know is why these aspects were identified as special. The moon is trine with Mars twice-a-month, applying and departing. Why is the June 24, moon-Mars trine special? Again, on July 4, Saturn is aligned with Uranus -a rare aspect indeed. I wonder if this would be a good hour to hide under the bed? And so on.
I am not asking you to analyze all the aspects in your report. Please merely suggest which of the aspects in your report you would recommend.
Annie’s Answer:
The June 24th trine in your Concise Cosmo Forecast report is from transiting Mars to your natal Moon. This aspect occurs much less frequently than transiting Moon to natal (or transiting) Mars. As far as which transits are most important or significant, I look at outer planet transits as significant in terms of defining, or setting the stage, for inner planet transits. This report shows outer planet transits, as well as Mars transits, to natal planets.
A rule of thumb that I use when determining which transits are more significant than others is as follows: when a transit involves transiting and natal planets that are already connected by aspect in the natal chart, it is often most personally significant. Therefore, since I have Sun conjunct Uranus in my natal chart, I would take transiting Uranus in any aspect to my natal Sun as especially significant. Even transiting Sun to my natal Uranus — I would consider that transit more personally significant to me, even though most people born within 2 years of me would be experiencing that same transit at approximately the same time. Also, if a planet is especially prominent in my natal chart, I would consider transits to it more significant than others. I would consider, for example, natal Mars as particularly prominent because it rules my Ascendant and is also the most elevated planet (closest to the MC) in my chart.
In your case, the Sun rules your Ascendant and is also the most elevated planet in your chart, conjunct the Midheaven. Transits to the Sun would be especially significant for you. Because you have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in your natal chart, transits from Jupiter to Pluto, as well as transits from Pluto to Jupiter, are likely to be more personally significant to you than they would be to most others. Because you have a close square between the Sun and Mars in your chart, transits from the Sun to Mars and transits from Mars to the Sun may be especially powerful for you.
The opposition of transiting Pluto (a very slow-moving planet) to your natal Venus, which comes exact on July 28th, is likely to be an especially potent one for you for a few reasons: Pluto transits are lengthy in general; Venus sextiles Pluto in your natal chart; and Venus rules your Taurus Sun.
Hope this helps,
Question from a Reader: What do you think about the seven-planet stellium in our composite chart? Hi Annie,
I am writing you in reference to a composite chart for my new friend and I. Together, E and I have a seven planet stellium in the 9th house. This stellium, along with Neptune and the Moon, form a Yod. Another Yod is formed using the Ascendant, the Moon and the seven planet stellium. My question is, what is the significance of this chart and our relationship together? Our synastry is quite interesting as well.
My grandmother taught me about astrology, and I have been doing it amaturely for the last few years. But, I can tell you, I have NEVER seen anything like this composite chart in my entire life! (and I have done quite a few charts in my time =). (Full birth data supplied for both individuals).
Your insight would be much appreciated, and I would feel honored to learn about this chart from you! It seems to be quite significant somehow.
Thank you for providing such a wealth of information in your column =)
Annie’s Answer: Dear L,
The stellium in the 9th house is truly fabulous and unusual. Each of you has a concentration of planets in your individual natal charts, and the more you work with astrology, the more you might find that people with stelliums are often drawn to others with stelliums.
The composite chart you showed me used the Midpoint Midheaven for calculating the houses. It is interesting to note that, when the Midpoint Ascendant is used, the houses are reversed and the stellium shows up in the 3rd house. Either way, there is a strong concentration of planets in your composite chart, which suggests to me, quite literally, a concentrated and focused relationship. If we consider the composite chart the “life force” of a relationship, then we can safely presume that there is a definite and focused purpose to this pairing. Factor in the 3rd-9th axis, and we can also presume that this “purpose” is on the level of knowledge, shared information, and communication.
A yod configuration involves one planet in quincunx (or inconjunct) to two planets, where those two planets form a sextile to each other. In this case, the Moon trines Neptune and opposes the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, and Pluto conjunction. Neptune, therefore, serves a release point for the opposition, as it sextiles the stellium and trines the Moon.
Another very notable configuration involves the stellium in opposition to the Moon, which also squares the nodal axis. This also suggests a powerful connection between the two of you that involves learning and spiritual growth. You may have a tendency to focus on the scope of possibilities life has to offer, or, on bad days, this might reveal itself in restlessness (especially with the Sun opposition Moon) – a feeling that you must be doing something with one another and going somewhere. This is mirrored somewhat in your synastry, as your Moon opposes his Sun and his Moon opposes your Sun. There is a strong connection here, and much of it might have to do with the idea of finding yourselves through your interactions with each other, and gaining fresh and revealing perspectives on yourselves and the world around you.
There is certainly a mutual admiration society going on between you with the Venus-Sun-Ascendant exchanges in synastry. It is difficult to make a judgment on the viability of the relationship, but we can safely presume that it will be significant for the both of you.
Question from a Reader: Could you offer help or insight on the synastry between myself and someone I am interested in? Annie,
I read your column and find it very interesting and informative. I have written you previously and am sure you are quite busy, but I’ll try again….(full birth data for her and her boyfriend supplied)…
I am seeking your advice regarding our composite charts. I know that we have many positive aspects, however the squares between us have presented some challenges in our
relationship….He is at a point in his life and career where he needs to make some major decisions. I feel we are quite compatible, our conversations are deep and endless, we travel well together, he has really expanded my horizons so to speak, and last but not least the
physical chemistry is not lacking…however his difficulty in verbalizing his feelings and in making decisions are challenging our relationship right now. Any astrological advice you can provide would be most welcome and appreciated.
Annie’s Answer: Dear T,
It is easy to see from your chart why you would be goal-oriented, with Sun conjunct Moon and Saturn in Capricorn; and with your Mercury conjunct Mars and Jupiter in Sagittarius, a configuration that also trines Uranus, the value you place on direct communication is clear! Your boyfriend also has Mercury in Sagittarius, but he also has Mars conjunct Neptune, which can present a struggle not only with the formulating of goals, but also the amount of effort put into achieving them. It can be a challenge to take decisive action with this combination, and to factor in realism when it comes to choosing one’s direction. Because Mars rules his seventh house, we can expect to see these themes of avoiding responsibility and/or vacillation associated with his one-to-one relationships.
The synastry between the two of you is extraordinary and binding. In synastry, Sun conjunct Venus goes both ways, which is an indication of being utterly charmed by one another! You share virtually the same degree of your Libra Ascendant. Your Moons trine, and his Moon trines your Sun. There are many interchart aspects that suggest a strong bond between the two of you – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your Sun and Saturn, however, square his Ascendant, which suggests you might be irritated at times by his impulses and first, instinctual responses to issues and to life. Similarly, his Saturn falls on your Mars.
Saturn connections are plenty, and this generally points to a relationship that has the potential of being very long-lasting and in many ways secure, but it can also become quite “heavy” if either individual involved is intimidated or feels threatened by change or growth in the other person.
Your boyfriend’s vacillation is something that is part of his nature whether he is with you or not, and it’s something that he has to handle. I say this because of his Mars conjunct Neptune, which is connected with his seventh house, as I mentioned above. Expressing your frustrations to him is important, but it is also important to try not to come down on him in a heavy-handed manner.
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Question from a Reader: What do you think of our synastry and composite chart? Annie
I am 47 years of age and do amateur astrology for myself and whoever else shows an interest. In reality I am a professional electrical engineer who got turned onto astrology when I discovered quite by accident that it is unbelievably accurate. I am unmarried. Recently our group hired a new group of engineers and I have started working with a younger woman who is now on the team. (Full birth data supplied). I have looked at our charts and am quite literally stunned at the composite chart. I do my charts with everyone I meet including all actors and actresses I watch in movies so that I can learn the influences of the synastry. I would like to hear an impartial assessment of the synastry and maybe even a comment on the age difference. For myself I have no problem with the age difference as I usually don’t perceive one unless the other person does. I love the characteristics of individuals. However, after two divorces (14 yrs and 10 yrs each) due to a coming out of the closet and horrid dishonesty and affairs on part of the second I want to move only towards something that has the potential of lasting longer than the last two. In the composite charts of both previous cases I noted that Uranus was exactly conjunct (less than 1/2 degree) Juno and both marriages broke up pretty quickly when they broke. I know that nothing is really permanent but S is very hard for me to ignore from even an internal perspective. However, I don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable or approach her without only intending the best for her and so I am led at this point to asking advice from you. I came across your column while researching Juno in synastry. It appears that S and I get along very well from everything I can observe. She always volunteers to work with me beyond the call of normal duty.
Thank you for any help or insight you may be able to provide.
Annie’s Answer: The composite chart is indeed unusual and “stunning”. I have personally never seen anything like it. The composite North Node, Ascendant, Jupiter, Anti-Vertex, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, and Sun are ALL conjunct in early Libra, and trine the Moon. Juno sextiles the stellium and opposes the Moon. Saturn squares the Moon, and Chiron opposes the stellium.
We must remind ourselves that the composite chart is the chart of a third entity, the chart of a relationship. What brings us together is found in synastry. The synastry between you and S is strong as well. The Sun and Moon aspect each other both ways. Both of your Suns are heavily aspected in synastry. These factors suggest a strong potential for general attraction.
Your Venus-Mars conjunction in Leo sesquiquadratures her Ascendant (something I find to be a powerful indication of physical attraction). This conjunction also falls on her North Node, with your Moon falling on her South Node. Her Venus conjuncts your Vertex. The fact that you are drawn to her is no surprise with these contacts, but I also see that she is likely to return that attraction in her own way. Her Venus falls on your North Node (so we have a two-way Venus-North Node connection in synastry). Your Pluto square her Venus and is wide, but I consider it a potential for her attraction to you. Your Venus/Pluto and Mars/Pluto midpoints form a closer square to her Venus. Your Ascendant is directly opposite her Sun/Moon midpoint – another powerful aspect in synastry. Most of your personal planets fall in her seventh and eighth houses – more indications that she could find you a very attractive partner.
There is a synastry aspect that I feel is one of the major keys in your chemistry. Your Saturn conjuncts her Mercury. Although Mercury is not the most personal of the personal planets, there are several reasons why I see this interchart aspect as the potential key to initiating the relationship, or bringing it to another level. For one, Saturn rules your seventh house, and Mercury rules her seventh house. The Composite Sun/Moon midpoint is found at 5 degrees of Sagittarius, and that point is conjunct your Saturn and her Mercury. As I mentioned above, a powerful composite chart does not compel people to get together in the first place. The composite chart gets into motion once the couple is a couple, or at least forms a definable relationship.
The third reason for my honing in on this interchart aspect is a mix of intuition and the awareness of the age difference between the two of you! At first glance, this awareness might be considered a bias, and although I truly do not wish it to come across as such, I am also aware that having a feel for the background between two people can help us hone in on key points in a relationship analysis. Your playing the role of Saturn to her Mercury makes a lot of sense to me, given your age difference and the fact that you work together. A “mental” bond such as this one can most certainly “force” without actually forcing, if you know what I mean, both of you to confront the chemistry that exists between you. She might easily see you as a mentor, and once that bond is established, she may open herself up to the other energies between the two of you.
All of this sounds a little sinister, and again, I don’t intend it that way. I doubt you do either. However, I do feel that a focus on this particular synastric aspect can open the doors to a relationship between you if both of you feel it might go somewhere at that point. The age difference may very well be something that can prevent the relationship from going further, and if that happens, then there is nothing to do about it. However, I see nothing wrong with your trying to pursue this relationship. As long as a “pursuit” is a respectful one, nobody is likely to be offended.
As I mentioned, I truly believe that a bond can be established through the Saturn-Mercury aspect. The other aspects might then be “discovered” as a result. I believe that the relationship has the potential to be much more than a Mercury-Saturn one. With the two-way Venus conjunct North Node and the two-way Sun-Moon interchart aspects in particular, I believe that it has the potential of being much more personal than a mentor set-up. I also believe that once initiated, it will get off the ground quickly with the stellium at the Ascendant in the composite chart.
Question from a Reader: What of a relationship missing Sun to Moon major aspects?
Hi Annie
Love the website, and have found it very interesting, thank you.
I am interested in hearing from you regarding a fairly new relationship that I have entered. (Full birth data supplied of both people).
Having had our birth charts compiled I see, in Synastry, the only contacts between our sun and moon is a Qunitile between his moon and my sun. There are numerous compatible aspects between moon and mercury and Venus, Venus and Venus and Mars, and lots of supportive Jupiter and Saturn aspects. But most texts etc speak of having the sun and moon aspects. Plus of course we have two very different Mercuries.
I would appreciate any feedback………..this man and I have had a lot of fun and laughter in our relationship and a lot of sweetness, with very real physical attraction, which we have not yet acted on (ha ha)………is that enough for a future together, we have both been with long term partner with all the “correct conjunctions of sun and moon etc” which ultimately failed……and neither of us want to be hurt or hurt the other.
Thanks in anticipation of your response
Annie’s Answer: F,
Some astrologers believe that having major aspects between one person’s Sun and the other’s Moon is a prerequisite to a significant relationship. These aspects in synastry are much-touted, but so are aspects between the personal planets of one chart and another person’s Sun/Moon midpoint, especially when the luminaries are involved. Although there are no major aspects between your respective Sun’s and Moon’s, there is a very strong connection in synastry between the two of you: your Moon is directly opposite his Sun/Moon midpoint. This is a powerful activation in synastry.
His Moon conjunct Venus forms a healthy trine to your Venus conjunct Mars. His Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Ascendant trine your Moon. His Sun is conjunct your IC (fourth house cusp) and his Jupiter conjuncts your Descendant. These are all potent connections. There are some challenging ones as well, including your Pluto square his Venus and Moon, his Pluto quincunx your Venus and Mars, and your Uranus squaring his Mars-Saturn-Neptune-Ascendant conjunction.
I agree that Sun-to-Moon contacts in synastry are not always what they are cracked up to be. Although they are certainly something that draws people together, they do not guarantee that the relationship will be “successful”. I would not worry unduly about your synastry. Enjoy your relationship, keeping a mindful eye on the challenges at the same time. Relationship astrology helps us to objectively hone in on problem areas that may not be easily spotted without this tool, but it should not supersede enjoyment of the relationship.
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