Best Days Summary
Pick the Best Days for Success
The following graphs show, by way of red intensity lines, which days of the year or month are stronger for particular success profiles, such as for business success, good luck, mental acuity, imagination, romance, and friendship. They also show days when we might be more accident-prone, confused, or emotionally sensitive.
(Eastern Time)
2024 Electional Time Line Profiles:
Month by month:
- Best Days Summary: January 2024
- Best Days Summary: February 2024
- Best Days Summary: March 2024
- Best Days Summary: April 2024
- Best Days Summary: May 2024
- Best Days Summary: June 2024
- Best Days Summary: July 2024
- Best Days Summary: August 2024
- Best Days Summary: September 2024
- Best Days Summary: October 2024
- Best Days Summary: November 2024
- Best Days Summary: December 2024
Calculated for time zone 5 hours, using the excellent Sirius Astrology program.
This Time Line Profile is based on the “transit-to-transit” aspects in the sky, or, in other words, the positions of the planets as they are in the sky and NOT related to any particular birth chart.
There are two main reasons why astrologers use this graph: to see general trends and to pick dates. General trends affect any kind of mass behavior. For example, it is possible that certain kinds of business activities (perhaps stock market prices, or consumer purchasing, or gold prices) might correlate with the “Business Success” or possibly the “Good Luck, Optimism” scores.
The Time Line Profile can also be used to pick the date of a business to start, or for people to get married, or to begin almost any important project. Picking dates is known by astrologers as “electional astrology”. Astrologers usually combine an Electional Time Line Profile with a Time Line Profile for the people involved (personal Time Line Profiles, which are based on transit-to-natal aspects, rather than transit-to-natal aspects) to determine the best date to begin a project.
The Time Line Profile consists of bars for different categories. The bar varies in intensity from very pale red to a solid dark red color, and sometimes there is no red color at all.
Let’s use “Athletic Performance” as an example. On some days there is no red color; it is just white. This means there is nothing notable about athletic performance on that particular day. It does not mean that there will not be any athletic contests this day throughout the entire world nor does it mean that a person born on this day will be devoid of athletic competency. It simply means that this is likely to be an average day, one that is not noteworthy in regards to athletics.
On days when the pale pink color appears, athletic performance is a little better than usual. On days when the deep red color appears, athletic performance is highlighted; on these days athletic competitions are likely to be lively, and there is a strong possibility of especially good athletic performances. On a day when a deep red color is shown for Athletic Performance, it is likely that there will be some extraordinarily good athletic performances.
Given below are some notes on analyzing each of the characteristics in the Electional Profile Time Line. In these notes we often talk about when a characteristic is “highlighted”; by “highlighted” we simply mean when the red color appears. Remember that even a pale red color does give some of the tendencies; the deeper the red color is, the stronger the tendency.
There is some “overlap” in the 14 categories. For example, very often days that are strong in “Athletic Performance” are also strong in “Business Success”, or “Drive, ambition, work”, or “Good Luck, Optimism”. All 4 of these categories have something in common: vitality and dynamism.
However, there are also significant differences between each of these categories, and on some days, only some of these categories will be strong. Similarly, “Imagination, confusion” and “Visionary, Inspired” are categories with some similarities. There are certain similarities between other categories as well.
Each category is described below. We also will mention some examples of what it means if two or more categories are strong at the same time, or strong in one and weak in another.
Athletic Performance: On days when the deep red color appears, a great athlete might set a new record. Athletic competitions tend to be spirited, and the fans enjoy an excellent performance.
Business Success: On days when the deep red color appears there is likely to be strong and solid cooperation among governments. This is a good time to start a business. Confidence is high.
Drive, ambition, work: On days when the deep red color appears there is a high level of aggressiveness, which in the best circumstances results in major achievements, but can also lead to fights and arguments due to one party feeling frustrated or delayed by another party.
Good Luck, Optimism: On days when the deep red color appears there is likely to be good cooperation among governments and large corporations, and there is likely to be some good or hopeful news regarding global problems. Business activity should be strong because people are likely to feel less worried about spending too much money.
Mental Acuity: On days when the deep red color appears there is a good chance that governments and large corporations can better understand each other. Advancements in world communications are likely at this time.
Imagination, confusion: On days when the deep red color appears it is likely that there will be some idealistic treaties or agreements, but also a good possibility that the agreements will later prove to be disappointing with possible deception involved. There is the possibility of malfunction due to negligence or insufficient attention to detail. It is also a good time for poetry or any other activity that requires imagination.
Visionary, Inspired: This category is very similar to “Imagination, confusion”. Movie idols get a great deal of attention, and fantastic music and theatre are favored. People feel inspired and ready to embrace wild ideas and notions that they might ordinarily dismiss. Religious revivals are also likely at this time.
Emotional Sensitivity: This category is very similar to “Visionary, Inspired” and often days are high in both the “Visionary, Inspired” category and the “Emotional Sensitivity” category. The “Emotional Sensitivity” category, though, is strictly emotional, and often does not register in our awareness as inclining towards religion, or even art and poetry. A feeling of dissatisfaction may settle on groups of people, people who feel they have been misled, fooled, or left out of the dreams and visions of their nation.
Romance and Sexuality: On days when this category is highlighted, romantic and sexual energy runs very high. People are in a rather wild and unrestrained mood as well. Musical concerts at this time can be tremendously successful, and parties tend to be very lively. If “Emotional Sensitivity” or “Visionary, Inspired” is also high, then a dreamy, romantic movie or song is likely to capture the imagination of the people.
Physically sensitive: On days when “Physically sensitive” is highlighted you can expect religious teachers, mystics, and also movie actors to have a big impact on others, for better or worse. Imagination is high but so is the inclination to glamour. There is receptivity but also gullibility. As with the “Imagination, Confusion” category, there is the possibility of malfunction due to negligence or insufficient attention to detail. If there is an epidemic in any part of the world, it is very difficult to contain at this time.
Friendship, Family: On days when the deep red color appears the chances for making progress in global peace are great. Breakdown of prejudice is also likely as the bonds of friendship increase. Movies and television shows with a warm, kind message tend to be highlighted now.
Relax, party, vacation: On days when the deep red color appears you will find that futuristic and glamorous visions abound. Fashions, movies, and media news feature the imaginative and exotic. People tend to break out of their regular routines now, and travel agencies and vacation spots should do a brisk business now. New philosophical and religious concepts and new, higher ideals are well received now; people are in a tolerant and open-minded mood.
Solitude, withdrawal: Although a quiet time, big decisions are also often made now. A government may “give up” on attempted negotiations with another country, for example. People seek things of substance and lasting value, and are skeptical of glamorous or luxurious offers. In the news, it is likely that the moral weakness or incompetence of a famous person is exposed, or at least suggested.
Accident Proneness: When this category is highlighted, there is a great deal of instability and impatience. Any group of people that has been feeling angry for some time could suddenly erupt in violence now. The antidote to hostility now is to quickly and tangibly make real progress in correcting problems that are frustrating people. Decisive, positive action now by world leaders is supported and appreciated at this time.
We believe the Profile Time Line has validity and we use it ourselves, but it is not perfect and it will not always predict tendencies with 100% accuracy!
One other point should be made about the Profile Time Line: there are actually 2 indicators of intensity of influence. We have discussed one: how dark the red color is. The other indicator is how long the red bar is. On the Profile Time Line, you will notice that sometimes the red bar appears for just a single day and sometimes it lasts for a week or more. A long-lasting influence will be more powerful than one that goes by quickly. This makes intuitive sense when you look at the Profile Time Line: if you see a dark red bar that lasts 2 weeks, it gives you the feeling that this is more important than a dark red cell that covers just a single day. This feeling is correct; the longer-lasting influence is more powerful.
So, look at both intensity of color and duration to get a sense of how strong the influence will be. A long-lasting influence that becomes completely solid red is extremely powerful.”
2025 Electional Time Line Profiles:
Month by month:
- Best Days Summary: January 2025
- Best Days Summary: February 2025
- Best Days Summary: March 2025
Calculated for time zone 5 hours, using the excellent Sirius Astrology program.

2025 Midpoint Transits

2025 Moon Phases

2025 Eclipse Charts

2025 Astrological Events

2025 Astrological Aspects

2024 Midpoint Transits

2024 Moon Phases

2024 Eclipse Charts
See Previous Electional Profiles on page 2: