Sun quintile Pluto On this page: Planetary aspects in the natal chart are explained and interpreted. In this case, we’re exploring the meaning of the minor aspects, the Sun quintile Pluto and the Sun biquintile Pluto in the birth chart. With Sun quintile Pluto, Sun biquintile Pluto in the Natal Chart This aspect is often […]
Sun quintile Uranus
Sun quintile Uranus On this page: Planetary aspects in the natal chart are explained and interpreted. In this case, we’re exploring the meaning of the minor aspects, the Sun quintile Uranus and the Sun biquintile Uranus in the birth chart. With Sun quintile Uranus, Sun biquintile Uranus in the Natal Chart This aspect is often […]
Sun quintile Mars
Cafe Astrology explores the meaning of the aspects between the Sun and Mars: quintile and biquintile, fifth harmonic aspects
Sun quintile Moon
Cafe Astrology explores the meaning of the aspects between the sun and the moon: bi-quintile, quintile, vigintile, decile, fifth harmonic aspects.
Sun quintile Saturn
Cafe Astrology explores the meaning of the aspects between the sun and Saturn: quintile, bi-quintile, vigintile, decile, fifth harmonic
The Quintile & Bi-Quintile
Cafe Astrology: meaning of, interpretation of, Sun conjunct Venus. Sun conjunction Venus.