Pluto in Aquarius in 2023 to 2044*: Pluto Transits
What Pluto’s transit through Aquarius means to you…
On this Page:
Pluto Transits: General
Pluto in Aquarius: General Influences
Pluto’s Transiting Aspects
Pluto in Aquarius and the Signs of the Zodiac (Horoscopes)
Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023, January 20th, 2024, and November 19th, 2024.
Pluto is very slow moving, and because it spends a fair portion of its time in retrograde motion, it weaves in and out of a sign before staying in it consistently.
*The following are the dates when Pluto is in Aquarius:
- Mar 23, 2023, to Jun 11, 2023
- Jan 20, 2024, to Sep 1, 2024
- Nov 19, 2024, to Mar 8, 2043
- Aug 31, 2043, to Jan 19, 2044
While Pluto first enters Aquarius in March 2023, it’s not until November 19th, 2024, that it enters Aquarius and stays there–for almost twenty years!
Pluto takes approximately 248 years to come full circle. This slow-moving planet’s transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold.
As Pluto transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its unique wisdom upon the point in question and the areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point.
Pluto Transits: General
How Pluto affects our lives depends greatly on whether we resist its influences or try to work with this planet of rebirth and destiny.
Where Pluto touches, it compels us to explore more deeply. Superficiality is not acceptable for Pluto! Pluto transits insist that we connect with our core purpose and deeper sense of power. New levels of intimacy, not only with others but also with ourselves, are discovered and uncovered.
Transiting Pluto brings intensity and focus to our lives. Pluto breaks through illusions in search of the utter truth. These are not Saturn truths, where we see things for what they are in a mundane or material sense. Pluto probes much deeper, shining light on our darkness.
Transiting Pluto offers us the chance to evolve and rebirth. Pluto acts to strip away what is unnecessary or superficial in our lives. Pluto wants deep experience of the transformational kind. Things that are not working for us, whether thought processes or lifestyles, undergo a transformation. We’re rebirthing in the areas of life affected. Pluto transits are about letting go of things holding us back from profound and meaningful experiences.
Fear–sometimes intense fear–can reveal itself at the beginning of a challenging Pluto transit. We confront our “dark” side–those parts of us that are raw, primal, and instinctive. Resisting this process can cause us to externalize or project these parts of ourselves. If we do this, Pluto’s energy has to go somewhere, so we end up meeting Pluto in our lives in the guise of events and people. We might attract jealous, manipulative, and controlling people or situations.
Pluto revolutionizes parts of ourselves, and events that occur at this time can just as easily be new relationships, births, and new beginnings as they are separations. For example, someone convinced to never marry might reverse this conviction during a Pluto transit.
Possible influences and experiences with transiting Pluto:
- Emotionally and sexually rewarding relationships, intimacy.
- Psychological healing.
- Relationship problems, separation, manipulative behavior, jealousy and possessiveness.
- Resistance to change and holding onto negative attachments.
- Self-destructive behavior, obsessions.
- Looking for truth and meaning.
- Beginning new, intense relationships.
- Psychological insight, intolerance for superficiality.
- Soul-to-soul connections with partners.
- Fateful encounters, timely new relationships and/or separations.
- Discovering one’s power.
- Unloading burdens and obligations.
- Increased focus, strength, and commitment.
- Death and rebirth cycles.
- Complex involvements.
- Coming face to face with our deepest fears, and overcoming them.
- A new interest in psychology and parapsychology.
Pluto’s Transit Through Aquarius: General Influences
Background: While Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 to 2023/2024, we were testing our boundaries. It was an intense period of breaking down, exposing, renovating, and rebuilding structures, governments, traditions, and rules. We sought a life path that reflected our true self or true ambitions.
Pluto was/is in Capricorn from January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, and then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024.
Pluto demands renovation and a connection with our true ambitions wherever it touches our charts. Pluto will reveal vulnerable areas that need strengthening and fears that need eradicating.
During this transit of Pluto in Aquarius, it’s time for a complete overhaul of:
- friendship,
- social structures and networks,
- community,
- group associations,
- humanitarianism and individuality,
- scientific inventions and progress,
- our happiness goals.
While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics especially seriously, and we seek major reform in these areas.
Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks.
During this long-term cycle, we are likely to confront issues of control and power related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations.
We can be on a quest to distinguish ourselves for our progressiveness, scientific minds, ideals, humanitarianism, or unique qualities.
It’s also a time when we seek to change and overhaul society through science, inventions, and the mind/ideas.
It can certainly be a time when we are more intense, jealous, or even paranoid in our social lives. New ways of approaching our social needs can be in order. We’re doing things differently because of our new perspective on these matters.
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In 2023: Pluto transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2023:
0° Aquarius 00′ to 0° Aquarius 22′
In 2023, Pluto is retrograde from May 1st (at 0° Aquarius 22′) to October 10th (at 27° Capricorn 54′).
In 2024: Pluto transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2024:
0º Aquarius 00′ to 2º Aquarius 06′
In 2024, Pluto is retrograde from May 2nd (at 2° Aquarius 06′) to October 11th (at 29° Capricorn 39′).
In 2025: Pluto transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2025:
1º Aquarius 04′ to 3º Aquarius 49′
In 2025, Pluto is retrograde from May 4th (at 3° Aquarius 49′) to October 13th (at 1° Aquarius 22′).
In 2026: Pluto transits/spans the following degrees of Aquarius in 2026:
2º Aquarius 44′ to 5º Aquarius 31′
In 2026, Pluto is retrograde from May 6th (at 5° Aquarius 31′) to October 15th (at 3° Aquarius 04′).
Pluto continues in the sign of Aquarius until 2043/2044. The above dates and spans demonstrate just how slowly Pluto moves, considering that each sign, including Aquarius, spans 30 degrees in total.
During its transit of the first decan of Aquarius, Pluto forms the following major outer planet transits:
Pluto square Jupiter on May 17, 2023, at 0º Aquarius 18′ (Jupiter in Taurus -standalone)
Pluto trine Jupiter on June 2, 2024, at 1º Aquarius 53′ (Jupiter in Gemini -standalone)
Pluto quincunx Jupiter on June 24, 2025, at 3º Aquarius 16′ (Jupiter in Cancer – standalone)
Pluto sextile Saturn on March 28, 2026, at 5º Aquarius 10′ (Saturn in Aries -standalone)
Pluto trine Uranus on July 18, 2026, at 4º Aquarius 30′, on November 29, 2026, at 3º Aquarius 32′, on June 15, 2027, at 6º Aquarius 52′, on January 13, 2028, 6º Aquarius 20′, and on May 9, 2028, 8º Aquarius 49′.
Pluto opposition Jupiter on July 20, 2026, at 4º Aquarius 26′ (Jupiter in Leo – standalone)
Pluto sextile Neptune will occur for years. While Pluto is in the first decan, this aspect happens on July 25, 2026, at 4 Aquarius 20, September 15, 2026, at 3 Aquarius 16, June 28, 2027, at 6 Aquarius 38, October 16, 2027, at 4 Aquarius 45, June 9, 2028, at 8 Aquarius 37, November 7, 2028, at 6 Aquarius 30, and November 30, 2029, at 8 Aquarius 26, but this aspect will continue to perfect beyond the first decan.
Pluto quincunx Jupiter on August 20, 2027, at 5º Aquarius 27′ (Jupiter in Virgo – standalone)
Pluto square Saturn on June 23, 2028, at 8º Aquarius 23′, on November 15, 2028, 6º Aquarius 35′, and on [March 29, 2029, at 10º Aquarius 03′].
Pluto square Chiron on July 9, 2028, at 8º Aquarius 05′, on October 24, 2028, at 6º Aquarius 25′, on [June 2, 2029, at 10º Aquarius 20′], on December 9, 2029, 8º Aquarius 36′, and on [April 28, 2030, 12º Aquarius 01′].
Pluto trine Jupiter on September 24, 2028, at 6º Aquarius 33′ (Jupiter in Libra – standalone)
Pluto square Jupiter on October 31, 2029, at 8º Aquarius 05′ (Jupiter in Scorpio – standalone)
The above major outer-planet transits involving Pluto in Aquarius only comprise the first decan of Aquarius.
This is where I will discuss transiting Pluto’s most notable aspects while it moves through the sign of Aquarius.

Jupiter square Pluto
Pluto’s square to Jupiter is a one-time pass, not a drawn-out one, but it’s nevertheless powerful.
With Jupiter square Pluto, we can be quite ambitious, feeling that if we set our sights high enough, we can achieve anything. However, treading lightly, while it may not come naturally, is advised as it is easy to stir up opposition.
We may take on too many interests, activities, or desires under this influence. Exaggerating our importance or power, either to ourselves or others, should be avoided.
Our belief system could be challenged now, and the need for a major attitude change arises, or we might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). Trying to force our beliefs on others will only lead to frustration.
The tendency now is to push too hard in general and to ignore the important details. Thinking in big terms is fine, as long as the practical details of any pursuit are also considered.
Both the square in 2023 and 2029 can bring out the stubborn, fixed, and willful energy of Pluto in Aquarius as it goes against just as rigid Taurus and Scorpio.
Pluto in Aquarius and the Signs of the Zodiac: Horoscopes
Pluto is in Aquarius for parts of 2023 and 2024, and then more consistently until 2043, when it begins to weave out of the sign.
In a general sense, this is how Pluto’s transit through Aquarius might affect the different Sun signs (or, more appropriately, Ascendant signs):
Pluto’s transit of Aquarius for the signs, in brief (detailed interpretations are below this list):
For Aries: A time of renovation of your social life, involvement with the community and causes, and interest in friends and groups. Issues of control, influence, and power can emerge with social connections and associations. You’re discovering desires on social levels you never knew you had.
For Taurus: A time of upheaval and/or renovation of your ambitions, career, reputation, and longer-term goals. You might connect with ambitions you previously never knew you had.
For Gemini: A time of upheaval and/or renovation of your belief system, worldview, education, outlook, subjects of interest, or sense of adventure.
For Cancer: You experience feelings, desires, and drives that you never knew you had during this cycle. Power plays, matters of control, habits, dependencies, debts, shared finances, and intimacy are areas of some upheaval, but also renovation or renaissance.
For Leo: Partnerships, one-on-one interactions, commitments, and relating are going through a renovation. You’re meeting Pluto energy through a significant other, or discovering relationship needs you previously didn’t recognize.
For Virgo: Your work, routines, day job, health, wellness, and habits are going through renovations, largely due to the discovery of deeper needs and ambitions. It can be a time when you’re driven to work or accomplish in your daily life.
For Libra: A time for connecting with deeper ambitions and desires related to creative or romantic urges, leisure time, and recreation. Sharing and expressing yourself with others can be in focus, and you’re doing things differently.
For Scorpio: Renovations in your personal or emotional life, in the home, or with family can be in focus. More attention to your personal world is likely, although you should watch for an obsessive or controlling focus.
For Sagittarius: A strong, ambitious focus on your personal interests, connecting, and communicating can figure strongly. How you connect and communicate and the topics you learn and explore can go through deep changes and renovations.
For Capricorn: Your approach to your money, income, personal belongings, natural talents, and self-worth is going through deep changes and renovations.
For Aquarius: It’s a time of deep changes to your personality, particularly as you project it to others, image, health, and attitude toward new beginnings and enterprise.
For Pisces: It’s a time of deep changes and renovations to your attitude to downtime, mental health, unpaid work, and endings or closure.
Pluto’s transit of Aquarius for the signs, in detail:
Pluto’s transit of Aquarius means it’s in your solar eleventh house, dear Aries. While it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years to come, you’ll see some preliminary changes in 2023 and 2024.
During this cycle, your attitudes toward friends and group involvements are transforming. You see the very beginnings of a long-term phase that’s powerful for networking and connecting. You’ll be in a strong position to advance your interests through your connections with others, and your experiences can be rewarding, educational, and empowering.
Even so, there can be strong attachments that aren’t always comfortable and possibly complex feelings involved. Friendships or group associations that haven’t empowered you or are no longer doing so may be left behind, but this makes room for more authentic, healthier connections.
During this trend, it’s a good idea to guard against overattachment and micromanaging your social life or holding on too tightly to goals and dreams to the point that you’re no longer enjoying yourself. Some of you may be dealing with betrayals that ultimately show you who your true friends are – and aren’t.
This is also a time when your long-term dreams and hopes shift dramatically. You could be searching for greater meaning and purpose – you want to do something that truly makes an impact or a difference.
You’re discovering desires and urges you may have never knew you had regarding friendship, connection to your community or groups, networking, causes, and your social life.
Career, professional matters, and public life begin to transform, requiring deep and lasting fundamental changes, dear Taurus.
For best results, use this cycle as a challenge to improve in these life departments. Your ambition is more intense, and you might deal with people who are jealous of you and who are finding fault in what you do.
However, any trials and tests emerging during this cycle can push you onto the right path and challenge you to become stronger and more confident in your abilities.
You might discover a deep inner need to grow and develop your business or career and uncover ambitions you never knew they had.
Fears of underperforming or paranoia about your position or status can come to the fore under this influence, and it’s time to find ways to eradicate them.
With Pluto in Aquarius, dear Gemini, a new Pluto theme is beginning. While it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for many years, you’ll see some preliminary changes in 2023 and 2024.
Your outlook, attitudes, belief systems, and learning are set to transform. It’s possible you purge some beliefs or attitudes that no longer work for you during this long-term transit.
There can be fantastic exposure to a new perspective, lifestyle, or culture. Publishing important work can figure strongly. You’re in excellent shape to boost your life experiences or studies. Studying new ideas or topics can be life-changing.
You’re approaching your life or topics of interest and projects with more gusto and passion. You can be a mentor or help others in significant ways. Pouring your heart and soul into your efforts comes naturally now. Freeing yourself from limiting attitudes is a process that will unfold a little at a time, and it’s empowering.
Even so, you may need to work through tension and fear to get to this place. Fears tend to relate to the road ahead, long-term plans, skills, knowledge, and faith in your future. Your worldview is changing–deeply–and impacting your life in profound ways.
Pluto’s transit of Aquarius pulls Pluto out of an opposition with your sign, dear Cancer, which can release a lot of pressure.
During this long-term cycle, root changes to how you share or borrow money or in the support you receive are in store. While it’s a sneak preview in 2023 and 2024 of a transit that will stick around for many years, you’ll feel some inner stirrings.
Attitudes toward dependencies on others, finances, and intimacy begin to transform. It’s a time to make empowering changes and choices.
This influence changes how you connect with others on intimate levels and your passion projects.
Dealing with the darker or more hidden aspects of yourself can be transformative. Healing activities and abilities can figure strongly.
You can benefit greatly from in-depth research, investigating, or digging. Or, there can be an important epiphany about a relationship or your inner motivations.
It’s a time to recognize your deeper desires and ambitions, although you can also come face to face with some of your fears, which can be revealing.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Leo, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Attitudes toward partnerships, close personal relationships, compromise, and significant others begin to transform.
Aim to arrive at a deeper understanding of your needs from your partnerships, whether romantic, platonic, financial, or therapeutic. These connections are complex and sometimes complicated during this cycle, but they also hold the potential for rich learning experiences.
Power struggles are possible, and it’s best to look honestly at fears of failure, success, and betrayal that can emerge.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Virgo, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Your attitudes toward work, duties, services you provide for others, daily routines, and health are transforming. It’s a powerful period for ridding yourself of bad habits or ineffective methods, but be careful not to replace one bad habit with another!
You’ll need to watch for pressures to perform and obsessions with taking care of details. Watch for excess and burning the candle at both ends, which is a real temptation.
However, this theme is also powerful for making long-lasting beneficial changes to your habits, work, and routines. It’s a time to discover your deeper ambitions in these areas.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Libra, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Love affairs can bring intense personal transformations during this cycle. You can meet people who turn you inside out, and through experiences with them, you learn more about your own power over your life.
While experience is good — it builds character — aim to protect your light, heart, and body by employing some caution with new people. Indeed, there can be some periods of friction involved with this evolution and pressure to make things happen.
Otherwise, it’s a fabulous time for digging deep and exploring your creativity, recreation, hobbies, and love. You’re connecting with what truly brings you joy, and superficial paths might fall away in the process.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Scorpio, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Attitudes towards home and family are transforming. There can be a retreat into yourself during this long-term cycle as you deeply explore your roots, childhood conditioning, and feelings of personal security.
It’s a time to excavate, change, and renovate your life from the ground up or from the inside out.
There can be times when urges, needs, and desires in other life departments conflict with the changes you’re engaged in on the inside and with home or family life.
Deep, lasting changes and improvements can occur on physical and emotional planes. Activities related to purging and emotional renewal can figure strongly.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Sagittarius, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Communication, learning, and daily life are transforming. It’s an excellent, long-term period for studies, writing, and communicating, although there is a tendency towards intensity that can sometimes work against you if you’re not careful. Watch for taking on too much.
You could be focusing obsessively on a particular project, or you could have such a hard time pulling yourself away from overseeing your personal interests and connections that other areas of your life suffer.
Otherwise, it can be a rewarding time for personal influence and persuasion.
You’re learning to embrace your ambitions and recognize the need to change, reform, and renovate your projects.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Capricorn, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
During this cycle, your attitudes toward finances, possessions, money, and personal values transform. Life lessons might occur for you to get in better touch with self-worth, principles, self-defense, and money attitudes.
There can be changes in the source or level of your income. You may have to face control issues and possessiveness and learn how to better manage this part of your life.
There can also be great changes in your friendships or strong private elements to your associations. Aim to get in touch with your deeper desires and ambitions.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Aquarius, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
Your outer personality is reshaping, and how you approach life and new challenges are transforming. It’s a time to reinvent yourself!
You will need to resist the urge to control the events of your life, how you come across to others, and your manner during this important cycle.
You’re learning about your inner motivations, and sometimes this could be an uncomfortable process because you are getting in touch with the darker elements of your psyche at the same time.
However, you are ultimately learning that you cannot control the events of your life or others and how they feel about you, but you can learn self-control. You’re tapping into your inner power, and how you handle it will make all the difference in the quality of your experiences.
Reshaping your personal image can also affect your professional goals and pursuits.
Superficial attitudes or manners of self-expression no longer do it for you. Aim to be true to yourself and your principles during this long-term cycle.
This transit only kicks in consistently starting late 2024, but while it’s only a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years, dear Pisces, you’ll feel some stirrings in 2023 and 2024.
For example, attitudes toward spirituality and the past are transforming–you’re doing crucial long-term work concerning purging past attitudes and confronting inner demons.
You may confront deeply buried aspects of your psyche and learn unusual things about the hidden side of your nature. With this knowledge, you are also learning to control it!
Matters you’ve buried, such as past events that you are ashamed of, emerge and require handling. You must face your ghosts honestly, and as you do, self-improvement efforts can be tremendous.
You’re renovating on emotional levels–you’re seeing the attitudes or situations in your life that may have driven self-destructive behavior or are at the root of feelings of powerlessness.
It’s a generally good time to clear away lingering problems. Figuratively speaking, you are cleaning out the closet! There can also be deep changes in your educational path or belief systems in this long-term cycle.
(Please note that I have also interpreted Pluto in Aquarius in summary format for each sign in the 2023 Preview Horoscopes).
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