Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Ascendant When the Sun is quincunx the Ascendant in the Natal Chart With the Sun quincunx your Ascendant, you often project an image of yourself that doesn’t reflect your core personality. The problem this quincunx creates is a lack of naturalness or smoothness with personal presentation, often reflecting an inner […]
When the Sun trines Saturn
When the Sun trines Saturn in the Natal Chart Sun trine Saturn With your practical mindset, you set realistic goals and pace yourself well. The Sun is trine to Saturn in your natal chart, so you prefer not to waste your resources. Sloppiness bothers you, in fact, and being efficient not only comes naturally but also helps you in many life departments. […]
When the Sun sextiles Saturn
When the Sun sextiles Saturn in the Natal Chart Explore what it means when the Sun and Saturn harmonize through a sextile aspect in your birth chart. Sun sextile Saturn With your Sun-Saturn sextile, it’s easy and natural for you to accept responsibilities, lead a relatively orderly life, and apply caution in financial and business dealings. […]
Sun opposition Saturn
Sun opposition Saturn When the Sun opposes Saturn in the Natal Chart With the Sun opposite Saturn in your natal chart, fear of making a mistake or a spectacle of yourself can prevent you from enjoying the spotlight or putting yourself out there. Feeling restricted on an ego level is a theme that you might […]
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Pluto
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Pluto Sun quincunx Pluto With the Sun forming a quincunx with Pluto in your birth chart, you might feel disconnected from Pluto’s themes, like transformation and change, and uncomfortable with them. However, if you resist the need for significant change, renovation, and evolution, you might live with a persistent vague […]
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Neptune
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Neptune Sun quincunx Neptune With the Sun and Neptune forming a quincunx in your natal chart, you have a creative, imaginative, and intuitive side to your nature. However, you don’t always identify with this side of you or feel that this side is well-integrated into your personality. When life challenges […]
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Uranus
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Uranus Sun quincunx Uranus With the Sun quincunx Uranus in your natal chart, it can be challenging for you to stick to routines. In fact, part of you rebels against their monotony. Understanding the Sun quincunx Uranus aspect in your natal chart can help you overcome a nagging feeling of […]
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Saturn
Sun quincunx (inconjunct) Saturn Sun quincunx Saturn The Sun forms a quincunx aspect to Saturn in your natal chart, suggesting there are many lessons in your life related to taking on responsibilities. You might struggle with taking on either more or less responsibilities than you should, but rest assured, with experience, you’ll arrive […]
Saturn conjunct Pluto
Planetary Aspects: Saturn conjunct Pluto What does Saturn conjunct Pluto mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or occurring in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The […]
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Planetary Aspects: Jupiter sextile Saturn What does Jupiter sextile Saturn mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following article […]