Planetary Aspects: Jupiter sextile Saturn
What does Jupiter sextile Saturn mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).
However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following article offers interpretations of Jupiter sextile Saturn in these various forms as well as in general.
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Jupiter sextile Saturn
When Jupiter and Saturn connect, we tend to make things happen. This combination favors concrete accomplishment.
In the Natal Chart:
With Jupiter sextile Saturn in the birth chart, you are an excellent student of life, taking important lessons from your experience and applying them to the present. You are able to see both the possible benefits and pitfalls of a potential enterprise or venture, and this keeps you from becoming overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. You learn from your mistakes – a trait that is not as common as one would think!
You are generous but not unreasonably so, and you are judicious without being too strict. Moderation is the beauty of this combination — you instinctively know that moderation is the key to happiness and success.
This is generally considered a fortunate aspect and is one indication of a strong ability to put your ideas into action and a good possibility of material success. There can be a talent or propensity towards law, travel, and history. Qualities of this combination that are talents but that can always use attention and development: patience, realism, practicality, credibility, modesty, and fairness.
Key Traits of Jupiter sextile Saturn. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Moderation is the overriding strength of this combination.
- Judicious.
- Material successes are probable.
- Credible, patient, and modest.
- Has faith and trust in the ebb and flow of life, and this benefits you greatly.
Transit to Transit:
With Jupiter forming a sextile to Saturn, there are opportunities to put our plans into motion. We’re balanced in our approach to new endeavors, seeing both the potential benefits and pitfalls, and this improves our judgment. This influence helps to crystallize and lock down lessons learned and endeavors begun recently.
This is a period of constructive accomplishment. We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound–and we derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. We find a good balance between planning and discovering.
It’s also a time when we value learning and valid information from trustworthy sources. We respect reasonable, ethical, and sound approaches.
The key to harnessing this wonderful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy.
Jupiter sextile Saturn dates:
(3.70% of period searched)
Enters 3 Jun 1917
7:57:58 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 7 Jul 1917 8:18:30 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 27 Sep 1917 6:38:08 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 20 Oct 1917 3:47:43 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 13 Mar 1918 1:49:38 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 31 Mar 1918 8:58:18 pm (EWT +4:00)
Leaves 14 Apr 1918 6:46:49 am (EWT +4:00)
Enters 2 Feb 1925
9:52:57 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 21 Feb 1925 11:31:44 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 7 Mar 1925 4:53:21 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 28 Aug 1925 7:07:38 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 29 Nov 1925 12:07:15 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 7 Mar 1937
11:05:09 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 3 Apr 1937 5:21:14 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 24 Nov 1937 7:12:09 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 12 Dec 1937 6:29:13 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 26 Dec 1937 6:08:33 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 22 Oct 1943
8:26:27 am (EWT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 13 Nov 1943 0:44:52 am (EWT +4:00)
Leaves 1 Dec 1943 8:51:28 am (EWT +4:00)
Enters 31 Jan 1944 11:59:08 am (EWT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 29 Feb 1944 10:20:43 pm (EWT +4:00)
Leaves 19 Mar 1944 9:03:54 pm (EWT +4:00)
Enters 6 Aug 1944 3:08:23 am (EWT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 4 Sep 1944 7:59:26 pm (EWT +4:00)
Leaves 21 Sep 1944 8:29:38 pm (EWT +4:00)
Enters 30 Aug 1957
4:07:10 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 20 Sep 1957 2:41:11 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 8 Oct 1957 0:51:48 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 28 Mar 1958 3:06:43 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 29 Apr 1958 5:05:14 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 22 Jun 1958 2:09:53 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 15 Jul 1958 9:18:20 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 13 Jul 1963
9:01:18 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 18 Aug 1963 2:55:35 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 12 Sep 1963 2:13:49 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 11 Oct 1963 6:51:06 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 31 Mar 1964 7:30:18 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 24 Apr 1964 8:05:04 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 9 May 1964 0:24:33 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 6 May 1977
12:45:57 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 27 May 1977 5:46:24 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 13 Jun 1977 8:31:36 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 30 Nov 1977 9:03:18 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 28 Dec 1977 6:52:50 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 27 Feb 1978 9:09:48 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 19 Mar 1978 1:09:10 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 1 Apr 1984
2:32:27 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 5 May 1984 11:38:22 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 8 Jun 1984 7:03:38 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 6 Jul 1984 0:58:26 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 30 Dec 1984 2:52:23 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 22 Jan 1985 12:25:48 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 6 Feb 1985 0:06:40 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 16 Jan 1997
8:15:29 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 9 Feb 1997 10:32:32 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 3 Mar 1997 1:53:25 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 13 Jun 1997 7:40:34 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 14 Jul 1997 4:57:24 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 2 Aug 1997 6:45:06 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 22 Oct 1997 11:36:31 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 14 Nov 1997 10:53:19 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 29 Nov 1997 3:21:36 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 12 Oct 2003
3:10:02 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 1 Nov 2003 12:12:32 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 15 Nov 2003 6:30:47 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 3 Apr 2004 1:14:09 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 1 May 2004 4:30:32 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 15 Jun 2004 8:13:04 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 22 Jun 2004 10:51:47 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 17 Aug 2004 12:33 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 10 Sep 2004 11:39:12 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 28 Oct 2016
8:08:44 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 12 Feb 2017 3:57:03 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 7 Aug 2017 11:28:58 am (EDT +4:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 27 Aug 2017 8:15:09 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 10 Sep 2017 9:08:29 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 1 Jun 2023
5:47:35 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter sextile Saturn] Is Exact 19 Jun 2023 10:52:54 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 2 Jul 2023 5:54:35 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 20 Dec 2023 0:40:51 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 17 Mar 2024 10:32:07 pm (EST +5:00)
In Transit to the Natal Chart:
Jupiter’s transits to Saturn test the balance between your desire to grow and to expand, and your awareness of your personal limitations. You become more aware of opportunities, and your desire is to grow, but at the same time you are reminded that there are limitations to what you can do.
When transiting Jupiter sextiles natal Saturn, life seems simpler and more straightforward – rather orderly and predictable, barring other major factors. You are a little more lenient on yourself and others, but you still prefer to follow most rules. There is a good balance between your need for growth and your need for security. Responsibilities feel easier as you see their value. Finances can get back on track or they are status quo. It’s easier to save and regulate spending. Practical projects advance. It’s a good time for legal outcomes.
When transiting Saturn sextiles natal Jupiter, your expectations and outlook on life are considerably more realistic now as you naturally seek a balance between too negative and overeager attitudes. It’s a strong time for realigning your projects and getting your life priorities straightened out. You are concerning yourself with the long term now, and practically preparing yourself for a better future. This is a fabulous time for working on, developing, and strengthening your projects, ideas, business, and plans.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry):
When Jupiter in one chart forms a sextile with Saturn in another chart, there is a good ability to stabilize and moderate one another. This aspect helps you to think things through and work things out, as well as to make realistic plans together.
Business and work goals and ventures tend to be compatible or blend well, whether these are undertaken together or independently. This is a good combination for business partners as you help one another get to a realistic yet hopeful perspective. This is a highly favorable aspect in all relationships, particularly in business. You might often advise one another or you enjoy debates.
This is not a defining element of compatibility, but it is supportive.
In the Composite Chart:
With Jupiter sextile Saturn in the composite chart, together you reach a good balance between optimism and realism. You are able to blend your needs for security and for growth successfully. This is an excellent relationship for learning from one another and from past mistakes.
See also Planetary Aspects and Jupiter Transits.
Saturn Transits, Synastry, Composite Chart, Transit to Transit.

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