Planetary Aspects: Saturn conjunct Pluto
What does Saturn conjunct Pluto mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or occurring in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology). However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Saturn conjunction Pluto in these various forms as well as in general.
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When Saturn and Pluto connect, we deal with matters related to our use of resources and power.
In the Natal Chart
With Saturn forming a conjunction to Pluto in the birth chart, you can have strong and even intense ambitions that you prefer to hold close to your chest. Some people with this aspect can reject this side of themselves because it feels too overwhelming or intense, although at some point would do well to explore and manage it. Holding onto secrets can be your undoing, and it’s best to find ways to unburden, decompress, and reduce stress since you take on more guilt or responsibility in your heart than most others. You can be skeptical and pessimistic at times since Pluto can act to exaggerate the realism of Saturn, but you’re also ready to overcome obstacles in your path. You are resourceful and brilliant at making the most of your situation and turning negative circumstances right around.
Possible Key Traits of Saturn conjunct Pluto. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Seeks a deeper truth
- Strives toward the ideal of steady, controlled change, transformation, and progress.
- Strong, intense passions that are often kept quiet or to oneself.
- Resourceful
- Stubborn and fixed
- Problems with authority
Transit to Transit
With Saturn forming a conjunction to Pluto, this is a time when we can be especially focused on our goals, and intensely ambitious to succeed in a particular area. We’re inclined to focus on one particular area with great dedication, commitment, or perhaps obsession. We want to achieve and accomplish something spectacular. We can be ruthless about getting rid of problem areas in the process. We should watch for abuse of power or living on fear, although moderate levels of fear can be useful to motivate us to make improvements and to strengthen certain vulnerable areas of our lives. During this period, our fear of losing something (or everything) can be a powerful motivator, in fact, and the zodiac sign involved can be a clue to where we fear scarcity, chaos, or loss. We can be driven, in fact, to build or rebuild our lives. This period can involve renovation, destroying and rebuilding, and excavation in a particular area of our lives.
The 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction more specifically: Whereas Pluto seeks increased power and control through our undertakings, career, and reputation or status in the sign of Capricorn, Saturn seeks perfection, increased performance, and proof that we’re worth something. Saturn attempts to clean up some of the excesses or obsessions of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto tears down, Saturn builds, and in this sense, it’s a powerful combination. This transit may demand hard work at remodeling and renovating our careers and goals.
Saturn conjunct Pluto dates
Enters 10 Jun 1914
6:20:14 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 4 Oct 1914 1:25:42 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 1 Nov 1914 4:01:02 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 19 May 1915 2:52:12 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 26 Jul 1915 8:10:54 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 8 Feb 1916 4:36:45 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 10 Mar 1916 7:35:29 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 27 Aug 1946
8:01:44 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 27 Jan 1947 1:56:44 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 11 Apr 1947 10:46:38 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 10 Aug 1947 9:21:15 pm (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 5 Nov 1947 5:09:55 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 9 Dec 1947 8:51:17 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 4 Jul 1948 8:37:56 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 30 Oct 1981
7:33:51 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 12 Apr 1982 12:34:21 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters 10 Jun 1982 1:45:47 pm (EDT +4:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 7 Nov 1982 7:43:50 pm (EST +5:00)
Leaves 25 Oct 1983 8:21:55 am (EDT +4:00)
Enters 3 Jan 2019
8:24:04 am (EST +5:00)
**[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 12 Jan 2020 11:59:24 am (EST +5:00)**
Leaves 8 May 2020 1:22:20 pm (EDT +4:00)
Enters 17 May 2020 3:02:45 am (EDT +4:00)
Leaves 26 Dec 2020 8:32:02 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 7 Feb 2053
2:49:58 pm (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 15 Jun 2053 8:25:27 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 10 Jul 2053 4:58:01 am (EST +5:00)
[Saturn conjunct Pluto] Is Exact 2 Feb 2054 2:01:46 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 18 Apr 2054 3:23:12 am (EST +5:00)
Enters 17 Sep 2054 11:36:55 am (EST +5:00)
Leaves 15 Dec 2054 6:02:36 am (EST +5:00)
In Transit to the Natal Chart
When transiting Saturn conjuncts natal Pluto, you may be called to put in some hard work or to draw upon your self-discipline during the course of this transit. You can feel quite determined to get over an obstacle. Some people make a huge lifestyle change at this time. Keep in mind that people born in your birth year and in surrounding birth years are going through the same transit, although this may not occur in the same house.
When transiting Pluto conjuncts natal Saturn, it’s a time for tapping into your determination, ambition, methods, and habits, and recognizing what you may need to change so that you can succeed.
Important now is being moderate rather than pushing too hard, as your fears can be triggered and these can lead you to extremes. If you use your concerns as fuel for making improvements, great, but it can go too far and cause you undue stress. This period can be powerful for tapping into your determination, but again, if this is taken to extremes, it can amount to obsession. It can be a time of challenges related to parents or authority figures. It might be a time of restoring and rebuilding an old foundation, and this can be a business, career, or another structure in your life.
There can be increased responsibilities as weak links in your life seem to break. It’s a time to simplify and reduce so that you can identify priorities and improve your life, and not a good time to expand. While this transit can last for a year or more, it only comes once in a lifetime. Keep in mind that people born in your birth year and in surrounding birth years are going through the same transit, although this may not occur in the same house.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Saturn in one chart forms a conjunction to Pluto in another chart, there is nothing light and fluffy about your meeting, if you did indeed “meet” as opposed to being born into the relationship. There is a heavy or intense quality to your interaction, and a strong sense of responsibility for one another is likely to exist between the two of you. In problematic synastries, you may seem to bring out the worst in one another. However, you can learn a lot about which fears or vulnerabilities you seem to trigger in each other.
In the Composite Chart
With Saturn conjunct Pluto in the composite chart, there can be some strong underlying complications in your power dynamics. You might face some adversity together that has the power to cement your bond, but it can also produce a lot of tension that can undermine your connection if not managed and channeled well. The trick may be to tap into the intensity of this energy and use it to focus on clear goals outside of yourself. This way, you can be determined, tackling ambitious goals and projects, and together you’re a powerhouse. You make the very best of situations. In fact, you may have come together when one of you was going through a hard time.
See also Planetary Aspects and Saturn Transits.
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