Cafe Astrology offers interpretations of transiting Jupiter to the natal chart. Jupiter in aspect to natal planets.
Uranus Transits
Cafe Astrology offers interpretations of transiting Uranus to the natal chart. Uranus in aspect to natal planets.
Saturn Transits to the Planets
Saturn Transits to the Planets Saturn Transits: Predictive Astrology – Techniques for Predicting the Future Back to Predictive Astrology Main Page Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Trines & Sextiles Every now and again, we are blessed with a pleasing dose of practicality and a measure of control. Although Saturn’s transits are not traditionally considered “blessings,” […]
Saturn Transits in Astrology: Predictions
Cafe Astrology offers interpretations of transiting Saturn to the natal chart. Saturn through the houses and in aspect to planets.
Mars Transits
Cafe Astrology offers interpretations of Uranus transits to the houses of the natal chart.
Mercury Transits
Cafe Astrology offers interpretations of Uranus transits to the houses of the natal chart.