The Cancer Woman
The Cancer Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
The Cancer Woman
The Cancer woman is ruled by the Moon and her moods wax and wane like the lunar cycle. Fluid like water, she is both peaceful and passionate. She is a tidal force of perplexing emotion, and can be stubborn, compliant, furious, and docile, all in the same hour. This sign is the least precise of the zodiac and you’d be hard pressed to spot a Cancer woman amongst the crowd. She is strong willed and persistent, but can sometimes be reserved, drawing away and into her own shell if disturbed or provoked.
The Cancerian woman is sensitive – very sensitive – but not only to her needs, but to the needs of others, making her one of the most sympathetic and caring women of the Zodiac. If you criticize her she may very well take it personally and it may not be forgotten!
This is the first water sign of the zodiac and the Cancer woman is ruled by the Moon, endowing her with awesome intuition and imagination. She is deeply intuitive, and if she says she doesn’t feel right about someone, it pays to take notice. She won’t know the reason, but she will probably be proved right sooner or later. Similarly, her unerring instinct will tell her at once if someone is to be trusted. This is not about being judgmental – it’s about instincts and feelings.
A Cancer woman is sympathetic and sensitive to others around her. This is due to her high intuition and deep emotions. Famous Cancer women include Liv Tyler, Princess Diana, Michelle Kwan, and Lindsay Lohan.
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Cancer the Crab Associations
Dates: June 21-July 22* Ruler: Moon Element: Water Quality: Cardinal Color: Silver |
Day: Monday Stone: Pearl, Ruby Part of Body Ruled: Stomach and chest Motto: I feel Energy: Yin |
*Sun sign dates are always approximate, as starting and ending dates can vary from year to year and are sensitive to time zones. If you were born on a cusp and are uncertain of your Sun sign, send an email to with your full birth information and be sure to mention what you are requesting. Or, use the What’s My Sun sign? tool.
Cancer Women in Love
Slowly, slowly, as the Italians say. For any Cancer woman, romance is part and parcel of love – the gifts, flowers, and love notes that form the traditional woo-and-win process are essential to her. The Cancer woman is slow to fall in love and refuses to be rushed. Once there, however, she is a devoted and protective lover. She can be hurt unintentionally, so her partner must be tactful and sensitive.
It takes time for Cancerians to learn to trust another, and the crab is shy and reserved when it comes to matters of the heart. When in love, they are patient and will persevere in the face of any obstacle for the cause of true love.
Possessing a high capacity to love, the Cancer woman makes an exceptional partner. With the right person, she will toss caution to the wind and show you more adventure than you thought possible.
Cancer and Relationships
The crab has a good instinct for who suits her best in relationships. Her idea of a perfect partner is someone who loves to snuggle on the couch together, watch television, and pour wine for her.
Nothing describes this woman better than “home is where the heart is”. Family and friends are high priority and her home environment is where she feels the most secure. Naturally maternal and domestic, the Cancer woman is the caregiver in her relationships. She may sometimes wish for more equality, but lovingly accepts her role as giver. A Cancer woman does love being catered to by a lover, probably because she does so much caring for and pampering of others in her life.
Relationships with Cancer women are usually steady and secure, but there may be the occasional slide into moodiness. Security and fidelity are the most important aspects of a relationship to the crab.
Cancer Woman’s emotions run very near the surface, and she is easily moved to tears, as much by joy as by unhappiness. She loves weepy movies, but when someone in trouble comes to her for help she will be as strong as a rock. As deep and tempestuous as the sea, she can also be the calm bay, the gentle beach, always ready to help and nourish those she loves.
Although she is easily moved to tears, Ms. Cancer laughs just as easily and has a goofy, wonderful sense of humor. She is tickled by the ridiculous and her laugh is infectious. It’s hard not to join in once she has started.
Cancer and Friendships
Cancers like to mother everyone around them and are caring, thoughtful friends. A Cancer friend is the one that makes sure everyone gets home safe after a drunken night out, and who calls to make sure you’re doing okay after your bout of flu. There is something comforting about friendships with a Cancer woman, and you know she will be there looking after you should you ever need her. Your Cancer friend’s fragile feelings can sometimes be trampled on by a careless, clumsy comment, so tactless, rude, and inconsiderate people need not apply!
Cancer women treasure their friendships, and they make treasured friends as well.
Cancer and Sex
Sex is a slow, sensual dance with the Cancer woman. She needs to have an emotional connection with her partner. She will trust you to lead and if you unlock the right moves, she can tango with the best of them. Her hidden flamboyance and responsiveness may be surprising, but remember that still waters run deep in your Cancer lover. She loves seduction and sensual fantasies. She enjoys being made love to and is eager to learn. Sex is always attuned with love for her, and bedroom encounters with this water sign are usually pure liquid pleasure.
Cancer and Career
Just because the Cancer woman sometimes keeps a low-profile in the workplace doesn’t mean that she’s not interested in advancement and success. Being a good judge of character and having sharp intuition, this woman is an excellent business person. She is the quiet but competent worker to watch for.
Most of the time, the Cancer woman handles money wisely. Keenly perceptive, she knows how to deal with people. Combine those two attributes and she will have no problem with careers in teaching, nursing, counseling, or journalism.
The Cancer female is interested in home and hearth. She loves being around children and animals. She is highly creative, musical, and literate and also has killer business instincts.
But the nurturing Cancer woman’s true calling isn’t working outside of the home – it’s running one of her own or running a business of her own from her home.
Other than being a mother to children or pets, the Cancerian woman has many options depending on her wide range of interest. Naturally nurturing, she can be a pediatrician, veterinarian, or open a thriving daycare center. If she loves to read romantic novels she will find that her storytelling skills are worthy of being published. To cook is something she does almost as naturally as breathe – or eat – and she is able to whip up some scrumptious meals.
Her love of history was probably cultivated back in grade school and it carries over to her choice of reading and viewing material. She could easily turn it into a career as an antiques dealer or interior designer as she loves to feather her nest. Careers can be mom, musician, pediatrician, banker, chef or restaurant owner, psychic, antiques dealer, artist, sailor, historian, writer, and dancer.
Cancer and Money
Ms. Cancer will have a bank account and/or money stashed all over her home. She is a natural saver who understands the value of money. To her, money equals security. It also equals a home and even if she is living in a tiny apartment, she will scrimp and save to achieve her ultimate goal – proud homeowner.
The Cancer woman is cautious about everything she does in her life and the handling of money is no exception. She is a shrewd investor and the goal of any financial planning is based on long-term stability.
This woman isn’t going to be fooled by get-rich-quick schemes, or easily lured into buying oceanfront property in the desert. She does have her guilty pleasures, however, and will splurge now and again.
Cancer and Family
The most important things in a Cancer woman’s life are her home and family. Wherever she is, she will make the place a home and it will be tremendously important to her. She will fill it with all the things that interest her, every wall with pictures of her nearest and dearest. She doesn’t always like change, or moving. Her home is her outward shell, the place she can retreat to when the world seems too big and threatening.
Her home will not just be her own sanctuary, but a sanctuary for all those she loves and she will be fiercely protective of it. She is equally protective of her children and knows how to make them feel secure. They usually remain close to her all their lives and always come home when they feel in need of love and care. Family and friends are equally important to her, and she will treat them just the same. One of the ways she expresses her love for her nearest and dearest is to feed them, and wonderful food will come from her kitchen. Those she loves will always feel loved and protected and safe with her- she has that quality.
Cancer and Health
Anyone with a highly emotional temperament can have a somewhat complicated health profile, and this may be the case with Cancer females.
A Cancer woman loves her comfort food, sometimes too much. She enjoys sweets and can have a problem controlling her weight as she gets older. Generally, this is not a problem, but if it gets out of hand, then the Cancer woman will pay attention. Stomach upsets can occur more frequently with the crabs, but often are the result of stress and worry.
Cancer and Fashion
The Cancer woman prefers traditional outfits with an emphasis on femininity and comfort. A typical Cancer woman will choose flimsy organza over tight denim and loose silk over PVC leggings. Don’t be fooled by her apparently conservative fashion choices. She likes the touch of watery satin on her skin and will often wear a luxurious, matching set of lingerie beneath her conventional outerwear.
Pale blue and silvers are favored by the Cancer woman and these may be reflected in her clothing styles and home décor. You might even find some interesting Moon and stars themes in her home.
The Cancer woman is stylish and up to date in fashion, but will maintain a somewhat conservative wardrobe. Sensitive to criticism, she’ll dress up to look good, but not enough to be the center of attention.
She does not follow the latest craze emanating from the catwalks. Instead, she favors timeless labels and cuts. As every crab knows, trends are like tides, and they don’t last long. Her favorite accessories are charm necklaces and pearls.
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The Cancer Woman – Sun sign dates
The Cancer Woman: Decanates
June 21 – 30 – Cancer/Cancer Decanate – Cancer is a bit moodier in this location. The Cancer woman will have strong feelings for her family and may be even more influenced by the arts.
July 1 – 10 – Cancer/Scorpio Decanate – This is the most passionate combination due to the Scorpion influence.
July 11 – 20 – Cancer/Pisces Decanate – The Piscean influence encourages great creativity for the Cancerian born in mid-summer. She will also be very sensitive. Living near a body of water can be healing.
The Cancer Woman: Fashion & Style
The Cancer woman is a child of the Moon, her moods changing as it waxes and wanes, sometimes caught in a great tide of emotion, sometimes as aloof and icy as a snow maiden. No one ever really knows what to expect from her, and that goes for the way she dresses as well.
In her earth mother phase, she is all beads, blouses, and gypsy skirts. In her nurturing business role, she is boardroom suits and sensible heels. In her romantic phase, she is the Queen of Lace. She changes roles almost effortlessly, completely unconscious of the effect she has on people. She is never forgotten, like the Moon.
Not only her moods but her environment affects the way she looks. On the beach, with hair blowing free, barefoot and wrapped in a sarong, she might be a native; in the city, she blends in just as effortlessly, because she knows instinctively what is required. But always just beneath the surface, there is a sense of not quite wanting to conform. She will wear gold and diamonds on the beach, and amazingly sexy underwear beneath that city suit.
She shops according to her mood too, heading off to the mall with energy and a great determination to hunt out the bargains. She is a great bargain hunter, the Cancer woman. If there is an exclusive label to be had at a knockdown price, she will find it – and it won’t even be sale time. She sniffs out the best bargains, and of all the signs, is the one most likely to dress like a model on a shop girl’s budget.
She loves classic clothes with a twist, the twist that labels her as a fey moon maiden. A plain trench coat with a bright yellow lining, a slim bag that opens out to reveal myriad pockets, plain black court shoes with golden heels – if it has a slight quirk, but otherwise looks timeless, she is loving it.
Her makeup moods change with the cycles of the Moon as well. She might use every artifice available on her dressing table to change her look completely, or just go out bare faced. As a Moon child, she may not often use cosmetics. Her eyes are extraordinary anyway, her lips look plump with just a slick of lip gloss. Her hair is her crowning glory and she is likely to spend more on shampoo and conditioner than on foundation. She believes in the old rule of one hundred strokes with a brush every night.
Sleep is her best beauty care. Diets work best for her if they include lots of sea food, and swimming is the best exercise. Even when she piles on the pounds, she moves lightly, especially in the water. The Cancer woman is a comfort eater, and needs to find other ways to deal with her emotions, like long walks.
The Cancer woman is a natural parent, though that may not always mean she will have children. She will be nurturing in whatever role she takes on, whether it is running a home or a corporation. Others are attracted to her natural warmth, but puzzled by her changing moods. The right lover can unlock the magic key to an ocean of love. Her ability to give herself wholly in love is both her greatest happiness and her greatest cross to bear. The Cancer woman finds it very hard to let go of a love that has died, and lovers can find her emotions to be too much to cope with. She needs a strong partner, one with the depth to see that there is nothing to fear. Another water sign, Scorpio or Pisces, or her own opposite sign of Capricorn, will understand.
Sexually, she can be distant, but the right lover will arouse intense passion. Scorpio is very good at this, while Pisces arouses her more romantic passions. Capricorn gives her security, which she craves, and a relaxed Cancer woman finds real pleasure in sex.
Her home is the center of her life. It will be comfortable, welcoming, and preferably by the sea. Young people will enjoy being around her because she always seems to remain young inside, even though she tends to age gracefully. Often she is glad to actually leave behind the troubled years of her adolescence and young adulthood and finds peace in later years.
See Also:
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Cancer Yearly Love Horoscope
Cancer Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Cancer Good Days Calendar
2025 Cancer Preview Horoscope
2025 Cancer Yearly Horoscope
All About Cancer
Cancer Ascendant
Cancer Sun Sign Compatibility
Cancer Moon Sign Compatibility
Cancer Venus Sign Compatibility
Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Her Report. The report averages 25 pages long, and it’s all about a woman’s styles in love, in relationship, and in bed.
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