Cancer Sun Sign Compatibility Matches
Matches With Cancer

Cancer Compatability
The following are sun sign comparisons for Cancer the Crab. Which signs match with Cancer? These interpretations are written with romantic relationships in mind and are from the Romantic Compatibility Report.
Keep in mind that other astrological factors, especially the Moon, modify these compatibility readings. For example, a person with a Cancer Sun with an Aries Moon will respond differently than a Cancer Sun with a Taurus Moon.
ARIES often feels smothered by demands of family and even friends. CANCER, on the other hand, is very devoted to family needs and the inner, emotional needs of others. ARIES may, without realizing it, selfishly accept CANCER’s nurturing and giving, while contributing relatively little to the relationship on an emotional level. ARIES’s need for autonomy and independence often conflicts with CANCER’s needs for closeness, intimacy, and mutual dependency.
ARIES seems selfish, impersonal, and indifferent to CANCER at times, and CANCER may feel too needy and emotionally sensitive compared to ARIES. ARIES can learn compassion from CANCER, and CANCER can learn to be more independent, but it’s likely to be a rough road at times with much adjustment needed on both sides.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Both of you are very domestic and appreciate the simple joys of life. Others find the two of you to be very warm, friendly, and caring, and your soft and considerate attitude is greatly appreciated by your friends. If you have children, then you are very dedicated and involved parents.
The two of you would enjoy living in a quiet, fairly secluded place away from hustle and bustle. CANCER is very emotional, very attached to family and familiar surroundings and easily upset by any form of cruelty; TAURUS’s practical, grounded approach to life and gentle manner is very much appreciated by CANCER.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
CANCER is usually the one who takes care of family affairs -writing letters to family members, visiting family members, providing the emotional support and care needed by children (and adults!), and, in general, is more attentive to people’s feelings and emotional needs.
CANCER is also more attached to the past, fond memories, places, and friends than GEMINI. Sometimes GEMINI is indifferent to the concerns of CANCER, and often simply cannot become as emotionally involved about an issue or situation as CANCER.
Even if GEMINI is a caring, sensitive person, you still find concerns are expressed differently and are directed less personally than those of CANCER. GEMINI often wants to approach problems intellectually by discussing them whereas CANCER seeks a change in attitude and feels that talking often evades the underlying problems.
Many of the misunderstandings between you arise because GEMINI is more emotionally detached and rational, while CANCER is more subjective, emotionally involved, and unable to be as articulate and “reasonable” as GEMINI is. Paradoxically, you are attracted to one another for the same reason! GEMINI’s mental agility and wit appeals to CANCER, CANCER’s sensitivity and depth of feeling is attractive to GEMINI, and you both have much to learn from one another.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Both of you are very sensitive, sympathetic and emotional, with moods that shift and change like the tides. Though you may hide behind a shell of equanimity or indifference, you are really very easily hurt and take almost everything personally.
You both have deep feelings for, and sentimental attachments to, the past, your home and family, or anything or anyone you once had a close affiliation with (school, home town, friends, etc.). If your backgrounds are very different, this may be more of a problem for you both than it would be to other people, because your identification with your origins is so strong.
Both of you need to be needed, and desire a very close, secure, loving and protective relationship. Family or domesticity is extremely important to you. Because of your empathy for one another, and your similar temperaments, you blend quite well together.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Both of you take life very personally, probably more personally than you realize. Your feelings and your pride are easily wounded by criticism or lack of appreciation from the people you care about. There can be an unusually warm loving bond between you, though your temperaments are quite different.
LEO is very proud and wants recognition, appreciation, respect, and love from a partner. CANCER wants to be needed and desires sympathy, tenderness, and emotional support from a partner. LEO has difficulty accepting and expressing needs, sadness, or weakness, and is uncomfortable when CANCER expresses doubts, insecurities, weaknesses, or moodiness.
LEO is the more dominant of the two of you and is likely to take the lead in your relationship – which is fine with CANCER, who has no need to be on top.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Both of you are inclined to mood changes that, at times, can irritate each other. For example, CANCER experiences periods of melancholy, tenderness, concern, worry, nostalgia and sentimentality, which VIRGO may not understand or sympathize with.
VIRGO can suddenly become irritated and irascible over minor annoyances, and at such times, is capable of intense sarcasm and criticism, which can be extremely disconcerting to CANCER’s tender, sensitive feelings. VIRGO must be prudent, and CANCER must strive to be forgiving when things go a little awry. However, you are both capable of enormous devotion to one another (and to your children if you have them), and taking care of one another comes naturally to you.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
There are some similarities between you, and also some significant differences in your temperaments and needs.
Both of you are thoughtful, considerate, sensitive to, and aware of, other people’s needs. Having good personal relationships is very important to both of you, and you make harmony and peace in your personal lives a very high priority. You both avoid conflict and confrontation if at all possible.
The differences are thus: LIBRA is more objective, rational, and fair compared to CANCER, who is subjective, emotional, and biased by personal sympathies and loyalties. Though seemingly sympathetic, LIBRA can be surprisingly cool and intellectual when problems arise between the two of you. CANCER responds very personally and emotionally. LIBRA needs more communication and conversation than CANCER seems to.
Also, LIBRA wants to relate as an equal and a peer, while CANCER wants to mother or be mothered by a partner. So CANCER is more comfortable with becoming emotionally or financially dependent on a partner (or having the partner dependent in that way), while LIBRA wants a more egalitarian relationship. These differences can cause misunderstandings between you, but rarely are they a source of major conflict.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
It is so very easy to attach yourselves to each other! Because each of you possesses a powerful feeling nature and a tendency to bond intensely with important people in your lives, you sense in each other a basic similarity in temperaments and goals. There are differences, of course, in your natures, but this overall similarity can strengthen the bond between you.
CANCER often feels more compassion and sympathy for others, while SCORPIO may view CANCER’s feelings as sentimentality. When wounded, SCORPIO sometimes tends towards being resentful. CANCER, on the other hand, is more apt to sulk or withdraw when hurt, and usually lets the other person know (generally in a nonverbal manner!) about it. SCORPIO, by contrast, hides hurt more readily.
You may also have different attitudes towards sexuality versus love. For example, CANCER may feel that SCORPIO is sometimes more driven by instinct and lust than by love, and this may become an issue in your relationship. Overall, though, the intense bonding and emotionality of your relationship fosters a deep, lasting attachment between you. Intimacy is likely to come more easily to you as a couple than it does for others, and loyalty is important to you both.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Your natures are so different that you are bound to clash at times. Very often when SAGITTARIUS feels the urge to travel, explore, expand, and follow a new star, CANCER feels just the opposite: the urge to be close to family, to establish roots, to have children and provide for them, to be near close friends. SAGITTARIUS’s desire for freedom and exploration is often at cross purposes with CANCER’s need for security.
SAGITTARIUS tends to also be philosophical and detached about personal matters while CANCER takes a much more personal, subjective, compassionate, and emotional approach to life. Although in theory your differences can complement each other, and sometimes they do, there are times when you will have to be very creative and imaginative to find ways to meet everyone’s needs.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
In many ways the two of you are opposites. CANCER needs a lot of domestic and family activities. Nurturing others and personal involvement with others is a necessary part of life for CANCER. Family and close friends are extremely important for CANCER, while CAPRICORN often becomes emotionally detached from personal affairs and may fail to fully appreciate CANCER’s more personal, emotional responses to situations. CAPRICORN may seem dry and perhaps overly ambitious to CANCER.
Your differences can serve to complement each other only if you really understand and appreciate each other. Both of you do seek security, consistency, and fidelity in relationships, so there is a reasonably good chance that over time you will develop a greater appreciation for each other’s opposite qualities.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
CANCER is more attached to family, more nostalgic, and more domestic than AQUARIUS. AQUARIUS is very friendly but not as emotionally involved with family and has much broader tastes and interests. CANCER, for example, becomes very emotionally attached to familiar surroundings and is inclined to live in one place for a long time. AQUARIUS, on the other hand, is more willing to follow whatever direction that career changes and other demands necessitate.
AQUARIUS quickly makes new friends and does not need as high a degree of intimacy as CANCER and therefore finds the transition to new surroundings much easier. CANCER is also more concerned with having financial and material security and is more inclined to worry if circumstances are not stable and secure. CANCER needs to be needed and wants a level of emotional bonding and nurturing that AQUARIUS may be incapable of.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
There is a tremendous flow of feeling, sympathy, and emotional rapport between you, and you feel that your partner understands and empathizes with you in a way few others do. Both of you are sensitive, intuitive, receptive, and compassionate people, easily moved by emotional appeals or needs of others. A deep mutual appreciation of music and the arts is also likely.
The differences between you are: PISCES’s sympathies are more broad and universal than CANCER’s, who is more concerned with family or others who are personally dear to CANCER. “Our family” or “our circle” matters more to CANCER than to PISCES, who treats friends and strangers more equally. PISCES can be a little lax when it comes to remembering significant personal dates, like anniversaries or birthdays, whereas CANCER never is. Fortunately this difference is rather minor and unlikely to be much of problem between you.
Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below)
Remember that comparing Sun signs is just the tip of the iceberg. There is far more to compatibility! See our Venus Sign Compatibility, our Love Sign Compatibility Grid, or order an in-depth compatibility report that compares numerous factors.
More Star Sign Matches:
Aries Compatibility
Taurus Compatibility
Gemini Compatibility
Cancer Compatibility
Leo Compatibility
Virgo Compatibility
Libra Compatibility
Scorpio Compatibility
Sagittarius Compatibility
Capricorn Compatibility
Aquarius Compatibility
Pisces Compatibility
Color Codes – Sun Signs – Quick Interpretation:
Magenta Pink is Hot – Your Sun signs are trine. Your individual emotional dispositions are similar enough to understand, and different enough to be exciting.
Crimson Red is Bang-On – You share the same Sun signs. Your emotional natures are so similar, it’s uncanny. Your relationship is very intense.
Light Purple is Harmonious – Your Sun signs are sextile. You appreciate one another’s emotional style. It’s easy to collaborate with one another.
Pink is Opposites Attract! – Your Sun signs are opposite. You find each other fascinating, frustrating, and intriguing–all at the same time!
Beige is Huh? – Your Sun signs are semi-sextile. You don’t really understand each other’s styles of expressing emotions. Your relationship requires some adjustments.
Olive is Paradox – Your signs are inconjunct. If an attraction exists, it’s magnetic and binding, but it’s hard to find the reason for it, and plenty of adjustments are necessary.
Green is Clash – Your Sun signs are square. It’s very challenging to understand each other’s styles of expressing feelings, and clashes are frequent.
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**Compatibility samples from our Romantic Compatibility report.