The Gemini Woman
The Gemini Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
The Gemini Woman
A Gemini woman is two, or more, women rolled into one. Some might argue this is far too much woman altogether, but Geminis are simply who they are, making no apologies for it. The timid, the weak and the timorous need not apply. Impossible to pigeon hole, she is a will-o-wisp, a changeling, a mix of intriguing personalities. One minute demure and doting, the next ruthlessly sarcastic, Gemini can turn from Madame Jekyll, dotting her I’s and crossing her T’s with impeccable manners, to Ms. Hyde, wild and unpredictable, but no less fascinating.
A Gemini woman is extremely clever and has the ability to discuss every subject under the sun – politics, religion, travel – then just as easily switch to talking about the latest celebrity faux pas. She is incessantly curious, prodding and poking at every angle and idea, her agile mind flitting from one thought to the other faster than lightning. She is witty, quick with one-liners, and will remember the tiniest, most obscure trivia. She loves to talk, but as a means to discuss, to gather ideas and information, not simply to fill empty spaces of silence.
How do you describe a Gemini woman, enough to do her justice? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Ruled by Mercury, she is an intellectual, her mind is first class, her views original and extraordinary. Easily bored, Gemini women need constant change, movement, and communication to feel challenged and entertained. Geminis are renowned for their charm, and use it to great effect.
This combination of high intelligence, eloquence, wit and charm serves the Gemini woman well. She is often a writer, musician, playwright or politician. Famous Gemini women include Angelina Jolie, Anne Frank, Helena Bonham Carter, Joan Collins, and Kirsten Scott Thomas.
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Gemini the Twins Associations
Dates: May 22-June 21* Ruler: Mercury Element: Air Quality: Mutable Color: Yellow |
Day: Wednesday Stone: Agate Part of Body Ruled: Hands and arms Motto: I communicate Energy: Yang |
*Sun sign dates are always approximate, as starting and ending dates can vary from year to year. If you were born on a cusp and are uncertain about your Sun sign, send an email to with your full birth information and be sure to mention what you are requesting.
Possessing a natural charm and an easy way with words, the Gemini woman is well equipped to successfully take on the challenges of life. This woman can easily adapt to whatever circumstance presents itself and her calm, positive attitude is an irresistible lure to everyone she comes into contact with.
As alluring as she can be, the “twins” of the Gemini woman are never idle and do present an inconsistency to her nature. Although usually in control of her emotions, she can turn from being the hot, sensual Gemini seductress to a cool, calculating backroom lawyer in the blink of an eye.
Gemini Woman in Love
A Gemini woman is very romantic and if there are any doubts, she will keep looking. Always mercurial, she falls in and out of love perhaps more often than others, seeking perfection. However, this does not mean she is a femme fatale – most do not come up to scratch to a Gemini woman’s standards. She needs conversation, fun, and mental stimulation. Gemini women very rarely fall in love completely, preferring instead to test the waters first. Fickle dreamers, Geminis often feel that complete love is essentially utopian; therefore, she may treat love as nothing more than sport, albeit one that she excels in.
Once she does meet a perfect partner, however, a Gemini woman will completely open up all aspects of her personality to that lucky person – and there are quite a few of them! Woe betide any who starts getting complacent about winning such a prize, however, as Gemini needs to grow when she is in love, and the phrase “catching is not the same as keeping” comes to mind when Gemini women are involved.
The Gemini woman is waiting for her ideal lover to sweep her away. But her idea of the perfect mate isn’t necessarily about being tall, dark and handsome. It’s more about the ability to make her laugh with their witty sense of humor and showing her a bit of their romantic heart.
Gemini and Relationships
Enchanting, exasperating, challenging, exciting, and complex – the Gemini woman is all this and more. The duality of the Twins requires a light touch and fine balance in relationships. She needs a partner who can keep her entertained and mentally stimulated. If you can’t keep up, a Gemini will not hang around waiting for you – don’t take it too personally, but it’s not her, it’s you. It’s just that there is nothing a Gemini woman likes more than a sexy, witty exchange of word and if you cannot hold her interest, then, like a puff of wind, she’s off seeking bigger, better conquests. She wants to be nurtured and catered to, yet her nature also demands independence and movement.
A Gemini woman loves small, sentimental gestures that keep the romance alive and kicking in relationships. She appreciates original effort and in return, can play many roles in a relationship. She is the best friend, tennis partner, race competitor, cheerleader, critic, lover and fighter, all in one. When in a good relationship, Geminis are dynamic and loyal partners.
Logic powers the Gemini woman’s mind, so her instinct to rationalize an argument will often allow her to see both sides of any issue. This is good, but you still don’t want to argue with her. A skilled adversary, the Gemini woman can argue that black is white – and when she’s convinced you of that, she’ll flip it around and argue the reverse. You can try to keep up, but don’t expect to win.
Always flirtatious and forever enjoying the romantic chase, this woman does not find settling down with a single partner easy – but once that special someone is found, she will be completely devoted to the relationship.
Mercurial, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood.” Gemini ladies are unpredictable! One day she can be singing and dancing and the next she’ll barely speak a full sentence. Best of all – the Gemini woman is never boring.
Communication and sharing dreams are important to the Gemini woman. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions regarding your hopes, wishes, and regrets. She likes to delve into her partner’s mind. This is because she cares and she can’t feel close to someone without knowing their innermost thoughts.
Gemini and Friendships
The main characteristic of Gemini is their ability to see both sides in any situation. This makes her an excellent mediator between her friends. It can also be exasperating if you are trying to get a Gemini friend on your side. Gemini women value their friendships and always have new opinions or interesting thoughts to share. Being masters of communication and keen observers, they are invaluable advisors, giving rounded opinions on every subject possible. Her intellect and understanding of human nature make her a natural balance point in groups of people and you will often find a Gemini woman at the center of a close-knit circle of friends, all hanging on her every word.
The Gemini woman is intelligent and quick-witted, fun and flirtatious, and never boring. This is a winning combination that makes her likable to most people.
Gemini and Sex
Geminis are the most versatile of signs, and sex is more than just a physical activity with a Gemini woman – it is also a mental sport. She loves the chase and is always in search of the perfect lover. She wants a complete experience, a total stimulation in all the senses – sight, sound, and touch. Her lovers must excite her mind and especially, her imagination. Gemini women love to experiment and to try new things. This is not a sign for faint-hearted lovers! Open-minded and extroverted in the bedroom, Gemini women love being stroked on the hands and arms.
True to her Zodiac sign, the adventurous Gemini woman enjoys variety and constant stimulation, so her bedroom antics will keep you on your toes. With her Gemini ‘twins’ being active participants, this woman wants to please as much as she desires pleasure.
Gemini and Career
With her effective communication skills, confident nature, and logical mind, the Gemini woman can find her career path leading to successful positions in sales, the legal profession, journalism, teaching, or media opportunities.
Enjoying the limelight and being able to easily switch from kissing babies and shaking hands to razor-edged debates, she’d make an excellent politician.
Actress, writer, newscaster, public relations, politics, researcher, saleswoman, interpreter, dancer, and adventurer are all possibilities.
Gemini women are natural-born communicators and when they see a stage they want to perform on it. A camera is their friend and they’re just at home in front of the computer typing out their memoirs, scripts, novels, or news stories. The motto for Gemini is I Communicate and this is something she doesn’t fail to do.
She can sell anything from fish hooks to lacy lingerie to mansions. Her ability to talk is legendary and she can chatter away and convince almost anyone into buying almost anything.
Since the Gemini female can be so intellectual, she might even consider a career as a researcher or librarian so she can utilize that quick mind to find facts and delve into the mysteries of the ages.
Gemini and Money
Gemini women can save money if they want to, but sometimes they might prefer to buy a new coat or bathing suit or item that fuels their need at the time. Maybe they want to invest in their hobby and need to get that new pair of rollerblades or more yarn so they can crochet another afghan or sweater. Many Gemini women can be impulsive shoppers and they might have a few credit cards that have been maxed out. But when a Gemini lands a job or career that she loves, the money will be there and she can handle any extra. Also, she is an easy touch to those who really do need financial help.
Gemini and Family
Living with Gemini Woman can be like living with two different people, for Gemini is capable of thinking two different points of view at the same time. Not only that, but she can believe both of them, and justify that belief as well. That is part of Gemini’s immense charm, for she is a playful, intellectual soul who will enjoy expending her copious energy just proving to you how good her brain is. She has a constant need to be on the move, to express herself and to communicate with others. She is the woman in the crowd with her mobile phone glued to her ear, keeping in touch, phoning the world.
At home, she is sometimes too busy to concentrate on domesticity. She is content to let someone else take the responsibility for the bills and the cleaning and will happily coexist with the family in an atmosphere that is free and relaxed. She wants her nearest and dearest to be able to express their individuality as much as she does and she will always encourage her children in this. She is a tolerant and caring parent but she can become a bit short-tempered with kids that are rowdy, or too demanding of her time.
Gemini and Health
Gemini women are known to retain a youthful look for years longer than others (Virgo women, also ruled by Mercury, are known for this as well). Part of the reason for a youthful appearance is their attitude and manner. Geminis can especially benefit from efforts to calm the thoughts if they race too much or delay sleep. Gemini rules the arms and hands, but internally, it rules respiration, and this can be vulnerable in some Gemini women, with asthma a possible problem. The happiest, healthiest Geminis have mastered breathing and calming exercises.
Gemini and Fashion
Playful and flirty, a Gemini woman tends to be noticed for her fun, quirky fashion sense. She loves trends and the changing of the seasons, pioneering new looks and different styles, then tweaking them to be uniquely hers. A Gemini woman usually needs a walk-in closet to house all her outfits – one for each of her many mercurial moods. Her taste for colors is subtle, and her preference is for light, airy materials like chiffon or fine cotton. A true bag lady, Geminis love purses and totes, as well as other arm and hand candy-like rings, bangles, and bracelets.
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The Gemini Woman – Sun sign dates
The Gemini Woman: Decanates
May 22 – 31 – Gemini/Gemini Decanate – This Gemini has the gift of gab, and, if stuck in a long line at the supermarket, will chat others up. Those born in this time period have a natural blend of creativity and logic.
June 1 – 11 – Gemini/Libra Decanate – due to the combination of Mercury and Venus, there is a possibility of a career in the legal system. Those born around this time can also be highly artistic and analytical.
June 12 – 21 – Gemini/Aquarius Decanate – those born nearest to summer are influenced by the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. With the influence of Uranus, they can have more friends and/or be involved in more groups. They can also be even more unique than others born in May and early June.
The Gemini Woman: Fashion & Style
Ask the Gemini woman what she thinks about fashion, and you’ll be lucky to get a word in edgewise. The lively Gemini woman knows all the latest trends, and the latest goss, and is streets ahead of most in the fashion stakes.
With the Gemini woman, everything is ‘so five minutes ago’. She loves to shop with a gaggle of girlfriends and the mall is her second home. This is the woman who will accessorize her sweat pants. She is a big plus on personality – both of them – and changes her mind faster than a race driver changes gears. She loves to buy two of everything.
Depending on which personality is in charge, her fashion sense absolutely rocks – or crashes and burns. But whatever she wears, she wears it with style and is always off to a party, a meeting, or a date with her cell phone plastered to her ear.
Communication is the Gemini ‘thing’. When she sits still long enough, she will be found in chat rooms. When she goes out, she may forget her earrings, but never her Blackberry. When she talks, she talks fast, using her hands to add expression, and what she doesn’t know about the doings of celebrities isn’t worth knowing.
When it comes to fashion and beauty, magazines and celeb websites are her sources. What is the latest hot thing being worn now? She knows, and probably already has two of them in her wardrobe. You won’t guess much about her from her wardrobe, however, as she will have piles of outfits, from fabulous to funky, from sweats to gorgeous gowns, from running shoes to six-inch high heeled wonders.
She is the same with jewelry and accessories. Each outfit must have its own bag and shoes, some must-have scarves, some must-have belts. What doesn’t she like? Anything that covers her mouth or her ears – she likes to be able to talk and hear what’s going on. She will probably have dozens of pairs of sunglasses, lots of chains, and some really fine bling. But she probably doesn’t know where any of it is.
Her do’s must be easy to manage, although she enjoys the gossipy atmosphere of the hairdresser and beauty salon. Her hands are important. She will take a manicure over a facial any day. The gamin look suits the Gemini woman perfectly, and she will have the shiniest lip gloss on the block. She always succeeds in careers that demand good communication, and people skills, and she knows that looking good helps her get noticed. After all, she could be a TV anchor or talk show host one day!
Potential lovers often find the Gemini woman confusing – is she serious or isn’t she? This is a woman who can talk on the phone while she’s necking. Some think that the Gemini woman is a hopeless flirt, but they just don’t understand her essential nature. She enjoys friends of all orientations, and will often have close girl and guy friends. She sees no reason to drop her friends when she is in a close relationship, so a jealous, possessive lover just may not be what she needs. Another free and easy air sign, Libra or Aquarius, or her own opposite sign of Sagittarius will suit her best. The Air signs understand her need to communicate and stay in touch, and Sagittarius isn’t clingy.
It may take time for the Gemini woman to settle down and find the right partner to satisfy both sides of her personality. But while she may be undecided about commitment, she knows what she wants when it comes to sex. A partner’s voice will be an issue – she loves a sexy voice whispering sweet nothings. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can be a relationship breaker. Touch is also important – a Gemini woman can tell a lot about a person by their hands.
Wherever she lives, the Gemini woman will get to know the ins and outs of her neighborhood, and will enjoy apartment living that puts her at the center of things. Her taste is as eclectic as her style, but she will probably not care too much for heavy old furniture, even if it is the finest antique. She is more likely to have the latest laptop and home entertainment unit than a four-poster bed, and far more likely to be out and about than stuck at home anyway.
See Also:
Gemini Horoscopes:
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Gemini Monthly Horoscope
Gemini Yearly Love Horoscope
Gemini Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Gemini Good Days Calendar
2025 Preview Gemini Horoscope
2025 Gemini Yearly Horoscope
All About Gemini
Gemini Ascendant
Gemini Compatibility:
Gemini Sun Sign Compatibility
Gemini Moon Sign Compatibility
Gemini Venus Sign Compatibility
Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Her Report. The report averages 25 pages long, and it’s all about a woman’s styles in love, in relationship, and in bed.
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