The Aries Woman
The Aries Woman: Love, Sexuality, Friendship, Style
The Aries Woman
“Let’s get started!” is an Aries woman’s battle cry. Eager and enthusiastic, she is the alpha female of the pack, always at the front of the queue and kick-starting everything from projects to dinner dates.
A fearless and natural leader, an Aries woman is charismatic, energetic, and dynamic. She looks forward to new challenges and novel situations, and is up at the crack of dawn each day, raring to go. This is because for the Ram, every day is bound to be exciting and rewarding.
She has a marvelous sense of adventure and can be extremely playful. Some famous Aries women include Sarah Jessica Parker, Kiera Knightley, Jennifer Garner, Lucy Lawless, and Marcia Cross.
The sign of Aries is governed by fire, and like other fire signs, an Aries woman is passionate. She is often the seducer in the game of love, but her partner and lover has to be strong and a match for her own personality or she will lose interest. She wants someone who can go head-to-head, whether over dinner or between the sheets. She likes to get her own way, and arguments are often the Arian version of foreplay, leading to some sexy fireworks later on.
Aries the Ram Associations
Dates: March 21-April 20* Ruler: Mars Element: Fire Quality: Cardinal Color: Red |
Day: Tuesday Stone: Diamond Part of Body Ruled: Head Motto: I am Energy: Yang |
*Sun sign dates are always approximate, as starting and ending dates can vary from year to year.
The impulsive Aries woman runs on high-octane and will often find herself taking on more tasks than she’s able to complete.
Ruled by the Ram, this ambitious lady thrives on challenge, but her impatient nature may have her moving to the next undertaking before the previous one is finished.
Never lacking in optimism, the Aries woman is frequently seen as a crusader for the rights of others and a defender of lost causes. Popularity of the project makes no difference to her. As long as she believes in the cause, it will be pursued with all the vigor and enthusiasm this woman can give.
Ruled by Mars and the first sign of zodiac, the sign of Aries is the baby in the karmic wheel of life. An Aries woman possesses eternal optimism, always looking forward and rarely back. She is a natural born leader.
An Aries woman is often imitated but never duplicated. She can cause a stir at times, but generally only arouses anger in those who secretly wish they could be like her! If you are brave enough to criticize her, you’d better be ready to defend yourself, too – an Aries woman is unafraid to talk back.
Whatever you may say about the Aries woman, you can’t say she’s all talk and no action!
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Aries in Love
Going where no woman has gone before, Aries women are always seeking true love. She sometimes finds it, and when she does it is very difficult to withstand her mesmerizing charm. When you meet an Aries woman, the first thing to strike you is her sense of intensity and intrigue. She is a challenge, with hidden depths and complex thoughts.
The Ram blossoms when she meets her perfect partner, becoming more sensual, understanding, and emotional. Everything becomes extreme, and life is sharpest and most colorful for her when she is in love. She loves to be stroked and caressed and needs lovers who will assure her that she is first and foremost in their life.
Although she comes across as strong, she is inwardly vulnerable. She loves high romance and the grand gesture, but also all the little caring ones in between. She does not like to be possessed, but occasional displays of possessiveness or jealousy can be much appreciated, as she considers these, if in healthy moderation, signs that her partners knows she is valuable. She is sometimes jealous, but the jealousy arises from insecurity, and she responds well and quickly to reassurance from her partners that dispel her fears.
If you are lucky enough to capture the attention of an Aries woman, keeping that attention will be the challenge if you are up to it. She often prefers partners who have exciting personalities because this woman is in no way a shrinking violet. An Aries woman is very capable of getting along in this world without you. If you don’t notice this on your own, she can tell you as much in no uncertain terms.
She relates to all people as equals, yet she has a competitive streak as well. Her extravagant and romantic natures are intertwined. The partner who truly comes through for her will be made to feel like the most special person that walks the earth. She is direct, sometimes shockingly so, but has an approach that is extremely endearing.
Aries is ruled by fiery Mars, and is an active, positive, and assertive sign. Her appeal is direct, straightforward, and naive. Her main challenge is to learn about others’ needs.
When it comes to attraction, Aries’ secret weapon is positivity. Even the shyer Aries seem to have an inner confidence that you do really want her. She is quite sure that she can win you over, and there is an almost innocent aura about her that can be a huge turn-on. Innocent is probably not the word you’d use to describe her in general; but her confidence and enthusiasm radiate an appealingly direct, sincere, and simple personality that can be hard to resist. In a pinch, Aries will rarely come across as desperate or needy.
If cornered, her confidence that you’ll forgive her for any perceived wrongdoing usually saves the day. How can you disappoint, let alone turn down, a person who is so sure you couldn’t possibly think she’s anything less than perfect for you? She doesn’t apologize; she simply moves forward and expects you will too.
The old adage that “opposites attract” doesn’t seem to hold true for Aries, at least in the “strength of character” department. She is not one to fall for a sob story. She is attracted to a person with an obvious backbone and a large sense of adventure and fun, just like her.
She is not known as the most compassionate person around–she tends to have a “get over yourself” attitude to people hung up on their problems. You might learn a little something from her, and that is that the present and future count much more than the past. Her motto may as well be: “make the most of what comes, and the least of what goes”.
Aries really does love the hunt and the chase. This doesn’t mean she will never settle down, but it does mean you have to do your share to keep things exciting. When she gets all fired up about something or someone, she is completely passionate and right there in the moment. If you are the object of her desire, you are greater than life–she lives and breathes you, at least for the time being. Whether this passion lasts or not is the question. Keep it exciting and it probably will.
Her sincere, straight-to-the-point, and direct approach is hard to resist. If you are the one who she is passionate about right now, there will be no mistake in your mind that she wants you. Caught up in her passion and enthusiasm, she trusts you completely. She’s also sure that she’s right for you.
In love, she is not a typical romantic. She doesn’t require wining and dining. She definitely needs attention, but if you make yourself too available or too easy, she could begin to feel stifled.
Aries and Relationships
The chase, the hunt, that heart-thumping adrenaline rush from claiming her prize – these are the things that Aries women love. She will take risks in love, but in a relationship she is also very much a give-and-take partner. Sparks usually fly, and often, when an Arian woman is involved, but this merely adds to the glint of excitement in her eye.
Can’t stand the heat? Then move away from the fire. Aries women need a lover who can stimulate them and can be fiercely loyal lovers. Her occasional temper flare-ups are usually hot and quick, and will be followed by the very enjoyable task of making up. The Aries woman’s perfect partner is someone who can juggle knives and fire, drive fast cars, and, most importantly of all, is never dull.
Aries and Friendships
Arians are like flash floods – bringing excitement and chaos one minute, gone the next. Friendships with the Ram are often brilliantly intense, yet can also be fleeting, although she does keep select close friendships that last. She has a wide circle of friends because she has constantly changing interests and not everyone can keep up all the time.
That edge of danger and unpredictability that Arian women wear like a second skin is very attractive, and she never has any problems making new acquaintances. Her independence can also be jarring to some girlfriends. Arian women don’t need a big entourage on her nights out, just a few like-minded people up for anything will do. She is a whirlwind of fun, warm and totally unpredictable; an Aries friend will always be entertaining.
Aries and Sexuality
The Ram is really a sheep in tiger hide when it comes to sex. She loves the hunt and is a strong, physical lover. No experiment is too outlandish for the Aries woman – after all, you have to try it before you knock it! Similarly, no location is out of bounds for her – beach, pool, car, park bench, or dentist chair – the Aries woman probably has experienced them all. Their lovers must be able to satisfy them, or Arian women will move, and quickly too. Eroticism is an important and mental connection for her, and she is a passionate and demanding lover.
An Aries woman is often one of the few who effectively separate love and sex. She could find it easier to express herself sexually than intimately, and she tends to move slower if love is involved. Although she can be a sometimes aggressive force sexually, she often wants her partner to mirror her own passion and openness. Experimental and open-minded, she will push the envelope to feel pleasure and will expect the same from her partner. An Aries woman believes no advance is taboo or unwanted if it is between two people who love each other.
Sexually, Aries is very physical. Sex is almost like a sport for her, particularly if she has Moon and/or Mars in Aries. Aries rather naturally falls into a dominant or at least leading role, but she will do whatever comes naturally at the moment, so you can never really tie her down to a particular category.
Her passion is not of the brooding, sensual variety. It is more of a “right here, right now” passion that might better be described as enthusiasm. She loves adventurous sex, whether it’s trying something new or doing it somewhere, anywhere, other than a bed.
Aries and Career
With the Ram leading her, it’s no surprise that the Aries woman falls naturally into leadership roles. She would rather give orders than take them.
Being a go-getter, this woman is not well suited for repetitive jobs and will easily become bored and restless if she’s not given a challenge. Needing constant change in her life, the Aries woman would do well as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, stockbroker, or even a professional athlete. Given her ambitious nature and eagerness to tackle new challenges, the Aries woman would obviously do well as an entrepreneur.
Whatever path the Aries woman chooses to follow, it will lead to success.
Aries and Money
Independence is a major need for the Aries woman and having control of her financial resources plays an important role in this. Money is never a real concern to this woman and putting something aside for a rainy day simply isn’t a part of her economic routine.
She will use a bank, but would be quite content to hide her money under the mattress where she can quickly get her hands on it.
Generosity is a wonderful trait that many of the spring-born women share -especially with those they are fond of. Aries love nothing more than to be the hero and rescue someone in need.
Aries and Family
The Aries woman is loyal to a fault as long as there is no challenge to her unconditional love and trust. You will always know where you stand with an Aries woman as long as you remain in good standing with her.
Defense is a big them in an Aries’ life. She protects those objects and people that belong to her fiercely. If an outsider attacks her loved ones, whether verbally, emotionally, or physically, she is there in a heartbeat to protect and defend, and she always comes out a winner. Those who are fortunate enough to be beloved by an Aries woman generally feel safe and secure knowing they have her on their side.
As a mother, she’s caring and not very fussy. She will fight tooth and nail for her children, and is keen for them to do well. She will also be at her best as a parent if she also has interests outside the home, either a job or an absorbing hobby.
The Aries woman can be impatient at times, but she has boundless energy and is always busily engaged in some activity or another. She delights in seeing her children strong and independent, and will thoroughly encourage these traits. She does not usually fit the role of traditional mother, and has her very own style of parenting that she calls her own, and that works very well for her and her family.
Aries and Health
Red is a good color for the Aries woman and that’s the shade her face will turn when she’s excited, scared, or embarrassed. Always active, she maintains a healthy weight, but it’s not without some conscious effort and sacrifice to stay that way.
Eating nutritiously and getting proper exercise are not her favorite pastimes, so it’s an endless battle to stay away from sweet desserts, chocolate, and sugared drinks. Aries rules the head, and in astrology, perhaps curiously, the ruling body parts are generally more vulnerable areas. As such, Aries women can suffer from more headaches than most signs.
Aries and Fashion
Chances are if you’re an Arian woman you’re the first one to spot any new trends, first to put your name on the waitlist for the latest It bag, and first to wear it out amongst your friends. The Ram is always ahead of the game, and she is most definitely a fearless, feisty trendsetter. Anything goes, even the most daring of styles. Aries women love red, as befits a fire sign.
Her wardrobe spills over with all sorts of shapes, silhouettes, colors, and fabrics. A little bling never hurts either and Aries women usually wear sparkling accessories to accentuate their look. Aries women can also do casual quite well. Sporty clothes appeal to her.
Her main gemstone is the diamond. Diamonds are especially appropriate worn as earrings because the body part ruled by Aries is the head. Diamonds are associated with strength, innocence, and purity–some of the key positive qualities associated with Aries. Her main color is red. Aries generally looks best in white, black, and red. Her choice of wardrobe is neither flowery nor frilly, as she tends to prefer sporty styles. While she is rarely subtle, she is usually not overdone either.
One of Aries’ strongest characteristics–enthusiasm for all that is new–can come through in her style and wardrobe choices. She is all for trying something new, but she often loses interest in her passions quickly. So, that new outfit, piece of jewelry, or beauty product that she just had to have may not hold her interest for long before the next new thing comes along! Aries isn’t fond of any style that takes too long to maintain–fussing over details isn’t her forte.

The Aries Woman – March 21 to April 20 (approximate)
The Aries Woman: Decanates
March 21 – 30 – Aries/Aries Decanate – Aries magnified. This one is a bit more assertive than other Ariens.
March 31 – April 9 – Aries/Leo Decanate – the Arian traits are combined with the Leonine ones. Those born in early April tend to be more interested in achieving power and can be more ambitious along with that other Leonine tendency to party and be the center of attention.
April 10 – 20 – Aries/Sagittarius Decanate – here we have a combination of a spring fire sign and a winter fire sign. Sagittarians also like to party and have fun, and the tendency for that Jupiter good luck to strike when most needed is always something an Aries appreciates.
The Aries Woman: Fashion & Style
It’s sales time, the doors open, and a high heeled charge to the bargain racks is led by – guess who? The Aries woman will get there first and bag the bargains before the other signs have time to think.
Sales time is the best example of the competitive, A-type Aries woman. No one gets in her way when she goes after what she wants, whether it’s a markdown on Manolos or a great deal on Gucci. Ruled by Mars, the God of War, Aries comes out fighting when the chips are down.
The Aries woman never needed liberating – she was always free as a bird and well able to run her own life. The highly competitive Aries woman succeeds wherever there is a goal to be reached, in sport and in business. Aries has the drive and the will to get ahead–and looks fabulous all the way.
In keeping with her ruling planet, the Aries woman has a killer fashion style. She hates fuss, but she loves bling; won’t wear frills, but shines in leather; has no time for florals, but looks hotter than hot with a single red flower pinned to her lapel.
She has a natural love of clean, active, athletic styles, and keeps fit by participating in sport, or spending hours with a personal trainer. Looking fit is very important to an Aries woman. She loves the lean and leggy look and dresses to show off her athletic body.
But when it comes to dressing up, few do it better. She looks fabulous in long lean gowns and punchy pieces of bling that stand out. Not for her the heavily laden gold chain look – that would weigh her down. But a single, fantastic pendant or clunky bracelet sets off her look to perfection.
The Aries woman doesn’t like fuss, so her hair is sleek and simple, and can be styled up for grand occasions, or just left to its own devices when she is pursuing a goal. She can put on the warpaint with the best of them, but most of the time she likes skin care and make-up that can be put on in a hurry. Products that do double duty suit her fine – shampoo and conditioner in one, and a moisturizer that tones and protects from the sun at the same time are essential items in her beauty arsenal.
Because the Aries woman instinctively believes that good looks come from within, and watches her diet and exercises regularly, she is naturally attractive, and when it comes to getting her lover, she can!
It takes a strong person with a healthy ego to take on an Aries woman. She doesn’t wait around to be asked, and she goes for what she wants. She often takes the lead in initiating a new relationship, risking rejection, because she has no time to waste on games. She enjoys flirtation, but she knows what she wants and if she isn’t interested, she won’t respond. The Aries woman is well able to take care of herself.
In love and sex, she likes to take the lead, and she makes it clear what her preferences are, so lovers will always know where they stand with her. She won’t waste time on a relationship that is going nowhere, unless that’s the way she wants it. She is very passionate and headstrong, and likely to rush into relationships on impulse, but if she changes her mind, it will be just as quickly. She needs a partner who can keep up with her, but if the relationship gets too competitive, it could be a clash of egos that will end in an explosion.
She is very direct, and she speaks her mind. If a lover steps out of line, they will hear about it. She won’t brood or withdraw or plan elaborate revenge. She will just speak her mind and move on. But when love comes along, even the Aries woman will cut a person some slack, especially if they are strong, romantic people who are happy in their own skin.
Her ideal match is another fire sign (Leo and Sagittarius) or her opposite sign, Libra. The fire signs share her sense of adventure, while a calm and centered Libran will be her rock.
But whatever the Aries woman does, it will be with her whole heart and soul. There are no half measures with this sign. What you see is what you get. Just how many people say they hate games in relationships? So much that it’s almost become a cliché. Aries women can actually say they don’t play games, and it’s the truth.
See Also:
Aries Horoscopes:
Aries Daily Horoscope
Aries Monthly Horoscope
Aries Yearly Love Horoscope
Aries Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Aries Good Days Calendar
2025 Aries Preview Horoscope
2025 Aries Yearly Horoscope
All About Aries
Aries Ascendant
Aries Compatibility:
Aries Sun Sign Compatibility
Aries Moon Sign Compatibility
Aries Venus Sign Compatibility
Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Her Report. The report averages 25 pages long, and it’s all about a woman’s styles in love, in relationship, and in bed.
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