The Libra Woman
The Libra Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
The Libra Woman
If King Solomon were a Queen, he would have been a Libran woman. The Libran woman embodies fairness, justice, and balance. She is represented by the scales, ideally weighted, flawless and complete. Librans are sociable and have a gift for communication.
She is charismatic and captivating, drawing people to her naturally and easily.
The very epitome of yin and yang, Libran women are a fascinating mix of rationale logic and erratic emotion, shooting holes in your flawed opinions then making up for winning the argument with her charm. However she is always open to reason and common sense and will good-naturedly admit her mistakes if you can logically talk her onto your side.
Celebrity Librans include Gywneth Paltrow, Linda McCartney, Annie Liebowitz, Anne Rice and Sigourney Weaver.
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Libra the Balance Associations
Dates: September 22 – October 23* Ruler: Venus Element: Air Quality: Cardinal Color: Blue, Rose |
Day: Friday Stone: Sapphire, Opal, Tourmaline Part of Body Ruled: Lumbar, buttocks Motto: I balance Energy: Yang |
*Sun sign dates are always approximate, as starting and ending dates can vary from year to year and are sensitive to time zones. If you were born on a cusp and are uncertain of your Sun sign, send an email to with your full birth information and be sure to mention what you are requesting. Or, use the What’s My Sun sign? tool.
Libra Women in Love
Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, and Libran women seek harmonizing partnerships. In love, Libras seek equilibrium, the perfect lover who will shower her with paper hearts and fresh flowers. She takes pleasure in being loved, and will be utterly devoted to her chosen one. Although Libras may seem cool, calm and collected, they can be very playful and romantic when they relax. Libran women do not play games when they fall in love. They are scrupulously impartial and sometimes painfully honest. No mind games here please, it’s simply not fair.
Libras and Relationships
Libra women and their all-seeing, all-encompassing views establish strong relationships with their lovers because in arguments, they will always try to see the other party’s point of view. Her rationality and cool logic often mean that hot-tempered arguments peter out into quiet talks and meek retractions instead. She oscillates between independent and subservient, depending on what is deemed correct at the time. Librans want a partner who can provide them with advice and support, and they seek a matched relationship that is harmonious and steady. Her most compatible partners are the Aquarius and Gemini signs.
Librans and Friendships
The ability to weight out options and possibilities can often cause indecision in Libran women. Your Libra friend may leave you frustrated when she cannot choose between what movies to watch, but take heart; her vacillation is on your behalf. Libras make excellent friends, and will take into account your taste, preferences, needs, and wants as if they were her own. It’s that famous sense of fairness coming into play again. Librans love company, and will surround themselves with friends and family. They are usually found chumming about with Leo and Sagittarius.
Libras and Sexuality
An intellectual like her other Air sisters, the Libra woman treats sex as a mental exercise. Her approach in the bedroom is to consider what her own needs, as well as her lover’s are, then go about providing. This translates into a desire to please and Librans love seduction and foreplay, with plenty of sexy pillow talking leading the way into the main event. A gifted and attractive bedroom partner, a Libran woman appreciates the same treatment that she is dishing out, and will work towards achieving physical perfection in the bedroom with her lucky lover.
Libras and Fashion
“Does my bum look big in this?” is a question Libran women never have to ask themselves. Blessed with superb taste and a critical eye, a Libra woman never finds herself in a fashion crisis, even if she does take awhile to choose which outfit best suits. She has chic tastes but will dare to be different by dressing up a classical look with an unexpected accessory. A perfectionist, Libran women are always pulled together, not a stray hair out of place, the entire outfit balanced and subtle. Makeup is usually light and natural, with colors matched and coordinated.

The Libra Woman – Sun sign dates
The Libra Woman: Style
Grace and charm are the birthright of the Libra woman. This sign is ruled by lovely Venus, and her Libran daughters personify everything that is feminine. The Libra woman has an inborn instinct to know how to dress for each occasion, and how to present herself at her best no matter where she is.
The Libran woman tends to find her own style, rather than slavishly follow fashion. Not that she doesn’t love fashion, she loves it to die for, but she knows what suits her, and, if necessary, she will adapt the latest styles to make sure they are flattering. She knows that fashion should not overpower or obliterate the person. So she will always have something unique about her, even if she is wearing the same clothes as everyone else.
The Libra woman isn’t as concerned with timeless quality as some other signs. She wants something that make her look good now, for the occasion or work she is engaged in, something that fits her lifestyle and her mood. This can be casual jeans and halter top, or it can be a ball gown. The Libra woman never looks out of place.
She enjoys shopping, especially with friends. Shopping is a social occasion, which includes stopping at favorite coffee shops and getting to know the assistants at her favorite stores. They are not just faceless people to the Libra woman, She enjoys getting to know people, and finding common interests. While many of her relationships may seem trivial or fleeting, all of them are important to her, part of her groove.
Like any woman, she loves a bargain, but won’t mind if she doesn’t find one, just as long as she finds what she wants. The Libran woman loves well-fitting jeans and pretty tops, and she shops hard for appropriate clothes for work and play. She doesn’t believe in over-accessorizing, but a great bag or pair of shoes will put her on top of the world. She looks just as stunning casually dressed as she does dressed up for a night on the town.
The Libran woman tends to prefer her hair long, with lots of layering and highlights. Her fresh complexion is often her best asset and she likes to play this up with a light hand in makeup. She loves light, glossy make-up, and fruity flavored lip gloss is one of her obsessions. She may have every flavor on the market.
Fragrance is one of the most important beauty aids to the Libra woman. She loves to smell good, and chooses cosmetics for their fragrance as well as their usefulness. She is obsessive about her teeth, probably wore braces and now loves to smile and laugh and show off her straight teeth. She may have several different brushes and toothpaste, as well as mouthwash, dental floss, and tooth whitener.
She favors simple pieces of jewelry with sentimental value over buckets of bling. A simple locket with a picture of a loved one, or ID bracelet may be all she wears. Her natural simplicity is often very sexy, and irresistibly attractive. She never seems to lack for friends and lovers, and falls in and out of love easily, but what does it take to win the heart of this Mall Princess?
Honesty and sincerity, it’s as simple as that. Her judgment can often be faulty, but not for long. She is still charming about it, but while she will put up with a lot from the one she loves, an outright lie is usually the last straw. She fares best with another air sign, Gemini or Aquarius, as they recognize her need for honest communication. But when it comes to sheer excitement, she often falls for her opposite sign, Aries.
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The Libra woman is all about romance. She believes in true love and wants to give her heart to someone who will cherish it. Gemini may just be too commitment-shy, and Aquarius can be hard to reach, but a strong, capable Aries will be both her protector and her prince/princess.
For a person with goals to meet and places to go, the Libran woman is the perfect partner. She will keep a lovely home, never belittle her partner in public, and will always look her best. But sometimes all this perfection can be hard to keep up – then she needs someone who will take her away for a wild weekend and keep her laughing and loved up until her sides ache.
See Also:
Libra Daily Horoscope
Libra Monthly Horoscope
Libra Yearly Horoscope
Libra Yearly Love Horoscope
Libra Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Libra Good Days Calendar
2025 Libra Preview Horoscope
2025 Libra Yearly Horoscope
All About Libra
Libra Ascendant
Libra Sun Sign Compatibility
Libra Moon Sign Compatibility
Libra Venus Sign Compatibility
Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Her Report. The report averages 25 pages long, and it’s all about a woman’s styles in love, in relationship, and in bed.
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