The Capricorn Woman
The Capricorn Woman: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
The Capricorn Woman
Dressed in a sharp suit and peering over the top of her horn-rimmed glasses, you’ll find a Capricorn woman chairing the executive meeting, spinning big deals out of thin air. Climbing every mountain and crossing every stream, she is the powerhouse of the zodiac. Her lofty ambition and inner drive often leave everyone else behind in the dust. Beware those delicate horns though, as she will toss anything out of the way to make her date with destiny.
Capricorn women can be stubborn and are not easily led astray from their chosen paths. Their independence and natural leadership skills are often the envy of the rest of the herd. This is an alpha female who will kick out if provoked, though she seldom loses her cool, preferring a lighter touch to obtain results.
Incredibly tough, a Capricorn woman will weather any storm, disappointment or tragedy, calmly rising ever upwards. Famous Capricorn women trotting into the limelight include Siena Miller, Kate Moss, Marlene Dietrich, and Janis Joplin.
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Capricorn the Goat Associations
Dates: December 22-January 20* Ruler: Saturn Element: Earth Quality: Cardinal Color: Brown |
Day: Saturday Stone: Amber, Onyx Part of Body Ruled: Knee, Bones Motto: I master Energy: Yin |
*Sun sign dates, no matter which sign, are always approximate since starting and ending dates can vary from year to year and are sensitive to time zones. If you were born on a cusp and are uncertain of your Sun sign, send an email to with your full birth information and be sure to mention what you are requesting. Or, use the What’s My Sun sign? tool to find your sign.
The Capricorn woman longs for security. She can be traditional, organized, and responsible. Is she as serious and hard-working as her reputation? To a degree. Beneath her reserved exterior lurks a wonderful sense of humor. Ms. Capricorn can tell jokes with such an air of seriousness that it may surprise the listener. In reality, the Capricorn woman can be lighter and livelier than her male sun sign counterpart – but not so much as to confuse her with a Fire sign. There is almost always something guarded or reserved about her.
The tenth sign of the zodiac, the Capricorn woman is a dependable individual who is not fond of indiscriminate gossip, but can listen to people’s problems and offer excellent advice. She is very loyal to her friends and is respectful of other’s needs.
Capricorns in Love
A Capricorn woman neither falls in love at first sight nor wastes time on mindless flirtations. Love is serious stuff and should not to be trifled with. She believes in love, but she will have no truck with fate. Ever convinced of her own abilities, she takes matters of the heart into her own hands, though it may be awhile before she makes her move. Observant and discriminating, she spends some time to get to know her partner, and will usually allow herself to fall in love completely when all the outcomes have been considered. Sometimes, however, she is taken off guard, and emotions overcome her.
Capricorn and Relationships
Appearances may be deceiving when it comes to Capricorns. Although seemingly almost submissive in relationships, her innate independence will never allow a Capricorn woman to let a partner lead her by the yoke. She is an equal partner in a relationship, and will stand by her mate when the going gets tough. The perfect relationship with a Capricorn woman is one with a combination of love, security, and the golden touch of success. Add a dash of unpredictability to keep things exciting, and you have a winning partnership that will go the distance.
Capricorn and Friendships
The Goat has a pragmatic approach to her friendships. She has her own cliques, which may be difficult to break into. However once you’ve learned the little ins and outs of the social group, the herd will accept you as one of their own. Expect some mothering from your Capricorn friend. She will be on hand with guidance and advice should you ever need it, and will sometimes make plans for you that you didn’t know you had. Devoted to those who have made the grade from outsider to inner circle, the Capricorn woman will often go to great lengths for her friendships. She is most often found socializing with Scorpio and Pisces.
Logic and overly realistic views of life overrule her emotions to the extent that the Capricorn woman may come across as being aloof and unattached, but this is not who she is, and her friends know it.
As detached as she may sometimes seem to outsiders, the Capricorn woman is extremely loyal to her friends and family, and these people will rely on her to give comfort in times of need, to provide her no-nonsense advice when asked.
Capricorn and Sex
While the Capricorn woman would like you to believe that she is the epitome of cool, calm pragmatism, nothing could be further from the truth in the bedroom. If you unpeel a Capricorn woman out of her boardroom suit, or her reserved and understated casual wear, you will find a willing, passionate lover, eager to experiment between the sheets. She won’t need flash or fanciful fantasies, just an emotional connection with her lover. Only strong, thoughtful, and sexy partners need apply, as the Capricorn woman will take you through your paces and is likely to outlast you!
Capricorn and Career
Medicine, military, mom, politician, athlete, banker, manager, construction, the arts, business owner – these are some of the professions associated with the sign.
While there are many Capricorn performers, there are even more that choose a life behind the scenes in directing, producing, or management. Ms. Capricorn is comfortable working in an organized and structured environment where she will offer her many skills. She does seek to move up in the business world and when she gets there she’ll make a very good boss. However, she won’t make impulsive, premature moves in order to get there. Security is very important to her. She is responsible and accountable.
Capricorn and Money
Even as a child, Ms. Capricorn probably had a savings account, piggy bank or both. This sign can be very frugal as they are not only saving for a rainy day but also to enjoy their retirement years. Capricorns have a much stronger awareness of time than the other signs, and they do worry about their future. Money equals security to them. The more money this woman has the more generous she can be with it if she chooses to. However, although Capricorn women do tend to hold on tightly to their money and possessions, they are generally not greedy or excessively materialistic. They simply feel too vulnerable and insecure without a solid backup plan.
The Capricorn woman knows that it takes hard work and disciplined patience to be successful, so her finances are typically in order and plans for the future are established to provide steady growth and financial stability in her later years.
You’ll not find any risk taking ventures in her portfolio. She’s not typically a gambler, but if she does play some games, don’t expect big bets or squandering of any winnings. When those bells ring she’ll cash in and call it a day.
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Capricorn and Fashion
Status and image are important to a Capricorn, and you will rarely find the goat with a messy coat. Her outfits are sharp and individual, much like herself, and usually comprise business suits and pointed heels when at work. Off duty, her style is relaxed but never overly casual. A Capricorn woman is not a label diva, preferring practical clothes over ridiculous straight-off-the-catwalk concoctions. Accessories and expensive jewelry are a Capricorn’s favorite splurges.

Capricorn Woman
The Capricorn Woman: Style
The Capricorn woman is the essence of practicality. Her mind is set on more important things than mere fashion, but if fashion can help her reach her goals, then she’s all over it. She may even choose fashion as a career, but she won’t be romantic about it. Quality and durability are her watchwords, whether she is dressing herself or others.
Her wardrobe might be quite sparse, by fashionista standards, but everything in it will be there for a purpose. She will choose her casual clothes with as much care as her dressier styles, and her office wear. Like all earth signs, she cannot bear shoddy workmanship, or clothes that don’t fit the occasion. She accessorizes with discriminating taste. Not for her the cheap and gaudy trinket or the wildly eye-catching bling. A neat watch, a tidy chain, and even a string of pearls may be all she owns.
The tailored look suits the Capricorn woman to a T. She thrives in the corporate atmosphere, or anywhere she can exercise her practical skills, and will dress accordingly. She doesn’t care for fuss, although she likes to look her best. Oddly enough, her hair may be the one area where she breaks out. Although she will usually have it in a neat, easy care ‘do, she may suddenly turn into a blonde or a redhead on a whim. Everyone has their wild streak.
The Capricorn woman shops with precision. She studies the catalogs and makes note of the stores that stock what she likes. She isn’t averse to a bargain either, and will shamelessly haggle if she thinks something is overpriced. She knows her own style and won’t be talked into buying what she doesn’t want – she is the bane of shop attendants, since she will return anything that doesn’t live up to its advertising and demand a refund. She will usually get it too.
There is a warm and nurturing side to a Capricorn woman, though, that makes her a well-loved friend. It will be rare to find anyone in her circle that will say a word against her. They can all cite times when she was the only one there for them. The loyalty of a Capricorn woman is something to cherish.
She is rarely as loyal to her beauty routines. She likes to keep them as simple and no-fuss as possible, and hates to have a dressing table cluttered with products. She will buy the best, if she can afford it or not, but may be so sparing with it that she misses most of the benefits. Going to a spa for a pampering weekend or even an hour in the beauty salon seems like an incredible extravagance and a waste of her precious time, but if someone offers such a treat as a gift, she is surprisingly grateful.
What the Capricorn woman most appreciates is a little ‘me’ time. For her, the height of luxury is to take the phone off the hook, run a warm scented bath, and luxuriate until the water gets cold. As long as she remembers to put nutrients for her skin into the bath along with the fragrance, this is fine. Often she will find making up her own cosmetics and skin care products to be an enjoyable hobby. It has the added advantage of being practical as well as relaxing.
In relationships, the Capricorn woman’s practicality can be a dampener on romance at times. Her mind might be elsewhere, even making up a shopping list, and not on the pleasures at hand. It takes a skillful and sensitive lover to wean her away from the many things she worries about. It’s worse if she has kids – she will be alert for every little sound.
Who can chip away at her heart and expose the warm and tender kernel inside? Another earth sign, Taurus or Virgo, can do it, though Virgo may be so caught up in its own worries that it forgets to be the sensitive lover inside. Taurus is a good bet because Taurus loves to cajole and spoil, and Capricorn may not be able to resist for long. But it is the Capricorn woman’s opposite sign, Cancer, that is most sensitive and aware when it comes to emotional needs.
The Capricorn woman is not easy to get close to, but once the right partner touches the right nerve, magic happens.
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