The Progressed Lunation Cycle
Predictive Astrology – Techniques for Predicting the Future Continued
Examining where a person is in terms of their progressed lunar phase can be illuminating.
In the secondary progressed system, the progressed lunation cycle takes approximately 28-30 years to complete. This reflects the approximately 28-day lunar cycle in day-for-a-year secondary progressions.
For example, someone born close to a New Moon will experience a progressed New Moon at about 28 years old and then again at about 56 years. A person born closer to a Full Moon will go through their progressed New Moon phase at about 14 years old and then again at approximately 42 years of age.
The progressed lunar cycle comprises the exact same lunar phases as the monthly lunar cycle, but we experience it spread out over years in the secondary progressed symbolic system.
Lunar phases:
- New Moon phase 0 – 45 degrees
- Crescent Moon phase 45-90 degrees
- First Quarter phase 90 – 135 degrees
- Gibbous Moon phase 135 – 180 degrees
- Full Moon phase 180 – 225 degrees
- Disseminating Moon phase 225 – 270 degrees
- Last Quarter Moon phase 270 – 315 degrees
- Balsamic Moon phase 315 – 360 degrees
Generally, we experience the following milestones as we progress through each progressed Lunar phase:
The progressed New Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 0 to 45 degrees apart)
During the progressed New Moon phase, we instinctively begin a new phase in our life story. It can be difficult to envision where we’re heading at this point, but we’re also starting fresh and intuitively feeling our way toward a new chapter in our lives.
We become far more aware of our emotional and personal life. As such, we might connect with our subconscious attitudes, prompting a strong and deep need for change.
While we may remain somewhat in the dark, our energy and motivation levels are renewing and building. Our instincts are clearer. We’re refueling with more authentic and suitable energy. It’s a period of greater initiative and self-motivation.
It’s a time when we’re more emotional and subjective than usual. The decisions and changes we make during this phase often relate to improving our personal lives. We’re turning over a new leaf in a significant manner now.
As we approach the Crescent Moon phase, our new beginnings are taking more form and we’re gaining a stronger purpose.
The progressed Crescent Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 45 to 90 degrees apart)
This can be a time of new opportunities and perhaps the shedding of the old, be that relationships, circumstances, projects, or attitudes. We can be inspired and innovative during this progressed Crescent Moon phase. We’re breaking through to our new beginnings, and in some ways, we might struggle with inner or outer resistance to moving forward. An example of outer resistance is people in our lives wanting us to stay the same, while inner resistance can be a struggle with letting go of old attitudes that have prevented us from growing.
As such, there can be some challenges and struggles at this stage, but also a sense of forward movement and looking ahead to better things.
At this stage of the cycle, we’re building a stronger sense of direction and purpose. Certainly, a new way of life is taking shape.
The progressed First Quarter Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 90 to 135 degrees apart)
During the progressed First Quarter phase, we’re now firmly committed to rebuilding and pushing things forward. We are ready to grow, improve, and achieve. We’re present, focused, and committed. It’s an important phase for inspiration and effort.
At the same time, it’s a period of increased obstacles and challenges to work through. We can face competition or resistance. It’s important to be resilient and persistent since there are rewards to sticking things through, solving problems, and clearing hurdles.
In some ways, this period relates to the teenager and young adult. It’s a period of self-discovery and tests that build character.
The progressed Gibbous Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 135 to 180 degrees apart)
While the First Quarter phase was for building and taking action, we’re now in the progressed Gibbous Moon phase, and it’s a period of refinement, fine-tuning, editing, and analyzing. It’s a powerful phase for learning and connecting, gathering feedback, exploring, and discovering.
We’re organizing, planning, perfecting, and interpreting during this part of the lunar cycle.
During this lunar phase, we’re also expanding our horizons. It can be a more sociable period. However, we could be tempted to do too much or take on too much.
The progressed Full Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 180 to 225 degrees apart)
During the progressed Full Moon phase, we are at a place of culmination or full exposure. We are now seeing the meaning behind our efforts or realizing the fruits of our labor. Something has reached its peak. We can find ourselves at a turning point later in this cycle.
The Full Moon phase is also a time of more awareness or illumination. Before this phase in the lunar cycle, we worked more on instinct, our natural or intuitive way of doing things, but we have now become far more aware, cognizant, and perhaps self-conscious.
Depending on what we’ve been working toward and its viability, this can be a time of anywhere from an exciting climax to a washout. We’ve achieved something and can feel fulfilled, or we might feel let down as we face a culmination. However, this is also a time of great potential, a chance for significant achievements. There can be separations, unions, scandals, fame, or significant achievements. Whatever the case, we are at a turning point in our journey.
It can be difficult to escape attention at this point in the cycle. For some, this can be wanted attention; others could feel overexposed. Again, there is a range of experiences, from feeling empowered and accomplished to feeling overwhelmed and exposed. We can have revelations, epiphanies, and great realizations at this stage.
The progressed Disseminating Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 225 to 270 degrees apart)
During the progressed Disseminating Moon phase, we’re now living out what we’ve learned and embraced at the Full Moon phase. After the accomplishment phase of the Full Moon, we’re ready to share, disperse, and pass on our knowledge. This period is strong for processing and better understanding the new awareness we reached during the previous phase in the cycle. We’re heading toward greater wisdom.
During this stage of our growth, we are more objective and may be spreading the word, organizing, teaching, guiding, and sharing. The theme of joining with a cause or network can make us feel connected and part of a larger community.
The progressed Last Quarter Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 270 to 315 degrees apart)
During the progressed Last Quarter phase, we can begin to detach from our previous pursuits and explore our personal needs. A quarter Moon phase tends to bring obstacles or resistance and some discontent that spurs us into action. We’re heading to a period of letting go, breaking down, processing, and regrouping. This is a time for deep personal reflection, where we might sense that things need to change, although we are not yet ready to quantify this.
This period can coincide with developments with friends, groups, jobs, paths, or pursuits that could be breaking down or no longer meshing with our current identity or stage of growth. Certainly, some level of disillusionment can occur now, and it can lead to making adjustments and corrections. It’s a more solitary time of the cycle, and soul-searching, which involves reflecting on our deepest values, beliefs, and desires, developing wisdom and maturity, tying up loose ends, and digesting things can be themes.
In a nutshell, it’s a time of reassortment and finding ourselves–or beginning the process of redefining ourselves.
The progressed Balsamic Moon phase (the Sun and Moon are 315 to 360 degrees apart)
In the Balsamic Moon phase of the progressed lunar cycle, we’re even more likely to feel the need to clean up, wind down, and let go. We have been in a stage of dissatisfaction, and we’ve been moved to separate from certain elements of our lives that no longer fit or represent us in our journey.
This phase is the approximately 3.5-year end of the lunation cycle that occurs before the New Moon. The Moon is going dark, and we are also symbolically in the dark. It’s not a time for solid answers or directions. Generally speaking, it’s not an ideal time for brand-new endeavors since we’re in a process of shedding. It’s instead a time of closure. Reflection, regrouping, introspection, and review are the dominant themes now. A feeling of disconnection is possible as we naturally let go of what was and head toward a new beginning.
Example Chart
The following shows an example celebrity chart, Angelina Jolie, to illustrate the technique behind the progressed Lunar Cycle technique.
Using the powerful, excellent Sirius software, we see the following Lifetime Progressed Lunar Phase events for Angelina:
Angelina Jolie
Lifetime Secondary Progressed Major Cycles
(Stations, Ingresses, and Sun-Moon 8 Phases)
Tropical Placidus
July 24, 1975 6:36:13 AM Los Angeles, California
0 hours West Standard time 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34
Notes: Su-Mo angles are in the progressed chart. However, ingresses into houses are progressed planets in natal houses
Prog Prog Prog
Date Aspect/Ingress Sun Moon Planet
—- ————– —- —- —-
Oct 26, 1975: Moo enters 10th house 13GE48 17AR53
Feb 19, 1976: Ven enters 1st house 14GE06 21AR45 28CN54
Oct 21, 1976: Moo enters Tau 14GE45 0TA00
Oct 13, 1976: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wane 14GE43 29AR43
Mar 16, 1977: Ven enters Leo 15GE08 4TA59 0LE00
Dec 4, 1977: Jup enters 10th house 15GE49 14TA05 17AR53
Aug 23, 1978: Moo enters 11th house 16GE30 23TA15
Feb 28, 1979: Moo enters Gem 17GE00 0GE00
Jul 14, 1980
: NEW MOON 18GE19 18GE19
May 23, 1981: Moo enters Can 19GE08 0CN00
Mar 31, 1981: Moo enters 12th house 19GE00 28GE01
Jul 14, 1983: Moo enters Leo 21GE11 0LE00
Jun 15, 1983: Moo enters 1st house 21GE06 28CN54
Dec 31, 1983: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wax 21GE38 6LE38
Dec 28, 1984: Moo enters 2nd house 22GE35 20LE50
Feb 22, 1985: Mar enters 10th house 22GE43 23LE01 17AR53
Aug 19, 1985: Moo enters Vir 23GE11 0VI00
Oct 18, 1986: Moo enters 3rd house 24GE18 16VI37
May 17, 1987: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wax 24GE51 24VI51
Sep 27, 1987: Moo enters Lib 25GE12 0LI00
Dec 3, 1987: Plu turns Direct 25GE23 2LI38 6LI29
Jan 2, 1989: Moo enters 4th house 26GE25 17LI53
Nov 15, 1989: Moo enters Sco 27GE14 0SC00
Sep 9, 1990: Sun enters 12th house 28GE01 11SC14
Oct 29, 1990: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wax 28GE09 13SC09
Jul 27, 1991: Moo enters 5th house 28GE51 23SC15
Jan 25, 1992: Moo enters Sag 29GE20 0SA00
Oct 7, 1992: Sun enters Can 0CN00 9SA26
May 22, 1993: Mer turns Direct 0CN36 17SA41 15GE01
May 1, 1994: Moo enters Cap 1CN29 0CP00
Jun 15, 1994:
Mar 6, 1994: Moo enters 6th house 1CN21 28SA01
Sep 9, 1996: Moo enters Aqu 3CN44 0AQ00
Aug 7, 1996: Moo enters 7th house 3CN39 28CP54
May 6, 1998: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wane 5CN19 20AQ19 (progressed Disseminating Moon phase begins)
May 22, 1998: Moo enters 8th house 5CN21 20AQ50
Nov 10, 1998: Ven enters 2nd house 5CN49 26AQ32 20LE50
Feb 24, 1999: Moo enters Pis 6CN05 0PI00
Jul 16, 2000: Moo enters 9th house 7CN25 16PI37
Sep 1, 2001: Moo enters Ari 8CN29 0AR00
Nov 29, 2001: Mar enters Tau 8CN43 2AR54 0TA00
Jun 11, 2002: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wane 9CN13 9AR13 (progressed Last Quarter Moon phase begins)
Mar 1, 2003: Moo enters 10th house 9CN55 17AR53
Feb 29, 2004: Moo enters Tau 10CN52 0TA00
Jan 7, 2006: Moo enters 11th house 12CN38 23TA15
May 21, 2006: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wane 12CN59 27TA59 (progressed Balsamic Moon phase begins)
Jul 17, 2006: Moo enters Gem 13CN08 0GE00
Nov 30, 2007: Ura turns Direct 14CN27 18GE17 28LI21
Oct 6, 2008: Moo enters Can 15CN15 0CN00
Aug 15, 2008: Moo enters 12th house 15CN07 28GE01
Dec 3, 2009:
NEW MOON 16CN21 16CN21 (progressed New Moon phase begins)
Mar 19, 2010: Ven enters Vir 16CN38 20CN31 0VI00
Oct 16, 2010: Moo enters 1st house 17CN11 28CN54
Nov 13, 2010: Moo enters Leo 17CN16 0LE00
Sep 24, 2011: Mer enters 12th house 18CN05 12LE36 28GE01
Apr 15, 2012: Moo enters 2nd house 18CN37 20LE50
Nov 29, 2012: Moo enters Vir 19CN13 0VI00
Feb 13, 2013: Mer enters Can 19CN25 3VI04 0CN00
Mar 21, 2013: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wax 19CN30 4VI30 (progressed Crescent Moon phase begins)
Jan 18, 2014: Moo enters 3rd house 20CN18 16VI37
Dec 22, 2014: Moo enters Lib 21CN10 0LI00
Mar 25, 2016: Moo enters 4th house 22CN22 17LI53
Jul 28, 2016: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wax 22CN42 22LI42 (progressed First Quarter Moon phase begins)
Feb 5, 2017: Moo enters Sco 23CN12 0SC00
Oct 22, 2018: Moo enters 5th house 24CN50 23SC15
Apr 25, 2019: Moo enters Sag 25CN19 0SA00
Feb 27, 2020: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wax 26CN07 11SA07 (progressed Gibbous Moon phase begins)
Jun 17, 2021: Moo enters 6th house 27CN22 28SA01
Aug 13, 2021: Moo enters Cap 27CN31 0CP00
Jan 24, 2023: Sun enters 1st house 28CN54 18CP22
Dec 31, 2023: Moo enters Aqu 29CN47 0AQ00
Dec 24, 2023
: FULL MOON 29CN46 29CP46 (progressed Full Moon phase begins)
Nov 28, 2023: Moo enters 7th house 29CN42 28CP54
Mar 22, 2024: Sun enters Leo 0LE00 2AQ48
Sep 12, 2025: Moo enters 8th house 1LE24 20AQ50
Jun 16, 2026: Moo enters Pis 2LE08 0PI00
Nov 6, 2027: Moo enters 9th house 3LE28 16PI37
Jan 7, 2028: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wane 3LE37 18PI37 (progressed Disseminating Moon phase begins)
Jul 24, 2028: Mer enters 1st house 4LE09 25PI05 28CN54
Dec 22, 2028: Moo enters Ari 4LE32 0AR00
Jan 31, 2029: Mer enters Leo 4LE39 1AR18 0LE00
Jun 26, 2030: Moo enters 10th house 5LE59 17AR53
Jun 30, 2031: Moo enters Tau 6LE57 0TA00
Feb 12, 2032: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wane 7LE32 7TA32
May 21, 2033: Moo enters 11th house 8LE45 23TA15
Dec 1, 2033: Moo enters Gem 9LE16 0GE00
Mar 6, 2036: Moo enters Can 11LE26 0CN00
Nov 24, 2035: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wane 11LE10 26GE10
Dec 20, 2035: Mar enters 11th house 11LE14 27GE07 23TA15
Jan 13, 2036: Moo enters 12th house 11LE17 28GE01
Dec 21, 2037: Ven turns Rx 13LE09 25CN29 11VI43
Mar 16, 2038: Moo enters 1st house 13LE22 28CN54
Apr 12, 2038: Moo enters Leo 13LE26 0LE00
Mar 14, 2039: Mer enters 2nd house 14LE19 13LE39 20LE50
Apr 1, 2039
: NEW MOON 14LE22 14LE22
Sep 5, 2039: Moo enters 2nd house 14LE47 20LE50
Apr 14, 2040: Moo enters Vir 15LE22 0VI00
May 22, 2041: Moo enters 3rd house 16LE25 16VI37
Apr 14, 2042: Moo enters Lib 17LE17 0LI00
Jun 13, 2042: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wax 17LE26 2LI26
Jul 4, 2043: Moo enters 4th house 18LE27 17LI53
Jan 4, 2044: Mer enters Vir 18LE56 25LI06 0VI00
May 9, 2044: Moo enters Sco 19LE16 0SC00
Nov 6, 2045: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wax 20LE42 20SC42
Dec 24, 2045: Sun enters 2nd house 20LE50 22SC29
Jan 14, 2046: Moo enters 5th house 20LE53 23SC15
Jul 25, 2046: Jup turns Rx 21LE23 0SA20 24AR42
Jul 17, 2046: Moo enters Sag 21LE22 0SA00
Aug 13, 2046: Mar enters Gem 21LE26 0SA59 0GE00
Nov 6, 2048: Moo enters Cap 23LE35 0CP00
Sep 10, 2048: Moo enters 6th house 23LE26 28SA01
Aug 2, 2049: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wax 24LE18 9CP18
Mar 2, 2051: Moo enters 7th house 25LE49 28CP54
Apr 4, 2051: Moo enters Aqu 25LE54 0AQ00
Dec 19, 2052: Moo enters 8th house 27LE33 20AQ50
May 15, 2053: Nep turns Direct 27LE56 25AQ40 9SA01
Jul 29, 2053
: FULL MOON 28LE08 28AQ08
Sep 23, 2053: Moo enters Pis 28LE17 0PI00
Aug 11, 2053: Mer enters 3rd house 28LE10 28AQ35 16VI37
Feb 14, 2055: Moo enters 9th house 29LE37 16PI37
Jul 8, 2055: Sun enters Vir 0VI00 21PI17
Apr 1, 2056: Moo enters Ari 0VI43 0AR00
Sep 11, 2057: Su-Mo 135 Deg Wane 2VI06 17AR06
Oct 5, 2057: Moo enters 10th house 2VI10 17AR53
Oct 12, 2058: Moo enters Tau 3VI09 0TA00
Sep 12, 2060: Moo enters 11th house 5VI00 23TA15
Mar 30, 2061: Moo enters Gem 5VI32 0GE00
Sep 20, 2061: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wane 5VI59 5GE59
Jun 21, 2062: Mer enters Lib 6VI43 15GE36 0LI00
Jul 26, 2063: Moo enters Can 7VI46 0CN00
Jun 1, 2063: Moo enters 12th house 7VI38 28GE01
May 25, 2065: Ven enters Leo 9VI33 25CN28 0VI00
Apr 30, 2065: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wane 9VI29 24CN29
Sep 17, 2065: Moo enters Leo 9VI51 0LE00
Aug 20, 2065: Moo enters 1st house 9VI47 28CN54
Feb 14, 2067: Moo enters 2nd house 11VI13 20LE50
Sep 23, 2067: Moo enters Vir 11VI48 0VI00
Jul 21, 2068
: NEW MOON 12VI36 12VI36
Nov 16, 2068: Sat enters 1st house 12VI55 17VI33 28CN54
Oct 24, 2068: Moo enters 3rd house 12VI51 16VI37
Sep 10, 2069: Moo enters Lib 13VI43 0LI00
Nov 16, 2070: Moo enters 4th house 14VI52 17LI53
Dec 20, 2070: Ura enters Sco 14VI57 19LI14 0SC00
Sep 12, 2071: Moo enters Sco 15VI39 0SC00
Sep 30, 2071: Su-Mo 45 Deg Wax 15VI42 0SC42
Sep 5, 2072: Sun enters 3rd house 16VI37 14SC08
Apr 30, 2073: Moo enters 5th house 17VI15 23SC15
Oct 26, 2073: Moo enters Sag 17VI43 0SA00
Apr 1, 2075: Su-Mo 90 Deg Wax 19VI06 19SA06
Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun 0 LE 46 Plu 6 LI 51
Moo 12 AQ 06 Nod 28 SC 59
Mer 21 CN 30 Asc 9 VI 18
Ven 8 VI 48 MC 7 GE 12
Mar 16 TA 02 2nd 4 LI 54
Jup 23 AR 57 3rd 4 SC 38
Sat 23 CN 37 5th 10 CP 04
Ura 28 LI 29 6th 11 AQ 06
Nep 9 SA 14
Angelina was born in a Last Quarter Moon phase, so she would experience her first progressed New Moon quite young, and then every 28-30 years after that age.
Technically, her first progressed New Moon occurred in July 1980 when she was 5 years old. The next progressed New Moon occurred in December 2009, 29.5 years later, when she was 34 years old. The third progressed New Moon will occur in April 2039, approximately 29.5 years after her second one.
Her progressed Full Moons occurred when the Sun and Moon were opposite one another in her secondary progressed chart: the first in June 1994 and the second in December 2023, representing culminations and exposure.
Her first big role happened while she was in a progressed Full Moon phase, for example. In 2002-2003 came her first adoption and the Sri Lanka journals around the time of her progressed Last Quarter phase. She filed for divorce as she began a progressed First Quarter phase.
More examples
Some examples of famous people and their progressed New Moons and other progressed lunar phases:
- Prince Charles pr. New Moon February 2024
- Joe Biden pr. New Moon May 2019
- Justin Trudeau pr. New Moon November 2023
- Elon Musk pr. New Moon January 2025
- Donald Trump pr. New Moon September 2019
- Queen Latifah’s first Emmy nomination occurred in 1991 in her progressed New Moon phase; in 1993, she released the iconic Black Reign album during her progressed Crescent Moon phase; autobiography released in her Disseminating phase.
- Jane Fonda’s fame lifted in her Full Moon phase in 1963; her controversial visit to Vietnam occurred in a progressed Last Quarter phase; her workout videos came about in her late progressed New Moon phase + Crescent Moon phase as she rebranded.
- Ron Howard starred in Happy Days during his progressed Full phase; had his first major directorial debut in his Balsamic phase; released the highly successful and acclaimed Apollo 13 in his progressed First Quarter phase; receives Lifetime Achievement Award in his pr. Balsamic phase, a year before the New Moon.
- Ella Fitzgerald gained national fame during her progressed Last Quarter Moon phase, however. She embarked on her solo career in 1942-1943 at her progressed New Moon. A turning point in her career came in 1956, later in her Gibbous Moon phase. Her first Grammy wins came at her progressed Full Moon phase and at her subsequent Full Moon phase 29 years later, received her National Medal of Arts.
- Aretha Franklin’s breakthrough album was released in her progressed Crescent Moon phase; became the first woman inducted into the Hall of Fame in her progressed Last Quarter phase.
- Renee Zellweger gained recognition during a progressed Crescent Moon phase in 1996 and further acclaim in her progressed Gibbous phase, marriage in Full Moon phase; return to acting in 2016 after a long hiatus (since 2010), during a progressed Balsamic Moon phase; role as Judy Garland and subsequent Academy Award in 2019-2020 in her progressed New Moon phase.
- Elizabeth II, Queen of England became Queen in her Crescent Moon phase.
- Prince William’s mother, Princess Di, died in his pr. Full Moon phase; last New Moon was June 2011 and next is September 2040.
- Prince Harry stepped back from his royal duties around the start of his progressed Balsamic Moon phase; progressed New Moon in mid-2023.
- Kamala Harris inaugurated Vice President of the US in her progressed Gibbous phase.
Note that this system is quite dependent on accurate birth times.
The following is a sample of the Lunar Phases report.
References or suggested further reading:
Riding the Wave: The Progressed Lunation Cycle at Astro. This article presents an interesting perspective as it relates the New Moon not to Aries and the first house but to the fourth house. As such, the Full Moon phase is related to the Midheaven.
(1) Progressed Horoscope (affiliate link) by Alan Leo. First published in 1923, this book is now a classic.
Progressions (Astrology: a Language of Life) (affiliate link) by Robert Blaschke
In Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady, an illuminating chapter dedicated to progressions offers students of astrology tools to help understand the meaning of progressions in individual lives. Excellent!
Find out more about this book (affiliate link)
In The Art of Predictive Astrology, Carol Rushman shares with readers some very valuable predictive techniques, culled from over 30 years of experience. This is a fascinating read for intermediate students of Astrology. The book contains quite a bit of information about progressions in addition to other techniques.
Find out more about this book (affiliate link)
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