2020 Taurus Yearly Overview
2020 Taurus Overview: Horoscope
Taurus (Born April 21 to May 21*) – 0 to 30 degrees Taurus:
2020: Taurus Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Taurus (All):
The summary of the year resides here; details of the year are below.
This is another year when you’re breaking out of the usual routine, dear Taurus. And, you’re taking this to another level! Rule-breaking Uranus continues to transit your sign, encouraging a different approach to your life. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are challenging you to change your outlook and enrich your experiences. It’s a powerful time for new courses or training, as well as for your voice! People are interested in what you have to say and share.
Some of the heaviness of thinking, belief systems, attitudes, travel, or education is on its way out in 2020, freeing you up to enjoy yourself more deeply. You’re embracing desires you never knew you had and finding ways to pursue them. These can relate to new ideas, travels, approaches, and skills.
At the same time, a new theme is weaving its way into your life in 2020, and it’s all about a career peak or turning point. Saturn is making its way to the top of your solar chart, and by mid-December, Jupiter will join in for an almost year-long stay. This means business! Particularly for Taurus Ascendants, it’s a time for stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility.
Saturn heads to this important point in your chart on March 21st, but later (July 1st) moves back into your adventure/spirit sector until mid-December when it returns for a stay until March 2023! It brings your responsibilities to the “outside world” to light, and at times, to the test. It’s a pivotal period for you regarding the structures you’ve built and your career or reputation. This can be a time of harvest on career fronts, achievement, recognition, and new responsibilities. Others are taking you more seriously, which can be rewarding, but at times stressful. It can also be a time when poor past decisions come to light. It’s best to follow the rules and get organized during this significant transit.
Summer and Fall months are active for finishing up what you’ve started on educational or communication levels. There can be some backtracking, but it’s also a time of essential edits. You’ll be doing some work mapping out your future. You might also replace old ways of seeing life with new views, approaches, and visions.
All Taureans are feeling the newer transits in some shape or form. However, those most directly affected by the career influence in 2020 are born April 20-22 and with 0-2 degrees Taurus Ascendant. Those directly affected by changemaker, Uranus–who are feeling the need for a fresh new approach to life in 2020–are born April 25-May 1 and with a 5-11 degree Taurus Ascendant. You are moving towards a more authentic life path, and detachment from some aspects of your past is necessary. Fortunately, you often feel fresher, more energetic, or more expressive.
This is a powerful time for a new or renewed passion project. You’re looking for more meaning and motivation, and you’re likely to find it in 2020. You’re focusing on getting focused! Expanding a project or pursuit can be all-consuming at times, and mighty rewarding.
For early Tauruses, watch for overstraining and a nervous disposition. You’re not especially accustomed to this Uranian energy, and it can be taxing if you ignore needs for calm and detox from time to time.
You are changing in fundamental ways, and it’s exciting, but sometimes the people around you, especially those you’ve known for a long time, can feel alienated. This year is very much about personal growth, and 2021 will involve you more intensely with your work or status and material goals.
Career winds are shifting, but you may not feel quite “there” yet, having to take care of unfinished business before you begin fresh. Learn as much as you can this year, and put in the effort with things you genuinely love during this period of transition.
Key Events in 2020 for Taurus:
Outer Planet Transits:
Saturn conjunct Pluto in January. This aspect can bring pressure to succeed and achieve. You may be tearing something down so that you can rebuild it to be better, more appropriate, or more relevant.
Since this alignment happens in harmony with your sign, Taurus, it feels easier than it would for most signs. You’re self-disciplined with a special course, training, project, or publishing pursuit. Events occur that lead to a brand new vision. You see life in a new way, and your attitude or belief system and perspective may radically change.
Jupiter sextile Neptune from February to October. This transit helps us maintain a sense of proportion. We acknowledge our morals and spiritual values as we pursue our objectives. It’s a time for connecting with idealistic and humanitarian goals. We can make connections with people from vastly different backgrounds, learning from their perspectives. We’re widening our experiences and broadening our minds.
For you, Taurus, special support comes from friends and associations. You’re inspired to grow, improve, explore, discover, and move outside of your comfort zone. This is a strong year for bonding through shared interests or ideas. Friendships grow or begin. Networking, courses, or extracurricular activities introduce you to new ideas and people that inspire you.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto from March to November. This influence magnifies our ambitions to better ourselves or our circumstances. We can be doggedly determined to make improvements. Still, we tend to take things too far with this combination. Occurring in the sign of Capricorn, this can relate to power.
If we channel our intense ambitions appropriately, this can be a powerful period for achievement. We want to take something to a completely new level! Whichever way we define success at this time in our lives, we’re ready to do what it takes to achieve it.
There is a real sense that we can achieve something of significance now. We can focus this energy on an important project or focus it inward–on bettering ourselves through greater self-understanding. Overcoming obstacles is a theme during this transit.
For you, Taurus, you get a power-boost forward. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life. Now, Jupiter-Pluto helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself on mental and spiritual planes. It motivates you to learn something new or explore new ideas and/or places. Ambition increases, and so does enjoyment of what you’re doing and where you’re headed!
This is a good time for feeling both motivated and inspired. People and experiences outside of your norm impact you. You’re no longer tolerant of procrastination or denial–you embrace your desire to grow, improve, and transform now.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December. This transit brings you much power to start fresh with your career, reputation, responsibilities, or life path goals. It’s a time for taking a realistic look at what you can do, assessing and surveying matters, and then pursuing what you feel is your due!
It can be a time of great self-discipline and an important–even pivotal–period for your professional or public life. What you begin now and in the coming year can very well be significant and long-term.
Significant minor transits:
Mars conjunct Jupiter/Pluto and then Venus trine Jupiter/Pluto in the second half of March. This is a power boost. You’re in a stronger position to go after what you want, and you may be developing a personal interest or course of study. It’s a fine time for promoting yourself or your work as well as for learning or advancing in your trade. A compelling experience may happen now that changes your perspective. It can be a good time for making significant changes to educational, legal, and travel plans, or for building brand new ones based on newly discovered passions. This is a time for expanding your horizons or your reach. A bold new interest or adventure may very well be in store, and competition is also favored now. Your personal charisma is powerful now.
Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde from May 11 to 15. Venus is retrograde in the sign of Gemini from May 12 to June 25. Venus hangs around its square to Neptune in May. At the time of the inferior conjunction, retro Venus is square Mars in early June, and then a Lunar eclipse occurs in Sagittarius. For you, life can feel a bit like drudgery at times as you question your levels of comfort or your income. You’re inclined to perceive things a little differently, mainly related to finances, comfort issues, possessions and valuables, and intimate matters. It’s an excellent period for reviewing finances, budgeting, and collecting financial information, but not ideal for buying new big-ticket items. If you are good at spotting deals, however, you could find some unusually good ones, as people may be parting with things they wouldn’t unload under normal conditions. While you may not always feel confident and certain about your feelings during this cycle, it’s an excellent period for considering how your approach to attracting what you want has served you in the past.
Mars is retrograde from September 9 to November 13 in the sign of Aries (pre-retrograde shadow begins July 25th). Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are important in your private life. It’s important to watch for an obsession with private issues or concerns about the past. Although it’s a good time to look back, it’s best not to dwell. This cycle stirs up any unusual, overlooked, or buried anger, feelings, and desires that you’ve been ignoring. You may think twice before venting feelings, and you could be dealing with some indecisiveness or increased need for rest. Your desire nature can be rather complicated now, and it can be difficult to find direct routes to satisfaction. It’s time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans.
Mars square Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto from August to December. Challenges moving on are ongoing now, but you get the chance to resolve long-standing problems after confronting the issues. Keep in mind that sudden surges of anger or expressions of tension that seem to erupt out of nowhere are actually rooted in issues that you have buried and haven’t yet confronted or resolved. An unforeseen problem might arise, although it’s likely to do with matters that you’ve left unresolved or open.
New and Full Moons/Eclipses:
The Taurus-specific interpretations in the following New and Full Moon list for later dates will fill in shortly.
Please note that these key dates are synopses — quick summaries of astro events — that are covered more in-depth in the monthly horoscopes and daily horoscopes.
See also 2020 Taurus Love Yearly Horoscope and 2020 Taurus Preview Horoscope.
Yearly Horoscope: 2020 Predictions for Taurus
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
Taurus (Born April 21 to May 21) – 0 to 30 degrees Taurus:
2020: Taurus Horoscope: Love, Career, Outlook, & General Trends
The horoscope on this page, Taurus Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in more detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Taurus, and these are shown below the main, general forecast.
There are some lovely trends with you in 2020, dear Taurus. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease that you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
Taurus people revel in the practical aspects of life and draw spiritual truths from this. Comfort and satisfaction are great themes in your life. Mental and emotional security are primary goals.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Taurus:
Taurus 2020
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in a direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
While Saturn is moving toward a challenging aspect to your sign, 2020 holds mostly harmonious energy for you, Taurus.
Jupiter=Luck, Confidence,
Expansion, Growth, Hope, Improvement, Spirit
Saturn=Restriction, Structure, Simplicity, Realism
Uranus=Innovation, Excitement, Unrest, Rebellion, Change
Neptune=Inspiration, Spirit, Confusion, Dissolution, Enlightenment
Pluto=Upheaval, Transformation, Rebirth, Unearthing, Excavation, Power
Chiron=Vulnerability, Wisdom, Healing, Wholeness, Non-conformity
North Node=Life Lesson, Growth, Improvement, Challenge
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Taurus Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Taurus Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:

Taurus the Bull
You have incredible support from Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto again this year, Taurus. These long-term influences are on your side, and Tauruses are more imaginative and spiritual than usual, but also practical and determined, under these influences.
Taurus is a sign that is typically more interested in practical realities than intensive self-analysis, but these planetary influences suggest a greater interest in understanding the spiritual forces active in your life.
Chiron forms an awkward angle to your sign, and this can be a nagging background influence — from time to time, you feel the need to make adjustments, particularly in your private life. Otherwise, things seem quite clear.
You’re rarely comfortable making radical changes in your life, but now that Uranus is in your sign, you’re inclined to find it more important to rock the boat than keep the peace if you feel caged in, oppressed, or confined in certain areas of your life.
Pluto’s support of your sign highlights your strong willpower and your ability to make long-term plans, patiently working towards your goals. Pluto is assisting you in opening your mind to new ideas and broadening your horizons. This is not always an easy task, but travel and higher education can be stronger and growing drives.
Tauruses naturally have an excellent ability to stick with things and follow through. This trait is most defined in years when Saturn supports you, as it does this year and last, although in 2020, Saturn is beginning to move into challenging aspect to Taurus. Still, with Uranus in your sign, particularly those born early in the sign of Taurus will be doing some experimentation.
You have the patience to nurture something into being, and this can relate to a project, business, garden, or relationship. This trait is highlighted with Neptune, Saturn (mostly), and Pluto in your corner in 2020.
This is a powerful year for new explorations, travel, publishing, and optimistic outlooks. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
The modern ruler of your career sector, Uranus, is in your sign, and changes are very much on the horizon regarding career, reputation, and responsibilities. Consider new beginnings. This may, for some of you, point to a new field or job, but for many, it can be a time for reinventing yourself in your career.
**The following horoscopes reveal the outer planet, long-term trends for each decan. While Jupiter transits last just over a year, the remaining outer planet transits last several years (an average of 2-1/2 years for Saturn, 7 years for Uranus, and so forth). This is why you can see some of the same trends continuing from previous years.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Taurus born April 21 to 30 OR Taurus Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees
Taurus born May 1 to 10 OR Taurus Ascendant 10 to 20 degrees
Taurus born May 11 to 21 OR Taurus Ascendant 20 to 30 degrees
Taurus (Born April 21 to 30) – 0 to 10 degrees Taurus (1ST DECAN):
2020: Taurus Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until December 19th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar ninth house. Under this influence, you may have opportunities to travel (if advisable), study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and meet people who are of diverse backgrounds.
You might become more intellectually curious now, and academic pursuits are likely to benefit you and run smoothly during this cycle. Business dealings, particularly long-distance ones and those involving publicity and promotion, are liable to be profitable now. Legal matters might also work in your favor, or long-standing legal problems might now be ironed out. Some of you will be seeking legal advice and find it especially helpful now.
A more faithful attitude towards life, in general, is likely now--you tend to feel that everything will work out in the end. Authors might get published now, receive good reviews, or they could significantly expand their audience. Travel is entirely possible now, whether it's business or personal. Educational and travel opportunities expand your horizons. Teaching and learning are favored now. Writing and studying flow more naturally now. This is also an excellent period for positive dealings with in-laws!
Your mind is more expansive and tolerant, and you are under less stress than usual. You are less inclined to sweat the small stuff. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Watch for a tendency towards a "holier than thou" attitude.
New learning experiences, as well as "life" experiences (adventures, contacts with others of a vastly different culture than yours, and so forth) are likely to emerge. Over the course of the coming year, you might have the opportunity to reach a broader audience. You might choose to learn a new language or take on other studies. This is a great time for more optimism and perspective.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar ninth house from January 1-May 13, and from September 13-December 19.
From December 19th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar tenth house. During this cycle, increased public recognition and professional success are very possible. This can be a time of achievement, career advancement, and success in business. Business-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during this cycle. Your worldly or public status may change for the better. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma, an important award, or marriage. This can be a time for coming into the limelight in a significant way. Authority figures or other influential people tend to look upon you favorably, see more potential in you, and readily help you along, so work it! Something might happen now, or circumstances are such, that your career (or professional interests in general) expands, and you find more joy and pleasure from your work. You could enjoy more freedom, or possibly even responsibilities, in your career. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now. The more willing you are to put yourself in the limelight, the more positive the rewards--this is not the time to be a shrinking violet! These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and you could find yourself in a position that truly suits you, and this can be especially true for your talents, reliability, and practical insight. For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now. You can take great pride in the work you do. This is a time when believing in yourself, your competency, and your ability to take the lead opens up opportunities to you. It's a powerful period for innovation and progress.
Saturn transits your solar ninth house until March 21st, and then from July 1st to December 16th. It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that was two years ago! This influence is winding down and coming to an end in 2020.
This period in your life is generally dedicated to self-improvement. You are developing your ideals and your commitments. Beliefs or spiritual goals that you may have taken for granted or worked with for many years seem superficial or not particularly useful to you now. You come face to face with your own self-defeating attitudes during this period of time, and important work can be done on coming to a more realistic state.
The need for solid, practical training can become very apparent now, particularly as Saturn rules your career sector. This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned from your work, career, or business.
Higher learning and travel might be areas of constriction or you might find that you’re attracted to especially practical studies and that you travel for business more than for pleasure. You are taking a closer look at and perhaps re-assessing your attitude and confidence. The blind faith or optimism that may have carried you to date comes up for inspection. Are your belief systems sound? What do you stand for? What kind of future are you working towards, and why? These are some of the questions this transit stimulates. The spirit that drives you and motivates you to move out and beyond the everyday grind comes up for inspection. By the end of the transit, you will have a better understanding of what it is that offers you hope and optimism as well as that which fuels your drive. You will be one step closer to knowing where you are headed, and you will have re-built faith in yourself. Ideally, you adopt a more mature attitude towards adventure and facing the unknown. You let go of self-defeating attitudes that have been holding you back, you recognize exactly where you have been overdoing your expectations, and you find new ways to nurture faith, hope, and vision. This is truly a period of self-discovery.
Saturn transits your solar tenth house from March 21st to July 1st and then from December 17th forward (until March 2023). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that is this year and next. This influence is only just getting started. By mid-December this year, Saturn is consistently transiting this area of your solar chart until March 2023.
This cycle represents a time in your life in which you build a secure foundation in your professional or most public life. Your standing in society comes under Saturn's scrutiny. You have found yourself in the spotlight, and whatever you've been building is now under review or subject to inspection. This can be a time for receiving recognition and career "rewards." If this transit occurs in early adulthood, it can be a time when you truly begin to face your duties as a career person or take on more significant responsibilities. Although the tenth house is a house of ambition, you do not focus on where you are going as much as you focus on where you stand. Saturn's transit of the tenth house is an eye-opening one—a time when you are working hard, taking on your fair share of duties and responsibilities, and either reaping some of the rewards of your hard work or facing the consequences of poor choices. You become aware of what you have--and haven't--accomplished to date. You are treated to a realistic look at what you've built and achieved. You no longer view your place in the world, your career, and your reputation with rose-colored glasses. It is what it is! This helps you make corrections or changes of course.
At times you may feel exposed, publicly scrutinized, or under fire in your career during this transit. If this discomfort is great, it may be that you have been holding onto a false image of yourself. The most acute period of this transit occurs with Saturn's square to your Sun, after which pressures ease considerably.
During this cycle, your career requires important decisions and choices. Important projects may come to fruition, and this can be a time for reaping their rewards, but there can be some disappointment now as well if you haven't achieved what you wanted to accomplish. You are indeed more accountable for your choices.
Projects that you've been working on behind the scenes or that you've left unfinished might come to fruition during this period, or you could be using them to further your career. You may need to employ some caution with regards to elements from your past, as these might come before the public eye in some way during this cycle.
You may acquire a higher position now, and you are likely to feel the weight of increased responsibilities that come with it. There can be issues to handle with a parent (more likely the father) or parent figure, or a boss/authority figure in your life.
There can be more recognition of the efforts you put forth, as well as increased motivation for tackling tasks that you previously felt were monotonous or uninteresting. This can be a fantastic career peak for some, more so for Ascendants than Suns.
Uranus continues to transit your solar first house all year.
Uranus is the Awakener, and often "awakens" your consciousness to areas of your life that it touches in disruptive, exciting, or surprising ways. This is about your personality, image, body awareness, and manner. As such, there may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations or past conditioning patterns. You are more inspired this year, and your personality fairly bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm. Impulsiveness is something to watch out for, however. Your need for freedom can be so strong that you leave cherished things (or people!) behind. Alienating those close to you may occur now if you're not careful. At the very least, people around you are surprised by your more rebellious and risk-taking nature. While you shouldn't resist change now, you should avoid entirely impulsive behavior. With Uranus, remember to act rather than react. While rebellion is sometimes necessary, eventually you'll want to feel truly free to be yourself.
Changes with the image you project to others, and perhaps your personal style and appearance, take place during this period. For some, they can be radical. You might go through a series of personal makeovers. You are breaking free from the expectations of others now, not only or even with your style or look, but also with your personality. Your behavior tends to be more spontaneous or obviously independent. Freedom of personal expression is immensely important to you now, and if you turn a few heads or raise some eyebrows in the pursuit thereof, you don't particularly worry about it! This can be an especially eventful period of your life when you make big changes, especially to areas of your life that have become too routine or that are lifeless and no longer truly represent you.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar eleventh house this year.
Neptune here can cast some "fog" over--and add some color and imagination to--your social life. You could face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. It's possible that your loyalty to certain groups or friends may have been misplaced, for example. You might experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who/that shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends...colorful ones, at the very least!
The acute elements of this influence are behind you.Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house this year. The acute elements of this transit are long behind you. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes to your belief system. It can have the effect of gradually transforming your belief system and general outlook on life. Some of the beliefs that have carried you to date may seem outdated or superficial, and events and circumstances in your life prompt you to adopt new beliefs and visions or to alter those you've had in the past. Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do. You may meet people, go places, or learn new things that change your way of thinking during this interesting transit.
Until May 5th, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar third house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning, communications, and connecting. You need to learn to listen to others so that you discover the value of true communication and exchange and to see both sides of a situation. Learning to slow down, to be sensitive to social graces and networks, and to sensitize yourself to others' needs and communications, will release you from nervous tension and help you achieve more happiness and inner balance.
From May 5th onward, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar second house. Some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle. Personal income, possessions, and values are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are great!
Special: Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Or, see your free Monthly Forecast and Taurus 2020 Love Horoscope.
Taurus (Born May 1 to 10) – 10 to 20 degrees Taurus (2ND DECAN):
2020: Taurus Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
This year, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is moving through your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you may have opportunities to travel (if appropriate), study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and connect with people of diverse and interesting backgrounds.
You are more intellectually curious now, and academic pursuits can both benefit you and run exceptionally smoothly during this cycle. Business dealings, particularly long-distance ones and those involving publicity and promotion, are likely to be profitable now.
Legal matters might also work in your favor, or long-standing legal problems might now be ironed out. Some of you will be seeking legal advice and find it especially helpful now.
A more faithful attitude towards life, in general, is likely now—you tend to feel that everything will work out in the end. Authors might get published now, receive good reviews, or they could significantly expand their audience. Travel is possible now (if advisable), whether it's business or personal. Educational opportunities expand your horizons. Teaching and learning are favored. Writing and studying flow more naturally. This is also an excellent period for positive dealings with in-laws!
Your mind is more expansive and tolerant, and you are under less stress than usual. You are less inclined to sweat the small stuff.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Watch for a tendency towards a "holier than thou" attitude.
New learning experiences, as well as "life" experiences (adventures, contacts with others of a vastly different culture than yours, and so forth), are likely to emerge. You might choose to learn a new language or take on other studies. This is an exceptionally strong placement for Jupiter. You're considerably more adventurous and outgoing now.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar ninth house, from January 1-May 13, and from September 13th forward.
Saturn transits your solar ninth house (until March 2021). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, that was last year! You are now taking this transit increasingly in stride as you get more comfortable with this energy. Saturn is no longer trine your Sun.
This period in your life is generally dedicated to self-improvement. You are developing your ideals and your commitments. Beliefs or spiritual goals that you may have taken for granted or worked with for many years seem superficial or not particularly useful to you now. You come face to face with your own self-defeating attitudes during this period of time, and important work can be done on coming to a more realistic state.
The need for solid, practical training can become very apparent now, particularly as Saturn rules your career sector. This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned from your work, career, or business.
Higher learning and travel might be areas of constriction or you might find that you’re attracted to especially practical studies and that you travel for business more than for pleasure. You are taking a closer look at and perhaps re-assessing your attitude and confidence. The blind faith or optimism that may have carried you to date comes up for inspection. Are your belief systems sound? What do you stand for? What kind of future are you working towards, and why? These are some of the questions this transit stimulates. The spirit that drives you and motivates you to move out and beyond the everyday grind comes up for inspection. By the end of the transit, you will have a better understanding of what it is that offers you hope and optimism as well as that which fuels your drive. You will be one step closer to knowing where you are headed, and you will have re-built faith in yourself. Ideally, you adopt a more mature attitude towards adventure and facing the unknown. You let go of self-defeating attitudes that have been holding you back, you recognize exactly where you have been overdoing your expectations, and you find new ways to nurture faith, hope, and vision. This is truly a period of self-discovery.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar twelfth house this year.
At this time, Uranus helps release you from unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life (your private life becomes more "colorful" now), and interjecting some unusual coincidences into your life. This whole process acts to slowly but surely detach you from unsupportive elements of your life--those things that have been preventing you from growing and finding yourself. This is all in preparation for Uranus' transit of your sign and then solar first house that is set to incite your desires for independence, freedom, and excitement.
While Uranus has moved into the sign of Taurus which is your solar first house, Uranus only very briefly reaches the degrees of your decan this year, and will only dip in more consistently in your first house (and conjunct your Sun) in 2021-2022.
For only those born on May 1/2 and those with a 10-11 degree Taurus Ascendant will experience the Uranus transiting conjunction. For the rest, this transit will happen in 2021 or 2022. For these few:
Uranus is the Awakener, and often "awakens" your consciousness to areas of your life that it touches in disruptive, exciting, or surprising ways. This is about your personality, image, body awareness, and manner. As such, there may be unexpected events that free you from confining situations or past conditioning patterns. You are more inspired this year, and your personality fairly bubbles with bursts of enthusiasm. Impulsiveness is something to watch out for, however. Your need for freedom can be so strong that you leave cherished things (or people!) behind. Alienating those close to you may occur now if you're not careful. At the very least, people around you are surprised by your more rebellious and risk-taking nature. While you shouldn't resist change now, you should avoid entirely impulsive behavior. With Uranus, remember to act rather than react. While rebellion is sometimes necessary, eventually you'll want to feel truly free to be yourself.
Changes with the image you project to others, and perhaps your personal style and appearance, take place during this period. For some, they can be radical. You might go through a series of personal makeovers. You are breaking free from the expectations of others now, not only or even with your style or look, but also with your personality. Your behavior tends to be more spontaneous or obviously independent. Freedom of personal expression is immensely important to you now, and if you turn a few heads or raise some eyebrows in the pursuit thereof, you don't particularly worry about it! This can be an especially eventful period of your life when you make big changes, especially to areas of your life that have become too routine or that are lifeless and no longer truly represent you.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar eleventh house. Neptune here can cast some "fog" over--and add some color and imagination to--your social life. You could face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. It's possible that your loyalty to certain groups or friends may have been misplaced, for example. You might experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who/that shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends...colorful ones, at the very least!
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house this year.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes to your belief system. It can have the effect of gradually transforming your belief system and general outlook on life. Some of the beliefs that have carried you to date may seem outdated or superficial, and events and circumstances in your life prompt you to adopt new beliefs and visions or to alter those you've had in the past. Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do. You may meet people, go places, or learn new things that change your way of thinking during this interesting transit.
The acute elements of this Pluto transit are behind you in 2020.
This year, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar second house. Some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle. Personal income, possessions, and values are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are great!
Special: 2020 Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique 2020 Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and Taurus 2020 Love Horoscope.
Taurus (Born May 11 to 21) – 20 to 30 degrees Taurus (3rd DECAN):
2020: Taurus Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From March forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is moving through your solar ninth house. During this cycle, you may have opportunities to travel (if appropriate), study, go abroad, expand your horizons, and connect with people of diverse and interesting backgrounds.
You are more intellectually curious now, and academic pursuits can both benefit you and run exceptionally smoothly during this cycle. Business dealings, particularly long-distance ones and those involving publicity and promotion, are likely to be profitable now.
Legal matters might also work in your favor, or long-standing legal problems might now be ironed out. Some of you will be seeking legal advice and find it especially helpful now.
A more faithful attitude towards life, in general, is likely now—you tend to feel that everything will work out in the end. Authors might get published now, receive good reviews, or they could significantly expand their audience. Travel is possible now (if advisable), whether it's business or personal. Educational opportunities expand your horizons. Teaching and learning are favored. Writing and studying flow more naturally. This is also an excellent period for positive dealings with in-laws!
Your mind is more expansive and tolerant, and you are under less stress than usual. You are less inclined to sweat the small stuff.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Watch for a tendency towards a "holier than thou" attitude.
New learning experiences, as well as "life" experiences (adventures, contacts with others of a vastly different culture than yours, and so forth), are likely to emerge. You might choose to learn a new language or take on other studies. This is an exceptionally strong placement for Jupiter. You're considerably more adventurous and outgoing now.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar ninth house, from March 3-May 13, and from September 13-forward.
Saturn transits your solar ninth house this year. This transit will run until 2022 for your decan.
This period in your life is generally dedicated to self-improvement. You are developing your ideals and your commitments. Beliefs or spiritual goals that you may have taken for granted or worked with for many years seem superficial or not particularly useful to you now. You come face to face with your own self-defeating attitudes during this period of time, and important work can be done on coming to a more realistic state.
The need for solid, practical training can become very apparent now, particularly as Saturn rules your career sector. This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned from your work, career, or business.
Higher learning and travel might be areas of constriction or you might find that you’re attracted to especially practical studies and that you travel for business more than for pleasure. You are taking a closer look at and perhaps re-assessing your attitude and confidence. The blind faith or optimism that may have carried you to date comes up for inspection. Are your belief systems sound? What do you stand for? What kind of future are you working towards, and why? These are some of the questions this transit stimulates. The spirit that drives you and motivates you to move out and beyond the everyday grind comes up for inspection. By the end of the transit, you will have a better understanding of what it is that offers you hope and optimism as well as that which fuels your drive. You will be one step closer to knowing where you are headed, and you will have re-built faith in yourself. Ideally, you adopt a more mature attitude towards adventure and facing the unknown. You let go of self-defeating attitudes that have been holding you back, you recognize exactly where you have been overdoing your expectations, and you find new ways to nurture faith, hope, and vision. This is truly a period of self-discovery.
The more intense or acute elements of this transit are happening for you this year. Fortunately, Saturn is moving in harmony with your Sun, and this means you have quite a bit of support.
Saturn trines your Sun this year, and this helps you to better focus on your goals. This transit is a stabilizing one–others know they can rely on you, and you on them! Your vision is all the more realistic now, and pleasingly so. You work steadily and determinedly towards your goals. Authority figures and elders tend to look favorably upon you. This aspect goes a long way toward steadying and balancing your life. This is a wonderful time for self-discipline.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar twelfth house. At this time, Uranus helps release you from unconscious habit patterns, perhaps stirring up your private life (your private life becomes more "colorful" now), and interjecting some unusual coincidences into your life. This whole process acts to slowly but surely detach you from unsupportive elements of your life--those things that have been preventing you from growing and finding yourself. This is all in preparation for Uranus' transit of your sign and then solar first house that is set to incite your desires for independence, freedom, and excitement.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar tenth house this year, as it has been doing for a number of years.
Neptune through your career and reputation sector may put a cloud over your goals and mystery surrounding your reputation. Your worldly goals may be watered down or they're evolving during this cycle, as you focus more on personal affairs. Others may not be seeing you for who you are, but rather what they'd like you to be. Try not to encourage this behavior, as tempting as it might be to do so.
Some of you might be leaning towards a more spiritual, creative, or artistic career. Neptune clouding your vision of where it is you are headed in life can cause some inner restlessness and confusion. A master plan may be elusive during this period of your life. Unusual circumstances, coincidences, or some level of secrecy and mystery surround your career this year. Neptune is encouraging you to get in touch with your more spiritual side, but the circumstances that propel you in that direction may be confusing at first.
However, those born with the Sun or Ascendant at 20 to 21 degrees Taurus will see the very beginnings of Neptune’s transit to the solar eleventh house this year:
Neptune here can cast some "fog" over--and add some color and imagination to--your social life. You could face the need to draw some boundaries with friends and the demands of others. It's possible that your loyalty to certain groups or friends may have been misplaced, for example. You might experience a subtle yearning to belong with a friend or a group who/that shares your own ideals. This can lead you to attach yourself to unusual, more spiritual, or downright wacky friends...colorful ones, at the very least!
Pluto begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house this year for those born approximately from 20 to 25 degrees Taurus.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes to your belief system. It can have the effect of gradually transforming your belief system and general outlook on life. Some of the beliefs that have carried you to date may seem outdated or superficial, and events and circumstances in your life prompt you to adopt new beliefs and visions or to alter those you've had in the past. Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do. You may meet people, go places, or learn new things that change your way of thinking during this interesting transit.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house this year for those born at 26-30 degrees Taurus. This very long-term transit has the effect of gradually deepening your interest in the hidden, mysterious, or taboo side of life, as well as your own deeper nature, primal urges, and desire for control. Attitudes towards dependencies on others, finances, and intimacy transform. Events occurring now have the effect of completely altering your perspective on these things. You’ve been going through this process for many years now.
This year, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar second house. Some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your values and self-worth during this cycle. Personal income, possessions, and values are in strong focus. You need to learn to depend on yourself and to establish your self-worth through your own efforts, and the rewards for doing so are great!
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
See Also:
Taurus Horoscopes:
Taurus Daily Horoscope
Taurus Monthly Horoscope
Taurus Yearly Love Horoscope
Taurus Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Taurus Good Days Calendar
2025 Taurus Preview Horoscope
2025 Taurus Yearly Horoscope
All About Taurus
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Taurus Compatibility:
Taurus Sun Sign Compatibility
Taurus Moon Sign Compatibility
Taurus Venus Sign Compatibility
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