2020 Leo Overview
2020 Leo Overview: Yearly Horoscope
Leo (Born July 23-August 22*) – 0 to 30 degrees Leo:
2020: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Leo (All):
Note: The overview or summary of the year resides here; the details of the year continue below.
You’re serious about self-care, work, and health again this year, dear Leo, but you’re approaching it more holistically and joyfully! It’s a powerful year for a turning point in these areas–something has to change.
Early in 2020, there can be a reality check to deal with related to work or health and habits, after which you’re rebuilding if not bigger, better! It’s a year for making radical changes to improve your daily affairs and routines. Motivation builds to new levels that you may never have experienced before as Jupiter and Pluto join forces in your solar sixth house from March to November. It’s powerful energy for rebuilding and improving the structures in your life.
A Jupiter-Neptune aspect is subtle but beautiful for your love life. Your relationships get a nice boost in 2020. Still, it’s more about practical than romantic gestures this year with Saturn dividing its time between your work and partnership sectors. In truth, Saturn is phasing out of your work sector and will leave for good (or at least another 29 years) on December 17th. Jupiter is the newer guest in this area of your chart, helping you to enjoy the process, whether it’s about your work, projects, routines, or health and wellness programs.
December brings fabulous and practical energy for a new beginning related to partnership. It’s about commitment–whatever you choose now, you’re all in. While you’ve been bringing more maturity to your work and health in recent years, this energy is shifting towards your key one-to-one relationships. There will be times when your relationships feel heavy in the coming years, but the potential is high for stepping up and sorting out this area of your life in no uncertain terms.
Your career requires new approaches–if you’ve been in a rut, things are changing. You’re reinventing yourself on professional or public levels. The process is a long one–it’s not going to happen all at once. However, the work you’re doing in 2020 helps pave the road toward more freedom or authenticity. It may be that you have to do quite a bit of leg or detail work before you get to the best place for you professionally speaking. Experimentation is part of all of this with Uranus at the top of your solar chart.
Another emerging theme this year comes from the emphasis on your social sector, first through Venus’ extended stay from April to August (of which May 13-June 25 Venus is retrograde), and then due to the North Node’s visit to this sector starting in May. Eclipses are beginning to shake up the way you do your social and romantic life, too. The areas of both challenge and great reward are friendship, networks, associates, teams, and happiness goals. Teamwork is the way to go in 2020, even if it’s not always your first or natural choice. Sharing the load may mean sometimes sharing the credit, but overall, you’re in good shape for rounding out your experiences this year and next. Awakening to your true feelings for a friend or lover can figure strongly.
There can be times this year when you feel overwhelmed with choices on the work or health front, but overall, this is a time for making serious progress. By 2021, your focus will shift quite dramatically toward your social life and loftier goals, but for now, you’re laying the groundwork and putting in the effort. As always, it’s important to pace yourself, but you’re likely to more fully enjoy the work you do in 2020.
Self-discipline is exciting now, and you’ll need more of it when Mars retrogrades from September 9-November 13. Fortunately, this retrograde occurs in harmony to your sign, and you’ll feel it more as a valuable slowdown than a disruption. Traveling and learning look especially fulfilling for you after that time. During the retrograde, you may be rethinking certain plans related to education, publishing, belief systems, life experience, adventure, or travel. The goal is to genuinely understand your true desires and to live more authentically in these areas of life. It’s a powerful time for training and learning that you’ll apply to your advantage in early 2021.
See also 2020 Leo Preview Horoscope.
Key Events in 2020 for Leo:
Outer Planet Transits:
Saturn conjunct Pluto in January. This aspect can bring pressure to succeed and achieve. You may be tearing something down so that you can rebuild it to be better, more appropriate, or more relevant.
Since this alignment happens in your work and health sector, these are the areas that need redoing. You’re determined to make something work. It’s an ambitious time, and this transit can serve to break something down so that you can rebuild it better. Disciplined efforts to advance can pay off now. While Saturn and Pluto have been transiting this area of your chart for years now, you have Jupiter here in 2020 to help you feel happier to discipline yourself, and you may be enjoying your work or health pursuits more as you put in the effort. You may be working diligently on building your health, a personal project, your independence, or a solo initiative/venture. For now, there can be some hard and mature decisions to make. As the year progresses, however, you have the following influences helping you build something better for yourself, particularly related to habits, self-care, and work:
Jupiter sextile Neptune from February to October. This transit helps us maintain a sense of proportion and to consider our morals and spiritual values as we pursue our objectives. It’s a time for connecting with idealistic and humanitarian goals, making connections with people from vastly different backgrounds than us and learning from their perspectives, and otherwise widening our experiences and broadening our minds.
For you, Leo, this influence supports your sense of a higher purpose and general enjoyment of your work and daily affairs. You take more interest in your psychological health and how it impacts your physical health, and you may receive rewards on financial and/or intimate levels.
With so much happening in your work and health sector, you need this subtle boost. It’s an uplifting transit that suggests a new way of looking at your efforts, work, services, and chores can benefit you greatly. While this year is about going hard, this transit helps you find moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself. It also reminds you of the value of feeding your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your practical pursuits. It’s a time of increased personal meaning and purpose.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto from March to November. This influence magnifies our ambitions to better ourselves or our circumstances. We can be doggedly determined to make improvements. We might also take things too far with this combination, and occurring in the sign of Capricorn, this can relate to power. As long as we channel our intense ambitions appropriately, this can be a powerful period for achievement. We want to take something to a completely new level. However we define success at this time in our lives, we’re ready to do what it takes to achieve it. There is a real sense that we can achieve something of significance now. We might focus this energy on an important project or focus it inward–on bettering ourselves through greater self-understanding. Overcoming obstacles can figure strongly during this transit.
For you, Leo, your focus can be on making long-lasting beneficial changes to your habits, work, and routines. This transit is powerful for ramping up your ambition and your sense of personal power regarding getting your life in order. You are super motivated to improve your life, particularly through the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and through your daily routines, habits, chores, tasks, services, and work.
This can also be a time for embracing desires you never quite knew–or admitted to yourself–you had. While the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January asked you to cut out inauthentic paths from your life, Jupiter-Pluto now helps you rebuild and reinvent yourself. You’re redoing things in big ways, and with a stronger knowledge of what drives you, you’re doing things much better than you were before.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December. This transit brings you much power to start fresh regarding your partnerships and close relationships. It’s a time for taking a realistic look at what you can do, assessing and surveying things, and then pursuing what you feel suits you best. It’s a strong time for making commitments, partnering, and negotiating. What you begin now and in the coming year can very well be significant and long-term.
Other significant transits:
Mars conjunct Jupiter/Pluto and then Venus trine Jupiter/Pluto in the second half of March. A time of a real sense of purpose–your love of what you’re doing reflects in your work. You’re motivated to bring a plan to new heights and determined to meet or beat a goal. You might decide to eliminate habits in your routine that are counter-productive so that you can focus on those that serve your higher objectives. Your enterprising spirit is in strong form, and you may be finding new meaning in a project or endeavor. This is an opportunity period for your work, health, habits, routines, and reputation.
Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all turn retrograde from May 11 to 15. Venus is retrograde in the sign of Gemini from May 12 to June 25. Venus hangs around its square to Neptune in May. At the time of the inferior conjunction, retro Venus is square Mars in early June, and then a Lunar eclipse occurs in Sagittarius.
During the Venus-retrograde period, you may be in limbo about a friendship or your social life. This can certainly give you the chance to think about what and who you truly value. Let things flow and observe how things are unfolding with as much patience as you can muster. If the pleasure factor has been missing in your social life or regarding happiness goals in your life, now is the time to recognize the problem.
Mars is retrograde from September 9 to November 13 in the sign of Aries (pre-retrograde shadow begins July 25th). Throughout this period, it’s appropriate to slow down, back up, and review. Enthusiasm for specific areas of life could change, particularly related to publishing, law, education, travel, and belief systems. Your approach to experiencing life to its fullest may need an adjustment now. Your outlook and lust for life, for the time being, might not be as natural or spontaneous as it has been. There may be a turning to past projects for inspiration. There may be some things that catch up with you at this time, and that prompt a need to review, return to a previous condition, or tie up loose ends. There can be treasures in old projects and connections; the trick is to approach them in new ways.
Mars square Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto from August to December. You can be battling restlessness. There could be a lot of (unnecessary) pressure on you to make a decision. Positively, you get the chance to resolve conflicts after confronting the issues.
New and Full Moons/Eclipses:
The Leo-specific interpretations of these lunations for later dates fill in soon.
Please note that these key dates are synopses — quick summaries of astro-events — that are covered more in-depth in the monthly horoscopes and daily horoscopes.
See also 2020 Leo Preview Horoscope.
Yearly Horoscope: 2020 Predictions for Leo
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here or use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
2020: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, Outlook, & General Trends
See also see your Leo Preview Horoscope for 2020, as well as Leo Love Horoscope for 2020. The horoscope on this page, Leo Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Leo, and these are shown below the main, general forecast.
There are some interesting trends with you in 2020, dear Leo. The year has a distinct and strong focus on the sign of Capricorn, with Aquarius moving in slowly but surely! These affect mostly your sectors ruling work, health, routines, habits, and partnerships.
Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease that you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
Leos are spontaneous but loyal, and they are proud of who they are and what they do. They have big hearts and so much to give, and they go for the gold! This year, you have Chiron and, from May forward, the North Node, in harmony with your sign, boosting your self-honesty and enthusiasm. However, for the most part, it’s a year of adjustments and hard work.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Leo:
Leo 2020
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | |||||
Jupiter | ||||||||||||||||
Saturn | ||||||||||||||||
Uranus | ||||||||||||||||
Neptune | ||||||||||||||||
Pluto | ||||||||||||||||
Chiron | ||||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in a direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
As is evident in the above chart, there is very little in the way of outer planet challenges this year for Leo and a mix of neutral and harmonious energy for the most part.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Leo Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Leo Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
Most of the outer planet activity in 2020 is happening in your sector of work, health, routines, habits, services, and chores, Leo. However, it’s also a year in which a shift towards your partnership sector is happening. It will be most evident in 2021, but for now, things are transitioning.
What does this mean for you? Essentially, more work, adjustment, and preparation. What’s different this year is that Jupiter joins the serious planets in this area of your solar chart, bringing a sense that it’s going somewhere, that your efforts are meaningful, and that you can benefit much from the work you’re putting in now. The other difference is that Saturn is transitioning out of this sector, also helping to reduce the discomfort and duty theme.
Saturn is moving into opposition to your sign in 2020, and while it can come as some relief in the work-and-health department, it’s asking you to get serious about a partnership. This theme will develop further in 2021.
Still, the reference to work here is about your daily duties–your profession or career is represented in a different part of your chart–the tenth house. And, in 2020, your solar tenth house has a powerful, somewhat erratic and individualistic guest: Uranus. As such, your career, professional status, life path, and reputation are not going to be status-quo this year. You are doing these things quite differently this year, and while disruptive at times, it’s exciting. You’re moving toward expressing yourself on professional or public levels in more authentic and independent ways. Uranus is not as active in 2020 as it has been in recent years, however, so these themes of awakening to your true calling are with you, but may often be brewing on the back burner for now.
This is a powerful year for work and health, and then in the last month of the year, for partnerships. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
**The following horoscopes reveal the outer planet, long-term trends for each decan. While Jupiter transits last just over a year, the remaining outer planet transits last several years (an average of 2-1/2 years for Saturn, 7 years for Uranus, and so forth). This is why you can see some of the same trends continuing from previous years. Note also that while the degrees of decans are precise, the dates are necessarily approximate since they vary slightly from birth year to birth year.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Leo (Born July 23 to August 2) – 0 to 10 degrees Leo (1ST DECAN):
2020: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until December 19th, Jupiter continues to move through your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines. This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle.
Jupiter is fun, positive, and likes to do things in a big way, making this is a fantastic time for bringing new life to your daily routines, diet, work, and fitness programs. Stale, lifeless elements of your routine can be put behind you now. You're finding ways to make things fun and rewarding rather than simply going through the motions.
With Jupiter, you have to watch for taking on too much or going too big. Yes, finding more meaning in your work and daily affairs is exciting, but if you shoot too high, then you may end up with more than you can handle.
Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely. You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you--perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose.
The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness--this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result.
As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar sixth house from January 1-May 13, and from September 13-December 19.
From December 19th forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, transits your solar seventh house. During this cycle, you may enjoy benefits through marriage, serious partnerships, common-law partnerships, business partnerships, negotiations, and/or contractual agreements. This is a period of your life when you're more likely to establish a significant partnership, or you could be enhancing an existing relationship. It's one of the better transits under which to get married. You can negotiate more successfully than usual, and, if applicable, you are more likely to win in legal matters or other forms of official negotiations. Financial benefits could possibly come through partnerships. For those of you who are already partnered, you are likely to find more joy in close relationships due to a more easygoing and tolerant attitude towards others and partnering in general. It's especially important to be fair with one another and to share your ideas and ideals. Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past might more easily be resolved now, and even more casual disputes are likely to be settled during this cycle. The need for freedom in your social relationships is strong, however, and if it is not forthcoming, you could feel caged in and restless. You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor, or you could benefit from help from the same. Good publicity may come your way. If your work involves the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, or you might receive good reviews, feedback, or word-of-mouth opportunities. Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, or successful new ones are entered into this year. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Also, although Jupiter is generally considered positive and happy energy, close relationships could end during this cycle, but if they do, it's generally in order to move on to a happier, healthier, more tolerant relationship. A warm, open, and honest approach to others wins you positive new relationships or enhances existing ones.
Saturn transits your solar sixth house until March 21st, and then from July 1st to December 16th. It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that was two years ago! This influence is winding down and coming to an end in 2020.
Saturn's influence here affects your job, daily routines, self-care efforts, and health. You may be taking on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity. For some of you, your job may have become rather tedious or downright boring, or working conditions may be poor, demanding, or frustrating -- at least, this is your perception of things -- and now you're taking steps to make improvements. For others, worries about your job could figure strongly. For many, duty often comes before pleasure during this period, and a tendency to work more or harder is likely. As long as this doesn't reach workaholic levels, you'll be just fine. In fact, it can be easier than usual to be sensible about your diet, health, hygiene, and fitness needs. Be aware of the need to know when enough is enough, however.
With Saturn turning a critical eye to work, daily functions, habits, and health, you are likely to feel some pressure to perform. You find yourself more accountable than ever when it comes to your work and output. Some of the questions that this cycle calls up include: How can you make the best use of your time? How can you manage your day-to-day life, and your body, better? You become more and more aware of all of the "fluff" that surrounds your daily routines and your work, and spring cleaning becomes necessary. This is an excellent period for starting new regimens to better your health and well-being, such as regular exercise, more structured and productive use of your time, and so forth. By the time this transit ends, you'll be considerably more productive, healthy, and focused. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life in small but key ways.
Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily at times - they appear magnified. While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose. We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. If you've been overdoing a supportive role or if you've been scattering your energies and haven't truly noted just how much you do, then Saturn here will stimulate you to tidy up. In the end, you can, in fact, feel more joyful about the services you provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments.
Saturn transits your solar seventh house from March 21st to July 1st and then from December 17th forward (until March 2023). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for you, that is this year and next. This influence is only just getting started. By mid-December this year, Saturn is consistently transiting this area of your solar chart until March 2023.
Saturn motivates us to do "spring cleaning" in the areas of life it touches. In your case, significant one-to-one relationships need to be considered and understood during this transit. This is a time when you're called to define, understand, and crystallize your significant relationships with others. If you have a partner, this is a time when any issues surrounding compromise, flexibility, and the ability to give your heart to your partner will surface. Initial frustration in the early stages of this transit may take the form of feeling criticized and "examined" in this area of life. By the end of the transit, however, you will have learned much about commitment and compromise. Single people are likely to feel the initial pressures of Saturn transiting the seventh house as well. A feeling of loneliness is possible in either situation (whether you have/had a significant partnership or not), but instead of an issue of re-committing, the single person will seriously think about commitment in general. If involved in a casual love relationship, when Saturn transits the seventh, a pressure emerges concerning the need for evaluating your commitments. Often this transit corresponds with an urge (or pressure) to make a commitment or a recommitment.
Healthy partnerships can be the outcome of this transit, whether they are new ones or strengthened existing partnerships. Saturn always brings with it a fair measure of reality and objectivity, so that whatever relationships you may have now or want to have will be defined and re-defined. Relationships are seen now as serious matters! Partners are no longer mirrors of the ego. Responsibilities to partners, the need to compromise, and the realities of the needs of others, become clear. You see others as individuals and feel compelled to improve the manner in which you relate to and with others. Depending on your age and life circumstances, "significant partnerships" can mean partnerships with loved ones, business partnerships, one-on-one counseling, and deep friendships. By the end of this transit this year, quantity in the relationship department will have been replaced with quality, and this process involves time, soul-searching, frustration, and eventual fulfillment.
This is a time when you may not see the especially flattering side of a partner, or of yourself in response. A partner might feel like a "heavy" in your life, and any feelings of restriction that you feel or have felt in this area of life may seem magnified in your mind now. A partner might also seem cautious, distant, critical, or defensive. You need to open your mind to the possibility that a significant other is providing you with important life lessons - about traditions, simplifying your life, and responsibilities. While this might seem difficult now, you might later look back on this time of your life as a learning experience, and it's best not to automatically discard what someone has to say. Take your time on this one. If, however, a partner is challenging you to the point of breaking, then steps need to be taken to improve the situation.
A relationship can encounter some tests or complications, but if it's strong, it will weather the storm and you could decide to take it to another level. If not, remember that relationships "lost" during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector on some level have run their course and need to end. Some of you could be making a commitment to someone, and others may decide that a traditional partnership is not for you. This is not a period of status quo in your relationships - something is decided now. You may be seeing the sobering side of a relationship, significant person, or yourself through a relationship! If it's very uncomfortable, now is the time to make changes.
Uranus continues or begins its transit of your solar tenth house this year.
Your career direction changes and your relationships with authority figures can be animated and dynamic during this long-term cycle. Do your best to avoid impulsive decision-making that is built solely upon your desire to be a free spirit. However, it's also important to make changes that accommodate your new independent outlook - my advice is to do it but avoid going overboard on this. You may recognize talents that you never knew you had, and this can be a sudden, exciting discovery!
Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image appear to speed up, stimulate, and open up this year. These areas of life can be unpredictable - the wild card area of your life - but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight into your work. You can also learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness. As long as you don't push it too far, you can free yourself from some of the fears you have of not living up to others' expectations, particularly those of parents or society in general.
This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work. Make sure you don't jump on a bandwagon that is impractical. Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. Others can have important input.
Your goals and objectives can take a real curve now. You seek to carve out your own path in your profession, and there can be interesting changes, rearrangements, or new directions.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house this year.
Neptune here can cast some fog over your debts to others or your intimate life. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property. A loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but possibly a little confusing at times during this long-term transit. Sometimes it's about shared assets or support. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what's yours/what's mine may be blurred somewhat at this time. A partner might have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances, for example. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration during this cycle. Otherwise, this is a time for learning much about dependencies, addictions, dreams, inner motivations, and power dynamics.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house this year. The acute elements of this transit are long behind you. This transit brings gradual but profound changes to your daily routines and habits. You should certainly watch for straining yourself by working too hard when Pluto itself is strained or under pressure. During the course of this very long-term transit, you are learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving in important ways. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don't replace one bad habit with another! Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do it for you with your work, health, and habits.
Chiron's harmonious influence is a subtly healing one. Others look upon you with more respect, tolerance, and acceptance, and you're presenting yourself in a more approachable, humble, and honest manner. You don't feel the need to prove yourself, and that feels good! You have the chance to shine, largely because you are projecting yourself with self-respect and modesty at once. You are especially appealing and charming during this transit just by being "you." Opportunities - both personal and professional - are likely to present themselves as a result. You are not looking for credit for what you do, which frees you up to get it anyhow! Supportive and easygoing connections to others can be made under this influence.
Until May 5th, the North Node transits your solar twelfth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through learning about your inner world. Your attention turns to spirituality, downtime, and faith. Your path is to attempt to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt and to trust in a larger more spiritual plan.
From May 5th onward, the North Node transits your solar eleventh house, and the North Node is pointing you in the direction of your association with groups, friends, and networking. You need to let go of any resistance you might feel about being "one of the crowd" in an effort to stand out as unique and special. You should be moving towards a more objective approach to your life this year, as well as cultivating true friendships. Your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself - will benefit.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Or, see your free Monthly Forecast and 2020 Love Horoscope.
Leo (Born August 3 to 12) – 10 to 20 degrees Leo (2ND DECAN):
2020: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
This year, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines.
This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle. Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely.
You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you—perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose. The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness—this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result.
As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate.
You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar sixth house, from January 1-May 13, and from September 13th forward.
Saturn transits your solar sixth house (until March 2021). It’s typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, that was last year! You are now taking this transit increasingly in stride as you get more comfortable with this energy.
Saturn's influence here affects your job, daily routines, self-care efforts, and health. You may be taking on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity. For some of you, your job may have become rather tedious or downright boring, or working conditions may be poor, demanding, or frustrating -- at least, this is your perception of things -- and now you're taking steps to make improvements. For others, worries about your job could figure strongly. For many, duty often comes before pleasure during this period, and a tendency to work more or harder is likely. As long as this doesn't reach workaholic levels, you'll be just fine. In fact, it can be easier than usual to be sensible about your diet, health, hygiene, and fitness needs. Be aware of the need to know when enough is enough, however.
With Saturn turning a critical eye to work, daily functions, habits, and health, you are likely to feel some pressure to perform. You find yourself more accountable than ever when it comes to your work and output. Some of the questions that this cycle calls up include: How can you make the best use of your time? How can you manage your day-to-day life, and your body, better? You become more and more aware of all of the "fluff" that surrounds your daily routines and your work, and spring cleaning becomes necessary. This is an excellent period for starting new regimens to better your health and well-being, such as regular exercise, more structured and productive use of your time, and so forth. By the time this transit ends, you'll be considerably more productive, healthy, and focused. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life in small but key ways.
Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily at times - they appear magnified. While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose. We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. If you've been overdoing a supportive role or if you've been scattering your energies and haven't truly noted just how much you do, then Saturn here will stimulate you to tidy up. In the end, you can, in fact, feel more joyful about the services you provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house this year.
Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for a changing, more open-minded personal philosophy. Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh. Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you're not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it's easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute much to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness are bound to come shining through. You are a little more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now.
Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself and could attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be entirely different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it.
Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You're open to a certain amount of change and progress this year, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously during this period of your life -- this is a long-term transit.
New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise seemingly out of the blue. If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. There can be conventions, seminars, clubs, group travel, or long-distance learning figuring strongly during this transit. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you up and stimulate new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now, and you're attracted to more avant-garde or progressive belief systems.
While Uranus is transiting the sign of Taurus which is the sign on your solar tenth house, Uranus very briefly reaches the degrees of your decan this year, and will only dip into your solar tenth house more consistently in 2021-2022.
Only those born on August 3-4 and those with a 10-11 degree Leo Ascendant will experience the Uranus transit to the tenth in 2020. (For the rest of you, this transit will happen in 2021 or 2022.) For these few:
Your career direction changes and your relationships with authority figures can be animated and dynamic during this long-term cycle. Do your best to avoid impulsive decision-making that is built solely upon your desire to be a free spirit. However, it's also important to make changes that accommodate your new independent outlook - my advice is to do it but avoid going overboard on this. You may recognize talents that you never knew you had, and this can be a sudden, exciting discovery!
Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image appear to speed up, stimulate, and open up this year. These areas of life can be unpredictable - the wild card area of your life - but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight into your work. You can also learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness. As long as you don't push it too far, you can free yourself from some of the fears you have of not living up to others' expectations, particularly those of parents or society in general.
This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work. Make sure you don't jump on a bandwagon that is impractical. Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. Others can have important input.
Your goals and objectives can take a real curve now. You seek to carve out your own path in your profession, and there can be interesting changes, rearrangements, or new directions.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar eighth house. Neptune here can cast some fog over your debts to others or your intimate life. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property. A loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but possibly a little confusing at times during this long-term transit. Sometimes it's about shared assets or support. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what's yours/what's mine may be blurred somewhat at this time. A partner might have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances, for example. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration during this cycle. Otherwise, this is a time for learning much about dependencies, addictions, dreams, inner motivations, and power dynamics.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house this year.
This transit brings gradual but profound changes to your daily routines and habits. You should certainly watch for straining yourself by working too hard when Pluto itself is strained or under pressure. During the course of this very long-term transit, you are learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving in important ways. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don't replace one bad habit with another!
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do it for you with your work, health, and habits.
The acute elements of this Pluto transit are behind you in 2020.
This year, the North Node transits your solar eleventh house, and the North Node is pointing you in the direction of your association with groups, friends, and networking. You need to let go of any resistance you might feel about being "one of the crowd" in an effort to stand out as unique and special. You should be moving towards a more objective approach to your life this year, as well as cultivating true friendships. Your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself - will benefit.
Special: 2020 Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique 2020 Personalized Horoscope?–over 100 pages long–?for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and 2020 Love Horoscope.
Leo (Born August 13 to 22) – 20 to 30 degrees Leo (3rd DECAN):
2020: Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From March forward, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines.
This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle. Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely.
You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you—perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose. The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness—this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result.
As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate.
You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar sixth house, from March 3-May 13, and from September 13-forward.
Saturn transits your solar sixth house this year. This transit will run until 2022 for your decan.
Saturn's influence here affects your job, daily routines, self-care efforts, and health. You may be taking on more responsibilities on the job or in another service-oriented capacity. For some of you, your job may have become rather tedious or downright boring, or working conditions may be poor, demanding, or frustrating -- at least, this is your perception of things -- and now you're taking steps to make improvements. For others, worries about your job could figure strongly. For many, duty often comes before pleasure during this period, and a tendency to work more or harder is likely. As long as this doesn't reach workaholic levels, you'll be just fine. In fact, it can be easier than usual to be sensible about your diet, health, hygiene, and fitness needs. Be aware of the need to know when enough is enough, however.
With Saturn turning a critical eye to work, daily functions, habits, and health, you are likely to feel some pressure to perform. You find yourself more accountable than ever when it comes to your work and output. Some of the questions that this cycle calls up include: How can you make the best use of your time? How can you manage your day-to-day life, and your body, better? You become more and more aware of all of the "fluff" that surrounds your daily routines and your work, and spring cleaning becomes necessary. This is an excellent period for starting new regimens to better your health and well-being, such as regular exercise, more structured and productive use of your time, and so forth. By the time this transit ends, you'll be considerably more productive, healthy, and focused. This is also an excellent time for simplifying and structuring your life in small but key ways.
Responsibilities in your daily life can weigh heavily at times - they appear magnified. While the work we do may sometimes feel too routine or boring, it can also give us a strong feeling of purpose. We want to be needed, we want to help and support others, and to do our share. If you've been overdoing a supportive role or if you've been scattering your energies and haven't truly noted just how much you do, then Saturn here will stimulate you to tidy up. In the end, you can, in fact, feel more joyful about the services you provide and the support you give, after taking a realistic look at these things and making the necessary adjustments.
The more intense or acute elements of this transit are happening for you this year, after which you grow more accustomed to the energies.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar ninth house. Connections with a broader set of people and experiences can be the catalysts for a changing, more open-minded personal philosophy. Your interest in learning, exploring, and branching out is renewed and fresh. Listening to your gut will serve you well, as long as you're not listening to that part of you that fears change. Fortunately, it's easier to make necessary changes in your life without making too many waves now. You are drawn to new experiences and ideas, and they contribute much to your growth. You have a twinkle in your eye this year! Your own originality and uniqueness are bound to come shining through. You are a little more outspoken, daring, and progressive than usual now.
Events that occur this year tend to show you a different side of yourself and could attract new people into your life. Any new friends or connections made are likely to be entirely different than those you have had in the past. If you want to rid yourself of some unhealthy habits or past conditioning that has been undermining your confidence, this is the year to do it. Some of the people around you might be surprised at your newly found independence, but most will enjoy it.
Pleasant surprises pepper your year ahead. You're open to a certain amount of change and progress this year, and thus attract interesting and sometimes unusual events into your life. A few doors open to you as you express yourself more spontaneously during this period of your life -- this is a long-term transit.
New intellectual interests are likely this year. Unexpected or unusual experiences tend to enhance your understanding, and a new perspective on your life is in store. An unexpected opportunity for travel may present itself, or new opportunities to further your education could arise seemingly out of the blue. If you do get a chance to travel, which could come up quite suddenly, unusual and eye-opening experiences may be in store for you. There can be conventions, seminars, clubs, group travel, or long-distance learning figuring strongly during this transit. The people that you meet this year tend to stir you up and stimulate new ways of thinking. You are less inclined towards a personal philosophy that is traditional now, and you're attracted to more avant-garde or progressive belief systems.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar seventh house this year, as it has been doing for a number of years.
Neptune's long-term transit here tends to cast some "fog" over your partnerships. You may be meeting evasiveness in a partner or potential mates. A more accepting or spiritual approach to partnerships is what you are moving towards, but there can be a bit of confusion and possibly disillusionment in the process for some. It can be hard to pin down a partner to a solid commitment. Or, you may begin to attract Neptunian people into your life--compassionate, artistic, or spiritual types. At the other end of the spectrum, they can be elusive, evasive, or downright deceptive. Another manifestation of this aspect involves struggling somewhat with your own expectations in partnerships. Self-deception may very well be in play, and when others don't quite measure up to these expectations, disappointments occur. Do your best to see people for who they are rather than what you'd really like them to be. Your own goals could be confusing, and your energy levels could swing quite dramatically at times, perhaps reflecting this inner confusion. A more spiritual approach to your life is in order, and this Neptune transit calls upon you to detach yourself from some of your more worldly and materialistic goals.
However, those born with the Sun or Ascendant at 20 to 21 degrees Leo will see the very beginnings of Neptune’s transit to the solar eighth house this year:
Neptune here can cast some fog over your debts to others or your intimate life. You may encounter some challenges regarding shared finances or property. A loan or other form of support may come through unexpectedly, even in a mysterious fashion. Intimate relationships can be highly colorful, perhaps with spiritual undercurrents, but possibly a little confusing at times during this long-term transit. Sometimes it's about shared assets or support. The boundaries that are normally drawn between what's yours/what's mine may be blurred somewhat at this time. A partner might have unsettled finances, and this could impact your own finances, for example. Do be wary of anything that even slightly resembles fraud. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration during this cycle. Otherwise, this is a time for learning much about dependencies, addictions, dreams, inner motivations, and power dynamics.
Pluto begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house this year for those born approximately from 20 to 25 degrees Leo.
This transit brings gradual but profound changes to your daily routines and habits. You should certainly watch for straining yourself by working too hard when Pluto itself is strained or under pressure. During the course of this very long-term transit, you are learning about new ways of approaching health matters, particularly by uncovering root or core issues. Your work and habits are also evolving in important ways. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don't replace one bad habit with another!
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do it for you with your work, health, and habits.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house this year for those born with 26-30 degrees Leo. This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but profound changes in attitudes towards love affairs, creativity, hobbies, recreation, children, self-expression, leisure time, and entertainment. You might feel that your affections and interests have been turned inside out or upside down - that on some levels, you are no longer the same person as a result. Expectations transform and evolve this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do. You’ve been going through this process for many years now.
This year, the North Node transits your solar eleventh house, and the North Node is pointing you in the direction of your association with groups, friends, and networking. You need to let go of any resistance you might feel about being "one of the crowd" in an effort to stand out as unique and special. You should be moving towards a more objective approach to your life this year, as well as cultivating true friendships. Your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself - will benefit.
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
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