This Week in Astrology: January 5 to 11, 2020
January 5 to 11, 2020
On this Page:
This week’s Moon
Planets in signs and aspect
This week’s astrology calendar
Timing with the Moon
Romance & Relationship Report
Daily Trends

Full Moon
The FULL Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs on Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 2:21 PM EST.
On Friday afternoon, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer. This is an especially potent Full Moon, as it is a Lunar Eclipse. With the Cancer-Capricorn axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives concerning the balance between our private lives, domesticity, our need for a home base, and nurturance (represented by Cancer) versus our public lives, careers, reputation, and accountability (represented by Capricorn). Attachments and love are ruled by Cancer, while achievements and rewards/punishments are ruled by Capricorn.
In some ways, this polarity deals with the balance between unconditional love and conditional love. Cancer encourages us to value our home base and our roots, while Capricorn persuades us to consider our sense of duty and responsibility along public or professional lines. While Cancer may be content to be dependent, Capricorn urges us to be grown-up and responsible. Cancer represents the origin, and Capricorn represents the goal. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do.
This Full Moon is about balancing our commitment to our career and families. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the coming weeks and months, we’ll discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t seem to sit on our feelings. We need to express them. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict. Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts. Relationships may be challenged, broken, or strengthened dramatically at this time. Our discovery is emotionally charged and dramatic. Epiphanies are likely at this time as we become acutely aware of our lack. This understanding can propel us into positive action.
Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some sort of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon. Look to 20 degrees of Cancer (and Capricorn) in your own chart. This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Note that whatever “happens” at this time is nothing truly new. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building. Something comes to light at the time of the Full Moon, and if we get in touch with our emotions, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go.
This Lunar Eclipse in Cancer is bound to thrust us into a state of heightened awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, in our homes and family structures. Decisions made now are emotionally-driven. It occurs when the Sun is aligned with (and just days before) the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. We’re challenged to face our attachments, emotions, and needs for nurture at this time, even though it’s been very much about where we’re heading these days! Note that June’s Solar Eclipse will bring on the new beginnings related to this eclipse’s epiphanies and realizations.
This eclipse occurs at the superior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, emphasizing the power of words and rationalization. There can be a real dichotomy between what our heads and our hearts are telling us. Nervous tension can result as we feel pressure to make decisions. The Cancer Moon is opposing quite a roundup of planets in its opposite sign, Capricorn, and there can be a sudden awareness of our emotions in the face of the rules and our ambitions. Initially, we can feel extremely sensitive and perhaps somewhat powerless. However, our feelings count, and we’ll see and feel their power now, paving the road for new directions.
This is a time to continue to clear up past patterns that have been holding us back from personal fulfillment, particularly those that are home or family-centered or that revolve around our work-home balance and attitudes toward comfort and responsibility. There will be more work to come in these areas, but for now, we are experiencing a greater awareness of problems and especially lacks or flaws.
Through events, circumstances, and epiphanies occurring around the time of this eclipse, we learn that we need to get in touch with our needs for nurture, family, comfort, familiarity, and love in order for our lives, including our professional lives, to be full and worthwhile. Read more about the eclipses.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 20 degrees and 0 minutes of Cancer opposition the Sun at 20 degrees and 0 minutes of Capricorn, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 16 to 24 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.
Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
Dec 26, 2019, 12:13 AM Sun Conjunct Moon
(New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse)
Jan 2, 2020, 11:45 PM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jan 10, 2020, 2:21 PM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse)
Jan 17, 2020, 7:58 AM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Jan 24, 2020, 4:42 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse)
(Times are Eastern)
This week: The Sun is in Capricorn; Mercury is in Capricorn; Venus is in Aquarius; Mars is in Sagittarius.
The Sun is in Capricorn from December 21-January 20. We are motivated by feelings of responsibility, ambition, and respect for law and order. Capricorn derives much satisfaction in completion and accomplishment. Standards, structures, and an appreciation for order are Capricorn themes. Capricorn wants tangible results, knows what is feasible and what is not, and is most comfortable working within an established framework and known boundaries or limits. Working towards a long-term goal is most satisfying with this influence.
Mercury is in Capricorn from December 28, 2019-January 16, 2020. When Mercury is in Capricorn, our thinking is methodical and our focus is sober and practical. It is easier to concentrate on the task at hand under this influence. Our conversations may be quite realistic or focused on business/practical matters. Our thought patterns and communication styles become more logical, orderly, and organized. We are more able to sort out what is relevant and essential. Realism enters the picture, our speech is no-nonsense, and precision becomes important to us. We need to be wary of becoming too rigid in our thinking. We may come across as cold or harsh. For some, there is a fine line between realism and pessimism.
Venus is in Aquarius from December 20-January 13. We move towards unconventionality, independence, and freedom as themes in our social relationships under this influence. Aquarius can be just as faithful as Capricorn, but it has to be on his own terms! Experimental relationships are more intriguing now. Being friends as well as lovers is important to us during this cycle. Allowing one another freedom of expression, and treating others fairly, unselfishly, and impartially, are themes now.
Mars is in Sagittarius from January 3 to February 16, 2020. With a Sagittarius Mars, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of adventure, and of conquest–this is the position of wanderlust. We start projects or challenges with gusto, although we may tend to abandon them rather quickly. This may be because we set our sights too high!
Jupiter entered Capricorn on December 2nd, 2019, and will transit the sign until December 19th, 2020. Read more about the Jupiter in Capricorn transit.
Saturn transits Capricorn until March 21, 2020; and then finishes up its transit from July 1 to December 17, 2020. Read about Saturn’s transit through Capricorn here.
Uranus is in Taurus. Uranus first transited Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and is now consistently in the sign (since March 6th, 2019) until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Aquarius from December 20, 2019, to January 13, 2020. While Venus was in Capricorn, we valued enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We took expressing our feelings seriously, and we also took our sweet time warming up to others! Generally, we kept our “cool” in relationships. With Venus now in Aquarius, we still keep our “cool” in relationships, but in a detached and impersonal sort of way, however. Unconventional set-ups become more appealing. Bringing the spirit of friendship into romantic relationships is a positive use of Venus in Aquarius energy. Relationships that fairly scream “alternative” appeal to us now. It’s all about being open-minded and somewhat detached with Aquarius energy dominating the love arena. With Venus in Aquarius, it’s best to go into dates with new people casually, with no expectations and no strings. Melodrama and emotionalism simply won’t work. We may also find ourselves attracted to—or attracting—people who are not our type.
This week: On Tuesday and Wednesday, a minor challenging aspect between Venus and Jupiter can point to some restlessness. We have a tendency to want more than what we have, and this might lead to some exaggeration or promises.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Aquarius A love for the unusual, a distaste for stodgy old rules and conventions, a feeling that you’re above the petty bourgeois stuff and nonsense: that’s what a new cycle brings into your life now. (“I love humanity; it’s people I can’t stand!”) Unconventional romantic and social connections are likely at a time like this.
Venus semi-square Chiron January 2. Love cannot be forced. This is not a commitment-friendly transit, as we may feel alienated for no apparent reason and unwilling to give of ourselves.
Venus semi-square Jupiter January 7-8. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.
Venus sextile Uranus January 14-15. We lose our fear of taking risks at this time, and we happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements. We are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit.
Venus parallel Uranus January 14-15. We embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements. We lose our fear of taking risks at this time. We are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit. Peculiar, sudden, or avant-garde attractions. This is an exciting but unstable energy. Friendship in love relationships becomes more important.
Venus semi-square Pluto January 19-20. Tendencies to look for something wrong in a relationship. Jealousy raises its ugly head.
Venus trine North Node January 19-20. We are more concerned about harmonizing and tend to be agreeable and cooperative. We could feel lucky in love, and we could meet someone who is good for us. Fortunate connections might be made now.
Venus semi-square Saturn January 20. Feelings of isolation, of not getting what we really want, and of not being loved the way we want to be loved can get in the way of pleasant relations with our partners.
Venus sextile Jupiter January 22-23. This aspect generates a happy, friendly, and optimistic attitude. People are a little more outgoing and sociable. Favors travel, education, and culture. Romantic opportunities. Harmony and goodwill.
Venus square Mars January 25-26. Passions run high under this influence. Sexual tensions and competitiveness are possible, and there can be conflicts that arise from distinct differences between romantic and sexual needs. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence, which need not be difficult. It can be stimulating, creative, passionate, and invigorating.
The Moon & Timing
The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During the Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects. The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology).
Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass. The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology. The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations.
The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:
Void-of-course Moon on Monday, January 6th, from 7:08 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini at 9:11 PM EST.
VOC Moon on Wednesday, January 8th, from 5:16 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Venus), until the Moon enters Cancer the next day, Thursday, January 9th, at 3:43 AM EST.
VOC Moon on Friday, January 10th, from 6:58 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Pluto), until the Moon enters Leo the next day, Saturday, January 11th, at 7:16 AM EST.
January 2020:
Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives
The Moon is waxing this week, which is generally considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details).
According to principles of timing with the Moon, there are no ideal windows of opportunity this week. We won’t have another clear window until mid-January. However, from 4:30 AM to 5:15 PM EST on Wednesday, January 8th, we are in decent shape for activities involving unwinding. Note that new beginnings are better avoided in the week before and after an eclipse, which occurs on the 10th.
See also the following articles and tables: Timing with the Moon and Opportunity Periods with the Void Moon for times and techniques.
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
Dec 2,
2019 1:20 PM Jupiter enters Capricorn
Dec 9, 2019 4:41 AM Mercury enters Sagittarius
Dec 12, 2019 10:47 PM Chiron Direct
Dec 20, 2019 1:41 AM Venus enters Aquarius
Dec 21, 2019 11:19 PM Sun enters Capricorn
Dec 28, 2019 11:55 PM Mercury enters Capricorn
Jan 3, 2020 4:37 AM Mars enters Sagittarius
Jan 10, 2020 8:48 PM Uranus Direct
Jan 13, 2020 1:39 PM Venus enters Pisces
Jan 16, 2020 1:31 PM Mercury enters Aquarius
Jan 18, 2020 5:31 AM Pallas enters Capricorn
Jan 20, 2020 9:55 AM Sun enters Aquarius
Jan 31, 2020 2:59 AM Ceres enters Aquarius
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day (this takes you to my other site, Astrology Cafe).
See also: The Astrology of 2020 – Overview.
Note: Times given are Eastern Time (ET).
This Week’s Calendar
This Week’s Aspects
Mars trine Chiron. We may have the opportunity to take the lead, or to take action, regarding matters that lead to healing, cleansing, or teaching now. We can feel a sense of mission now. There is likely to be a feeling of fearlessness when it comes to addressing problem areas, and self-confidence as well. There is a drive to take positive action, usually to defend or help others (or ourselves). It’s a strong period for cooperation and purposeful activity.
Sun sextile Neptune. We’re at the right place at the right time, probably because our hunches are more likely to be correct and we are “tuned in”. We are inspired, and charitable acts now will serve to lift our spirits like no drug can. A good time for self-improvement programs or efforts. Instinctual judgment is enhanced under this influence. We are able to see matters, and people, from a different perspective–one that allows for, and even finds beauty in, differences.
Mars quincunx Uranus. Making adjustments to our goals may be necessary now, and this can temporarily drain our energy or make us feel restless and impatient.
Venus semi-square Jupiter. We might take great strides to get noticed. Avoid impulsive buying. Problems in our personal life likely won’t get resolved under this influence. Avoid hasty (or haughty!) decisions. We might overstate our feelings or promise more than we can deliver, and the tendency to overdo is strong.
Mercury sextile Neptune. Intuition runs high; we are more sensitive artistically; imagination is stirred; and we have an increased appreciation for subtleties. We are inspired and we are able to inspire others with our words.
Mercury conjunct Sun. We are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time, as our wants are aligned with our thoughts. It’s a favorable time for solving problems. What we say or write now has impact, for better or for worse!
Mercury semi-square Mars. We are quick-witted and ready to argue under this influence. We may be working under stressful or hectic conditions, as we feel pressure to get things done quickly. We are inclined to be snappy and irritable, and we may too easily interrupt others rather than listen. Conflicts of interest are likely.
Sun semi-square Mars. Circumstances spur us into action. Aggressiveness and conflicts are possible now. As long as we channel the excess energy constructively, instead of wasting our time arguing, we can accomplish much. We may have “spring fever” now, no matter what the season! We could find ourselves driven by a restless desire to do something; but without a well-defined goal, we tend towards impulsive actions and get ourselves into needless arguments.
Mercury conjunct Saturn. Our ability to concentrate and focus is enhanced now. There could be an increased need for solitude in order to think or work. Travel for business purposes is possible. Thinking in realistic and practical terms, and the need for tangible results for our efforts, is indicated. We might receive serious news or practical advice, or engage in an important conversation. This can mark the start of a new project that involves communications, such as writing, speaking, reporting, etc.
Mercury conjunct Pluto. Mental activity can be intense at this time. We may uncover valuable information or gain understanding. Thoughts, ideas, and communications are more intense and focused. We are especially able–and motivated–to find hidden meanings and to “cut to the chase”. Efficiency and relevancy become important to us. Our minds are investigative and probing, and we may be bent on revealing truths. Our persuasive powers, strategic thinking, and observational skills increase, but we may also be suspicious, manipulative, obsessed, or we might be involved in frustrating mental battles if we handle this transit improperly.
Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).
See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects.
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day – Astrology Cafe. New! See the Transits for Here and Now chart wheel.
See also: The Astrology of 2020 – Overview.
What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends
(as featured on the site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar)
See also the new Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trends overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations.
The Moon spends the day in the sign of Taurus, harmonizing with the Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun in Capricorn. We tend to crave comfort and predictability, but we’re ready to cooperate and harmonize. These energies promote loyalty and practicality. We are primarily concerned with our practical or financial goals now. With Mars trine Chiron today, we may have the opportunity to take the lead, or to take action, regarding matters that lead to healing, cleansing, or teaching now. We’re fearlessly addressing problem areas. This influence opens us up to healing and repair. We may be defending and helping others (or ourselves). Overall, we’re in great shape for cooperation and purposeful activity.
The Moon continues its transit of Taurus until 9:11 PM EST, and we’re craving peace and comfort. The Moon transits Gemini from 9:11 PM forward, encouraging a more connected, communicative approach to our lives. Curiosity is stimulated. The Sun heads toward a sextile with Neptune, exact very early tomorrow and influencing today, which tends to soften our rough edges. We take things as they come and assign meaning to our experiences more readily than usual. This influence stimulates our imagination and sets an excellent mood for respecting our intuition and relaxing rather than pushing forward. We might find ourselves at the right place at the right time because our hunches are more likely to be correct, and we are “tuned in.” We are inspired, and charitable acts now will serve to lift our spirits. We can see matters, and people, from a perspective that not only allows for but finds beauty in our differences. This is also a good time for self-improvement programs or efforts.
The void Moon occurs from 7:08 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini at 9:11 PM EST.
Mars forms a quincunx to Uranus early today, and making adjustments to our goals may be necessary now. This can temporarily drain our energy or leave us feeling restless and impatient until we figure out what we’re missing or not yet processing. Our efforts to satisfy our desires can miss the mark, but this gives us a chance to make refinements and recalibrate. The Moon spends the day in lively, curious Gemini. This can be a positive, upbeat day, although we can go to excess at times as the day advances. Restlessness is stirred and can be quenched with a variation on our routine or schedule. It’s not a good day for starting something new, as we’re likely to lose interest in it later on or circumstances are such that we can’t pursue it. With both people and things, we should watch that we aren’t idealizing what we don’t have or something new and fresh.
Jupiter aligns with the true South Node early today, and we can become strongly aware of the attitudes, outlook, and beliefs, particularly about material ambitions, that no longer serve our growth. This is a time to purge, release, and let go of mindsets that are holding us back. Do watch for losing things through neglect, however. Mercury forms a sextile to Neptune today, and we have a stronger ability to direct our energies into meaningful activities. It stirs our imagination and increases our appreciation of subtleties. We are inspired, and we can inspire others with our words. There is psychic openness in our interactions. We can experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. Intuition is highlighted or awakened. Our communications are notably gentler or more compassionate. The Moon spends the day in the sign of Gemini, igniting our curiosity and increasing the need to share our ideas.
The Moon is void from 5:16 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Venus), until the Moon enters Cancer tomorrow, Thursday, January 9th, at 3:43 AM EST.
The Moon finishes its transit of Gemini at 3:43 AM EST when it enters Cancer. The Cancer Moon is protective, warm, and caring. While it’s a rather conservative influence, the Moon opposes Jupiter this evening, and we can be tempted to go overboard. Also as the day advances, we look for opportunities to spread our wings. We can be anxious to believe in something or connect with a higher purpose, but may not quite find what we’re seeking. This is “borrow from the future” energy, and we should be careful not to commit to something for which we don’t yet have the resources. Relating suffers today if we don’t treat one another as equals. There can be temptations to manipulate to get our way. Conceding may feel as if we are giving up something of ourselves. Tomorrow, a lunar eclipse will occur, and today, emotions are rising.
The void Moon continues until 3:43 AM EST when the Moon enters Cancer.
The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurring in the sign of Cancer today can thrust us into a state of heightened awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, particularly in our homes and family structures. Decisions made now are emotionally-driven. There can be a sudden need or desire to connect with our families or our own hearts, particularly with the recent and tremendous focus on the outer structures, career or business matters, and social standing issues in our lives. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off. Areas activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Something comes to light now, and if we get in touch with our emotions, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. This happens on the day of a Sun-Mercury alignment, and the Sun and Mercury also form a minor square to Mars. These can stimulate an epiphany, illumination of a matter, or a clearing of the air. What we say or write now has a strong impact–for better or for worse! We may want to watch for intellectualizing issues that require more sensitivity, however. With both emotional and mental energy strong today, there can be some confusion. We could feel pressured to speak or act too soon. Uranus stations as it turns direct after retrograde motion since August 11th, adding even more punch to the day’s energies. Uranus energy hangs heavy in the air this week, and related themes can dominate now. As the planet gains speed in the next few weeks, our urge to express our unique self, to take some chances or risks, to rebel, to listen to our instincts, and to stir up change are reawakened or turned outside of ourselves.
The Moon is void from 6:58 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Pluto), until the Moon enters Leo tomorrow, Saturday, January 11th, at 7:16 AM EST.
The Moon continues its transit of Cancer until 7:16 AM EST, after which it transits bold, affectionate, and proud Leo. The Moon’s square to Uranus suggests some stubborn sticking with our methods, but its trine to Mars in Sagittarius is warm, open, and courageous. With a Mercury-Ceres alignment today, we feel especially close to our ideas, plans, and projects. It’s a good time for both teaching and learning, research, and marketing. Conversations are encouraging and meaningful, but we can be feeling some tension and pressure as Saturn and Pluto approach alignment, exact tomorrow.
The void Moon continues until the Moon enters Leo today at 7:16 AM EST.
If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year.
Moon Signs This Week:
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses." Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
While the Moon is in Taurus, people can be emotionally constant but inflexible. It's a time of stronger focus on personal needs and comfort levels, and a period of more common sense and attention to practical matters.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Gemini
Our basic instinct is to communicate, think, and learn under the influence of Moon in Gemini. We are motivated by a desire for variety and by an instinctive curiosity. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, spirited, and curious, but it can also be restless and fickle.
The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, cafes, light and airy meetings, short trips.
When the Moon is in Cancer
The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.
The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our "inner child". It's a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention--when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It's a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
Upcoming Weeks: Calendars
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 12 to 18, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 19 to 25, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 26 to February 1, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 2 to 8, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 9 to 15, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 16 to 22, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 23 to 29, 2019
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: March 1 to 7, 2010
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: March 8 to 14, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: March 15 to 21, 2020
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: March 22 to 28, 2020
Sun in Capricorn You see what’s wrong and you know what to do now: the time has come to make it real, and it’s a lot bigger than any one person. This means cooperation and organization, authority and discipline, responsibility – and all these things are what it takes to get you where you know you must go. But take care! If your vision is only for yourself, what you create cannot last: it must be for some greater good. Ambition, practicality, and achievement are admirable, but they are means to an end – not ends in themselves.
Mercury in Capricorn Figuring out how to organize projects and people is apt to become a topic of special interest – and a challenge – at a time like this. Opinions are not enough for you now: they must be backed by authority or evidence, and above all, they must have practical worth and application. A period of intense study and thought.
Venus in Aquarius A love for the unusual, a distaste for stodgy old rules and conventions, a feeling that you’re above the petty bourgeois stuff and nonsense: that’s what a new cycle brings into your life now. (“I love humanity; it’s people I can’t stand!”) Unconventional romantic and social connections are likely at a time like this.
Mars in Sagittarius Ideology is a keynote of the new phase you have begun – the power of ideas and the power they wield over people. Religious, cultural, or philosophical controversies and crusades have a way of stirring your blood. Travel and adventure are compelling temptations as you dare to test your mettle and stretch your horizons.
Jupiter in Capricorn Respect, status, and achievement are central goals for you as a new phase begins in your life. Creating a structure to empower and maintain your ideals and principles becomes a high priority, an article of faith. By taking on greater responsibilities of this kind, you become an inspiration to others. Ambition unlimited always ends in defeat.
Saturn in Capricorn Responsibility, hard work, ambition, and achievement: these are the foundations you need to build on now, as a new cycle dawns in your life. And yet, there is a tendency to be a little too hard, perhaps a bit cold, in your approach to these things. Let ambition take you to the top, but don’t let it lull you into thinking that the end justifies the means.
Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.
Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?
Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place…
The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.
Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview