This Week in Astrology: October 17-23, 2021
October 17 to 23, 2021
On this Page:
This week’s Moon
Planets in signs and by aspect
This week’s astrology calendar
Timing with the Moon
Romance & Relationship Report
Daily Trends

Full Moon
The FULL MOON occurs on Wednesday, October 20th, 2021, at 10:57 AM EDT.
On Wednesday morning, the Full Moon occurs when the Sun in Libra forms an opposition to the Moon in Aries. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.
The Aries-Libra polarity is a relationship axis, where Aries represents “self,” and Libra represents “other.” Where Aries is about self-assertion, Libra is about compromise.
Through the energy of the Libra Sun, we are aware of the need for relationships and all that comes with maintaining them–compromising, negotiating, graciousness, and balancing. The Aries Moon, on the other hand, is self-assertive, leading, and personally courageous.
This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability.
The Libra Sun is diplomatic, equality-minded, and fair-minded. The Aries Moon, however, values authenticity over tact and is energized by independent efforts. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict.
Neglecting either end of the Aries-Libra axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, we find a balance between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do.
This Full Moon is about emotional declarations. Something has been building inside of us, likely of a personal nature, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the upcoming weeks, we will discover what this declaration means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them.
The Full Moon illuminates the conflict between “me” and “you,” and between autonomy and sharing. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational.
With the Sun forming an alignment with Mars and square to Pluto near this Full Moon, there can be pressures and a bit of paranoia attached to our realizations. We also have the courage and passion to take action!
This lunation reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly in the areas of our physical bodies, leadership skills, our ability to initiate and begin new things, and our close partnerships. We can struggle with obstacles, but we’re brave, determined, and resourceful.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 27 degrees and 26 minutes of Aries, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 23 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) and 0 to 1 degree of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.
This chart wheel includes extra points like Chiron, the four major asteroids, Eris, and Sedna.
Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
Oct 6, 2021, 7:05 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon
(New Moon)
Oct 12, 2021, 11:25 PM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Oct 20, 2021, 10:57 AM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Oct 28, 2021, 4:05 PM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Nov 4, 2021, 5:14 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
(Times are Eastern)
This week: The Sun is in Libra until the 23rd when it enters Scorpio; Mercury is in Libra; Venus is in Sagittarius; Mars is in Libra.
The Sun is in Libra from September 22-October 23. Libra rules relationships with others as mirrors of ourselves. Meeting others halfway, compromise, and negotiation come under the rule of Libra. The focus is now on balance–finding balance and harmony through relationships with others and through art. Libra is the sign of the peacemaker.
However, life is not always peaceful with Libra in its attempt to restore balance. Decision-making can be more challenging while the Sun is in Libra. Libra weighs both sides of any situation, and sometimes this process seems endless! In Libra, the Sun is concerned about not rocking the boat and not rubbing others the wrong way. Tactfulness, style, tolerance, and sociability are some of the keywords for Libra. On the shadow side, Libra can be self-serving, indecisive, passive-aggressive, and superficial.
The Sun is in Scorpio from October 23-November 21. The guiding principle of Scorpio is “I desire.” Scorpio is the sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality simply will not do with the Sun in Scorpio–we want to get to the bottom of matters. Mediocrity does not satisfy either. All that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed interests us. In Libra, we strived towards equality and fairness. Scorpio, however, instinctively believes that life simply isn’t fair.
Scorpio’s energy is provocative, usually in a quiet way, as well as passionate, strong-willed, and intense. It can be an immensely healing and transformative energy. Jealousy, vindictiveness, beating a dead horse, and manipulative are some of the more negative expressions of Scorpio.
We are more likely to prosper through strategy and knowing the value of keeping some things to ourselves at the right times. Efforts to repurpose, recycle, salvage, and transform can be successful. We’re especially successful at organizing, researching, investigating, and analyzing.
While we can be quite controlled with effort, there is some inclination to extremism. We can be drawn to challenges and crises, and we feel compelled to heal, fix, and direct or manage.
Mercury is in Libra from August 30-November 5. [This is longer than usual due to Mercury’s retrograde, occuring entirely in the sign of Libra, from September 27-October 18.] When Mercury is in Libra, we are diplomatic and friendly. During this cycle, we bring a more rational approach to one-to-one relationships. It’s a good time to think about ways to improve our negotiation skills.
Mercury in Libra can be vacillating energy as we attempt to see both sides of any given situation. Making quick decisions can be more challenging than usual, as we can sit “on the fence.” We may too easily accommodate others’ opinions to keep the peace. In our negotiations, we don’t want to assert ourselves so as to appear to be the “bad guy.” However, this is a reasonable period for considering others’ points of view. We are more inclined to arrive at fair conclusions.
Venus is in Sagittarius from October 7-November 5. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy shifts from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind.
Romantic adventures and a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are the priorities with Venus in Sagittarius.
We’re idealistic in our relationships during this cycle. It’s more critical than usual that our partners and companions support our dreams, goals, freedom needs, beliefs, and vision. We value intellectual rapport more than usual during this period.
Openness with our feelings can sometimes backfire, but for the most part, it can be refreshing. We tend to more spontaneously enjoy ourselves or throw ourselves into pleasure, art, cultural interests, and special interest topics at this time. We can especially enjoy travel, learning, the outdoors, or animals.
With money, we can be a little reckless or careless, but also faithful and optimistic. Some element of luck or good karma can be involved with our finances. Benefits, whether material or spiritual, can come through publishing, foreign or religious connections, travel, education, or legal matters.
Mars is in Libra from September 14-October 30. We tend to use our charm as a means to an end under the influence of this cycle. Because we can see many different sides to an issue, we can be vacillating and indecisive about how to act. We don’t want to be the “bad guy”, and rarely resort to force. Instead, we attempt to win arguments with style. We are indirect in approach and inclined towards engaging in mental debates, yet we also attempt to make the opposition comfortable! Passive-aggressiveness is the shadow side of this energy.
Jupiter is in Aquarius from December 19th, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and then from July 28 to December 28, 2021. Read more about the Jupiter in Aquarius transit. Jupiter is in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, when it retreats into Aquarius. Jupiter returns to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. There will be another part to this 3-part act in 2022! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.
Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.
Uranus is in Taurus.
Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.
There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Sagittarius from October 7 to November 5. As Venus moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy changes from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures and a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of the Venus-in-Scorpio phase. Truth and higher meaning are focal points for Sagittarius.
Venus in Sagittarius is forward-looking, not very specific, outgoing, and energetic. Freedom is most important in our love relationships now. We take a happy and enthusiastic approach to love, and we might find too much intensity or seriousness depressing. We have a taste for the exotic as well as for adventure with Venus in Sagittarius.
This position’s shadow side is restlessness, the inability to “settle down,” and endless searching for something bigger and “better.”
This week: On Tuesday, we can be uncertain how to integrate our needs for companionship with the desire to be free or independent.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular.
Venus semi-square Pluto October 15. Tendencies to look for something wrong in a relationship. Jealousy raises its ugly head.
Venus sextile Mercury October 16. Favors playfulness in love and enhanced communication between partners. Romantic overtures, expressions of love and affection, making new social contacts. This is a time when promises, pledges, and clarifications (usually very positive!) are made in love relationships.
Venus trine Chiron October 16. A commitment-friendly transit. Love can heal old wounds. We are open to romantic feelings.
Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Uranus October 19. Impulsive spending, peculiar attractions, fear of commitment, freedom vs. intimacy issues. We might question whether we need more excitement in our relationships, or whether we need freedom from them; yet we don’t feel confident enough to rock the boat.
Venus square Neptune October 26. Relationship ups and downs characterize this transit–a time when romantic mirages are more than likely. We see what we hope to see, rather than what really is. The “highs” of a relationship begun under this energy may be thrilling, but the accompanying “lows” are bound to set in, and they can be extremely draining. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment.
The Moon & Timing
The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During the Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects.
The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology).
Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart to determine the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass.
The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology. The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations.
The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:
Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, October 17th, from 7:24 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Aries the next day, Monday, October 18th, at 6:05 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Wednesday, October 20th, from 10:58 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an oppositon to the Sun), until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:00 PM EDT.
VOC Moon on Friday, October 22nd, from 4:36 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini the next day, Saturday, October 23rd, at 3:58 AM EDT.
October 2021:
Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives
It’s important to note that there are more factors to consider besides the windows listed below. The following windows are starting points. For example, you generally don’t want to elect a new venture when a very challenging aspect is applying, and it’s preferable to elect a time when a particularly positive aspect hasn’t yet perfected (is applying).
The Moon is waxing this week until the Full Moon on the 20th, which is usually considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details). The Moon is waning after the Full Moon on the 20th, which is generally considered unfavorable for new beginnings, also with exceptions.
According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs this week on Friday, October 22nd, from approximately 1:35 PM to 4:35 PM EDT, while the Moon is in Taurus.
Note that the next window will occur next week from Sunday, October 24th, at approximately 11:15 PM EDT, until Monday, October 25th, at approximately 10:10 AM EDT, while the Moon is in Gemini.
See also the following articles and tables: Timing with the Moon and Opportunity Periods with the Void Moon for times and techniques.
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
Jul 28,
2021 8:42 AM Jupiter Retrograde enters Aquarius
Jul 29, 2021 4:32 PM Mars enters Virgo
Jul 31, 2021 4:08 AM Ceres enters Gemini
Aug 2, 2021 7:43 PM Juno Direct
Aug 11, 2021 5:57 PM Mercury enters Virgo
Aug 16, 2021 12:26 AM Venus enters Libra
Aug 19, 2021 9:40 PM Uranus Retrograde
Aug 22, 2021 5:35 PM Sun enters Virgo
Aug 30, 2021 1:10 AM Mercury enters Libra
Sep 10, 2021 4:39 PM Venus enters Scorpio
Sep 14, 2021 8:14 PM Mars enters Libra
Sep 20, 2021 12:54 PM Vesta enters Scorpio
Sep 22, 2021 3:21 PM Sun enters Libra
Sep 27, 2021 1:10 AM Mercury Retrograde
Oct 6, 2021 2:29 PM Pluto Direct
Oct 7, 2021 7:21 AM Venus enters Sagittarius
Oct 8, 2021 9:33 PM Ceres Retrograde
Oct 10, 2021 10:17 PM Saturn Direct
Oct 18, 2021 1:30 AM Jupiter Direct
Oct 18, 2021 11:17 AM Mercury Direct
Oct 23, 2021 12:51 AM Sun enters Scorpio
Oct 30, 2021 10:21 AM Mars enters Scorpio
Nov 5, 2021 6:44 AM Venus enters Capricorn
Nov 5, 2021 6:35 PM Mercury enters Scorpio
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day (this takes you to my other site, Astrology Cafe).
See also: The Astrology of 2021 – Overview and The Astrology of 2022 – Overview.
Note: Times given are Eastern Time (ET).
This Week’s Calendar
This Week’s Aspects
Sun square Pluto. Insubordination and abuse of power. Impatience with rules. Compulsiveness. The urge to get to the bottom of matters is with us, but we are too insistent. Avoid beating a dead horse and attempting to force matters that should naturally take time to unfold. Circumstances now can push us to discover our own power–power that comes from a strong sense of self rather than superficial energy derived from manipulating people into doing what we want them to do. Events may occur now that highlight the need to trust.
Mars trine Jupiter. Decisive action comes naturally now. We possess willpower, verve, and energy that we can direct toward achieving our goals. Success in contracts, negotiations, and business deals comes easily. We want to branch out and take on more challenges. A good time for making new goals or to initiate new projects (all things equal). Optimism and enthusiasm; adventurous spirit. Positive attitudes create winning situations now. Friendly competition. Taking action to better our lives.
Venus quincunx Uranus. Impulsive spending, peculiar attractions, fear of commitment, and freedom vs. intimacy issues may be themes now. We might question whether we need more excitement in our relationships (or leisure activities), or whether we need freedom from them; yet we don’t feel confident enough to rock the boat.
Mars square Pluto. Our desires are intense and difficult to satisfy under this influence. A tendency to bully and confront may dominate. Efforts to make changes could be thwarted, or power struggles emerge. The trick is to remain flexible and to develop strategies for achieving our goals. The desire to get the upper hand is strong, but it’s unlikely to happen under this influence. It would be wise to observe whatever powerful feelings that confrontations or conflicts arouse under this influence, as this transit has a way of pulling out suppressed matter, or emotional “slush”. Passions run high, and so does sexual energy.
Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).
See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects.
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day – Astrology Cafe.
See also: The Astrology of 2021 – Overview and The Astrology of 2022 – Overview (in progress).
What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends
(as featured on the site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar)
See also the Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trend overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations.
The Sun forms a square to Pluto today. While the recent Sun-Jupiter trine stimulated hopefulness and generosity, today’s Sun-Pluto square can bring fears and buried matter to the surface. It becomes difficult to put our faith and trust in others (or in life/the process). We might act and express ourselves somewhat compulsively, or we could be too insistent on having our way or pushing our ideas upon others. Circumstances now can push us to discover our inner power, which comes from a strong sense of self rather than superficial energy derived from manipulating people into doing what we want them to do. This aspect helps us identify areas of over-attachment, but we may find it difficult to let go and unwind while it’s active. We should watch for a bit of paranoia or suspicion that works against us. It’s best to aim for self-control now. As the day advances, it’s easier to let go, but with Mercury and Jupiter stationing direct tomorrow, it’s best to avoid making important decisions if we can help it. The Moon spends the day in imaginative, perceptive Pisces.
The void Moon occurs from 7:24 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Aries the next day, Monday, October 18th, at 6:05 AM EDT.
Both Jupiter and Mercury station and turn direct today, making it a time of transition, not ideal for strong decision-making. We’re in a state of flux, but information and motivation blocks are now lifting, clearing the path ahead. Jupiter turns direct after four months of retrograde motion (since June 20th). As such, our confidence in ourselves and the universe builds. Gradually over the next few weeks, matters ruled by Jupiter will move forward more straightforwardly. Our faith and perspective expand, although as this shift occurs now, problems can seem larger than life. Nevertheless, this direct turn can feel refreshing. Mercury has been retrograde since September 27th but now turns direct. Over the coming weeks, recent challenging issues with communications and decision-making can improve. The answers we’ve been waiting for might arrive, and plans or projects that have stalled now resume. It can be hard to make sense of everything during the shift today, however. Thus, we might consider avoiding critical decision-making for the time being, if possible. We’re more error-prone. As the change from retrograde to direct occurs, problems can magnify, and we can encounter difficulties conveying and understanding directions. The Moon moves into Mars-ruled, fiery Aries at 6:05 AM EDT today, and Mars forms a trine to Jupiter. Especially as the day advances, our confidence, faith, and enthusiasm soar. Our desire for freedom is just as strong. We are more decisive and enterprising under this influence–it’s a great time to think up an exciting new plan or challenge. Something moves us to take action to better our lives. We possess the willpower, vigor, and energy necessary to achieve our goals. Positive attitudes create winning situations, and we can enjoy friendly competition now.
The void period continues until the Moon enters Aries today at 6:05 AM EDT.
The Moon spends the day in bold, impulsive Aries. However, with Venus quincunx Uranus, it’s not easy integrating our needs for companionship or closeness with our desire for freedom and independence. There is a sense that we can only have one or the other. Temporarily, we’re unlikely to feel confident enough to rock the boat, but taming rebelliousness makes sense now.
The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries today at 10:57 AM EDT. Epiphanies can occur now as our feelings come to full bloom. This Full Moon reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly with our leadership skills, feelings of independence, our ability to initiate and begin new things, and our close partnerships. With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic illumination occurs in our lives. Since these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, we might want to exercise some care in expressing them. The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries, and Mars, its ruler, is close to the Sun. Our revelations are meaningful, but we should watch for impatience. Ideally, we have the courage and passion for taking action! We can struggle with obstacles, pressures, and a bit of paranoia, but we’re brave, determined, and resourceful. The Moon continues its transit of Aries until it heads into Taurus at 4:00 PM EDT. Our emotions settle and stabilize with the Taurus Moon.
The void Moon occurs from 10:58 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an oppositon to the Sun), until the Moon enters Taurus at 4:00 PM EDT.
The Moon spends the day in Taurus, and we tend to crave stability, favoring steadiness over innovation. However, Mars and Pluto are heading to a square, exact very early tomorrow and strongly influencing today. With this transit in play, we crave a sense of control over events, relationships, and/or circumstances and become frustrated at any sign that we don’t have it. However, attempts to gain control or power tend to be fruitless. This square can stir intense desires that may not easily be satisfied. There may be arguments, standstills, and power games. It would be wise to observe and learn from whatever powerful feelings arise from confrontations or conflicts. We should try to remain flexible, perhaps devising strategies for achieving our goals rather than attempting to push them through at all costs.
The Moon spends the day in stable, steady, sensual Taurus. Today’s Mercury-Ceres trine supports healthy conversations and thinking. We feel close to our ideas, plans, and projects. It’s a good time for both teaching and learning. The Moon’s square to Jupiter midday can have the effect of magnifying our feelings and attachments, perhaps disruptively. It might stimulate restlessness which may very well lead to indulgence. However, the Moon-Pluto trine this afternoon is far more deliberate and decisive. We appreciate gentle challenges, as we feel alive and vital as we meet them.
The void Moon occurs from 4:36 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini the next day, Saturday, October 23rd, at 3:58 AM EDT.
The Sun enters Scorpio very early today, and it will transit the sign until November 21st. Scorpio is a sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality or mediocrity will not do with the Sun in Scorpio! We have the desire to get to the bottom of matters during this cycle. All that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed interests us. Scorpio’s energy is quietly provocative, passionate, strong-willed, and intense. It can be an immensely healing and transformative energy. Jealousy and manipulation are some of the more challenging expressions of Scorpio. In the weeks ahead, we’re more likely to prosper through strategy and knowing the value of keeping some things to ourselves at the correct times. Efforts to repurpose, recycle, salvage, and transform can be successful. We’re successful at organizing, researching, investigating, and analyzing. We gravitate to challenges, and we feel compelled to heal, fix, and direct or manage. However, the Moon leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at 3:58 AM EDT. With a Gemini Moon, we’re ready to diversify, discover, and connect.
The void period continues until the Moon enters Gemini today at 3:58 AM EDT.
If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year.
Moon Signs This Week:
When the Moon is in Pisces
We may not want to face reality while the Moon is in dreamy, impressionable Pisces. It can be a wistful, sensitive, intuitive, and compassionate time. We are especially imaginative, and our intuition reigns under this influence. Boundaries and walls come down, as Pisces energy merges and blends. It's a time when details are overlooked and feelings defy description.
The Moon in Pisces generally favors the following activities: Imaginative undertakings, mystical or spiritual pursuits, inner development, music and drama, going on a retreat, activities involving water.
When the Moon is in Aries
We're motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to begin something new is with us now, as well as the gumption to do so. Our pioneering impulses are strong, and we feel energetic, spontaneous, and enthusiastic. We may also be tactless and impulsive now. Excess energy is best channeled into physical activity.
People can be more self-motivated and also self-focused while the Moon is in Aries. It's a competitive rather than cooperative time. Accidents and tempers flaring are more likely than usual. This period is one of more personal courage.
The Moon in Aries generally favors the following activities: Quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses." Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
While the Moon is in Taurus, people can be emotionally constant but inflexible. It's a time of stronger focus on personal needs and comfort levels, and a period of more common sense and attention to practical matters.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Gemini
Our basic instinct is to communicate, think, and learn under the influence of Moon in Gemini. We are motivated by a desire for variety and by an instinctive curiosity. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, spirited, and curious, but it can also be restless and fickle.
The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, cafes, light and airy meetings, short trips.
Upcoming Weeks: Calendars
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: October 24 to 30, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: October 31 to November 6, 2021
- This Week in Astrology: November 7 to 13, 2021
- This Week in Astrology: November 14 to 20, 2021
- This Week in Astrology: November 21 to 27, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: November 28 to December 4, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 5 to 11, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 12 to 18, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 19 to 25, 2021
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: December 26, 2021, to January 1, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 2 to 8, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 9 to 15, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 16 to 22, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 23 to 29, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 30 to February 5, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 6 to 12, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 13 to 19, 2022
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: February 20 to 26, 2022
Sun in Libra Meeting yourself in another person is the keynote of a new cycle which begins for you now. Relationships – romantic, business, social – are the arena where this drama is played out. In coming to know the other person, forging ties that bind two people, you come to a better understanding of yourself. It’s easy in theory, but it’s only in practice that it comes to mean anything real – so practice until you get it right!
Sun in Scorpio Who owes what, who owns what, and who decides these things: these are some of the major issues for you at the dawn of the cycle that now begins in your life. The only thing we really own is our consciousness; the only master who is never overthrown is oneself. These are lessons best learned early in this cycle. Master them, and you master everything. Dodge these issues, and the great strength that could be yours will remain just out of reach. Understanding inner motivations, seeing through to the core: that’s your real path of power and enlightenment now.
Mercury in Libra A new cycle begins for you, signaling a greater than usual interest in relationships, social connections, and the arts – on a more intellectual level than in the past, most likely. Seeing both sides of an issue, and figuring out resolutions to opposing views: these things take on more importance in your life.
Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular.
Mars in Libra “I’m giving you a definite maybe” – that’s the motto of the cycle you’re now entering. It’s a time of refinement and tact, of an urge to please others that is so strong as to make it hard to decide or act for fear of offending someone. You’ll quickly learn to balance this out, or you’ll discover that there is no peace in compromise – and this can be tough on close relationships. The trick is to find the win-win solution to the no-win situation – and if anyone’s ever up to it, you are now.
Jupiter in Aquarius Innovation, reform, and idealism are your paths to growth and gain now. New, futuristic ideas are part of this, but it’s much more than that: putting them into practice is essential because this is much more than empty idealism. A break from the past, a willingness to flaunt convention.
Saturn in Aquarius Ideals are in for a period of testing, as a new phase begins in your life. What are principles worth, unless they are put into practice? That’s an important question for you now. This could mean you may be disappointed by causes you believe in – but if you abandon your principles, you lose.
Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.
Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?
Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone, and everyone in their place…
The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.
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See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview