This Month in Astrology – October 2022
October 2022
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On September 25th, the New Moon occurred in the sign of Libra, prompting a new beginning. This New Moon energy is with us as we enter October, and it’s a time to take charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. Resolution of conflicts is in focus. We should watch for exaggeration and excess, but we do need a fresh start. Shooting too high or too far won’t help us achieve our goals sooner. Ideally, we see the value of pacing ourselves and keeping our feet on the ground.
This month, on October 2nd, Mercury turns direct in the sign of Virgo after a retrograde period since September 9th (Mercury began its retrograde in Libra). We’ve been in a good position to reevaluate our routines and habits, and we’ve given more thought to the meaning of our work or services. Now, Mercury retraces its steps, completing its transit of Virgo on the 10th when it enters Libra once again. Information unclogs.
On October 8th, Pluto turns direct after retrograde motion since April 29th. Intensity is with us in the days (and perhaps weeks for sensitive people) surrounding this date with a strong focus on ambition and the need to feel empowered. Over the coming weeks and months, the power to make deep changes in our lives becomes more insistent and direct (less internalized). We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to make necessary changes.
On October 9th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries. This lunation reminds us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly regarding our physical bodies, leadership skills, ability to initiate and begin new things, and close partnerships.
This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability. With the Sun forming an alignment with Venus and a trine to Saturn near this Full Moon, we can be motivated by love or pleasure, but we’re reasonable and practical. What inclines us to flights of fancy is the applying Mars-Neptune square at the time of this lunation. As such, it’s wise to wait and see what sticks.
On October 23rd, Saturn turns direct, serving as a strong reminder to take care of our responsibilities and bring our goals down to earth. With Saturn’s direct turn, our responsibilities, and perhaps our limitations, are magnified. Gradually, our longer-term goals and plans become clearer.
On October 25th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Scorpio, and it’s a partial Solar Eclipse, prompting a new beginning. Matters related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong focus in the weeks and even months after this Solar Eclipse. This eclipse is about new beginnings in these areas. It’s also about strengthening ourselves from the inside out. We can feel extremes of emotion as our fears of loss, betrayal, or the exposure of our vulnerabilities are uncovered. Its tight conjunction to Venus emphasizes and reinforces a challenge to our value system. We could find that people are more cooperative in our quest, and close personal relationships are deeply involved. There can be situations in which we feel pressured to bring more harmony to our relationships.
This eclipse can illuminate our emotional and financial investments, and possibly challenge them. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us and that take away our power, such as compulsive behaviors, addictions, or substantial debts. We might work on intimacy, not only with others but also with ourselves. Circumstances may be such that we are nudged or encouraged to see others’ values and to consider them rather than expect that they share the same perspective as us. Or, we now must take steps towards managing and handling our shared resources, our debts, or taxes more effectively. It’s interesting to note that a partial Solar Eclipse occurred in early Scorpio, aligned with Venus, on October 25, 2014.
Retrograde Jupiter returns to the sign of Pisces on the 28th. Jupiter moved on from Pisces when it entered Aries on May 10th. However, Jupiter turned retrograde on July 28th, and it’s now returning to finish up its transit of Pisces until December 20th. Jupiter in Pisces encourages us to give of ourselves and embrace compassion and imagination.
On the 30th, Mars turns retrograde in the sign of Gemini and will remain retrograde until January 12th, 2023, entirely in the sign of Gemini. We are now in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this cycle. We may be instigating problems or arguments rather than dealing with issues directly. However, this can be a good time to learn more about our inner motivations and desires, as well as to reconsider old projects and interests.
With Mars retrograde in Gemini in the months ahead, there can be some stalling of intellectual and mental initiatives. Health issues may be a factor (especially in areas ruled by Gemini, including the lungs), and accidents a possibility throughout the Mars retrograde period. See the full discussion of Mars retrograde and Mars retrograde on the event calendar.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Oct 2 | 5:07 AM | Mercury Direct | Mer 24 Vir 12'D |
Oct 2 | 8:14 PM | First Quarter Moon | 9 Cap 47' |
Oct 5 | 2:13 PM | Vesta Direct | Ves 22 Aqu 58'D |
Oct 8 | 5:55 PM | Pluto Direct | Plu 26 Cap 07'D |
Oct 9 | 4:55 PM | Full Moon in Aries | 16 Aries 33' |
Oct 10 | 7:51 PM | Mercury enters Libra | Mer 0 Lib 00' |
Oct 17 | 1:15 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 24 Can 19' |
Oct 23 | 12:07 AM | Saturn Direct | Sat 18 Aqu 35'D |
Oct 23 | 3:52 AM | Venus enters Scorpio | Ven 0 Sco 00' |
Oct 23 | 6:35 AM | Sun enters Scorpio | Sun 0 Sco 00' |
Oct 23 | 9:05 AM | Juno Direct | Jun 7 Pis 41'D |
Oct 24 | 10:47 PM | True Node semi-sextile Chiron | TNo 13 Tau 22' semi-sextile Chi 13 Ari 22'Rx |
Oct 25 | 6:49 AM | New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Partial) | 2 Scorpio 00' |
Oct 28 | 1:10 AM | Jupiter Rx enters Pisces | Jup Pis Rx |
Oct 29 | 3:22 PM | Mercury enters Scorpio | Mer 0 Sco 00' |
Oct 30 | 9:26 AM | Mars Retrograde | Mar 25 Gem 37'Rx |
(See the the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
The month puts quite a bit of focus on relationships, dear Aries. You're in good shape for smoothing over relations. It's not a month to push your personal plans - you seem to need others more than usual to accomplish your goals. It's a time to stay on top of things socially, as opportunities abound. Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are enjoyable activities in their own right, but they can also positively impact many different life departments. It's also a good time for defining relationships and relationship needs. Increased clarity comes not only from a willingness to learn from others but also helping them express themselves. Willingness to let someone else take the stage opens up new levels in personal relationships, which have a chance to grow. However, your ruler, Mars, is slowing down this month, turning retrograde on the 30th, making going after what you want a little more complicated than you might expect. You may feel that life is slowing down or that you don't have the usual energy and direction. You can take some time to orient yourself to this, but once you do, you might find that you benefit from taking extra time to pause, reflect, and look back. Nevertheless, career, financial, and intimacy matters begin to move forward or unblock from the 8th. A personal project or matter reaches a head around the 9th when the Full Moon occurs in your sign. You can consider this time a personal awakening, and a significant person in your life or relationship status plays a prominent role in this. It can even be a situation in which a competitor or opponent motivates you to do your best. Observe, take notes, and be honest with yourself. It can be an important time to check in with those feelings and desires you've brushed off or left unfulfilled, especially with so much recent attention to others' needs. Pay special attention to information surfacing and new insights into relationships around the 20-22 as well. With Saturn's direct turn on the 23rd, truths coming to light help you better grasp the reality of friendships or projects, a long-term plan, aspiration, or goal. You're also in better shape to meet responsibilities. On the same date, the Sun and Venus move into your intimacy sector, and your inner world or an intimate relationship comes into stronger focus. Debts and loans, yours or a partner's income, or financial backing can figure strongly with eclipses falling along your second and eighth houses -- the Solar Eclipse on the 25th this month and the Lunar Eclipse next month (November 8th). It's a persuasive prompt to develop strategies to reduce unhealthy dependencies and habits that prevent you from growing and thriving. It can be a time to take charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or from sources other than your income. On another level, this eclipse season can be about boosting your intimate world, whether it's a relationship with someone or with yourself, as you discover your passions and deeper desires. Going "all in" with a special project or pursuit can be a satisfying focus now. You're in great shape for deepened relationships or more joy in an intimate relationship and a generally easier time attracting support-–moral, economic, or otherwise. There can be challenging elements in your daily life this month. Usually, the pace is quick and sometimes hectic with Mars in your solar third house. With Mars moving so very slowly this month and retrograding from the 30th forward, there can be a desire to get a lot done but blocks and delays; or, there can be a lot to do but waning motivation and energy levels. Either way, you can feel quite frustrated until you accept the pace and find ways to work with it rather than against it. Finding the time or energy to run errands and handle paperwork may be challenging. There can also be some disagreements with siblings, neighbors, or acquaintances. Some of you could experience delays or challenges with education or travel plans. However, this can be an excellent time to look at past ideas, projects, and mental interests and find treasures in these. It can also be good for editing, changing, and otherwise making improvements. Slowing down can be good for you now. Consider that Mars will be retrograde from October 30th to January 12th, and you'll have some time to adapt and adjust to this energy change. Another sign to slow down: Jupiter has been transiting your sign for several months and now retreats into your privacy sector until December 20th. It's a great period for putting a problem behind you once and for all. |
October is strong for enlivening your work, chores, or daily routines, dear Taurus. You're bringing more pride, creativity, and warmth to your everyday life. It's an important month for work and health matters, and also your relationships. You want to excel in your work and health pursuits this month. Agreeing and harmonizing with others can be helpful, and you might strengthen your connections with people with whom you share your daily life. A Sun-Venus alignment helps promote socializing, peace-making, and harmony, and you'll find it works best–and the most–on the job or while you pursue health or daily routines. This energy can also play out as particular enjoyment of (or pride in) your work, services, dedication, and health care. You more readily recognize the more pleasing aspects of these things, or someone is helping to make things seem much better. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 2nd, and new information or a different perspective can emerge, helping bring clarity to some matters, mainly related to your work, health, creative projects, and romantic issues. Pluto's direct turn on the 8th moves forward relationships, partnering, negotiations, education, transportation, and publishing matters. Faith in a system or conviction for a particular belief could return, and your desire to explore the world increases with Pluto's change in direction. Yet another direct turn this month: Saturn on the 23rd motivates you to organize and structure your life. It helps you clarify your business, career, and life path goals or projects. There may be a reality check, but you'll also determine what's genuinely doable. There can be a wonderful feeling of freedom associated with letting go of a secret or fear around the 9th. If you have any seriously unresolved issues, now is the time to get in touch with them. If you've been burying your feelings about something or even someone, this is bound to surface suddenly. It's a time for facing truths about yourself and your attachments. The need for balance between physical and emotional health becomes obvious. It's time to take care of needs beyond the physical and practical. After this, you can bring your renewed self back to your practical efforts and excel. Strong energy for starting fresh in a close partnership is with you in the last week of October. There can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment after the Solar Eclipse on the 25th. You might benefit from counseling or pairing up with someone to accomplish something important to you. You benefit from taking the time to get in touch with your relationship needs. This Solar Eclipse happens in your opposite sign and is in strong alignment with your ruler, Venus--it's a potent influence on your close relationships. From the 28th, you could be dusting off happiness goals and pursuits that you recently put on a shelf. Mars turns retrograde on the 30th and will remain in apparent backward motion until January 12th. This month, Mars is moving very slowly through your sector of money, personal possessions, and natural talents. While these matters can seem to move similarly slowly, this gives you the chance to take a second look at problem areas you may have missed. Watch for struggles with money or values. There can be confusion, misunderstandings, and possibly resentments surrounding money, ownership, valuables, matters of self-worth, work, and health. It's also important to watch spending and pay attention to the fine print when making purchases or commitments. You could easily regret your purchases later, so take the time to think about them before you leap forward. However, this can also be a time to see new ways to make money or discover lost items. It's an excellent period for redesigning your budget. |
The month ahead emphasizes both work and play, dear Gemini, with a particular focus on entertainment and expression in the first three weeks of October. Personal enjoyment, hobbies, pastime, and romance are well-starred. You're inclined to explore creative urges and share your affection, joy, and experiences with others. Later in the month, you pour more love and attention into your daily routines. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, ends its retrograde on the 2nd, and this can feel liberating. You'll see some progress or forward movement in projects and endeavors that stalled, especially those related to your hobbies, love life, home, or family. There can be more clarity and possibly improved communications in your personal life in the days ahead. And, with Pluto turning direct on the 8th, you're more confident and motivated to take charge of your work, daily routines and habits, health, and finances. You are less concerned about having made the right choices in the past and more focused on your current path and your future prospects. October is strong for personal magnetism, connecting with others energetically and romantically, and nurturing budding relationships. You give off warm and exciting vibes. You can receive gifts or attention and recognition. Until the 23rd, Venus and the Sun are in harmony with your sign, boosting your appeal significantly. You're motivated to share yourself with others more spontaneously and heartfully. You're also discovering ways to make more time to do what pleases you most! As optimistic as you can be, aim to be mindful about taking on more than you can reasonably handle, as there can be a change of heart or slowdowns occurring as October advances. Mars is currently transiting your sign, but it's moving slowly this month, turning retrograde on the 30th. Later, you may not feel like following through or simply can't do so. The Full Moon on the 9th stirs the need for special attention to your friendships, social life, networks, happiness goals, dreams, and hopes. Feelings for someone or a project can blossom. This lunation reminds you of the need for others, whether it's about support or simply a sense of belonging. Reaching out at this time can be therapeutic. Aim to restore balance to your life by including friends, considering communal needs, and enjoying the benefits of teams and groups, even if you're exceptionally wrapped up in your personal or romantic life these days. Saturn ends its retrograde on the 23rd, helping you work on bringing your expectations down to earth. Self-improvement endeavors can be in focus and more successful as you have a firmer grip on what's realistic and realizable. Your life might improve with support or increased structure and commitment. The last week of October brings a stronger focus on work and health matters. You're paying more attention to the functional side of your life. On the 28th, Jupiter returns to your career sector, encouraging your sense of joy in pursuing long-term goals. A Solar Eclipse occurring on the 25th can give you a boost or serve as a reminder to implement new exercise routines, nutritional programs, and healthy habits. A path is clearing towards better work conditions as well. This eclipse season (continuing into November) gives you a nudge to deal with the details and practical side of everyday life, become more organized, and take charge of your routines, but it also wants you to take the time for rest and regeneration. It's an important time for formulating goals, initiatives, and plans that get you back on track physically and mentally. With Mars retrograde in your sign from the 30th, you tend to look within for answers. Questioning your plans is likely--and possibly necessary. The temptation to push ahead with personal plans is strong, but circumstances could have you feeling stuck. Watch for temper tantrums - they are unlikely to go over well. You'll be at your strongest if you tame impatience and work on projects that need fine-tuning or completion rather than adding more to your plate. Aim to correct misunderstandings swiftly, and don't dwell on matters you can't control, although the latter can be tough with Mars in your sign and retrograde, as all sorts of buried frustrations can emerge unexpectedly. The tendency to stew and to let things get to you is strong now. Remember that some things are in the past because they have no room in the present. Mars is retrograde from October 30th to January 12th, but the planet visits your sign until March 25th. This extended stay is powerful for discovering your true desires. Aim to consider areas of your life that you may have charged past and now can use some revamping or extra attention--you may find some gems in the process. |
The spotlight is on home and domestic affairs this month, dear Cancer, with fresh thinking and new solutions to old problems. Harmonizing and balancing your personal life is successful and satisfying. The Sun and Venus visit your home and family sector until the 23rd, inspiring you to bring more harmony, beauty, and warmth to these affairs. It's a good period for refocusing and re-establishing yourself and your goals in your domestic world. Your attention to domestic matters brings rewards and positive feedback. You might focus on ways to earn money from home. Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on the 2nd, and blocks or delays seem to lift. A real sense that you want to move forward comes over you. Transportation, learning, educational, family, home, and communication difficulties will likely clear up. You might arrive at a new understanding of --and appreciation for-- family and loved ones in October. Your support system and the support you give to others are in focus. There can be good opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance home matters or find peace with your past. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be incredibly satisfying and attractive. From the 8th, there can be a pleasant breakthrough in or about close relationships. More clarity comes to your love relationships and partnerships. You pursue your hobbies, pleasurable pastimes, affiliations, and romance with more energy and enthusiasm, primarily because you feel clearer on these matters. The Full Moon on the 9th occurs at the top of your solar chart, reminding you of the need to pay special attention to your work or reputation. A responsibility or a call to action is possible now. You might recognize the need to perform or take the lead. A reward, award, or culmination of a project can occur, pulling you out of your shell. A creative, romantic, and playful theme emerges from the 23rd forward. It's a solid time to make meaningful emotional and innovative changes that contribute to a sense of personal empowerment. Flowing energy is with you for expressing yourself and your ideas. The Sun and Venus awaken your feelings and desire to share. They also boost personal attraction. The Solar Eclipse on the 25th can bring a clearing of the air type of energy to a relationship with a romantic partner, creative collaborator, or child. Even though it's intense energy, it's also very friendly with Venus and the Sun traveling close together. You are rebuilding your motivation and confidence regarding pursuing your heart's desire or heartfelt endeavors, passions, and loves. Going forward, more opportunities are sure to emerge that serve to awaken hidden or dormant talents. Jupiter's return to your spirit sector on the 28th reinforces a stronger focus on enjoyment, satisfaction, and fulfillment, especially through extracurricular activities. With Saturn's direct turn on the 23rd, you might gain more clarity with finances or a relationship. This turnaround can also boost your conviction to make a significant lifestyle change. You may see some forward progress with debts or financial support from this date forward. The need to buckle down could prompt you to be more attentive to, or responsible for, a matter. It's also possible to gain more clarity in your intimate life or about an important project. Still, the retrograde of Mars from the 30th can be a confusing one. The entire retrograde spans October 30th to January 12th and happens in your privacy sector. You can feel driven by unusual yearnings and desires at this time. If you don't honor your need for downtime and rest, circumstances can conspire to remind you. Health or emotional issues might slow you down and occasionally pull you out of your daily life routines, and it can feel like this happens at the most inconvenient times! However, you can also benefit from reflecting on the past and learning from it. While you might reconsider certain recent endings, you may only need a little more time to process things before moving forward, and this retrograde cycle is affording you this. You may appear to be quite preoccupied, which can be due to secret conflicts or personal matters weighing on your mind. |
This month, dear Leo, connecting, learning, and sharing are in strong focus. Others are readily charmed by your sincere, warm, and direct approach to the world. You're also especially busy with daily demands and personal interests. For the most part, you can keep up with the busy pace of your life. You're likely to find outlets for self-expression that can be very personally rewarding. Mercury's direct turn on the 2nd can be a friendly nudge forward, particularly on a mental level. Gradually you'll enjoy more clarity with communications, transportation, friendships, and personal finances. Pluto ends its retrograde on the 8th, and a work project or a job can move forward. Motivation to pursue a new or previously shelved health program can return. You are feeling on the ball and ready to rise to any challenge! Finally, Saturn's direct turn on the 23rd helps ground you, bringing more clarity to a relationship or your stand on a situation. Realistic expectations of projects and people lead to happier moods all around! You see your communications or studies in a brand new light this month, and if improvements can be made, you'll recognize and pursue them in October. Your mind will likely be flooded with exciting new ideas and possibilities. Things that you've previously resisted learning can suddenly become appealing and relevant. You might make connections that impact your life greatly. Further, your personal magnetism is strong. Conversations with friends can be inspiring and stimulating. There may be opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, and networking. The Full Moon on the 9th is a call to expand your interests and experiences, particularly if you've been overly focused on your personal life. This lunation can awaken you to the need for more spirited activities and interests. It's a nudge toward rounding your life out with pursuits that feed your spirit and mind. It opens your mind to the need for a change in perspective and break from the routine. While the first half of the month can feel exciting, it's better not to take on too much, as you might find it difficult to follow through. Feel the inspiration, but hold off on making significant commitments until you're sure your new ideas have staying power. From the 23rd, wonderful energy is with you for starting fresh with family or bringing more harmony into your home and personal life. You're seeking familiar, safe, and secure situations and setups. Slowing down, taking time for yourself, and connecting with family become more attractive with both the Sun and Venus visiting your solar fourth house. After the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, changes and improvements may be necessary as you reorganize your personal life or shuffle around your priorities. It's a great time to smooth over differences with loved ones. A fresh approach to home life is in order! With Jupiter returning to your intimacy sector from the 28th forward and staying for a few months, you can revisit a project or relationship matter that consumes much of your attention. All signs point to some healthy introspection as the month closes. Note that Mars is retrograde from October 30th to January 12th, and it can complicate your social life or a particular pursuit. Friendships, in general, require more care. You might take this time to reassess your longer-term goals, group associations, educational situation, or communication projects. The past can look a little more tempting at this time! Aim to take the time to review your feelings, but don't let them distract you from your current path for very long. You may be returning to old groups or friendships, but not all answers lie in the past, so take a second look but keep your options open. There may be frustration with goals or dreams not manifesting soon enough, when in fact, this retrograde period is helpful for making necessary edits to your plans. The initial intensity of this retrograde will soon subside, and you'll be in a solid position to observe and understand your desires and attachments. |
There can be a big focus on your financial status and comfort levels this month, dear Virgo. Later in October, you pay special attention to learning, communicating, and making connections. Career and/or reputation matters can be tricky as the month advances, but any delays you face can give you time to rethink and make essential changes and edits. The month is good for getting your bearings. You are encouraged to slow down, work things out, draw on patience, and build and develop - and the sooner you accept this pace, the better the rewards! Fortunately, it's easy to embrace the moment. Still, it's a great period for more fully exploring your unique qualities and talents and putting them to use. It's also a great time to organize money matters and belongings--it can be pretty satisfying to get everything sorted. If debts, shared assets and resources, and anything else that is owed has been the source of stress or possibly some neglect, you'll get the energy to take care of things once and for all. You have a stronger-than-usual desire for comfort and coziness this month! There may be a gift or bonus coming in or some inclination toward extravagance and indulgence. It's a good time for expanding your thinking on business along financial lines as your motivation to improve grows. With so much retrograde activity these days, three direct turns can feel good this month. For one, Mercury ends its retrograde on the 2nd, and recent indecision clears or contemplation pays off, especially with finances, personal plans, health, and work. Delays lift, and periods of limbo end as information or a new perspective emerges. If you've been looking back, reviewing, and editing, you'll begin to enjoy the rewards of these efforts. For another, Pluto turns direct on the 8th, and enthusiasm returns for intellectual interests, hobbies, learning, and creative projects. Romantic feelings, your dating life, personal interests and projects, and creative pursuits are areas of life that get a nice boost. Finally, Saturn turns direct on the 23rd, and you'll find it easier to get back on track with diet or fitness plans and work projects. It's a time to adopt a more straightforward approach to meeting and facing your responsibilities. Learning where you stand on a matter can be a relief and can also improve planning and decision-making. The Full Moon on the 9th can bring a reminder of overspending, or you could have cause to celebrate! Revelations, epiphanies, and turning points relate to an intimate relationship, passion project, or money owed or shared. You might gain new information about shared resources or debts and loans. Your studies, daily schedule, transportation, or communications are due for an upgrade from the 23rd. There can be some pressure associated with this, but you'll be better off for the effort you make. Others take a strong interest in your ideas or advice, or a pleasant connection emerges through your studies or mental interests. You can find new ways to connect and communicate and perhaps an improved method of transportation. Personal appeal is increasing, and your mind is the major attraction factor. The Sun and Venus moving into your solar third house on the 23rd bring a busier, more connected theme to your life. After the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, you're in great shape to lay the groundwork for future projects or build your skills. You're excited to learn new things and share your ideas and interests. Quite magically, you gravitate to information that brings benefits to your life. Making long-range plans for improving your experience, particularly when it comes to learning and connecting, is favored. You might also take steps to develop a relationship with a sibling, relative, classmate, or even a neighbor. One of the main reasons to take things in rather than push things forward too quickly this month is the retrograde of Mars on the 30th. In fact, Mars moves slowly throughout October. Avoid the temptation to pack all sorts of new beginnings into the days before a retrograde, as it's unwise. Motivation levels can dip, and you might change your mind about certain projects and ideas. This retrograde period lasts from October 30th to January 12th and occurs in your solar sector of career and reputation. While it can certainly lead to some delays or slowdowns professionally, you'll ultimately realize that going over plans and making adjustments will benefit you most in the long run. Work requires more strategy, patience, and a lower profile--it's not the time to push. Work on improving skills and fine-tuning for best results. |
The month ahead is one of personal power and a time for your yearly fresh start, dear Libra. A New Moon in your sign is just behind you, and you have the Sun and Venus in your sign until the 23rd. You're drawing positive attention and in the position to attend to personal plans and needs. Your voice is stronger from the 10-29, partly because you make more effort to be heard. October is also a notable month for making money and attracting the right resources to you. Personal influence is strong for many astrological reasons, including that your ruler, Venus, is traveling close to the Sun in October, and often while both bodies are in your sign. There is a real demand for the qualities that you naturally project. You're discovering or rediscovering interests, hobbies, and areas of study. Mercury turning direct on the 2nd is helpful for a sense that things are moving forward, and so are Pluto on the 8th and Saturn on the 23rd. Blocks are lifting! Mercury turns direct on the 2nd, making decisions more straightforward. Delays lift and information unclogs. Many recent misunderstandings will likely clear up in the days and weeks following this change of direction. While you'll see some recent problem areas untangle, Mercury won't return to your sign until the 10th, when even more clarity is likely to come, and you feel much more "in the know." You have a little more ruminating to do until then! Venus in your sign to the 23rd helps soften your disposition and aids efforts to enjoy yourself, pursue your wishes, and "make nice" with people in your life. People notice you and want to be around you. You're especially desirable with the Sun and Venus visiting your sign until the 23rd, calling attention to you and, often, your more appealing qualities. You could be holding part of yourself back until the 10th, when you find your voice. People gravitate to you despite this slight detachment. You're attracting people's attention and exploring how this makes you feel. It can be a time for sharing and opening yourself up to others, especially after the 10th. Favored now are making a positive impact, friendships, education, and relationships with extended family. There can be a strong attraction to cultural events or activities that take you to new places or expand your mind. Slow-moving Pluto turns direct on the 8th after many months of retrograde motion, and you can see some advances with finances and domestic matters. Relationships with family and family roles are changing, and your determination to resolve challenges is building. Around the Full Moon on the 9th, relationships and unrealized feelings grab your full attention. There can be frustrations or heightened awareness about your relationship needs that require changes. Your true feelings emerge now, and they’re a little raw. This lunation reminds you that you need others to be the best you can be. Emotions are big and perhaps a little over the top--big enough to grab your attention and help redirect and balance you, ultimately. You can be excited about bringing something to a new level or breaking new ground. Revelations and epiphanies are likely. More attention to personal possessions, money matters, natural talents, matters of security and comfort, and intimate relationships is likely from the 23rd forward. In fact, the last week of the month begins a power period for making and managing your money, talents, personal possessions, assets, and business. With a Solar Eclipse in your money sector on the 25th, you're starting fresh with your finances, business affairs, and your relationship with your money and things. There can be important discoveries about your earning potential and attachments. If you have been holding on too tightly to a lifestyle or financial habits that haven’t served you well, a new beginning is in order. With the Solar Eclipse in a tight relationship with your ruler, this is also an intense time for your personal magnetism. It’s a brilliant time of new hope and beginnings related to money, talents, and resources. With Jupiter moving back into your work and health sector on the 28th, you’ll be more joyfully attending to your daily affairs. While your job or routines can bring you rewards, watch for a tendency to want to do more and more to the point of being overbooked. Still, Mars begins its retrograde on October 30th, and it's moving slowly all month, encouraging you to slow down. The entire retrograde cycle lasts until mid-January and occurs in your spirit sector. Possible areas of life that can experience delays or require review include legal, publishing, travel, and education matters. There may be some things that catch up with you at this time that prompt a need to review, return to a previous condition, or tie up loose ends. As you grow accustomed to this energy, you'll realize that reviewing, renewing, and recycling can be the most rewarding activities - look to projects you've already started in the past with renewed interest and motivation, for example. Your outlook and lust for life are evolving. Consider areas of your life that you may have charged past (or through) that could use revamping or extra attention. You may find some gems in the process. |
Introspection continues this month, and it's helpful, dear Scorpio. You benefit from laying low and reflecting. The Sun and Venus move into Scorpio on the 23rd and Mercury on the 29th, and you emerge from a period of withdrawal and emotional renewal. In the meantime, much is going on behind the scenes. You tend to keep a lower profile and some emotional distance in the first few weeks of October. It's true that Mercury ends its retrograde on the 2nd, and some matters move forward. However, Mercury moves into your privacy sector on the 10th, and you might defer major decision-making until you feel more confident or in the know. With the Sun and Venus behind your sign until the 23rd, you are reorienting and processing recent events. There is a lot of both preparatory and wrap-up work to do in the first three weeks of October as you close off a birthday year and begin fresh in the last week of the month. Much of the month, you're a little more withdrawn, sometimes misunderstood, and often contemplative rather than decisive or spontaneous. The Sun and Venus traveling close to one another in your privacy sector to the 23rd suggest that this is largely voluntary and happy for you - you can find a lot of enjoyment living under the radar at the moment! Aim for renewal, new ideas, progress, and lightening your load. There can be pleasing support coming from unexpected or hidden sources, and you might find a peaceful solution for a problem that was once a seemingly impossible challenge. There can be a new connection or awareness regarding a past relationship. Or, there can be recognition or reward for previous actions. Pluto's direct turn on the 8th is another step forward: you begin to feel clearer about your direction and personal goals. More clarity is likely to come to your communications, and issues buried or swept under the carpet might emerge now for better handling. You might finally come to a decision or conclusion about something you've been stewing over for some time. A project can unblock, or news arrives that pushes your studies or a venture forward. There can be epiphanies, realizations, and fruitions occurring with health, well-being, and work around the Full Moon on the 9th. Tired, old methods must go if they aren't working for you! Focus on ways to improve your productivity–it's time to freshen up your daily life– and be sure to listen to your body's signals now. Still, desires are complex this month with Mars slowing down and then retrograding on the 30th - they're either difficult to fulfill or you're unsure you should pursue them. There continues to be a strong focus on the past, healing, processing, and digesting. Fortunately, you bring fresh energy, an open mind and heart to past problems and your personal relationships. From the 23rd, you're more visible, and emerging opportunities are more straightforward. Personal magnetism moves up a notch. You pay more attention to individual needs and wants, your image, appearance, and health. Others are especially interested in you. Living arrangements and conditions are clearer after Saturn turns direct on the 23rd. Organizing your personal life is in fabulous favor. Facing your responsibilities realistically puts you in a solid position to manage them. Take things gradually and enjoy the process of bringing more order and security to your personal space and inner world. A Solar Eclipse occurs in your sign on the 25th, and it's natural to focus on yourself and your personal plans in its wake. There's an ethereal, fascinating quality to your personality drawing people to you. You are working toward more independence and self-expression that's truer to your nature. You're highly motivated to free yourself in some manner, so take advantage! Resources are likely to reveal themselves. You regain your voice after Mercury returns to your sign on the 29th. Your interest in some projects you've put on a shelf reignites. Mars retrograde from the 30th requires re-examining your more profound wants and desires--much is going on under the hood. Managing fears, desires, or shared money matters can be a theme. Lending and borrowing may not bring desired results at this time. However, this retrograde cycle, lasting from October 30th to January 12th, is a great time to do catch-up work and look to the past for important things you missed. You may, in fact, see value in past projects (and possibly even relationships). Whether or not to revive them is a trickier matter. Watch for attraction to impractical ventures, both financial and emotional in nature. |
Your social life is lively and could be integral in pointing you in a new creative direction, dear Sagittarius. The first three weeks of the month are powerful for personal appeal and camaraderie. The last week of October requires a little more rest and introspection than usual as your yearly solar cycle moves towards a close and a Solar Eclipse on the 25th reminds you of the need for extra time to yourself. This is about closure - you need it for your upcoming birthday year, when you'll take charge and make changes. Mercury's direct turn on the 2nd can lead to unblocking projects and endeavors that have encountered delays since September 9th. Work projects advance and communications open up, particularly with associates and bosses, friends, parents, or managers. Eclipses this month and the next emphasize letting go and the need to put something behind you to clear a path for a better future. This is a time for setting right a past error or finally dealing with something that has been causing you guilt. Still, October is strong for socializing, connecting, sharing, and enjoying collaboration. In fact, the month brings a mix of sociable and introspective energy, with definite attention to wrapping up a busy year and contemplating your next steps, but also a strong focus on friendships, networking, and community or group efforts. Long-term goals toward happiness are spotlighted. There can be more ease in social situations and possibly romantic excitement. Relationships, in general, are in focus this month; for the most part, people are helpful and supportive. It's generally a good time for spreading your wings, reaching out, and making contact. You can enjoy more appreciation shown for you–people like your friendship, input, and company more than usual. Still, Mars opposes your sign all month, meaning others seem to take the lead more often than you. It could also point to tensions in a close relationship, although resolutions become possible with things out in the open. Collaboration or shared activities can thrive once you've sorted things out. A friend, networking, or group activity might facilitate a positive connection. As well, lowered vitality is possible in spots with Mars in your opposite sign slowing down and then turning retrograde on the 30th. It's not the time to push yourself too hard, particularly as the Sun and Venus move into your privacy sector on the 23rd - another indicator that you need to slow down, rest, reflect, and observe. Mars' retrograde lasts until January 12th. Buried problems can surface in partnerships, and resolving them can seem complicated at first. Straightforwardly dealing with others can be difficult for one reason or the other! You may be looking to the past for answers during this period. Money matters previously stuck or stalling can clear up from the 8th forward. Fears about insufficient resources may have been subtly driving your behavior in recent months while Pluto was retrograde in your solar second house. Ideally, you've also taken the time to explore your deeper needs related to finances, self-esteem, and self-sufficiency. Now, as Pluto turns direct, you feel more empowered to make significant changes. The Full Moon on the 9th can lead to meaningful discoveries related to hobbies, creative pursuits, children, and long-term happiness goals. A friend could encourage you to express yourself in new ways, or a romantic matter illuminates. Full Moons are generally about settling issues and seeking balance. You're awakening to feelings you may have ignored or brushed to the side. The 23rd begins a period for renewal and rest as you prepare for the Sun's transit to your sign four weeks later. Your inner world takes on more importance and color. You head into your yearly phase of rest, recuperation, and reflection. A Solar Eclipse on the 25th is another reminder that you need to pay special attention to your inner world, healing, and preparing. Circumstances are such that they force your attention to your spiritual needs and mental health. There's likely to be much activity in your private life and inner world in the coming weeks. More structure to your communications, studies, and connections to others can benefit you greatly, and this becomes especially apparent in the last week of the month. Procrastination is costly, and you feel more energetic and confident as you meet your goals and responsibilities more promptly. |
Your larger, long-term goals are in focus this month, dear Capricorn, and they're coming together nicely. You can feel on top of things now. Keep in mind that while you can be feeling especially enterprising, this is not the best month for brand-new ventures. Generally speaking, it's time to proceed slowly. Creative or romantic opportunities can arise through business affairs in October. You are more interested in the long term when it comes to love, although, towards the end of the month, friendship and camaraderie assume more importance. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 2nd, and blocks begin to lift, or motivation returns to pursue projects, studies, or work projects. Forward progress is likely with your goals, reputation, work, transportation, and educational plans or endeavors. New information or a different perspective helps you make better decisions. There is certainly a strong focus on your life direction, career, or reputation in October. You're likely to receive more attention and admiration, especially on a professional or public level. Others might appreciate the responsibilities you fulfill or your performance and ability to lead. Or, a more goal-oriented approach to your life is satisfying. Slow-moving Pluto turns direct in your sign on the 8th, and you get the distinct feeling that you're moving forward and more in charge of changes in your life. You are less likely to dwell on problems and more likely to take things into your own hands, take control of your impulses, and resolve issues. As well, your ruling planet, Saturn, turns direct on the 23rd, contributing further to a personal sense of purpose and movement. Regarding home, family, and work-family balance, the Full Moon on the 9th brings buried, ignored, or hidden matters to the surface. The degree to which this is disruptive depends on how deeply you've buried problems! Realizations and discoveries in your career and home life can prompt you to make positive changes in your personal life. Opportunities can open up as you get the backing and support you need. Venus and the Sun move into your hopes, dreams, and friendship sector on the 23rd. Your attention turns to happiness goals, connections, and networking. You find more joy and pleasure in reaching out and making connections. Besides the confidence boost of Saturn's direct turn on the 23rd, money matters improve steadily. It's a good time to focus on firming up your budget, evaluating business projects, and paring down excess so that you can make yourself more secure and pay particular attention to your practical affairs. The last week of the month brings a more robust social flavor, and you're taking more and more interest in connecting with friends, networks, the community, or your higher goals, dreams, and plans. An eclipse affects these areas of life, too, prompting a significant change of direction or a new beginning from the 25th. Goals that involve making connections, joining or strengthening ties in a group project or activity, and nurturing goodwill are the focus. Love and harmony are goals now! It's possible you'll be ending, starting, or completely transforming a friendship in the weeks ahead of this eclipse. Reflect on how you want to steer your life in the coming weeks, particularly in terms of your place in the social side of your life or in your community. There can be some complications with Mars moving slowly and then turning retrograde on the 30th. There can be some tricky matters revolving around work or health matters. Energy may not be at its best for work and health routines, and you could feel sluggish and uninspired until you reassess things. Consider that while there can be delays, slowdowns, and confusing situations, your patience now will be rewarded later. Jupiter's return to your communications sector on the 28th brings some previous projects or personal interests back to life. |
Influences on you in October stimulate new thinking, different perspectives, and a need for interesting experiences or mind expansion, dear Aquarius. You can feel a strong need for a change of scenery or mental refreshment! Educational, publishing, or promotional effort can reach a satisfying peak. Mercury turns direct on the 2nd, and you're likely to see some forward motion in recent endeavors that have stalled. Delays may lift on money owed or due and educational, travel, or publishing efforts as new information emerges or unclogs. New or revitalized interests, studies, and experiences can figure strongly in October. The focus on learning, sharing ideas, publishing, and moving beyond your usual bounds is rewarding this month. An idea, ideal, or course of study motivates and warms you, and personal magnetism is good. You're enjoying a nice glow of hopefulness about a matter you haven't felt for some time! There can be considerable excitement about a special topic, and others are highly interested in what you have to say, teach, or share. Desires for increased freedom of movement and thought are strong. The Full Moon on the 9th can bring deadlines, errands, and paperwork to your attention. If you've avoided your daily affairs, it's time to restore some balance to your life. Communications, connecting, and transportation are in the spotlight, and changes are afoot. It's a time of heightened awareness of your need for a smooth flow in your daily affairs so that you can feel freer to take advantage of opportunities to learn more, grow, expand your audience, and widen your experiences. Self-honesty can have a lovely, cleansing, and purging effect on you. With Mercury turning direct on the 2nd, Pluto on the 8th, and Saturn (in your sign) on the 23rd, you feel a little freer and less stuck. These directional changes benefit your outlook, private life, career, and reputation the most. You're liable to revive or renew projects that you have been working on behind the scenes or that were left unfinished. Saturn's direct turn can also help with self-discipline. It might fuel your confidence to face reality and make better decisions as a result. Your responsibilities to others can sometimes complicate the freedom and mobility you crave, but you're easing into a more performance-oriented phase of the year. The Sun and Venus move into your career and reputation sector on the 23rd, and it's a good time for public appeal and attention to life path and career goals. Others are a major key to opening the doors for positive change, and the last week of the month brings fresh, friendly energy to your career. You can be moving forward with more warmth and support from people in high places, or you're bringing more personal appeal to your professional life. You're tapping into your ambitious side! The final week of October is generally more public and goal-oriented than usual. After the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, you can feel you're moving up! It's a visible, outgoing, spirited, and also highly accountable and responsible period ahead of you. You're learning to fear recognition less and put yourself "out there" more confidently. This is a good time for new business plans and goals, but it's also solid for connecting with people in high places. In the weeks following this eclipse, there can be significant changes with your own influence or authority or with authority figures in your life. However, Mars moves slowly in October and, on the 30th, turns retrograde in your solar fifth house. Lasting until January 12th, this retrograde Mars cycle is a strong period for editing, refining, and fine-tuning work. You might feel a little stuck creatively or romantically speaking, but you're reconsidering or reconnecting with your desires and motivation--a powerful process. This is a time for reassessing how you approach recreation, work-play balance, lovers, love interests, and dating in general. You may decide to employ more strategy or to think ahead before jumping in. Lackluster areas of your life seem to be in the spotlight, motivating you to get in touch with your true needs and desires. It's a process that's sometimes slow-moving, but it's a valuable one. |
October is a fine month for drawing up plans, strategizing, boosting your connections, and staying active in observer mode, dear Pisces. Financial affairs, particularly money owed or shared, demand attention this month, and support from others is integral to your success. There can be a settlement, a bonus, or a particular interest in your resources and talents. Later in the month, your attention shifts, with new pursuits and a changing mental focus on the horizon, particularly along educational and communications lines. You're drawn to your inner world and to making internal changes that strongly impact your life in October. You are tuned in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers. There is plenty of planetary support for your ruminations and discoveries. There can be a healing process now - you are building your inner faith. Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored, and you may be striking up conversations about private or personal matters, purging and unburdening. This is also an excellent period for research. Your appeal is mysterious this month, and while you may enjoy time to yourself, it can also be cleansing and rewarding to sort out problems with others. Observing more than participating seems to be the most advantageous position in the first three weeks of the month as you learn more about yourself and your connections. From the 8th, you'll feel some progress with educational pursuits and relationships or group endeavors. Friendships can be intense, but instead of dwelling on problem areas, you are motivated to make necessary changes that bring you closer to resolving long-standing problems. New ideas and approaches to your social life can emerge and empower you. The Full Moon on the 9th stirs revelations related to money, ownership, valuables, values, talents, sharing of responsibilities, and power dynamics. You see a matter more clearly, and you're being honest with yourself. You're heading towards greater feelings of self-worth, value, security, and comfort. Once you've made sense of these emerging emotions, you could discover some needs and wants that you were previously avoiding or too busy to notice. From the 23rd, you're in great shape for learning and experiencing new things. Transits encourage you to branch out and entertain new ideas and possibly even beliefs. It's a great time to learn more about your own field or interests and explore new ones. Publishing, learning, teaching, and sharing are themes. Love relationships can have an exciting flavor, or you might find love while exploring new ideas, activities, and places. You can become more active with your community, friends, or causes--essentially, you're more interactive as October advances. With a Solar Eclipse on the 25th, events in the following weeks nudge you out of your routine. In some way, you are breaking from the past. This eclipse reinforces and energizes your need to branch out, make a mark on the world, and communicate. The thing to watch at this time, however, is prematurity. Don't push something too quickly. Still, you're likely to enjoy new ideas and experiences as your perspective on your life changes. Expanding your reach or audience can figure strongly. You may discover new and exciting channels for self-expression. As well, on the 28th, Jupiter returns to your sign to finish up its transit. Lasting until December 20th, this transit helps you connect with your spirit and share it with others. While there are several key direct turns (Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn end their retrogrades this month), Mars is moving slowly and turns retrograde on the 30th. You can experience tricky energy with family or involving domestic affairs or money matters in this retrograde cycle that lasts until January 12th. It can be a time for home repairs and taking a good hard look at what you might do to better organize your domestic world and make it a happier place. Certain endeavors may not go as planned, and there may be a need for a "plan B." Patience is a real virtue now. Despite minor inconveniences, you're on a path to new and improved home life and relations with family. You might also clear out some problems with finances. This endeavor can take a few months, but the work you do now will be rewarded. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
October 2022 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- October 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2022 Ephemeris
- December 2022 Ephemeris
- January 2023 Ephemeris
- February 2023 Ephemeris
- March 2023 Ephemeris
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Libra: September 25, 2022
- Full Moon in Aries chart: October 9, 2022
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse (Partial) in Scorpio on October 25, 2022
Looking Ahead:
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022
- Time Line Aspects: December 2022
- Time Line Aspects: January 2023
- Time Line Aspects: February 2023
- Time Line Aspects: March 2023
- Time Line Aspects: April 2023

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview