Aspect Patterns – Examples
See also aspect patterns.
Examples of various Aspect Patterns in famous people’s charts, for illustration:
Angelina Jolie:
Angelina Jolie has a Mystic Rectangle in her chart, involving the Sun, Moon, Mars, Neptune, and Pluto. The oppositions in this rectangle are Sun opposite Neptune and Moon/Mars opposite Pluto. These oppositions are connected via trines and sextiles: the Sun sextiles the Moon and Mars and trines Pluto. Neptune sextiles Pluto and trines Moon and Mars. Her ability to reinvent herself, something that is characteristic of a person with a Mystic Rectangle in their chart, is especially marked with Pluto and Neptune involved in this aspect pattern.
Anne Hathaway:
Anne Hathaway has a Stellium in her birth chart, in the sign of Scorpio, and involving four planets: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. This points to a strong ability to focus. Involving three inner, personal planets, this suggests core elements of Anne’s personality are working together in a concentrated, consistent manner.
Note about stelliums: Classically, stelliums are defined as multiple (3-4 or more planets) conjunct one another as is the case in the example chart above (Anne Hathaway). However, the term is sometimes also used more loosely to cover any situation where multiple planets and points are in a sign or house. I personally prefer to use the term stellium for 3-4 or more planets in conjunction. If a chart features many planets in a sign but they’re not conjunct or only two are, I would refer to this situation as “a chart with a strong emphasis on that sign (or house)” rather than a stellium. The distinction between these two situations makes sense to me, since they’re not exactly the same.
In the following chart examples, Blake Lively has a stellium in the sign of Virgo. On the right, Serena Williams has many planets in Libra and in the sixth house. Some will call these stelliums, but others wouldn’t since there are not enough conjunctions:
Diana, Princess of Wales:
In Diana‘s chart, a Yod is formed with Jupiter as the focal planet in quincunx to the Sun and Mercury, as well as in quincunx to Mars and Pluto. The Sun-Mercury sextiles Mars-Pluto. With Jupiter in the focal position of this Yod, Jupiter themes become her “mission”.
Diana also had a strong T-square aspect in Fixed signs. The opposition in this aspect pattern is the Moon opposite Uranus. Venus is square both the Moon and Uranus, and is the focal planet. This T-square rather perfectly describes Diana’s grace, charm, and compassion combined with her frequent need to go her own way and to experiment with her independence, and also her likeability (Venus) as she struggled with her sometimes very contradictory needs.
The ghost leg of the configuration, the unoccupied opposition point to Venus, can be an area through which the native seeks to find a balance, and in Diana’s case, we can clearly see her passionate humanitarian activities in the eleventh house/Scorpio.
Marilyn Monroe:
Marilyn Monroe’s natal chart reveals a T-square in Fixed signs, like Diana’s, but involving the Moon and Jupiter in opposition to Neptune. These bodies are squared by the focal planet, Saturn. A T-square sets up a challenge, and a major key to managing the difficult energies of this aspect pattern is the missing part – the unoccupied opposition placement of the focal planet, which is in Marilyn’s case, tenth house Taurus.
The focal planet can be a place of overcompensation, so that in Marilyn’s chart, we can see the career and public image, represented by both Saturn and the tenth house, as a place of some level of fulfillment (the tenth house) but also overemphasis and possible downfall (the focal planet, Saturn).
Certainly, she was able to seek some relief and stability through her public image and career efforts. However, she may have also felt quite alone hiding behind an image or persona. Hers is a lonely, difficult T-square, but one that may have been resolvable given more time.
Steve Jobs:

Steve Job’s Natal Chart
Steve Jobs had a Grand Cross in his chart, which involves two opposition aspects in square to one another. In his natal chart, the oppositions are Mars opposite Neptune and Jupiter-Uranus opposite Venus. Venus squares Mars and Neptune; Jupiter-Uranus also square Mars and Neptune. All of these bodies occur in Cardinal action-oriented signs, further emphasizing the dynamism of the Grand Cross itself. This aspect pattern points to a person who not only dreams, but also gets things done.
Tom Cruise:
Tom Cruise‘s chart shows a Grand Trine aspect pattern in Water signs and involving the Sun, Neptune, and Jupiter, all in tight aspect to one another. While this is an aspect pattern in and of itself, other bodies connected to the Grand Trine form a Kite aspect pattern: Pluto lies midway between the Sun and Neptune, forming sextiles to both bodies and opposing Jupiter. This configuration points to a sense of mission, but also possibly to some neglect of other areas of life not involved in the Kite formation.
Tom also has a somewhat wide Arrow Yod or Boomerang in his natal chart. The Arrow Yod is a Yod with an opposition to the Yod’s focal planet. In Tom Cruise’s chart, Saturn is the focal planet, forming quincunxes to the Sun and to Pluto. Saturn also forms an opposition to the Moon, putting special emphasis on the Moon in this configuration.
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See Also: