If Today is Your Birthday: February 18
The Year Ahead
Forecast for February 2008 to February 2009
The Sun trines Mars at the time of your birthday this year. This is a fortifying aspect that improves your sense of timing and increases your energy level. Self-confidence and action are highlighted in the year ahead. You tend to instinctively know the right course of action to take in most situations. Your desire nature is strong, and increased physical activity, including sexual, is likely. Independent work is favored. Competitive activities may also thrive this year. However, with the Sun in hard aspect to Jupiter, you may often be tempted to throw out practical considerations in favor of big ideas and plans that may not carry weight. Optimism can run high, but be careful of blind optimism and extravagance.
The Sun sextiles Pluto, and you display more self-confidence when it comes to achieving your goals and going after what you want. Others are bound to recognize your leadership skills and talents, or, at the very least, your potential. You are motivated to get to the bottom of matters. You might find that you become more goal-oriented, as superficial goals no longer satisfy you. You want your life path and your objectives to reflect what youre really about, and you are likely to rid yourself of unsatisfying goals this year. You benefit from being more decisive than usual, and your ability to concentrate and focus help you to achieve what you set out to do. A new project or goal begun this year has a good chance of being successful and long-lasting.
The Sun conjunct the North Node in your Solar Return indicates that you may assume a leadership role this year. You are likely to establish connections and/or relationships with people that help forward your own personal growth. Teamwork and camaraderie, as well as meaningful connections, are themes. You feel your life has definite purpose this year. Through your contacts with others, you are encouraged to grow.
Mars forms a harmonious aspect to Neptune. You are more inclined to act upon your intuition, your sexual fantasies may be especially strong, and your creative impulses are potent. There will be times this year when you will have a “what will be, will be” attitude. This influence favors dancing, swimming, photography, arts, and entertainment. If you are an artist, this could be an especially inspired, imaginative, and productive year. Pay attention to your gut feelings, which will, more often than not, give you valuable information. If you are involved in sales, you will be able to tune into your client’s inner desires and motivations.
With Mars trine the Moon’s North Node, you may be actively involved with teamwork and collaboration with others this year. This can also indicate an increased need for sexual union, as it stirs the passions and generally indicates ease in satisfying one’s desires through positive connections with others. This aspect is one indication of getting engaged, married, the beginning of a significant new relationship, or the intensification of an existing romance.
Venus in a creative aspect to Saturn suggests that certain elements of your social and financial lives are stabilized, secured, and more reliable this year. You may solidify a romantic relationship under this influence, or become involved with a mature partner. Circumstances may be such that you need to handle money more carefully this year, or this may simply come naturally to you now. Venus is also in creative contact with Mars, signifying pleasant sexual tension, libidinal attraction, and playful competitiveness in relationships. Romance is in the air, as this aspect increases your sensuality, sex appeal, and animal magnetism.
Your confidence wins you points in many areas of your life in the year ahead. You are able to take things in stride, and a boost to your personal popularity is the result. Launching new endeavors is satisfying. Your ideas are inspired, and your intuition is strong. Your leadership skills are elevated, and you are likely to engage in teamwork and group projects with success.
2008 is a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time, when it is easy to enjoy life and other people. Focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure. It is likely to be a rather lighthearted year, when opportunities for “play” time are greater than usual. It’s also a good year for expressing your creativity. Advice – reach out, but avoid scattering your energies.
2009 will be a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It’s “nose to the grindstone” time. It’s a time to deal with practical matters, and it’s not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Positive new relationships are generally not formed in a Four personal year. Advice – get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.
If you know your birth time, you may be interested in a full Solar Return Yearly Forecast Report for $4.95 US. These lengthy, detailed, and comprehensive reports reveal the themes and circumstances you are likely to encounter in the coming year, and are based on your actual birth day, time, and place, as well as your current place of residence. This report also makes a great birthday present–for yourself or others. See a sample of one of these reports here, and find out more information about this personalized birthday forecast here. Please note: we only recommend this report if you know your birth time.
We also offer other forecasting reports. Get your Forecast report here.
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These interpretations are partially based on the Solar Return chart in astrology. Of course, the Solar Return chart is most accurate, personalized, and descriptive, when the birth time and place (in addition to the birth date) are known.
These forecasts also incorporate Numerology and Personal Year Numbers.
The individual birthday forecast above is written by astrologer Annie and is copyright CafeAstrology.com.