Astrology Topics: Midpoint Pictures/Planetary Combinations
Midpoint Pictures and Planetary Combinations in Astrology
Keep in mind that there are many possible meanings for each midpoint picture. These, however, should serve as a good starting point, along with these Midpoint Picture Interpretations. See also explanation and calculation of midpoints and the meanings of midpoints for further information about midpoints and their use in any chart.
Sun-Moon-Mercury (1)
You have good aptitude for psychology, history, and anthropology. You are a good listener, and other people enjoy sharing with you issues that concern them.
Sun-Moon-Venus (2)
You are a very kind and loving person, warm and affectionate. Unkindness or cruelty upsets you very much, and you appreciate people who, like yourself, are considerate and thoughtful. You can succeed in an area that requires personal care and attention.
Sun-Moon-Mars (3)
You become bored when you are not challenged. You become irritated if there isn’t some lively activity to get involved in. Engaging in competitive sports is good for you. You are very sensitive to feeling dominated or pushed around by others, and you may feel provoked to assert yourself over relatively minor incidents.
Sun-Moon-Jupiter (4)
You can succeed in an area that requires you to interact with a lot of other people, because people find you to be very approachable. You have a friendly, easy-going disposition that makes others feel welcome and comfortable around you.
Sun-Moon-Saturn (5)
You like to isolate yourself sometimes, and often you feel uncomfortable in a large group of people. Work or activities that demand quiet and solitude suit you well, but be careful not to avoid people at inappropriate times, and be careful to make sure that friends, loved ones, and even acquaintances, do not feel that you are avoiding them or are cold to them.
Sun-Moon-Uranus (6)
You enjoy the company of people who, like yourself, are creative, humorous, inventive, or even slightly eccentric. You succeed in areas that give you lots of freedom and where you can express your creativity. Avoid getting involved in organizations or groups that are too conservative, stuffy, or unresponsive to new ways of thinking and new ways of doing things.
Sun-Moon-Neptune (7)
You enjoy an atmosphere or mood that is enchanting or unusual. It is likely that music is very important to you because it transports you to a world of imagination, dreamy moods, sentimentality, or possibly even mystical feelings. You have a colorful imagination, although it may be difficult for you to express the subtlety of feelings and impressions that you experience.
Sun-Moon-Pluto (8)
Periodically you feel compulsively drawn to research or investigate something, or possibly just to do something that drives you from deep within yourself. While many of your friends and acquaintances seem content to live day to day without going to extremes, you, on the other hand, have periods when you are compulsively driven from within. You have a complex emotional nature that makes it difficult for others to completely understand you, or to even understand yourself.
Sun-Mercury-Venus (9)
You succeed in areas that require a good sense of proportion, balance, or a knack for doing things that are both functional and attractive. This is so natural and innate for you, that you may take it for granted, or not consciously recognize how it affects the manner in which you do many ordinary daily activities. Many crafts and skills require your talent for doing things with good taste and aesthetic awareness.
Sun-Mercury-Mars (10)
You are likely to take classes and continue to learn things throughout your life, never ceasing to work on getting a clearer and sharper understanding. While other people may say they do not have time to take classes, you make time because it is a high priority for you. Sometimes you are impatient with yourself and so anxious to master a subject that you become frustrated with yourself and possibly also your instructor, and this can cause you to prematurely terminate a training program, or get you into severe disagreements with others.
Sun-Mercury-Jupiter (11)
You have a natural ability to understand general concepts and principles. You are a good teacher, supervisor, or administrator because you can see the big picture, you can put things in perspective, and you are interested in the overall plan and design rather than the technical details.
Sun-Mercury-Saturn (12)
You are methodical and logical. In elementary school and even in high school, you may sometimes have felt that you are a slow learner, but actually it is only your insistence on gaining a thorough, complete, and logical understanding of a subject that caused any problems. Other people are content with relatively superficial explanations whereas you often seek a level of clarity that even the teacher may not be capable of providing. Your quiet, structured, and disciplined approach to learning can help you excel in many areas as long as you have the self-confidence and patience to allow yourself to master the material.
Sun-Mercury-Uranus (13)
You have quick reflexes, and you learn very quickly. You have the ability to pick things up quickly, invent or discover something, without knowing as many technical details as other people, or without even knowing quite how you got the correct solution to a problem. You are clever and ingenious, but hopefully you also have patience and discipline; otherwise, you might jump impatiently from one idea to the next with little consistency.
Sun-Mercury-Neptune (14)
You are very intuitive and imaginative. While others often need scientific proof, you very often prefer to trust your intuition. You also have a good appreciation for poetry and literature. Any subject that is taught in a dry, formal, unimaginative manner bores you, and, as an adult, you may consider yourself very inept in various subject areas only because they were presented to you in a very dry manner when you were young. Sometimes your imagination and your inclination to create fantasies or fictional stories can make it difficult for you to concentrate on studies, disinclining you to throw yourself wholeheartedly into academics.
Sun-Mercury-Pluto (15)
When you get interested in a subject, you like to go all the way, uncovering the depths of the subject. You are a person that really loves to learn, but your love of learning ironically sometimes causes you to lose interest in academics! Memorization, the drudgery of homework, and competing for better grades are not exciting to you; what is exciting to you is discovery, and finding out the hidden causes of something. Once you uncover how something works, you can become a little fanatical about its importance and lose perspective.
Sun-Venus-Mars (16)
You are creative, and you succeed in areas that allow you to make something beautiful, attractive, or entertaining. You are also romantic, and your happiness in romantic relationships is a big determinant of your overall happiness.
Sun-Venus-Jupiter (17)
You do well in areas that require an appreciation and sensitivity to high quality or elegance. You are good at assessing the value of things. You are friendly, often generous, and sometimes wasteful; be careful to not overindulge in the things you enjoy.
Sun-Venus-Saturn (18)
You are serious and loyal in love relationships. You are not inclined to date a lot of different people; you seek a meaningful and deep relationship. You dislike ostentatiousness, pretentiousness, and glamour.
Sun-Venus-Uranus (19)
You have a good sense of rhythm, you enjoy a lively party, and you succeed in areas that involve dance or music. You enjoy freedom and it is difficult for you to dedicate yourself and commit yourself to major responsibilities, so it is best not to marry until you are completely sure that you have met someone so special that you can dedicate yourself to that person for the rest of your life.
Sun-Venus-Neptune (20)
Art is very important to you. You succeed in any area that involves imaginative art and creativity. You are idealistic in love, and this is likely to bring you disappointments, but your idealism and vision can eventually succeed in bringing yourself and others a more beautiful and perfect world.
Sun-Venus-Pluto (21)
It is almost certain that you will fall madly in love at least once, and become obsessed with the other person. Your feelings run very deep and you pursue things with compulsive and obsessive attention. You may become fanatically involved in art or a humanitarian mission.
Sun-Mars-Jupiter (22)
It is likely that you will become successful in your career and in achieving many of your goals. You have an enterprising nature, and you are confident. You set very high goals and standards so it is unlikely that you will achieve everything you set out to do, but it is also likely that you will achieve many of them. One word of caution: sometimes you take on too much or do not plan carefully enough beforehand.
Sun-Mars-Saturn (23)
You are a dedicated and responsible worker. If an area interests you, then you will put in long hours and do whatever it takes to achieve the goal. Any great achievement requires the hard work and sacrifice of people; you are one of those people that makes this achievement possible, even though you may not receive the credit you deserve.
Sun-Mars-Uranus (24)
You are dynamic, sometimes impatient, and you often experience bursts of energy. These qualities can make you successful in sports or any area that requires fast reflexes and spontaneity. You are courageous, but be careful to not go to such extremes that you are foolhardy, as this inclines to mishaps and accidents.
Sun-Mars-Neptune (25)
You need to work in an area that captures your imagination. Like a child, you can get very excited about things which to others seem less important or dramatic. You succeed in areas where you can share your sense of magic and wonder. Your dreams may revolve around something as simple as athletic performances or as grand as visions of world peace; whatever your dream, follow it and share it, but take an objective look also at how your dreams and visions fit into the lives of others and the world in general.
Sun-Mars-Pluto (26)
When you involve yourself in a project, you can immerse yourself completely and totally in it. You can become obsessed with your work, and work with a sense of mission. Conversely, when placed in a work situation that is not meaningful, you become frustrated, critical, despondent, and angry. It is important for you to latch onto something that is meaningful, and use your great energy to accomplish the work you set out to do.
Sun-Jupiter-Saturn (27)
You have good organizational skills. You are able to intuitively sense the structure and overall design and plan, and you are able to take devise reasonable strategies for achieving realistic goals. You can use your talent in the world of business or as an administrator.
Sun-Jupiter-Uranus (28)
You are enthusiastic and have a good sense of humor. Your optimism and progressive, forward-looking attitude leads you on a path of fresh and interesting opportunities. Do not waste time involving yourself with less responsive, more conservative people, organizations, and groups, because your own personal advancement will be hindered by such people; it is better to surround yourself with responsive, progressive people like yourself.
Sun-Jupiter-Neptune (29)
You like to look at the big picture. You are philosophical, and some people think you are too abstract and too distant from the down-to-earth details of daily living. You succeed in areas where your future-oriented, broad views can bring tangible benefits.
Sun-Jupiter-Pluto (30)
You are good at promoting, marketing, and bringing things to a larger audience. You find ways to expand the exposure of a product, or of bringing something to the attention of a larger number of people. You strive for success, and sooner or later you will achieve it.
Sun-Saturn-Uranus (31)
You enjoy restructuring the way things are done. You are a reformer, perhaps even a rebel. You are frustrated by organizations that are unwilling to adapt, evolve, and change. Be sure that you have studied a situation carefully before attempting to reform it.
Sun-Saturn-Neptune (32)
You have a great love for people who sacrifice for a worthy cause, and you appreciate people who are not ostentatious, glamorous, or pretentious. You seek simple and deep truths. You succeed in areas that bring real assistance, hope, or solutions to difficult problems. If you are unable to find a satisfying set of spiritual or religious principles, you can become very depressed and downtrodden.
Sun-Saturn-Pluto (33)
It is likely that in early adulthood you departed from some of the traditional career options available to you, and you chose a lifestyle and path of your own. You frequently forego opportunities for material advancement in favor of a life that is meaningful and personally rewarding. You demand a great deal from yourself and are not easily satisfied with your accomplishments. Do not take your accomplishments for granted; it is likely you have made more progress than you give yourself credit for.
Sun-Uranus-Neptune (34)
Your imagination and idealism are unusually strong. It is likely that you believe in various paranormal phenomena that most people are skeptical of. In order for your dreams, visions, and fantasies to develop to their greatest potential, it is best if you avoid drugs, alcohol, and stimulants.
Sun-Uranus-Pluto (35)
You are a free-spirit and an independent person. You are on a mission to do things in a new, creative way. Before you tear down old walls, make sure that the new wall you plan to build is really a better one. If you think things through carefully, you truly can break new ground, open new doors, invent and create something unique.
Sun-Neptune-Pluto (36)
You appreciate art, literature, and music that digs deep into the subconscious or reveals deep yearnings of the soul. You have an aptitude for psychology, art, and spirituality.
Moon-Mercury-Venus (37)
You communicate well, and you can succeed in areas that involve personal consultation or negotiation. You are a good listener, and probably you have many friends. You also have talent in the arts and humanities.
Moon-Mercury-Mars (38)
You have an aptitude for psychology and history, and with training you can become very good at understanding the historical and psychological roots of current trends and the behavior of people. Also, you are sometimes very impatient with people who do not express themselves clearly, and you appreciate people who can communicate clearly and directly.
Moon-Mercury-Jupiter (39)
You are very talented in areas that require inter-cultural or cross-cultural communication, and you can succeed in areas that involve you with ethnic, cultural, ancestral, or historical roots of contemporary life. You communicate well and have an aptitude for psychology and the humanities.
Moon-Mercury-Saturn (40)
You have good mental concentration and you can succeed in areas that require a lot of reading, writing, or detail work. You also have a good sense of form and design, and you can formulate things in a very logical and coherent manner. You explain things clearly and can be a good teacher or instructor.
Moon-Mercury-Uranus (41)
You have quick reflexes, which gives you talent in some sports, playing a musical instrument, or any other activity that requires quickness and agility. You are very clever and have a good sense of humor. You pick up on things that other people miss. You function well in a fast-paced environment but can become nervous and high-strung from too much stress.
Moon-Mercury-Neptune (42)
You have good imagination and intuition. You have a talent for understanding, and perhaps also producing, poetry and fictional literature. You work well with children, and also have a strong inclination to become involved in music and the arts.
Moon-Mercury-Pluto (43)
It is likely that you are involved in psychology, anthropology, history, or genealogy. You like to look beneath the surface of things, and you may also have an interest in mystery novels. You can be very successful in any area that requires curiosity and the desire to uncover secrets.
Moon-Venus-Mars (44)
You are a very deeply loving, emotional person and you bond very closely to loved ones. Because your feelings run very deep, be very careful in selecting a marriage partner as it can be extraordinarily difficult for you to part ways once you have given your heart to someone. The extent to which you are happy in your romantic relationships and family relationships probably is the main determinant of your overall happiness.
Moon-Venus-Jupiter (45)
Your kindness and warmth radiate out to others, and bring more happiness to others than you probably realize. You can be very successful working with children or in any other area where others will reward your kindness rather than take advantage of it. Avoid developing a habit of eating high-fat foods; otherwise, you may find yourself struggling to lose pounds later.
Moon-Venus-Saturn (46)
You are loyal to the ones you love. You dislike pretentiousness and glamour, and you are very responsible and dedicated to your family members and loved ones. Sometimes you are quiet or even shy, but do not be so quiet that you fail to show people that you care about them. Others may misinterpret your quietness as coldness.
Moon-Venus-Uranus (47)
You enjoy lively music and dance. You have a good sense of rhythm and probably you have an infectious laugh. You enjoy jokes and tricks. It is likely that you will fall in, and out of, love several times before “settling down” with one person, so it may be best if you do not marry to early in life. Although you are romantic, you do not like to feel smothered or too restricted by your partner.
Moon-Venus-Neptune (48)
You are idealistic and dreamy in romance, and it is likely that you will be disappointed at least once by others when you wake up from your love dream to see the other person more clearly. Music and art are important for you, and it is best if your home is imaginative and beautiful; living near water, for example, suits you well.
Moon-Venus-Pluto (49)
You experience compulsive feelings and you can become romantically obsessed with another person. Feelings of jealousy, however, can destroy your relationship. Your feelings are very strong and you are inclined to project them on others at least occasionally. Your emotions are deep and complex.
Moon-Mars-Jupiter (50)
You have creative talents that you may take for granted. You are a good team player and you can be a good leader. You know how to motivate others and get the job done. Your positive, constructive attitude helps bring you success in life.
Moon-Mars-Saturn (51)
Very often you are a serious no-nonsense person who focuses on the really important issues and the work that needs to be done. You are responsible and willing to perform tedious tasks in order to ensure that a job is done correctly.
Moon-Mars-Uranus (52)
Your emotions build up very suddenly. When frustrated, you become quickly angered, and it is important for you not to develop a habit of losing your temper. You can become very impatient with others and provoke them without realizing it; do not hesitate to apologize later if you are too sharp with someone. Challenging physical activities, athletics, and competitions suit you well.
Moon-Mars-Neptune (53)
It is important for you to be creative, to make imaginative things, and do something that employs your sensitivity and imagination. Rather than do things the same old way, let your imagination dream up a more beautiful or unusual style. Sometimes you may feel that your ideas are weird or simply will not turn out well, but with care and attention they can be the most rewarding activities that you engage in, both for yourself and others.
Moon-Mars-Pluto (54)
Periodically you feel an urgency to do something, and you become obstinate and inflexible, compulsively pursuing your interest, even though your interest may change soon afterwards. Consequently, others who do not allow you to follow your instincts frustrate you and you can become embroiled in a mutually frustrating relationship. You need to work on ways to communicate clearly in order to resolve potential power struggles with others. Your creative intensity makes it possible for you to accomplish a great deal.
Moon-Jupiter-Saturn (55)
You have a good sense of form and design, and consequently you can excel in areas ranging from simple crafts to architectural design. You are very good at making things with your hands and you have an uncanny ability to visualize things clearly before you make them.
Moon-Jupiter-Uranus (56)
You have a wonderful sense of humor and a spontaneity and enthusiasm that others enjoy and appreciate. You can succeed in any area where these traits are rewarded, such as music, dance, any form of entertainment, or as a group leader or director.
Moon-Jupiter-Neptune (57)
You enjoy experiencing different cultures and ethnic styles. It is good for you to travel and to have many different kinds of friends. You can be successful in the entertainment industry or in any field that requires a lot of imagination and vision. You are a bit of a dreamer and a philosopher.
Moon-Jupiter-Pluto (58)
You are very creative and you have ability to express deep feelings through art, literature, and theatre. You enjoy music that is driving or in some way brings out deep and strong feelings. You are a big believer in expressing one’s feelings and you help others feel more comfortable sharing their deepest secrets.
Moon-Saturn-Uranus (59)
You become uncomfortable quickly when forced to behave, dress, or act according to the desires of others or social conventions. It is important for you to dress comfortably and feel unrestrained. You can become very stressed, and massage or other stress-relieving activities are good for you to participate in regularly.
Moon-Saturn-Neptune (60)
You have a deep sensitivity that others may be very unaware of. Some form of moral laws or religious principles are important for you to develop and discover, and without a good ethical and emotional foundation in your life, you may turn to alcohol or other forms of escape. You can be very self-sacrificing for a worthy cause.
Moon-Saturn-Pluto (61)
Sometimes you feel alienated and distant from others. You seek solitude, although too much distance from others can also bring on feelings of depression and loneliness. You need to find the right balance to make your life work; this will not be easy to achieve but perseverance and confidence that the effort is worth it will repay you in the end.
Moon-Uranus-Neptune (62)
You are inclined to unusual moods and inspirations. Unusual dreams and a heightened imagination draw you to the arts, music, religion, and perhaps mysticism. Your high sensitivity can become severely unbalanced from drugs and alcohol, both of which you should try to avoid.
Moon-Uranus-Pluto (63)
Your emotions can remain fairly stable for most of the day and then suddenly erupt without notice. At such times, you can say and do things that you later regret. Your spontaneous, compulsive feelings can also incline you to unusual creativity and achievements.
Moon-Neptune-Pluto (64)
You have great sensitivity to subtle changes in feelings. Mystical or unusual music probably appeals to you, and you feel more at home in an environment that is very imaginative. You enjoy art and music that are deep and profound rather than light and easy.
Mercury-Venus-Mars (65)
You have excellent aptitude for understanding the arts, and you are talented in artistic areas as well. You enjoy making things that are beautiful, and you succeed in areas that require an aesthetic sense as well as technical ability. You also have some talent for psychology, and you could be good as a marriage counselor, for example.
Mercury-Venus-Jupiter (66)
You have good artistic sensitivity, and you are able to discriminate between items that are well-made and therefore of greater value and those that are not as well-made. You communicate well and are able to express your feelings openly and candidly. Very often you are encouraging and supportive of others.
Mercury-Venus-Saturn (67)
You have an aptitude for artistic design and geometry. You also have a knack for understanding what is really on a person’s mind, and what is important to them. You have a good foundation in simple and lasting values and you are a responsible, mature person.
Mercury-Venus-Uranus (68)
You have fast reflexes and a talent for playing musical instruments. You are clever and have a good sense of humor. You succeed in areas that require spontaneity and the ability to quickly solve problems or come up with creative ideas.
Mercury-Venus-Neptune (69)
You can be successful in an artistic area. Your great imagination and ability to understand and formulate artistic ideas are big assets. You also are good at interpreting and understanding fictional literature and poetry.
Mercury-Venus-Pluto (70)
You enjoy art, music, and literature that is deep and moving. You have a lot of creative talent that can be expressed through many different media. You have the ability to make things that are both functional and beautiful.
Mercury-Mars-Jupiter (71)
You have very good mental aptitude for many different subject areas. You are good at understanding both the general concepts and principles as well as specific details. You have a constructive mind that enables you to apply your understanding in practical ways. You can do well in an academic setting, as well as in the business and commercial world.
Mercury-Mars-Saturn (72)
You have a methodical and logical mind, and you also have good mental concentration. An academic path is good for you. You are a good student and are capable of mastering difficult subjects. Your willingness to work hard to understand something makes it possible for you to master difficult subjects that most other people are unwilling to attempt. You do not always grasp an idea as quickly as others, but you tend to be more thorough and once learned, you really understand the material exceptionally well.
Mercury-Mars-Uranus (73)
You can process information very quickly. You become impatient with classes that move too slowly, and you thrive when you can work at your own pace. Computer technology, electronics, or other demanding and fast-moving areas appeal to you. Your quick reflexes can assist you in athletics, various kinds of competitions, and any activity that requires speed and agility.
Mercury-Mars-Neptune (74)
You have exceptional ability in some areas and are rather weak in others. At an early age it is possible that you developed a fear of some technical and scientific areas, which would be unfortunate because actually you can be competent in these areas. You are very good at picking up on fine nuances of meaning in literature, poetry, and art. You have a very imaginative and creative mind, but you can become confused if overloaded with too much information at one time.
Mercury-Mars-Pluto (75)
Sometimes you become impatient and even belligerent with others if you feel that their ideas are poorly constructed or based on erroneous assumptions. You are shrewd and insightful but sometimes you are not as open to other points of view as you think you are.
Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn (76)
You have excellent organizational ability, and you have a well-rounded intelligence with aptitude in many areas. You are good at understanding general principles as well as technical details and this range of capabilities gives you the ability to make wise decisions. You are a very good student, and it is probably best for you to utilize this gift to further yourself.
Mercury-Jupiter-Uranus (77)
You have a creative and inventive mind, and you are very progressive and forward-looking. You work best in an environment that gives you lots of room to explore and be creative. Your ability to visualize new solutions inclines you to be optimistic and successful in your chosen field.
Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune (78)
Traveling and exploring new ideas is good for you. Sometimes you become bored by technical details and mundane facts and figures. Your imagination beckons you to set sail for a new horizon. Too much detail work can cause you to daydream. Develop a realistic plan to realize your dreams.
Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto (79)
You are interested in many different subjects, you learn quickly, and you find something of value in almost any subject area. You are well-suited to academics, although too much memorization or rote learning bores you very quickly. You can succeed in an area that involves large communications, education, politics, marketing, or exciting research.
Mercury-Saturn-Uranus (80)
You enjoy solving difficult problems. You can analyze a problem from different points of view, and you are very good at abstract reasoning. It is good for you to apply yourself to complex subjects because you quickly become bored with simple problems. For example, in the area of music, you may find that some forms of classical music appeal to you because the intricacy and sophisticated musical concepts appeal to you.
Mercury-Saturn-Neptune (81)
You enjoy abstract thinking. Abstract principles are common in academic studies, whether it be the concept of a point or a line in mathematics, the Chinese philosophy of 5 elements, various psychological theories of theorists such as Freud, Jung, etc., or any number of other ideas. You are well-suited to academic studies.
Mercury-Saturn-Pluto (82)
You are very good at detailed work and you can excel as a specialist in your chosen field of work. You have excellent mental concentration and you love to discover how things work. Because you focus so intensely on the object of your study, you sometimes miss general principles and concepts. You will succeed in areas that demand the specialized capabilities that you have to offer.
Mercury-Uranus-Neptune (83)
You have a vivid imagination and a sensitive nervous system. Unusual art and music, and perhaps even mystical subjects appeal to you. Because you are so sensitive, you should avoid drugs, alcohol, stimulants or other influences that make you unbalanced.
Mercury-Uranus-Pluto (84)
You are a very creative and intense thinker. You find most other people to be much too slow, shallow, and weak-willed for your bold and daring ideas. You do well in an environment that allows you to invent, research, analyze, and learn at your own pace.
Mercury-Neptune-Pluto (85)
You understand literature, especially fiction and poetry. You have a natural intuitive sense of how symbols, religious ideals, and the visions and dreams of people affect them. You can be successful in a field that involves poetry, literature, depth psychology, mysticism, or music. You enjoy literature and music that are imaginative and intense, perhaps mysterious or mystical.
Venus-Mars-Jupiter (86)
You are a creative, warm, and friendly person. You are romantic, open, and generous. You are thoughtful and generous, and you enjoy taking time to be with friends or going out to have a good time. You can be very successful in an area that involves art, creativity, friendliness, or entertainment. Your constructive, positive attitude draws good opportunities to you.
Venus-Mars-Saturn (87)
You are a very monogamous person; you seek someone special that you can devote yourself to. You are responsible and loyal in relationships. You value the little things in life, appreciate even small help from others, and you dislike glamour and showiness.
Venus-Mars-Uranus (88)
You have very strong romantic and sexual feelings. You are likely to fall in, and out of, love at least a few times before settling down so it is probably not a good idea for you to marry early in life. You love music and probably dance also. It is important that sexuality does not overpower the importance of love, kindness, or mutual understanding in your romantic relationships because otherwise you can be unfulfilled in the long run.
Venus-Mars-Neptune (89)
You are very idealistic and dreamy in romantic affairs, and inclined to be disappointed when you gradually awaken from the dream. Still, it is not impossible that you can meet the person who is just right for you. You are also artistic, creative, and imaginative.
Venus-Mars-Pluto (90)
You are very passionate. Intense romantic relationships may engender jealousy and possessiveness in either you or your partner, and this can lead to difficulty. You are also creative and able to make very beautiful things.
Venus-Jupiter-Saturn (91)
You listen to others carefully, and often give gifts to friends and loved ones that are very special to them. You think carefully about what is really important to people and how to help them with their interests. You also have a good sense of artistic design and form. You like to create things that are well-balanced and in correct proportion, whether they be meals, creative works, or the manner in which you dress. You also know how to do things efficiently and with little waste.
Venus-Jupiter-Uranus (92)
You have a good sense of rhythm, and you have talent in music and/or dance. You also have a good sense of humor, and when you are in a good mood, you put everyone in a good mood. Very often you are the life of the party.
Venus-Jupiter-Neptune (93)
Your artistic tastes, preferences in clothing and food, are rich, exotic, or unusual in some way. You like things that are foreign and you may even marry someone from another country. You can be generous without being discriminating, which can result in wastefulness, and you should be careful when investing or taking risks to make sure you have thoroughly analyzed the situation before committing yourself to it.
Venus-Jupiter-Pluto (94)
You dislike pettiness and you like to do things in grand style. You like to give big presents, and you appreciate things that are of very high quality. You have a knack for drawing success to yourself, and others may think of you as being lucky.
Venus-Saturn-Uranus (95)
You have some conflicting feelings when it comes to your love relationships. You want to be devoted and responsible to the people you love, but you also want to feel uninhibited, unrestrained, and free. Without realizing it, you may make loved ones feel that they are annoying you or bothering you. Try to be patient and calm while trying to resolve any relationship problems that you encounter.
Venus-Saturn-Neptune (96)
Your standards in love relationships are very high, so consequently it will be very difficult to achieve them. You want sincerity, commitment, and honesty, and you also are rather dreamy, idealistic, and romantic. This is a lot to hope for in a relationship, but not impossible to achieve. You are also very artistic and sensitive.
Venus-Saturn-Pluto (97)
You are likely to feel that loved ones, such as parents, romantic partners, or good friends, for example, have carelessly overlooked what is important to you or have not responded fully to your needs. Partly this is because you seek great depth of feeling and honesty in a relationship. Also, you sometimes feel alienated or distant and prefer to be alone.
Venus-Uranus-Neptune (98)
Your romantic relationships are likely to be unusual. You are dreamy, idealistic, and excitable, and it is difficult for you to think clearly and objectively when involved in a romantic relationship. It is best to not rush into commitments quickly, as it takes time to see if your relationship has the ingredients for long-term commitment.
Venus-Uranus-Pluto (99)
Your romantic and sexual energy is very strong. At times a relationship may survive based on sexual attraction, while mutual understanding, kindness, and love are not as easy to find. If this happens, it is best to not make long-term commitments until a more complete and satisfying relationship is clearly possible.
Venus-Neptune-Pluto (100)
It is good for you to surround yourself with art and music that are very deep and moving. You are very sensitive and you will find that you are more comfortable with styles that have much greater depth and complexity than the styles that are popular or in vogue. You are very idealistic in romance and it will be difficult for you to achieve the level of intensity and dreaminess that you seek in a romantic relationship.
Mars-Jupiter-Saturn (101)
You are a very good worker. You are enterprising and able to visualize larger goals, and you are also willing to work hard to achieve these goals. You are a good administrator or director of a group effort. Over time you can build a very successful career.
Mars-Jupiter-Uranus (102)
You are enthusiastic and optimistic about your plans. Your enthusiasm is infectious and you are able to motivate and inspire others with your vision and optimism. You are dynamic and energetic. You should utilize your gift of optimism and dynamism to do the things that are important to you.
Mars-Jupiter-Neptune (103)
You become bored quickly by simple chores and mundane tasks. You seek more exotic and far-reaching goals. You succeed in areas that require imagination or a far-reaching vision. If you can devise a clear and practical plan, and focus sufficiently to help ground your grandiose schemes, you can indeed achieve them.
Mars-Jupiter-Pluto (104)
You have big plans and the dynamic energy to manifest them. Sometimes you are almost obsessed with your big plans, and although family members and friends may tire of hearing about your plans, the single-minded focus on your goals is needed to achieve your goals. Be sure to research carefully before investing time, energy, and resources on a venture.
Mars-Saturn-Uranus (105)
You work intensely and sporadically. It is difficult for you to stay on a fixed schedule with a prescribed task. You prefer to work very hard at your own pace. Others usually get in your way. You become easily frustrated by the demands of others.
Mars-Saturn-Neptune (106)
In the long run, you will find that a career that emphasizes sales and marketing rather than real service will depress, frustrate, and exhaust you. Deep within yourself you are seeking greater meaningfulness in your work. You are able to sacrifice for a worthy cause and you are able to work long hours with little recognition if you feel that the service you provide is really meaningful.
Mars-Saturn-Pluto (107)
You are capable of extremely hard work. You can work long hours at tedious tasks and without complaining. If you set your mind on a goal, you can focus single-mindedly on the work and leave no stone unturned. Others may take advantage of your efforts; try to receive reasonable compensation for your contributions.
Mars-Uranus-Neptune (108)
You do things with greater creativity and originality than others. You dislike doing a task in an ordinary manner; you prefer to improvise and embellish whatever you do. Your energy level may be erratic with bursts of energy followed by lethargy. Involve yourself in areas where your originality and imagination are rewarded, avoid stimulants, and try to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
Mars-Uranus-Pluto (109)
You can work with extreme speed and force. This capability can help you excel in sports and competitions, and enable you to achieve a great deal in any area that you apply yourself to. Sometimes you can be pushy and aggressive without realizing it; if you want others to cooperate with you, you will need to take a more gentle approach. Always try to apply your dynamic energy in a way that is not harmful to others.
Mars-Neptune-Pluto (110)
Performing daily chores bores you, but if something captures your imagination, you can work fanatically without taking time to even rest or possibly even to eat. You can be successful in an area that allows you to apply yourself with the complete dedication that you are capable of.
Source: Kepler
Back to Midpoints. See also: alternate interpretations of midpoints.
We offer a Midpoint Report – this computerized report lists and interprets all of the midpoint pictures in the natal chart, as well as midpoint pictures created over time: transits, progressions, and solar arc directions to midpoints in the natal chart, for 6 months.
Suggested further reading:**
(1) The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin offers interpretations of midpoints and planetary pictures. A classic.
(2) Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey offers interpretations and keyphrases for midpoints and planetary pictures. More modern definitions.
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