Astrology Topics: The Meaning of Midpoints
Midpoints in Astrology
The following are basic interpretations of midpoints. Keep in mind that there are many different meanings for each midpoint. However, these can serve as a general guideline. While this page shows the meanings of midpoints on their own, the potential meaning of midpoint pictures, which includes a third planet or point, can be found here: interpretations of midpoint pictures (such as MO/SA=AS) here.
Source: Witte, Rudolph, Lefeldt. Rules For Planetary Pictures.
On this page
Midpoints in Astrology
Basic Meaning of Points
- Midpoints with the Midheaven (MC)
- Midpoints with the Ascendant (AS)
- Midpoints with the Sun (SO)
- Midpoints with the Moon (MO)
- Midpoints with Mercury (ME)
- Midpoints with Venus (VE)
- Midpoints with Mars (MA)
- Midpoints with Jupiter (JU)
- Midpoints with Saturn (SA)
- Midpoints with Uranus (UR)
- Midpoints with Neptune (NE)
- Related Pages:
- References & suggested further reading:**
Basic Meaning of Points
Basic Meaning of Points
MC (Midheaven) The soul of the native per se, the so-called “ego”, therefore the most important point In the horoscope. The “I”, the spiritual. Intellectual and social Impressions. The minute, the moment.
AS (Ascendant) Acquaintances. Connections within the surroundings. The place.
SO (Sun) The body, the physical being.
MO (Moon) Female persons. The public. Changeable things. The hour.
ME (Mercury) Movement. The content of thinking. Thought. News. Conception. opinion. Assertion.
VE (Venus) Peace. Good will. Help. Inclination. Love. Desire. Feeling.
MA (Mars) Impulse. Resolve. The will. Decision. Activity. To do. Accomplishment (mechanical kind).
JU (Jupiter) Gaiety. Contentment and happiness, Good luck, money, success.
SA (Saturn) Restriction. To bridle. To hinder. Separations. Losses.
UR (Uranus) Suddenness.
NE (Neptune) Deceptions. Losses. Dissolutions.
PL (Pluto) Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past.
Midpoints with the Midheaven (MC)
MC/AS Attitude. One’s position towards others. The social and vocational relationships. One’s relationship to others. To join with others for a common objective. Psychological influence of other people. The vocational, professional and social relations to the closer surroundings.
MC/SO The connection or interaction between the body and the soul. The body and soul. Appearance of the “I”. The body’s capacity to react to the mind.
MC/MO The state of the mind and soul. Opinions and judgments about females. Relations with females and the public. The psychological influence of women. One’s own mind. Releases the minute. The female influence upon the animating human principle.
MC/ME Flexibility of the soul. Individual thoughts. Monologues. Business thoughts. One’s own thinking. To make observations or to meditate. Monologues or soliloquies. Mental attitude. The faculty of thinking. The mobility of thinking.
MC/VE To have the power of attraction. To be attractive. One’s hopes and wishes. To be fond of some thing. Sympathies. One’s own personal attraction and affections. Love sentiments. One’s own wishes. Affection. Fondness.
MC/MA Self-will, energy, the urge to be active. One’s own action, making arrangements or giving orders to others. An agitated mind. Psychically active. Energy. To pull oneself together.
MC/JU To be well-wishing and benevolent. Harmless, good natured or contented. Blissful feelings. To be delighted. To be contented.
MC/SA Thoughtful, serious or slow. Mournful states or afflictions. To feel a burden. To take over a duty. Depression, inhibition, loneliness, depression or dejection. To separate. To slow down or hinder others. To feel deserted.
MC/UR One inclined to sudden decisions. An explosive manner. To have a mind to do something. Tenseness. To be excited. Vibration. To show ambitions.
MC/NE To appear unreliable or mysterious. To be disappointed. To be uncomfortable. Introspective, soul searching, mystical. To decline. To refuse something. To be unsure, unable to support. Unintelligible attitude. To follow wrong ideas. “I deceive”. Untruth. Falsehood. Swindle. To be intuitive. To concentrate on the future. To follow the unknown. The doubtful. To be sensitive or Intuitive. Falsehood, lying. To be deceived.
MC/PL The stages of developing the “I” Metamorphosis. Perception, knowledge and understanding. One’s intellectual capacity or concept or apprehension. The abilities for and possibilities of development In this regard. The evolution and transformation of the soul and spirit. One’s own transformation and development. Inner transformation. To appear to be a completely different person.
Midpoints with the Ascendant (AS)
AS/SO Personal salutation or greetings. To make acquaintances. Connections. Personal relationships. Physical relations to other people. To meet acquaintances.
AS/MO Acquaintances with female persons. Female acquaintances. The people in the closer surroundings. To be brought into public by others. Women in the family or environment. Acquaintance of female persons.
AS/ME Exchange of ideas with acquaintances. Conversations. Talks and correspondence. To be the theme of conversation with others. Other people think of the native. Conversation.
AS/VE Amorous acquaintances. To show evidence of love. Harmonious relations to the place. Lovable acquaintances. To be treated well by others. Others who tong for the native. Personal love connections and love unions. Love acquaintances.
AS/MA Co-Workers. Deeds of others or with others. To be made angry by others. A fight, a row. Actions and deeds of others. Excitement. Arguments with others. To be handled energetically, leading eventually to violence. Fights. Strife. Others are in activity.
AS/JU Fortunate acquaintances. Happy relations to the surroundings. Luck with other people; or other people’s luck (fortune). To experience good deeds form others. Luck with other people.
AS/SA Separations from the place or acquaintances. Estrangement. To experience refusal . Given the cold shoulder Separation from other persons. Other persons bidding farewell. To be separated from other people.
AS/UR Sudden acquaintances. Excitements and accidents caused by others or of other people. To be the cause of other peoples excitement or Irritation. Sudden acquaintances. Events of other peoples. Tension and excitement by others. Sudden acquaintances. Sudden reunions.
AS/NE Want of clearness in relations with others. To be deceived or avoided by others. Uncertain, insecure, doubtful, precarious, unsteady situations in relation to the place. To be deceived. Wrongly connected. Others are negative, irresolute or prejudiced. Others say “No”. To be deceived by others.
AS/PL Changes in the place or of the place (location). Moving (from residence). Changes in connections with different people. Other people are changeable. Changes In relation to others. A transformation at the place or of the place. To be transient in a place. Changes in or around the place.
Midpoints with the Sun (SO)
SO/MO The hour of the day. Temperament of the mind. The relation of a man to a women. Man and woman (husband and wife). Marriage, patents, friendships, partnerships. The day and the hour during Transits (the course of the day). Bodily relations to female persons. High tides raised by a storm, d connected with configurations pointing to catastrophes.
SO/ME The thinking faculty. The mobility of the body. A body in motion. Young body. The head. The nerves. Consciousness. Thoughts in general. Youth. Bodily agility, especially on the day, concerning male persons. Consciousness.
SO/VE Harmony, and beauty. The body’s capacity for love. Jewellery. Harmony. A Peaceful day. Personal attraction. Magnetism. Beautiful body. The loving man. The time of love. Love qualities (properties) of the body (influence).
SO/MA Working men. Energy level of the body. The man. The husband. The active man. The soldier. The energy of the body. Working bodily. To apply oneself.
SO/JU The well being of the body. Corpulence. A tendency to be overweight. The wealthy and successful man. The physically happy man. The cheerful man. Health. Happiness of the body. Money.
SO/SA Debility. Susceptibility to disease and illness. The old body. Physical severance. Old man and old age. The serious man. Personal and physical hindrances and difficulties. Physical separations. To take leave. Bodily separations.
SO/UR Condition of the nerves. The tension of the body. Accidents. Nervousness. Tenseness of the body. Sudden physically exciting events. Apoplexy of the heart. Accidents on the day. Sudden events. The physical tension and strain. The man who applies his strength. Apoplexies.
SO/NE Physical relaxation. Feebleness or sickness, Lack of energy of the body. Decay. The airplane. The dirigible (A steerable lighter-than-air craft). The medium in the positive sense. Sensitivity. Delicate body. Masses of water. A body susceptible to infection or illness. Weak or defenceless physically. Poor blood or blood diseases. Infirmity. Uncertain times. Sensitiveness. Feebleness of the body.
SO/PL The motion of the body. The circulation of the fluids. The function of the internal organs. Physical development of the body. To grow and regenerate the body. The ability of the body to transform itself. Nutrition. The assimilation of nourishment taken into the body. The circulation of the fluids In the body. The general physical development. Changed function of the glands and in the circulation of the fluids. Physical transformation, development and change. Changes in living conditions and diet.
Midpoints with the Moon (MO)
MO/ME Thoughts of female persons. Lively and changeable train of thoughts. Things we move on. Vehicles, vessel, craft. Motion of the brain. thinking capacity. The memory. The imaginative power superficial thinking. The youth. Young girl. Young woman. Several hours. Office hours. Vehicles. Ability of thinking. The general opinion in relation to the hour and female persons. Vehicles.
MO/VE The love or affection of women. Feeling. Love. The loving woman. Hours Or love. Pregnancy. Motherhood. Woman’s love. The people’s love.
MO/MA Working hours. The energy of female persons. Working people. Consciousness. The active brain. Working processes in the brain. Acts of volition. The sweetheart. The wife. The active woman. The household. The working time. The industrious or efficacious populace. Mobility of the brains. An active woman.
MO/JU Happiness of female persons. Contentment. Happy hours. Faith. Happy hours. The fortunate (happy) woman. The fortunate nation. Happy hours. Contented woman, happy woman. Luck in public life.
MO/SA Depressed mind. Discontentment or separation of female persons. Painful, strict or punctilious hours. Restrain. Separate. Despair. Depressed mind. Old, single, separated or unhappy woman. Widow. The hours one has to be alone. evening hours. Separates from the public. Self reserve. To avoid women. Discontented. To be separated from the public.
MO/UR Excitement. Nervousness of female persons. eventful hours. Awake. Arouse. Excite. Vibrating motion. interest. Attention. Restlessness of the body and the mind. Ambitions. Energetic woman. Hour of tension. eventful hour. Uproar of the populace. Women’s ambition. Uproars caused by women. Excited persons and people.
MO/NE The whimsicality and capriciousness of female persons. Change in weather. Smell. To fall asleep. To dream. State of dreaming. Cerebral state of sleep. Not quite clearly conscious. Dazed. Receptive brains. Delicacy, tact. To have a scent for something. Sensitive or feeble woman. Deceiving or disappointed woman. Hours of relaxation. Night hours. Light (thin) gas. Inspiration. Sensitivity. Air.
MO/PL Fickleness of female persons. Development of the brain and the glands. Cognition. Public changes. Unstable condition of the public. Hourly changes. Changes which come and go fast. Women or persons, the public who change, who show a different face, who change their character.
Midpoints with Mercury (ME)
ME/VE Inclination for something. Beginning of an acquaintance. Thoughts of art. Acquaintanceship. To meat or greet others. Thoughts of love. Aesthetic taste. Aesthetic taste. Rhythm. Salesman. To arrange artistically. To beautify. The beautiful woman.
ME/MA To excite oneself mentally. Argument. Energetic thought. Hasty and energetic action. Malice. Quarrelsome thoughts. Quarrels and debates. Critics. Activity of the brain. Power of thought. Clear, sharp thinking. Disputes. Criticism.
ME/JU Acquisitiveness. Talkativeness. Happy mood. Cheerful mood. Liking to speak. Fluent speech. Talent for speech. Joy. Loquaciousness.
ME/SA Logical thinking. Thoughts of separation. Parting. Logic. Philosophical thinking. Competence to form an opinion, to pass judgement. Thoughts of separation. Travel. Parting. To ponder. Deliberation. Thoughts of separation. Travels.
ME/UR Inspiration. Orders (commands). Telegrams. Logical thinking. Logic. Good mathematician. Revolutionary thoughts. Original Rhythm. Telegrams. Excited way of speaking. News. Telegrams.
ME/NE To ramble (in speaking). Illogical thinking. Falsehood. Poetry. Intuition. Fancy. Imagination. Want of clarity. Uncertainly. Contusion. Lies. Wealth of thoughts. Intuitive thinking. Imagination.
ME/PL To develop a thought. Thinking and perception is one thing. The function of the nerves. External and internal motion. The development of thinking. From thinking to understanding. Development and change of thinking, of the opinion, of the outlook on life, of the understanding.
Midpoints with Venus (VE)
VE/MA Sex activity. To become intimate. Intimate relations. Blood-brothers. Relationship. Intimate friendship. Sex love. To act with devotion, out of love for the cause. To enjoy something. The blood-relationship. Actions of love.
VE/JU Happiness in love. Lover’s bliss. Rapture of joy. Goldsmiths. Fortunate in love.
VE/SA Love’s parting. Interrupted harmony. Hindered inclinations. Passing affection. Love’s sorrow. Love’s separation. Illegitimate birth. Separation of love.
VE/UR Sudden affection or love. Refined sensuality. To be discriminating in love. Sudden romantic love. To give birth to a child. Lameness. To give in. Sudden expression of love. To be the surprised object of love and affection.
VE/NE Renouncing love. Misfortune in love. Untrue love. Perversion. Abnormality. Secret love. Rapture. Sensitive, renouncing, false or unhappy love. Deceptive hopes. Hidden and secret feelings, sensations or sentiments. Wrong sex instinct. Disappointment in love. To be deceived in one’s affections.
VE/PL Beginning and harmonious development of love and affection. Harmonious development. Development of a wish, of a hope. To give in. Considerate. Thinking of the well being of others. Harmonious development and transformation.
Midpoints with Mars (MA)
MA/JU Joy of work. Fortunate acts or accomplishments. Joyous happenings. Betrothal. Fortunate deed. To create something. To produce. Propagation, pregnancy, generation, children, fruits and births. Lucky deed.
MA/SA interruption of work, periodic work. Activities leading to separation or which are periodically interrupted. Periodic work. Interruption of work. Sickness. Acute sicknesses or matters. interruption. Action of separation. Forced separation. Death. Obsequies. Funeral.
MA/UR To become suddenly active. Sudden event. Exciting action. Energetic act. Bloody injury. Over impulsive action. Sudden acts. Fighting. Wounds.
MA/NE To act with poor results. inability to carry out the plans. To be hindered, prevented. Rejection. Denial. Destruction. Infection. Failures. Destruction. Infections.
MA/PL To work on schedule. To accomplish several things at the same time. To organize one’s work. Organizing. Planning. Plans. Duplicates, to copy, to repeat, to multiply. To lead, to supervise or to perform several activities at he same time. To divide, to split, to branch off. Branch. Plans. To hold two jobs at the same time. To do two different kinds of work. Transformation and change in the activity in one’s work and in the working conditions. Change in the occupation.
Midpoints with Jupiter (JU)
JU/SA Contentment in being alone. Successful separations. “Ripe Old Age”. Inconstant success. Successful separation. Separates from luck. Buildings. Change of residence. To have no luck. Money losses. losses of real estate.
JU/UR Sudden strokes of good luck (windfalls). Material success. Sudden luck; or misfortune if JU is posited in poor pictures. Fortunate events.
JU/NE Easily made money. Loss of money. Lucky mood. Easily acquired money. Shortage of money. Money losses. Imagined happiness. Uncertain possession. Money transactions. Speculations.
JU/PL Fortunate change, development or transformation. Fortunate development, change or transformation. A fortunate development.
Midpoints with Saturn (SA)
SA/UR To be separated suddenly. Quarrels. Sudden separation. To part and die. Inflexibility. Sudden separation.
SA/NE Losses, or separation through deception or fraud. Habit. Things of long duration. Sickness. Treacherous diseases. Chronic ill health. Pestilence. Chronic conditions. Fraud. Theft. Losses. Pestilence or plague.
SA/PL Hindered or slow development. Slow, gradual separation or divorce. Hindered development. Difficult to apply oneself. Distinction. Slow separation. Divorce. Necessity. Hindrance and slowing up. Interruption of the development. Changes through separation.
Midpoints with Uranus (UR)
UR/NE Futile excitement. To give up something. To bring an end to something. Violent commotion (revolutionary). Deaths. Acquaintance with the dead. Suddenly incapacitated. Unconsciousness. Checkmated. The transition Into the beyond. Crisis. Dead persons. Revolution. Sudden disagreeable events. To cause sudden confusion and deception of a revolutionary kind.
UR/PL Sudden changes, transformations or mutations, explosions. Mutations. Bounds. To leap. Explosions. Changes and transformations which start suddenly. The development starts with a jar or shock.
Midpoints with Neptune (NE)
NE/PL Sneaking, unnoticeable transformation. Secrecies. Changes which are not noticed externally. Sneaking transformations. Changes only recognized In the future. Transformation and change below the surface. Sneaking crisis.
See interpretations of midpoint pictures (such as MO/SA=AS) here.
We offer a Midpoint Report – this computerized report lists and interprets all of the midpoint pictures in the natal chart, as well as midpoint pictures created over time: transits, progressions, and solar arc directions to midpoints in the natal chart, for 6 months.

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References & suggested further reading:**
(1) The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin offers interpretations of midpoints and planetary pictures. A classic.
(2) Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey offers interpretations and keyphrases for midpoints and planetary pictures. More modern definitions.
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