Planetary Aspects: Jupiter square Chiron
What does Jupiter square Chiron mean? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).
However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Jupiter square Chiron in these various forms as well as in general.
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When Jupiter and Chiron connect, we explore our capacity to understand and comprehend, as well as our relationship to our beliefs, understanding of the truth, and the desire to share, guide, teach, and learn.
In the Natal Chart
With Jupiter forming a square to Chiron in the birth chart, you might grapple with your profound belief in personal freedom. This belief, while empowering, can sometimes clash with your morality or compassion, and when it does, you find yourself struggling with indecision. Your most profound life lessons often emerge when you’ve overreached, overstepped boundaries, or ignored your instincts and followed a path that wasn’t aligned with your true self.
You have a distinct philosophical bent and use humor to teach, guide, coach, and heal. You could feel drawn to guiding others on the very things you want or need to learn. As such, you learn as you teach, and the genuineness and sincerity involved with this process make you uniquely talented at helping others.
It’s crucial to be mindful of attempts to fix problems by simply pasting positivity over the wounds. A positive mindset is valuable, but it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of toxic positivity. Instead, strive to connect with genuine joy, not just superficial happiness. Over time, you may become adept and talented at helping others connect with their inner joy, and you might find yourself developing a distaste for obligatory displays of social niceties.
Key Traits of Jupiter square Chiron. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Using humor to teach or guide others
- Learning to heal through developing genuine (not superficial) optimism
- Seeming to need to overreach or push past limits and boundaries before finding the middle ground.
Transit to Transit
With Jupiter forming a square to Chiron, we can find ourselves yearning for meaning and understanding, yet it’s a daunting task to align with a personal philosophy or belief system that authentically mirrors our core. Beliefs and ideas might lead us astray, or we could be confronted with a crisis of faith. It’s not uncommon for something to occur that challenges our fundamental beliefs, leaving us in a state of disarray or confusion.
There may be instances where we feel isolated in our opinions, visions, or future plans, as others may not understand our vision. Past decisions that once seemed wise may now appear questionable. We might encounter a person or obstacle that disrupts our lives, but these experiences ultimately serve as crucial lessons in self-belief and understanding our purpose.
It is of utmost importance to delve within ourselves and gain a deeper understanding of our true needs and beliefs during this period. Mindlessly following something that doesn’t serve our purpose can lead us astray. Before embarking on new business endeavors, it’s crucial to pause and reflect. This is a time for reorganizing and reassessing our goals, beliefs, path, and personal philosophy. It’s best to watch for overdoing and overcompensating.
Jupiter square Chiron dates
Dates with Planetary Positions by Sign & Degree (Times are Eastern, years 1940 to 2050):
- March 9, 1940, at 6:32 PM —- Jupiter at 14 Aries 00 square Chiron at 14 Cancer 00
- May 2, 1951, at 5:53 PM —- Jupiter at 2 Aries 28 square Chiron at 2 Capricorn 28
- January 1, 1952 —- Jupiter square Chiron comes close but doesn’t perfect
- January 2, 1952 —- Jupiter square Chiron comes close but doesn’t perfect
- December 3, 1958, at 4:06 PM —- Jupiter at 18 Scorpio 22 square Chiron at 18 Aquarius 22
- May 15, 1959, at 3:14 PM —- Jupiter at 27 Scorpio 31 square Chiron at 27 Aquarius 31
- August 30, 1959, at 4:36 AM —- Jupiter at 24 Scorpio 33 square Chiron at 24 Aquarius 33
- July 29, 1965, at 6:16 PM —- Jupiter at 22 Gemini 03 square Chiron at 22 Pisces 03
- March 6, 1966 —- Jupiter square Chiron comes close but doesn’t perfect
- March 7, 1966 —- Jupiter square Chiron comes close but doesn’t perfect
- December 10, 1972, at 10:18 AM —- Jupiter at 12 Capricorn 57 square Chiron at 12 Aries 57
- October 26, 1978, at 10:13 AM —- Jupiter at 7 Leo 37 square Chiron at 7 Tau 37
- January 16, 1979, at 9:13 PM —- Jupiter at 5 Leo 03 square Chiron at 5 Tau 03
- July 13, 1979, at 4:16 AM —- Jupiter at 13 Leo 19 square Chiron at 13 Tau 19
- April 8, 1986, at 4:39 AM —- Jupiter at 10 Pisces 49 square Chiron at 10 Gemini 49
- August 20, 1986, at 10:11 PM —- Jupiter at 20 Pisces 29 square Chiron at 20 Gemini 29
- December 31, 1986, at 4:02 AM —- Jupiter at 17 Pisces 24 square Chiron at 17 Gemini 24
- March 8, 1996, at 3:16 AM —- Jupiter at 12 Capricorn 55 square Chiron at 12 Lib 55
- July 25, 1996, at 3:27 AM —- Jupiter at 10 Capricorn 13 square Chiron at 10 Lib 13
- January 29, 1997, at 6:44 AM —- Jupiter at 1 Aquarius 51 square Chiron at 1 Scorpio 51
- October 16, 2005, at 4:58 AM —- Jupiter at 27 Lib 53 square Chiron at 27 Capricorn 53
- June 23, 2006 —- Jupiter square Chiron comes close but doesn’t perfect
- July 24, 2012, at 9:09 AM —- Jupiter at 8 Gemini 57 square Chiron at 8 Pisces 57
- Jan 15, 2013, at 1:08 AM —- Jupiter at 6 Gemini 44 square Chiron at 6 Pisces 44
- March 27, 2013, at 2:47 AM —- Jupiter at 11 Gemini 05 square Chiron at 11 Pisces 05
- December 8, 2019, at 11:27 PM —- Jupiter at 1 Capricorn 26 square Chiron at 1 Aries 26
- October 23, 2025, at 6:19 PM —- Jupiter at 24 Cancer 35 square Chiron at 24 Aries 35
- December 21, 2025, at 5:08 AM —- Jupiter at 22 Cancer 40 square Chiron at 22 Aries 40
- July 1, 2026, at 10:24 PM —- Jupiter at 0 Leo 24 square Chiron at 0 Tau 24
- March 6, 2033, at 8:28 AM —- Jupiter at 21 Aquarius 47 square Chiron at 21 Tau 47
- September 3, 2033, at 6:33 AM —- Jupiter at 1 Pisces 09 square Chiron at 1 Gemini 09
- November 19, 2033, at 2:52 AM —- Jupiter at 28 Aquarius 40 square Chiron at 28 Tau 40
- November 23, 2040, at 12:51 PM —- Jupiter at 22 Lib 36 square Chiron at 22 Cancer 36
- June 14, 2041, at 4:28 AM —- Jupiter at 21 Lib 53 square Chiron at 21 Cancer 53
- September 14, 2041, at 10:34 AM —- Jupiter at 1 Scorpio 36 square Chiron at 1 Leo 36
In Transit to the Natal Chart
When transiting Jupiter squares natal Chiron, it’s possible for your personal wounds to be accentuated by current events and circumstances. You might find yourself yearning, perhaps even hungry, for more meaning, improvement, and healing. However, it’s crucial to stay grounded and discerning as you pursue these things. The current trend is to swing to extremes or to place excessive trust in a vision of wellness or improvement that may not be practical or suitable for you. By staying grounded, you can avoid being swept away by unrealistic expectations and maintain a more balanced approach to your personal growth.
During this life phase, it’s important to recognize that it’s not the most opportune time for making sound judgment calls. Your perceptions may be distorted, leaning heavily towards over-optimism. It’s also a period where your beliefs may not be readily accepted and, more importantly, others are not as inclined to put their faith in you. Take a moment to consider if this is because you lack a deep, genuine faith in your current vision. Of course, personal growth is a journey that requires patience and self-assurance, and attempts to rush it now, while tempting, are unlikely to serve you well.
When transiting Chiron squares natal Jupiter, your interests in holistic health, politics, or spirituality can increase, likely due to events and circumstances in your life at this time.
There are better times to make sound judgment calls, as your perceptions are currently skewed. A stronger desire for more meaning or improvement is at the root of a perhaps impractical vision at this juncture.
As with Jupiter’s square to Chiron, Chiron square Jupiter is a less-than-ideal period for being believed. In truth, this can be due to inner unrest and lack of clarity–do you truly believe in yourself or connect with your beliefs and ideals right now? Perhaps not, which can be part of why others are more inclined to question you. With patience and effort, you’ll gain the self-assurance that can help bolster your credibility. While it can be tempting to take shortcuts, the results will not compare.
The answers you seek are not solely outside of you. Yes, others can have some inspiring ideas for you, but this transit is about finding and following your inner guide. Being discerning with what you take in at this time is crucial for navigating this somewhat challenging transit.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Jupiter in one chart forms a square with Chiron in another chart, there can be frequent clashes of beliefs or morals. Perhaps more disruptively, the Jupiter person may often be oblivious or insensitive to the Chiron person’s vulnerabilities. This usually isn’t conscious or deliberate.
When the Jupiter person is being philosophical or broad, the Chiron person may feel Jupiter is pontificating and take what’s communicated quite personally. In turn, the Jupiter person could find the Chiron person overly touchy. When Jupiter wants to talk broadly and share ideas, Chiron could put a damper on things, for example. But when Chiron wants to get serious, Jupiter may prefer to joke or be light-hearted. The trick is to recognize where communication styles are causing hurt feelings and misunderstandings.
In the Composite Chart
With Jupiter square Chiron in the composite chart, it can frequently be a challenge to harmonize your beliefs, ideas, visions of the future, and healing paths. Watch for a tendency to use quick-fix solutions to relationship problems. Glossing over issues and becoming impatient with one another when addressing problem areas can slowly erode at your compatibility.
See also Planetary Aspects, Jupiter Transits, and Chiron Transits

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