Planetary Aspects: Uranus sextile Neptune
What does Uranus sextile Neptune mean in astrology? The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).
However, this aspect between planets has common general themes. The following shows interpretations of Uranus sextile Neptune in these various forms as well as in general.
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Uranus sextile Neptune
When Uranus and Neptune connect, we want to shake up the status quo. We can be visionary and inspired.
In the Natal Chart
With Uranus forming a sextile to Neptune in the birth chart, you’re open to raising consciousness and alternative ideas, spiritual beliefs, and lifestyles. You resent being told how to live and what to think, and you’re all for improving, updating, and reforming Neptunian areas such as how we do religion, compassion, escapism, and transcendence. You’re not into being force-fed spirituality or belief systems.
You believe you can make your dreams happen and be highly inventive in this pursuit. You’re sensitive to social injustice and the plights of the underprivileged. Your fun sense of humor and perceptiveness are marked.
It’s worth noting that this aspect, while rare, is so slow-moving that it’s in influence for several years at a time. In other words, when this aspect does occur, it remains in orb for many years. For instance, everyone born between 1965 and 1969 has this aspect in their natal charts.
This aspect is shared by most people born in the year or two surrounding your birthdate. While it may not always be a very personal influence, it can become a strong and significant factor in the chart under certain conditions. For instance, if the Sun or Moon are aligned with either Uranus or Neptune or if either planet is on an angle, astrologers would consider this aspect strong and more relevant. These cases can spark a deeper interest in its potential influence.
Key Traits of Uranus in harmonious aspect (sextile) to Neptune. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Strong proponent for freedom of beliefs, ideals, and spirituality and reform in these areas.
- Open to new thinking and ideas, especially in spirituality.
- Resistant to being told how to think.
- Altruistic.
- Visionary and inspired.
- Believes that the best way to bring on reform is through subtle, gentle messaging and influence (as opposed to abrupt approaches).
Transit to Transit
With Uranus in a sextile to Neptune, we’re seeking (and finding) illumination. It’s a time of more openness to alternative ways of living, believing, and expression. We’re receptive to different or unusual experiences and ideas.
At the same time, we’re averse to any form of force-feeding spirituality or belief systems, preferring our freedom to follow our intuition. It’s a time to reform and update how we express compassion, care for the underprivileged, pursue our dreams, seek escapes, and do art and creativity. However, we can also be more sensitive to stimulants.
Note that this aspect occurs very infrequently, and when it does, it usually occurs in sets of three or more due to retrograde motion. For example, it occurred in 1966-1968, first forming exactly in September 1966, then again in January 1967, July 1967, April 1968, and May 1968. The next time this aspect occurs exactly is from 2025 to 2027.
Uranus sextile Neptune dates from 1940 to 2050
The following show the dates of this aspect’s occurrence in history, current times, and the future in two different formats.
Dates with Planetary Positions by Signs and Degrees. Note: dates and times are Eastern and are within the years 1940 to 2050:
In Transit to the Natal Chart
When transiting Uranus sextiles natal Neptune, your dreams and ideals are stirring. It can be a time of surprise gifts or blessings. It’s a period of inventive new ideas and powerful initiative for pursuing and achieving your dreams. It can also be a period when you’re suddenly inspired to explore a new topic, experience, or form of escape.
When transiting Neptune sextiles natal Uranus, your imagination is stirring, and you’re becoming receptive to new ideas, experiences, and even dreams or ideals. It can be a time to get caught in a current of a social movement. It can be a time to reshape your ideas of what makes progress and improvement in your life, and there can be a softening of your rebellious impulses. You seek to make change in subtler and gentler ways during this period.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Uranus in one chart forms a sextile with Neptune in another chart, you inspire one another to pursue your dreams and live up to your ideals and humanitarian goals. Your methods, ideas, and activities are inventive rather than traditional or old-fashioned. You can feel that your understanding of one another is highly unique and uncannily accurate.
In the Composite Chart
With Uranus sextile Neptune in the composite chart, you are a couple with strong ideals and a spirit for progress and freedom of thought. You’re not closed down to alternative approaches to your life. You often work best on inspiration rather than rote learning. Your relationship inspires new thinking. As well, you believe in the power of your combined dreams and hopes.
See also Planetary Aspects, Uranus Transits, and Neptune Transits

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