2024 Taurus Horoscope Preview
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Taurus Horoscopes, the Year 2024: Summary/preview of the year ahead for the zodiac sign Taurus. See also the full Taurus Yearly Horoscope for 2024.
This forecast applies for those with their Sun in Taurus (born approximately* April 20th to May 21st) and for those with a Taurus Ascendant most significantly.
2024 Taurus Horoscope Preview
(Click on any sign above to navigate to that sign’s preview horoscope, or click on the list of links below).
Areas of Expansion in 2024 for Taurus:
Your Taurus 2024 Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow.
- Personality
- Fresh Starts/Initiative
- Self-image, body image
- Money
- Self-respect & Self-worth
- Resources, Valuables, & Belongings
- Talents
Until May 25th, Jupiter is in your sign. This transit lasts a little over a year and comes only every twelve years, serving to bring you out of your shell. You’re ready to take on the world!
This influence began on May 16, 2023, and will run until May 25th this year. It’s a time for exploring your needs and pursuing your dreams.
Your personality, image, body image, and self-confidence expand to new levels with Jupiter in your sign. Indeed, you see brand-new possibilities, and your vision of life is panoramic.

Jupiter in Taurus
If you’ve done your inner “work” well while Jupiter was transiting your solar twelfth house just before this transit, this can be an especially rewarding period. Your confidence in yourself and faith in the world are growing exponentially. Freedom is what you seek, and it’s a beautiful quest as long as you keep in mind the potential costs of freedom when it’s pursued without the necessary attention to responsibilities.
You are more willing to enjoy new experiences and rid yourself of those things that have held you back from truly living and owning your life.
There can be new projects you begin now that have long-term potential. You may not yet know where you’re heading with them, but you’re undoubtedly enthusiastic about starting anew. Happily, you experience a powerful initiative at this time in your life!
Expanding your horizons through higher learning might also figure strongly. It’s a time to align your behavior with what you believe is right. You are taking more “me” time, which is, in fact, long overdue.
It’s also likely that you’re coming out of your shell in some significant way.
Because Jupiter is the natural ruler of your solar eighth house, your new beginnings can very much tie in with a matter related to an intimate relationship, ending an addiction or obsession, pooling your money or talents with someone, paying debts, or other shared resources. Sometimes inheritance or support is involved. A lifestyle change impacts your confidence and approach to life.
You could do more learning in a self-directed manner. You’re also seeking more freedom to explore and discover. A long-standing problem or belief can end, freeing you on a mental plane.
A common thread: your success on inner levels or in your intimate life relates to expressing your personality or independence fully or more confidently, the confidence in your ingenuity, or your body, appearance, or image. This transit also favors teaching, publishing, or advantages in court or school.
You seek a new beginning – a fresh start, of sorts – and your desire to do right is powerful. Work or projects you’ve been developing in private or behind the scenes may begin to pay off. There is less focus on serving and helping others, perhaps because this is no longer as necessary. For example, a child can go off to college, or it’s even possible that it’s the end of a relationship or major project that took up a lot of your energy and resources, from which you are now enjoying some level of freedom. Now you can put some of your interests on the front burner.
You won’t feel like puttering about during this period of your life! You are hungry for new experiences. Everyday stresses that may have frustrated you in the past now seem almost inconsequential–your vision lifts above the mundane. As such, your ability to manage stress and pressure increases.
You are more tolerant in your attitude towards others, and you’re considerably more confident about expressing the playful, creative, and fun side of your personality.
It can undoubtedly be a time of increased personal meaning and purpose. Personal initiative is strong. The motivation arrives to work on healing any problems with presenting yourself confidently or self-image issues.
Potential problems: Restlessness, over-confidence, wastefulness, weight gain, pompous behavior, and excesses, in general, are potential pitfalls when the energies of Jupiter go too far. See to it that these things don’t mar an otherwise excellent period.
As well, with your desire to start over, watch that you don’t blind yourself to certain essentials and responsibilities.
There might also be times when others feel threatened by your newfound displays of freedom and independence, when your personal desires are greater than your means, or when you have trouble with self-discipline, budgets, and limits.
Otherwise, this can be a time of opportunity. There can be a strong sense of release and freedom from previously limiting, rigid, or stifling conditions.
A positive attitude will bring favorable circumstances into your life if you remain realistic. Try not to take unnecessary risks or gambles. Your heart is very open this year–protect it with realistic expectations, and you’ll have a memorable time!
A significant other or special person in your life can be quite supportive of your efforts toward self-improvement. While you may have struggled with your personal philosophy and belief systems in recent years, you feel more confident about your behavior aligning with what you believe is right.
In April, unexpected developments and opportunities can come your way, freeing you from past ties or attitudes that have kept you from fully expanding your horizons and realizing your potential. You are more willing to try something entirely new and make changes that you didn’t imagine making not too long ago. No longer do you tolerate stifling situations. Your awareness quickens and intuitive flashes are now a regular part of your daily life.
Some flying in the face of convention can be helpful if you also keep at least one foot on the ground. You’re inspired! Because lucky Jupiter and Uranus, the ruler of your career sector, align in your sign, this can also be a fortunate period for professional matters.
May brings further and excellent opportunities through or for friends, networking, and business income. You feel more confident about going after your dreams and happiness goals. Friends could be integral in your quest for more from life. You might also take better charge of your finances, particularly those shared with others or income derived from other sources than your own personal income. Emotional and financial support is more forthcoming.
From May 25th onward, your money, personal possessions, valuables, and self-worth begin to expand, increase, improve, and grow.
Your desire for security and comfort is hearty now, and you’ll pursue these things with more confidence and verve. You feel that you deserve more or that you’re at a stage when you want to more thoroughly enjoy the fruits of your labor.
This influence lasts a year, extending until June 2025! It’s a strong time for buying long-term valuables. You are likely to make bigger decisions about your material resources during this period.
This cycle is dynamic for attracting more money, especially through pooling resources, promoting or sponsoring others, legacies, turning around debt, and other eighth-house matters. Metaphysics, counseling, accounting, investigation, education, or research can tie up with finances this year.
Be careful if you are suddenly in the position to receive, for example, a credit line or sizeable loan – spend wisely. It would be best to watch for overspending since you’re much more confident and optimistic in these areas.
There can be some consequences or challenges with your new attitude towards money. For example, there can be drains of your resources from friends, experimenting with new ventures, or social pursuits, particularly in August and December. If you receive more money, you might have the attitude that there’s more coming down the road and subsequently spend too extravagantly.
Potential difficulties: Be on the alert for an attitude towards money that is careless. If you are accumulating personal possessions too quickly, this can lead to clutter and disorganization. If you’re overconfident about your ability to make money, you might take foolish risks, such as borrowing from your future.
Watch also for over-indulgence. Be extra careful if lending or borrowing. It’s best to avoid excess and taking on so much that you dilute your efforts.
Otherwise, this is a robust period for bringing a fresh, positive, and confident attitude toward your self-worth/value and practical affairs. You could be more enthusiastic or optimistic about earning a living. It’s also possible that a money problem will clear up. A major purchase or sale can figure strongly. For example, this can be a time of a significant memento or financial benefit, a new item, or a windfall.
During this transit that lasts a year, you can expand your resources, develop your talents, and improve your money situation. It can be a time of a pleasant feeling of self-sufficiency. There can be powerful changes in how you view your money, resources, assets, personal belongings, and natural talents or earning power during this period.
Connecting with your dreams, beliefs, and visions helps boost your feelings of self-worth, and you can be determined to be responsible for your own income. It can be a good period for financial and professional blessings. Notably, your faith in earning improves.
In May/June, you’re in a particularly strong position for making things happen with your money and things. You bring more focus, determination, and intensity to your career and professional goals. You may be reaching more people in your career – broadening your contacts or your audience. Certainly, you can be more persuasive in your profession. Educational, publishing, and promotional activities are favored during this period. Valuable alliances might be formed that help to advance your career.
Especially in July and October/November, taking care of unfinished business facilitates money matters, allowing them to flow. You’re looking at finances, self-worth, your talents, and resources in new ways. If you’ve had tricky problems with money, there can be solutions on the horizon. You’re increasing your psychic sensitivity and understanding of what you truly want and value. You’re also feeling more generosity and hospitality.
This is a time when you might receive more money or other material resources, perhaps through gifts or a pay increase. Alternatively, your perception of your resources is such that you have enough and then some.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:
Your Taurus 2024 Horoscope points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away from itself.
- Friendship
- Happiness Goals
- Involvement with Community/Groups
All year, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach involve the sector of your solar chart that rules friendship, your social life, networking, happiness pursuits, innovative ideas, and hopes or dreams. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life, as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Suitable ones will endure and strengthen.
Your Taurus Horoscope for the year points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.
This influence runs from March 2023 until 2025/2026.
You’re likely to feel this transit most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Taurus. This year, it will influence those born from approximately April 23-May 9 and with a Taurus Ascendant of 3-19 degrees the most. Those born April 20-22 experienced this influence the most last year. The rest of the sign will feel its influence more directly in the future.
Tests can come to your friendships during this long-term cycle. You may be more discriminating when it comes to making new friends, or circumstances are such that you spend less energy on networking and involvement in your community, teams, and groups.
Existing friendships may experience some tests or trials during this cycle, and one or possibly more connections may end. Those that are true, however, will strengthen. In fact, this can be a remarkable period for forming or strengthening a lasting alliance with a person, group, or cause.
Keeping friendships strong and healthy requires effort. Friends or group affiliations may seem more demanding of your time and energy now, or you might feel stressed about how much of yourself you put into your social obligations.
There can be some strain on a friendship due to an increased focus on other areas of life. Friendships or causes can sometimes drain you if you are giving too much while ignoring your needs.
There can be stress from both personal and social camps as each area of life demands much of you (or you want more from these things!).
Alternatively, you might contribute to your community in significant, tangible, and practical ways during this transit. There can be nice opportunities to make long-lasting connections. You can have more influence in a group, possibly naturally taking the lead. It’s a time for making solid plans for your future.
You may want to be more involved in a particular cause. Learning or studying with and through friends and groups can be beneficial.
In August and December especially, you can feel some tension as social goals or friendships seem to clash with your stronger desire to make money or get comfortable.
Overall, this is a rewarding period, particularly if you focus more on long-term benefits and less on short-term frustrations. You might form valuable, long-term associations. You are respected in your group or circle, especially in February, September, and November. It’s also possible that you form alliances with people who have similar grievances as you.
Drawing some boundaries in a friendship or with others can come naturally. It’s a fine time for putting energy into a group effort or teamwork. Your friendships tend to be mutually beneficial.
Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed: The Self
Your 2024 Taurus Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.
- Personality
- Independence
All year, you are compelled to make personal changes and updates. This exciting transit that began in 2018 lasts a total of approximately seven years. You’re feeling further rumblings of change in 2024.
The image you present to the world and your personality alters quite rapidly during this cycle. You are embracing change, pushing yourself beyond your normal limits, expressing your independent streak, and taking a few personal risks.
The need to express yourself differently remains strong as Uranus transits your sign.
Potential negatives: While personal changes are necessary and perhaps inevitable, foolish risk-taking and pointless rebellion are not! You don’t need to throw away everything from your past or totally clean the slate in order to express your independence. Taurus knows these things intrinsically, but with influences occurring now, it can be helpful to remind yourself. Aim to tame your urges to rebel, if it’s just for the sake of it or to prove something to the world. Rebelling keeps you beholden to others. Answer your instincts rather than simply react to others if you feel restricted or confined.
Otherwise, this is a time for discovering your own unique path, and you may be making a bit of a splash as you forge ahead. Your sign has a reputation for being quite content and easygoing, as you tend to seek out harmony, sometimes at all costs. However, this Uranus theme in your life suggests you won’t tolerate feelings of being confined, limited, or unauthentic just for some measure of peace.
Changing your career path can be in focus now, and it affects your sense of freedom and the expression of your personality. For some, becoming your own boss can be your direction.
Tauruses most affected by this transit in 2024 are those born from approximately May 9-17 and those with an Ascendant of approximately 19-27 degrees Taurus.
Opportunities abound in these areas in 2024 and are especially likely in February, April, September, and November. Booster influences suggest that the key to success seems to be to open your heart to new ideas and methods, let in the positive vibes, and move just a little out of your comfort zone. The urge to break free from limiting conditions is intense now. You are looking to the future, not to the past, and the desire to leap forward into new and unexplored territory is powerful.
As you change and evolve, be especially aware of how you let go of the past. Do so with sensitivity and mindfulness so that you turn over a new leaf with more confidence and pride.
You might find yourself attracting people or lessons into your life that encourage you to detach from traditions or conventions that have kept you from growing in the past.
This influence is with you throughout the year 2024 and will transition out of this area of your solar chart in 2025 and 2026.
Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation:
Your 2024 Taurus Horoscope reveals life areas where change and transformation occur. It’s a time for “out with the old, in with the new.”
- Beliefs
- Travel
- Attitudes & Outlook
- Career or Life Path
- Reputation
- One-to-One Relationships/Partnerships
- Independence
- Personality
- Emotional & Physical Health
Until January 20th and from September 1st to November 19th, attitudes, belief systems, and learning continue to transform. You may be purging some beliefs or attitudes that no longer work for you. There can be wonderful exposure to a new perspective, lifestyle, or culture. Some of you might publish creative work and meet with success.
You are in excellent shape to boost your life experiences or studies. Meeting people, even virtually, or studying new ideas or topics can be life-changing.
You’re approaching your life or topics of interest and projects with more gusto and passion. You can be a mentor or help others in significant ways. This theme has been phasing out after a very long run! This year, it’s out of your life for good by November 19th. Recent problems in these areas now resolve.
From January 20th to September 1st and from November 19th forward, a new Pluto theme is with you. You’ve had a sneak preview of a transit that will stick around for years to come, and from November forward, it’s with you consistently.
With this influence, career, professional matters, and public life begin to transform, requiring deep and lasting fundamental changes. It is a very long-term influence that can bring some tests to your level of expertise, and possibly some exposure of weak areas. For best results, treat these as challenges to improve. While there can be times when your career, ambitions, or responsibilities clash or compete with other life departments, 2024 offers some lovely opportunities in these areas.
Especially in May to June, it’s a time for proving your worth, displaying your innate leadership abilities, and making important decisions. Be as aboveboard and professional as you can — others are taking note!
In 2024, the Moon’s Nodes and eclipse activity continue to prompt questions of balancing work and rest as well as mental and physical health.
The North Node continues to transit your solar twelfth house, pushing you along a journey about work, health, mental health, and rest. It’s a time to find a better balance. You’re encouraged to connect with your purpose or spirituality and balance your attention to physical and emotional health.
The North Node in your sector of endings, spirituality, and privacy until early 2025 points to a real need to connect to your inner world and help and support others, as these things can bring wonderful benefits and much joy to your life.
However, the September eclipse brings in a new and emerging theme that you’ll explore further in 2025: this set challenges you to balance your personal life with your connection with others and the community. There is a strong calling to pay special attention to friends, groups, community, and happiness goals. These areas of life will be the source of much joy and interest as you are motivated to make improvements here.
After the September Lunar Eclipse, you’ll be exploring your need to connect with a cause, group, or community. One of the major keys to happiness is learning to team up with others successfully instead of going it alone or pushing too hard to stand out as unique.
Your Planetary Ruler in 2024: Venus is your planetary ruler and, in 2024, does not turn retrograde. Life feels a little smoother as a result! In a general sense, the pace of the year is positive, straightforward, and normal.
More power to you when your ruler is in your sign; in 2024, this period is from April 29th to May 23rd. Better dates for Venus are January 11, January 28, February 7, February 13, February 21, March 24, March 28, May 18, May 23-25, June 17, June 28, July 2, July 10-11, August 7, August 26, August 29, October 4-8, October 15-17, and December 1-2.
2024 Yearly Overview Horoscopes:
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*Note: Why are Sun sign dates approximate? Because the beginning and end dates and times vary slightly from year to year. So, for example, the start date of Taurus can be April 20th, 1999, at 8:48 AM Eastern, but the next year, Taurus begins on April 19th, 2000, at 2:39 PM Eastern. To be sure, you can use our Sun sign calculator: What’s My Sun Sign? |