2023 Cancer Overview
2023 Cancer Overview: Yearly Horoscope
Cancer (Born June 22 to July 22*) – 0 to 30 degrees Cancer:
2023: Cancer Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Cancer (All):
Note: The summary or overview of the year resides here; details of the year are below.
You can find more joy and reward in professional or public avenues this year, dear Cancer, and you’re also opening up to new and fulfilling social experiences. You could receive an elevation of sorts – recognition, a promotion, or the like. Instead, this can be about discovering your true calling professionally speaking or a long-term goal that fits you perfectly.
You’re more positive with your work, but you should watch for taking on too much in the process. Although it’s a great period for expansion and recognition on a professional level, and you should take advantage of it, choose your projects carefully.
While a positive focus on your reputation, career, and responsibilities continues all year, you’re also making connections – very positive ones – from May forward. A beautiful influence begins that blesses your social life, happiness goals, business income, and associations. Your job might bring you into contact with new people. With Jupiter expanding your social circle and filling you with new ideas and hopes, you simply need to watch for excesses.
This year brings Saturn into harmony with your sign. This influence is good for feeling on track, stable, and strong enough to meet life’s challenges. You are less inclined to rebel or react and ready to live life more authentically and true to yourself.
With the North Node in your career sector in the second half of the year, you don’t forget the importance of structure, responsibility, and reputation in your life. It’s time to realign your goals with what’s inside. You might make changes to your career path that better reflect the principles closest to your heart.
At the same time, you’re filling up with new ideas and gaining inspiration. Others can point you in new directions. You’re finding more than the usual enjoyment from group associations, associates, networking, or friendships. You’re also reaping the many benefits from increased respect for what you do. Your business income improves, and you now focus on pursuing your fondest hopes and wishes, not only material and career goals. A new project can excite you and bring you into contact with interesting, helpful people.
A stronger awareness of others, a bigger emphasis on networking and enjoying friendships, blossoming ambitions, and a more disciplined approach to life are themes in 2023.
See also 2023 Cancer Preview Horoscope.
Key Events in 2023 for Cancer:
Outer Planet Transits:
Jupiter conjuncts Chiron in March and is parallel Chiron in April. These influences encourage an increased need for greater understanding, wisdom, and awareness, as well as a stronger interest in the healing arts and holistic health. It may be a time when we update our personal belief system. The potential is high for working on ridding ourselves of negative attitudes that have held us back.
We can be especially interested in dealing with personal demons that have fractured our confidence and ability to assert our boundaries.
For Cancer, you’re discovering and embracing your unique approach to taking the lead or managing others, and as you learn to do so, you’ll find that people more readily see your value in these roles. You’re working on any insecurities you may have about taking charge of your life and responsibilities. Others’ perception of who you are does affect your life, and this can be an excellent time to make an impact or dispel rumors.
Jupiter forms a square to Pluto in May. We’re ambitious, feeling that if we set our sights high enough, we can achieve anything. However, treading lightly now, while it may not come naturally, is advised as it is easy to stir up conflict. We may take on too many interests, activities, or desires under this influence. We should avoid exaggerating our importance or power, whether to ourselves or others.
Something challenges our belief system, and the need for a major attitude change arises. Narrow-mindedness can be a problem. Trying to force our beliefs on others will only lead to frustration. The tendency now is to push too hard in general and to ignore the critical details. Thinking in big terms is fine as long as the practical elements of any pursuit are taken into consideration.
For Cancer, you might recognize the need to leave an idea, belief, or even an obsession behind you to grow, improve, and begin fresh. You may need to deal with a fear of commitment or a fear of freedom – both can be issues, and both need managing so that you can live a happier life. There can be concerns about losing something that you’ve spent a lot of time and energy building, but also a need to be free of restricting, limiting ties. Ideally, conflicts emerging now light a fire under you when it comes to taking more control over your life.
Jupiter conjuncts the True North Node in early June, increasing our desire to make contact with like-minded people or with those who can help push us in the direction of growth and improvement. It’s a time of positive interaction, learning, and guidance.
For Cancer, it can be a wonderful time of support/recognition from a friend or group. The connections you make now point you in the direction of growth.
Jupiter forms a sextile with Saturn in June, bringing opportunities to put our plans into motion. We’re balanced in our approach to new endeavors, seeing both the potential benefits and pitfalls, and this improves our judgment. This influence helps us crystallize and lock down recent lessons learned and endeavors.
It’s a period of constructive accomplishment. We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound–and we derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. We find a good balance between planning and discovering.
It’s also a time when we value learning and sharing valid information from trustworthy sources. We respect reasonable, ethical, and sound approaches. The key to harnessing this wonderful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy.
For Cancer, this transit facilitates learning and teaming up with others through study groups or friendships based on shared beliefs and interests. It helps strengthen your resolve to pursue long-term goals. Your confidence now comes from realistic dreams and pursuits. Successes are far more likely through patience and concerted efforts. There can be beneficial relationships with friends and associates. You might take on a teaching or training role, or you could be turned to for advice.
Other influences and minor transits:
Mars is retrograde from October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023, in the sign of Gemini (pre-retrograde shadow begins September 3). We can feel stuck on past relationships or situations, finding it difficult to move ahead. Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are significant in your private life. It’s important to watch for an obsession with private issues or concerns about the past. Although it’s a good time to look back, it’s best not to dwell.
This cycle stirs up any unusual, overlooked, or buried anger, feelings, and desires that you’ve been ignoring. You may think twice before venting feelings, and you could be dealing with some indecisiveness or increased need for rest. Your desire nature can be rather complicated now, and it can be difficult to find direct routes to satisfaction. It’s time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans.
Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd in the sign of Leo, bringing about a need to rethink or reassess our personal relationships. Past lovers may reappear and some relationships may end. Problems with fire, passion, and attention can be hot topics.
We might revisit our past loves–typically in the mind only, but for some, on a physical plane as well. It’s not a good time for major decision-making regarding love, as we might regret our choices later. Think of this time as a process–you need time to allow your heart to catch up with the rest of you, and so do others.
We are called upon to deal with relationship issues from the past. Events occur that seem fated or predestined. It can be a real challenge getting close to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored just for now. It’s not the best period for entering a new relationship or making big purchases, because our sensors regarding love and money are not up to par.
For Cancer, you are looking at matters differently, especially related to finances, possessions, comfort issues, and love relationships. It’s probably better to avoid making important, life-changing decisions until you’ve digested everything. You might have critical conversations about the past and possibly love during this time. You might also be learning to live leaner. It’s an excellent period for reviewing finances and collecting financial information, as well as re-budgeting, but not ideal for buying new big-ticket items. If you are good at spotting deals, however, you could find some unusually good ones.
Please note that these key dates are synopses — quick summaries of astro-events — that are covered more in-depth in the monthly horoscopes and daily horoscopes.
See also 2023 Cancer Preview Horoscope.
See also detailed 2023 Yearly Love Horoscope for Cancer.
Yearly Horoscope: 2023 Predictions for Cancer
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
See also see your Cancer Preview Horoscope for 2023, as well as all Cancer Love Horoscope for 2023. The horoscope on this page, Cancer Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Cancer, and these are shown below the main, general forecast.
There are some interesting developments for you this year, dear Cancer. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that by understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease, you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Cancer:
Cancer 2023
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | ||||
Jupiter | |||||||||||||||
Saturn | |||||||||||||||
Uranus | |||||||||||||||
Neptune | |||||||||||||||
Pluto | |||||||||||||||
Chiron | |||||||||||||||
North Node |
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in a direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in a direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
As is evident in the above chart, there are more harmonious than challenging energies and almost no neutral energies! This suggests a particularly notable and rewarding year.
Jupiter=Luck, Confidence,
Expansion, Growth, Hope, Improvement, Spirit
Saturn=Restriction, Structure, Simplicity, Realism
Uranus=Innovation, Excitement, Unrest, Rebellion, Change
Neptune=Inspiration, Spirit, Confusion, Dissolution, Enlightenment
Pluto=Upheaval, Transformation, Rebirth, Unearthing, Excavation, Power
Chiron=Vulnerability, Wisdom, Healing, Wholeness, Non-conformity
North Node=Life Lesson, Growth, Improvement, Challenge
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Cancer Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Cancer Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
Your sign is an emotional Water sign but is also of a take-charge Cardinal nature, so you fully appreciate the ability to connect with your spirit and imagination while keeping your feet on the ground.
The year 2023 holds its fair share of both practicality and inspiration.
Getting serious about your beliefs, studies, or personal interests can figure strongly with Saturn moving into your solar ninth house. This transit helps ground and support you on practical levels. A realistic view of your life can help you now. More structured learning can figure strongly.
Areas of change and occasional disruption for you in 2023 tend to be friendships, partnerships, intimacy, and career.
This is, in fact, a powerful year for your career, reputation, or life path. You’re also enjoying benefits to your social life and happiness pursuits. Go big in these areas, but know your limits!
**The following horoscopes reveal the outer planet, long-term trends for each decan. While Jupiter transits last about a year, the remaining outer planet transits last several years (an average of 2-1/2 years for Saturn, 7 years for Uranus, and so forth). This is why you can see some of the same trends continuing from previous years.
Note also that while the degrees of decans are precise, the dates are necessarily approximate since they vary slightly from year to year.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Cancer born June 22 to July 1 OR Cancer Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees
Cancer born July 2 to 12 OR Cancer Ascendant 10 to 20 degrees
Cancer born July 13 to 22 OR Cancer Ascendant 20 to 30 degrees
Cancer (Born June 22 to July 1) – 0 to 10 degrees Cancer (1ST DECAN):
2023: Cancer Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until May 16th:
Jupiter continues to move through your solar tenth house. Increased public recognition and professional success characterize this position. This can be a time of achievement, career advancement, and success in business. Business-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during this cycle.
Your worldly or public status may change for the better. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma, an important award, or marriage. You may come into the limelight. Authority figures or other influential people tend to look upon you favorably, see more potential in you, and readily help you along, so work it!
Something might happen now, or circumstances are such, that your career (or professional interests in general) expands, and you find more joy and pleasure from your work. You could enjoy more freedom, or possibly even responsibilities, in your career. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now.
The more willing you are to put yourself in the limelight, the more positive the rewards—this is not the time to be a shrinking violet! These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and you could find yourself in a position that truly suits you. For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now.
From May 16th forward:
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar eleventh house. During this longer-term cycle, this transit brings benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit.
Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times during this cycle. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more readily. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help.
You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals, and you may very effectively find your voice through them. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase.
You might be more tolerant of others in general and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar 11th house from May 16-September 4th.
Jupiter transits sextile your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar eighth house only until March 7th. This influence began in 2020 and wraps up now.
Saturn asks us to follow at least some of the rules, be responsible, and pick up our socks wherever he's found in the chart. Saturn spends approximately 2-1/2 years in a sign. In your solar eighth house now, this is a period when getting what you want from others can be challenging, as you ultimately are learning to rely on yourself. You are likely to be more sensitive to what appear to be outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances/support), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encounter problems with intimacy. These pressures are "designed" to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you truly want.
Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially concerning relationships with others and your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life are just not as effective anymore. You may not even be aware exactly how you have been employing power and control before this transit.
Saturn's presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are compulsive—those concerns that lead you to believe you need certain things to survive. Taxes might be an issue during this period. Facing the realities of debt may be another. Some of you may be supporting a partner, or a partner could be earning a little less. Towards the end of this transit, you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves.
Tests can come to your financial and intimate worlds during this cycle. You may be dealing with fears of surrendering yourself, emotionally or financially, to others. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past. For example, a partner's income may decrease, or another form of financial support may no longer be available during this period. This requires you to assume more independence regarding making a living. For some, a line of study is coming to an end, and there is a need to take the next step.
Emotionally, there can be a feeling that others are not quite as supportive. There can be delays or difficulties in general when it comes to getting what you want or need from others. Intimacy may seem to dry up a tad before it gets better. However, it's a strong time for handling financial matters, especially debts and taxes, logically and realistically. You'll find that you waste considerably less energy by facing up to realities rather than living your life procrastinating and feeling vaguely guilty all of the time. It's an excellent time for sorting through your finances and dealing with the power dynamics in a partnership more equitably.
By the end of this transit, you are likely to feel considerably healthier on an emotional level. Ideally, you will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.
From March 7th forward:
This period in your life is generally dedicated to self-improvement. You are developing your ideals and your commitments. Beliefs or spiritual goals that you may have taken for granted or worked with for many years seem superficial or not particularly useful to you now. You come face to face with your own self-defeating attitudes during this period of time, and important work can be done on coming to a more realistic state.
The need for solid, practical training can become very apparent now, particularly as Saturn rules your career sector. This can also be a period of teaching others what you have learned from your work, career, or business.
Higher learning and travel might be areas of constriction or you might find that you’re attracted to especially practical studies and that you travel for business more than for pleasure. You are taking a closer look at and perhaps re-assessing your attitude and confidence. The blind faith or optimism that may have carried you to date comes up for inspection. Are your belief systems sound? What do you stand for? What kind of future are you working towards, and why? These are some of the questions this transit stimulates. The spirit that drives you and motivates you to move out and beyond the everyday grind comes up for inspection. By the end of the transit, you will have a better understanding of what it is that offers you hope and optimism as well as that which fuels your drive. You will be one step closer to knowing where you are headed, and you will have re-built faith in yourself. Ideally, you adopt a more mature attitude towards adventure and facing the unknown. You let go of self-defeating attitudes that have been holding you back, you recognize exactly where you have been overdoing your expectations, and you find new ways to nurture faith, hope, and vision. This is truly a period of self-discovery.
Uranus continues its transit of your solar eleventh house this year.
This Uranus long-term transit affects your friendships and enlivens your social circle. This transit follows a previous cycle in which career matters were evolving. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people and experiment with who you are relative to others, the community, and groups. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may no longer work. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle, or there can be unpredictability and unreliability until you find yourself and your place.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar ninth house this year.
Your overall perspective on life significantly expands, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies during this period. Neptune's influence can be quite magical through the course of this long-term transit. It stimulates your imagination and intuition. Your words are more poetic and perhaps even inspirational. Participation in the arts, music, entertainment, community service, spiritual practice, or religious pursuits can be enhanced this year. Do what you dream of doing, and trust your inner knowledge and intuition at the point before it gets distorted by logic. Refreshing interludes such as a vacation or other relaxing forms of entertainment are possible now. Others see you in a sweet light - you are more charming than usual, and your artistic, creative, and compassionate side is apparent and most appreciated.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar seventh house this year until March 23rd and then from June 11th forward. The acute elements of this transit are long behind you.
Pluto's lengthy transit of your solar seventh house suggests that you're likely to be facing the deeper, and possibly darker, elements of your own personality through your close interactions with another. There can be power struggles and the facing of fears before eventual healing.
As well, the influence of Pluto in your seventh house can point to taking a casual romantic affair to a new level. Major changes in the structure of your close personal relationships, and in your attitude towards them, are in store.
Pluto begins its slow transition into the next house of your solar chart. In 2023, this occurs from March 23rd to June 11th:
This very long-term transit has the effect of gradually deepening your interest in the hidden, mysterious, or taboo side of life, as well as your own deeper nature, primal urges, and desire for control. Attitudes towards dependencies on others, finances, and intimacy transform. Events occurring now have the effect of completely altering your perspective on these things.
Until July 17th, the North Node transits your solar eleventh house, and the North Node is pointing you in the direction of your association with groups, friends, and networking. You need to let go of any resistance you might feel about being "one of the crowd" in an effort to stand out as unique and special. You should be moving towards a more objective approach to your life this year, as well as cultivating true friendships. Your relationships with others - as well as your relationship with yourself - will benefit.
From July 17th, the North Node transits your solar tenth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your career and public life. This is a time for putting yourself out there and for meeting your responsibilities.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Or, see your free Monthly Forecast and 2023 Love Horoscope.
Cancer (Born July 2 to 12) – 10 to 20 degrees Cancer (2ND DECAN):
2023: Cancer Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From February 20th to July 5th and then November 6th forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar tenth house. During this cycle, increased public recognition and professional success are very possible. This can be a time of achievement, career advancement, and success in business. Business-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during this cycle. Your worldly or public status may change for the better. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma, an important award, or marriage.
This can be a time for coming into the limelight in a significant way. Authority figures or other influential people tend to look upon you favorably, see more potential in you, and readily help you along, so work it! Something might happen now, or circumstances are such, that your career (or professional interests in general) expands, and you find more joy and pleasure from your work.
You could enjoy more freedom, or possibly even responsibilities, in your career. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now. The more willing you are to put yourself in the limelight, the more positive the rewards--this is not the time to be a shrinking violet!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and you could find yourself in a position that truly suits you, and this can be especially true for your talents, reliability, and practical insight.
For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now. You can take great pride in the work you do. This is a time when believing in yourself, your competency, and your ability to take the lead opens up opportunities to you. It's a powerful period for innovation and progress.
From July 5th to November 6th:
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar eleventh house. During this longer-term cycle, this transit brings benefits and fresh energy to networking activities, the formulation of broad, long-term goals, acquaintances, clubs, and organizations in your life. You can rely on your friends for their help and support, and your circle of friends could most certainly increase during this fruitful transit.
Your long-term goals and wishes tend to be broad and perhaps unusual or ahead of the times during this cycle. You may particularly enjoy dreaming up ideas for the future. Achieving your goals tends to come more readily. Others especially value your advice and often turn to you for help.
You could become more active with friends or in your community. You may have opportunities to join or lead clubs or groups. Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals, and you may very effectively find your voice through them. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. You are especially hopeful and more inclined to believe that if you wish it, it will be! Income from your business or career is likely to increase.
You might be more tolerant of others in general and of differences in values. Reaching out beyond your personal circle can certainly open doors to you and bring joy into your life during this cycle.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Also, Jupiter can bring too much of a good thing at times, and you might find that your social agenda is crammed or that you have taken on more friends or goals than you can reasonably handle.
Saturn transits your solar eighth house. This influence is typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, that was 2021. In 2023, you’re more comfortable with this energy. Further, this transit is nearing an end.
Saturn asks us to follow at least some of the rules, be responsible, and pick up our socks wherever he's found in the chart. Saturn spends approximately 2-1/2 years in a sign. In your solar eighth house now, this is a period when getting what you want from others can be challenging, as you ultimately are learning to rely on yourself. You are likely to be more sensitive to what appear to be outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances/support), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encounter problems with intimacy. These pressures are "designed" to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you truly want.
Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially concerning relationships with others and your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life are just not as effective anymore. You may not even be aware exactly how you have been employing power and control before this transit.
Saturn's presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are compulsive—those concerns that lead you to believe you need certain things to survive. Taxes might be an issue during this period. Facing the realities of debt may be another. Some of you may be supporting a partner, or a partner could be earning a little less. Towards the end of this transit, you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves.
Tests can come to your financial and intimate worlds during this cycle. You may be dealing with fears of surrendering yourself, emotionally or financially, to others. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past. For example, a partner's income may decrease, or another form of financial support may no longer be available during this period. This requires you to assume more independence regarding making a living. For some, a line of study is coming to an end, and there is a need to take the next step.
Emotionally, there can be a feeling that others are not quite as supportive. There can be delays or difficulties in general when it comes to getting what you want or need from others. Intimacy may seem to dry up a tad before it gets better. However, it's a strong time for handling financial matters, especially debts and taxes, logically and realistically. You'll find that you waste considerably less energy by facing up to realities rather than living your life procrastinating and feeling vaguely guilty all of the time. It's an excellent time for sorting through your finances and dealing with the power dynamics in a partnership more equitably.
By the end of this transit, you are likely to feel considerably healthier on an emotional level. Ideally, you will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar eleventh house this year for most of you.
This Uranus long-term transit affects your friendships and enlivens your social circle. This transit follows a previous cycle in which career matters were evolving. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people and experiment with who you are relative to others, the community, and groups. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may no longer work. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle, or there can be unpredictability and unreliability until you find yourself and your place.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar ninth house.
Your overall perspective on life significantly expands, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies during this period. Neptune's influence can be quite magical through the course of this long-term transit. It stimulates your imagination and intuition. Your words are more poetic and perhaps even inspirational. Participation in the arts, music, entertainment, community service, spiritual practice, or religious pursuits can be enhanced this year. Do what you dream of doing, and trust your inner knowledge and intuition at the point before it gets distorted by logic. Refreshing interludes such as a vacation or other relaxing forms of entertainment are possible now. Others see you in a sweet light - you are more charming than usual, and your artistic, creative, and compassionate side is apparent and most appreciated.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar seventh house this year.
Pluto's lengthy transit of your solar seventh house suggests that you're likely to be facing the deeper, and possibly darker, elements of your own personality through your close interactions with another. There can be power struggles and the facing of fears before eventual healing.
As well, the influence of Pluto in your seventh house can point to taking a casual romantic affair to a new level. Major changes in the structure of your close personal relationships, and in your attitude towards them, are in store.
The acute elements of this Pluto transit are long behind you.
All year, the North Node transits your solar tenth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your career and public life. This is a time for putting yourself out there and for meeting your responsibilities.
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Cancer (Born July 13 to 22) – 20 to 30 degrees Cancer (3rd DECAN):
2023: Cancer Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From April 4th forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is in your solar tenth house. During this cycle, increased public recognition and professional success are very possible. This can be a time of achievement, career advancement, and success in business. Business-related travel or the reaching of a wider audience is possible during this cycle. Your worldly or public status may change for the better. There could be a promotion, new job opportunities, a diploma, an important award, or marriage.
This can be a time for coming into the limelight in a significant way. Authority figures or other influential people tend to look upon you favorably, see more potential in you, and readily help you along, so work it! Something might happen now, or circumstances are such, that your career (or professional interests in general) expands, and you find more joy and pleasure from your work.
You could enjoy more freedom, or possibly even responsibilities, in your career. Integrity, directness, and honesty will get you everywhere now. The more willing you are to put yourself in the limelight, the more positive the rewards--this is not the time to be a shrinking violet!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and you could find yourself in a position that truly suits you, and this can be especially true for your talents, reliability, and practical insight.
For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now. You can take great pride in the work you do. This is a time when believing in yourself, your competency, and your ability to take the lead opens up opportunities to you. It's a powerful period for innovation and progress.
Saturn transits your solar eighth house this year.
Saturn asks us to follow at least some of the rules, be responsible, and pick up our socks wherever he's found in the chart. Saturn spends approximately 2-1/2 years in a sign. In your solar eighth house now, this is a period when getting what you want from others can be challenging, as you ultimately are learning to rely on yourself. You are likely to be more sensitive to what appear to be outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances/support), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encounter problems with intimacy. These pressures are "designed" to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you truly want.
Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially concerning relationships with others and your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life are just not as effective anymore. You may not even be aware exactly how you have been employing power and control before this transit.
Saturn's presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are compulsive—those concerns that lead you to believe you need certain things to survive. Taxes might be an issue during this period. Facing the realities of debt may be another. Some of you may be supporting a partner, or a partner could be earning a little less. Towards the end of this transit, you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves.
Tests can come to your financial and intimate worlds during this cycle. You may be dealing with fears of surrendering yourself, emotionally or financially, to others. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past. For example, a partner's income may decrease, or another form of financial support may no longer be available during this period. This requires you to assume more independence regarding making a living. For some, a line of study is coming to an end, and there is a need to take the next step.
Emotionally, there can be a feeling that others are not quite as supportive. There can be delays or difficulties in general when it comes to getting what you want or need from others. Intimacy may seem to dry up a tad before it gets better. However, it's a strong time for handling financial matters, especially debts and taxes, logically and realistically. You'll find that you waste considerably less energy by facing up to realities rather than living your life procrastinating and feeling vaguely guilty all of the time. It's an excellent time for sorting through your finances and dealing with the power dynamics in a partnership more equitably.
By the end of this transit, you are likely to feel considerably healthier on an emotional level. Ideally, you will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.
Uranus moves from one solar house to the next:
Until May 28th:
Your career direction changes and your relationships with authority figures can be animated and dynamic during this long-term cycle. Do your best to avoid impulsive decision-making that is built solely upon your desire to be a free spirit. However, it's also important to make changes that accommodate your new independent outlook - my advice is to do it but avoid going overboard on this. You may recognize talents that you never knew you had, and this can be a sudden, exciting discovery!
Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image appear to speed up, stimulate, and open up this year. These areas of life can be unpredictable - the wild card area of your life - but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight into your work. You can also learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness. As long as you don't push it too far, you can free yourself from some of the fears you have of not living up to others' expectations, particularly those of parents or society in general.
This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work. Make sure you don't jump on a bandwagon that is impractical. Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. Others can have important input.
Your goals and objectives can take a real curve now. You seek to carve out your own path in your profession, and there can be interesting changes, rearrangements, or new directions.
From May 28th:
This Uranus long-term transit affects your friendships and enlivens your social circle. This transit follows a previous cycle in which career matters were evolving. At this time, changes in your social circle occur as you meet new and unusual people and experiment with who you are relative to others, the community, and groups. You may join a group that is devoted to metaphysics or some non-mainstream topic. You are drawn to people who are free-spirited at this point in your life. Friendships that are stodgy or limiting may no longer work. You have a strong ability to see each person for who they are as unique individuals, and this helps endear you to others. However, friendships may come and go during this cycle, or there can be unpredictability and unreliability until you find yourself and your place.
Neptune transits your solar ninth house this year:
Your overall perspective on life significantly expands, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies during this period. Neptune's influence can be quite magical through the course of this long-term transit. It stimulates your imagination and intuition. Your words are more poetic and perhaps even inspirational. Participation in the arts, music, entertainment, community service, spiritual practice, or religious pursuits can be enhanced this year. Do what you dream of doing, and trust your inner knowledge and intuition at the point before it gets distorted by logic. Refreshing interludes such as a vacation or other relaxing forms of entertainment are possible now. Others see you in a sweet light - you are more charming than usual, and your artistic, creative, and compassionate side is apparent and most appreciated.
Pluto transits your solar seventh this year.
Pluto's lengthy transit of your solar seventh house suggests that you're likely to be facing the deeper, and possibly darker, elements of your own personality through your close interactions with another. There can be power struggles and the facing of fears before eventual healing.
As well, the influence of Pluto in your seventh house can point to taking a casual romantic affair to a new level. Major changes in the structure of your close personal relationships, and in your attitude towards them, are in store.
All year, the North Node transits your solar tenth house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your career and public life. This is a time for putting yourself out there and for meeting your responsibilities.
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
See Also:
Cancer Daily Horoscope
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Cancer Yearly Love Horoscope
Cancer Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Cancer Good Days Calendar
2025 Cancer Preview Horoscope
2025 Cancer Yearly Horoscope
All About Cancer
Cancer Ascendant
Cancer Sun Sign Compatibility
Cancer Moon Sign Compatibility
Cancer Venus Sign Compatibility
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