2023 Love Horoscopes
2023 Love Guides for Each Sign of the Zodiac
What do the stars have planned for you in 2023? These love horoscopes can be used as guides to the year ahead for best times to attract and enhance love relationships. Select your Sun sign (or Ascendant sign) from the drop-down menu or list below for your 2023 Love Horoscope.
2023 Love Horoscopes for Each Sign:
Here’s to a fun, happy, and successful year!
Note: Read the sections for both your Sun Sign and Ascendant for a better picture of what lies ahead in 2023. For example, if you are a Sagittarius with a Libra Ascendant, read the forecast for both Sagittarius and Libra.
These horoscopes include general themes and an overview of what to expect for the given zodiac sign in the year ahead relative to finding or enhancing love. They also list better dates of the year for love and dating, as well as potential challenging dates for love relationships.
For general trends, see also the Year 2023 Yearly Preview Horoscopes.
See also yearly Best Love Dates for strong days of the year for love and relationship.
Love and Relationships in 2023
What do the astrological trends forecast for love relationships in the year ahead? Read on for key astro-events in 2023.
Saturn in Aquarius in 2023
Friendship and community matters make headlines in 2023 until March 7th. Although social issues tend to dominate with this transit, we are in the position to take a more detached and honest approach to affairs of the heart.
Saturn in Aquarius can bring tests to friendships, but these test their foundations, and those with weak foundations are challenged to strengthen them.
A serious approach to our friendships is a continuing theme, but it’s also coming to an end. Saturn transiting the sign of casual relationships, acquaintances, and associates brings a mature and serious tone to these connections. Some may feel it is burdensome. Relationships may go through a “road test” during this 2+ year cycle that started in 2020 and ends in March 2023.
Long-term compatibility and shared visions or friendships are factors we consider more than usual.
Saturn in Pisces in 2023
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th, 2023, and doesn’t look back.
The downsides are primarily about how we generally handle emotions during this period. We can feel uncomfortable with big shows of feeling or vulnerability/weakness with Saturn in Pisces, for example. By not fully allowing ourselves these very human qualities, we limit ourselves.
We should watch for subtly conveying to others that we don’t need kindness, compliments, and support. We may be less tolerant of people who appear to play the victim or seem too out there with their spirituality.
We can feel more comfortable offering tangible help and advice than emotional shows of support.
We should learn to recognize how we may limit ourselves and our experiences if we deny our connection to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic side of ourselves. It’s a step-by-step, slow-but-sure process.
During this period, Pisces can be more serious–they’re working on their discipline. They can seem distant, and, in truth, they’re going through things. Virgos can feel some distance in a key relationship or pressure due to a lack in the partnership realm. Scorpios and Cancers can enjoy more discipline and stability. Pressure comes from various life departments for Sagittarians and Geminis–the need for more maturity in these areas can weigh heavily on them sometimes.
Saturn will continue its transit to Pisces until 2025/2026. Saturn is in Pisces:
- from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025, and
- from September 1, 2025, to February 13, 2026.
Jupiter in Aries in 2023
In truth, Jupiter divides its time between two signs in 2023: Aries and Taurus. Jupiter is/was in Aries from…
- May 10-October 28, 2022, and
- December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023.
Jupiter in assertive, outgoing Aries brings a general philosophy of life that emphasizes independence and individual freedom. Faith in ourselves can bring about favorable circumstances or good “luck.”
Relationships can benefit from the attitude that the past should be left behind. Some of us can feel more confident in our ability to be independent, and this can test relationships.
Jupiter in Taurus in 2023
Jupiter is in Taurus from May 16th, 2023, forward.

Jupiter in Taurus
With Jupiter in Taurus from mid-May, our philosophy of life alters considerably. We value the here and now – what we have. We appreciate what we already have, which can be very strengthening for existing relationships, particularly if the emphasis is on the giving and receiving of pleasure, and if these connections are not too complicated. We might also place more value on relationships that keep us feeling free from want, materially speaking–or that seem to be moving in that direction. Relationships themselves may be seen as a vehicle through which we can feel more secure spiritually.
Jupiter’s transit of Taurus is from May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024.
Uranus in Taurus in 2023
Uranus is once again in Taurus, and we’re completely redefining our views of money and belongings. We’re also “doing” comfort in brand new ways. It’s fun, but sometimes, the uncertainty throws us off-center. There is an open and accepting quality to our friendships and also with our sexuality.
Chiron in Aries in 2023
Chiron in Aries all year suggests that, in order to heal and grow, we need to work on self-confidence, body image, and our relationship with our independence. It’s certainly a me-oriented transit, but it’s a vital one if we want to bring our whole selves into a relationship.
When Jupiter meets Chiron, we’re in the ultimate shape for doing this work on ourselves. Until then, we’re learning and growing.
The North Node of the Moon in Taurus in 2023
The North Node of the Moon spends part of the year in Taurus (until mid-July), and we’d do very well for ourselves if we can work on improving our own self-worth and feelings of comfort during this period. Getting ourselves in shape with money matters and personal belongings can also figure strongly.
The North Node of the Moon in Aries in 2023
The North Node of the Moon enters Aries in July, and we’re working on our independence and ability to stand on our own. This transit is not as much about learning to be independent as it is about learning to enjoy independence when needed. In fact, it’s about balance. After all, we do our relationships a service if we have the confidence that we can stand alone as well. Feeling less dependent can be healthier and more fulfilling.
Pluto in Capricorn in 2023
Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for some time and will only officially leave the sign of Capricorn in late 2024. However, this year, the transition into Aquarius begins (it’s a slow process). This transit has been slowly transforming our values on many levels. Concerning relationships, we are likely to see an increased attraction to mature partnering, status, and professionalism.
Pluto in Aquarius in 2023
Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius in 2023. It will spend time in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th this year before retreating into Capricorn again.
While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics seriously and seek major reform in these areas. Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks.
During this long-term cycle, we confront issues of control and power related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations. We can be on a quest to distinguish ourselves for our progressiveness, scientific minds, ideals, humanitarianism, or unique qualities. It’s also a time when we seek to change and overhaul society through science, inventions, and the mind/ideas.
Later, Pluto will spend time in Aquarius from January 20th to September 1st, 2024 before retreating for the final time into Capricorn. It will stay in Aquarius consistently after November 19th, 2024.
2023 is the Number 7
A masculine or yang influence on the year, the Number 7 favors seeking deeper truths, celebrating our uniqueness, introspection, analysis, studying, insight, and thoughtfulness.
We’re not very interested in superficial interactions. Getting some space or periods for reflection can be more important than usual.
2023 is the Year of the Rabbit
In Chinese Astrology, the period from February 4, 2023, to February 3, 2024, is represented by the Rabbit. The year 2023 is the year of the Yin Black Water Rabbit. [Note, the Chinese New Year is not always the same date as the beginning of the new zodiac sign year (start of Spring)–this year, the New Year is January 22, 2023.]
In order to understand this energy in terms of relationships, we’ll need to keep in mind that the Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. It is an obliging, creative sign. The Rabbit is virtuous, diplomatic, security-conscious, peace-loving, and refined.
It’s a year of employing strategy and patience, as well as peaceful negotiations. The ability to make compromises and to negotiate is paramount in 2023. The Rabbit’s diplomatic, creative, forgiving, gracious, and peace-loving traits are qualities that will be especially favored in the year of the Rabbit. The downside is that Rabbit can be avoidant, and we might experience more “ghosting” situations than usual.
Rabbits are most compatible with Dogs, are also compatible with Pigs and Goats (the Rabbit, Pig, and Goat form the harmonious triangle of Home and Family), and to some degree, with Tigers: these are the signs, along with Rabbits themselves, that are expected to fare the best (in a general sense) in 2023. It’s also notable that Monkey can be more desirable or wanted this year.
Rabbits are most incompatible with Roosters (their opposite sign) and to a lesser degree with Dragons, and these are the signs, in a general sense, that are expected to find 2023 the most challenging. Note that Rabbit is attracted to Monkey.
The Year of the Rabbit favors peaceful, long-term relationships in which emotional complications are minimal. It’s an excellent year for patching up, strengthening, or repairing relationships. Dogs, Pigs, and Goats may enjoy the most “success” in love this year. The Pig vibes particularly well with the energies of the year, in general. The love forecast for Roosters, Snakes, and Dragons is less favorable overall.
Warmth and diplomacy are generally viewed as more attractive this year. Because 2023 is a Water year, it also favors communications, transportation, and learning.
Approaching a new love interest in 2023 is best done with courtesy, intelligence, and patience. The Year of the Rabbit is better suited for those who value peace and quiet, and might be more frustrating for those who are anxious to move their plans forward.
Mars retrograde in Gemini in 2023
Mars began its retrograde in the sign of Gemini on October 20th, 2022, bringing about a need to rethink or reassess our energy levels, motivation, and desires.
It’s not the best energy for our love relationships, at least in an immediate sense. Ultimately, we are learning how to better assert ourselves and our needs/wants, so whatever we do learn during that period can be used to strengthen our relationships. However, it can be a confusing time for those already experiencing uncertainty in their love lives because it brings more confusion and mixed signals!
With Mars retrograde in Gemini, there can be some stalling of intellectual and mental initiatives. Health issues may be a factor (especially in areas ruled by Gemini, including the lungs), and accidents are a higher possibility throughout the Mars retrograde period.
In love, it’s words used as weapons that we should watch for the most. These can be regrettable.
Mars ends its retrograde on January 12th, 2023.
Venus retrograde in Leo in 2023
Venus retrogrades in the sign of Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd, bringing about a need to rethink or reassess our personal relationships. Past lovers may reappear and some relationships may end. Problems with fire, passion, and attention can be hot topics.
Some of us will be revisiting our past loves–typically in the mind only, but for some, on a physical plane as well. It’s not a good time for major decision-making regarding love, as we might regret our choices later. Think of this time as a process–you need time to allow your heart to catch up with the rest of you, and so do others.
Old friends and lovers may reappear, perhaps complicating current relationships. We are called upon to deal with relationship issues from the past. Events occur that seem fated or predestined. It can be a real challenge getting close to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored just for now.
Those who have Leo strong in their charts may be more introspective, distant, or hard to reach during this cycle. They may not be in a very favorable light only for the time being. It’s not the best period for entering a new relationship, because our sensors regarding love are not up to par.
Note that Venus retrograded in the sign of Leo eight years before this date (from July 31 to September 6, 2015), and similar themes can re-emerge if relevant.
Love in 2023 in General
We have a real mix of energies again this year with the outer planets spread between all four elements and three modes. As such, opportunities and challenges come more equally to the twelve individual signs. Nevertheless, some signs do stand out from the pack. The signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio have the most direct influences on their relationship sectors.
Aries and Taurus continue to focus on their independence or autonomy at this time, similar to last year, but now with Taurus enjoying the process more. They’re going through considerable growth in their personalities and will more often need some space to sort things through. On the other hand, Leo, Virgos, Libras, and Scorpios may more often feel at the mercy of their relationships.
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