2022 Scorpio Yearly Horoscope
2022 Scorpio Overview: Yearly Horoscope
Scorpio (Born October 24 to November 22*) – 0 to 30 degrees Scorpio:
2022: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Scorpio (All):
Note: The summary of the year resides here; the details of the year continue below.
Your focus is on having fun, enjoying life, and expressing yourself in freeing, rewarding ways in 2022, dear Scorpio. Your romantic and creative worlds grow and expand. Your desire to express your unique side and creativity increases. As you learn to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, you are more willing to take some personal risks along the way!
Romantic opportunities tend to abound, or chances to kick back and have fun, express yourself in unique ways, and pursue hobbies and entertainment are abundant. Creatively speaking, transits fill you with ideas and plans for realizing a dream.
For approximately half of the year 2022, the Great Benefic, Jupiter, is moving in harmony with your sign, gracing your romance and pleasure sector. You are taking the stresses and pressures of everyday life in stride. This can-do attitude is your best asset right now. More and new ways to have fun are available to you in 2022.
You are radiating energy that makes you more attractive, and, as a result, opportunities are that much stronger for romantic attention. A surprising and exciting opportunity in the romance, recreation, or creativity department is possible.
You could discover new hobbies or latent talents, or you’re making room for the pastimes you already enjoy. Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Opportunities for starry-eyed romance occur with Jupiter joining Neptune in your romance sector in April, but it’s also important to keep your feet on the ground.
For the other half of the year, Jupiter transits your sector of routines, habits, work, service, and health. Work is likely to take on new meaning.
Partnerships both challenge and reward you in 2022. You could team up with someone to create something special or generate good ideas or satisfying projects.
Key Events in 2022 for Scorpio:
Outer Planet Transits:
Pluto trine True North Node in February. This transit intensifies our passion to make a difference, a change, or connection. We can feel strongly connected to people or groups at this time.
For Scorpio, it’s a period of making powerful, meaningful connections of the mind. It’s also a strong time for counseling, negotiating, and coming to mutually beneficial agreements. You’re an effective arbitrator. You can have strong karmic ties to someone now.
This a strong influence for collaborating with a partner or strengthening or attracting a relationship with improved communication. Improving trust and emotional honesty can figure strongly. You’re particularly intriguing and fascinating to others. There can be a real learning experience with someone with whom you can bounce ideas off and come to a better understanding of how you define yourself. It’s a rich time for cultivating the give and take in your relationships.
Jupiter sextile Uranus and semi-square Pluto in February. With these aspects, changes and innovations are exciting. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. We’re less tolerant of repetition and routine, and we’re resistant to obligations or limits to our self-expression. Good luck or money can happen unexpectedly, appearing in the nick of time.
This is a potentially brilliant time for social activities, attraction, negotiations, and relationships, in general, dear Scorpio. You could have a lucky break, or you could surprise someone and thoroughly enjoy doing so. You are extremely attractive right now, particularly with a forward-looking, open attitude. Unusual or exciting romantic experiences are possible. You are inclined to take chances on creative or romantic levels. Something might inspire you to try out a new creative hobby or adventure, for example.
It can also be a good period for making money through your connections or creativity/hobbies, and a special person can motivate or help you do so.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune in April. With this fabulous alignment, idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface. Themes now are making connections with others of a different background, a spirit of altruism and generosity, widening our minds through unusual or different experiences, expanded faith, and a feeling that anything is possible if we believe in it. We more easily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the better good.
Everyday, ordinary life doesn’t satisfy, as we hunger for a more idealistic life. This can certainly lead to disappointment or strong feelings of discontent and restlessness. We may need a reality check in order to keep our expectations realistic. However, it’s a period of greater compassion–when our guiding principle is to trust in people or the universe.
For Scorpio, you could be more expressive with romantic notions, love, and also children. In general, your faith in romantic relationships increases. The only real danger here is that you may be putting too much faith in love matters–that is, unrealistic, inhuman, or misplaced faith in lovers. You could be attracting Sagittarius and Pisces people into your life on romantic levels. You’re discovering your creative potential, and putting more faith in your creative abilities. With the ruler of your second house and the ruler of your fifth house aligned, you’re investing more of your heart and values into your children, hobbies, or love life. You could be monetizing a creative hobby. You are more inclined towards financial speculation this year, but should keep things realistic. Although there’s some luck here, it’s all too easy to overdo.
It’s a potentially incredible time for creativity, imagination, romance, fantasy, and wonder. Your income might increase as you explore and make the most of your creativity, make connections, pursue a talent or special craft, or other such ventures. Or, you might invest more of your time, energy, and money into creative or romantic pursuits.
Jupiter sextile Pluto in early May. We’re discovering our ambitions and motivations, and it’s an enjoyable, productive experience. It’s a time when we want to improve, grow, and bring something to the next level. As we connect with our hidden talents or desires, we begin to embrace new directions or pursuits.
For you, Scorpio, you could get the chance (and confidence) to really sink your teeth into a creative or exciting project. This can also be a time of a budding romance for some. You’re in a fabulous position for improving your communication skills, mindset, attitude, or ability to reach out and connect with others more meaningfully. There can be wonderful, although perhaps intense, connections to others through the phone or text for some. You may get the chance to showcase your creativity, and studies can be particularly rewarding.
This transit gives you a boost for self-expression and even transformation through writing, art, sharing, or feelings of love. You can feel passionate about a project or relationship, and you’re making meaningful connections. If applicable, your studies can be particularly rewarding.
Uranus conjunct True North Node in July. With this transit, we attract people or lessons into our lives that encourage us to detach from traditions or conventions that are keeping us from growing. It’s a good time to make pivotal friendships or group connections. We’re learning to be more self-sufficient while concerning ourselves with bettering the world around us.
As you open your mind to new ways of interacting and connecting, Scorpio, new worlds open to you.
Other influences and minor transits:
Venus is retrograde from December 19th. Venus is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn from December 19th, 2021, to January 29, 2022.
For all, love, finance, and pleasure matters are not straightforward during this period–it’s a time to review our attitudes, feelings, and satisfaction levels rather than forge ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. It may be best to avoid any major decisions about love (and finances) during this cycle.
While Venus is retrograde for these six weeks, people are a little more cautious and tight-fisted when it comes to generosity with their heart and their money!
Because this Venus retrograde occurs in your communications sector, you are likely to have meaningful conversations about the past and possibly love or past relationships during this time. You may be reassessing a course of study or waiting on an application. Many of you could be feeling in a state of limbo with plans that are not quite finalized, and while you wait for answers, you can do some major rethinking. Returning to old interests, projects, and learning endeavors can be fruitful during this cycle.
This cycle can find you strolling down memory lane frequently. Communications and your daily life are up for review. You can learn a lot about what you want, who you love, and what you value during this retrograde, but important, big decisions should probably wait until later. Give yourself time to process things.
The Sun aligns with Jupiter in Pisces and Venus aligns with Mars in Aquarius on March 5-7. It’s a wildly creative and optimistic time. We’re generous with our time and energy, and we can be quite reactive and affectionate, perhaps bolder than usual as we wish to do something special.
These transits stir strong desires and feelings, as well as a craving for more emotional interaction or a deeper connection with someone. If these energies are channeled well, you can come up with truly exciting and creative ways to improve your home or enjoy family. This is a period for making discoveries, particularly on the feeling level or concerning relationships. Candidly talking about intimate or personal matters and clearing the air can be rewarding. Surprises may be in store with your feelings and affections. It’s also an opportunity period for romance, creativity, children, and self-expression.
Mars is retrograde from October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023, in the sign of Gemini (pre-retrograde shadow begins September 3). We can feel stuck on past relationships or situations, finding it difficult to move ahead. Slowdowns, reparations, and reconsiderations are significant, mostly affecting intimacy, finances, and sharing for Scorpios. Intimate matters may become more intense and complicated. Joint financial projects or initiatives may stall, or there’s some ambiguity with finances, particularly debts and shared money or resources.
Refocusing, backtracking, and review may be necessary. You could be exploring anger and assertion over profoundly buried matters, and learning to manage your life on an emotional level in better ways. Mars retrogrades tend to turn your attention to unresolved issues as you may be seeking closure or you may be looking to reopen something that ended a while ago. The steps you take now to reorganize will benefit you greatly down the road.
Please note that these key dates are synopses — quick summaries of astro-events — that are covered more in-depth in the monthly horoscopes and daily horoscopes.
See also 2022 Scorpio Preview Horoscope.
Yearly Horoscope: 2022 Predictions for Scorpio
If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. If you know your birth time, but don’t know your Ascendant, be sure to use the Cafe Astrology Ascendant Calculator. For those of you who are unsure of your Sun sign because it’s close to the neighboring sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?
See also see your Scorpio Preview Horoscope for 2022, as well as the Scorpio Love Horoscope for 2022. The horoscope on this page, Scorpio Yearly, shows the trends and predictions for the year in detail. Because outer planet transits are lengthy, there are variations in the timing of outer planet transits for each of the three decans of Scorpio, and these show below the main, general forecast.
There are some encouraging developments for you this year, dear Scorpio. Every year, we see challenges and opportunities in different areas. It’s my hope that by understanding these areas of potential disruption and ease, you can make the most of these trends by seeking out the opportunities and managing the challenges.
The following chart shows the outer planets and other points in relation to your sign, revealing whether they are harmonizing with or challenging Scorpio:
Scorpio 2022
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | ||
Jupiter | |||||||||||||
Saturn | |||||||||||||
Uranus | |||||||||||||
Neptune | |||||||||||||
Pluto | |||||||||||||
Chiron | |||||||||||||
North Node |
Legend for the Table Above:
Grey is neutral (no direct relationship, but can be picky, nagging),
Pink is challenging (the planet is in direct, challenging relationship to your sign),
and Green is easy and supportive (the planet or point is in a direct, harmonious relationship with your sign).
Jupiter=Luck, Confidence,
Expansion, Growth, Hope, Improvement, Spirit
Saturn=Restriction, Structure, Simplicity, Realism
Uranus=Innovation, Excitement, Unrest, Rebellion, Change
Neptune=Inspiration, Spirit, Confusion, Dissolution, Enlightenment
Pluto=Upheaval, Transformation, Rebirth, Unearthing, Excavation, Power
Chiron=Vulnerability, Wisdom, Healing, Wholeness, Non-conformity
North Node=Life Lesson, Growth, Improvement, Challenge
As is evident in the above chart, influences are largely balanced, but there is a stronger trend of challenging aspects overall. Saturn challenging your sign puts some pressure on you to tighten up systems and structures in your life, particularly in your personal life.
Uranus in opposition to your sign generates a need for a new approach to close relationships and partnerships. This year, the North Node moves into the same area of your solar chart as Uranus, and it, too, opposes you. This transit points to important lessons or learning experiences in close partnering. It’s a time to connect with your relating needs.
On this Page:
On this page, the year’s larger themes are explored. For month to month overviews, see Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes, and for daily influences, see Scorpio Daily Horoscopes. Please note that my dailies are astrological, not daily inspirational texts, so you’ll find interpretations for such things as planetary aspects and planet/point ingresses in Daily Horoscopes.
Overview: Harmony and Challenge of Outer Planets:
You receive spiritual and creative boosts in 2022, dear Scorpio. Saturn and Uranus continue to ask you to firm up or adjust some areas of your life, ultimately to your benefit!
Pluto’s support of your sign highlights your strong willpower and ability to strategize, patiently and determinedly working towards your goals.
Uranus in opposition to your sign suggests that close relationships can be wild cards, requiring new approaches altogether. The North Node comes into the same picture, and you’ll find that you’re striving for more wholeness in the partnering department.
The Moon’s South Node moves into your sign this year, and you’re challenged to see others not in terms of how they affect you, but as who they are, and it’s a joyful experience. It’s a time of easing up on self-discovery mode and paying homage to someone special. If it’s not through a person or relationship, you’re finding that balance in other ways–the key is that you’re pulling out of yourself more often and enjoying your experiences not for what they offer you but for what they are.
Scorpio is an emotional Water sign but is also of a Fixed nature, which suggests that while you expect emotional ups and downs or transformations, you crave an overall feeling of stability.
Areas of change and occasional disruption in 2022 tend to be partnerships, home and family, learning, and communications.
This is a powerful year for creating, loving, and sharing. You’re also set to find more meaning and joy in your daily or health routines, work, and even chores. Go big in these areas, but know your limits! Finally, it’s a power period for finding your voice and sharing your ideas with others.
**The following horoscopes reveal the outer planet, long-term trends for each decan. While Jupiter transits last about a year, the remaining outer planet transits last several years (an average of 2-1/2 years for Saturn, 7 years for Uranus, and so forth). This is why you can see some of the same trends continuing from previous years.
Note also that while the degrees of decans are precise, the dates are necessarily approximate since they vary slightly from birth year to birth year.
On This Page:
Horoscopes for:
Scorpio born October 24 to November 2 OR Scorpio Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees
Scorpio born November 3 to 12 OR Scorpio Ascendant 10 to 20 degrees
Scorpio born November 13 to 22 OR Scorpio Ascendant 20 to 30 degrees
Scorpio (Born October 24 to November 2) – 0 to 10 degrees Scorpio (1ST DECAN):
2022: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
Until May 10th, and then from October 28th to December 20th,
Jupiter continues to move through your solar fifth house, and you are likely to see benefits, and experience growth, in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children.
Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store. Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun.
For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby.
Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward. Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth.
You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership. Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves. You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.
Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude. You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so.
A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments. However, this is typically one of those periods that one looks back upon fondly.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house from January 1-May 10 and November 23-December 20.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
From May 10th to October 28th, and then from December 20th onward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar sixth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits in the areas of work and health, as well as daily routines.
This transit enhances your ability to handle the details required to do a good job, and others become more aware of your skills. Benefits may come through work itself, co-workers, or employees during this cycle. Any type of service that you may provide is likely to go well now, mainly because you are finding more joy in being of service. You are more successful in hiring good workers, if applicable, and improvements to your working environment are likely.
You find more enjoyment in the work you do, and it is easier than usual to find employment now. You may get a new job during this cycle. Work tends to be very available to you—perhaps even too available in that you don't know which one to choose. The best way to handle this transit is to take pride in and recognize your usefulness—this is bound to give you a great deal of joy, and you are likely to be rewarded as a result.
As well, the more integrity, directness, and honesty you bring to your services and work, the more "payback" you will receive. Health is likely to prosper now, and medical procedures or programs, if necessary, are more apt to be successful. There may be an inclination to put on some weight, however, if you don't watch your appetite and/or choice of food. Some people get a new pet during this cycle, and this brings them much joy.
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of something, and this could mean taking on more work than you can handle, getting lost in the details and organization necessary to keep your daily life running smoothly, and so forth. Watch that overconfidence doesn't lead you to overload your plate.
You are bringing fresh and original ideas to the work you do and the services you offer.
Saturn transits your solar fourth house this year. This influence began in 2020 and will continue until March 2023.
Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away - perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering - and adding structure to your domestic life. This can benefit you greatly in the long run!
During this transit, you're likely to face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself or the move might be a source of stress and worry; or you may be downsizing.
This may not be a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul/personal life, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you may have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate at times now. Some may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may seem to get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home environment. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career.
However, all of these things occur so that you start work on making improvements and in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life! Working from home is a strong possibility during this period. Bringing more structure and discipline to your domestic life may be in order, and is likely to work very well in your favor. By the end of this transit, your home is likely to be in tip-top shape and family life should be more organized.
Uranus continues its transit of your solar seventh house this year.
With its long-term transit of your partnership sector, Uranus has a way of shaking up close relationships or you may receive a shake-down of sorts related to how you view others and partnerships. Some of you can feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner or a partnership. Lifeless or outworn relationships may become harder to bear. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. People in your life may be surprised at your displays of independence. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part.
There can be some relationship tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next. Sometimes this transit relates to periods when sudden relationship changes occur, whether it's a sudden move out of or into a partnership. You may be attracting someone who is unusual, different, or who is entirely not your usual "type." In fact, this is a powerful time for breaking out of limiting relating patterns and starting fresh. Your relationships require new or fewer "rules" now.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house this year.
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar third house this year. The acute elements of this transit are long behind you.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
From January 18th forward, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar seventh house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your partnerships. The challenge is to work on sensitizing yourself to the needs of others and to get over any fears of the demands a partner or significant other might make on you. Through partnership and through cooperation with others, you will more likely achieve the inner balance necessary for you to achieve your goals. During this period, try to include others more often in your pursuits, even if you often quite naturally fall back on going it alone. This is a period for learning what you need from relationships.
Special: Future Forecast Report
Purchase your unique Personalized Horoscope–over 100 pages long–for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.
Or, see your free Monthly Forecast and 2022 Love Horoscope.
Scorpio (Born November 3 to 12) – 10 to 20 degrees Scorpio (2ND DECAN):
2022: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From February 12th onward:
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar fifth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits and experience growth in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children. Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store.
Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun. For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby. Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward.
Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth. You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership.
Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves.
You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude.
You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so. A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments.
However, for the most part, you are likely to feel supported and confident during this approximately year-long cycle. This is a time for trying new things, beginning new ventures, and sticking your neck out. Creativity finds a successful channel or outlet.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house, from February 12-July 28, and from November 23rd forward.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar fourth house. This influence is typically felt most strongly in the first year of its influence – for your decan, that was last year. In 2022, you’re more comfortable with this energy.
Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away - perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering - and adding structure to your domestic life. This can benefit you greatly in the long run!
During this transit, you're likely to face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself or the move might be a source of stress and worry; or you may be downsizing.
This may not be a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul/personal life, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you may have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate at times now. Some may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may seem to get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home environment. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career.
However, all of these things occur so that you start work on making improvements and in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life! Working from home is a strong possibility during this period. Bringing more structure and discipline to your domestic life may be in order, and is likely to work very well in your favor. By the end of this transit, your home is likely to be in tip-top shape and family life should be more organized.
There can be some feelings of being blocked or stalled, by circumstances or by others, while Saturn squares your Sun. It can be difficult to feel that you're moving forward under this influence. In fact, you're not moving backward. Instead, you're moving forward slowly but surely. Treat delays as chances to perfect what you're doing, and you'll be much better off emotionally!
As Saturn squares your Sun, distinct pressures can begin to build up. More responsibilities on your shoulders could weigh you down a little, and life slows down a tad. Dealing with Saturn squares involves recognizing the need to slow down, face reality, and humble yourself a little. Pressures from your professional life are possible but needn't be overwhelming. You are likely to have new or increased responsibilities, and it might take some time to get adjusted to them. Your ego may be a little frail at this point, and, as a result, you may be harder on yourself than you need be. Sometimes, this coincides with physical energy dips. Much can be accomplished during this period, however. Although you may not see immediate results for your efforts, important groundwork can be laid for the future.
Uranus begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar seventh house this year for most of you.
With its long-term transit of your partnership sector, Uranus has a way of shaking up close relationships or you may receive a shake-down of sorts related to how you view others and partnerships. Some of you can feel that it's hard to truly rely on a partner or a partnership. Lifeless or outworn relationships may become harder to bear. Some trial and error in relationships is par for the course with Uranus in this sector of your chart. People in your life may be surprised at your displays of independence. You don't care for taking orders, and any attempts to limit you are likely to be met with great resistance or downright rebelliousness on your part.
There can be some relationship tension as you explore ways to break free from restriction. Some of you could experience erratic or rebellious behavior in a close partner, and this could have you on your toes, wondering what's next. Sometimes this transit relates to periods when sudden relationship changes occur, whether it's a sudden move out of or into a partnership. You may be attracting someone who is unusual, different, or who is entirely not your usual "type." In fact, this is a powerful time for breaking out of limiting relating patterns and starting fresh. Your relationships require new or fewer "rules" now.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar fifth house.
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto continues its lengthy transit of your solar third house this year.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
The acute elements of this Pluto transit are behind you in 2022.
All year, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar seventh house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your partnerships. The challenge is to work on sensitizing yourself to the needs of others and to get over any fears of the demands a partner or significant other might make on you. Through partnership and through cooperation with others, you will more likely achieve the inner balance necessary for you to achieve your goals. During this period, try to include others more often in your pursuits, even if you often quite naturally fall back on going it alone. This is a period for learning what you need from relationships.
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See also: Monthly Forecast for month-to-month trends, Daily Horoscopes for day-to-day trends, and 2022 Love Horoscope.
Scorpio (Born November 13 to 22) – 20 to 30 degrees Scorpio (3rd DECAN):
2022: Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends
From mid-March forward,
Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, is transiting your solar fifth house. During this cycle, you are likely to see benefits and experience growth in the areas of romance, pleasure, creative expression, hobbies, entertainment, and children. Your fair share of fun, romance, and good times are in store.
Your willingness to enjoy yourself and explore your creativity now brings new opportunities, or you might find that avenues open up to you for exploring new ways of having fun. For example, you might meet a new friend who spurs you to go out more, or you could be inspired by someone else's creative projects and begin a new and rewarding hobby. Creative projects are likely to fare well during this cycle, and could possibly even bring some type of recognition or reward.
Love and romance may come into your life or an existing romance is enhanced with good humor and warmth. You might find that possibilities for casual love relationships open up to you now, and some of you could be overwhelmed with choices! Social engagements abound. For those of you who are single, meeting a special person is highly likely, although it's more likely to be a casual relationship than a committed partnership.
Investments in stocks and other speculative matters could earn profits. Healthy, wise risks are likely to pay off, but be careful of overconfidence in speculative investments.
Relationships with your children may be especially fulfilling now. Pregnancy or childbirth may occur during this period, if applicable. This is a fabulous period in which to take a vacation you've always wanted to take, to try out a new hobby or creative project/approach, to explore new ways of having fun, to enjoy single life, and so forth.
Those with artistic or athletic talent can be especially successful and prosperous at this time. Your creativity and social life are stimulated this year, and plenty of opportunities to express yourself uniquely and creatively are likely to present themselves.
You may find great joy and reward in your creative projects and hobbies. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around!
These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life. Sometimes Jupiter brings too much of a good thing, and it's always wise to enjoy a carefree (not careless) attitude.
You are learning to express yourself playfully and creatively without apology, and more willing to take some personal risks in order to do so. A potential negative of this transit is excessive emphasis on, or attention to, having fun to the detriment of other life departments.
However, for the most part, you are likely to feel supported and confident during this approximately year-long cycle. This is a time for trying new things, beginning new ventures, and sticking your neck out. Creativity finds a successful channel or outlet.
The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar fifth house, from March 26-July 28, and from November 23-forward.
Jupiter transits trine your Sun. This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you genuinely enjoy life, appreciating the good things, and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.
Saturn transits your solar third and fourth house this year. Saturn divides its time between these two houses as it transitions.
You are more productive, with a responsible and sometimes even somber outlook during this Saturn transit. Although you have a desire to make contacts, you are rather preoccupied with learning or producing, and you may view idle chit-chat as a waste of time. You could feel an unusual pressure to structure your time and effort, and perhaps to cut out communication that seems unnecessary. Bouncing ideas off a special person in your life will produce great benefits. You are more able to accomplish something solid this year. Ideally, by the end of this transit, you will have gained a greater depth of understanding, having focused on information and communication that you really can use to feel more effective in the world. You will have developed very useful skills or laid the groundwork for a significant project.
You may at times feel rather overwhelmed by such things as errands, red tape, and other such day-to-day "disruptions." There is a great need now to structure your life by way of schedules, managing daily details and your time more effectively. There can be some problems with local transportation -- getting from point A to point B. There can be some restlessness or an urge to get out and about, but you might feel weighed down by your daily responsibilities.
However, this is also a time of increased practicality and esteem. You are more reliable than usual. You are learning to procrastinate less!
The cycle you’re transitioning into this year is as follows:
Saturn here urges you to get serious about home, family, and domestic concerns. You are building your nest, not in a "plumping your nest" sort of way. In fact, you may be stripping some things away - perhaps even downsizing or de-cluttering - and adding structure to your domestic life. This can benefit you greatly in the long run!
During this transit, you're likely to face issues surrounding your attachments to the past. Sometimes this manifests as literal re-organization of your home. Moving house is not typically associated with this transit as it would if, for example, Uranus was the transiting planet. If moves are made, you might encounter some resistance in yourself or the move might be a source of stress and worry; or you may be downsizing.
This may not be a time when you feel particularly brave in the outer world. However, reorganization in your home, and more importantly, in your soul/personal life, embodies the true nature of this transit. Many will go through a major "spring cleaning" inside. Limitations that came from early family conditioning will be brought to the fore. At first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how you may have limited your opportunities because of early conditioning. A feeling of being alone and unsupported in life may dominate at times now. Some may experience some distancing or frustrations regarding your parents. Family obligations may seem to get in the way of your experience of pleasure and of the achievement of your personal goals. There may be some emotional distancing as well in your home environment. Your current living conditions may feel restrictive, limiting, too small or cramped (physically and/or emotionally). Delays and slowdowns may be experienced in the areas of health, mobility, and career.
However, all of these things occur so that you start work on making improvements and in order that you face your responsibilities, become more self-sufficient, and more organized. Ultimately, you are learning to rely on yourself and to take care of things that you may have previously neglected but that have undermined your confidence in yourself and in your life! Working from home is a strong possibility during this period. Bringing more structure and discipline to your domestic life may be in order, and is likely to work very well in your favor. By the end of this transit, your home is likely to be in tip-top shape and family life should be more organized.
There can be some feelings of being blocked or stalled, by circumstances or by others, while Saturn squares your Sun. It can be difficult to feel that you're moving forward under this influence. In fact, you're not moving backward. Instead, you're moving forward slowly but surely. Treat delays as chances to perfect what you're doing, and you'll be much better off emotionally!
As Saturn squares your Sun, distinct pressures can begin to build up. More responsibilities on your shoulders could weigh you down a little, and life slows down a tad. Dealing with Saturn squares involves recognizing the need to slow down, face reality, and humble yourself a little. Pressures from your professional life are possible but needn't be overwhelming. You are likely to have new or increased responsibilities, and it might take some time to get adjusted to them. Your ego may be a little frail at this point, and, as a result, you may be harder on yourself than you need be. Sometimes, this coincides with physical energy dips. Much can be accomplished during this period, however. Although you may not see immediate results for your efforts, important groundwork can be laid for the future.
Uranus continues its lengthy transit of your solar sixth house.
The solar sixth house is the sector of work, daily routines, and health. Uranus' long-term presence here may throw you a few curve balls, shaking up your daily routine and perhaps your attitude towards your work and your health. At the root of this is an urge to break free from the confines of routine as well as some distaste for fitting into a mold. Ideally, through the course of this transit, you get to a better routine, job, or set of habits that allow you enough freedoms to explore your creativity.
You are moving toward a fresher approach to how you manage your work and the daily details of your life. Irregular schedules and perhaps some disruptions and tensions are possible at this time as you adjust to this influence. Your working hours may become non-traditional, or you might be moving toward a more unconventional job. You are restless with routines, and you tend to answer to your own internal rhythm rather than paying attention to society's (and nature's!) rhythms. Work that is limiting or lifeless really drags you down, and you tend to approach tasks with erratic or haphazard energy--you work tirelessly at certain times, and procrastinate at other times, for example. It would be wise to find work that offers you not only variety and stimulation but also the chance to invent and create. Progressive, part-time, or unconventional tasks hold the most appeal to you these days. You may also take an interest in alternative health methods. You would benefit greatly from yoga or other mind-body therapies now.
Ultimately, you are looking for a more authentic expression of yourself on the level of work, and while it can be a little chaotic for now, you are learning to tap into your "inner genius." While some of you may be more interested in alternative health practices, some of you may be ignoring important health routines. Watch for carelessness with your health. Try to keep regular health appointments.
Although Uranus is in Taurus, Uranus will not reach your decan’s seventh house cusp in 2022.
Neptune continues its lengthy transit through your solar fourth house this year for many of you, as it has been doing for a number of years.
Neptune is casting some "fog" over your home or family life until you begin to pay more attention to your spiritual needs. There may be some confusion about your connections to your past, family, or home life. You are striving towards the ideal when it comes to home and family, and while there can be some disappointments if these things fail to measure up, you're slowly but surely heading towards a more creative, fulfilling domestic life.
However, those born with their Sun or Ascendant from 20 to 25 degrees Scorpio begin or continue Neptune’s lengthy transit through your solar fifth house this year:
This very long-term transit can cast some initial "fog" over your heartfelt endeavors, including romance and creative projects, after which you tune into a more spiritual path regarding these matters. During this transit, you are highly romantic, but also somewhat prone to self-deception--seeing what you want to see in a lover rather than what really is. Being "in love with love" is quite probable now. Love can be very romantic for you, but it can also be complicated or downright elusive! You may find yourself falling in love with someone unattainable or attached, for example; or you might attach yourself to someone who you deem needs "saving." Use some caution if this is the case. Drama in romance can be lovely, but too much of it will only leave you yearning and perhaps even heartbroken. Caution with gambling is also necessary. You are more imaginative under this influence, however, and you might take up a very artistic hobby or other satisfying creative outlets. This is a positively brilliant period for discovering or enhancing your artistic talents.
Pluto begins or continues its lengthy transit of your solar third this year for those born approximately from 20 to 28 degrees Scorpio.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes in your mindset. This is a time for deep thinking, exposing truths, research, and investigation. You might question a lot of things, including knowledge and information you've learned in the past. You might begin an intensive line of study during this period. You may have disdain for superficial or fluffy conversation, preferring deeper subject matter.
Expectations transform this year. Intensity and passion are craved when it comes to your personal projects, interests, learning, and communications, and mediocre will no longer do in these areas!
Pluto continues its lengthy transit through your solar second house this year for those born with 29-30 degrees Scorpio.
This extremely long-term transit brings gradual but deep changes to your income and value system. This is an excellent period for discovering latent talents. You may have to face control issues and possessiveness, and learn how to better manage these things.
Expectations transform again this year. Intensity and passion are craved now, and mediocre will no longer do!
You’ve been going through this process for many years now, and it’s nearing an end.Until mid-July, the North Node of the Moon is transiting your solar seventh house, and this suggests that some of the greatest joys - and challenges - come through your partnerships. The challenge is to work on sensitizing yourself to the needs of others and to get over any fears of the demands a partner or significant other might make on you. Through partnership and through cooperation with others, you will more likely achieve the inner balance necessary for you to achieve your goals. During this period, try to include others more often in your pursuits, even if you often quite naturally fall back on going it alone. This is a period for learning what you need from relationships.
From mid-July, The North Node transits your solar sixth house. Your attention is turned to work, habits, health, and routines. Setting rules and boundaries will be important at this time. Orderliness will be empowering, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules will be challenging but also very rewarding. By structuring your life, you will be able to come closer to achieving your dreams.
*Please note: starting and ending dates are not fixed for any sign and they can vary slightly depending on the year you were born. If you are born near one of these dates and are unsure of your Sun sign, see What’s My Sun Sign?.
See Also:
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
2025 Scorpio Yearly Horoscope
Scorpio Yearly Love Horoscope
Scorpio Ascendant Daily Horoscope
Scorpio Good Days Calendar
2025 Scorpio Preview Horoscope
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