Astrology Topics: Midpoint Pictures
Midpoint Pictures in Astrology
Keep in mind that there are many possible meanings for each midpoint picture. These, however, should serve as a good starting point. See our Midpoints page for explanations of calculating midpoints and midpoint pictures (planetary pictures).
On this page
Midpoint Pictures in Astrology
Basic meanings of each point
- Midpoint Pictures with the Midheaven
- Midpoint Pictures with the Ascendant
- Midpoint Pictures with the Sun
- Midpoint Pictures with the Moon
- Midpoint Pictures with Mercury
- Midpoint Pictures with Venus
- Midpoint Pictures with Mars
- Midpoint Pictures with Jupiter
- Midpoint Pictures with Saturn
- Midpoint Pictures with Uranus
- Suggested further reading:**
- Related Pages:
Basic meanings of each point
Basic meanings of each point
Source: Witte, Rudolph, Lefeldt. Rules For Planetary Pictures.
MC (Midheaven) The soul of the native per se, the so-called “ego”, therefore the most important point In the horoscope. The “I”, the spiritual. Intellectual and social Impressions. The minute, the moment.
AS (Ascendant) Acquaintances. Connections within the surroundings. The place.
SO (Sun) The body, the physical being.
MO (Moon) Female persons. The public. Changeable things. The hour.
ME (Mercury) Movement. The content of thinking. Thought. News. Conception. opinion. Assertion.
VE (Venus) Peace. Good will. Help. Inclination. Love. Desire. Feeling.
MA (Mars) Impulse. Resolve. The will. Decision. Activity. To do. Accomplishment (mechanical kind).
JU (Jupiter) Gaiety. Contentment and happiness, Good luck, money, success.
SA (Saturn) Restriction. To bridle. To hinder. Separations. Losses.
UR (Uranus) Suddenness.
NE (Neptune) Deceptions. Losses. Dissolutions.
PL (Pluto) Inner change. Perception. Transformation. Development. Metamorphoses. Immediate past.
Midpoint Pictures with the Midheaven
MC/AS=SO To have close professional contact with others. Working together.
MC/SO=AS The mental and professional attitude toward others.
AS/SO=MC Personal conduct toward other people. The impression made by the personal environment on the native.
MC/AS=MO One’s behavior toward women. Professional relations to the public and women.
MC/MO=AS The psychological influence of women in the environment. One’s mental attitude toward others.
AS/MO=MC Concerning one’s own mother. Acquaintances with women. The psychological influence of a woman. To be brought into public by others.
MC/AS=ME Talking about the occupation. Vocational or business conversations.
MC/ME=AS To discuss another person. To speak with others. The opinion one has about another person.
AS/ME=MC The opinion of others about the native. To get news and information. To converse with others.
MC/AS=VE Agreeable professional connections. To be content with professional relations. Harmonious associations in the near surroundings.
MC/VE=AS To be in love with someone. To show a preference for certain places. To be located at that place or to long for that place.
AS/VE=MC To be happy and glad about the treatment we receive from others. Love’s influence upon the mind.
MC/AS=MA One’s professional activities. To develop or accomplish something with others.
MC/MA=AS One who is active with other people. Giving orders to others.
AS/MA=MC Others act upon or with me. To make common cause with others.
MC/AS=JU To have professional luck. To enjoy oneself with others.
MC/JU=AS The desire to make others happy. To be jolly with others. To be content and in harmony with others.
AS/JU=MC To get along well with others. To keep good friendship. To be fond of companionship. To have protection. To be protected by others.
MC/AS=SA To have professional difficulties. To separate from others.
MC/SA=AS To share other people’s grief. To separate from others.
AS/SA=MC To be overlooked or to suffer setbacks through others. Estrangement. Others leave. The mental influence of separations.
MC/AS=UR To find oneself suddenly facing others. Experiencing professional trouble. To make a scene.
MC/UR=AS To be excited over others.
AS/UR=MC To be excited by or over other people.
MC/AS=NE To be deceived by others. Experiencing deceptions with others. Unstable professional associates.
MC/NE=AS To mislead others. To commit frauds with other people.
AS/NE=MC To suffer from fraudulent deeds of others.
MC/AS=PL Developments or changes in the professional life or in relation to others. Professional changes effect the native’s personality.
MC/PL=AS To effect the development of others, or to influence the same.
AS/PL=MC The influence by others on the native. Changes at the place interfere with the development of the native.
MC/SO=MO One’s personal attitude toward women. One’s own mind. To represent oneself to the public with heart and soul.
MC/MO=SO The manner in which the state of mind influences the body. The glandular system. The daily mental influence and its effect on the body.
SO/MO=MC The body, mind and soul in harmony. Feelings of friendship.
MC/SO=ME Possessing agility of body and of soul. The condition of the nerves. One’s own thinking. To contemplate.
MC/ME=SO Thoughts about one’s own body. To philosophize. Physical agility.
SO/ME=MC The concept of the ego. The type of mind. The desire to appear young.
MC/SO=VE Harmony between body and soul. To make peace. Body and soul are devoted to love. To show one’s preferences.
MC/VE=SO Self-love and vanity. Indulgent.
SO/VE=MC Perception of love. The love concept.
MC/SO=MA The heart and soul are put into the work. To proceed to action. To express the will. Making a decision. To make a complete job of it.
MC/MA=SO Administrator of justice. The jail warden. Offering resistance.
SO/MA=MC Masculinity. An aggressive body (Temperament). To be active. Interfering. To be industrious.
MC/SO=JU To be happy in both body and soul. Optimism. Contentment.
MC/JU=SO Physical well-being. Susceptible to flattery. Vanity.
SO/JU=MC Personal success and general well being. Lucky times. One’s own feeling of happiness.
MC/SO=SA The body and soul are inhibited. Pessimist, Separation. To give up a particular objective. Sadness and grief. Takes life seriously. Out of work.
MC/SA=SO Personal opponents. To worry. To become feeble from sorrows. Physical separations.
SO/SA=MC To be forsaken. To retire. Rheumatic pains.
MC/SO=UR To experience strong physical and mental tension. Conflicts. Nervousness and sudden outbursts.
MC/UR=SO To become enraged. To be nervously excited. To be physically excited.
SO/UR=MC To experience a psychological shock. One who is easily excited. Frequent irritability. Sudden physically exciting events.
MC/SO=NE To be strongly sensitive in body and soul and to react to all influences, even the weak. Slackening, therefore debility and dislike. Dislike of everything.
MC/NE=SO Cosmetics. Sleight-of-hand. Personal weaknesses, secrets or want of clarity. Bodily deception. Felling guilty.
SO/NE=MC Confusion because of self-deception. To be receptive but also hypersensitive. One who is disinclined. Delicate.
MC/SO=PL To be and to remain adaptable and capable. Big changes in life. Alterations between the body and soul.
MC/PL=SO To concentrate on the condition and development of one’s body.
SO/PL=MC One’s personal taste. The attitude toward nourishment and physical development.
MC/MO=ME Thoughts are stimulated by women. One’s own active thoughts.
MC/ME=MO A sensitive mind. Thinking that is flexible and changeable. Thoughts about females. Opinions.
MO/ME=MC One’s own mental flexibility, instability. To be impressed easily. Also to forget easily. To be superficial and always looking for the new. To be business like.
MC/MO=VE To have a preference for women. A harmonious mind. Feminine natured.
MC/VE=MO To have a preference for females.
MO/VE=MC To be adored by women. To have others mother oneself. To be a mother.
MC/MO=MA Sexual stimulation of women. One who is able to be firm. Mentally decisive and organized. The attitude of a soldier.
MC/MA=MO The correct use and division of one’s time. To give orders to women.
MO/MA=MC The wakeful state of the brain. Consciousness. Day-consciousness. One pays attention, is wide awake. One’s own wife. The metal contact with the wife. The personal attitude toward the time of work.
MC/MO=JU A good-natured person with a fortunate state of mind. The time of confinement (births). Happy hours for women.
MC/JU=MO To be lucky with women. Harmonious connections with women.
MO/JU=MC Contentment. Many happy hours in the life-time. Being made happy by women. To be pregnant.
MC/MO=SA The personal relations to the public are upsetting or disturbed. Experiencing grief through females (melancholy).
MC/SA=MO To avoid or to deny public appearance. To separate from others. The frame of mind due to the separation from a woman.
MO/SA=MC Mentally depressed woman. Man deserted by his wife. To be serious. To retire, to be in reserve. To keep distant, to be conservative.
MC/MO=UR Women in the state of excitement (labor-pains). Excitement in general. No sense of timing.
MC/UR=MO To be in a bad humor on account of a woman or the public. To enact a scene. Labor pains.
MO/UR=MC Attentive. Capable of quick action. To show interest … wanting to take part. To be under steady mental tenseness. Mentally irritable.
MC/MO=NE To be annoyed by a woman. Women who are deceitful. The “straying fancy.”.
MC/NE=MO To be very fantastic. Sleepwalker. To deceive females or the public. Sensitive to beams (radiated energy).
MO/NE=MC Sensibility. Touchiness. The sense of smell, state of dreaming. To live in a dream-world. Not facing the realities of life, not able to recognize them or to recognize them in due course. Mentally impressed through secrecies of female persons.
MC/MO=PL Changes in public that impress the mind. Changes that relate the native to the public in a personal manner. Tends to be infirm of purpose or unsteady.
MC/PL=MO One’s influence on women or the public as regards their development.
MO/PL=MC To be exposed to hourly and faster changes. Continuous readjusting. To be “John on the spot.” Likes to attend to his affairs without delay.
MC/ME=VE To think about acquaintances. One’s attitude about love and art.
MC/VE=ME To make acquaintances easily. To discuss beauty and enjoy beautiful objects.
ME/VE=MC Acquaintanceship. To have and make friends. Appreciation of beauty. Artistic sense.
MC/ME=MA To concentrate on work. Opinions concerning one’s own work.
MC/MA=ME To give orders to others. Acting quickly. To act rashly.
ME/MA=MC The own way of talking. Quickly resolving. Love of fighting. To be in a state of excitement. Haste.
MC/ME=JU To be elated and cheerful. Thinking of luck and success. To have wishes. To laugh up one’s sleeve.
MC/JU=ME To enjoy talking. Mental tranquility and contentment.
ME/JU=MC To be in a happy contented mood. Optimism.
MC/ME=SA Thinking about separation or travel. Grief, bereavement, distress.
MC/SA=ME To be sorrowful or brooding. To comprehend slowly. To subject oneself to thoughts of separation. To be obliged to separate.
ME/SA=MC Logic-philosophically inclined. Fond of travel. Unsettled. Inconstant.
MC/ME=UR To be suddenly notified. To have spontaneous thoughts. To become enraged or excited.
MC/UR=ME Tension created by a call. To become energetic. To use harsh words.
ME/UR=MC To have original thoughts. Technical or mathematical talent. Energetic thinking.
MC/ME=NE The mind is blank. Thinking of nothing. Not able to recognize important points. To be absentminded. To be prepared for something or to receive intuitive thoughts.
MC/NE=ME Intuitive, false, imagined or fraudulent thinking or feelings. Thoughts and the way of expressing them are not clear and distinct.
ME/NE=MC Gifted with intuition. To blend fiction and truth. To be inclined to untruthfulness.
MC/ME=PL To come to a conclusion. Logical thinking. To think of transformations and change. To come to conclusions.
MC/PL=ME The development of the cogitative faculty (meditative, to ponder deeply). The forming of ideas.
ME/PL=MC Thinking and understanding are one thing. The capability of adjusting one’s thoughts. The mobility of the mind co-ordinates well with external nimbleness and adaptability.
MC/VE=MA Sexual attraction and desire.
MC/MA=VE To be sexually stimulated. To stimulate others.
VE/MA=MC To inflame. Desire. Intimate acquaintances. Personal relation or attitude towards blood relationship. To work with love and devotion.
MC/VE=JU The sensation of happiness and love. Wishes that come true.
MC/JU=VE To enjoy a blissful feeling because of love.
VE/JU=MC The sensation of love. To be recipient of love’s joy.
MC/VE=SA Sorrow resulting from separation in love. Hindrances and sorrow in love. To long for a separation.
MC/SA=VE Love’s sorrow. To separate from love, women, or very agreeable things.
VE/SA=MC Flirtations. Hindrances and obstacles in love. Illicit intercourse. Illegitimate birth. He or she being forsaken.
MC/VE=UR Amateur. A favored pursuit. Sudden affection. To be inflamed with affection.
MC/UR=VE To become daring. Tension through love, pleasure or diversion. Longing for love.
VE/UR=MC One’s own refined feeling of love. To be suddenly in love.
MC/VE=NE To renounce love. Lover’s grief. Hopeless love relationships. Love without prospects.
MC/NE=VE Ideas on love and affection are not clear and distinct. Wrong perception of love. To pretend love.
VE/NE=MC Hopes are not realized. False love or sex instinct. Love’s sorrow.
MC/VE=PL One who loves change. To long for change and look for a transformation.
MC/PL=VE To develop harmoniously.
VE/PL=MC The own harmonious development. Development of own wishes and hopes.
MC/MA=JU To deal honestly. Intending to become engaged. Successful action is taken. The desire to make oneself happy.
MC/JU=MA Betrothal. Good luck from one’s own activity. To be delighted over an act of love.
MA/JU=MC The betrothed person. Satisfaction and contentment in one’s activity. Content with oneself.
MC/MA=SA Not wanting to become involved. To turn away or refrain from. Orders bringing about losses. Retarding actions are taken. To wait.
MC/SA=MA To terminate or interrupt work. Sorrows brought on by one’s own actions. To be in mourning.
MA/SA=MC Grief. To suffer from separations or separating actions. Decease. Cause of death. Dying. Deaths of others that make a deep impression upon the mind of the native. One’s own death.
MC/MA=UR Impulsive action. The possibility of becoming violent. Expressing oneself in an explosive manner. Exciting consequences of actions taken.
MC/UR=MA A spontaneous decision. To beat about oneself. Sudden physical attacks on others.
MA/UR=MC To get excited while working. Dare-devil. To be very violent. To suffer violence from others. Personal acts of violence.
MC/MA=NE A fraudulent action. Inability to assert oneself. To succumb to the situation. A weak will. To destroy something.
MC/NE=MA Swindler. Arrant knave. Not sure of one’s attitude. Irresolute in decision. Work which is unsatisfactory and is never finished. Occupation with the unknown.
MA/NE=MC The native himself in a rejecting mood. Hopes which prove false. To experience failures and Losses. Sorrow on account of disease.
MC/MA=PL Performing several jobs at the same time. To build something up. An organizer. To have more than one iron in the fire.
MC/PL=MA The development of the will. Splitting one’s force. Growth through action.
MA/PL=MC Organizer. Maker of plans. Attending to several jobs at the same time, To do them alternately.
MC/JU=SA To be glad over a separation. Parting without sorrow.
MC/SA=JU A change of residence. To lose of burden. To “crowd one’s luck”.
JU/SA=MC Worries through losses.
MC/JU=UR Sudden happiness and luck.
MC/UR=JU To be enjoyed by others. Suddenly gladdened by a happy surprise. Luck.
JU/UR=MC Pleasure over a stroke of luck or good fortune.
MC/JU=NE A premonition of loss. Disappointment with expected luck.
MC/NE=JU A money swindler. A speculator. Imaginary luck. To imagine or pretend luck.
JU/NE=MC To be unburdened. Not to bother about anything. Spendthrift … speculator.
MC/JU=PL Joy because of a lucky transformation. To be delighted over growing happiness because of the way things are developing.
MC/PL=JU Fortunate development of soul and spirit.
JU/PL=MC To be fortunate in one’s own development. To experience pleasant transformations.
MC/SA=UR Sorrow and excitement caused by opponents and hindrances. To be the cause of sorrows and separations. To experience sudden sadness. To cause sudden separations.
MC/UR=SA To rid oneself of something. Throwing things out. To be quarrelsome. Irritation through losses, separation and opposing resistance.
SA/UR=MC To suffer from quarrels. Dealing with quarrelsome people. To be separated suddenly.
MC/SA=NE To grieve over the falseness of others. Sorrow through want of clearness or through resistance.
MC/NE=SA To cause losses or weakness or neglect. To suffer or separate through having a wrong concept (notion) of the situation.
SA/NE=MC To be diseases, to feel sick. To be under the spell or impression of a long and unpleasant chronic condition.
MC/SA=PL To feel downcast because of an interruption of one’s own development. Slow development. To be sad over a divorce. Inclines to hesitate. The aggravating characteristic of frequently being late for appointments.
MC/PL=SA One’s unfoldment suffers hindrances, obstacles – slows up. To be successful in causing a deliberate delay. Delays caused be the native.
SA/PL=MC To develop slowly. Hard to adapt oneself. To separate oneself easily from something. To be inclined for divorce.
MC/UR=NE To excite oneself in vain. Much noise about nothing or over something unintelligible.
MC/NE=UR Unconscious matters related to the beyond. Unconsciousness. To be the cause of sudden events. Aggravations caused by deceit, falsehood or dishonesty. To put into chaos and disorder.
UR/NE=MC I am unconscious. I am put out. I cannot think and act clearly. Anesthesia. To be in mourning. Communication with the deceased.
MC/UR=PL To be pushed back and forth by one’s impulses. Sudden development and changes. To adapt or adjust oneself to something by leaps and bounds.
MC/PL=UR One’s development is uneven, it leaps. To experience sudden changes of the mind, turn-abouts.
UR/PL=MC To be adaptable. The talent of applying oneself to changed conditions. To change by leaps and bounds. To be exposed to jerking changes.
MC/NE=PL To be cunning. Swindles which are not uncovered.
MC/PL=NE The evolution and transformation are hardly noticed on the surface. Creeping alterations.
NE/PL=MC To be mysterious. To develop the future from the past. To be in the state of development or transformation where the consequences for the future cannot be visualized. To stay hidden, to keep in the background. To be missing.
Midpoint Pictures with the Ascendant
AS/SO=MO Social intercourse and physical relations with women.
AS/MO=SO Personal acquaintance with women. Easily made acquaintances. Many changes in acquaintances. Female relatives of the native.
SO/MO=AS The daily and hourly associations with other people. Friendship ties.
AS/SO=ME Relationships with similar thinking or equal types of people. Fellow students, schoolmates or teachers. A teaching or learning atmosphere. Mental. Relations to young students.
AS/ME=SO Exchange of thoughts about the native.
SO/ME=AS To be conscious of one’s surroundings. Correspondence. Conversations. Acquaintances.
AS/SO=VE Love relationships. Harmony in associations with women. Pleasant social relations.
AS/VE=SO Love of others bestowed upon the body (To physically enjoy the love of others). Harmony in personal connections.
SO/VE=AS To be loved by others.
AS/SO=MA Co-workers. Social relations with male persons, soldiers and co-workers. Fights and brawls. To quarrel. Persons in the environment who are not master of their emotions and are not under control in this regard.
AS/MA=SO To be a co-worker or to have them. To get a thrashing. To be beaten up.
SO/MA=AS Other people act or interfere. To be physically in contact with another person. To act physically toward another person.
AS/SO=JU To enjoy advantages and support from relationships. To form associations that are very fortunate for the native.
AS/JU=SO Pleasant associations.
SO/JU=AS To feel most comfortable when in the company of others. Extroverted and social disposition. One who is fortunate with other people.
AS/SO=SA Hindrances through others. Separations from acquaintances. Funerals.
AS/SA=SO To shake hands. Physical farewells. Alienations.
SO/SA=AS Personal difficulties through others or in general. Separations.
AS/SO=UR Suddenly meeting someone. Excitement and tension through other people. Sudden events caused by others.
AS/UR=SO Exciting events with others. To be menaced by others.
SO/UR=AS People who arouse strong feeling, stir up activity or stimulate the environment. A person who increases the energies of those around him/her through provoking the situation.
AS/SO=NE Physical weakness as compared to other people. To be deceived by persons closely connected or related. Damaging activity or slander. Secret activity in associations.
AS/NE=SO Personal or bodily losses through other persons, or other influences. Danger of poisoning.
SO/NE=AS An acquaintance with infirm people. Relations with sensitive men.
AS/SO=PL No steady relationships. Always forming new relationships. Change of associations with others. A change of social intercourse during meal times (eating with different people).
AS/PL=SO Change in the surroundings effects a transition in the body. Changes of associates.
SO/PL=AS The environmental influence on nutrition and physical development. The environmental life style and the manner in which one is influenced by it.
AS/MO=ME Correspondence or conversation with female persons. Professional conversations with many people.
AS/ME=MO Talks about female persons. Vehicles and transport facilities in the neighborhood.
MO/ME=AS Acquaintance with the young, especially with young girls. To be with other people during business hours. To work with vehicles. Associations from youth.
AS/MO=VE Love affairs with female persons. Pleasant connections (general).
AS/VE=MO Nice female acquaintances. A woman’s love for the native.
MO/VE=AS Love acquaintances of a woman. Acquaintance with loving women. To be together with loving women.
AS/MO=MA The wife. The mother. Quarrels with female persons. Common activity with others in public.
AS/MA=MO To become known in public through actions. Arguments with female persons. To exert charm of sex upon a woman.
MO/MA=AS Acquaintances with woman or with the future wife. Working relations with other people in the surroundings.
AS/MO=JU Good luck with female acquaintances and good luck in public.
AS/JU=MO Births. Luck through acquaintanceship with women. To find quick recognition.
MO/JU=AS Acquaintance with cheerful and serene women. Happy and cheerful surroundings.
AS/MO=SA Separations from female acquaintances and difficulties through them.
AS/SA=MO To take leave of women. To be separated or rejected from female persons.
MO/SA=AS Acquaintance with widows or with old, unfortunate or sick women. Hindrance, changes in the surroundings. Associating with country people. Rustic surroundings.
AS/MO=UR Spontaneous relationship. Accidents of female persons, aggravations through them. Rich in eventful hours with others.
AS/UR=MO Sudden unusual events with female persons.
MO/UR=AS Energetic wife. Acquaintance with an energetic woman. To be present, to witness, to experience an uproar or exciting event. To be kept under high tension by others. Surroundings are full of tension.
AS/MO=NE Female persons are withdrawing. Insincere women. Secrecies among female acquaintances. False, slanderous female persons.
AS/NE=MO To be influenced by others. Evil female influence. Doubtful female acquaintances, or classes of people in general. Fraudulent matters in the public.
MO/NE=AS Acquaintances or association with sensitive persons, or with virgins. Nightly association.
AS/MO=PL Changes which do not last. Changes of one’s own circumstances through acquaintance with females. Changes in public conditions.
AS/PL=MO Environment influences on the development of character. The influence of a change in place on the mind. In other places, outside, the native appears in the public. Brought into the public by others.
MO/PL=AS Uncertain attitude toward others and the place. Coming and going. Change of place in hourly rhythm. Change of shift.
AS/ME=VE Exchange of thoughts about love. To find friendly thinking.
AS/VE=ME Agreeable acquaintances in the close surroundings. To amuse oneself with other people (to talk sweet nothings).
ME/VE=AS To meet with friends and new people. The art of being adaptable.
AS/ME=MA Dispute with others. To be critically and sharply judged.
AS/MA=ME To quarrel with people verbally or by letter. To be obliged to reply to others. Arguments.
ME/MA=AS To negotiate with others. Debate.
AS/ME=JU To enjoy a good reputation. To be well thought of by others. To be hilarious with others.
AS/JU=ME To converse pleasantly with others.
ME/JU=AS Happy and cheerful entertainment and conversation.
AS/ME=SA Farewell visits to depart. To be denied, refused.
AS/SA=ME To be occupied with thoughts of separation.
ME/SA=AS To take leave. To depart or go away. To move. To travel. To roam.
AS/ME=UR Others get excited and talk excited. To be involved in an argument. Altercation.
AS/UR=ME To receive a message suddenly.
ME/UR=AS To be asked suddenly by other people.
AS/ME=NE To discuss unclear matters. To be told lies by others. Evil gossip.
AS/NE=ME To commit fraud with other people. Others deceive through smart talk or lies. Language was given to men in order that they cover up their thoughts.”.
ME/NE=AS To be cheated by acquaintances. To be outsmarted.
AS/ME=PL The opinions about the native undergo change. Others draw their consequences or conclusions.
AS/PL=ME To think of changes in the location. News about changes of location.
ME/PL=AS To have dealings with adaptable people. To speak about a changed situation with others. Others change their views.
AS/VE=MA To be the object of desire.
AS/MA=VE Sex union. Intimate relations.
VE/MA=AS Personal sexual intercourse. Acquaintance with relatives or intimate friends.
AS/VE=JU To be the object of love’s happiness. Fortunate and agreeable experiences with others. Nice conversations with others. Necking and petting.
AS/JU=VE To get help and assistance. To be loved by many.
VE/JU=AS Pleasantness and success through others. To be admired.
AS/VE=SA To be deserted. Disturbances and interruptions in love-affairs.
AS/SA=VE Love’s separation.
VE/SA=AS To hinder the inclinations of others. To quit others. To be forsaken.
AS/VE=UR Suddenly in love. Surprising experience of sympathy and goodwill.
AS/UR=VE To fall in love suddenly.
VE/UR=AS Flirtations. Betrothal or marriage. Excitement about the love of others.
AS/VE=NE To be deceived in love or cheated. To be made to believe that one is treated well. Separation of harmonious relations.
AS/NE=VE To be deceived in love.
VE/NE=AS Wrong love mate. Tied to an unhappy love. Acquaintance with people suffering from unfortunate love.
AS/VE=PL To make oneself popular … to be likeable. Increase of popularity. Transformations and changes through loving acquaintances.
AS/PL=VE To desire a change in the place. Nice change in the surroundings. To think of the beautification of the environment.
VE/PL=AS The beginning of a pleasant change in the environment. Friendlier surroundings.
AS/MA=JU To be forced by others into one’s own good fortune. To become engaged or betrothed. Other people are successful. Advantages and profits through the action, deeds or accomplishments of others.
AS/JU=MA To receive proposals. To gain a willing ear. Betrothal. To receive orders.
MA/JU=AS The betrothal. A vow or pledge. Taking the bath.
AS/MA=SA Through actions of others to be separated from something. To suffer losses. To participate in funeral rites.
AS/SA=MA Compelled to do depressing work. Disgusted with work. Slow to make up one’s mind. Slowed action. Death. Obsequies.
MA/SA=AS Actions of others which bring sorrow. Cases of illness. Bereavement. Death in the family, or of acquaintances.
AS/MA=UR Sudden or surprising actions of other people and excitement through them. To be injured suddenly.
AS/UR=MA Surprising deeds of others. To be injured physically by others.
MA/UR=AS To be connected with sudden events. To rebel together with others, or others rebel against the native.
AS/MA=NE Thoughtless deeds of others. Deceit and disappointment through the deeds of others. Danger of infection. Danger of destruction.
AS/NE=MA To be damaged. To be infected by other people.
MA/NE=AS Rejection of acquaintances. To be infected by other persons. Deaths.
AS/MA=PL To plan common activities. Changes through the actions of others. Preparations for moving or change of place.
AS/PL=MA To plan changes.
MA/PL=AS To plan with others. To have something in mind.
AS/JU=SA To experience refusal. Not being accepted. Separations from friends.
AS/SA=JU Separation with fortunate ending. Deserted by co-tenants. Change of residence.
JU/SA=AS Separation from a person. Change of residence.
AS/JU=UR Sudden luck with others or through others.
AS/UR=JU Happiness (good fortune) with or of other people. Financial advantage through them.
JU/UR=AS Happy companionship.
AS/JU=NE To play games or to speculate with others. To lose money through others. Seeming happiness with others.
AS/NE=JU To commit money frauds.
JU/NE=AS Money easily earned through others. Games of chance. To win or lose money in connection with others. Participants in a lottery. Betting.
AS/JU=PL To experience increasing benevolence from others. Good adaptability to the environment. Happy change with others.
AS/PL=JU Fortunate changes at the place, or of the place.
JU/PL=AS Pleasant change of the surroundings, of the place or in the place.
AS/SA=UR Sudden leave-taking.
AS/UR=SA To separate suddenly from others.
SA/UR=AS Grave misunderstandings with others. Sudden separation from other people.
AS/SA=NE To be separated through falsehood or lies.
AS/NE=SA To be defrauded by others. Damages or obstacles through the refusal of others.
SA/NE=AS Infection of other people. To be infected. To vaccinate.
AS/SA=PL To put up with increasing disrespect and repression. Others effect a separation. Slow separation from others.
AS/PL=SA Separation from the environment. Changes of the place with difficulties. Isolation.
SA/PL=AS Others fit themselves, suit themselves, only very slowly. Slow separation from others. The beginning of a separation which lasts for some time. Relations to quite different persons.
AS/UR=NE To depart this life; to be separated from others through death.
AS/NE=UR Others do not see things clearly. Sudden events brought about by others. To be involved by others through lack of understanding.
UR/NE=AS Other people do not know what they want. They are pro and con and try to create difficulties and disturbances. Notices of death. Acquaintance with dead people.
AS/UR=PL Sudden new acquaintances. Surprising changes in or of the place.
AS/PL=UR Sudden surprising changes of the place.
UR/PL=AS Sudden changes of the place, the view of the place, as for instance scenic view obstructed through new buildings.
AS/NE=PL Underhanded tricks and fraud which are not noticed. To give something up because one was misled by others. To be outwitted.
AS/PL=NE To have to give up something through change of the surroundings. Change of place, where the results or consequences are only noticed much later, or not at all.
NE/PL=AS To quit a matter.
Midpoint Pictures with the Sun
SO/MO=ME The train of thoughts during the hours of the day. Intimate conversations with others. Friendship or thoughts of marriage. Interesting days and hours. Young friendships.
SO/ME=MO The young mate (marriage partner). The young body of a woman. To think of women. The male who has relationships with women at an early age.
MO/ME=SO Brain, nerves and glandular functions. A man’s young wife. The schedule. The daily plan. The daily office hours.
SO/MO=VE A friendship of love. A marriage of love. Husband and wife in harmony. Peaceful hours.
SO/VE=MO Beautiful body of a woman. To be in love. Expressions of love.
MO/VE=SO Woman’s love for the man. The man who is favored by women. The mother. Daily repeating harmonious hours.
SO/MO=MA Marriage. Wedlock. The act of marriage. A marriage of reproduction. A sexual friendship. A sex relationship. One’s daily work.
SO/MA=MO The woman’s husband. The active hours of the day.
MO/MA=SO The time of work during the day. The daily work. An active man. The man’s wife.
SO/MO=JU Days of good luck. Fortunate experiences take place daily and hourly. Fortunate friendships. A fortunate marriage. The increase in the family. Child-birth.
SO/JU=MO The bridegroom. A fortunate and happy husband. A lucky day for women. The contented population. Choosing the right moment.
MO/JU=SO The daily repetition of happy hours. A man’s happy woman.
SO/MO=SA Serious and difficult times. Not a good time to marry. obstacles to marriage. Sorrowful marital states. Sudden enmity in friendship and marriage. Divorce and separation.
SO/SA=MO To be without a mate. A man separated from a woman. The divorced man. Separations from females.
MO/SA=SO Divorced woman. The man’s widow. Daily repeating hours of being alone. To be moody or depressed because of general personal or bodily conditions.
SO/MO=UR Exciting and trying days. Daily tension in partnership and marriage. Sudden events in a partnership. A clash with a friend or mate. Sudden hostility or separation.
SO/UR=MO Sudden events that take place to women. The exciting course of the day.
MO/UR=SO Energetic woman. The man-defying woman. To lead an active life. An eventful hour of the day.
SO/MO=NE Days of uncertainty. Cooling off in partnerships, friendships or marriage because of deceptive situation, misunderstandings or lies. The denial of a partnership or a marriage. To ultimately separate.
SO/NE=MO The divorced man. Death of the husband. To be dependent on mood or feeling. A weak husband.
MO/NE=SO The relaxed or sleeping body. Physical sensitivity. Mediumistic state.
SO/MO=PL The course of the day. Daily absorption of food. Development and transformation of a partnership or marriage.
SO/PL=MO The glandular action. The circulation. The influence of the daily habits on physical development. The physical development of females (of a female).
MO/PL=SO Function of the glands of the body. General rhythm of the hour, the meal, etc. Disorderly changed course of the day. The passing of a certain hour of the day.
SO/ME=VE A Young girl. Love of a young body.
SO/VE=ME Verbal expressions of love. Thinking about expressing love. A man discussing love. Love relationships.
ME/VE=SO Personal meeting or greeting of friends or new acquaintances. Love of one’s own body. Vanity. Taste for plastic arts.
SO/ME=MA A young boy. A young man. To work fast. The tempo of work. Violent thinking. Anger and excitement.
SO/MA=ME The commander. The man who becomes angry and tends toward assault.
ME/MA=SO The voice. The language. Quickly acting body. Excited body.
SO/ME=JU A lucky youth (also to be lucky in youth). A good natured and benign mind. One who is agile and serene. The talent for speaking. Travelling for pleasure.
SO/JU=ME A good physician. Good news. Thinking of success. Persevering speaker. Success through speaking, travel, writing, commerce or trade professions.
ME/JU=SO Happy mood. Lively and agile body.
SO/ME=SA The state of consciousness is retarded. The faculty to became aware of something is slowed down. To be engaged in serious practical thinking. To take leave (time of prating). Travelling. The end of a journey (the arrival).
SO/SA=ME Parting. To go away. To travel. To occupy one’s mind with personal restraints. To talk and write about restrains. Thinking about separating.
ME/SA=SO Parting person. Unruly guest. Not staying long in one place. To roam.
SO/ME=UR To think by leaps and bounds. To talk fast. The inventor or technician. Sudden quick thoughts. To demonstrate or give demonstrations. An uproar involving young people. To suddenly act on a matter.
SO/UR=ME To comprehend fast. A day filled with news, calls messages. To have spontaneous ideas. Quick and vivid thinking. To give orders suddenly. To be excited while speaking or writing. A rescue team present at an accident.
ME/UR=SO Agility. Quick acting body. Quick at hand. Messenger.
SO/ME=NE Inspiration. The author. Not clear, rambling, impractical thinking. To be sluggish. A swindler. Fraud.
SO/NE=ME Poor memory. Day-dreaming. A receptive mind. Not being fully awake. Mental defects. The feeling of mental ecstasy. To be confused about the personal sphere of life.
ME/NE=SO Receptivity for thoughts, author.
SO/ME=PL Thinking that is capable of development. Changeable thinking (flexible). The influence of the external motion on the internal development, the growth an the circulation.
SO/PL=ME The exercising body. To be in motion. The physical development speeds up through exercise. Increased agility of the body through exercise. The condition of the nerves.
ME/PL=SO Function of the motoric and vegetative nervous system. To prefer nerve-strengthening food.
SO/VE=MA A man’s love activity.
SO/MA=VE The erotic love of a man. The bed-fellow. The sexually active man.
VE/MA=SO Sexual love of the body. Determination to marriage. Procreation. To be bodily together with intimate friends or blood relatives. Male relatives.
SO/VE=JU A body animated with the joy of love. The happiness of a loving man.
SO/JU=VE The man in love. To physically feel happy because of love. Success with hobbies and favored recreation activities. Indulgences.
VE/JU=SO Joyous love of a man. Love’s happiness on the day.
SO/VE=SA Love separation of a man. Disharmony.
SO/SA=VE Scruples related to love (ethical objections to certain actions). Restraints and difficulties related to love. Sickness through the female sex. A man inclined to separate from a love relationship.
VE/SA=SO Transiently united or separated. Grass widower. Widower.
SO/VE=UR To be sentimental. To have a refined feeling of love. One who is full of expression. A very fine perception of love. Love at first sight. A man who is suddenly in love. To be very affectionate. Refined sensuality. Artistic and original art.
SO/UR=VE Unexpected affection or love. Sudden events concerning love. Romantic love. To be ecstatic over love. A happy surprise.
VE/UR=SO Delicate feeling. To be loved suddenly. High minded love. Courtesy.
SO/VE=NE Overly sensitive in love-affairs. Love without prospects. Unhappy love of a man. Coolness in expressing affection.
SO/NE=VE Shyness. The chaste lover.
VE/NE=SO Timid in love. Silent admirer. Indifferent in love.
SO/VE=PL The appetite. The desire to eat. The sense of taste. Beauty and harmony of the developing body.
SO/PL=VE To develop the taste. The body grows and develops harmoniously (in balance and proportion).
VE/PL=SO Harmonious development of the body. Harmonious passing of the days. Pleasant state of nourishment of the body. To eat in pleasant surroundings.
SO/MA=JU The victorious one. A man happy in his activity. The fiance.
SO/JU=MA A happy fiance. A man happy in his work. Luck on the attack. Decisions of volition (The power to choose. Making a conscious decision). Promising activities.
MA/JU=SO Exchange of rings. Betrothal. Procreation. The man who is happy and successful in his work.
SO/MA=SA The beginning of an illness. The obstructed activity of a man. An interruption of work or other activity.
SO/SA=MA The lonely or secluded man, The widower. To be the cause of another persons death. Death of the father. Through one’s own actions to interfere and successfully overcome personal hindrances and restraints.
MA/SA=SO Death, sickness, personal difficulties.
SO/MA=UR The violent man. To threaten or beat-up somebody. The man who suddenly becomes aggressive.
SO/UR=MA Working in too hurried a manner. To rush. Physically aggressive and impulsive. Spontaneous decisions. To act precipitously (abruptly). An injury to the body. An accident. A wounded body. Excitements through acts of will.
MA/UR=SO Sudden bodily action. The energetic or fierce man. Sudden injury to the body.
SO/MA=NE The impotent husband. Fatigue. The deceived husband. The fraudulent active man. The loss of the husband. The loss of employment.
SO/NE=MA impotence. Susceptible to venereal diseases. Weak in action. To harm oneself through actions or decisions.
MA/NE=SO Infection or destruction of the body, of the eyes, The body or the man who is susceptible to diseases.
SO/MA=PL To carry on several different work projects at the same time. The man making plans for work.
SO/PL=MA To have a hardy regenerative capacity. The kind of work decides how the body develops.
MA/PL=SO Schedule of the day. The man who serves the civil administration.
SO/JU=SA Lost position. Malchance. Hindered success. Lost happiness.
SO/SA=JU To be fortunate in old age. Fortunate through older people. To change the location.
JU/SA=SO Dissolution of a betrothal, or marriage. The bachelor.
SO/JU=UR Forced luck. Sudden luck. Pleasant surprises while striving for success.
SO/UR=JU Unions or connections that result in happiness. Luck through the sudden resolution of a situation. Making an advantageous decision. A surprise that brings personal joy.
JU/UR=SO Sudden bodily happiness. The little luck of the day. Man enjoying himself well.
SO/JU=NE A successful swindler. Passing happiness. Loss of money. Becoming poor. Unclear conditions. To be under false impressions while working toward success.
SO/NE=JU To be fortunate through passive physical activity. income gained through easy physical work.
JU/NE=SO Bodily well-being. Wastage of sustenance (the body). The man who makes himself believe he is lucky and happy. Speculators, Spendthrifts.
SO/JU=PL The healthy function of the organs. Increase in good health. Good fortune develops during a lifetime.
SO/PL=JU To have a full figure. To put on weight easily. To successfully overcome a health problem.
JU/PL=SO Fortunate run of the day. Happy, fortunate physical development. The man who is accustomed to take abundant meals.
SO/SA=UR Trouble or losses through older people. Sudden separations.
SO/UR=SA To quickly run away. Trying to rid oneself of something through physical efforts. To give birth. Sudden physical separations. Difficulties due to resistance. Painful and grievous surprises. Shaking with ague (an attack of fever accompanied by chills or shivering).
SA/UR=SO Days of excitements, separations, obstacles. Sudden bodily separation. Overstrain. The man who is suddenly separated.
SO/SA=NE A body weakened through a long illness. Personal obstacles through confusion, falseness and misunderstanding.
SO/NE=SA Lingering maladies. A body enfeebled by disease. Blood diseases. Poor states of health. Losses through deceit or weakness.
SA/NE=SO Days drag along under unfortunate conditions. The man who feels sick and weak. Long illness of the body.
SO/SA=PL Abstinence. Disproportion. Retarded development. The normal action of the body’s organs is hindered.
SO/PL=SA Fasting or dieting. Slow physical development. Stingy way of living. Physical hardening. The body’s tendency toward an excess of cartilage. Ossification.
SA/PL=SO Days without progress. Hindered physical development. The man who is slowly separated.
SO/UR=NE Airline accidents. Useless and erroneous excitement. Tension caused by uncertainties, confusion, lies or deceit. Gas or water accidents (oil spills). Events connected with death. Burials. Connections with dead people.
SO/NE=UR Epilepsy. A nervous body. To be suddenly struck with an illness. To be checkmated. Disconnected. Burials. To experience excitement through deception.
UR/NE=SO Days of change between tension and relaxation. The man who changes between tension and relaxation, who works energetically or not at all, who is thrown back and forth by impulses. To be a medium. Apparent death. Trance-like states.
SO/UR=PL The proper tone of the body is only gained throughout the course of the lifetime. Acquired nervousness. Neuralgia. Transformation through tension.
SO/PL=UR Sudden change in the mode of life or diet.
UR/PL=SO Physical development which commences suddenly. The man who suddenly faces a changed manner of nutrition, who suddenly changes his intake of food or his meals. Days during which mealtimes are on a changed schedule.
SO/NE=PL Unnoticed changes taking place in the body. The development of susceptibility either good or bad as regards the physical health.
SO/PL=NE The lack of appetite. To be very fastidious about food. Dislike of rich foods. To taste unfamiliar foods. Denial of narcotics and similar drugs after a tryout. Imperceptible changes in the body.
NE/PL=SO Unnoticeable changes in the body through changed mode of living or absorption of food, through alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. The refusal or rejection of these or through medicaments, especially homeopathic medicine. To be hidden, to be missing.
Midpoint Pictures with the Moon
MO/ME=VE A girl’s early love. Love of a young girl.
MO/VE=ME The thoughts of a loving woman. Acquaintanceship with loving or pregnant women. Thoughts of motherhood.
ME/VE=MO Youthful beauty. Female acquaintance. To be fond of flat artwork (paintings etc.).
MO/ME=MA Venture minded youth. Compulsory military service for youth. Energetically acting girl. Clearness and sharpness of intellect and memory. Sudden decision.
MO/MA=ME A very active brain. Incline to heated arguments. Think of the work-schedule and work. Hot arguments and quarrels over work. The angry woman. The youthful wife. To establish a home.
ME/MA=MO Irritated and angry women. Debates over women. Quarrels over women. Quarrelling persons.
MO/ME=JU The happy (fortunate) girl. The fortunate young woman.
MO/JU=ME To think of happy times. Happy hours with cheerful conversations. Thoughts of a happy woman.
ME/JU=MO Talkative women.
MO/ME=SA Departure of or departure from young girls or women. Unsteady. Travelling. To change the place. To learn slowly, to remember for a long time.
MO/SA=ME Mental depression. Serious thinking (pessimistic) woman. To take leave of women. Conversation in the evening hours.
ME/SA=MO Female persons taking leave. Unruly guest (female). En route. Driving fast. Travel companions.
MO/ME=UR Sudden events and excitement through or with youth, young girls or young women. Vehicles for transportation.
MO/UR=ME Mentally active women. News of exciting events, Excited thinking. Thinking people.
ME/UR=MO Lively woman. Rapid interchange of thought. Practical way of thinking. Theory and practice well combined. Mathematical.
MO/ME=NE Imagination. The hysterical girl. The imaginative or untruthful girl. To be dreamy and lazy in youth.
MO/NE=ME Person endowed with much fantasy. Power of imagination.
ME/NE=MO Person gifted with much imagination. Given to lying.
MO/ME=PL The growing youth. Time of puberty. Training of youth. Irresponsible. Inconsistent. Change in conception of one’s pattern of existence.
MO/PL=ME To be quick and alert mentally. Easily gained knowledge or understanding.
ME/PL=MO Function of the glands and nerve activities of the female body. Change in public thinking. To adopt oneself to public opinions.
MO/VE=MA The passionate woman. To become a mother. To be active because of love of the subject.
MO/MA=VE Agreeable working time and conditions. No time clock. The passionate wife.
VE/MA=MO A woman’s sexual love. Decision to marry. Related female persons. The mother.
MO/VE=JU The happily loving woman. The cheerful mother.
MO/JU=VE To love happy and cheerful hours. A woman made happy by love. Harmonious nation.
VE/JU=MO Joyous love of a woman.
MO/VE=SA The forsaken woman. The widow with children. The sick mother. Separation from the mother.
MO/SA=VE Unfortunate mother. All alone in marriage. Wishes which come not through. Unmarried mother.
VE/SA=MO To make a loving woman feel sad. Forsaken women.
MO/VE=UR Sudden love of a woman. To become a mother suddenly. Suddenly acting mother.
MO/UR=VE Women energetically defending love. Surprising love adventures. To give oneself up to inner stress.
VE/UR=MO A woman fastidious in love. Labor-pains. Sudden surprising harmony with the public or female persons. Social dances.
MO/VE=NE Unselfish love. Dreaming. Unfortunate (unhappy) love of a woman. The infection of a woman. interruption of pregnancy. Denial of motherhood.
MO/NE=VE Anemic girls. Maidens. Nuns. Also, secret love of females. Tactful.
VE/NE=MO Woman’s happiness in love obstructed. Woman’s unhappy love.
MO/VE=PL Development toward the harmony of the soul. Awakening of love. The course (progress) of pregnancy.
MO/PL=VE Passing harmonious connections to women or girls. Flirtations.
VE/PL=MO Harmonious development of female persons. Harmonious development in the public or with female persons. Harmonious function of the glands.
MO/MA=JU Fortunate though well regulated working conditions. The affianced woman. The happy wife. Pregnancy. The rich, orderly home.
MO/JU=MA Deeds which are caused by happiness. Serene and happy hours while working. The betrothed woman. To feel approaching motherhood.
MA/JU=MO The betrothed woman or girl. Birth of a girl. Persons who are content and satisfied with their activities.
MO/MA=SA The interrupted, disturbed working time which causes anger and disgust. The sick wife. The separated home. The separated wife. The dead wife.
MO/SA=MA The sickly woman. A woman separated from man. The dead wife. Disharmony. Violence bringing on sadness. The hours after work. The weakened populace.
MA/SA=MO Disappointing changes where work is concerned. Sickness or death of female persons. Death among the people, or death of people of public interest. The hour of death.
MO/MA=UR Sudden change in unusual working schedules. Sudden interference in the working conditions. The wilful woman. The hot tempered woman. Excitement about the keeping of the home. The armed, rebellious or uproarious populace.
MO/UR=MA Hours of energetic activities. Excited through actions that have been taken or to act in the state of excitement. Women who are inclined to violence. Hurts and injuries caused by a woman. Injuries cause by a public uproar.
MA/UR=MO Excited females. Accident or operation (female). Womb operation.
MO/MA=NE To be asleep or awake regardless of day or night. Woman infected with venereal diseases. Irregular working hours.
MO/NE=MA Woman infected by man. Secret activities of female persons. Abnormal sensitiveness or prudery, Working activities in the night-hours.
MA/NE=MO Heavy disturbance of the glandular system Infection of the woman. Atrophy of the brain. Abnormal disposition of persons.
MO/MA=PL Hourly schedule. Work schedule. Changes in working conditions. To establish the home by and by.
MO/PL=MA Plans through inspiration of the moment. To make quick plans and carry them out immediately. Plan public works.
MA/PL=MO The planning housewife. To budget expenses. The timetable. Management and organization of work, which concern the public. Change in management of public work.
MO/JU=SA Saddening of happy moments. A woman separated from happiness. Girls whose betrothal has been broken off. To be separated from the mother.
MO/SA=JU Woman travelling. The happily separated woman. The grass widow. Pleasant evening hours. Luck through separation of the public.
JU/SA=MO From house to house, in and out. Fortunate, separation from a woman. Fortunate separations from other persons. Public buildings.
MO/JU=UR The mind is excited through luck or a fortunate changes. Cheerful mood. Suddenly happy (lucky) woman. Pregnancy.
MO/UR=JU A woman desiring children, A suddenly successful woman. Sudden exciting joyful events. Populace favored by good luck. Joyful tension.
JU/UR=MO Happy hours. Unexpected good fortune of female persons. Sudden luck for several.
MO/JU=NE The departing happiness of a woman. Girl suffering through lover’s unfaithfulness. Happiness diminished through falsehood or error. Prodigality.
MO/NE=JU A woman made happy by sensitiveness. Undisturbed night rest. Sleep well. Pleasant dreams.
JU/NE=MO Serene. Careless hours. Extravagant (wasteful) women. Speculating people. Many people pretend to be happy and fortunate.
MO/JU=PL Increased fortune and good luck.
MO/PL=JU Fortunate changes of no duration. Changeable fortune of persons or of a nation.
JU/PL=MO Happy passing hours. Happy change for people, for women or several persons.
MO/SA=UR A woman with nervous disease. The suddenly separated woman. Sudden widowhood. Disturbances and sudden separations in the evening hours.
MO/UR=SA A separation caused by a woman or because of tension. Exciting and tense hours through sudden separation. Losses caused by uproarious populace.
SA/UR=MO Sudden separation from persons or from a female person. To retire from public life.
MO/SA=NE Lasting disease of a woman. The melancholy woman. The woman which is separated for a long time.
MO/NE=SA Sickly, nervous women. Damage and separation through secrets of female persons. To be deprived of sleep. To be disturbed while sleeping. Insomnia. Fall from the air.
SA/NE=MO Treacherous woman. Sickly and weak persons. Diseases of the womb. Diseases and sickness of the people.
MO/SA=PL Slowing up of the glandular action. Transition period to old age. For women, the age of the menopause. Colorful evening hours. Separation after a short acquaintance.
MO/PL=SA Persons who are retarded in their development or being.
SA/PL=MO Divorced women. Persons who develop themselves too slowly, who adapt themselves by and by or separate by and by.
MO/UR=NE The activity in the brain increases by leaps and bounds. To suggest and reject many things. Unclear and petty matters cause aggravation. Hours when one is excited for no reason. To be irritated in vain. People with energy (especially women) who are condemned to inactivity.
MO/NE=UR Aggravation because of unclear but sensitive woman or weakness of thinking. Irresponsible acts of females. Surprises during the night hours. To be suddenly awakened.
UR/NE=MO Women as mediums. Persons who do not exactly know what they are doing. Dead female persons. Dead persons among the people. Bewildered or mislead people. To have an inspiration.
MO/UR=PL Abrupt changes taking place in a short space of time. Changing tenseness and excitement. Development which leads to a fast uproar of the populace.
MO/PL=UR eventful and fluctuating hours. Sudden changes in relation to others.
UR/PL=MO Actions of the glands change suddenly. Sudden changes in the public for several persons specially for female persons.
MO/NE=PL Changeable fearsome mind. Hypersensitive. Unnoticeable changes in the night-hours or of the glandular functioning.
MO/PL=NE Mysterious persons. Doings behind your back. Unreliable conditions.
NE/PL=MO Mysterious persons. Persons who slowly and unnoticeable change their attitude towards the native. It can also mean the public or especially women who change their attitude.
Midpoint Pictures with Mercury
ME/VE=MA Acquaintances which become intimate. Passionate. Acquaintances in military circles. Military greeting. Fond of physical activities. Wrought-iron worker.
ME/MA=VE The pleasant voice. Harmonious debates with good friends. Discussions about sex matters. Lover’s quarrels.
VE/MA=ME Erotic. Sexual thoughts. Younger relatives or intimate acquaintances. To think or act with devotion.
ME/VE=JU Happy new acquaintance. Good manners. Sense of humor. Friendly. Fond of ornaments. Jeweler.
ME/JU=VE Lover’s discourse. Teasing. Pleasant conversation. Agreements in ideas.
VE/JU=ME Thoughts of happy love. Joy through confiding in friends.
ME/VE=SA Acquaintance with older or more serious people. Travelling-acquaintance. Falling out with friends, quarrelling with them, to separate. Retiring disposition. To be surly. Wood carver.
ME/SA=VE New friends one separates from. Separations from or through acquaintances. To become unfaithful. To propose divorce.
VE/SA=ME To think of hindrances in love. Thoughts of parting (divorce). Separation from acquaintances.
ME/VE=UR Sudden acquaintances, quick at repartee. Witty, original. Strange forms of social intercourse. Mathematical sense.
ME/UR=VE Sudden love. Sense for rhythmic or plastic beauty. Singing. Sudden pleasant news. Sudden news from friends. Excitement with or through acquaintances.
VE/UR=ME To think of love spontaneously. Erotic thoughts. To make surprisingly pleasant new connections. Art impulses.
ME/VE=NE Untenable friends or acquaintances. Not to recognize acquaintances. Careless in one’s own behavior. Infidelity. Poetic, story teller, fantastic person.
ME/NE=VE Superficial acquaintances. Love dream. Love poem. To adore. Adored through acquaintances.
VE/NE=ME Much imagination in love. Full of enthusiasm. Acquaintance with persons full of enthusiasm.
ME/VE=PL Deep reaching change in acquaintances. Development of beauty, art, love. Development of greeting or personal behavior.
ME/PL=VE To desire people, to wish for people in whom one can trust, and get along with harmoniously. New harmonious acquaintances. New love acquaintances.
VE/PL=ME To pave the way for a pleasant change. New acquaintances prepare the way for a pleasant change. To realize the pleasant change of things.
ME/MA=JU Successful thinking. Merry conversation. Laughing. Valuable debates. Cheerfully proceeding to action.
ME/JU=MA Activity accompanied by merry chatter.
MA/JU=ME Thoughts of betrothal. The will to create something. Successful talks and speeches. Successful orator.
ME/MA=SA Serious discussion. Depressed conversation. Quarrel resulting in separation. Death by assassination. Contemplated murder.
ME/SA=MA To be separated through quarrel or dissension. A trip that has to be made.
MA/SA=ME Thoughts or news about sickness, separation and death. Sick-calls. Violent words bring sorrow.
ME/MA=UR To talk loud and quickly. inclined to sudden anger. Sudden executed act. Raving.
ME/UR=MA To incite to violence. Suddenly executed action.
MA/UR=ME Sudden surprising and alarming news violent debates.
ME/MA=NE To speak badly. To lisp. A defect in speech. Strong imagination. To commit blunders. To be excited over nothing. Will to destroy.
ME/NE=MA To materialize inventive ideas. Genius.
MA/NE=ME Obstructed action of the brain. The boundary between genius and madness. Hypertension of thinking.
ME/MA=PL To comprehend and to express thoughts. To demonstrate will power in several different fields. To act according to well made plans.
ME/PL=MA From thinking and understanding to action. To plan and carry out something.
MA/PL=ME Critique, debate and objection to a plan.
ME/JU=SA Bon Voyage. To take leave gladly.
ME/SA=JU Vacation trip. Pleasure trip. Fortunate and happy trip.
JU/SA=ME Joyful parting. To realize a thought. House hunting.
ME/JU=UR Quick at repartee. Agitators.
ME/UR=JU Orator, quick at repartee. Sudden merriment. Lucky news.
JU/UR=ME Cheerfulness. Mockery and wit combined. Quick at repartee.
ME/JU=NE imaginative, fluent orator. To try to dissuade. To speculate. To speak incessantly, not to permit an interruption.
ME/NE=JU Lucky (fortunate) imagination. To build “castles in the air.”.
JU/NE=ME To talk much and coherently. Illusions.
ME/JU=PL To recognize a fortunate change.
ME/PL=JU Fortunate development of the trend of thoughts. To come to recognizing happy changes of conditions.
JU/PL=ME Thoughts, communications and news over a fortunate change or transformation.
ME/SA=UR Sudden departure. To disunite. To separate suddenly. To start differences.
ME/UR=SA Sudden unpleasant news. Sudden warning for a getaway, out of danger. Save yourself as best you can.
SA/UR=ME Irritable thinking. To suddenly leave. obliged to travel.
ME/SA=NE To feel depressed. Homesickness. Melancholy. Hopeless trip. Travel by aircraft. Travel without return. Navigation.
ME/NE=SA Abnormal mental disposition. Collection mania. To use mental products of others.
SA/NE=ME Treacherous thoughts. Mental diseases.
ME/SA=PL To move off. Uncertain about near future, Break away. Sorrow of parting.
ME/PL=SA To come to the conclusion that separation is compulsory.
SA/PL=ME Slow comprehension. To adapt oneself in thinking and opinion with difficulty.
ME/UR=NE Fruitless request, Logical thinking concerned with the metaphysical.
ME/NE=UR Highly gifted civil engineer.
UR/NE=ME To take the realities not sufficiently into consideration when thinking. To stray in one’s mind from facts and realities. To be occupied with the hereafter. To think of the dead. To speak of the dead. To converse with the dead.
ME/UR=PL To readjust one’s own thoughts suddenly. Quick at repartee.
ME/PL=UR Surprising and sudden changes in thinking. Sudden new cognizance.
UR/PL=ME Disconnected or disturbed thoughts. To quickly absorb new things. Sudden change of opinion and knowledge.
ME/NE=PL To develop an intuitive or mendacious disposition. Subconscious development. To recognize that one has made an error. To see through false pretences.
ME/PL=NE Uncertainty regarding the near future. Sneaky, uncertain conditions.
NE/PL=ME Perception gained through intuition. The ability to hide the real thoughts and keep secrets. News or knowledge where the real meaning is only partly conceived. The beginning of a slow transformation in perception and thinking.
Midpoint Pictures with Venus
VE/MA=JU Luck with relatives and intimate acquaintances. Happy sex intercourse.
VE/JU=MA Happy sexual intercourse. Harmony. Joy and happiness through acts of friends with relatives or through acting in common with them. To act successfully in love and devotion.
MA/JU=VE Pregnancy. Birth of a girl. Love’s happiness connected with sexual intercourse. Successful pleasant work.
VE/MA=SA Venereal diseases. Severance of the sexual intercourse. Older relatives or close friends. Separation from them.
VE/SA=MA Passing close or intimate acquaintance. Dissolution of a love-affair.
MA/SA=VE Insensibility. Ingratitude for kind action. Actions of separation by female persons. Death of female persons; also of mother, blood-relatives, or close acquaintances.
VE/MA=UR Sexual violence (interference). By surprise or unexpectedly to meet again relatives or intimate old acquaintances. To re-establish relations.
VE/UR=MA Passionate sensuality, refined however. Sudden new acquaintances that become intimate.
MA/UR=VE To get suddenly into intimate relation. Rape. Obstetrics. Forceps delivery.
VE/MA=NE The end of intimate relations or the relation to relatives. Sexual intercourse connected with infection. Denial of sexual intercourse.
VE/NE=MA Disharmony with close friends or relatives. Intercourse obstructed by sickness or abnormal build-up of other adverse conditions.
MA/NE=VE Denial of love. Diseased kidneys. Weakness of the excretory organs. Venereal plague.
VE/MA=PL To awake the sexual urge. Development of an intimate relation.
VE/PL=MA To create harmony. Sexual sympathy develops.
MA/PL=VE It develops like d was planned. Pleasant changes in connection with intimates and blood relations.
VE/JU=SA Separated love. Slow ripening happiness in love. Doubtful happiness in love.
VE/SA=JU Happy for moments. Happiness of love with consequent separation.
JU/SA=VE Ripening of love’s happiness. Breaking off an engagement. Passing harmony. The break-up of love’s happiness.
VE/JU=UR Sudden setting in of love’s joy.
VE/UR=JU Suddenly manifested love connected with happiness.
JU/UR=VE Sudden happiness in love.
VE/JU=NE Love and affection with obstacles. Hopelessness of love’s happiness.
VE/NE=JU Happy enthusiasm of love. Temporary happiness in an unfortunate love affair. Only for hours united in happy love.
JU/NE=VE Rapturous. Romantic love or unreliable happiness in love. Lyric poet.
VE/JU=PL Good fortune and happiness on the way, developing. Coming happiness. Happy change. Transformation or development.
VE/PL=JU Joy and happiness over the beginning of a new development.
JU/PL=VE Beginning of a game of love. Beginning of a pleasant change.
VE/SA=UR Short harmonious union, then separation. Sudden separated love. Reveling in illicit love.
VE/UR=SA Sudden interrupted or separated love union.
SA/UR=VE Sudden rupture in love. Separation from something wished for.
VE/SA=NE To reject or repress affections. To be averse to love because of coldness. Betrayed love. A love union broken because of falsehood. Theft of clothing or jewelry.
VE/NE=SA Diseases of the feminine sex. Indifference. Sexual affections cool off.
SA/NE=VE Diabetes. Venereal diseases.
VE/SA=PL Separation (divorce) in an agreeable manner or after short acquaintance. Slow separation in love.
VE/PL=SA interruption of a fortunate development. Wishes and hopes come not through. Separation after short time.
SA/PL=VE Harmony and love develop slowly. Slow separation of a love. Divorce without grieving … to separate in peace. Divorce or separation longed for.
VE/UR=NE Unhappy love with resignation, Secret in sudden romantic love.
VE/NE=UR Homesickness. Love’s longing. Sudden misfortune in love. Death of love partner. Suicide as a result of love. Reminder. To be reminded.
UR/NE=VE Clair-feeling (psychic-feelings). Unrequited sudden love.
VE/UR=PL Harmonious development which begins suddenly.
VE/PL=UR Sudden start of a harmonious development.
UR/PL=VE Affections and friendships which start with surprise.
VE/NE=PL Sweet, kind and friendly to the face, but actually insincere. Development of a secret sympathy.
VE/PL=NE Hopes and wishes that never come true. To develop silly wishes without a possibility of realization.
NE/PL=VE The hardly noticeable beginning of a pleasant change.
Midpoint Pictures with Mars
MA/JU=SA The ripe fruit. Confinement or end of pregnancy. Birth. Annulment of an engagement. Separated liaisons. To finish a successful activity. Unpleasant decision with good results.
MA/SA=JU Pleasant interruption of work. Vacations. Quick death.
JU/SA=MA Happy activity of short duration. The results of an activity only show later. Betrothal with following separation.
MA/JU=UR Sudden betrothal. Disturbance of pregnancy. Abortion. Surprising beginning of a happy activity. Exciting activities which are successful.
MA/UR=JU Success through spontaneous decisions or acts. Fortunate in danger. Good luck in injury.
JU/UR=MA Sudden betrothal. Fruit-bearing, promising deeds.
MA/JU=NE Denials of betrothals. Dissolution of promises, or understanding. A hopeless relationship. Intentions are not executed. End of a happy activity. Happy activity, but without success. Impotence. Miscarriages.
MA/NE=JU Happiness combined with great disappointments. Denial of happiness. Weak lungs. Loss of property.
JU/NE=MA Betrothal slowly cooling off. Beautiful outer appearance, but inside foul. Activities with negative results, ending with losses. Worm-eaten fruits.
MA/JU=PL Inception of betrothal or fortunate activity. Successful build-up. Several competitors.
MA/PL=JU Plans bring or should bring good fortune and happiness. Plans carried through successfully.
JU/PL=MA To plan successfully. The carrying out of fortunate plans.
MA/SA=UR Sudden actions which separate. Violent separation and death. Sudden death.
MA/UR=SA Sudden stop or interruption of one’s work. Violent separation. Amputation. Caesarian section.
SA/UR=MA Sudden separating acts or actions. Sudden end through injury.
MA/SA=NE Death by poison, gas, plague, or cunning (treachery).
MA/NE=SA Periodic work. Lasting destructions. Articular rheumatism. Slow death as a result of a pestilential diseases.
SA/NE=MA Plans which are not carried through. Injuries which heal very slowly. Man’s venereal sickness.
MA/SA=PL interruption of a development. To quit one of several activities. Inception of a later separation or interruption of an activity. Cause for a later sickness.
MA/PL=SA Plan of periodically brought about work. Plans for the distant future. Plans, hindered or interrupted in their development.
SA/PL=MA A work plan, which only is carried out or through after grave hindrances and disturbances. To suit oneself with difficulty to new working conditions. Planning and execution of a separation periodically to be effected.
MA/UR=NE Wasted energy. Energetic action in the wrong direction. Injured by treachery. Fight or accident with death resulting.
MA/NE=UR Sudden destruction. Accidents. Attempted assassination. A deliberate slaughter by way of planned accidents or disease.
UR/NE=MA Sudden destruction. Revolutionary deeds. Rebellion.
MA/UR=PL Surprise attack, planning executed in too great a hurry. Surprising action through which a new development is started. Planning of an ambush.
MA/PL=UR To improvise. By surprise brought about plans.
UR/PL=MA Sudden change in activity. To carry out activity after a quickly set up plan.
MA/NE=PL Reject plan. Secret plans. Work is never finished. Destruction before finishing.
MA/PL=NE Secret plans. Plans which are not carried out. Plans aiming at destruction.
NE/PL=MA To work without planning, without using the head. An undertaking which has been rushed and set going without consideration.
Midpoint Pictures with Jupiter
JU/SA=UR Sudden separation favored by good fortune. Surprising quick development of a matter. Sudden material loss or damaged buildings. To arrive at a decision.
JU/UR=SA Sudden lucky decision. Sudden fortunate separation. Sudden losses.
SA/UR=JU Sudden separation from happiness. Sudden losses of money or real estate.
JU/SA=NE The time of result lies in the distant future. A matter takes a very long time to mature. To put off a decision. Malevolent separation. Loss of money as a result of fraud. Destruction of buildings.
JU/NE=SA To worry about money matters, Separation caused by sickness. To awaken from carelessness. Losses through speculation.
SA/NE=JU Disease of the lungs.
JU/SA=PL Matters which are rapidly completed.
JU/PL=SA Fortunate changes through a separation. Lucky transformations which require time.
SA/PL=JU Slow separation favored by good fortune. A developing separation ending in a fortunate decision. Luck through divorce.
JU/UR=NE Luck through occult matters or matters from beyond. Good fortune through death. Inheritance. legacy.
JU/NE=UR To feel suddenly free and easy without mental pressure. Sudden collapse, bankruptcy. Suddenly getting money which is easily earned.
UR/NE=JU Unexpected, easily acquired money. Inheritance.
JU/UR=PL Sudden beginning of a fortunate development.
JU/PL=UR A surprisingly fortunate change, transformation or development.
UR/PL=JU Sudden fortunate change.
JU/NE=PL Beginning of a hidden fortunate development. Increase of possessions not noticed on the surface of things.
JU/PL=NE Commencing unnoticeable fortunate change.
NE/PL=JU To hide something successfully. The beginning of a fortunate change, which is not recognized at once.
Midpoint Pictures with Saturn
SA/UR=NE To suddenly be separated because of falsehood. Separation through anesthetics.
SA/NE=UR Suddenly appearing pestilence.
UR/NE=SA To be thrown into debt or to suffer losses through the deaths of others. Separations through heritage, or dead persons.
SA/UR=PL A hindered and slow development is suddenly brought into motion. Change in circumstances in a quarrel or lawsuit. Surprising divorce.
SA/PL=UR Slowly developing separation which enters suddenly and very surprisingly into a crisis. Sudden divorce.
UR/PL=SA Abrupt disruption of hitherto development.
SA/NE=PL To have a disappointment. A chronic condition which changes so little it is unnoticeable. Slow, sneaking, unnoticeable commencing chronic sickness. A divorce extending over a long time.
SA/PL=NE A slow development seems to come to a standstill. One cannot see any change in a chronically slow development. A divorce extending over a long time.
NE/PL=SA A development which slowly leads to destruction.
Midpoint Pictures with Uranus
UR/NE=PL Development of occult matters or of occult forces.
UR/PL=NE Sudden commencing of development which cannot be judged as to duration, direction and process. The step into the unknown.
NE/PL=UR Sudden disappear or appear again. A slow and sneaking development is suddenly interrupted or pushed ahead with a jar. Revolutionary development which suddenly takes on form.
See alternate interpretations of midpoint/planetary pictures, and meanings of midpoints.
Back to Midpoints.
We offer a Midpoint Report – this computerized report lists and interprets all of the midpoint pictures in the natal chart, as well as midpoint pictures created over time: transits, progressions, and solar arc directions to midpoints in the natal chart, for 6 months.
Suggested further reading:**
(1) The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin offers interpretations of midpoints and planetary pictures. A classic.
(2) Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey offers interpretations and keyphrases for midpoints and planetary pictures. More modern definitions.
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