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October 16 to 22, 2016
On this Page:
This week’s Moon
Planets in signs and aspect
This week’s astrology calendar
Timing with the Moon
Romance & Relationship Report
Daily Trends
A FULL MOON occurs on Sunday, October 16th, 2016, at 12:23 AM EDT. Early Sunday, the Full Moon is exact, when the Sun in Libra forms an opposition with the Moon in Aries.
The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time–a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships.
The Aries-Libra polarity is a relationship axis, where Aries represents “self” and Libra represents “other”. Where Aries is about self-assertion, Libra is about compromise. The energy of the Libra Sun is the awareness of the need for relationships and all that comes with maintaining them–compromising, negotiating, graciousness, and balancing. The Aries Moon, on the other hand, is self-assertive, leading, and personally courageous. This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and tending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability.
The Libra Sun is diplomatic, equality-minded, and fair-minded. The Aries Moon, however, values authenticity over tact, and is energized by independent efforts. The Full Moon illuminates this conflict. Neglecting either end of the Aries-Libra axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. This Full Moon is about emotional declarations. Something has been building inside of us, likely of a personal nature, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this declaration means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them.
The Full Moon illuminates the conflict between “me” and “you”, and between autonomy and sharing.
With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic “illumination” occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness. It’s time to express ourselves, and to let things out of our systems. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational as yet.
With the Full Moon aligned with Uranus, there can be a strong urge, or need, to break free from old patterns in our relationships.

Full Moon in Aries on October 16, 2016
This phase of the Moon occurs at 23 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries forming an opposition with the Sun at 23 degrees and 14 minutes of Libra, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 19 to 27 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.
A LAST QUARTER MOON occurs on Saturday, October 22nd, 2016, at 3:14 PM EDT. On Saturday afternoon, the Last Quarter Moon is exact, when the Sun in Libra squares the Moon in Cancer.
The Last Quarter Moon phase points to some sort of crisis of consciousness. After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon at the time of last week’s Full Moon, we disperse our knowledge and come to a point when we need to sort out what works for us–and what doesn’t–in preparation for next week’s New Moon, when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It’s time to begin finishing up the details of that which was conceived at the last New Moon. What revelations did you have last week? What did they mean for you? What can be done now?
This phase of the Moon occurs at 29 degrees and 49 minutes of Cancer forming a square with the Sun at 29 degrees and 49 minutes of Libra, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 28 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) and 0 to 2 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and most significantly.
Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
Sep 30, 2016 8:11 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Oct 9, 2016 12:33 AM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Oct 16, 2016 12:23 AM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Oct 22, 2016 3:14 PM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Oct 30, 2016 1:38 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
(Times are Eastern)
The Sun is in Libra until October 22nd, when it enters Scorpio; Mercury is in Libra; Venus is in Scorpio until October 18th, when it enters Sagittarius; Mars is in Capricorn.
The Sun is in Libra from September 22-October 22. Libra rules relationships with others as mirrors of ourselves. Meeting others halfway, compromise, and negotiation come under the rule of Libra. The focus is now on balance–finding balance and harmony through art and relationships with others. Libra is the sign of the peacemaker. However, life is not always peaceful with Libra in its attempt to restore balance. Decision-making can be more challenging while the Sun is in Libra. Libra weighs both sides of any situation, and sometimes this process seems endless! In Libra, the Sun is concerned about not rocking the boat and not rubbing others the wrong way. Tactfulness, style, tolerance, and sociability are some of the keywords for Libra. On the shadow side, Libra can be self-serving, indecisive, passive-aggressive, and superficial.
The Sun is in Scorpio from October 22-November 21. The guiding principle of Scorpio is “I desire”. Scorpio is the sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality simply will not do with the Sun in Scorpio. We have the desire to get to the bottom of matters. Mediocrity does not satisfy either. All that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed interests us. In Libra, we strived towards equality and fairness. Scorpio, however, instinctively believes that life simply isn’t fair. Scorpio’s energy is provocative, usually in a quiet way, as well as passionate, strong-willed, and intense. It can be an immensely healing and transformative energy. Jealousy, vindictiveness, beating a dead horse, and manipulative are some of the more negative expressions of Scorpio.
Mercury is in Libra from October 7-24. When Mercury is in Libra, we are diplomatic and friendly. During this cycle, we are able to bring a more rational approach to one-to-one relationships. It’s a good time to think about ways of improving our negotiation skills. In an attempt to see both sides of any given situation, Mercury in Libra can be a vacillating energy. It can be more challenging than usual to make quick decisions, as we can sit “on the fence”. We may too easily accommodate others’ opinions in order to keep the peace. In our negotiations, we don’t want to assert ourselves in such a way as to appear to be the “bad guy”. However, this is a good period for considering others’ points of view. We are more inclined to arrive at fair conclusions.
Venus is in Scorpio from September 23-October 18. Deeply passionate relations are the focus with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy now, as we yearn for “body and soul” contact with someone special–contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual, and emotional energy. Our relationships are immensely important to us, and we may even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them! Our drive is toward intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is extremely hard for us now. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power to others are strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel us to create crises in order to feel alive and vital.
Venus is in Sagittarius from October 18-November 11. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy shifts from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are things that take priority with Sagittarius.
Mars is in Capricorn from September 27-November 9. Mars in Capricorn is deliberate, persistent energy. We consider the future and the consequences before taking action during this cycle. Our energy is reliable and faithful. We are slow to anger, but can be quite cold if we are frustrated. The shadow side of Mars in Capricorn is rigidity.
Saturn transits Sagittarius from December 23, 2014, to June 14, 2015, and then from September 17, 2015, to December 20, 2017. Read about Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius here.
Jupiter enters Libra on September 9th and will transit Libra until October 10, 2017. Read about Jupiter in Libra here.
Uranus entered Aries on March 11th, 2011. The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong with Uranus in Aries.
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Scorpio from September 23-October 18. Deeply passionate relations are the focus with Venus in Scorpio. Superficial flirtations and contacts do not satisfy now, as we yearn for “body and soul” contact with someone special–contact that breaks the taboos, that is extreme and intense, and that is unforgettable. This is a highly emotional position for Venus. It is a passionate, sensual, and intense energy. Our relationships are immensely important to us, and we may even feel that they consume us. In fact, we tend to want to be consumed by them! Our drive is toward intense closeness, but blind faith in our partners is extremely hard for us now. Fears of being too vulnerable or of giving up our own power to others are strong. Scorpio is an “all or nothing” energy, and relationships tend to be somewhat of a rollercoaster ride as a result. Disdain for mediocrity and superficiality can compel us to create crises in order to feel alive and vital. If a relationship becomes too settled or predictable, we may crave more intensity and catalytic experience. Jealousies, fears of betrayal, and power games are the shadow side of Venus in Scorpio. We may easily become obsessed with a fear that our partners might be betraying us, or that they are not as consumed and dedicated to the relationship as us. This can lead us to try to uncover the “truth,” reading too many negative possibilities in our partners’ actions and words.
Venus is in Sagittarius from October 18-November 11. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy changes from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are focal points for Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius is forward-looking, not very specific, outgoing, and energetic. Freedom is most important in our love relationships now. We take a happy and enthusiastic approach to love, and we might find too much intensity or seriousness depressing. We have a taste for the exotic as well as for adventure with Venus in Sagittarius. The shadow side of this position is restlessness, the inability to “settle down”, and endlessly searching for something bigger and “better”.
This week: While we can clash in minor but annoying ways with partners and love interests on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday are strong for working on relationships or for working together as a team to get something worthwhile accomplished. Loyalty and reliability are admired and desired now.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Scorpio This is way beyond love, all the way to obsession – that’s the nature of the cycle that now takes hold in your life. We’re not talking just lukewarm WANT here; we’re talking red-hot GOT TO HAVE! Passion, jealousy, possession: these are the kinds of experiences that can flow from the intensity that courses through you at one level or another now – voracious.
Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular.
Venus semi-square Mars October 15-16. Tensions in relationships. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging.
Venus parallel Saturn October 16-17. We may express our affection sparingly, but also responsibly and in practical ways. Relationships begun under this influence often feel burdensome over time, but they may last longer than most.
Venus parallel Pluto October 17-18. The desire for drama and intensity in relationships is with us. Love feelings and relationship issues can be all-consuming now, assuming more importance in our lives than usual. Interactions with others are intense now, and themes of sharing and trust dominate in relationships.
Venus semi-square Pluto October 17-18. Tendencies to look for something wrong in a relationship. Jealousy raises its ugly head.
Venus sesquiquadrate Uranus October 23. Uncertainty about the desire to be close to someone. Freedom versus closeness. A desire to experiment in the romance department may be fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying or frustrating.
Venus square Neptune October 25. Relationship ups and downs characterize this transit–a time when romantic mirages are more than likely. We see what we hope to see, rather than what really is. The “highs” of a relationship begun under this energy may be thrilling, but the accompanying “lows” are bound to set in, and they can be extremely draining. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment.
Venus sextile Jupiter October 25-26. This aspect generates a happy, friendly, and optimistic attitude. People are a little more outgoing and sociable. Favors travel, education, and culture. Romantic opportunities. Harmony and good will.
Venus parallel Mars October 26-27. Favors romantic and sexual relationships. Intense passions.
The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects. The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology). Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass. The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology.
The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:
Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, October 16th, from 12:24 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Taurus at 11:05 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Monday, October 17th, from 10:47 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini the next day, Tuesday, October 18th, at 10:31 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Thursday, October 20th, from 7:18 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to the Sun), until the Moon enters Cancer at 11:29 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Saturday, October 22nd, from 3:15 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to the Sun), until the Moon enters Leo at 3:35 PM EDT.
Void of Course Moon – October 2016

Void of Course Moon Tables for October 2016
Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives
The Moon is waning this week — a period that is generally considered unfavorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details).
According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs from Wednesday, October 19th, at approximately 8:45 AM, to Thursday, October 20th, at approximately 7:15 AM EDT, while the Moon is in Gemini. Another window occurs from Saturday, October 22nd, at approximately 3:40 PM, until Monday, October 24th, at approximately 8:20 AM EDT, while the Moon is in Leo.
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
Sep 9, 2016 7:18 AM Jupiter enters Libra
Sep 22, 2016 1:30 AM Mercury Direct
Sep 22, 2016 10:21 AM Sun enters Libra
Sep 23, 2016 10:51 AM Venus enters Scorpio
Sep 26, 2016 11:02 AM Pluto Direct
Sep 27, 2016 4:07 AM Mars enters Capricorn
Oct 7, 2016 3:55 AM Mercury enters Libra
Oct 18, 2016 3:01 AM Venus enters Sagittarius
Oct 22, 2016 7:45 PM Sun enters Scorpio
Oct 24, 2016 4:46 PM Mercury enters Scorpio
*** Daylight Saving Time ends ***
Nov 9, 2016 12:51 AM Mars enters Aquarius
Nov 11, 2016 11:54 PM Venus enters Capricorn
Nov 12, 2016 9:39 AM Mercury enters Sagittarius
Nov 19, 2016 11:38 PM Neptune Direct
Nov 21, 2016 4:22 PM Sun enters Sagittarius
Dec 1, 2016 4:53 AM Chiron Direct
Dec 2, 2016 4:18 PM Mercury enters Capricorn
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day.
See also: The Astrology of 2016 – Overview.
Note: Times given Eastern Time (ET).
This Week’s Calendar

This Week in Astrology Calendar: October 16-22, 2016
This Week’s Aspects
Venus semi-square Mars. Potential tensions in relationships. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging. Be wary of making impulse purchases. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence, which need not be difficult. It can be stimulating and invigorating.
Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune. Our willpower is low as we stray from our goals and temporarily lose focus. It’s difficult to formulate — or stick to — clear goals during this transit. Concentrating on artistic or spiritual pursuits is better than focusing on matters that require straightforward, factual thinking today. It can be difficult knowing where or how to direct our willpower under this influence. It’s also a challenge knowing where we stand with others. Avoid such things as scheduling surgery, important appointments, job interviews, or launches of new projects at this time.
Venus semi-square Pluto. This influence can point to some underlying tensions in social interactions (looking for an ulterior motive or an agenda, suspiciousness) and relationships (possible jealousies). Passions run high and hot, but there’s a hidden agenda. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness run so close to the surface that others can almost feel the heat, and they are in direct proportion to our fear of losing something or someone dear to us. Avoid starting a new relationship at this time, because it can be characterized by these energies. Sometimes, this transit correlates with unreciprocated feelings in love or romantic disappointment. Often, financial matters come to the fore. Manipulation can color relationships now. Avoid power plays with friends and lovers.
Mars conjunct Pluto. This is a powerful aspect that helps us to focus on our goals, to take decisive action, and to go after what we want. We won’t take “no” for an answer. We might totally revise something, or we could be bent on getting rid of something in our lives in order to move forward. We might be too forceful or willful just now. We should also watch for overdoing to the point of exhaustion. This can be a compulsive time when power struggles are more likely. On the other hand, it can be a time when we enjoy a strong sense of purposefulness.
Mercury quincunx Chiron. Decisions can be hard to come by under this influence, as we tend to doubt our perceptions or the effectiveness of our ability to solve problems. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now, which can lead to misunderstandings.
Mercury opposition Uranus. We are distracted. Our communications get lost, are interrupted, or are misunderstood. Disagreements with others are quite possible. It’s not a good time to present an argument or an important idea.
Sun semi-square Saturn. It’s hard to satisfy the ego today. We feel blocked by circumstances or others. It’s too easy to feel discouraged, but discouragement is a time waster. Gratitude isn’t forthcoming right now, so it’s best to wait it out rather than waste energy letting it get to you.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Neptune. We are not thinking clearly, preferring to daydream. Technical facts can be glossed over at this time. It’s not a good time to make a presentation, to ask for what you want, or to formalize agreements.
Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).
See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects.
New! See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day. This is my new feature on Astrology Cafe.
See also: The Astrology of 2016 – Overview.
What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends
(as featured on our site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar)
The Full Moon occurs shortly into the day, at 12:23 AM EDT, in the sign of Aries. There can be a sense of surprise, shock, or frustration involved with our emotional discoveries now. Certainly, there can be a strong urge, or need, to break free from old patterns in our relationships. The Moon leaves Aries at 11:05 AM when it enters Taurus. A semisquare between Venus and Mars occurring today in many ways contrasts the signs of Mars-ruled Aries and Venus-ruled Taurus and points to differences in approaches, desires, and needs. Tensions in relationships can result. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence that is often difficult but can also be stimulating and invigorating.
A void of course Moon occurs from 12:24 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Taurus at 11:05 AM EDT.
The Moon is in Taurus all day, and we are more aware of our need to enjoy the sensual pleasures of life–eating, drinking, listening to music, and so forth. We tend to resist change and to fall back into old habits and patterns under this influence. A Sun-Neptune challenge this morning and we can temporarily lose focus. Concentrating on artistic or spiritual pursuits is better than focusing on matters that require straightforward, factual thinking now. However, we’re quite willing to work on our relationships or team up with others to take care of business. Later today and into tomorrow, we may be tempted to try to manipulate or control others and situations, which can lead to unnecessary troubles.
A void of course Moon occurs from 10:47 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Gemini the next day, Tuesday, October 18th, at 10:31 AM EDT.
Venus enters Sagittarius this morning and will continue to transit the sign until November 11th. Moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, romantic energy shifts from intense to buoyant. Sagittarius, of course, has its intense moments, considering it is a fire sign. However, its energy is considerably less focused; and, while Scorpio is most concerned with intimacy with a specific person, Sagittarius’ love is of a more universal kind. Romantic adventures, as well as a straightforward–even blunt–approach to love, are on the agenda. Gone are the intricacy and complexity of Venus in Scorpio. Truth and higher meaning are priorities with Sagittarius. Venus forms a semi-square with Pluto early today, and jealousies or possessiveness can emerge. The Moon continues its transit of earthy Taurus until 10:31 AM EDT when it enters cerebral, friendly Gemini. As the day advances, we come closer to a Mars-Pluto alignment in the sign of Capricorn – an ambitious, determined energy for building or rebuilding.
The Moon ends its void period when the Moon enters Gemini at 10:31 AM EDT.
Mars aligns with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn today. This powerful aspect occurs approximately every two years. We can experience strong desires to take action on a matter today, but impatience and pushiness could trip us up if we are not careful. We should also watch for buried resentments and anger driving our actions and the tendency to ignore reason. However, well channeled, this energy can bring increased focus and motivation. We have the courage to go after what we want and to take decisive action. We won’t take “no” for an answer. We might totally revise or rebuild something from the ground up, break something down in order to start anew, or we may be determined to put a bad situation behind us so that we can move forward. We might be too forceful or willful, however. We should also watch for overdoing to the point of exhaustion. This can be a compulsive time when power struggles are more likely. We can be tested to the limits. Positively, it can be a time when we enjoy a strong sense of purposefulness. Later today, Mercury forms a quincunx with Chiron and then moves towards an opposition with Uranus. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now, which can lead to misunderstandings. It’s too easy to become distracted, but we might learn something valuable through others’ opposition to our ideas now. The Moon is in curious Gemini all day.
Mercury opposes Uranus early today, and we can be a little confrontational or rebellious in our communications. Disagreements with others are entirely possible. It’s not the time to present an argument or an important idea, but the friction stimulated now can challenge us to learn more about our minds and opinions. Epiphanies and unusual ideas can occur now. The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 11:29 AM EDT, when it enters Cancer and restlessness gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. However, later today, it can be difficult to find nourishment if we’re looking outside of ourselves for it, as we can be at odds with one another regarding what we need and crave.
A void of course Moon occurs from 7:18 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to the Sun), until the Moon enters Cancer at 11:29 AM EDT.
Very early today, the Sun forms a semi-square to Saturn, and there can be blocks to forward movement or obstacles in our way. We may be seeing the glass half empty. Late morning, a Mercury-Neptune minor challenging aspect can also point to skewed perceptions, except that we’re more likely to perceive situations in an impractical or overly optimistic way. This is not the best time for clear thinking and handling of details. The Moon is in Cancer all day. We tend to respond to challenges or stress by retreating or withdrawing under the influence of a protective Cancer Moon, and we are especially concerned with family and close loved ones. We are inclined to stick to safe and familiar people, places, and situations right now.
The Moon continues its transit of Cancer until 3:15 PM EDT when it enters Leo. We tend to keep things to ourselves or share only with those very close to us while the Moon is in Cancer. The Leo Moon, however, brings out the inner entertainer. The Sun enters Scorpio tonight, where it will transit until November 21st. Scorpio is the sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality simply will not do during this cycle. We have the desire to get to the bottom of matters. Mediocrity does not satisfy either. All that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed interests us. In Libra, we strived towards equality and fairness. Scorpio, however, instinctively believes that life simply isn’t fair. Scorpio’s energy is provocative, usually in a quiet way, as well as passionate, strong-willed, and intense. It can be an immensely healing and transformative power. Shadow themes of Scorpio are jealousy, vindictiveness, beating a dead horse, and manipulativeness. Jupiter and Neptune are moving towards a quincunx, exact tomorrow. This longer-term influence can point to difficulties with limits and boundaries, disorganization, and vague feelings of dissatisfaction with projects.
A void of course Moon occurs from 3:15 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to the Sun), until the Moon enters Leo at 3:35 PM EDT.
If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year.
Moon Signs This Week:
When the Moon is in Aries
We’re motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to start something new is with us now, as well as the gumption to do so. Our pioneering impulses are strong, and we feel energetic, spontaneous, and enthusiastic. We may also be tactless and impulsive now. Excess energy is best channeled into physical activity.
The Moon in Aries generally favors the following activities: Quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and “stop to smell the roses”. Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Gemini
Our basic instinct is to communicate, think, and learn under the influence of Moon in Gemini. We are motivated by a desire for variety and by an instinctive curiosity. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, and curious, but it can also be restless and fickle.
The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, short trips.
When the Moon is in Cancer
The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.
The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our “inner child”. It’s a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention–when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It’s a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
This Week’s Planetary Positions By Sign (General Trends)
Sun in Libra Meeting yourself in another person is the keynote of a new cycle which begins for you now. Relationships – romantic, business, social – are the arena where this drama is played out. In coming to know the other person, forging ties that bind two people, you come to a better understanding of yourself. It’s easy in theory, but it’s only in practice that it comes to mean anything real – so practice until you get it right!
Sun in Scorpio Who owes what, who owns what, and who decides these things: these are some of the major issues for you at the dawn of the cycle that now begins in your life. The only thing we really own is our consciousness; the only master who is never overthrown is oneself. These are lessons best learned early in this cycle. Master them, and you master everything. Dodge these issues, and the great strength that could be yours will remain just out of reach. Understanding inner motivations, seeing through to the core: that’s your real path of power and enlightenment now.
Mercury in Libra A new cycle begins for you, signaling a greater than usual interest in relationships, social connections, and the arts – on a more intellectual level than in the past, most likely. Seeing both sides of an issue, and figuring out resolutions to opposing views: these things take on more importance in your life.
Venus in Scorpio This is way beyond love, all the way to obsession – that’s the nature of the cycle that now takes hold in your life. We’re not talking just lukewarm WANT here; we’re talking red-hot GOT TO HAVE! Passion, jealousy, possession: these are the kinds of experiences that can flow from the intensity that courses through you at one level or another now – voracious.
Venus in Sagittarius A yearning for adventure and far horizons stirs in you now. To roam, to wander and wonder, to seek freedom and go where no one has gone before – these things are deep and powerful longings. A time of romantic crusades, a universal love that might not be too particular.
Mars in Capricorn With this new cycle taking hold in your life now, taking charge and being in control become more important issues for you. You want to get things organized, and you have the initiative to do it. This is a time of ambition and responsibility, a time to keep your cool and pace yourself. Working hard is smart, but working smart is better.
Jupiter in Libra The ties that bind, the harmonious integration of opposites, the perfect balance: these are the keys to your greatest opportunities now. Marriage and other close personal relationships tend to offer bright prospects, and you have a deep yearning to experience the fulfillment they can bring.
Saturn in Sagittarius The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.” Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation.
Uranus in Aries A clean break with the past in some respects is signaled by the cycle you have just begun. What YOU need, YOUR freedom and independence, shattering old molds: these are the things that energize you and take priority in your life. Uniqueness and originality set you apart.
Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?
Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place…
The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.
Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2016 – Overview
