This Month in Astrology – August 2022
August 2022
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On July 28th, the New Moon occurred in the sign of Leo, prompting a new beginning and coloring the energies of August. This is a time to uncover and share those things that make us special — our unique, creative powers. We might let our “inner child” come out and play, and possibly pursue plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating.
This month, on August 11th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius. This lunation reminds us of our needs for friendship, community, impartiality, and objectivity. We mustn’t lose sight of our larger goals and our need to give back to the community or group that supports us. It can be an impulsive time, and we should watch for rash decisions.
On August 24th, Uranus turns retrograde, and will remain retrograde until January 22nd, 2023. This cycle can be a time for a more conservative approach to pursuing our goals. While Uranus is retrograde, our desire to make changes in our lives turns inward as we get in touch with what it is that may be holding us back from living more spontaneously and authentically. This is a less rebellious time, generally speaking. At least when it comes to appearances, we tend to follow the rules. As the shift occurs in the surrounding week, however, Uranian energy is heavy and more challenging, and we can experience some tension until we acclimatize to the directional change.
On August 27th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo, prompting a new beginning. This New Moon promises us opportunities to take charge of our lives by organizing, editing, refining work, and paying better attention to health. It’s a fertile and productive time. We’re ready to take charge of our daily routines, work, or pursuit of wellness. With this lunation’s square to Mars in Gemini, we can do battle with ourselves, others, or the outside world. While we’re strongly motivated to attend to our duties, personal interests, distractions, and general busyness can compete for our attention.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Aug 4 | 2:58 AM | Mercury enters Virgo | Mer 0 Vir 00' |
Aug 5 | 7:06 AM | First Quarter Moon | 13 Sco 02' |
Aug 11 | 2:30 PM | Venus enters Leo | Ven 0 Leo 00' |
Aug 11 | 9:36 PM | Full Moon in Aquarius | 19 Aquarius 21' |
Aug 19 | 12:36 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 26 Taurus 12' |
Aug 20 | 3:56 AM | Mars enters Gemini | Mar 0 Gem 00' |
Aug 21 | 6:48 AM | Vesta Retrograde enters Aquarius | Ves Aqu Rx |
Aug 22 | 11:16 PM | Sun enters Virgo | Sun 0 Vir 00' |
Aug 24 | 9:54 AM | Uranus Retrograde | Ura 18 Tau 55'Rx |
Aug 25 | 9:03 PM | Mercury enters Libra | Mer 0 Lib 00' |
Aug 27 | 4:17 AM | New Moon in Virgo | 4 Virgo 04' |
Aug 29 | 1:59 PM | True Node semi-sextile Chiron | TNo 15 Tau 44' semi-sextile Chi 15 Ari 44'Rx |
(See the the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
With an emphasis on your sector of joy this month, you're tuning in to your need for pleasure and leisure, dear Aries. It's a good time to focus on fun, games, enjoyment, creative projects, or hobbies. You're in perfect shape for creative self-expression and relating. Even so, there is an increasing emphasis on your work-and-health sector as the month advances, and your practical affairs are rarely far from your mind. Family relationships or living conditions are in favor with Venus in your home sector until the 11th. Mars in your resources sector until the 20th boosts your desire to live comfortably and securely. With this goal in mind, you more readily identify sources of waste or fear and take steps to put them behind you. A great idea now might open the doorway to an increase in income down the road. Focusing on your foundations can bring great rewards, as can finding ways to simplify your life. Still, unusual or unexpected events surrounding your finances can arise. Approaches to business and money-making may need an overhaul. The Full Moon on the 11th brings your feelings about a friend or your social life/happiness goals to the fore. It's a time of epiphanies about your need to be involved, belong, and contribute. You've been very wrapped up in your personal life, and now you see opportunities to share your load or collaborate. From the 11th forward, Venus harmonizes with your sign, and you're friendly, connected, and hopeful. It's a good time to attract others through your unique self-expression and vision. You're shining your light and sharing your ideas, love, and creations. It's a good idea to make room for entertainment or hobbies. Mars moves into your communications sector on the 20th, and your desire to learn, share, or connect increases. You can feel particularly passionate and motivated to study, exchange ideas, and work on pet projects. You may occasionally come across a little abruptly or impatiently, but you have a lot going on and much to keep you busy and engaged. Your personal interests are a strong draw, but with the Sun's move into your work and health sector on the 22-23, you're increasingly focused on taking care of business. Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th. Even with some worry about finances or moving around of funds, you're ultimately heading towards a whole new way of living. As you rewrite what you value most, the respect you attract into your life evolves. You're discovering unique natural talents and letting go of old dependencies. The coming months will help you work on inner attitudes that need to change so that you can move forward more authentically. It's also time to dream up inventive ways of making money or reviewing and refining current projects. After the New Moon on the 27th, the desire to be productive and useful motivates you to start fresh. It can certainly be a time of increased work, chores, and attention to your daily affairs and mundane tasks. It's not the most glamorous time of the year! However, it can be an excellent period for special attention to getting things right, fixing errors, and sorting things out. You'll need to battle divided attention and an urge to do it all--try not to run ahead of yourself. You end the month with especially forward-looking energy. You're braver and more willing to go out on a limb in order to move something ahead. You seem to instinctively sniff out opportunities in unlikely places. Competitive activities can thrive. |
In August, communications, enterprising ventures, family, and romance are in strong focus, dear Taurus. Much of the month is dedicated to improving your home and family life. If things are out of balance on the home front, you go to lengths to create a peaceful and stable atmosphere. Your personal or domestic life is busy, mostly pleasant, and rewarding. As August advances, a creative, playful theme is building. Your ideas are received especially well until the 11th, and your social life can get a nice boost. Venus in your communications sector enhances you and your connections. You more fully enjoy your personal interests, learning, and sharing. This period adds more charm and warmth to your presentation. Sharing ideas and activities can lead to something very special and quite enterprising. You might enjoy pleasant turnarounds in your personal life from the 11th forward. Friendly energy is with you for family relationships, or a more peaceful home life is notable. You could receive--or give--unexpected support. Mars continues to transit your sign until the 20th, spurring you on and motivating you to pursue your desires. You're making things happen, and while you can be a little headstrong and impatient at times, this is generally a strong time for knowing what you want and getting things done. The beginning of the month is a power period for personal pursuits, communications, personal influence, and efforts to improve your life. ' You're connecting with your independence and personal courage, overcoming any existing fears of trusting your instincts or going it alone. You feel pleasantly motivated. People are attracted to your wit, independence, and originality. The Full Moon on the 11th can challenge your craving for more downtime with a scurry of activity. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities or that remind you of your ties to the outside world! Or, this lunation awakens you to the need for a long-term goal or well-defined ambition. An overarching plan is important now, and you may come up with a new idea along these lines. From the 20th, you're inclined to actively build, improve, and develop with Mars moving into your resources sector. It can be most satisfying to focus on something that has long-term potential. A few days later, the Sun heads into your sector of joy, and you also want to enjoy yourself! Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th, turning some things inward as you get in touch with what drives you, particularly if you've been restless or on edge. Examine which fears or attitudes have limited your independence and personal truth. Plans can go on hold or slow down, whether due to circumstances or because you are not quick to make changes or take personal risks. The New Moon on the 27th is good for reorienting yourself in a new direction on an emotional level. You want to start fresh on creative or romantic matters, and expressing and enjoying yourself more fully can be a goal. There may be some concerns about money or comfort issues, but it's a good time for a new and improved approach to leisure time, love, dating, pleasure, or pastimes. August brings opportunities to upgrade, improve, and innovate. You can be a motivating force in your personal circle. Relaxing, recreational activities can appeal and can even be therapeutic. Your desire to thrive is strong as you close out the month. You can feel strongly motivated to improve your current circumstances, your sense of security, and your income or resources. |
August can start on a busy note and end on a quieter one, dear Gemini. There can be satisfying success with communications, connecting, learning, and personal interests. Conversations are generous, open, and meaningful. You're dreaming up longer-term plans and feeling positive and high-minded. Later in the month, you more often crave and enjoy the security of family or home life. Still, Mars enters your sign on the 20th, and personal desires are strong. Much of the month, there is a stronger desire than usual to communicate your ideas. Siblings, relatives, and neighbors might play a stronger role in your life. People readily go along with your plans and ideas, and you communicate with special appeal. You're gathering information in August, and you're paying more attention to personal interests, learning, and communicating. It's a fabulous time for new ideas and insight. Nevertheless, Mars continues to transit your privacy sector until the 20th, and there is a retiring quality to your personality as it does. You might uncover hidden or unexpected sources of money, resources, and ideas. Your inner or private world is more animated than usual, and you can get to the bottom of a matter from the past. It's a good time to actively seek new or improved ways of enjoying quiet time or moments set aside for healing and renewing your energy. Until the 11th, you receive appreciation for your natural talents, and you have a strong sense for using them resourcefully and to your advantage. At the Full Moon on the 11th, you arrive at a turning point or a revelation about communications, learning, education, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing, setting you on a new, fresh path. Feelings are raw, and you're ready to embrace them. If you've been too caught up in your daily affairs, it's a time when you recognize the need to branch out and refresh your spirit. Cooperation improves this month with clearer and more generous or open communication. Others might extend kindness to you, or pleasant exchanges can figure strongly. Learning something new is exciting, and you might enjoy learning or furthering your mental interests. Mars enters your sign on the 20th, and you're itching to move forward. You want to be involved and active. Still, just a few days later, the Sun enters your home and family sector, prompting a strong need for downtime or attention to family. In the last week of the month, you can sometimes feel torn between personal desires/plans and those of family or loved ones. Ultimately, you'll arrive at a new understanding of what you want and need, leading to a new beginning on an emotional level. The New Moon on the 27th can give you a sense of mission regarding your family, domestic world, or living conditions/arrangements. A fresh start or new approach to these areas of your life makes sense. Still, your desire to settle can clash with a need for more independence. Avoid rushing or pushing matters. With Mars in your sign, your inner unrest can be so palpable that others sense it, contributing to a sense that everyone around you is on edge. Aim to channel excess energy into something that will be genuinely useful to you. Uranus turns retrograde for five months on the 24th. The more you let go of the weight of secrets and inauthentic behavior, the freer you are to be yourself. With Uranus now retrograde until January, you're inclined to process recent events and changes, exploring your feelings about putting things behind you. It's a powerful time for unusual dreams and strong hunches or coincidences. Competitive activities can thrive with Mars in your sign heading into harmony with Jupiter in your social sector at the end of August. Taking action to make improvements, grow, or advance can be exciting. |
You're building and developing projects and enjoying simple pleasures and comforts in August, dear Cancer. Your comfort levels and sense of security are often in focus. You're also in an excellent position to shine for what you do best until the 11th with Venus in your sign--your charm is strong, and people appreciate your input and gravitate toward you. You're clearer about your goals and feelings. It's a fine month for drawing in the right resources to advance your goals. You're in a good place for original methods and taking actions that free you from long-standing obstacles or problems. You may discover that to move forward more freely and happily, you have to let go of an attitude that's kept you down. It's a strong time for discovery and the motivation or courage to turn around a friendship or social situation. Being willing to make certain changes can bring opportunities to advance materially or emotionally. With Mars in your solar eleventh house until the 20th, you want to turn over a new leaf and you're excited about new ideas, ready to put plans into motion. Work towards a cherished cause can be strong, and some of the changes you're making now can be defining. You are discovering your own true personal power, and possibly doing so through networking, sharing, and connecting with others. People you meet now could have a strong impact on your future. Your interest in money matters and personal resources is strong all month. You could be making money or acquiring new things, and especially from the 11th forward, you're in a good position to assess where you stand on business, financial, and practical matters. You might thoroughly enjoy putting effort into growing something, whether that's a business, relationship, or project. Love matters can be particularly influenced by practical considerations. The Full Moon on the 11th is a time to recognize your attachments, debts, and your needs for support and intimacy. Revelations at this time are catalysts for making changes related to dependencies and support systems. It can be a time for settling your accounts, but it might also be a time of blossoming feelings in your love life. With more faith in your worth and abilities, it could be a good time to attract positive experiences. With Mars entering your privacy sector on the 20th, you might focus your energies on tying up loose ends and a work-in-progress or rest and recuperation. Still, with the Sun heading into your communications sector just a few days later, you're getting more involved with personal interests, connections, or studies, and you'd be wise to find a good balance. Uranus turns retrograde on the 24th for a cycle that lasts five months, and things tend to calm down on the social front. It's a valuable period for processing recent changes and events with friends, and it benefits you greatly, helping to prevent impulsive, regrettable decisions. When you act from your heart rather than merely react to others and circumstances, you do yourself a service. After the New Moon on the 27th, new beginnings related to communications and commuting are likely. It's best not to push things as anxious as you are to start fresh. As you close out the month, you feel quite hungry to grow something. A Mars-Jupiter connection can fill you with extra courage and energy, which you can successfully apply to a matter or situation that's important to you. |
You get the chance to balance work and pleasure, self-assertion and compromise, and activity and rest this month, dear Leo. While you continue to sort out your feelings and keep some things to yourself until the 11th, you're in demand and interactive. Endeavors that benefit from people skills, charm, and verbal prowess are favored most from the 11th, when Venus in your sign brings more willingness (and the required inner clarity) to express your feelings. It's a time for mingling, connecting, and expressing yourself. Until the 20th, efforts to take charge of your career or pursue your ambitions are strong, although you can feel a strong call to follow your own rules, especially at the start of August, when transits can shake things up with work, a partner, or a person in authority. Otherwise, it's a powerful time for new directions with your career, longer-term goals, or reputation. Your vision of the future and what you want to make of it is powerfully motivating. You may want or need to break free from situations that restrict or limit you, and your ideas are especially innovative and progressive. Your goal to be a freer spirit involves some adjustments--it's a process! Combining your resources with a trusted someone can work to your benefit. Others lend a hand, offering moral or financial support more readily. It's a time for combining energy with action and looking out for opportunities where you may not have seen them before. You look at money matters from a new and helpful perspective this month. While the motivation to turn over a new leaf regarding finances and relationship expectations is strong after the New Moon on the 27th, you're revving up in these areas from the first week of August. August is a month for you to shine and for personality development. Career matters or responsibilities are moving forward at a quick and stimulating pace. Going after what you want comes naturally. The Full Moon on the 11th occurs in your partnership sector, awakening insistent feelings about relationships. It's a good time to connect with a significant other in new ways. Revelations related to relationships and relationship needs occur around this time. While some tension is possible, it's a good learning experience. From the 11th, your powers of attraction are unmuted, and you can find yourself especially attracted to new ideas and mental exchanges. You may have a unique privilege or more leeway to do as you think is best. Relationships can strengthen through sharing personal philosophies and beliefs. Others’ viewpoints can enrich your world, or people are kinder and more thoughtful with you than usual. While the Sun leaves your sign on the 22nd, you have Mars traveling in harmony with your sign from the 20th forward, keeping movement fluid. You seem to be able to call upon friends to help you along if you wish. You may very well be the go-to person in your networks or group, or you could be taking the lead quite successfully. Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th, inspiring you to examine needs related to your long-term goals, career, or reputation. You’ve been reshaping your reputation and carving out a unique identity, mainly through your status or profession. Now it’s time to analyze, plan, and reassess. From the 27th forward is an excellent time to find the enthusiasm and determination to complete a project, particularly business-related, that you’ve put on a shelf. The need for better communication systems becomes apparent now. It's a time that spurs new beginnings regarding your relationship with your money and things. Still, pacing yourself is important but challenging with transits creating a sense of urgency. Blocks or obstacles seem to slow you down, but they can be a blessing in disguise–slowing down may be exactly what you need to do. Income and finances are in sharp focus in the last week of the month. It's a time to recognize your value instead of looking for clues that you’re worthy outside yourself. |
There is an emphasis on your private life, inner world, and intimate life in August, dear Virgo. Still, key themes are developing that highlight your independence and the innovative side of your personality. A New Moon on the 27th brings discoveries and a feeling of newness to your life. Still, take your time before moving forward. On the one hand, you can be raring to go and filled with new ideas, particularly with Mercury in your sign from the 4-25. On the other, you have the Sun in your privacy sector until the 22nd and Venus from the 11th forward, and there can be some limbo. Consider that waiting on something or someone can be a blessing in disguise, particularly if you do some valuable resting and reflecting in the meantime. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking can arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. It's a good time to reach out, share what you've learned, mingle, converse, and otherwise boost friendships. It's a time to feel freer and happier as your knowledge of the world around you grows. Enlightening and refreshing thoughts, studies, and activities can figure strongly. While the month holds some good energy for your social life, there is some need to go within, reflect, and rest as you move towards a personal new year. Stimulating friendships and group activities continue until the 11th. Mars is subtly but effectively boosting your motivation and energy levels until the 20th, helping you pursue your desires directly, without apology. The Full Moon on the 11th may generate a bit of chaos on the job front or with daily affairs and chores, but nothing you can't handle. It's a time to recognize your need to take better care of your health, work, or routines. There can be a scurry of activity now as you attempt to get more organized. Irritations can motivate you to make significant improvements. Mars moves to the top of your solar chart on the 20th, making it an excellent time to work on longer-term goals, but try not to put excessive pressure on yourself. It's a helpful transit for motivating you to focus on priorities. Your longer-term ambitions can come to the surface. The Sun in your sign from the 22nd/23rd forward offers opportunities to make your mark and start fresh, although the New Moon in Virgo on the 27th can do the nudging ahead. With the Sun illuminating your sign, you're in the personal spotlight. While you may be a little aloof, this is a time for shining on a personal level, so take advantage. Uranus has encouraged an "upgrade" with ninth-house matters, such as belief systems, education, publishing, and communications, and it turns retrograde on the 24th. If you've been making changes too quickly, this five-month retrograde phase helps you restore balance. It's a time for processing recent changes, beliefs, and experiences. The New Moon on the 27th is yours – occurring in your sign, it's a time for setting your intentions for the year ahead related to your personality, independence, personal image, and effectiveness. It's one of the best times to consider making personal changes that empower you. However, it's essential to avoid going over the top with self-assertion now, as you are inclined to make your point quite dramatically. Watch for a feeling of urgency to fill your desires, as the more you push, the more you meet with resistance. Rushing and impatience tend to exacerbate or create problems now. As much as you want to do it all right now, you must pace yourself. The last week of the month is a time of personal reinvention. You may experiment with new ways of presenting yourself and approaching the world. |
Friendship, community, and happiness goals are in focus in August, dear Libra. Socially, you're in a good position virtually all month. Interactions are favorable, and you can make good use of your diplomacy skills in your career and networking activities. Friendships are in focus, and learning endeavors tend to thrive. A friend or network can open a window of opportunity for you, so pay close attention and stay connected. However, you can also benefit from some quality downtime this month. A healthy, happy level of competition can motivate you in the first week of August. You may feel like you're turning a page, especially with career, responsibilities, long-term goals, and life-path matters. You might uncover or attract a vital resource. It can be a good time for new technological endeavors. You have a natural desire to come out ahead, triumph, or accomplish something. With Venus at the top of your chart until the 11th, you're making it easy for others to respect you. Authority figures, including bosses and parents, see you in a good light. Someone could support, sponsor, or otherwise endorse you. Freeing yourself from self-limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do is an important process. From the 11th, your social life improves further. You express confidence in others and yourself, and you want to move forward, forgive, enjoy life, and pursue your dreams and goals. While you have a lot of friendly and light-hearted energy with you this month, Mars continues to intensify your emotions until the 20th, and you're frequently turning your attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's a vital process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, but it does seem to keep you working behind the scenes and not always very emotionally present in other areas of life. You might find the motivation to kick a bad habit or work towards reducing a dependency. Watch that you don't push something too hard or become your own worst enemy around the 7th and 14th, when your desires seem to clash with your current plans. Competitive or frustrating elements in your relationships may also surface. The Full Moon on the 11th can bring romantic revelations or drama with a friend. There can be emotional revelations about people in your life and your need for them, or about your place in a group, with friends, or even in the community. The need to more fully express your joy, love, or affection and creativity is in focus now, spurring you into action. Mars moves into harmony with your sign on the 20th, stirring your need to break out of a rut or a routine. It's a good time for out-of-the-ordinary activities. It's wise to seek a better, more satisfying work-life balance with a little extra emphasis on the "life" part. On the 22/23, the Sun moves into your privacy sector for a month-long trek. This yearly event precedes your personal power month and is a critical time to take a hard look at what attitudes, circumstances, and extra dead weight need to go before you begin anew. Your spiritual needs come into strong play. Uranus begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 24th, and it's a good cycle for exploring how you depend on others and devising strategies to alter dependencies in ways that benefit you and the people you love. If financial or support matters have been up in the air, disorganized, or unreliable, now's your chance to figure out why. After the New Moon on the 27th, the need to better understand past events or communicate more effectively becomes pressing. It's best not to rush things, especially of an emotional nature. Try to tackle things one at a time rather than wear yourself out, and avoid overexertion or stretching yourself too thin. In truth, it's a time that prompts some much-needed downtime and introspection. New hope and beginnings now relate to your private life, mental health, and spiritual life. |
August can be a power month for your ambitions and goals, dear Scorpio. You're discovering desires and objectives you never knew you had. It can certainly be a month of additional responsibilities, and the need to take on a managing role can emerge. While you're likely to be busy and engaged, take the time to consider what you've accomplished and your next steps. Free-spirited energy is with you in your social or love life until the 11th. Romance can be found or boosted outside of your routine. Honesty and warmth in your relationships can strengthen your connections, giving you further courage to express your affections. After the 11th, your joy seems to revolve around connecting with your drives and ambitions and fulfilling responsibilities. You're pulling in desirable attention and may receive some nice offers or recognition. It's a time for catching some breaks. If your reputation could use a power-up, this is a good time for connecting. August brings a yearly professional peak with at least one personal planet at the top of your solar chart at any time. You might discover promising health tips, or you could be particularly excited about a project or pursuit. Others noticing your efforts, hard work, or contributions can encourage you further to do your best. Certain blocks seem less of a challenge. You feel good about your work or the steps you take to improve your routines. Family or home matters grab your attention around the Full Moon on the 11th. A balance is needed if you've prioritized your responsibilities to the outside world. It's time to gain perspective on matters related to your home, family, and personal life or your emotional world. It can be a lively time for partnerships, and you may not always feel that you're in the driver's seat with Mars continuing in your partnership sector until the 20th. However, if you can harness this extra energy constructively, you might partner up to accomplish something important to you. Someone may encourage your confidence or courage, whether directly or indirectly. You could feel you're attracting people or lessons into your life that challenge you to grow and improve. As you open your mind to new ways of interacting and connecting, new worlds seem to open to you. Look to Mars moving into your solar eighth house on the 20th for inspiration. You might find a project to throw yourself into, particularly if it requires investigation or deep research. The 22nd brings the Sun into an entirely different, more light-hearted area of your solar chart, however, and your interests are diverse. Ideally, you can find a balance. On the 24th, Uranus begins its yearly, five-month retrograde cycle, prompting some meaningful introspection and examination of your relationship needs. The New Moon on the 27th points to a new take on a friendship or project. New beginnings in the week ahead relate to friends, networking, community, causes, and happiness goals. It's a time for a fresh start or approach. You can be hungry for emotional stimulation at this time, but it's a good idea to observe what's bringing you to the point of frustration. Disagreements tend to be due to underlying competitiveness. Fortunately, you're looking forward to new and exciting projects or other happiness goals, and it's highly motivating. You're learning to pay more attention to your dreams and wishes, and it's a good time for improving your connection to others or your community and, in the process, the quality of your life. You're also in good shape for research or enthusiasm for getting to the bottom of a matter. |
August brings nice opportunities for boosting intimate relationships, publishing and learning, and new developments with work, health, and routine, dear Sagittarius. Financial support, bonuses, and rewards can be notable. Still, you're more often than not branching out, and your sights are set high. August is a fine month for writing, learning, and sharing your ideas. Breaking the routine can boost your spirits. There can be advances with money from other sources than personal income, such as through a partner or bank loan. A partnership may be especially intimate until the 11th. From the 11th, you're a little more detached. Transits put you in an excellent place for studies, learning in general, and exploring new interests and options. You express your feelings and ideas with an easy flow. Creative projects or ideas can blossom. You are attracted to people and pastimes or projects that are just a little exotic, different, or have something to teach you. You're creating something beautiful with words, expressing a creative idea, or attracting friendly interest. The intellectual side of relationships comes to the fore. The Full Moon on the 11th can stir revelations regarding your assignments, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests. It's an exciting time for a better understanding of your interests. Until the 20th, Mars continues to motivate you to take charge of, and perhaps speed up, your work projects, daily routines, and pursuit of health goals. It can be a time to take the lead and take action. You are especially enterprising and quite determined to work at your own, independent pace. Tidying up loose ends in your affairs can give you real satisfaction. Continue efforts to get rid of clutter, eliminate waste that interferes with health and fitness pursuits, and take the initiative to take care of yourself. Be sure you don't overdo these things; instead, approach them in new, innovative ways for best results. Mars heads into your partnership sector on the 20th, stirring up your relationships and challenging you to find a better balance in your life. This transit enlivens your interactions, sometimes stimulating conflicts but generating excitement, passion, and activity. The 22-23 brings the Sun to the top of your solar chart, pointing to an achievement or a desire to perform. It begins a more ambitious month of the year when you're especially goal-oriented. Uranus begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th, helping you slow down and examine or even reconsider recent changes related to your daily routines, work, and health. These areas of life may have been up and down, and looking inward for answers makes sense now. You're seeking more authenticity in your work or the services you provide. With the New Moon on the 27th, there can be new beginnings or a fresh approach to career, life path, long-term goals, responsibilities, reputation, social status, and leadership matters. It's time to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Finding a balance between responsibilities and desires can be challenging but rewarding. Others may be vying for your attention right now, and it can be disruptive. Your single-minded focus may be stirring up difficulties with others. Avoid impulsive moves--you're getting noticed, and it's better that this happens as a result of your good performance. As you close out August, you draw in or gravitate toward people, situations, and information that encourage you to grow, rise to a challenge, and elevate your goals. You're motivated to meet your responsibilities and take charge with confidence. A relationship, romance, or creative project can excite you or show promise of advancing. You may be going out on a limb to express your affections. |
There is a strong focus on relationships and good energy for creating, connecting, learning, and financial matters this month, dear Capricorn. Developing connections with others, to your heart's desire, and with special projects is strongly favored. Benefits come from pairing up with friends and partners to accomplish your goals. People tend to be more helpful and pleasant with you, especially until the 11th. It's time for negotiating, compromising, and diplomacy. One-to-one relating is in favor. From the 11th forward, you're in a solid position to handle financial matters or problem areas that you might typically prefer to ignore. Money shared, borrowed, or loaned can be in focus. You might have the opportunity to employ some of your special talents, and this can attract friendly interest your way. You bring an open mind and heart into your personal relationships. The 11th can bring some financial matters to light, demanding your attention, and valuable improvements can result from developments now. There can be meaningful revelations and epiphanies related to money, resources, personal possessions, comfort, and security. Mars continues to excite your creative and romantic impulses until the 20th. Especially with more focus on cooperation, this transit adds some verve and assertiveness to the mix, helping to balance things out. Romance, pleasure, or a particular project can be exciting, and there may be the opportunity to add a little more spice to a relationship or friendship. Interactions can be highly stimulating and productive. You gravitate to activities that allow you to create, compete, or play. You want to come out ahead and stand out for what you do, or a relationship may be a powerful motivator to better yourself or do your best. Exchanges can be very passionate or intense yet maintain a light-hearted and playful quality. On the 20th, Mars moves into your work and health sector, which can push your interest in bettering your daily life, health, routines, or work. You're motivated and in charge! You can work longer hours than usual or push harder and more energetically in health and fitness routines, and these can be areas of much satisfaction and accomplishment. However, the Sun heads into your spirit sector on the 22-23, encouraging you to also make room for non-routine, extracurricular activities that refresh and engage you. Uranus has encouraged you to express yourself more authentically and creatively during its long-term transit of your sector of joy. It begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th, and you're inclined to slow down with these changes. Life is less about spontaneously reacting and more about considering which reforms are best for you in the long run. Creative projects and possibly even relationships can benefit from some review and refinement. The New Moon on the 27th occurs in your sector of spirit, adventure, higher learning, worldview, and belief systems or perspective. It's a time for building your faith and understanding where you stand and what you believe in. Try not to rush things. You might battle some restlessness as you have a strong desire to expand your horizons and a compelling need to attend to your routines. You can't do it all, so aim to pace yourself. As August winds to a close, your confidence is on the rise. Plans involving work, health, or your domestic world seem to be going strong, and your enthusiasm and confidence in them are key. |
You can be more involved and in touch with others in August, dear Aquarius, but you're also busy on the domestic front. A primary focus this month can be a close partnership or friendship. You're seeing yourself through others' eyes, taking steps to improve your connections with others, and finding ways to bring more balance, harmony, and beauty into your life in general. But while you're connected, you're also doing a lot of observing, investigating, and analyzing. Until the 11th, transits favor acquiring new skills, romantic or social activities related to your work or pursuing health goals, and enjoying your routine. It's a good time to get organized and make changes, even cosmetic ones, that help you feel more comfortable in your daily life. From the 11th, it's perhaps an even stronger period for attracting helpful people into your life. Energetically, it may not be the most potent time for personal plans, but focusing on connecting well with others can boost you. You're a little more motivated and attracting attention for your spirit of openness. Your kind gestures can help you get closer to someone, at least in spirit. The Full Moon on the 11th opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, which can color many of your actions mid-month. This lunation can bring a sudden revelation or awareness, and it's a time of discovery as you recognize your feelings on a matter. Home improvements and new approaches with family are in strong focus and favor. It's a time for updating, upgrading, and otherwise adapting your personal, work, or domestic life to keep things fresh. You are in the mood to make something happen, push something forward, and solve problems that make you feel you're ahead of the game. You could be experimenting with routines, living arrangements, methods, and approaches to relating. It's easy to find reasons to let go of habits that no longer serve you well. Mars heads into harmony with your sign and your sector of joy on the 20th. You're feeling increasingly more independent, and your powers of attraction run very high. You're entertaining yourself, and good energy is with you for creative tasks and inspired ways of interacting with others. Openness and generosity lead to new levels of understanding. Your ruling planet, Uranus, begins its yearly five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th. You might catch your breath and examine what you need and want in your domestic world. With a slower pace, you have a better chance of understanding what's going on around you. Your attitude towards security, dependence, attachment to the past, and family or domestic life continues to evolve, and while Uranus is retrograde until January, it's easier to recognize your need for change, upgrades, and progress in your domestic world. After the New Moon on the 27th, intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision. You may be interested in developing a relationship or project further. A new direction, approach, or beginning is in store, mainly related to power dynamics, money, or support. Tensions can be highly stimulating, but they can ramp up quickly, so be sure to watch for rushing things. There can be opportunities for writing, communications, studies, creativity, or romance in the last days of August. You're motivated to reach your goals, and your confidence can lead to fruitful contact and new interests or a resolution of a problem. It can be a time when a courageous attitude makes things happen for you. |
August is a fine month for making various adjustments and improvements, dear Pisces. Getting organized can be satisfying and often quite enjoyable this month! You're clearer about your goals and feel good about what you do and your contributions. A positive, progressive mood feels good, and you can enjoy extraordinary energy if you're inspired. Alternative methods for getting healthy or organized can figure strongly. You can turn unglamorous tasks into creative pursuits, for example. Exciting discussions, personal interests, transportation, news, or developments with studies and learning can figure strongly. It's natural to convey your independence and enterprising spirit through your communications. Until the 20th, creative outlets can be magical, and as you ride on a bit of competitive or growth-oriented energy, you can accomplish much. There is a little more courage to express yourself at your disposal, and you're noticing what needs an update, upgrade, or other forms of advancement to enjoy life more thoroughly. A break from the past is likely, particularly regarding leaving old, unsatisfying ways of communicating behind. Romantic and creative energy is strong, although your focus is shifting towards getting important work done and pursuing health goals. Friendships and romantic connections are easy and natural until the 11th. You're exploring new ways to communicate or express yourself, although there can be times when you're so busy that you can be a little impatient or impulsive in speech, movement, and the written word. If you've overlooked your needs for rest or emotional refreshment, the Full Moon on the 11th can prompt you to find a better work-life balance. Taking care of your mental health or getting extra rest can be especially important or necessary now. Also from the 11th, daily environment and routines are more appealing. There can be good connections with the right health care expert or improvements with work or chores. Artistic touches and general harmony can be goals now. From the 20th, you pour more energy into home and family life. There can be some tensions in the family unit, but if you can rally up the necessary cooperation, you can achieve a lot. The trick may be to be active and constructive in your domestic world. The Sun heads into your partnership sector a few days later, and relationships are a strong draw. You're interactive and paying more attention to feedback. Uranus begins its yearly, five-month retrograde cycle on the 24th. This planet has a way of pulling repressed feelings to the surface, yet you may not feel that you can express them smoothly or fully. In the months ahead, however, you'll find different–and possibly more satisfying–channels for representing and expressing yourself. You might re-examine some of your projects or interests. After the New Moon on the 27th, aim to set intentions and goals that better reflect your wants, needs, and expectations of others. This lunation occurs in your partnership sector, and energies are powerful for a fresh start or turning point. New beginnings related to close relationship goals and needs are possible. Passions run high around this New Moon, but there can be blocks to navigate. You might aim to channel excess energy into something productive instead of trying to push things too fast. The last couple of days of August are powerful for moving a home, family, business, or money matter along. You're resourceful and enthusiastic about making money or taking care of personal possessions. Creative projects can thrive and motivate you. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
August 2022 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- June 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- September 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- October 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2022 Ephemeris
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Leo Chart: July 28, 2022
- Full Moon in Aquarius Chart: August 11, 2022
- New Moon in Virgo: August 27, 2022
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: August 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: September 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: October 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022
- Time Line Aspects: December 2022
- Time Line Aspects: January 2023
- Time Line Aspects: February 2023
- Time Line Aspects: March 2023
- Time Line Aspects: April 2023

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview
Sneak peek of the Astrology of 2023