This Month in Astrology – July 2022
July 2022
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On June 28th, the New Moon occurred in the sign of Cancer, prompting a new beginning and coloring the energies of July. This is a time for feeding our foundation — all of that which we call home, including the foundation we’ve built inside ourselves, needs to be tended to and honored. It’s a time to recognize the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends and the security, sense of belonging, and safety we derive from them.
We have the wherewithal and courage to pursue our desires and stick with our plans, but we should avoid jumping the gun. Because this New Moon was square Jupiter, we should watch for overdoing, exaggeration, and misjudgment or false starts.
This month, on July 14th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn. This lunation reminds us that we can’t ignore our commitments to the outside world. We need to take care of our responsibilities, attend to business, act maturely, and take charge. Our ideas stand out as innovative.
On July 19th, Chiron turns retrograde, and will remain retrograde until December 23rd. This cycle is good for introspection and reassessing the mental and physical health programs in our lives. We tend to look within for healing with Chiron retrograde.
On July 21st, Jupiter and Saturn form a semi-square, and when we think in big terms, or if we have the urge to expand, we confront obstacles or we are forced to face reality. Some re-structuring of our lives and of our business goals is now in order. There is no “easy fix” just now – we need to keep working hard and can make good progress, even if there are fits and starts. It is best to breathe new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. We should watch for overextension, which can lead to frustration. This is the first of three transits, with the other two perfections to occur on September 21st, 2022, and March 21st, 2023.
On July 28th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Leo, prompting a new beginning. This is a time to uncover and share those things that make us special — our unique, creative powers. We might let our “inner child” come out and play, and possibly pursue plans related to games, sports, recreation, speculation, hobbies, children, romance, and dating.
Also on July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde, and slowing down projects or plans may be appropriate in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence might wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. “Luck” may be less overt during this period from July 28th to November 23rd, but it’s a good time for looking within and reassessing recent goals. Note that Jupiter spends its retrograde first in Aries and later in Pisces.
On July 31st, Uranus aligns with the Moon’s true North Node, and we attract people or lessons into our lives that encourage us to detach from traditions or conventions that are keeping us from growing. It’s a good time to make pivotal friendships or group connections.
At this time, life lessons are about learning to be more self-sufficient while concerning ourselves with bettering the world around us; that is, with others, the community, and society in mind. It can be about retraining ourselves to change our definition of comfort, abundance, opulence, security, and pleasure, perhaps in ways that also benefit the group or the planet as a whole. We are also especially aware of current values in society, and we can be excited about helping to shape them. As well, we are redefining what it means to be secure, comfortable, wealthy, or stable.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jul 4 | 11:12 PM | Pallas enters Gemini | Pal 0 Gem 00' |
Jul 5 | 2:04 AM | Mars enters Taurus | Mar 0 Tau 00' |
Jul 5 | 2:25 AM | Mercury enters Cancer | Mer 0 Can 00' |
Jul 6 | 10:14 PM | First Quarter Moon | 14 Lib 59' |
Jul 7 | 5:33 PM | Vesta Retrograde | Ves 6 Pis 54'Rx |
Jul 13 | 2:37 PM | Full Moon in Capricorn | 21 Capricorn 21' |
Jul 17 | 9:32 PM | Venus enters Cancer | Ven 0 Can 00' |
Jul 19 | 8:35 AM | Mercury enters Leo | Mer 0 Leo 00' |
Jul 19 | 11:21 AM | Chiron Retrograde | Chi 16 Ari 26'Rx |
Jul 20 | 10:18 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 27 Ari 52' |
Jul 21 | 6:17 AM | Jupiter semi-square Saturn | Jup 8 Ari 38' semi-square Sat 23 Aqu 38'Rx |
Jul 22 | 4:07 PM | Sun enters Leo | Sun 0 Leo 00' |
Jul 23 | 1:26 PM | Ceres enters Leo | Cer 0 Leo 00' |
Jul 25 | 2:48 AM | Juno Retrograde | Jun 21 Pis 31'Rx |
Jul 28 | 1:55 PM | New Moon in Leo | 5 Leo 39' |
Jul 28 | 4:37 PM | Jupiter Retrograde | Jup 8 Ari 43'Rx |
Jul 31 | 3:05 PM | Uranus conjunct True Node | Ura 18 Tau 42' conjunct TNo 18 Tau 42' |
(See the the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
You're discovering better ways to manage the work-life balance this month, dear Aries, but it's also a time to pour more energy into your security, home, and personal life. There can be new beginnings or attitudes toward living arrangements and family and home-related affairs. From the 5th, Mars moves out of your sign and into your resources sector. You're moving on and forward, and your desire to take charge of your finances strengthens. You can be a little tough with yourself about making money or producing and perhaps a little tough on others if you're not feeling valued. You're also quite motivated to work harder. You could gain more courage or desire to take a few risks in your business or with finances. While you should certainly be careful with spending impulsively, this can be a generally good time to breathe new life into old projects or consider ways to break out of a rut. July's energies are good for tackling problems on both personal and business levels. You're likely to feel optimistic about money matters or living conditions, even if you're making changes you hadn't anticipated. The key now is working with what you have and doing so resourcefully. Fortunately, it's easier than usual to get into a positive and determined frame of mind. Both Chiron and Jupiter, currently transiting your sign and pointing you in the direction of healing, turn retrograde this month. You might begin to recognize areas of excess and focus on projects you've already taken on rather than adding new ones to your life. If you've been overdoing pleasures or freedom-seeking, this is the time to rethink and make adjustments that bring you down to earth, just a little! The healing energy that you've been radiating turns inward, making it a fine time for efforts to heal yourself. People have been seeking your good vibes, assistance, healing powers, and advice, and it's appropriate now to get in closer touch with your own issues. You are likely to feel strongly protective of your loved ones this month. Your goal is to find solutions to long-standing problems. You come across well in your communications and get along happily with classmates, siblings, and acquaintances with Venus in your communications sector until the 17th. You might learn something of great use or enjoy new or improved means of transportation and communication—your enjoyment of learning or pursuing your personal interests skyrockets. Conversations can be fun, romantic, or heartwarming. People are receptive to your ideas and want to hear from you! Success tends to come through word of mouth or bright ideas. The Full Moon on the 13th can bring a turning point to a career or life path matter, or it can pull up a responsibility. This lunation reminds you of your outside obligations after much attention to your personal life. You could find that you're suddenly in the spotlight or in the position to manage or lead. Instead, you might arrive at a meaningful realization about your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or true feelings about your life's direction. With Venus heading into your home and family zone on the 17th, you might seek refuge from demanding situations or quiet time more often than usual. Some hesitancy or caution when it comes to love, the pursuit of pleasure, and money is likely. Improved living conditions and arrangements or family relationships can be in the spotlight, and it's an excellent time to improve your relationships with loved ones and comfort levels on the home front. Later July is powerful for finding a better balance between attention to emotional and family concerns and attention to amusement and recreation. At the same time, your desire for fun and expression is ramping up with Mercury and the Sun moving into your sector of joy on the 19th and 22nd. A new plan to enjoy and express yourself more often can take off after the New Moon on the 28th. A romantic attraction might motivate you, or you take an interest in growing and improving your creative pursuits and connections. Your best self shines through in what you're doing as you close out the month. |
July can be an especially busy and animated one for you, dear Taurus, mainly because Mars moves into your sign on the 5th and there's an emphasis on your communicative solar third house. This month, you're paying extra attention to projects, learning, connecting, and personal interests, and it's a largely happy focus. Opportunities to speak about matters that are important to you, share your ideas and knowledge, teach, guide, and connect are strong. New channels or platforms for self-expression could open up, and these can be more imaginative, creative, and, ultimately, more fulfilling. Promotional efforts can be quite successful now. With Mars entering your sign on 5th, clarity comes, particularly about your desires, attractions, and personal plans. You are in take-charge mode, ready to accept a challenge, and willing to put yourself out to get where you want to go. It's also a vital time for attracting others. Your presence is powerful now. Transits stir up mental enthusiasm and amp up personal magnetism and power. It's possible that what you communicate magnetizes opportunities your way. You'd rather put a plan in motion than mull things over, although if you do live this energy through the mind, it's a great time for exciting musings. Organizing and prioritizing come more readily as you get straight to the point, and it feels good to be decisive. Mars in your sign can lend a brusque or impulsive manner to your presentation at times, but you might choose to embrace its positive qualities and take charge of your life with brave confidence. Mars can help you draw upon your natural courage. With Jupiter turning retrograde this month, your enthusiasm may wane if you have too much before you, so aim to pare things down and focus on a few of your more practical goals. You have balanced Venus moving through your sector of money, values, and comfort until the 17th, and connecting with your wants and needs comes naturally. There can be magical discoveries, conclusions, and possibly some good finds and deals for things that genuinely improve your life. The Full Moon on the 13th encourages you to pay attention to your need for more stimulation and connection to the outside world. You can experience a sudden desire to depart from your usual routine or do/learn something refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming. With quite a bit of recent attention to your daily or mundane affairs, you now feel an immense desire to think and live bigger! It's possible that a project or studies reach a turning point, and you're ready to take the next step. It becomes apparent to you that you need to find the time to fit extracurricular activities into your day. While changes may not happen immediately, you're in the right headspace to move forward. You, or your ideas, may be in high demand. While Mercury and the Sun move out of your communications sector on the 19th and 22nd, Venus moves in on the 17th, ensuring it's a special area of your chart all month. You're in great shape when it comes to sharing your ideas, learning important skills, and connecting with people who help and encourage you. It's possible you make a romantic connection or boost a current one through communications. You can find much to enjoy in personal interests, studies, short trips, or making contact. Others acknowledge and appreciate your talents. Later July brings attention to your home or family life. You need more time to center yourself and learn important things about your inner world, most profound needs, and family or loved ones. Jupiter's retrograde in your privacy sector is also likely to draw you inward to some degree, and over the coming weeks, you can be more contemplative. You may reassess specific goals and projects that have taken up too much of your time and energy. As you close out July, there can be a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Relaxing recreational activities can appeal and might even be a little therapeutic–it can be a great time to seek and find release for stress or strain. |
The month holds strong energy for attending to your practical world, dear Gemini, and it's a good time to moderate or pace yourself. For one, your steady second house is in the spotlight, and you crave more predictability. For another, Mars moves into your privacy sector, and you can do with some rest and replenishment. Jupiter's late month retrograde turn can be a further signal to find a balance. It may not be the best time, generally speaking, for relying on others, but you can enjoy a comfortable level of independence and self-reliance. New beginnings on a financial or business front are likely this month. You're taking a new path, and after a short period of reorientation, you feel more in control. Mars moving into your privacy sector on the 5th can slow you down just enough to reassess recent activities, desires, and goals. It's a critical process--and a valuable one. If you've been overdoing things, this is a time for enforcing some quiet time. This transit animates your inner world, often drawing you inward. You might review different elements of your life and wonder where things are going, particularly your social life or happiness goals. Your desires seem more complex than usual, and when you do know what you want, you may not see an easy way to go after it. Nevertheless, this dilemma can lead to creative solutions, workarounds, and detours. You're more inclined to look for help or guidance, likely of a more anonymous nature, such as through online groups, since the usual sources for sharing may not be as straightforward or available. Sound energy is with you for healing activities–you gravitate toward regenerative activities. It's a good time for gaining new information through study and observation. Venus moves through your sign until the 17th, and it's a wonderful cycle that favors personal attraction and positive attention. You look good, are framed in a beautiful light, and people appreciate your natural style. Venus rules over love, romance, and recreation in your solar chart, and these things tend to be beneficial at this time. Your idealism and romantic nature are in the spotlight, and you're likely to find it natural to dream of beautiful things, experiences, and situations. The Full Moon on the 13th can pull out strong feelings and might lead to a revelation or epiphany about the need for support, whether this is emotional, moral, or financial. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner's income, or other shared resources come to light. It's a time to push yourself to see what you've been ignoring or overlooking. New insight into a relationship, emotional, or financial problem can arrive, bringing about a turning point or new direction. From the 17th, you're attracting money, gifts, favors, and valuables, although you're generally less visible. Building and collecting appeal to you more than usual. You are exceptionally skilled at making the best of your resources, especially since you're more patient with business and money concerns. Later July is more outgoing and other-oriented for you with Mercury and the Sun moving into your communication sector on the 19th and 22nd. You're investing more of yourself in your daily affairs. You might be doing more reading, studying, teaching or guiding, thinking, and speaking. Reconnecting with old friends, dreams, or plans can be highly beneficial after Jupiter turns retrograde on the 28th. Recognize that there is a time for pushing things forward and a time for riding the wash, observing, and reflecting. This retrograde Jupiter cycle, lasting until November 23rd, favors the latter. Transits are excellent for gaining trust or developing and growing a relationship or project as July draws to a close. Conversations are generous, open, and meaningful. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. |
July spotlights your personal plans, image, initiative, confidence, and happiness goals, dear Cancer. You begin the month just after a New Moon in your sign, enabling you to start fresh on a personal level. Using your personality and influence to advance your interests can be especially effective in July. You are getting noticed, and even minor improvements to your manner and appearance can have a significant impact. Venus will give you a helping hand from the 17th forward as it moves into your sign, reminding you to pamper yourself and also framing you well in others' eyes. But as early as the 5th, you get extra support from the planets. On that date, Mercury heads into your sign, and Mars into harmony with Cancer. Teamwork can be enjoyable and useful at once. It's unusually straightforward to make a friend or enjoy a current friendship with positivity and boldness. It can be a time to lend someone a hand or act upon an idea with much satisfaction. You're resilient and mentally sharp. People are especially interested in what you have to say, and in your advice and opinions, especially from the 5-19. While Venus in your sign from the 17th forward increases your powers of attraction in general, your appeal is magical most of the month – you're drawing others in. You radiate good energy and attract positive attention and feedback. July is a power period, although you begin the month reassessing projects and plans before pushing forward. You have a strong presence, but you can be rather hard to get in touch with on some levels until Mercury enters Cancer on the 5th and Venus on the 17th. Yes, you're still reflecting and considering your next step, but you have more power than usual to take charge and make an impact. There is a big emphasis on self-starting and independent ventures, but you're also in solid shape with friendships, groups, teams, and new long-term goals. This is a strong month for feeling motivated to make meaningful connections, researching a new plan, and having extra courage to make a new friend or join a group. Still, your affectionate nature is a little withdrawn, reflective, and more private than usual until the 17th, after which you're clearer about who and what you want. You could be on the fence about your love feelings or attracted to complicated relationships. Or, you're doing some soul-searching about your affections, enjoying more privacy in your love life, or putting aside your feelings to pay more attention to other areas of life. The Full Moon on the 13th occurs in the sign opposite yours, reminding you of your relationship needs. It expands your emotions, particularly about your relationships, and you can discover your feelings on a matter, or something about you may come to light. Aim to pay special attention to what others reveal with this Full Moon occurring in your partnership sector. You might recognize your need for someone–or some quality feedback! Around the 15-16, you want to verbalize your desires, express your ideas, and make an impact. You may be asked to speak, and you can receive quite a bit of attention. This can also be a good time for educational or adventurous opportunities. Around the 21st, there can be a sense that you have to go back to the drawing board on a decision or plan. Paying attention to details and doing editing work -- or simply slowing things down -- can be useful strategies now. Financial activity is a growing theme, and the last week of July is solid for work – you're especially willing to put in the hours. There could be more money invested in the home and family. You may be seeking a fresh start with money, resources, or belongings. The New Moon on the 28th is wonderfully supportive for boosting your income or sense of self-worth and self-respect. The need to overcome problem areas or get past something is compelling now, so take advantage! However, on the same date as the New Moon, Jupiter begins its yearly four-month retrograde cycle, and you embark on a quest for a better understanding of what truly motivates and enthuses you. Some of the faith you've been nurturing may seem to drop away, but only just enough for you to see your plans in a different, more realistic light. You might choose to return to old studies and projects to your benefit. Being willing to make changes can bring opportunities to advance materially or emotionally. You may be redefining what it means for you to succeed, perhaps in ways that also benefit the group, and it can be satisfying. You're standing out as incredibly unique. |
For you, July begins quietly and builds in activity, dear Leo. There is a lot to handle behind the scenes, and slowing down is essential. You start the month shortly after a New Moon in your privacy sector, reminding you to take care of unfinished business before moving forward. Whether it's a relationship, a way of life, or an attitude you need to put behind you, it becomes evident that you need to make some adjustments. You're preparing yourself to move on to bigger and better things! Mars moves to the top of your solar chart on the 5th, putting you "out there" on a formal or professional level, even if you're personally taking some downtime. This transit may instead (or in addition) stir your worldly ambitions. Mercury and then the Sun enters your sign on the 19th and 22nd, and you feel the need to take the reins. Until then, you have some planning to do. From the 5th, you might experience a strong desire to finish a project, and you can find yourself in an excellent position to gain insight into what needs cutting out to go forward in a freer, lighter way. You are optimistic, ready for action, and motivated to fulfill your duties. Positive feedback only serves to encourage you further. Conversations or musings can be lively and engaging. While you have a lot going on behind the scenes and need some downtime in the first three weeks of July, you can be in charge and in the lead. This seemingly contradictory trend is an independent one with Mars at the top of your chart from the 5th, and it's about career, life path matters, and your relationship with people in authority. There can be a sudden surge of motivation and energy for coming up with a workable, results-oriented life plan. You may want to go it alone on some level – to take the initiative. Until the 17th, you're in an especially good position with casual friendship or networking. It's a great time for smoothing over differences and improving your social life, which is best taken in small, happy doses these days. Going overboard in these areas will not fly well right now. Around the Full Moon on the 13th, circumstances remind you to attend to your overall well-being, and you might look for ways to improve your physical and mental health. It's also a time when you recognize the need to better manage your daily affairs. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement. There could be a new development or wake-up call that pushes you forward. Instead, you might arrive at a turning point or revelation about your work, health, and desire to be productive and useful. From the 17th forward, you're taking stock of your emotional and social life. Love might require some personal sacrifices or simply deeper thought. Aim to come to an understanding with someone, or a matter, from the past. At times, there can be an important and intense examination of the past and private issues this month. It's an excellent time for cutting through appearances and uncovering something previously unknown or hidden. Mercury and the Sun move into your sign on the 19th and 22nd, and Venus will follow on August 11th. So begins a power period - when you feel more in control of your life, when people pay you more attention, and when you feel the confidence and motivation to make meaningful personal and lifestyle changes. You're seen and heard. Transits begin to nudge you into a personal spotlight and fill you with a sense that you can start anew – more decisive and confident. By the time of a New Moon in Leo on the 28th, you recognize how to move forward brightly and powerfully. The days following this lunation are fantastic for entertaining a dream or wish, the spirit of which carries you along. Still, Jupiter turns retrograde on the same day as your New Moon. While you continue to experience a desire to venture out and discover new things, the retrograde period from now until November 23rd can involve some natural tempering of your enthusiasm. You may need to de-emphasize some adventurous, pleasure-seeking activities, but in the process, your expectations come back down to earth, which is empowering. You end July in good form: others tend to treat you well, give you the benefit of the doubt, and enjoy your perspective and humor. |
July holds opportunities to improve friendships, connect with your deeper needs and desires, and grow romantic affairs or creative pursuits, dear Virgo. It's an excellent time for doing new things, learning, and sharing or publishing your ideas. On the 5th, Mercury heads into your social sector, and Mars moves into your sector of adventure and spirit. These shifts find you more courageous and active rather than simply optimistic. You're making your own happiness instead of waiting for it to come to you. It feels easier to accomplish things now. The desire to talk, share your experiences, and open up increases. Communications, particularly with friends, are rewarding and valuable and might even lead to a solution to a problem or another form of an advance. Mental rapport with others can be satisfying and inspiring. You're in great shape to express yourself with confidence and vigor. Transits spark interesting conversations, news, ideas, and musings. You're more assertive or effective, and your straightforward approach is charming. Problem-solving, a more active role, or involvement with a friend or group can figure strongly. Certainly, with Mercury in your friendship sector from the 5-19 and Venus here from the 17th forward, you're in a great position to network, connect, and share. People are bringing opportunities into your life, and your unique charm is helping this along. You might gain more clarity about a friendship or clarity on a troubling matter through interactions with a friend. Around the Full Moon on the 13th, there can be turning points surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. You may be finding more meaning in your projects or hobbies. Powerful and meaningful connections might be made. It's a time when your affections and creativity bloom. There may be some tests or ultimatums, but something releases, which helps clear the path for improvements. Most of the month, Mars is encouraging you to broaden your horizons. Restlessness can sometimes pull you away and distract you. Still, overall, you're in a good position to balance your attention to routine and responsibility with your attention to discovery and exploration. Collaboration can move your plans forward. Venus helps boost and preserve your professional reputation until the 17th and then enhances your social life from the 17th forward. In this second period, there can be a more loving, warm quality to your friendships. Friends gravitate to you, and you can repair relationship bumps and bruises. You might also be working on emerging new ideas for long-term plans and projects. You're working on opening up to new experiences, and while it's not always easy to do, you're enjoying pushing yourself a little to explore and share more. You are drawn to like-minded people, and you better understand the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. Refining current projects, particularly related to your career or work, makes the most sense in the second half of the month. There may be some need to slow down or moderate shared finances or debts. There can be a shift in how you habitually deal with support, dependency, intimacy, power-sharing, and finances. On the 19th, Mercury moves into your privacy sector, and then the Sun follows on the 22nd. You're working under the radar or behind the scenes, but you can also branch out and develop novel ways of expressing yourself. With money, personal possessions, and valuables, you're doing things just a little differently. A change of pace can feel right. Circumstances reveal that you need more time to rest and reflect in later July, especially after the New Moon on the 28th. It's an important time for you to look back and review, process, and digest recent events. A sense of inner well-being can come from making plans for the future that inspire growth and hope. At the same time, it's not quite the time to lock things down. It's an ideal time for exploring possibilities and connecting with your inner needs. |
There is a strong focus on worldly goals, responsibilities, or your career this month, dear Libra, and your social life is apt to become especially busy as the month progresses. You're more accountable than usual with the Sun at the top of your solar chart until the 22nd. However, you're often dividing your time--quite successfully--between meeting your responsibilities or critics and dealing with your plans, research, and development in the background. From the 5th, it's a strong month for accounting work and taking charge of your intimate or financial life. Unhealthy dependencies need to go! It's a power period for strategy, research, and development. It can be immensely satisfying to pour your energies into an absorbing activity or pursuit. You have the stamina and enthusiasm to accomplish much, with mental energy to spare. Your x-ray vision is strong, which is especially good for business moves or strategies for general life direction and next steps. It's relatively easy to drum up support for what you're doing and saying when acting positively and confidently. Good vibes are with you for straightforward communication–you don't want to waste time on roundabout conversations. Bosses and parents, especially, are noticing what you're doing now and what you haven't done in the past. It seems others are expecting you to take action. Your actions or performance are a little more public than they have been. You should pay special attention to cues occurring now that seem to point you in an interesting or new direction. Ideas are significant, especially around the 16th. You're gaining more confidence in your ability to manage your life. Around the Full Moon on the 13th, you recognize a stronger need for family and the comforts of familiarity and the home. You might recognize your need for improved time and energy management and a better work-life balance. Matters you've been avoiding or overlooking may reveal themselves. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and energy devoted to your domestic world is essential now. Enjoy Venus in harmony with your sign until the 17th. This influence points to relative ease in your social life. Considering that July more often than not tugs at your serious side so that you can focus and concentrate, it's good that love and friendship matters are generally status quo or quietly thriving. Publishing can be profitable. From the 17th, it's an excellent time to connect with people who are in the position to support or help your cause/career. You more easily smooth over relationships with parents, bosses, and co-workers, if necessary. It can be a time for enjoying opportunities, promotions, or advances. Friendships and group connections come into stronger focus when Mercury and the Sun enter your social sector on the 19th and 22nd, respectively. They can be important outlets for releasing tension. It can also be a time for great ideas and new directions, especially after the New Moon on the 28th. This New Moon boosts your intuition, particularly regarding your friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. New beginnings are on the horizon, and you feel encouraged, inspired, and hopeful. With Jupiter and Chiron turning retrograde in your partnership sector, you're beginning a period for taking a more realistic look at current projects and working on what's already in development rather than expanding or taking on more. If you've been going hard with supporting others and now need some independence, consider gentle ways of getting to the right balance. The months ahead are powerful for learning about your relationship needs. |
The month ahead shines a spotlight on learning and relating, dear Scorpio. Later in July, your longer-term goals capture more of your attention. Others seem to be a little more demanding of your energy and time in July, and if there have been relationship imbalances in your life, they're harder to accept now. There can be the need for entirely new activities to bring emotional refreshment to your life this month. July is a month of personal development through learning and experience. You're looking for inspiration and likely to find it! You are more inclined to follow your heart and your passions. Relationships, in general, become livelier with Mars' move into your opposite sign on the 5th. It's assertive and active energy, and it's not the time to sweep problems under the carpet. With this transit, relationships that have been too restrictive, tense, dull, or negative need to improve. It's possible that a relationship or partner is reflecting your own desire for action. As you open your mind to new ways of interacting and connecting, new worlds open to you. Mercury stirs your desire to participate from the 5th. You can feel quite enthusiastic about pursuing a learning endeavor or furthering a mental interest. Conversations with someone special can be super helpful, encouraging, and motivating. It's a time to put ideas into motion, share thoughts and beliefs, and strengthen alliances through communication. Productive mental energy is a theme. Solutions to problems that previously overwhelmed you are now at your fingertips. Facing a matter that has caused you stress can be very much the same way. Until the 17th, you're in a great position to smooth over conflicts over money, debts, or other imbalances. Intimate relationships can get a considerable boost, or you're invested in connecting with your deeper desires and ambitions, and it feels great to get to know yourself better. You might enjoy a special relationship or passion project with Venus in your solar eighth house. Around the Full Moon on the 13th, you can be especially busy and enjoy good news or contact with a special friend. This Full Moon can prompt discoveries related to ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and relatives, which in turn can motivate you to make changes and improvements. New awareness allows you to deal with whatever comes into full view head-on. You can feel a strong desire to be understood! Venus moves harmoniously with your sign from the 17th forward, helping you attract positive attention. This transit improves your life in subtle ways. You have a stronger desire to learn, entertain new ideas, expand your knowledge and experiences, and enjoy diverse or simply different activities. You're attracted to others who share your open-mindedness or who have an interesting perspective to offer you. There can be friendly competition now that stimulates you to do your best. Three weeks in, you give more and more thought to your career, responsibilities, reputation, and long-term goals. There can be recognition of your talents and hard work. You're in an excellent place to make improvements and updates to your life, mainly with finances, business, work, and health, especially after the New Moon on the 28th. You're building more confidence with your goals and plans. With Jupiter freshly retrograde, past projects may be more interesting and worthwhile than brand new ones. |
July shines the spotlight on your inner world, dear Sagittarius. It's a solid time for improving daily routines, building health, and taking care of business. From the 5th forward, there can be more demands from your daily life and work, but also more confidence to take action in these areas. You're supporting others through practical help or receiving this kind of assistance. Seeing a new layer of a situation can put you in a better frame of mind for decision-making. You're feeling pleasantly motivated and more aware of the need to take charge of health, money, or fitness matters. You seem to have the energy, enthusiasm, and smarts to improve and advance. You're in a good position to plan, organize, and structure your life in crucial ways. You can be challenging yourself to improve your habits this month, or you can be pumped about getting organized. Problems with co-workers can be aired and tackled this month and next. It's a time to acknowledge if there are difficulties with work load or excessive demands on you, but it's best to avoid being too impulsive. Aim to eliminate clutter or waste that interferes with health and fitness pursuits. At the same time, avoid overstraining so that you can enjoy yourself as you get your life into shape. Love relationships, intimacy, and money matters can be strong areas of focus in July. Later in the month, learning, sharing, publishing, and possibly some adventure can be part of the picture. July brings a large focus on your solar eighth house and its themes: debts owed or due, emotional and material support, intimate relationships, and power dynamics. At least one inner planet is in this house at any given time this month, sometimes overlapping. You begin the month wanting to take charge of your financial or intimate affairs. A new beginning on the level of financial or emotional support is possible. It's a good time to get a handle on shared resources, manage problematic dependencies, explore a subject more deeply, or grow an intimate relationship. Around the Full Moon on the 13th, money matters, talents, and values come into sharper focus. Feelings, realizations, or revelations stir you to get on top of your finances or show your abilities in the best possible way. If you've been holding emotions back, they can erupt now. You can have an epiphany regarding your needs and wants, and this helps clarify certain decisions or a path to take. Whether you've been ignoring your need to pamper yourself or you've been overdoing it recently, it's time to balance the scales. Communications, studies, publishing, and connecting are in stronger focus with Mercury and the Sun moving into your solar ninth house on the 19th and 22nd. These transits awaken a desire for adventure or excitement. After the New Moon on the 28th, new beginnings and a fresh start are possible related to education, publishing, promotion, travel, adventure, or sharing ideas. At the same time, Jupiter's retrograde turn signals the need to avoid taking on too much. Jupiter will be retrograde for about four months, and at this time of the year, it's best to work on what you already have going instead of adding more projects or plans to your life. You could be realigning your thinking towards a creative project, pleasure, or romance. You don't need to put things on hold, but you can benefit from slowing things down a little so that you can catch your breath. It can be a good time to find something lost or revive old projects or hobbies. There are times to expand and times to pace yourself, and the latter is likely to apply during this cycle that lasts until November 23rd. It's an excellent time to refresh yourself, particularly through fun and engaging activities. Warm and positive energy is with you for sharing viewpoints. Non-routine topics or activities tend to favor you most. |
Special focus this month is on relationships, love, and recreation, dear Capricorn. You could be approaching a relationship in a new way this month, and your needs from others or partnerships are clearer than usual. A significant person in your life can be in the spotlight now. Mars moving into your solar fifth house on the 5th is supportive energetically, with fewer obstacles in your way as you go about your life. It feels easier and more natural to assert your desires. This transit is about discovering or pursuing your passions. Hobbies and creative or competitive pursuits, or a romance, can be in focus. This can also reinforce business savvy, as it stimulates better timing, improved energy, and increased courage. You can feel a strong drive to express your deeper feelings creatively or artistically. You are ready to act on your ideas, and although you’re self-motivated, a partner or special someone can be uniquely encouraging. Exciting information or fun conversations can figure strongly. In fact, someone’s feedback can stir up a new idea or direction, and motivation follows. In July, you are in an excellent position to make a difference in your close relationships and to attract others’ support and confidence. Cooperation comes easily, and relationships can have a magical quality to them. While ups and downs in a partnership or close friendship are possible, it's ultimately a good time for sorting out problems. Mars traveling in harmony with your sign from the 5th animates romantic relationships, firing up feelings towards someone, and inspiring you to create, share, and connect. There is more fire, passion, and motivation to express yourself in unique, special ways, and more courage to chase your heart’s desire. For best results, aim to channel excess energy into exercise, dance, music, and art that involves movement. While you’ll be giving others their due attention, it’s a powerful month for personal discoveries. The Full Moon on the 13th occurs in your sign, and there can be a big reveal, or you connect with your true feelings on a matter. There can be a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings you may have buried due to busyness or distraction. This lunation puts you in the spotlight, and it can find you in demand. It brings personal and relationship matters to light, and a stand-off of sorts could be what pushes these things into your awareness. You’re challenged to find a balance between independence and accommodation. This can be a brilliant time for love and self-expression. Until the 17th, smoothing over problem areas at work or with your daily routines comes naturally and easily. There may be social or love opportunities emerging as you pursue your work or health goals. From the 17th forward is an excellent period for relationships, whether these are love or business-based. Negotiation skills skyrocket. Later July is strong for taking charge of your money and especially for settling a matter. It’s also a good time for intimacy. Finances deserve special attention, mainly shared money and property as well as loans and support payments. You could benefit greatly from investigation or research. You can experience a real desire for positive change, and motivation increases further after the New Moon on the 28th. You’re receiving a cosmic nudge toward sharing, supporting, and enjoying a relationship or project in more depth. New beginnings with shared finances or debts are in store. A fresh start in an intimate relationship or with a special passion project is also possible now. Jupiter has been bringing strong and enthusiastic energy to your domestic projects and home life recently, and now turns retrograde (on the 28th). This signals a time for reassessing matters – for making tweaks to your plans. Any slowdowns you encounter gives you the chance to look at your plans from a different perspective so that you can move forward with more confidence at a later date. You may feel especially connected to family or an intimate relationship, and sharing fond memories or personal observations can figure strongly. You’re thinking ahead and focused on making improvements, but you might discover something about the past that benefits you. |
July is a good month for making positive changes in your daily affairs, your work, or your health routines, dear Aquarius. Self-improvement is in strong focus. There can be some juggling of schedules and distractions, but if you manage to get your priorities straight, you'll be in great shape. It can be a wonderful time to take charge of your health and wellness or organize your daily life and routines. Mars moves into your home and family sector on the 5th, and you're in great shape for tackling projects or pursuits that require attention in your domestic world. This transit also puts Mars in stressful relation to your sign, which can sometimes feel weighty. You may need to jump over some hurdles to get to a positive headspace. You may feel caged in at times. However, you're energized to deal with any problems or stagnation in your domestic life. You more readily feel on edge and should fight a tendency to be defensive or even paranoid with others. Use excess energy for constructive pursuits, particularly related to home and family. If you're feeling competitive, focus on improvements. Especially with family, home, health, or work, it can be a time of organizing or reorganizing. It's easier to get through things quickly and efficiently as you're more decided and sure than usual. The Full Moon on the 13th can serve as a wake-up call if you've neglected self-care. It's time to pay more attention to your mental and emotional health, and if you don't feel up to par, you may be overextended, and you face the need to slow down. You might also need to bring closure to a neglected or unresolved issue in your life. There can be a sudden discovery of the need for extra time alone or rest, recuperation, and regeneration. If you've been working on autopilot recently and out of touch with your intuition, you now need to listen to your hunches. Fortunately, Venus is traveling in harmony with your sign until the 17th, boosting your personal appeal. Given the month's spotlight on work and chores, this transit helps you find some time for pleasure and enjoyment. Your natural attractiveness shines through. With Jupiter and Chiron turning retrograde in your communications sector, you could experience some seeming turnarounds, delays, or waning enthusiasm with current interests or projects. However, the months ahead are excellent for getting a project right before moving forward or releasing it. It's also a good time to draw rein on specific pursuits and focus on priorities or perfecting current tasks instead of taking on new ones. You'll be happy you took this time! Benefits are substantial in communications, but you'll overload yourself if you do too much. Now is a good time to see what needs your attention most. Later July is good for paying special attention to relations with a partner or significant other. You're exploring your relationship needs. You are also changing your definitions of comfort, abundance, security, and pleasure, perhaps in ways that benefit the group or the planet. It's a powerful time to redefine what it means to you to be secure, comfortable, wealthy, or stable. The New Moon on the 28th encourages you to start fresh in a close relationship or partnership. It's about embracing a new approach to partnering or counseling and negotiating. New levels of understanding might open up in a relationship. There can be more hopefulness about a project or association, or you get the chance to enjoy a person's perspective more fully. |
You're finding more or higher-quality ways to fully enjoy and express yourself in July, dear Pisces. You can sometimes feel mentally wired this month, but overall, you have greater passion and motivation to get things done, learn, connect, and share. Romantic relationships, creative projects, finances, and friendships are in strong focus. From the 5th, Mars in your communications sector can mean you're not often still, whether physically, mentally, or both! You're inclined to want to initiate independent work and projects. You learn best when you teach yourself or engage in self-study this month and next. You have more energy for--and interest in--pet projects, writing, connecting, or speaking up about important matters. Haste and possibly tension can sometimes interfere with diplomacy, but you can get a lot done with impulsiveness in check. You're in a good position to collaborate, get an edge in a personal interest or hobby, or gain an advantage with new information. Conversations can spark a special interest or lead to fabulous ideas. You might choose to use extra boosts of energy and motivation to fix problems or look for ways to clear up the clutter in your life. You're inclined to say it like it is, and for the most part, it goes over well--aim for healthy assertiveness. Your ideas are genuinely creative right now, and there can be a dramatic and competitive touch to what you do. Venus moving through your home and family sector until the 17th softens any rough edges around the home. You're finding new ways to harmonize or beautify your domestic world. In July, you're more often listening to your intuition, putting your work on display, sharing your ideas, and connecting with others. Personal magnetism is terrific this month. The Full Moon on the 13th can open your heart to the need for true friendship or a special project. Unacknowledged feelings emerge now, and these emotions may be about a relationship, or they can serve to rekindle an interest in a project you haven't yet fully pursued. This lunation might stir activity in your social life, and the theme is recognizing your need for others. Your happiness goals are also in strong focus now, and you may well discover a new dream or plan. Later July brings your attention to your daily routines, habits, health, and chores. Mercury and the Sun move into your work and health sector on the 19th and 22nd, and getting organized is in focus. The New Moon on the 28th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work. A project or goal may consume much of your attention, or you could be handling matters that help you get more organized and feel more in control of your life. With a Uranus-Node alignment this month, you're detaching yourself from old or outdated habits or ways of communicating, learning, and connecting that are no longer doing you any favors. At the same time, you're embracing new ideas, studies, personal interests, or communication styles. In essence, you're retraining yourself to think and learn in improved ways. You could be an instrument of change through your ideas and connections. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 28th. Right now, this planet of plenty is in your resources sector, but will later head back into your sign. You might pace yourself by developing existing projects rather than taking on new ones in the months ahead. There can be some waning enthusiasm or de-emphasis of business, spending, and money matters. However, as you adjust to the retrograde period, you'll recognize this as a vital time for balancing things out and judging how much time and energy you require for your projects or plans. Feeling good about what you do and about your contributions can be gently motivating in the last week of the month. You're productive because you're enjoying yourself as you get things done, and you sense that you're taking a step in the right direction. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
July 2022 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- June 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- September 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- October 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2022 Ephemeris
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.

Void of Course Moon Dates & Times: July 2022 Table
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- New Moon in Cancer Chart: June 28, 2022
- Full Moon Chart: Capricorn Full Moon on July 13, 2022
- New Moon in Leo Chart: July 28, 2022
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: August 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: September 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: October 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022
- Time Line Aspects: December 2022
- Time Line Aspects: January 2023
- Time Line Aspects: February 2023
- Time Line Aspects: March 2023
- Time Line Aspects: April 2023

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview
Sneak peek of the Astrology of 2023