Composite Chart: Jupiter – Neptune Aspects
When composite Jupiter is conjunct composite Neptune:
With Jupiter conjunct Neptune in the composite chart, there is a strongly idealistic or spiritual side to this relationship, and it’s vital that you attend to this element but also keep an eye on it! You need some feelings of hope, romance, idealism, optimism, and a sense of growth as a couple, and if these things are missing in your lives together, there can be quite a bit of frustration. Still, if this aspect plays out as unrealism and impracticality, it’s best to tame the tendency rather than fuel it further.
You might inspire one another to be more charitable or optimistic. The relationship can have the effect of bringing your individual hopes and wishes to a whole new level, and it feels great.
Aim to identify your common mission so that this aspect doesn’t play out as a restless, perpetually seeking one. Recognize the need to have faith in one another and in the relationship itself. Perform reality checks from time to time for best results. Watch for doing so much wishing and planning for the future that you forget to enjoy the present.
When composite Jupiter is square or in opposition to composite Neptune:

Jupiter square Neptune
With Jupiter square Neptune in the composite chart, together you are particularly soft, compassionate, and trusting. You want to believe in people, in life, and in the universe on an essential level. You may, quite unwittingly, encourage one another to be impractical or escapist at times, as your kindness and sympathy make it hard to discipline one another. Wasted opportunities may be a frequent issue in this relationship. Your optimism and compassion are also strengths when you see one another as imperfect humans. It’s important to, rather frequently, perform reality checks.
When composite Jupiter is sextile or trine composite Neptune:
With Jupiter trine Neptune in the composite chart: Together, you are in an excellent position for considering long-term higher goals and purpose. You may have come together with a common or compatible vision of the world and what you want it to be. Your ideals combine quite beautifully most of the time, barring other stronger aspects that suggest a clash.
You are likely to share similar compassion for others and you ultimately give one another the benefit of the doubt, as well. There may be some willing sacrifices that you make for one another. It would help to have other aspects in your composite chart that ground you as a couple, since this aspect on its own points to some tendency to imagine and dream without following through.
With Jupiter sextile Neptune in the composite chart, there is an idealistic side to you as a pair that helps you transcend the mundane from time to time. This is a supportive aspect that suggests your relationship promotes your compassionate, spiritual, or imaginative sides. It also helps infuse your connection with fundamental hope and optimism.
A sense that things will work out if you let them play out is often with you. Trust is important to you, and there is a strong moral sense between you that demands kindness in the end. You need to feel that you’re growing and developing as a couple. This aspect can help soften some of the rough edges of the relationship as there is, ultimately, a spirit of forgiveness between the two.
When composite Jupiter is quincunx composite Neptune:
Back to Planets in Aspect in the Composite Chart
Order a relationship chart: Composite chart analyses are found in the Composite Couples report, Star Mate Couples report, the Couples and Relationship Forecast reports, and the Romantic Compatibility report.
In This Section:
Composite Chart: Sun – Moon Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Mercury Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Venus Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Mars Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Jupiter Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Saturn Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Uranus Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Neptune Aspects
Composite Chart: Sun – Pluto Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Mercury Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Venus Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Mars Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Jupiter Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Saturn Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Uranus Aspects
Composite Chart: Moon – Pluto Aspects
Composite Chart: Mercury-Mars Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Mars Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Jupiter Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Saturn Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Uranus Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Neptune Aspects
Composite Chart: Venus – Pluto Aspects
Composite Jupiter-Saturn aspects
Composite Jupiter-Uranus aspects
Composite Jupiter-Neptune aspects
Composite Jupiter-Pluto aspects
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