Planetary Aspects: Jupiter square North Node
What does Jupiter square North Node mean?
The answer depends on whether it’s an aspect occurring in your natal chart, currently forming in the cosmos (transit-to-transit aspect), transiting your chart, or happening in a chart comparison (synastry – relationship astrology).
Even so, this aspect between planets and points (the North Node isn’t a planet but is an astrological point) has common general themes. The following are interpretations of Jupiter square North Node in these various forms as well as in general.
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Jupiter square North Node
When Jupiter and the North Node connect, we tend to attract life lessons, and our philosophies or worldview stand out in comparison to current thought or opinion.
In the Natal Chart
With Jupiter forming a square to the North Node in the birth chart, your social views and values don’t always mesh with current thought. You are an individualist, and you’re unafraid of going against the grain. Additionally, you are not fond of social niceties, preferring to say it like it is.
However, you should watch for glossing over important details. It’s rather easy for you to jump to conclusions. As well, you might seem to attract life lessons, often through conflict or jarring events.
Key Traits of Jupiter square North Node. You will find some, many, or all of the following, depending on how strong this aspect is in the natal chart:
- Individualistic and free thinker.
- Can be quarrelsome.
- Frequent conflicts due to disharmonious ideas or values.
- Problems with social institutions.
Transit to Transit
This type of aspect can be considered astrological “weather’ — it occurs in the cosmos for all and is not specific to our personal natal charts.
With Jupiter forming a square to North Node, we can frequently find ourselves at odds with one another over our viewpoints or moral values.
See more transit-to-transit aspects.
Jupiter square the True North Node dates from 1940 to 2040
The following lists reveal the dates of this aspect’s occurrence in history, current times, and the future in two different formats.
Dates with Planetary Positions by Signs and Degrees. Note: dates and times are Eastern and are within the years 1940 to 2050:
In Transit to the Natal Chart
Transits to the natal chart are personal — they occur to specific natal chart points and they happen to different people at unique times, depending on when they were born.
In other words, while everyone or most people experience these transits at some point(s) in their lives, the timing is unique to the individual.
When transiting Jupiter squares natal North Node, you could find yourself frequently at odds with others with your values, morals, and ideas. It’s important to watch for a tendency to jump to decisions before you’ve gathered the finer points and details.
When transiting North Node squares natal Jupiter, you can frequently find yourself at odds with others over your values, ideals, and morals. Tensions are possible as you can feel you’re going against the grain or your behaviors seem to pull you away from personal growth or development. Watch for overindulgence.
In Chart Comparison (Synastry)
When Jupiter in one chart forms a square with the North Node in another chart, you can often find yourself in disagreement with one another on core values, morals, or personal philosophies. Without even intending, you seem to encourage one another’s overindulgence or bad habits. Overreactions or impulsiveness can result when this aspect of your chemistry is acting up.
See more synastry aspects between two charts.
In the Composite Chart
The composite chart is a special chart derived from the midpoints between two or more charts. It is read as the chart of a relationship–the people as a couple or unit.
With Jupiter square North Node in the composite chart, disagreements over morals, politics, worldview, or personal philosophies can escalate quickly between you, often taking on exaggerated importance. You might want to work on avoiding overreactions and impulsive tendencies. Jumping to conclusions can be a real problem in your relationship.
See more composite chart aspects.
See also Planetary Aspects, Jupiter Transits, and North Node Transits

Uranus sextile North Node

Uranus sextile Neptune

Saturn sextile Uranus

Jupiter square Chiron

Jupiter square Saturn

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

Uranus conjunct North Node

Jupiter sextile Pluto