2021 Leo Horoscope Preview
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Leo Horoscopes, the Year 2021: Summary/preview of the year ahead for the zodiac sign Leo.
This forecast is for those with the Sun in Leo (approximate birthdates in the range from July 23rd to August 22nd)* AND those with a Leo Ascendant. Be sure to also see the full Leo 2021 Yearly Horoscope.
By the way, if you want to know your Ascendant, find out with an Ascendant calculator, such as our What’s My Ascendant?, but do note that an Ascendant cannot be determined for unknown birth times.
2021 Leo Horoscope Overview
(Click on any sign above to navigate to that sign’s preview horoscope).
Areas of Expansion in 2021 for Leo: One-to-One Relationships, Agreements, Intimacy, Shared Finances
Your Leo 2021 Horoscope points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow.
- Partnerships
- Agreements & Negotiations
- Intimacy, Sharing, Sexuality
- Shared Finances & Assets
- Support
Until May 13th, 2021, and then July 28th-December 28th, 2021, your relationships receive a boost of forward-moving energy. This cycle that lasts for the most part until December 2021 helps you succeed in a partnership or improve your relationship status/situation.
Your partnerships, relating abilities, and powers of negotiation continue to improve, grow, or expand. New partnership opportunities can arrive now, or the chance to bring fresh energy to an existing committed relationship emerges. Relationships entered into now are generally successful and happy — they are mutually beneficial.
Sometimes, this transit absolves an existing partnership, but if this is the case, it is likely to come as a relief, or it is a “blessing in disguise.” Meeting someone better for you at this point in your life may be a reason for this, although it’s important not to jump into something new blindly. Your ability to get along with others is enhanced as you are especially willing to compromise, and you are more appealing than usual.
The positive potentials of this transit are many: You can negotiate more successfully, and, if applicable, win in legal matters. Legal matters or challenging relationship problems from the past can be resolved, and more casual disputes can be settled amicably as well. You may find yourself taking on the role of consultant or advisor, or you could benefit from help from same.
Good publicity may come your way. If your career has you working with or before the public, you can safely expect increased popularity now, particularly if you do counseling or negotiating in your job. Relationships and partnerships benefit from expansive, warm energy, difficult relationships may be absolved, and/or successful new ones are entered into during this period.
Jupiter rules your sector of creativity, romance, recreation, leisure, and hobbies. Any of these things can be strongly tied with partnerships during this time. For example, a romantic or business partnership could form through leisure activities. This can be a time of expressing yourself more creatively through a relationship, or when others encourage you to express yourself. For some of you, social activities are strongly associated with a partnership. A partnership may strengthen as you enjoy yourself more frequently or pursue a creative venture together.
This can also be a time when shared beliefs, interests, and ideologies are a focal point in a close relationship. For some, a significant person comes into your life with common educational goals or belief systems, possibly through long-distance connections, schools, or publishing/online activities. For many of you, you attract people who want to help, who are on your side, and who take a strong interest in you.
Potential negatives: You may attract partners who are more concerned with freedom than with pairing, or who seem to be quite extravagant or full of themselves. There could be troubles associated with an existing partner’s extravagance or demand for freedom.
There can be times when your wavering or erratic approach to life goals can clash with your relationship goals this year. There can be some conflict between the demands of a partnership and the demands of a career.
However, for the most part, you are likely to enjoy an improved social life during this cycle. You learn a lot through your experiences and interactions with an important “other.” Interestingly, in 2021, Saturn is in the same area of your chart throughout the period when Jupiter is here. Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts, and in many ways, these energies are opposite in nature. However, they can also inspire you to make things happen–very useful, practical, and beneficial things! Alliances might be made, and partnering matters are strong, committed, clear, and beneficial. The realization of a goal may seem more possible through collaboration or through the support of a special person in your life.
The very areas of life that are expanding this year are also contracting. Ideally, you come to a good balance between the two. A partnership may form that is also practical in the year ahead, or for some, a difficult relationship irons out or ends, and this can feel right to you.
There can be a real learning experience with someone with whom you can bounce ideas off and come to a better understanding of how you define yourself. Learning about the world around you through the eyes of a special person–or through other one-to-one relationships, such as clients–is a pleasing theme in 2021, especially in January.
From May 13-July 28, 2021, and then from December 28th onward, there is a wonderful, refreshing focus on your private world or intimate life – a possible deepening of a relationship, or an increased understanding of your inner workings–a boost in your relationship with yourself!
Your intimate life enlarges and expands, bringing you more joy and new discoveries.
This influence spans three date ranges, and we’re on the first wave this year:
- from May 13-July 28, 2021,
- from December 28, 2021-May 10, 2022,
- and from October 28, 2022-December 20, 2022
It may sound complicated, but it just means that you’re experiencing these themes in steps, starting this year from May to July.
During this cycle, you learn to embrace inner change in order to feel more empowered. There may be more opportunities to find support, financial and/or emotional, but you should be wary of living on credit and borrowing too heavily from the future.
It’s a time to grab opportunities that help you to feel empowered and on top of your life. Conversations are deep and lead to fruitful discoveries. Sexuality is richer. There can be benefits and support coming your way through or from others, whether it’s about a refund, an easier time getting loans or mortgages, a partner’s income increases, or you inherit something valuable.
Combining your resources, talents, and/or money with those of a partner can improve your financial outlook. You might also benefit from managing others’ resources and talents without the “teaming up” part. It all depends on your current circumstances.
These things are more likely to relate to a romantic relationship, your dating life, leisure activities, or self-expression in your life since Jupiter rules these things in your solar chart. There may be a metamorphosis of sorts related to love, romance, or pleasure. It can be a significant period for sexual discovery and depth.
Potential negatives: Taking on too much debt or relying too heavily on others for support. Be wise when/if lending and borrowing.
Otherwise, it’s a strong period for opening yourself up to others and for feeling more confident about your emotional depths. This is a period when you can quite successfully purge yourself of some of your inner demons, guilt, and buried psychological problems.
While there can be some reality checks at times, it’s a potent period for psychological growth. Imaginative activities or behind the scenes efforts can be rewarding, either (or both) spiritually and materially. Generosity, faith, and compassion increase. You may be opening up to someone special and sharing your burdens, although this theme is more likely to occur in 2022.
Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity: Partnerships, Contracts
Your Leo 2021 Horoscope points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary “slimming down” in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.
- A Significant Other or Association
- One-to-one Relationships
All year, the areas of your life that require a “back to basics” approach are associated with the sector of your solar chart that governs close personal relationships, such as marriages and other committed partnerships, long-term associations, open enemies, negotiations, agreements, and contracts. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.
This influence is only just got started last year, but while it wove in and out of influence in 2020, you’re now experiencing it consistently in 2021. This influence lasts until March 2023.
It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Leo. This year, those born with a Leo Ascendant of 1 to 14 degrees, and those born from July 24-August 5, are most directly affected.
For those of you who are in committed partnerships, there can be some strains on your bond during this cycle. A partner might feel like a “heavy” in your life–perhaps even a dark cloud hanging over you at times–and any feelings of restriction that you feel or have felt in this area of life may seem magnified in your mind now. A partner might also seem cautious, distant, critical, or defensive. You need to open your mind to the possibility that a partner is providing you with important life lessons – about traditions, simplifying your life, and responsibilities. Do not automatically discard what they have to say. Take your time on this one. If, however, a partner is challenging you to the point of breaking, then steps need to be taken to improve the situation.
For those of you who are not in committed relationships, it is quite unlikely that you’ll enter a new long-term partnership or commitment rashly. Some of you might begin one but will do so quite cautiously and carefully. Some of you might be attracted to older or more mature and established people as partnership “material”. This can be a make or break period for many of you. If you decide to make a commitment to someone, it’s likely to be a long one.
Those of you who are single might nevertheless feel some angst or pressure. This lack in your life might suddenly seem magnified, like a gaping hole. You might lose hope, temporarily, that you’ll ever find a strong, committed partnership. Feelings of loneliness may run deep this year, but the universe is sending you a message through this experience regardless. It is awakening you to a need. In time, you will find ways to satisfy this need.
Some of you could be making a commitment this year. A relationship can encounter some tests or complications, but if it’s strong, it will weather the storm and you could decide to take it to another level. If not, remember that relationships lost during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector, if at all, may have needed to end. This is a time when you may be seeing the less flattering side of others, and through your relationships, of yourself as well!
Others may be restricting you, or at least that’s how you might perceive things, and you may not be at your best in terms of overall energy. Some areas of your life may seem to be breaking down before they get better. There can also be bone and teeth problems – something that often happens with hard Saturn transits. Tidy and organize your life as much as possible in order to minimize the challenges.
Seek ways to balance your life in terms of pleasures and responsibilities. Don’t turn your back on commitments and traditions entirely, and aim to learn and grow as much as possible from your experiences. The benefits of this transit are great, even if they sometimes feel slow to make themselves known! Incidentally, the last time this theme occurred was from 1991-early 1994.
In spots this year, you get help from an influence already mentioned in the first section on Expansion above. This helps you find ways to enjoy what you’re doing, or at the very least, recognize that you’re growing through it, even as you work on the tougher stuff. It’s also another indicator for possibly partnering up to work or improve health, or of meeting a significant someone through work or the pursuit of your health goals.
Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed
Your 2021 Leo Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.
- Career
- Reputation
- Responsibilities
- Life Path or Direction
- Long-term Goals
All year, your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image continue to open up and change. These areas of life can be unpredictable – the wildcard areas of life – but also highly stimulating and innovative. You can bring fresh insight to your work.
This may be a time when you take an unexpected turn in your work. Be sure you don’t jump on a bandwagon that is impractical. Also, while you prefer to set your own pace in your work, try not to become a loner in your professional life. Others can have valuable input that you might miss while you’re too busy asserting your independence! Otherwise, this can be a powerful period of innovation.
Your career, professional projects, reputation, and public image continue to speed up, stimulate, and open up this year. You might learn to let go of limiting self-consciousness in these areas. As long as you don’t push it too far, you can free yourself from some of the fears you may have of not living up to others’ expectations, particularly those of parents or society in general.
Your career, life path, or direction can alter now as you seem to need to express yourself more authentically in 2021 and in the years ahead (it lasts until 2025-6). More courage is with you this year for breaking out along new paths.
You’re often bringing a progressive, innovative, and unique spirit to your work or reputation. You are getting into better touch with your intuition these days, and this can have a wonderful effect on your approach to your career or direction.
Even so, there can be times when an erratic, unpredictable, abrupt, or rebellious theme in these areas of your life can clash with other life departments. This year, Uranus clashes with Jupiter in January and Saturn from February to December, and there can be conflicts related to partnerships if your goals are unclear or attention is divided. There is a heavier, more committed, or traditional element to partnering this year, while your career or life path goals are more unconventional.
Note that this influence runs all the way until April 2026! It’s a significant, sometimes disruptive, but ultimately enlightening transit.
Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation
Your Leo Horoscope reveals areas of your life in which change and transformation take place in the year ahead. It’s a time for “out with the old, in with the new.”
- Health
- Work
- Service
- Routines & Habits
- Friendships/Kinships
- Romance
- Joy & Recreation
Attitudes towards work, services you provide for others, daily routines, and health continue to transform this year, and they will for many years to come with a long-term, overarching trend still active. This is a good period for ridding yourself of bad habits or routines, but be careful that you don’t replace one bad habit with another!
Of course, there can be times when these alterations cause friction, such as pressures to perform and obsessions with taking care of details. Watch for excess and burning the candle at both ends, which is a real temptation. However, this theme is also strong for making long-lasting beneficial changes to your habits, work, and routines. Pluto is not as prominent as it was last year, suggesting that it’s a little easier to do what you want with this transit, directing your energies appropriately.
Continuing this year, you’re challenged to balance your personal life with your connection with others and the community. There is a strong calling to pay special attention to friends, groups, community, and happiness goals. These areas of life will be the source of much joy and interest as you are challenged to make improvements here.
This is a time for exploring your need to connect with a cause, group, or community. One of the major keys to happiness in 2021 is learning to team up with others successfully instead of going it alone or pushing too hard to stand out as unique.
In November, a new theme that will be with you for eighteen months is born, and it’s about challenging you to pour more concerted effort into your career or responsibilities. It’s only just getting started now, and it will develop in 2022.
Your Planetary Ruler in 2021: The all-mighty Sun is your planetary ruler, although it’s technically a star, not a planet. The Sun never retrogrades, and while you are not immune to the retrogrades of Mercury and other planets, of course, you tend to plod along at a steady pace. As well, in the year 2021 specifically, planets never retrograde in your sign, and this helps you feel that you’re moving forward with fewer obstacles than usual.
The Sun is in your sign every year from approximately July 23rd to August 22nd, and this can be a time for renewal after which there is a new personal beginning. The Sun is particularly supportive of you from March 21-April 2o and November 21-December 20.
*It’s important to note that birthdates for Sun signs are always approximate since the starting date and time varies a bit every single year. If you were born on one of these cutoff dates (commonly known as a “cusp”), you can get a definitive answer using a Sun Sign Calculator. You can also write reports@cafeastrology.com with your birth information and we can let you know your true Sun sign if you were born on or beside the approximate date range given for any sign of the zodiac.
2021 Yearly Overview Horoscopes:
See also 2021 Summary Horoscopes for neat summaries of the year ahead for each sign, 2021 Yearly Horoscopes for detailed forecasts for each sign, and 2021 Love Guides/Horoscopes for Each Sign for forecasts in the areas of romance and relationships.
See our detailed Monthly Horoscopes and Daily Horoscopes.
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