This Week in Astrology: May 28 to June 3, 2017
May 28 to June 3, 2017
On this Page:
This week’s Moon
Planets in signs and aspect
This week’s astrology calendar
Timing with the Moon
Romance & Relationship Report
Daily Trends
The FIRST QUARTER MOON occurs on Thursday, June 1, 2017, at 8:42 AM EDT.

First Quarter Moon
On Thursday morning, a First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Gemini forms a square with the Virgo Moon. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we are made aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative we began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 11 degrees and 32 minutes of Virgo squaring the Sun at 11 degrees and 32 minutes of Gemini, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 14 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.
The NEW MOON occurred on Thursday, May 25, 2017, at 3:44 PM EDT.
On Thursday afternoon, a new cycle began. The Taurus New Moon cycle ended and the Gemini New Moon cycle began. The New Moon in Gemini cycle presents opportunities to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins. It’s time to improve our communication skills by listening to others and enjoying others’ points of view, rather than doggedly seeking to find that one elusive “answer.” This is a good cycle under which to re-evaluate our communication and social skills by questioning just how much we actually take in information and communicate in a friendly, non-threatening manner. With this potent Gemini energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.
This New Moon occurred around the time of a Mars-Saturn opposition, and we may need to watch for see-sawing between aggressively pursuing our goals and withdrawing from doing so completely.

New Moon in Gemini chart on May 25, 2017
This phase of the Moon occurred at 4 degrees and 47 minutes of Gemini, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 1 to 8 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.
Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
May 25, 2017, 3:44 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Jun 1, 2017, 8:42 AM Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jun 9, 2017, 9:10 AM Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Jun 17, 2017, 7:33 AM Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Jun 23, 2017, 10:31 PM Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
(Times are Eastern)
The Sun is in Gemini; Mercury is in Taurus; Venus is in Aries; Mars is in Gemini.
The Sun is in Gemini from May 20-June 21. Knowledge and diversity motivate us with the Sun in Gemini. We are more sociable, intellectual, and insatiably curious under this influence. We tend to scatter our energies as a result of this curiosity and awareness of all of our options. We are more communicative and versatile, but we can also be unreliable.
Mercury is in Taurus from May 16-June 6. When Mercury is in Taurus, our thinking is down to earth, solid, and grounded. Common sense reigns over more fanciful thinking. We communicate more deliberately under this influence, and our minds are oriented to the world of the five senses. We prefer the tried and true rather than new ways of thinking. Attention to one thing at a time can simplify our lives, but we may be in danger of narrow, overly conservative, or rigid thinking.
Venus is in Aries from April 28-June 6. In Aries, love is spontaneous and direct. The chase is very exciting to us under this fiery influence. We are bold, fresh, and a little impatient when it comes to matters of the heart. We don’t look back with Aries energy. We are not interested in saying sorry or dwelling on the past. It’s a brand new day! It’s time to make things work right now. Aries is known for a love of the chase and the conquest, but Aries love can be longstanding as long as it remains relatively fresh. Aries is blunt–there’s no sugar-coating with Aries. This can sting, but rarely is Aries energy mean or petty. Saying it like it is is important to Aries. Desires are strong and expressed spontaneously, enthusiastically, and directly. Aries prefers to seduce rather than be seduced, to chase rather than be chased.
Mars is in Gemini from April 21-June 4. In Gemini, Mars is considerably more versatile and flexible–and considerably less determined and focused! Our interests become more diversified, possibly to the point of going off on so many tangents that we are scattered and ineffective.
Saturn transits Sagittarius from December 23, 2014, to June 14, 2015, and then from September 17, 2015, to December 20, 2017. Read about Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius here.
Jupiter entered Libra on September 9th, 2016, and will transit Libra until October 10, 2017. Read about Jupiter in Libra here.
Uranus entered Aries on March 11th, 2011. The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong with Uranus in Aries.
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Aries from April 28 -June 6. In Aries, love is spontaneous and direct. The chase is very exciting to us under this fiery influence. We are bold, fresh, and a little impatient when it comes to matters of the heart. We don’t look back with Aries energy. We are not interested in saying sorry or dwelling on the past. It’s a brand new day! It’s time to make things work right now. Aries is known for a love of the chase and the conquest, but Aries love can be longstanding as long as it remains relatively fresh. Aries is blunt–there’s no sugar-coating with Aries. This can sting, but rarely is Aries energy mean or petty. Saying it like it is is important to Aries. Desires are strong and expressed spontaneously, enthusiastically, and directly. Aries prefers to seduce rather than be seduced, to chase rather than be chased.
This week: A trine between Venus and Saturn on Wednesday and Thursday is a stabilizing although reserved influence. It’s a time for looking for an anchor in a relationship. We’re approaching love and relationships (as well as money and pleasure-seeking) in a more mature, responsible, and level-headed way. This is a great time for stabilizing relationships, as well as for showing our affection through practical support and shows of loyalty. This influence reminds us of the value of constancy and reliability, despite inner changes. A need for a fresh start is with us on Friday and Saturday with a Venus-Uranus conjunction that wants to begin anew and move forward fearlessly into the future. Venus with both Saturn and Uranus this week suggests the ability to experiment or make exciting changes without sacrificing stability and security.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Aries Romance at the drop of a hat is part and parcel of the cycle you have just begun. Winning the hearts of others can be a challenge you’re eager to accept – and the thrill of the chase might be most of the fun. Is it the pursuit of happiness – or the happiness of pursuit?
Venus square Pluto May 24-25. Intense passions, but there’s a hidden agenda. Jealousy and possessiveness are high, in direct proportion to fear of losing partnership. Avoid starting a new relationship at this time, because it can be characterized by these energies.
Venus trine Saturn May 31-June 1. Relationships are stabilized and steady, although feelings are expressed reservedly, formally, or sparingly. A new sense of realism and maturity in existing partnerships. Relationships begun under this influence possess a distinctly practical theme, almost as if the partnership is a business endeavor, and have much potential to last.
Venus conjunct Uranus June 2-3. We have a taste for the unusual and the avant-garde. We are itching for a change. What makes a person unique is more attractive under this influence. Excitement and newness are valued over permanence in social relationships. Freedom is more important than intimacy just now. We lose our fears of taking risks in love and social situations. Romantic infatuations, gossip, unanticipated opportunities socially or financially. We have a greater need for self-expression, personal freedom, and social excitement.
Venus semi-square Neptune June 5. Romantic confusion as well as relationship ups and downs. Self-deception may come to light now.
The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects. The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology). Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart for the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass. The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology.
The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:
Void-of-course Moon on Monday, May 29th, from 3:00 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Uranus), until the Moon enters Leo at 8:13 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Wednesday, May 31st, from 7:15 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Mars), until the Moon enters Virgo at 12:17 PM EDT.
VOC Moon on Friday, June 2nd, from 5:50 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mars), until the Moon enters Libra at 8:05 PM EDT.
Void of Course Moon – May 2017

Void of Course Table for May 2017
Void of Course Moon – June 2017
Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives
The Moon is waxing this week — a period that is generally considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details).
According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs from Tuesday, May 30th, at approximately 3:50 PM EDT, until Wednesday, May 31st, at approximately 7:10 AM EDT, while the Moon is in Leo.
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
Feb 3, 2017 10:51 AM
Venus enters Aries
Feb 6, 2017 1:52 AM Jupiter Retrograde (Rx)
Feb 7, 2017 4:35 AM Mercury enters Aquarius
Feb 18, 2017 6:31 AM Sun enters Pisces
Feb 25, 2017 6:07 PM Mercury enters Pisces
Mar 4, 2017 4:09 AM Venus Rx
Mar 9, 2017 7:34 PM Mars enters Taurus
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Mar 13, 2017 5:07 PM Mercury enters Aries
Mar 20, 2017 6:29 AM Sun enters Aries
Mar 31, 2017 1:30 PM Mercury enters Taurus
Apr 2, 2017 8:25 PM Venus Retrograde enters Pisces
Apr 6, 2017 1:06 AM Saturn Retrograde
Apr 9, 2017 7:14 PM Mercury Retrograde
Apr 15, 2017 6:18 AM Venus Direct
Apr 19, 2017 5:27 PM Sun enters Taurus
Apr 20, 2017 8:48 AM Pluto Retrograde
Apr 20, 2017 1:37 PM Mercury Retrograde enters Aries
Apr 21, 2017 6:32 AM Mars enters Gemini
Apr 28, 2017 9:13 AM Venus enters Aries
Apr 29, 2017 11:40 AM Ceres enters Gemini
May 2, 2017 7:53 PM Vesta enters Leo
May 3, 2017 12:33 PM Mercury Direct
May 9, 2017 2:28 PM True Node Retrograde enters Leo
May 16, 2017 12:07 AM Mercury enters Taurus
May 20, 2017 4:31 PM Sun enters Gemini
Jun 4, 2017 12:16 PM Mars enters Cancer
Jun 6, 2017 3:26 AM Venus enters Taurus
Jun 6, 2017 6:15 PM Mercury enters Gemini
Jun 9, 2017 10:02 AM Jupiter Direct
Jun 16, 2017 7:10 AM Neptune Retrograde
Jun 21, 2017 12:24 AM Sun enters Cancer
Jun 21, 2017 5:57 AM Mercury enters Cancer
Jun 26, 2017 10:31 PM Pallas enters Taurus
Jul 4, 2017 8:11 PM Venus enters Gemini
Jul 5, 2017 8:20 PM Mercury enters Leo
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day.
See also: The Astrology of 2017 – Overview.
Note: Times given are Eastern Time (ET).
This Week’s Calendar
This Week’s Aspects
Mercury sextile Neptune. Intuition runs high; we are more sensitive artistically; imagination is stirred, and we have an increased appreciation for subtleties. We are inspired and we are able to inspire others with our words.
Mars opposition Saturn. Circumstances or people tend to stand in our way or thwart our will just now, which can cause some feelings of resentment or frustration. It can be difficult to assert ourselves directly or in an otherwise healthy manner. Our desire to take action and to constructively express our aggressive urges feels thwarted or blocked. It can feel like more effort than usual is required to complete tasks.
Mars sextile Uranus. This is a period in which we are more willing than usual to take risks and to make necessary changes in our lives. We are naturally bold and assertive, willing to experiment, and conscious of a need to act independently. Our ideas may be ground-breaking, and at the very least progressive. A strong desire to make things happen is with us now.
Mercury trine Pluto. Our mental faculties are attuned to otherworldly impressions, offering us increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention.
Venus trine Saturn. Affections stabilize and mature. Affections stabilize and mature. Maturity with others allows us to take the bad with the good and finds us seeing our relationships realistically. Small advances can be made in business and in partnerships through strengthening and bonding. Support from older people or authority figures may come by way of solid advice or more tangible help. Renewed ties to old friends are possible, or a new sense of responsibility can be felt in existing friendships. Business sense is good.
Sun semi-square Uranus. During this transit, we feel the need for action, but if we don’t know where we’re headed, we might take the wrong turn. Unexpected changes in plans or events can test our patience, and we might feel a bit out of control. However, they could stimulate us to try new approaches and they certainly act to cut boredom. This transit could offer us the drive to do something new, but avoid making hasty major decisions for the time being.
Mars square Chiron. It can be challenging expressing our desires and our anger clearly and directly under this influence. There can be a tendency to rebel against others’ wishes or plans. We may be defensive and touchy, and resentments or frustrations can surface now.
Venus conjunct Uranus. We have a taste for the unusual and the avant-garde. We are itching for a change. What makes a person unique is more attractive under this influence. Excitement and newness are valued over permanence in social relationships. We lose our fears of taking risks in love and social situations. Romantic infatuations, gossip, unanticipated opportunities socially or financially. We have a greater need for self-expression, personal freedom, and social excitement.
Sun trine Jupiter. This influence is about growth and expansiveness. We are more aware of moral issues, and we have a desire to improve and learn. Optimism and confidence are basic elements in the energy of this transit. We are more willing to take a risk or two, and we are motivated by a desire to impress others. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes easy. This is generally a good time to schedule new beginnings in business, education, personal relationships, marriage, creative projects, and so forth, all things equal.
Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).
See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. See also Transit to Transit aspects.
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day – Astrology Cafe.
See also: The Astrology of 2017 – Overview.
What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends
(as featured on the site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar)
There is also a new Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trends overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations.
MAY 28
A Mercury-Neptune sextile perfects this morning, expanding our minds and encouraging our imagination. The Moon is in Cancer all day, and we‘re drawn to what’s familiar and safe. Mars is closing in on an opposition to restricting Saturn, exact early into the day tomorrow but influencing us today. Circumstances or people tend to stand in our way or discourage us from seeking our desires, which can cause some feelings of resentment or frustration. It can be difficult to assert ourselves directly or in an otherwise healthy manner, or our assertions meet with a brick wall. Our desire to take action and to constructively express our aggressive urges feels thwarted or blocked. With waning motivation, we might find it particularly hard to get through our routines as quickly as we might on another day. We are asked to slow down and be patient. At this time, we may recognize the need to adopt a humbler, more mature, or more conservative approach.
MAY 29
Early in the day, Mars perfects its opposition to Saturn, and we may be dealing with a reality check or slow down. General conditions or people can appear to stand in the way of progress. We’re getting the message that we are moving too quickly and it would behoove us to draw on patience. These early-day frustrations subside, and we rebuild enthusiasm, ideally with a stronger sense of reality, as the day advances. This is helped along by the playful, creative Leo Moon with us from 8:13 AM EDT forward. We’re cooperative and seek out diversity today. It can be a powerful time for mental rapport and useful, two-way conversations.
A void of course Moon occurs from 3:00 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Uranus), until the Moon enters Leo at 8:13 AM EDT.
MAY 30
The Moon is in playful Leo all day, and while we may have some difficulties integrating our practical viewpoint with our less logical emotional needs today, we’re looking forward and excited about making positive things happen. A Mars-Uranus sextile stimulates a willingness to make changes or to take educated risks. Our ideas may be ground-breaking, and at the very least progressive. We are naturally bold and assertive, willing to experiment, and conscious of a need to act independently. At the same time, we’re ready to put the effort forth to advance our goals. We can find satisfying channels for directing our energies now, and we enjoy increased focus or dedication to a project.
MAY 31
The Leo Moon’s morning aspects reinforce our productive and creative urges. It’s a strong time for securing or fleshing out the details of a creative project. It can also be a time of bonding or shows of support and loyalty in a relationship. With Mercury and Pluto forming a trine this morning, it’s a good day for formulating strategies and making observations. Our mental faculties are attuned to otherworldly impressions, offering us increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention. This very focused influence promotes developing strategies and plans and using our persuasive skills. We are especially good at solving problems and getting to the bottom line. The Moon enters Virgo at 12:17 PM EDT, drawing out our desire to heal, help, and fix, and stimulating a need for order and predictability.
A void of course Moon occurs from 7:15 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Mars), until the Moon enters Virgo at 12:17 PM EDT.
The Moon is in helpful, service-oriented Virgo all day, stimulating our desire to take care of details and get on top of our daily affairs. The First Quarter Moon occurs this morning at 8:43 AM EDT when the Sun in Gemini forms a square with the Virgo Moon. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we are made aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative we began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles. A trine between Venus and Saturn today is excellent for sorting out our feelings. We’re approaching love, relationships, money, and pleasure-seeking in a more mature, responsible, and level-headed way. This is a great time for stabilizing relationships, as well as for showing our affection through practical support, service, and shows of loyalty. This influence reminds us of the value of constancy and reliability, despite internal changes. Business sense is excellent, although we can be risk-averse now.
The Moon is in Virgo until 8:05 PM, after which it transits Libra. This morning, mildly destabilizing energy is with us as the Sun and Uranus form a semi-square and Mars forms a square with Chiron. While we may feel the need for action, we are not necessarily clear on where we’re headed. We are especially sensitive to situations that feel too confining or limiting all day long. There can be interruptions in schedules and unreliability this morning, but these can prompt us to take interesting detours from our usual routines. Desires can be misleading, and energy and motivation levels are variable. There can be a tendency to rebel against others’ wishes or plans. We may be defensive and touchy, and resentments or frustrations can surface now. Later today, we move towards an alignment of Venus and Uranus — yet another influence that encourages us to let go of rigidity, but one that is perhaps a little clearer. We have a real taste for the unusual and the avant-garde, and we’re itching for a change whether we’re aware of this or not. Excitement and newness are valued over permanence for the time being. We lose our fears of taking risks in love and social situations. Themes include infatuations, whims, gossip, and unanticipated opportunities socially or financially. We have a greater need for self-expression, personal freedom, and social excitement.
A void of course Moon occurs from 5:50 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mars), until the Moon enters Libra at 8:05 PM EDT.
Venus perfects its conjunction to Uranus in Aries early today, inspiring us to relate to one another in new ways or to seek out new pleasures. Surprising events, likely romantic, financial, and social, are in store now. Some of us have an opportunity to shine for what makes us unique. The Sun forms a trine with Jupiter midday, stimulating hope, optimism, and a desire to improve, impress, and do good things. We are seeking to grow and expand a venture, a relationship, our knowledge, personal philosophy or self-improvement program. Enthusiasm runs high, and cooperation comes easily. We might make grand gestures, show off a little, or simply feel that we’re above petty problems and differences. Later today, decisions are not as easy to make. The Moon is in Libra all day and coming to a sense of balance and harmony is important to us.
If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year.
Moon Signs This Week:
When the Moon is in Cancer
The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.
The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our “inner child”. It’s a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention–when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It’s a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
When the Moon is in Virgo
We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.
The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.
When the Moon is in Libra
Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others’ approval is another.
The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.
This Week’s Planetary Positions By Sign (General Trends)
Sun in Gemini The cycle which begins for you now will be marked by a more intense focus on mental and communicative activity than you may ever have experienced before. It’s a time of more involvement with other people, a time for gathering information, and a time when you’re apt to be more on the go than ever. There is likely to be an emphasis on reading, writing, studying, and all forms of exchanging information with others in the years ahead – and it will all serve as a path for self-discovery and personal development.
Mercury in Taurus “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” – that’s the key to the way you think at a time like this. Practical, utilitarian ideas are the ones that make the most sense now – putting them to good use is a focus for you. Material things are foremost on your mind in many respects: an emphasis on the real rather than the ideal.
Venus in Aries Romance at the drop of a hat is part and parcel of the cycle you have just begun. Winning the hearts of others can be a challenge you’re eager to accept – and the thrill of the chase might be most of the fun. Is it the pursuit of happiness – or the happiness of pursuit?
Mars in Gemini Learning, communicating, the exchange of ideas: these are the experiences you crave as a means to make your mark now, as a new phase begins in your life. You’re a person with something to say, and you realize that others have information that is essential to your goals. A time of much mental energy and initiative … perhaps with an element of conflict tossed in for good measure.
Jupiter in Libra The ties that bind, the harmonious integration of opposites, the perfect balance: these are the keys to your greatest opportunities now. Marriage and other close personal relationships tend to offer bright prospects, and you have a deep yearning to experience the fulfillment they can bring.
Saturn in Sagittarius The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.” Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation.
Uranus in Aries A clean break with the past in some respects is signaled by the cycle you have just begun. What YOU need, YOUR freedom and independence, shattering old molds: these are the things that energize you and take priority in your life. Uniqueness and originality set you apart.
Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?
Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone and everyone in their place…
The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.
Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2017 – Overview