This Week in Astrology: June 30-July 6, 2024
June 30 to July 6, 2024
On this Page:
This week’s Moon
Planets in signs and by aspect
This week’s astrology calendar
Timing with the Moon
Romance & Relationship Report
Daily Trends
The NEW MOON occurs on Friday, July 5th, 2024, at 6:58 PM EDT.
On Friday evening, a New Moon occurs as the Sun and the Moon join forces in the sign of Cancer. This New Moon in Cancer presents a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honoring our deepest, most irrational and intimate, feelings; recognizing the sense of security and safety we derive from whatever it is we call home; allowing ourselves to accept support and offering support to others; and starting a project aimed at improving our domestic lives or a major long-term venture.
With this potent Cancer energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle.
It’s time to make some plans and set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs. Concentrate on new ways to enhance family life and domestic affairs, and to build up your feelings of security and safety.
The chart:
This phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 23 minutes of Cancer, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 18 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.
The above chart wheel is excellent for visualizing essential chart patterns as it shows the positions of the major or core bodies. The following chart wheel has additional points such as Chiron, the asteroids, and more, which can be studied for more refinement or additional analysis (click to enlarge):
Moon Phase Cycle: Bigger Picture
Jul 5, 2024
, 6:57 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Jul 13, 2024, 6:49 PM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jul 21, 2024, 6:17 AM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Jul 27, 2024, 10:51 PM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Aug 4, 2024, 7:13 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
(Times are Eastern)
This week: The Sun is in Cancer; Mercury is in Cancer until July 2nd, when it moves into Leo; Venus is in Cancer; Mars is in Taurus.
The Sun is in Cancer from June 20-July 22. We are self-protective and insular under this influence. Our attention turns to our nest–our families, homes, and anything that makes us feel “at home,” safe, and secure.
Nurturing and caring for our loved ones and pet projects come into focus. Emotions run deep, and we easily tune in to the world of feelings. Note that we are more in tune with the Moon while the Sun is in Cancer.
We may not want to grow up and face responsibilities or the outside world during the Sun-in-Cancer cycle. We should watch for dependence when we’d do better for ourselves otherwise. However, it’s a robust transit for recognizing our needs for comfort, safety, and familiarity. We’re inclined to form strong bonds and protect our loved ones.
Mercury is in Cancer from June 17-July 2. When Mercury is in Cancer, we move from the desire for quantity with information to the need for quality. We think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more instinctive level. We have less interest in what is universal and more interest in what affects us personally and the people close to us. Our thoughts are colored by our emotions, making it more challenging to be objective.
We have outstanding and detailed memories during this cycle. We’re more likely to absorb information about the emotional background or atmosphere/setting around us, picking up on moods and tones in addition to facts.
While we may not have great confidence in our ability to generate new or original ideas, we have a well-developed sense of humor and radiate warmth in our communications. We take great interest in (and notice of) personal issues and interactions during this period. We don’t care much for intellectual stands if they’re devoid of a personal or heartful element, and we need intimate settings to express ourselves fully.
Mercury is in Leo from July 2-25 and later, August 14-September 9 [Lengthier transit of Leo due to a Mercury retrograde period from August 5th to 28th, 2024]. When Mercury is in Leo, our thinking is more confident and grand. The focus is now on the goal–and the grander a goal the better! The details may not be quite as important now. We are more expressive, even theatrical and given to speech-giving and story-telling under this influence.
We are also more convincing and persuasive, as we exude confidence when we speak or write. With this transit, we may not listen as well as we normally do since we’re very focused on our own ideas.
We’re also strong about making decisions ourselves and letting our voices and input be heard. This is not a time when we’re content with letting others make all the moves or decisions–we need to be involved. We take the lead, manage, direct, and create while Mercury is in Leo. We need to relate to information or create stories about it to absorb it well. During this cycle, we should watch for being too inflexible, proud, or haughty to change course.
Venus is in Cancer from June 17-July 11. In Cancer, Venus is nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. We experience many emotional ups and downs in love under this influence due to our increased sensitivity and impressionability. We are tender, romantic, and attached. We could be clingy or sulky during this period.
Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. We show our love through our devotion, care, and concern. We are affectionate and cuddly, and are at our best when we feel safe and secure. We also want to make our loved ones feel safe and comfortable.
It’s a good cycle for collecting and money related to real estate, accommodation, food, coins, silver, or antiques. We enjoy homey, familiar pastimes and art and simple pleasures.
Cautious with our feelings, we are not always confident about boldly trying or sharing new things during this cycle. However, we do whatever we can to make our loved ones feel special. Our memories are long, and we can be very sentimental.
Mars is in Taurus from June 9-July 20. During this cycle, we are determined, stubborn, and persistent. Mars in Taurus can be passive until provoked and is at its strongest when digging in its heels, outlasting, or defending something! In stark contrast to the impulsive Mars in Aries cycle, we tend to pursue our goals by plodding along patiently. We seek longevity and long-term satisfaction.
While Mars is in Taurus, we’re slow to change course or get started but persevering. Preferring methodical work over creative methods, we seek predictability and stability. We can be stubborn and resistant to change, and we’ll work the hardest for material security.
It’s not a time when we readily take risks. Instead, we seek concrete, long-lasting results. Our stamina is great, and our cravings and physical needs/desires are prominent, driving us towards our goals.
Jupiter is in Gemini.
Jupiter began its transit of Gemini on May 24th, 2024, and continues its transit of the sign until June 9th, 2025. Read more about Jupiter’s transit of Gemini.
Saturn transits Pisces from March 7th, 2023 until May 24th, 2025, and Sep 1st, 2025, to Feb 13th, 2026. Read about Saturn’s transit of Pisces.
Uranus is in Taurus.
Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.
There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.
Pluto transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius in 2023 and 2024. Read about Pluto’s transit of Aquarius. Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn, and was in Capricorn until January 20th, 2024. Pluto is in Aquarius from January 20th to September 1st, when it will retreat into Capricorn once again. Note: Pluto is slow-moving through the zodiac signs!
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Cancer from June 17-July 11. We treat lovers with sympathy and tenderness, providing the emotional nurturing that they need. We tend to “play it safe” when it comes to relationships. Love and devotion are most important to us, and provide us with a sense of inner security. We seek a deep love in which we can merge souls and personalities with our lover. We are quite devoted to our partners, and we seek such devotion in return.
However, we could also become possessive, manipulative, and stifling. Familiarity is more important to us now. Our fear of rejection is overdeveloped, and we offer our hearts cautiously as a result. We pay more attention to our lovers’ feelings than their words. We feel threatened if a lover acts in an impersonal, overly independent, or detached manner. Safe and solid relationships are more appealing. Romantic and emotional hurts are very hard to forget.
In Cancer, Venus is nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. We experience many emotional ups and downs in love under this influence due to increased sensitivity and impressionability. We are tender, romantic, and attached. Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. We show our love through our devotion, care, and concern. We are affectionate and cuddly, and are at our best when we feel safe and secure.
This week: We’re ready to lock something down, make a commitment, or simply embrace responsibility on Tuesday. Even so, questions of trust can emerge, and we’re taking a harder, more serious look at our connections.
On Wednesday and Thursday, social niceties come more readily, as we are proud of our ability to harmonize.
On Friday and Saturday, there can be some reluctance to commit or to show our affections if we let our insecurities rule our behavior.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Cancer Mothering (or being mothered), sympathy, a yearning to put down roots, and a fondness for things that have stood the test of time – these are some of the hallmarks of the phase that now begins in your life. Romantic and social experiences, as well as artistic tastes, will show evidence of these factors.
Venus parallel Mercury June 27. A congenial time when we appreciate diplomacy and socialize more readily.
Venus sextile Mars June 28-29. This points to success and ease in close personal interactions. We are passionate and sexy. It is a good time for financial ventures, social life, artistic pursuits, romance, and pleasure. We are now able to take the initiative and to achieve harmony and sexual fulfillment. This influence brings satisfaction to the feelings. We may make permanent ties or relationships that prove to be fruitful and fortunate.
Venus trine Saturn July 2. Relationships are stabilized and steady, although feelings are expressed reservedly, formally, or sparingly. A new sense of realism and maturity in existing partnerships. Relationships begun under this influence possess a distinctly practical theme, almost as if the partnership is a business endeavor, and have much potential to last.
Venus contra-parallel Pluto July 2-3. Romantic intensity, a feeling of fatedness, possessiveness, fear of betrayal, and insecurity in relationships. Questions of trust can emerge in relationships. Looking for a commitment.
Venus parallel the Sun July 3-4. A strong desire for harmony and comfort fill us now. We may be moved to express our affections.
Venus square Chiron July 5-6. This isn’t a commitment-friendly transit. We are somewhat fearful of investing ourselves emotionally in a relationship.
Venus semi-square Jupiter July 6-7. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.
Venus sextile Uranus July 7-8. We lose our fear of taking risks at this time, and we happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements. We are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit.
The Moon & Timing
The Void of Course Moon is the period of time after the Moon has made its last aspect in one sign until the Moon enters a new sign. During the Void of Course Moon periods, it is generally wise to stick to routine rather than to begin new projects.
The last aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is indicated here and is indicative of the “outcome” of the matter (whether that is a new project begun before the void period or the answer to a question in Horary Astrology).
Void of Course in Horary Astrology: If you were asking a question and making a chart to determine the answer, as you do in Horary astrology, it is said that since the Moon is not looking forward to any more aspects in this sign, you would have to say that the answer is not forthcoming; any questions asked at this time would not come to pass.
The Moon being Void is one of the Strictures against Judgment in Horary Astrology. The following tables incorporate the modern planets, but some astrologers do not count Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in void Moon calculations.
The Void-of-Course Moon this Week:
Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, June 30th, from 12:57 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mercury), until the Moon enters Taurus at 8:01 AM EDT.
VOC Moon on Tuesday, July 2nd, from 11:44 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Neptune), until the Moon enters Gemini at 11:51 AM EDT (a brief VOC period).
VOC Moon on Thursday, July 4th, from 4:44 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Neptune), until the Moon enters Cancer at 4:52 PM EDT (a brief VOC period).
VOC Moon on Saturday, July 6th, from 11:47 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Leo at 11:56 PM EDT (a brief VOC period).
June 2024:
Void of Course Moon Dates & Times for June 2024
July 2024:
Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives
It’s important to note that there are more factors to consider in addition to the windows listed below. The following windows are starting points. For example, you generally don’t want to elect a new venture when a very challenging aspect is applying, and it’s preferable to elect a time when a particularly positive aspect hasn’t yet perfected (is applying rather than separating).
The Moon is waning this week until the New Moon on the 5th, which is generally considered unfavorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details). The Moon is waxing after the New Moon on the 5th, which is usually favorable for new beginnings, but also with some exceptions.
According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs this week from Monday, July 1st, at approximately 3:00 PM EDT, until Tuesday, July 2nd, at approximately 11:40 AM EDT, while the Moon is in Taurus. A Cazimi Moon period occurs from approximately 6:30 PM to 7:25 PM EDT, while the Moon is in Cancer.
See also the following articles and tables: Timing with the Moon and Opportunity Periods with the Void Moon for times and techniques.
Planetary Stations & Sign Ingresses:
May 25,
2024, 7:15 PM, Jupiter enters Gemini
Jun 3, 2024, 3:36 AM, Mercury enters Gemini
Jun 9, 2024, 12:35 AM, Mars enters Taurus
Jun 17, 2024, 2:20 AM, Venus enters Cancer
Jun 17, 2024, 5:07 AM, Mercury enters Cancer
Jun 19, 2024, 6:07 PM, Vesta enters Leo
Jun 20, 2024, 4:51 PM, Sun enters Cancer
Jun 29, 2024, 3:06 PM, Saturn Retrograde at 19 Pis 26
Jul 2, 2024, 6:40 AM, Neptune Retrograde at 29 Pis 56
Jul 2, 2024, 8:50 AM, Mercury enters Leo
Jul 9, 2024, 10:47 PM, Pallas Direct at 19 Sco 46
Jul 11, 2024, 12:19 PM, Venus enters Leo
Jul 20, 2024, 4:43 PM, Mars enters Gemini
Jul 22, 2024, 3:44 AM, Sun enters Leo
Jul 25, 2024, 6:42 PM, Mercury enters Virgo
Jul 26, 2024, 9:59 AM, Chiron Retrograde at 23 Ari 32
Aug 4, 2024, 10:23 PM, Venus enters Virgo
Aug 5, 2024, 12:56 AM, Mercury Retrograde at 4 Vir 07
Aug 9, 2024, 12:36 PM, Juno enters Libra
Aug 14, 2024, 8:15 PM, Mercury Rx enters Leo
Aug 22, 2024, 10:55 AM, Sun enters Virgo
Aug 24, 2024, 7:35 PM, Vesta enters Virgo
Aug 26, 2024, 3:38 AM, Ceres Direct at 7 Cap 30
Aug 28, 2024, 5:14 PM, Mercury Direct at 21 Leo 24
Aug 29, 2024, 9:22 AM, Venus enters Libra
Sep 1, 2024, 11:17 AM, Uranus Retrograde at 27 Tau 15
Sep 1, 2024, 7:57 PM, Pluto Rx enters Capricorn
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day (this takes you to my other site, Astrology Cafe).
See also: The Astrology of 2024 – Overview.
Note: Times given are Eastern Time (ET).
This Week’s Calendar
This Week’s Aspects
Jupiter semi-square Chiron. This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward.
Sun semi-square Uranus. During this transit, we feel the need for action, but if we don’t know where we’re headed, we might take the wrong turn. Unexpected changes in plans or events can test our patience, and we might feel a bit out of control. However, they could stimulate us to try new approaches and they certainly act to cut boredom. This transit could offer us the drive to do something new, but avoid making hasty major decisions for the time being.
Mercury trine Neptune. Imagination and intuition run high, and are involved in decisions made today. We are in the right place at the right time. We may easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others. We express ourselves with subtle flair. Favors photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion.
Venus trine Saturn. Affections stabilize and mature. Maturity with others allows us to take the bad with the good, and finds us seeing our relationships realistically. Small advances can be made in business and in partnerships through strengthening and bonding. Support from older people or authority figures may come by way of solid advice or more tangible help. Renewed ties to old friends are possible, or a new sense of responsibility can be felt in existing friendships. Business sense is good.
Mercury opposition Pluto. This energy produces either a compulsive need to talk or a desire to withhold information. Obsessive thinking, attempts to persuade others to think like we do, insisting on knowing the “truth” or on exposing falsehoods, making mountains out of molehills–these are all possibilities now. This aspect can also represent mental anxiety or concern. On the other hand, it can suggest the ability to engage in deep, penetrating communication.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Saturn. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and criticism.
Mars sextile Saturn. Work takes on definite shape, and we can see results from our efforts. This gives us a sense of responsibility and a feeling of directedness and purposefulness. This is a good time to temper our energy and to exercise better judgment. A good time to get and feel organized. Seniority is favored now. Traditional methods work, and thoroughness brings rewards.
Venus square Chiron. We can experience blocks to intimacy, learning from one another, and commitment. Insecurities on a social level can magnify. We have a hard time judging our needs and discerning what’s valuable.
Note: Times given in the table/calendar above are Eastern Time (ET).
See below for day-by-day forecasts and planets in signs. Explore Transit to Transit aspects.
See also: Astrology of Today – an overview of the day – Astrology Cafe.
See also: The Astrology of 2024 – Overview.
Astrology Chart of Today/Now in my Free Report section shows the current chart with interpretations.
What’s In Store By the Stars – Daily Astrology Trends
(as featured on the site’s main page and in our Daily Trends Calendar)
See also the Astrology Trends Calendar that includes these daily trend overviews and other astrological events such as ingresses, stations, and lunations.
The brave Aries Moon continues until 8:01 AM EDT, when the Moon moves into stable, determined Taurus. Mars harmonizes with Ceres today, boosting our confidence. We feel supported and encouraged to assert ourselves or pursue our desires. It’s a good time to make ourselves feel more secure and safe, and family or domestic activities are in favor. We more readily support or defend others. We’re approaching a Jupiter-Chiron semi-square that perfects shortly into the day tomorrow. With this transit, we crave meaning and understanding, but aligning ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core can be challenging. Beliefs and ideas can lead us astray, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. It is essential to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. As much as we want to improve and advance, it’s best to avoid pushing this process, which can be tempting right now.
The Moon is void from 12:57 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mercury), until the Moon enters Taurus at 8:01 AM EDT.
The Moon spends the day in reliable, earthy Taurus, but its alignment with Mars shortly after midday suggests strong emotions and desires and some tendency to impulsiveness. We’re connecting with our needs for comfort and predictability, and we’re ready to put some muscle behind achieving these goals. This aspect awakens emotional desire and stimulates a sense of urgency. Today’s clever Mercury-Mars quintile helps us strategize and solve problems, but a Sun-Uranus semi-square tonight can stir some restlessness that may seem too generalized to put to productive use. We may want to shake things up, make changes, and break the routine. However, we could also be tense if there are unexpected schedule changes or if we’re not in touch with what we need to change. In such times, it’s better to keep things simple.
Neptune stations and turns retrograde today, a period that will last until December 7th. This station may obscure our affairs, making it challenging to see things clearly this week. However, the retrograde cycle is not only a time of indecision or feeling in limbo. It’s a period of personal discovery and increased receptiveness–a time when we can grow and evolve. Despite the shift happening now, which may initially feel disappointing, it can lead us along a new and improved path.
Mercury leaves Cancer and enters Leo today, but before it does, it forms a trine to Neptune, encouraging us to tap into our imagination. With this transit, we more readily tune into and respond to our hunches. We may easily sense others’ thoughts and feelings, and our words, musings, and ideas can be more imaginative, colorful, subtle, or creative. We experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. While we may not be direct or definite, we see the way around obstacles. This transit favors photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion.
Mercury transits Leo from today until the 25th. With Mercury in Leo in the weeks ahead, our thinking is confident and grand, and clearly defined goals motivate us. We are expressive, convincing, decisive, and persuasive. We want our voices and input heard. It’s not a time when we’re content with letting others make all the moves or decisions–we must be involved. We take the lead, manage, direct, and create while Mercury is in Leo. For maximum absorption, we need to relate to information or create stories about it. During this cycle, we should watch for being too inflexible or proud to change course.
A Venus-Saturn trine helps us sort out our feelings. We might demonstrate our affection through practical support, service, and shows of loyalty. This influence reminds us of the value of constancy and reliability. We approach love, relationships, money, or pleasure-seeking more maturely, responsibly, and with a level head. It can also be a time when we enjoy our responsibilities, work, or duties more than usual.
However, Mercury opposes Pluto early tomorrow, and its energies color tonight. With this transit, we can face some pressure to deal with problem areas. There can be mental tension, paranoid thoughts, or excessive suspicion to manage. We might either feel compelled to talk and question or withhold information. We can too quickly become embroiled in power struggles. However, if we aim to learn from our resentment, it can bring us closer to understanding what we truly want.
The Moon is void from 11:44 AM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Neptune), until the Moon enters Gemini at 11:51 AM EDT (a brief VOC period).
Early today, Mercury opposes Pluto, and we can be stressed or frustrated. We’re unhappy with superficial thinking and ambiguities, but we could be going too far with our investigations or suspicions. The Moon spends the day in Gemini, and as the day advances, we feel much lighter. We’re following our curiosity. Later today, we approach a Sun-Venus parallel, which promotes harmony and cooperation, and a Mercury-Jupiter parallel, which boosts our optimism and vision. It’s easier to extend the benefit of the doubt to one another.
The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 4:52 PM EDT, after which the Cancer Moon is more insular. We’re connecting with our needs for nurture, roots, safety, and familiarity. A Mars-Juno trine encourages us to be direct with one another today. Our relationships strengthen as we share power and validate one another’s input and opinions. We act with more purpose and resolve but also have a strong awareness of other issues and others’ agendas, which is a powerful combination. With Mercury in a minor challenging aspect to Saturn tonight, however, we should watch for hypersensitivity, negative thinking, and unhelpful criticism. It’s a somewhat beneficial influence for editing work, identifying flaws, or fixing problems, allowing us to be proactive rather than unhealthily focused on problem areas.
The Moon is void from 4:44 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Neptune), until the Moon enters Cancer at 4:52 PM EDT (a brief VOC period).
The New Moon occurs at 6:58 PM EDT in the sign of Cancer, inviting a fresh start. It’s a time for feeding our foundation — all that we call “home,” including the foundation we’ve built inside ourselves. It’s also a time for recognizing the importance of our family and our personal circle of friends and the security, sense of belonging, and safety we derive from them. Mars forms a sextile to Saturn today, and we’re remaining grounded and conscious of the need to be consistent and work steadily toward our goals. This influence favors modest ambitions and a moderate approach. Thoroughness brings rewards, and we appreciate slow but steady progress. This transit encourages a sense of responsibility and a feeling of directedness. It’s a good time to temper our energy, pace ourselves productively, and exercise better judgment. It’s also a satisfying time to get organized.
Venus forms a square with Chiron early today and is angling toward a semi-square with Jupiter, exact very early tomorrow. With these aspects, circumstances can trigger the need to recognize and explore our feelings of vulnerability. We may withdraw or hold back, as we’re easily rebuffed or hurt. It’s not easy to assess value temporarily. We can feel discontent with our relationships or entertainment, and the tendency to overdo it is present, although not overpowering. Ideally, we tap into a need for change and improvement and tame our impulses to go overboard. The Moon spends most of the day (except the final four minutes) in the sign of Cancer, and it aligns with Venus and harmonizes with Saturn, Mars, Uranus, and Neptune. These transits open up multiple potentially rewarding opportunities to express our feelings. They encourage us to center ourselves, find what makes us feel safe and supported, and importantly, let go of overthinking, which can bring a sense of relief and ease.
The Moon is void from 11:47 PM EDT, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Neptune), until the Moon enters Leo at 11:56 PM EDT (a brief VOC period).
If it’s your birthday today, see our feature, If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts, for a free forecast for the upcoming year.
Moon Signs This Week:
When the Moon is in Aries
We're motivated by a strong desire to start fresh. A gut instinct to begin something new is with us now, as well as the gumption to do so. Our pioneering impulses are strong, and we feel energetic, spontaneous, and enthusiastic. We may also be tactless and impulsive now. Excess energy is best channeled into physical activity.
People can be more self-motivated and also self-focused while the Moon is in Aries. It's a competitive rather than cooperative time. Accidents and tempers flaring are more likely than usual. This period is one of more personal courage.
The Moon in Aries generally favors the following activities: Quick actions that yield immediate results. Undertakings that involve the self and the personality. (Staying power may be lacking). Self-assertion, taking on challenges, beginning short-term projects.
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses." Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
While the Moon is in Taurus, people can be emotionally constant but inflexible. It's a time of stronger focus on personal needs and comfort levels, and a period of more common sense and attention to practical matters.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
When the Moon is in Gemini
Our basic instinct is to communicate, think, and learn under the influence of Moon in Gemini. We are motivated by a desire for variety and by an instinctive curiosity. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, spirited, and curious, but it can also be restless and fickle.
The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, and more than one activity at once. Reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, cafes, light and airy meetings, short trips.
When the Moon is in Cancer
The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us.
The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.
When the Moon is in Leo
The Moon in Leo speaks to our "inner child". It's a warm, generous, whole-heartedly loving position. Pride keeps us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and revealing how we are truly feeling. We are on stage, our feelings are grand, and we appreciate some drama in our lives. We are easily threatened by anything that seems to be impersonal. This is a time when we seek attention--when we want to stand out for our special qualities. It's a strong time for romance and any creative activity as well.
The Moon in Leo generally favors the following activities: Creative activities, activities involving children, generous undertakings, undertakings in which personal recognition is desired, and risk-taking.
Upcoming Weeks: Calendars
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: June 30th to July 6th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: July 7th to 13th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: July 14th to 20th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: July 21st to 27th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: July 28th to August 3rd, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: August 4th to 10th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: August 11th to 17th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology: August 18th to 24th, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: August 25th to 31st, 2024
- This Week in Astrology Calendar: September 1st to 7th, 2024
Sun in Cancer Being more in touch with your emotional roots is a keynote of the cycle that now takes hold in your life. This has to do with feelings, but it’s more than that: it’s about making the things you feel and care about a reality. At some levels, this means a greater focus on family life – parents, children, relatives, the whole domestic scene. On a somewhat broader scale, you’re likely to find that houses and other real property take on greater significance for you. Nurturing is where it’s at in your life now: making things grow and taking care of them, planting seeds that will develop and survive far into the future – that’s what it’s all about.
Mercury in Cancer Gut-level is the way you think, speak, and perceive in the cycle you have just begun. You aren’t interested in the superficial; instead, you want to get right to the root of things. You don’t care about the universal, only about how things impact you and yours. Intellect and emotion mix to the point of inseparability.
Mercury in Leo The hallmark of the cycle you have just begun is thinking, learning and communicating with style. Intellectual creativity is highlighted, and your social connections have a certain flair of drama to them. Winning the admiration of others for the things you say or write (and the way you do it) takes on more importance in your life.
Venus in Cancer Mothering (or being mothered), sympathy, a yearning to put down roots, and a fondness for things that have stood the test of time – these are some of the hallmarks of the phase that now begins in your life. Romantic and social experiences, as well as artistic tastes, will show evidence of these factors.
Mars in Taurus Making the most of what you’ve got, striving for security and stability: that’s the impulse that stirs in you as a new cycle begins in your life. New frontiers? That’s kid’s stuff for you now! What you want is to build something that will last: a pyramid, a Great Wall – you know, that sort of thing. Steady, patient, solid: that’s your style now.
Jupiter in Gemini Facilitating the transfer of ideas and information takes on a special priority for you now. Writing, studying, and communicating play a bigger role in your life as a result. The belief that well-informed people will make the right decisions becomes an article of faith. Just remember: sometimes people know the right thing to do and STILL do something different!
Saturn in Pisces Making peace with the past, coming to terms with karmic debts: these are some of the issues that confront you as a new phase begins in your life. Failure to face these things can cause setbacks and put obstacles in your path. Learn to look beyond the narrowly personal and selfish or you’ll get in over your head.
Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.
Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?
Pluto in Aquarius Reform, revolution, a rejection of the past and a focus on the future: these are the signatures of the new phase now beginning in your life. Tradition becomes irrelevant, and the conventional wisdom is revealed as dogma or outright nonsense – and what’s the difference, really? Radical changes in all things social and intellectual.
The interpretations in this box are from the Day Watch software.
Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2024 – Overview