This Month in Astrology – June 2024
June 2024
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On June 2nd, Jupiter forms a trine with Pluto, and this long-term aspect only perfects once. This aspect can get us in touch with our more deeply buried ambitions. It’s a time of heightened influence, faith, and insight. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to pursue individual or professional goals more ambitiously. This transit enhances our ability to sway or persuade.
During this transit, we might seize the opportunity to better ourselves. Resolving long-standing problems is in focus. Untapped resources can be harnessed. This transit is a boon for business, law, and commerce, empowering us to channel our ambitions more effectively and offering us the power to organize. The desire for success is potent, and our determination heightens, making it an ideal time for personal and professional growth.
New ventures can thrive, and so can reviving projects already in progress. This powerful aspect can lead to a stronger sense of confidence, as well as increased ambition, grit, and resourcefulness. We may see opportunities where we previously saw obstacles, and our pursuits can have more depth and power.
On June 6th, a New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini, prompting a new beginning, particularly with our communications and mental orientation. By consciously tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we learn through others simply by being curious, and we improve our social and communication skills at the same time. We open our minds to more information, and we learn to truly enjoy the variety of different personalities around us.
This lunation aligns with Venus and forms a square to Saturn, and some blocks, obstacles, or reality checks are likely before we embark on a new path. The desire for more harmony, love, pleasure, or better relationships can be very real now, motivating new beginnings.
On June 21st, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn. This lunation reminds us that we can’t ignore our commitments to the outside world. We need to take care of our responsibilities, attend to business, act maturely, and take charge. Solid, practical, and doable ideas are associated with the realizations and epiphanies occurring now. Even so, this lunation forms a square to Neptune, and we should watch for deception and self-deception. We might also consider that we can be reacting to disillusionment.
On June 29th, Saturn turns retrograde, and it will continue to travel in this apparent backward motion until November 15th. While Saturn is retrograde, we more often review our responsibilities and commitments than deal with them directly in the moment. There can be more than the usual experiences of guilt and self-doubt as we internalize fears but also the chance to reassess our commitments.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jun 2 | 8:12 PM | Jupiter trine Pluto | Jup 1 Gem 53' trine Plu 1 Aqu 53'Rx |
Jun 3 | 3:36 AM | Mercury enters Gemini | Mer 0 Gem 00' |
Jun 6 | 8:37 AM | New Moon in Gemini | 16 Gem 18' |
Jun 9 | 12:35 AM | Mars enters Taurus | Mar 0 Tau 00' |
Jun 14 | 1:18 AM | First Quarter Moon | 23 Vir 40' |
Jun 17 | 2:20 AM | Venus enters Cancer | Ven 0 Can 00' |
Jun 17 | 5:07 AM | Mercury enters Cancer | Mer 0 Can 00' |
Jun 19 | 6:07 PM | Vesta enters Leo | Ves 0 Leo 00' |
Jun 20 | 4:51 PM | Sun enters Cancer | Sun 0 Can 00' |
Jun 21 | 9:08 PM | Full Moon in Capricorn | 1 Cap 07' |
Jun 28 | 5:53 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 7 Ari 40' |
Jun 29 | 3:06 PM | Saturn Retrograde | Sat 19 Pis 26'Rx |
(See the full table for 2024)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Communications and learning can be in sharp focus in June, dear Aries, and you're likely to excel in these areas. Your personality comes through beautifully in whatever personal interest or project you're involved with now. This is a time for appreciation and praise from others, as well as fabulous rewards for your efforts. It's a stellar time to write, speak, publish, or guide. It's also a brilliant period for using the power of thoughts and words to transform your life for the better. Until the 17th, there can be a lot coming in, many things to do, and a generally quick pace. Your communications sector is very active, and there can be times when you're busy to distraction. You could be more involved with a sibling, neighbor, or classmate or incredibly motivated to sort out your daily affairs, get going on a learning endeavor or study, and push a communications project forward. It's a great time to gather your facts, although there will be times when you could feel a little harried. You're very often putting your feelers out, experimenting with different ideas, interests, and projects. For the best results, avoid getting to the point where you're living on your nerves, as you'll miss out on the real opportunities that are bound to present themselves. Fortunately, a Jupiter-Pluto influence helps you bring more focus, determination, and intensity to your social life, studies, personal interests, communications, and daily affairs. It can be a time of valuable, even life-changing alliances. Indeed, you have substantial opportunities to make friends and influence people. You're reaching others, hitting the nail on the head, and enjoying your experiences. Around the New Moon on the 6th, a new beginning can be in the offing regarding learning, sharing, ideas, mental outlook, communications, transportation, personal interests, and daily life. While you have the chance to start fresh, you might battle some inner reservations, fears, or insecurities about putting your ideas out there. This New Moon is pleasant, yet due to its square to Saturn, it challenges you to get over a hump before you begin anew. Once you've done so, healthy competition can be motivating. From the 9th, it's a good idea to avoid impulsiveness with your money as Mars transits your resources sector. You could feel the reason to defend yourself, your values, and the respect you deserve. There can be several good opportunities for increasing your income, and there can be an important focus on achieving more self-reliance. Finances can also be a hot topic! Indeed, it can be a powerful time for business and money matters. You're likely to want to take the lead or initiative now. You are extraordinarily resourceful, making excellent use of your talents and resources. Being on top of your responsibilities is a goal and can feel especially satisfying. This transit certainly stirs the desire to make your life more comfortable, settled, and secure. You'll find it natural to pour your energies into earthy and comforting activities that help you heal and cleanse. Sound energy is with you for honing and developing your talents and boosting your income. You're also more assertive about what you want and need. As June progresses, there's a significant shift of energy towards home and family matters or your private life. You can find comfort in faces and places you love. Mercury and Venus move into your solar fourth house on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th. You can be happily introspective during this period. Pouring more of your energies into your personal life can be very healing and rewarding, and it can boost your confidence along with your sense of security as you do. Around the Full Moon on the 21st, there can be an important realization about your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or true feelings about the direction your life is taking. This lunation pushes the need to attend to business, career, or public matters. There may be pressing demands in your professional life and perhaps a bit of scrutiny. Still, whatever this Full Moon brings to your attention, you get the message that it's time to restore some balance between your personal and professional lives. Aim to use feelings of discouragement about an issue as motivation to make improvements. Saturn begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 29th, and until mid-November, you'll learn more about your spiritual goals, tie up loose ends, or finish long-term projects that have outworn their purpose. It's not an ideal time to launch major long-term projects, but returning to complete old projects can be rewarding. Otherwise, you'll feel creative and hopeful in the last week of June. Competitive feelings or ambitions can challenge you to make changes and improvements, particularly around the home or with money matters. You might solve a problem or find yourself in an excellent position to acquire something coveted that's comfort-related. There's warm energy available to you for pursuing love or enhancing a connection, and your appeal is terrific. You seem on the same, similar, or complementary page as a partner or special someone. You care less about others' validation or approval and more about fulfilling your needs and desires, which is the key to satisfaction now. Breaking from the past in some manner can be satisfying, and this can be about decluttering or updating. Focusing on your foundations can bring great rewards. |
Emotions settle, and June begins with a sense of calm, dear Taurus. Money, comfort, or security are a big focus this month, and you are well-positioned to improve your lot in life. It's a good month for taking care of business, attending to practical affairs, and devoting time to finances or special projects. From the 9th forward, you have the energy to move mountains as Mars moving into your sign clarifies your desires. The New Moon on the 6th influences matters related to money, resources, talents, comfort, and security. In the week following this lunation, you may find yourself making changes and tweaks to your life. These adjustments are aimed at making your goals related to finances, business, security, and comfort more achievable and fulfilling in the long run. It's also a time to develop a stronger sense of self-worth and value as you gain a better understanding of your capabilities and what you already have in terms of resources and talents. As you take more pride in your work, possessions, and ability to earn, improvements naturally follow. You could gain some appreciation or admiration for your talents. You may have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your financial life in order. You bring more focus, determination, and intensity to your practical goals, money matters, and professional goals. This is a time when you can make significant progress in these areas, whether it's through forming valuable alliances that help to advance your career or boost your income and sense of security, or by taking action on a money-making idea, opening a savings account, or creating a budget. It's a time for looking at your talents and resources differently and taking steps towards using them to your advantage. Your drive to taste life and appreciate it can revolve around harmony, beauty, and comfort. A creative business idea may come together. Mars moves into your sign on the 9th, and you're exceptionally self-motivated. This transition brings a surge of energy and assertiveness, making you feel more outwardly effective and decisive. Until then, it's advisable to take some extra rest to prepare for this energetic shift and ensure that you're ready to make the most of it. After the 9th, you might often find yourself in the role of a leader or working towards your goals independently, at your own pace. There are times when you may need to practice some self-control, as you can quickly feel bored or impatient. However, this period also grants you personal initiative, making it an opportune time to pursue goals that have been put aside. Some self-centeredness is beneficial for you at this time, as it allows you to prioritize your personal needs and desires if things have fallen out of balance. Of course, whenever Mars transits your sign, there is the danger of being too aggressive or impatient, but with those inclinations tamed, you can go far. Conflicts are more likely when Mars is astrologically challenged, such as around the 10th to the 11th. Still, these challenges can motivate you to become more self-reliant. You're transitioning into a very lively, connected, and communicative period from the 17th forward, and you'll do exceptionally well for yourself by putting your feelers out for new ideas. It's a fortunate time for friendships, communications, work, health, and group connections. New interests or communication channels are opening up for you, which can lead to other layers of opportunities in different areas of life. Your ideas, advice, or guidance might stand out and can be in demand. Mercury and Venus move into your communications sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, bringing you out of your shell. It's a rewarding period for getting in better touch with your passions. It boosts your confidence and enthusiasm. You also have a growing focus on socializing, connecting, learning, and sharing in your life, helping to bring more balance to your world. There's more movement and general "busyness" in your solar chart as June progresses. Others hang on to your words, turn to you for advice, and enjoy your company. A Full Moon occurs in your spirit sector on the 21st, awakening you to the desire to expand your mind and experiences. You are ready to start fresh, turn a corner, try new things, and approach your relationships differently. This can be an excellent time to come up with an inspired idea. Pleasant surprises or new friendships can result from learning pursuits or special interests. It's a time for seeking out different ways to express yourself. There can be something published, expressed, or promoted that helps you turn a corner. Transportation news or problems can be part of the picture. Saturn in your solar eleventh house turns retrograde on the 29th, requiring you to review, reflect, and reorganize your work, long-term plans, or social life and happiness goals. A shift in perspective occurs during this cycle that lasts until mid-November, and it's wise to consider that expansion may lead to stress rather than joy for the time being. Focusing on what you already have going can be rewarding. Otherwise, the last week of June is powerful for using words to attract and connect. Transits favor being forthright and honest in your dealings, ideally with sensitivity. Attempts to reach out to someone can be very successful. Things are tying together nicely, and you can feel pleasantly motivated. You have more confidence and desire to take action, and it's an excellent time for getting the word out if you are working on something special. You want to come out on top, beat a personal best, and pursue your desires and interests. There is a strong desire to be the one to take the initiative so that independent work or projects are favored now. People are attracted to your wit and independence. |
It's your month to shine, dear Gemini. June brings vital energy for personal influence. You are magnetic when sharing ideas, reaching out, and communicating. Your powers of attraction are mighty until the 17th with loving Venus in your sign, and your persuasive abilities are most potent from the 3rd to the 17th with Mercury in Gemini. You communicate exceptionally well and effectively, or you're learning exciting things. This is your time to make wonderful personal renovations. You're discovering yourself through your ideas, interests, extracurricular activities, experiences, and discoveries. Opportunities to expand your horizons, perhaps through publishing, additional reach, adventure, or education, can present themselves. The New Moon on the 6th is significant for you personally since it occurs in your sign. The week following this lunation is one of the best times for reinventing yourself, starting fresh, and putting personal updates or upgrades into motion. Your sign has a solid showing of planets, suggesting a meaningful turning point for you. It's a time to show others a fresh new face — one that better reflects your current stage of growth — and breaking out of outworn patterns of greeting the world and presenting yourself. You're set to enjoy a boost of energy and motivation to get started. Aim to begin your solar year with confidence and mindfulness. In the week following the New Moon, you may decide to start important projects. Your initiative and independence are in the spotlight now. At the same time, friendships, alliances, and giving back to the community benefit you. Don't pass up a good opportunity to collaborate, cooperate, and get involved. Even though your first instinct may be to go it alone, this is an important time for connecting with others and sharing experiences or expertise, especially while Mars travels your social sector until the 9th. Although you're outgoing from that date forward, you'll find an increasing need to balance your activities with downtime. Your voice is strong this month. While you can feel heard and have influence, it also means you have more impact, and the words you use can be remembered for a long time. You're shining and feeling more in control of your life, particularly with your image, presentation, and personality. You can be charmingly forthright, sincere, and straightforward with your requests and communications. People are falling in love with your unique style. Attempts to reach out to someone can be very successful. You may be focusing on a new direction, and you enjoy solving problems or simply looking past flaws and challenges to good times ahead of you. You are motivated to spontaneously share yourself or make more time to do what pleases you most! There is a real demand for the qualities that you are naturally projecting. Your heart is open, you're amorous, and you're inclined to do a little self-pampering. Motivation and hopefulness are increasing. Still, managing your expectations is important, and you might need to go over a small hump, likely due to plans that fail to materialize. There can be some confusion about something you hear or regarding communications, transportation, or learning around the 16th to the 20th. If you've ignored your needs to escape, rest, or indulge your imagination, you might take a cue to fill your life more fully and seek a better balance. As the month advances, you take more interest in settling in or building upon your current resources. Venus and Mercury move into your sector of money, natural talents, and self-worth on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th. These shifts stir a desire to build up your reservoir, improve your bottom line, and develop what you already have. You more fully enjoy attending to your projects and things. You approach money and possessions differently, and your tastes are changing. The Full Moon on the 21st boosts your awareness of what you have, need, and want. This eclipse brings issues surrounding power dynamics and unpaid debts to a head. Consider ways to get back to a position of balance. Empower yourself by aiming to manage or settle debts, whether these are material, spiritual, or emotional. If you feel guilty or indebted, you're not working at full capacity, and now is the time to work towards fixing the problem. However, we all depend on others in some way, and these connections can be very healthy, so consider ways to get yourself more comfortable with healthy dependencies as well. Saturn's retrograde from the 29th points to a period of temporarily reassessing or de-emphasizing your objectives. You'll likely feel a shift in perspective about your long-term goals, responsibilities, career, or life path. There is a real need to simplify your career efforts and reputation since expansion can bring undue stress. It's a great time to build upon current projects or return to unfinished endeavors. |
The first weeks of June can be relatively private, contemplative, and possibly withdrawn, dear Cancer. It's a time to collect your thoughts, digest recent experiences, and reorient yourself. Work done in relative solitude could be especially rewarding, although, by the 17th to 20th, the month brings more outgoing energy and a stronger desire to mingle. Friendships become especially lively from the 9th forward. Making a new, very positive connection with a helpful person can figure strongly in June. You're learning much about yourself and your deepest needs and wants, and it's rewarding! Resolving a long-standing problem may deepen a relationship. The New Moon on the 6th heralds a powerful time for dealing with loose ends in your life and emotional development in general. It gives you a push, nudge, or boost, and with a more than usual showing of planets in the privacy sector of your solar chart, a significant new beginning or emphasis on putting a project, situation, or chapter of your life behind you is suggested. The week following this lunation is important for doing an emotional inventory. It's time to clear the deck and embrace the potential for new beginnings. You could be dealing with things behind the scenes, and events can be such that you seek and get closure on various matters. Rest, regeneration, and reflection are in order as you prepare for a new solar year. Supporting your goals, Mars in your career sector until the 9th continues to motivate you, even with a focus on your inner world. Aim to identify, recognize, and nurture your ambitions. You're in a great position of confidence to take on responsibilities, take the lead, and work hard for what you want and need. Strains and challenges can be overcome, and bonds can be strengthened, especially with the arrival of charming Venus in your sign from the 17th forward. This planetary shift enhances your personal charisma, making you more attractive to others. That's the same day that Mercury enters Cancer, and you're finding your voice. Further, the Sun moves into your sign on the 20th, and you can feel like you're reawakening, radiating confidence and charm! You'll likely come out of your shell or quietly begin attracting attention with these planetary shifts. Feelings, goals, and interests become more explicit, and confidence that you can impact the world around you is increasing. Venus in your sign is excellent for personal charm and perhaps a smattering of healthy indulgence or self-pampering. People are attracted – they want to be around you. Aim to generate good impressions, especially around the 16-17. There can be much discussion, and others want your opinion. Discussing a relationship or giving something further thought can be attractive. These transits boost your sense of personal power and increase your influence and presence. They can also stir your need to share ideas and use the power of words to improve your life. You seem to be getting outside reinforcement, and you might use this extra boost of visibility to further your plans. It's a fine time to consider new personal initiatives and update your year-ahead resolutions. Around the Full Moon on the 21st, imbalances in your life become glaring. Relationships are in focus, and important epiphanies may occur now. Recognition of relationship needs and feelings can come in a rush. This can also be a potent time for releasing something or putting something behind you that has been building for a while. You're radiating warm vibes, and positive attention can come your way. It can be a breath of fresh air, perhaps making its way to you from a surprising source in the last week of June. Sharing some of your expertise or yourself with colleagues or friends can be rewarding. Teaming up with others to get something done can also be successful. You might get totally behind a cause or personal pursuit, and your passion is notable. This is a time for inspiring others or feeling inspired. While the pace is quickening later in the month, with Saturn's retrograde turn on the 29th, there could be some slowdowns, delays, or backtracking related to education, travel, or publishing. This could mean that you might encounter some setbacks in these areas in the coming months. It's not the time to rush decisions! Simplifying, building, structuring, and stabilizing efforts produce the best results at this time. Try not to overdo things or you'll end up too exhausted when actual opportunities present themselves. |
Your social life is lively this month, dear Leo, and your ability to persuade others is stronger than ever. Your career heats up from the 9th forward - you are large and in charge. Recognition for your least acknowledged talents is forthcoming around the 21st. Attractive job offers are possible. While your working life keeps you on your toes through to the end of the month, you begin to require quality personal downtime and solitude in the last week of June. Until the 17th, strong energy is with you for networking, reaching out to the community, or friendships. You can expect more invites or communications from people in your networks. Long-term plans look exciting now. Your month is looking full! Boosts relate most to your social life, communications, mind or outlook, partnerships, and connections this month. Specifically, you may find yourself more influential in groups, with friends, and with a partner. Your social life and relationship needs or goals are evolving and transforming in delightful ways, such as improved communication skills, deeper connections with friends, and more harmonious partnerships. The New Moon on the 6th heralds a powerful time for you, as it ushers in new beginnings in friendships, alliances, networking, and happiness goals. A strong showing of planets in your solar chart's sector of friends and causes suggests a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time for a fresh start, with exciting new friendships and alliances on the horizon. You feel encouraged, inspired, and hopeful. However, be mindful of succumbing to pressure or paranoia at this time. Ideally, feeling blocked, limited, or restricted can motivate you to improve these areas of your life. From the 9th forward, you have Mars at the top of your solar chart stirring your ambitions to perform and succeed. There can be some issues or conflicts with people in positions of authority, such as disagreements over strategies or power struggles, but overall, it's a cycle that encourages a hands-on, active role in your career or the pursuit of your larger goals. Reaching out and taking the lead or initiative brings rewards. A friend's appreciation or inspiration from your networks might motivate you to pursue what you want. Friendships and love relationships can strengthen or enliven, and you are giving off warm and stimulating vibes. There can be invitations or more desire to follow up on connections made. It's a creative time that highlights you in attractive ways. The sense that you're valued and respected is encouraging and motivating. People pull through for you, and this kind of support is just what you need. Having more time to yourself as the month advances can be beneficial, with Venus and Mercury moving into your privacy sector on the 17th and the Sun following suit on the 20th. While staying connected with people you care about is a good idea, you also need to gently set some boundaries. You're starting important cycles of retrospect and emotional renewal and looking within for answers. With these shifts, you transition into a period of the year best used for taking extra time to yourself for rest and reflection. It's a time for releasing, letting go, purging, and healing. Around the Full Moon on the 21st, realizations about health, wellness, work, and routines can prompt important changes or new plans and strategies. This could involve realizing the need for a healthier lifestyle, recognizing the importance of work-life balance, or understanding the need for a more efficient routine. If your work or daily regimens have become too monotonous and have taken a toll on your spirits, circumstances occurring now push you to make needed changes. Your intuition is trying to tell you something, and you might gravitate to the things, people, or situations that help you move forward. You might enjoy a coincidence leading to beautiful memories or unexpected feelings. The last week of June is good for both rest and goal-setting! Getting some time for yourself is vital – some reflection and rest can feed the soul now. You can feel strongly about creating something unique or special. Opportunities may come from behind the scenes, or you find much to enjoy in your private life. You see beauty in unexpected places or the layers of a situation. While you can be somewhat retiring on a personal level at this time, your ambition to triumph, succeed, or win is stirring. You're learning valuable lessons about challenging yourself, and you might reap some of the benefits of taking on more responsibility. Saturn begins its retrograde cycle on the 29th, and for several months, you can benefit from a review of debts, support, emotional health, and your close relationships. You might need to reassess how much time and energy you can afford to invest in these matters, or you may be dealing with delays or refinements of plans. Once you recognize the need for restructuring, simplifying, and stabilizing your life, you'll have a stronger sense of the benefits of this period. |
You're more noticeable, responsible, or accountable as you begin June, dear Virgo, and fortunately, you are coming across in an incredibly charming light. New directions in your career or boosts to your reputation are in store for you. The first half of June presents you with a wonderful opportunity to maintain a healthy balance between your career and personal life. It's a time to give extra attention to your long-term goals, rules, responsibilities, and performance, while also leaving room for recreation, enjoyment of friends, and even a spot of adventure. As the month progresses, you'll find yourself increasingly interested in fulfilling happiness goals, reassuring you of your ability to manage both aspects of your life. Transits stir your need for more dynamism and creative expression in your work and possibly your private life as well. You are glowing professionally, and others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice. You can be highly productive in all the right ways, and working harder towards your goals is rewarding. The details and the 'little things' make all the difference. Perfecting your particular craft is natural now. Interestingly, if you're not looking for recognition for what you do and instead focus on the rewards of work, you're likely to be appreciated more. Increased communication in your personal life, at home, or with family can also figure strongly. Consider setting aside specific time for family discussions or personal reflection to make the most of astrological energies now. You're hungry to learn new things, and it's a fine time to focus on a goal close to your heart. You'll find yourself looking forward and might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring much of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It's also a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. There is outstanding energy with you for constructive conversations. Seeing a new layer of a situation can give you a business advantage or insight into your goals. You're rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path objectives from the 3rd to the 17th. It's an excellent time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future. The New Moon on the 6th prompts a new beginning or approach to your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. There is a solid showing of planets at the top of your solar chart, suggesting a significant new beginning or emphasis on any (or many) of these themes. It's a time to make changes and tweaks to your work and goals to make them more realizable and fulfilling in the long run. This emphasis occurs in the sign of Gemini, after all — a sign that encourages curiosity and variety — and to reap its rewards, you benefit from watching, listening, and connecting. You're strategic until the 9th, from which time you are direct and straight to the point. Mercury and Venus move into your social sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, painting a different picture for the second half of June. You're focusing on enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking. You're more inclined to entertain long-term happiness goals. The Full Moon on the 21st can illuminate matters revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. It can also raise the temperature of a romance. This is a time for pivotal discoveries of your feelings for someone or particular projects in your life. With Saturn turning retrograde on the 29th and remaining so until November, it's a time for you to reflect on the work you must do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. This period may require you to revise your outlook or approach, but rest assured, this cycle will eventually reveal the right path for you, encouraging you to embrace personal growth. Otherwise, the last week of the month is a time for exploring new ideas, dreams, and plans. Sharing your expertise with associates can be rewarding. You can be pleasantly busy. Further thinking or exploring a matter can be fruitful. Discussing a personal problem with objectivity is rewarding. In fact, verbalizing a matter can frame it differently, giving you a new perspective. Opportunities to meet someone special through groups, acquaintances, or networking arise. Someone can inspire you to do your best and reach a little higher. Transits can motivate you to tap into the courage to do something entirely different and enjoy a new and refreshing experience. |
With a strong focus on your sector of spirit and the higher mind in the first weeks of June, dear Libra, your desire to learn, share ideas, and reach out beyond the usual routine is motivating you. Your attitude is forward-looking, and your ambition and motivation increase as the month advances. By the end of June, you can be especially interested in getting ahead in business and other practical areas of life. Your desire for new and interesting experiences, mind expansion, and activities that take you away from your routine is strong this month. Your ruler, Venus, moves along closely with the Sun most of June, and this helps to light your way. It can point to more support from friends and networks. Others can be most interested in how you feel and what you have to say. You enjoy a nice glow of hopefulness about a matter you haven't felt for some time. Cooperation and harmony are even more important to you than usual. You're opening up to new thoughts, ideas, and channels for recreation, and it's deeply rewarding. Communication or transportation channels open and improve. You might reach a broader audience, and the feedback feeds the flames of your own inspiration. Romantic opportunities might emerge with someone of an entirely different background or culture or through education, shared beliefs, travel, or adventurous experiences and activities. Transits are urging you to bring more of the world into your personal life. You could be enjoying new interests or thinking about your plans in a big-picture way. You might relish the opportunity to learn new skills or develop your current ones, or there can be a strong focus on training, learning, and connecting. The first half of the month can be good for attracting positive feedback and feeling reinforced. You are more likely to make happy connections through activities that mentally take you outside of the routine or onto unfamiliar ground. Suppose you're considering a unique adventure, a new course, or a publishing project, then the week after the New Moon on the 6th can be a good time for drawing up new plans. These plans could involve learning new skills or sharing your ideas with a wider audience. Feed your mind, enjoy new experiences, and brush up on skills! The need for a fresh perspective or stimulating extra-curricular activities is strong after this New Moon, and new beginnings along these lines can help broaden your horizons. You're recognizing the need to live your life more fully, and this recognition can lead to exciting new opportunities and experiences. Making tweaks to your outlook and expectations can help your goals become more realizable and workable, fulfilling you in the long term. You're inclined to express your feelings straightforwardly until the 17th, and this forthcoming approach truly works in your favor, boosting your appeal. Conversations can be inspiring and stimulating. This period of open and direct communication can lead to deeper connections and a better understanding of your needs and desires, enhancing your relationships. From the 9th forward, a lot can happen behind the scenes or inside you with energetic Mars moving through your intimacy sector. This transit can rev up your intimate life and a close, deep relationship, bringing a renewed passion and intensity to your interactions. While this transit can sometimes stir up some trouble, it's the kind of trouble that leads to resolutions, mainly related to shared money or power. This can also be a time to take care of debt or get support, strengthening your financial and emotional security. Mercury and Venus head to the top of your solar chart on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, bringing your attention to rules, structures, career, and responsibility. You're goal-oriented and ready to take charge. Around the Full Moon on the 21st, excitement or tension in your personal life or emotional world can lead to a new perspective. This could be a time of increased self-awareness or a shift in your emotional landscape, offering you a fresh understanding of your feelings and relationships. Saturn's retrograde period begins this month--on the 29th--and signals a time for slowdowns, de-emphasis, or backtracking with daily affairs, work, health, or routines. This cycle sets up a better period for review and reflection than innovation in these life departments. While you may encounter some waning motivation or delays, you are well-positioned to simplify, edit, and build what you already have in place. You might reassess commitments to specific programs, projects, or jobs in the months ahead (until mid-November). Otherwise, the last week of June brings special attention to your longer-term goals, professional interests, or life direction. Career, business, and responsibilities move to the front burner. A healthy, happy level of competition motivates you, and you may feel like you're turning a page, especially with career, responsibilities, long-term goals, and life-path matters. You might uncover or attract a vital resource. You have a natural desire to come out ahead, triumph, or accomplish something. You're making it easy for others to respect you! Authority figures, including bosses and parents, see you in a good light. Someone could support, sponsor, or otherwise endorse you now. |
A strong theme of introspection and strategy is with you in June, dear Scorpio, although a shift occurs later in the month that has you hankering for action and participation. June begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery, giving you the tools to shape your own destiny. Increasingly through June, your focus turns outward, but the inner work you do is powerful, reinforcing your sense of self. This period of your life is quite relationship-focused but is also brilliant for personal discoveries, allowing you to strengthen your connections while also growing as an individual. Your intimacy sector is lit: the Sun transits it until the 20th, Mercury is there from the 3rd to the 17th, and Venus is a guest until the 17th. It's a time for observing and processing rather than taking new action. Relationships are in strong focus. Themes in focus now revolve around intimate relationships, sexuality, finances, emotional or financial support, taxes, and debts. Jupiter's harmony with your ruler, Pluto, is a significant influence. It enhances your intimate world, personal life, and domestic sphere. On a psychological level, it's about emotional renewal and recognizing your need to renovate and renew yourself from the inside out. Life feels more meaningful, and you're in a position to make profound changes. The New Moon on the 6th is a pivotal moment for you. It's a time to sort your financial affairs, seek support, and start a new emotional health and wellness plan. This energy is best felt, allowing you to intuit your next move. After a few days, you can confidently put your plans into motion. Your insight into self-transformation is strong, and you're learning to accept support or address feelings of indebtedness. An event may occur that highlights the need to handle debts or shared resources. This is an important time for sorting out your finances-- money owed or due — and addressing fears, power sharing, and attachments in your closest relationships. You're in a strong position to make a lifestyle change, particularly if it involves quitting a bad habit or dependency. You're in the right place to put adverse situations and self-limiting attitudes behind you. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude emerges. Overall, there can be positive feelings about work projects or investments. You'll see time wasters for what they are, and you may stumble upon methods that help you tighten up your work or routines. You can be drawn to details and excited about finding solutions to problems. You're ready to put your talents or skills to use, and you might indirectly advertise your capabilities as you do! Channeling your energy into constructive projects comes easily and naturally this month. Your focus shifts to partnering, connecting, and exploring new adventures or experiences and ideas as June advances. Pulling yourself away from work and tasks more often can be of great benefit now. Relationships enliven. From the 9th, Mars animates your partnership sector. This means others are in active focus and have much to share with you! There can be a lot going on in a partner's or good friend's life now, or they're motivating you to learn, love, and enjoy life more. As Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into your spirit sector on the 17th and 20th, you're developing a stronger taste for expressing yourself freely and spontaneously. It's a time for branching out and reaching beyond your normal boundaries. If romance is featured, it has a flavor of freedom and adventure. There may be opportunities to expand, publish, share, or promote. However, it's crucial to get your personal affairs in order first. This will enable you to take better advantage of the opportunities that arise. These shifts are designed to pull you up and out of yourself, and you may find yourself more willing to take on a challenge or invest in your belief in yourself. The Full Moon on the 21st is mentally stimulating. You might arrive at important revelations regarding your projects, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests. There can be some scrambling to meet deadlines or some disorganization to manage now, but it's an exciting time for better understanding your interests. Let obstacles motivate instead of discourage you. With Saturn's retrograde turn on the 29th, you're gaining a new perspective on romance, creativity, recreation, communications, and transportation. This retrograde cycle, lasting until mid-November, is good for reevaluating, consolidating, and perhaps rebuilding endeavors related to the pursuit of pleasure, romance, comfort, and creative expression. Brand-new major projects may take off slowly, if at all. In truth, they may only serve to stress you out, as this is a time for conserving energy and simplifying your life. Aim to level things out. Otherwise, transits are stimulating and motivating as you close out the month. Relationships are pleasantly spicy, adding a touch of excitement to your life. Communications, interactions, and connections are exciting. When reaching out or moving out of your usual comfort zone, you are more willing to take personal and creative risks. It's a good time for competitive and cooperative activities, and someone may encourage you to be the best version of yourself. A special person in your life can help stir up your enthusiasm and build your confidence, reminding you of your potential. People gravitate to your liveliness, charm, ideas, and wit, reinforcing your sense of self-worth. Doing something offbeat or outside of the usual routine can be integral, encouraging you to embrace new experiences. Energies are good for making connections that can further personal growth or help you advance your studies and broaden your horizons. |
June holds unique opportunities for love and relationships, dear Sagittarius. The month is infused with energy that can bring more excitement, pride, and fun to your interactions. You have the potential to attract strong, helpful, and intelligent people into your life. Your efforts to interact positively can lead to rewarding outcomes. The key to overall happiness and success in the first half of the month lies in cooperation. Your personal determination, one-to-one relationships, communications, and mental outlook get a significant boost this month. This surge in energy can lead to improved communication and the creation of special bonds. Your influence and powers of persuasion are heightened, allowing you to reach new levels with the people in your life. This is mainly through meaningful insights and conversations, where your strong observation skills come into play. These interactions with a partner or trusted friend can spark great ideas, empowering you to grow and excel. Discussions with your loved ones can be transformative this month, as they can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own feelings and ideas. Embracing a new truth or perspective can be significant and meaningful. The trust and understanding you receive from others now can be reciprocated, leading to mutual benefits. While some of your personal plans may be on hold this month, your interests and connections are taking off. If you want to start fresh or change your relationship state or status, the period after the New Moon on the 6th is strong for setting your intentions. It's a good time to strengthen a relationship or your own resolve. New beginnings with relationships, especially one-to-one connections and partnerships, agreements, or contracts, are in store, arising from real-world tensions. As negotiations, agreements, and one-on-one relationships take center stage this month, you're well-positioned to improve or bring these plans into reality. While it may seem like a significant other has the upper hand, keeping score is not your style. Instead, you'd rather focus on enjoying the improvements and making the right connections. From the 9th onward, you receive lovely cosmic support for making empowering changes and choices with the services or labor you provide, your efforts to maintain and improve health, and your daily routines and habits. This is a time when you're willing to work harder or smarter, or to get fitter and healthier. These opportunities for change and growth can inspire and excite you, propelling you into a situation that has a few unknowns but keeps you engaged, learning, and gently challenged. Mercury and Venus head into your intimacy zone on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, turning your attention to commitments, finances, shared resources, and deepening of feelings. There can be a new focus on understanding your relationships on a deeper level, including your relationship with yourself. You could be getting serious about a financial or emotional commitment in the last week of the month. It's a good time for instruction, advice, teaching, sharing ideas, and guidance. Love gets a boost by sharing something personal and intimate. Your attitude is positive, your thoughts are more precise than usual, and your views are particularly well-received. Creative pursuits thrive, and your resourcefulness comes to the fore. The Full Moon on the 21st brings a financial or ownership matter to your attention. Emotions run high, but it's a chance to understand where you've given away your power--and how to get it back! With Saturn's retrograde turn on the 29th, you're positioning yourself to review, reassess, and gain a new perspective on finances, security and comfort, family, and home or domestic life. During this cycle that lasts until mid-November, these can be areas of slowdowns, review, delays, or backtracking. However, considering the long term will help you understand the importance of this period. This reassurance can give you a sense of confidence and security, allowing you to aim to simplify and work on projects already underway so that you can catch your breath. Otherwise, the final week of the month is warm for intimate matters. You're seeking–and finding–the inspiration and motivation to improve, grow, and excel. Creative changes made and creative risks taken tend to encourage a sense of personal empowerment. A somewhat daring or bold decision made this week might propel you into a situation that has a few unknowns but keeps you engaged, learning, and gently challenged. Work or daily routines can be exceptionally dynamic, and you can use this energy positively by pouring yourself into your projects or health endeavors. |
June holds tremendous potential for empowering changes to your work or health pursuits and daily routines, dear Capricorn, along with exciting improvements in your relationships. It's a month that invites you to increase efficiency, get organized, improve health, and harmonize/connect with others. You're especially busy, finding ways to eliminate waste to be more productive. This busy-ness is not just about accomplishing a lot, but also about your self-improvement journey. Aim to solve problems, make adjustments, reorganize, and deal with practical details for best results, especially until the 17th, and generally get a handle on the "little things" that make your life run more smoothly. This process is not without its challenges, but it will be rewarding. You're well-positioned for work, money matters, health, wellness, and grounding activities. There can be a positive transformation in your daily routines or financial life, or you're working hard at securing your life and enjoying yourself as you do. It's a pleasantly ambitious time. The New Moon on the 6th is potent for daily routines, habits, health, work, and self-care programs. You're in a great position to improve or bring into reality programs that help you organize your life starting with the smallest of details. The week following this New Moon is good for making changes and tweaks to the systems in your life so that work and health goals are more realizable and fulfilling in the long run — in other words, they serve you well not just now but later, too. You might make or renew a commitment to living well at home and in your daily routines and work with beautiful results. From the 9th forward, you're in great shape for enjoying and often excelling at fun competitions, romantic relationships, dating, sports, games, or hobbies. This is a time when your personal appeal is strong, and you're motivated and ready to take on a challenge. The opportunities for fun and romance in June are not just fleeting moments, but potential avenues for you to explore and enjoy. In June, you're bringing more pride, warmth, and intelligence to your work, habits, and health. It's a great time to use common sense in these areas and improve your habits and daily routines, especially from the 3rd to the 17th. Events and circumstances in June often point you in the direction of taking better care of yourself or your everyday environment. Fortunately, you're enjoying yourself more often than not. Providing a service or volunteering your help to someone can be rewarding. Harmony in your daily environment is more important to you. There can be positive channels opening up to you for healing and health-building pursuits. You're also likely to create bonds and generate trust with others. Aim to better understand your work needs, plans, and goals. You might come to realize that you're holding onto behaviors or goals that no longer serve you well, and it's a good time to think about new methods and improved routines. Frustrations can motivate you to improve your daily affairs, work, or health, especially after the New Moon on the 6th. Mercury and Venus enter your partnership sector on the 17th, and the Sun follows suit on the 20th, as these bodies move close to one another all month. Close relationships come into strong focus. You'll want to pair up to make certain decisions. Your social life begins to draw more attention, and people seek you out more often. You're focusing on partnering and relating, and it's a good time to boost your relationships and people skills. The Full Moon on the 21st occurs in your sign, heralding a time for fresh, new approaches to taking care of yourself and needs for nurture. If you've been unhappy with some aspect of your life, now is the time to work on making it better. This Full Moon heightens emotions and increases your need for self-expression. An important revelation, a culmination, or a turning point can occur. You are awakening to feelings you may have ignored or brushed aside in previous weeks, and it's exciting. Your emotions are in full bloom. It can be a wonderful time to come into touch with buried feelings. Still, your ruling planet, Saturn, turns retrograde on the 29th, putting you in a more reflective frame of mind. Consider reviewing and revising or editing some projects and commitments in the months ahead while Saturn is retrograde. A short dip in motivation is possible for specific learning, personal interests, communications, and socializing activities. There can be delays related to these matters, or pending decisions can pull you down temporarily. Returning to an unfinished project rather than taking on a new one is likely the most successful strategy for now. Finding ways to reconnect with the purpose or meaning behind what you're doing will help you get back on track sooner. Otherwise, the last week of the month is exciting, especially if you're devoting yourself to a special relationship or project. There may be the opportunity to add more spice to a relationship or friendship. Interactions can be highly stimulating and productive. Creative projects can also benefit. Cooperation is helpful, but some playful competitiveness also works well for you at this time, inspiring you to reach a little higher. You have the perfect combination of confidence and warmth that virtually ensures social and creative success. You want to come out ahead and stand out for what you do. A relationship may be a powerful motivator to better yourself or do your best. You might recognize stale ways of relating that don't serve a useful purpose anymore and put them behind you. |
June's transits often highlight your natural charm and encourage self-expression, dear Aquarius. You make good impressions on many different levels, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally. There is a strong focus on your creative or romantic life this month. Recreation, hobbies, pleasurable pastimes, artistic pursuits, and love are areas of increased activity and focus. It's a beautiful time to make deep, long-lasting changes that improve your life. You're expressing yourself confidently, and you're more determined. You're finding fantastic ways to express yourself and your personality through love, games, recreation, hobbies, and creativity. A special love relationship or project can blossom. The New Moon on the 6th brings a surge of new energy and a proactive attitude to your creative world. In the week following it, you may find yourself pushing forward a hobby, romance, or creative pursuit. This is a crucial time for new beginnings or fresh starts in areas such as fun, personal enjoyment, self-expression, children, romance, and leisure or creativity. It's a time to seek ways to express and enjoy yourself more fully. Trust your heart's desires! Your intuition is particularly strong this month and is often guiding your path. This can be the start (or successful relaunch) of a wonderful new project or a budding romance. A more involved, connected approach is particularly successful and rewarding now. Opportunities to begin anew along romantic, creative, and playful levels are likely to emerge — you're encouraged to explore, express, and share your passions and creativity more heartfully. Others may pull you into activities that you enjoy, or they somehow inspire you to action. Feedback from others can motivate, and interactions can be inspiring or inspired! Romantic feelings can drive you, or the urge to create something special and unique can figure strongly. From the 9th, home life grabs more of your attention. You might actively work through problem areas and improve family relationships. You can feel energetic and enthusiastic about decorating, organizing your home, going on outings with family, or fixing problem areas in your personal life. It positions you well for taking action and devoting energy to improving things around the home. Extra attention to your home or nest can be very satisfying and healing. You feel less burdened by responsibilities and more excited about keeping order in your personal domain. Mercury and Venus head into your work and health sector on the 17th, and the Sun does the same on the 20th. These influences turn your attention to the essential systems in your life, your daily routines, work, and personal well-being. You're in a great position to better organize your life, starting small and working your way up. The Full Moon on the 21st awakens a need to attend to your inner world and get extra time for rest and reflection. It signals a time when your psychic radar is working overtime, and you can have an epiphany about your true feelings on a matter or instincts about a person or project. There can be a need for emotional and psychic release or escape to recuperate, rest, and rejuvenate yourself. If you've been neglecting your need to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally, then circumstances tend to force the issue now. Mental and physical resilience may not be up to par at the moment, and if you've overextended and exhausted yourself, you'll face the need to slow down. You might also need to bring closure to a neglected or unresolved issue in your life. Saturn's retrograde on the 29th runs until mid-November and presents an opportunity for you to review some of your commitments, aspirations, and responsibilities. This review is particularly focused on areas such as your finances, business, security, self-worth, natural talents, resources, and comfort levels. You may experience delays or a temporary pulling back from specific projects until you come to new conclusions. In a general sense, and especially related to money matters, it's a better period for review, editing, and reflection than innovation. Otherwise, the last week of the month is strong for updating, upgrading, and otherwise adapting your personal, work, or domestic life to keep things fresh. Your instincts for what works best for you at home, with your health, and with work are in top form, and they seem to lead you to situations and people that are healthy for you. You are in the mood to make something happen, push something forward, and solve problems that make you feel you're ahead of the game. Positive changes and improvements are in the works. You're experimenting with routines, living arrangements, methods, and approaches to relating. It's easy to find reasons to let go of habits that no longer serve you well. |
June brings a focus on your personal life and support system, dear Pisces. You're also paying extra attention to your work or health routines. There are strong opportunities to expand your family experiences, strengthen ties, and find peace with your past. While there can be some intense emotions in the process, the potential for improvement and growth is immense, and ultimately, it can be a very satisfying journey. Your nesting instinct is powerful, and your instincts to rest up and improve your sense of security and safety are important. It’s a great time of hopefulness, especially about money, things, material comforts, and self-worth. Romantic, creative, and expressive energy increases later in June when you feel ready to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others. You can be strongly motivated to boost your feelings of security and comfort this month. You might also reorganize your personal space in such a way that you think more clearly and produce more. Family may be especially cooperative or willing to lend you a hand with your endeavors. It's a fine time to open up conversations with loved ones, draw up plans and lists of priorities, and spend more time on activities and endeavors in the home, especially from the 3rd to the 17th. The New Moon on the 6th holds significant potential for your home, family, domestic projects or activities, and personal life. It could herald the start of a new phase, offering you the opportunity to improve or bring into reality programs that enhance your domestic world. The week following this New Moon is ideal for making changes and tweaks to the personal systems in your life, paving the way for a more fulfilling home and family life in the long run. Brand-new projects can also get off to a promising start. This sector of your chart not only represents your base of operations but also your long-term security. It's a time for a fresh start with living conditions, life at home or with family, and the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. The 9th marks the entry of Mars into your communications zone, a time that can bring exciting new ways of learning and communicating. While impatience may occasionally pose a challenge, it's an excellent period for productivity–you're likely to feel pleasantly engaged. Your enthusiasm for learning and sharing is high, and you can feel pleasantly dedicated to a project or venture. This is the kind of stuff that gets you out of bed in the morning! Mercury and Venus move into your sector of joy on the 17th, and the expression of affection is easy and natural. This transit not only boosts your appeal but also brings a feeling of rejuvenation and spirited energy into your life. With the Sun entering the same sector on the 20th, your attention to recreation, expression, and enjoyment skyrockets. It's a brilliant time to connect and share with people you enjoy, and the possibilities are endless. People are drawn to you naturally, and you are turning heads more than usual. It's a potentially excellent time for all things romantic and creative, especially when Mercury and Venus converge on the 16-17. Conversations open up, and they're pleasant or instructive and helpful. If you've been sitting on feelings that need a release, they're likely to find a channel for expression around the Full Moon on the 21st. You can be in demand, or you might experience a personal revelation or a surprising discovery in your social life. You receive a cosmic nudge toward finding a better balance between your personal life and social life or romance and friendship. Obstacles can be discouraging, but they motivate you to improve in these areas. Saturn, currently transiting your sign, turns retrograde on the 29th, suggesting an inward turn. You may recognize areas of excess and focus on projects you've already taken on rather than adding new ones to your life in this retrograde cycle that lasts until mid-November. Set small, doable goals to put more order into your life, and you'll be on the right track. Otherwise, creative outlets can be magical in the last week of June, and you can accomplish much as you ride on a bit of competitive or growth-oriented energy. Rewards come from a gentle challenge. It's a time to stay on top of things socially, as opportunities abound, and you don't want to miss out on them. You'll make extra effort to feel more supported, nurtured, and peaceful. You're also stimulated, engaged, and ready to take action. While you focus on personal matters, healing energies, and positive reinforcement, you're interested in triumphing, bringing something to a new level, or taking the lead. Love is fun, verbal, and communicative; you might connect with someone special through shared interests. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
June 2024 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- July 2024 Ephemeris
- August 2024 Ephemeris
- September 2024 Ephemeris
- October 2024 Ephemeris
- November 2024 Ephemeris
- December 2024 Ephemeris
- January 2025 Ephemeris
- February 2025 Ephemeris
- March 2025 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- Full Moon in Sagittarius Chart: May 23rd, 2024
- New Moon in Gemini Chart: June 6, 2024
- Full Moon in Capricorn Chart: June 21st, 2024
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: July 2024
- Time Line Aspects: August 2024
- Time Line Aspects: September 2024
- Time Line Aspects: October 2024
- Time Line Aspects: November 2024
- Time Line Aspects: December 2024

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2024 – Overview