This Month in Astrology – June 2023
June 2023
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Jupiter conjuncts the Moon’s North Node (True) on the 1st, in the sign of Taurus. Under this influence, we want to make contact with like-minded people or with those who can help push us in the direction of growth and improvement. We’re magnetizing life lessons that change or enhance our belief systems, personal philosophy, and optimism or perspective. Our philosophies or worldview can be aligning with current thought or opinion, or we’re more interested and invested in the social condition around us. At this time, we have a stronger faith that we’re growing and improving. Connecting with people who we help–or who help us–to achieve a better life can be in focus.
On June 3rd, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius, reminding us of the need to reach out beyond our usual routines, thought patterns, and neighborhoods, even if this happens only on a mental or virtual level. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion. As such, we should be especially aware of what we’d like to promote at this time, trying to put aside or out of our minds those things that won’t serve us well if blown out of proportion.
On June 11th, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn, returning to the sign after a stay in Aquarius since March. Pluto first left Capricorn on March 23rd, when it headed into Aquarius. But Pluto later turned retrograde (on May 1st), and now returns to the sign of Capricorn. Pluto will continue its transit of Capricorn until January 20th, 2024.
On June 17th, Saturn turns retrograde, and it will continue to travel in this apparent backward motion until November 4th. While Saturn is retrograde, we more often review our responsibilities and commitments than deal with them directly in the moment. There can be more than the usual experiences of guilt and self-doubt as we internalize fears but also the chance to reassess our commitments.
On June 18th, a New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini, prompting us to begin anew, particularly with our communications and mental orientation. By consciously tuning in to positive Gemini energy, we learn through others simply by being curious, and we improve our social and communication skills at the same time. We open our minds to more information, and we learn to truly enjoy the variety of different personalities around us.
Jupiter forms a sextile with Saturn on the 19th, bringing opportunities to put our plans into motion. We’re balanced in our approach to new endeavors, seeing both the potential benefits and pitfalls, and this improves our judgment. This influence helps to crystallize and lock down lessons learned and endeavors begun recently.
This is a period of constructive accomplishment. We are practical, realistic, and our judgment is especially sound–and we derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. We find a good balance between planning and discovering. It’s also a time when we value learning and valid information from trustworthy sources. We respect reasonable, ethical, and sound approaches. The key to harnessing this wonderful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make us happy. Read more about the Jupiter-Saturn sextile.
On June 30th, Neptune turns retrograde, casting a veil over our practical affairs. There can be a temporary loss of inspiration as we realign our dreams and wishes with what’s inside us. The retrograde cycle itself, which lasts until December 6th this year, suggests a period of taking in, receptiveness, and some indecisiveness. It can be a period of feeling in limbo, but it might also be a time of great inner discovery.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jun 1 | 8:43 PM | Jupiter conjunct True Node | Jup 3 Tau 37' conjunct Nod 3 Tau 37' |
Jun 3 | 11:42 PM | Full Moon in Sagittarius | 13 Sag 18' |
Jun 5 | 9:46 AM | Venus enters Leo | Ven 00 Leo 00' |
Jun 10 | 3:31 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 19 Pis 40' |
Jun 11 | 5:35 AM | Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn | Plu Cap Rx |
Jun 11 | 6:26 AM | Mercury enters Gemini | Mer 00 Gem 00' |
Jun 17 | 1:27 PM | Saturn Retrograde | Sat 7 Pis 13'Rx |
Jun 18 | 12:37 AM | New Moon in Gemini | 26 Gem 44' |
Jun 19 | 11:53 AM | Jupiter sextile Saturn | Jup 7 Tau 13' sextile Sat 7 Pis 13'Rx |
Jun 21 | 7:22 AM | Ceres enters Libra | Cer 00 Lib 00' |
Jun 21 | 10:58 AM | Sun enters Cancer | Sun 00 Can 00' |
Jun 22 | 7:40 AM | Juno enters Cancer | Jun 00 Can 00' |
Jun 22 | 3:14 PM | Vesta enters Gemini | Ves 00 Gem 00' |
Jun 26 | 3:50 AM | First Quarter Moon | 4 Lib 29' |
Jun 26 | 8:24 PM | Mercury enters Cancer | Mer 00 Can 00' |
Jun 30 | 5:06 PM | Neptune Retrograde | Nep 27 Pis 42'Rx |
(See the the full table for 2023)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
The month ahead is strong for connecting, learning, sharing, and creating, dear Aries. You want to enjoy, treat, and indulge yourself and have a little fun as your ruler, Mars, spends June in your sector of joy. Venus heads into the same area of your solar chart on the 5th, bringing warmth and charm to your personal life. There can be new ideas and plans that gain support and momentum this month. You're sure to enjoy pleasant conversations, happy news, and personal interests, but information overload can be a problem from time to time. You're in a more communicative frame of mind than usual, and distractions are frequent! However, it's also a great time to put out feelers, satisfy your curiosity, and learn new things. The month also brings abundant opportunities to enjoy entertainment, art, hobbies, and romance. Your charm is natural. Romance can heat up with Venus and Mars both transiting your romance sector. Even so, these planets never officially meet in this area of your solar chart, which could point to plenty of flirtations and attention, but not much action. Your need for more from life strengthens around the Full Moon on the 3rd, especially if you've been too caught up in daily routines. You might need to meet a deadline or reach a goal. You might arrive at a turning point or a revelation about communications, learning, education, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing, setting you on a fresh path. It's a time to recognize a need to branch out and refresh your spirit. June brings excellent energy for negotiations, creative writing, problem-solving, and relationships with love interests, acquaintances, and children. Socially, you may be in the right place at the right time. You're expressing both your feelings and ideas with the same ease. Complicated problems seem to be easier to understand when you feel supported and approach them in a relaxed manner. This may not always be a productive time for work, but it can be excellent for mental refreshment. Saturn begins its yearly retrograde cycle on the 17th, and Neptune begins its retrograde on the 30th. Both planets are currently transiting your solar twelfth house. In the months ahead, you'll learn more about your spiritual goals, tying up loose ends, or finishing long-term projects that have outworn their purpose. It's not an ideal time to launch major long-term projects, but returning to complete old projects can be rewarding. You're in great shape for wrapping up projects, doing editing and organizing work, and managing finances in June. Your efforts to organize your affairs can lead to an increase in income or the discovery of resources you had forgotten about or didn't know you were entitled to. You're attending to your needs for both security and growth. Factoring in your need for self-renewal and downtime makes your approach successful. From the 21st, you'll need less mental stimulation and more time to rest. The Sun heads into your home and family sector, and Mercury follows suit on the 26th. As exciting as your projects and interactions have been in the past weeks, you're beginning to crave more down time and the comfort of familiar settings. As you close out the month, you can benefit from some structure, order, and self-discipline, particularly regarding your relationships and emotions. |
June puts a spotlight on money matters and comfort levels, dear Taurus, and it's excellent for sorting out your personal life. While you were often focusing on new beginnings and innovations in May, you're now far more interested in building and developing new plans and projects. You may be looking to use your assets more to your advantage. Although it continues to be a time of positive interaction, learning, and guidance, you enjoy settling in more and more this month. With a strong focus on your solar second house, you could be building your resources, buying or maintaining things with a long-term shelf life, and thinking about how to make or save more money. Sensual pleasures also appeal more than usual – you want to get comfortable! While it's a quiet time, it's not a lazy period. You're in a great position to improve your money situation and home life. Your domestic world is lively and spirited all month. Opportunities are often close to home or through family connections in June. Around the Full Moon on the 3rd, it's a time to manage debts, both emotional and material, more effectively. Joint ventures may figure strongly now. This lunation awakens strong feelings about a partnership or financial matter. It's an "eyes wide open" time, and you benefit from the clarity. You're well-positioned to make your money work for you in June. There can be good news or promising developments with family, home, or financial affairs, an exciting purchase for the household, or a sense of abundance. Conversations are often fruitful and pleasant. You're thinking more often about your practical affairs or in practical terms this month. It's a great time to consider improving business pursuits and organizing your finances. Chances to improve your home life and to bring more creative flair to your private world emerge. A patient, friendly, and considerate approach works best with Venus in your solar fourth house from the 5th onward, but you can still draw upon the initiative and energy of Mars in this same sector all of June. You have Saturn and Neptune transiting your solar eleventh house, and both planets turn retrograde in June, bringing on some need to review, reflect, and reorganize your work, long-term plans, or social life and happiness goals. A shift in perspective occurs in the months ahead, and it's wise to consider that increases or expansion may lead to stress rather than joy for the time being. Focusing on what you already have going can be rewarding. There may be some confusing situations or bubble-bursting moments, particularly surrounding a long-term dream or friendship, but this is temporary. As you advance, you will get back in touch with your dreams, possibly refining them to suit your purposes and current status. Friendships will also resume with renewed faith, possibly with refinements. You're working towards a more balanced perspective on these matters. Still, Jupiter in your sign forms a sextile with Saturn, pointing to a time of steady productivity. You feel more grounded than usual, yet also freer to enjoy yourself. There can be a stronger sense of accomplishment and joy as you simplify your social life and meet your responsibilities. You approach your world in a more balanced way. Drawing some boundaries in a friendship or with others can come naturally now and can be unspoken yet clear and reasonable. Realistic thinking benefits you and feels satisfying. From the 21st, your curiosity builds, and you crave more interaction and mental stimulation. Making contacts, personal interests, and running errands can take up more of your energy and attention. This can be a very motivating and exciting time. There's a busier, more connected theme to your life as you close out the month. |
The month ahead is supportive, dear Gemini, putting you comfortably in focus. Communications and learning are in strong favor, as are short trips, communications equipment, studies, and transportation. Your love life can be particularly active with the lines of communication opening up wide. You're also attracting people and opportunities to you through your ideas, wit, and intelligence this month. It's an excellent time to connect with the right information to further your healing journey, put a problem behind you, or gain more peace of mind. The Sun and Mercury visit your sign in June, and Venus and Mars harmonize with Gemini (Venus from the 5th and Mars all month). You're seeking outlets for self-expression and appreciation from others. Your ideas are interesting, intriguing, and well-received. June is a period of increased personal power, even though Mercury's transit of your privacy sector until the 11th does suggest some reassessing of projects and plans. Around the Full Moon on the 3rd, your discoveries about your feelings and relationships are big. Recognition of relationship needs and emotions can come in a rush. What to do with your feelings may not be entirely straightforward. Don't put pressure on yourself – let things unfold. Regarding your career and long-term goals this month, the same advice applies. You may feel very close to a project or decision only to discover a roadblock, delay, or simply a sense that you're not quite ready for it all to come together yet. First, Saturn's retrograde turn on the 17th and Neptune's on the 30th--these events point to a period ahead of de-emphasizing or reassessing these matters. You'll likely feel a shift in perspective about your long-term goals, responsibilities, career, or life path. There is a real need to simplify your career efforts and reputation since expansion can bring undue stress. It's a great time to build upon current projects or return to unfinished endeavors. This month, you approach your studies, hobbies, personal interests, and communications with passion and energy. And while you can be bold and daring in self-expression, you're also coming across charmingly. Exciting connections can be made through learning, the neighborhood, while running errands, and online. There is a growing emphasis on the world of communications, your daily life, learning, and connecting this month. It's not only a big idea month but also excellent for reaching out to others. Especially from the 11th to the 26th, you're in a robust period for self-expression. You keep yourself busy and crave more variety and movement. You're open to new ideas and interests, and your words have more impact than usual. Your decisions also come more readily and spontaneously, which is particularly welcome after a period of frequent indecision. In special favor now are presenting your ideas, studying, teaching, and connecting. Personal appeal gets a real boost, and you can have many different interests or projects going that excite and motivate you. While life is busy, it feels energizing rather than chaotic to you now. Pluto's move back into your solar eighth house this month points to further work in the areas of intimacy, debts, and dependencies. You could return to the past, and scrutiny is necessary. Nevertheless, you're looking forward. The New Moon on the 18th is in your sign, and it gives you a nice boost: it's a time for recreating your image, starting anew in a significant area of your life, and turning over a new leaf. From the 11th forward, you've been feeling more decisive and confident about what you want and need. Now the New Moon gives you a mission. Personal goals are supported this month. Plus, you're making opportunities for yourself. Excellent days for personal appeal include the 16-17 and 21-22. You are especially persuasive and creative with writing, speaking, and learning. June can be a particularly advantageous time for teaching or guiding connected with your work, and work done behind the scenes can begin to pay off. You're getting to a very healthy balance between optimism and practicality. Pacing yourself comes more naturally to you now. You are encouraged to reach your highest potential through others' support, faith in you, or wisdom. Money, business, talents, and resources come into stronger focus after the third week of June. You benefit from taking steps toward feeling a little more secure. Transits ground and encourage you to be better organized or prepared. Efforts to secure a position or lock down a steady income may be in the offing–it's an excellent time for developing, considering, or going over plans. |
You're in great shape for ideas and initiative in business and with money in June, dear Cancer, even with a retiring, rest-focused overall theme. You might discover new ways of earning, spending, and saving money. Look for creative ways to develop talents and build your resources. The month begins leisurely and builds in momentum. For much of June, you're inclined to reflect on recent experiences and absorb their lessons with the Sun (until the 21st) and Mercury (from the 11-26) in your privacy sector. Looking to the past for insight into the problems of the present is, in fact, valuable at this time. In the first three weeks of the month, although you are not moving forward quickly in many other life departments, events behind the scenes are at play, conspiring to get you back into high gear. In fact, you'll have plenty of opportunities to boost your spirits and emotional health through healing activities, rest, and loving or supportive relationships. The Full Moon on the 3rd can stir a desire for more satisfaction from your work, routines, or health and wellness efforts. Any discomfort felt around that date can be highly motivating. It can also be a wonderful time of support/recognition from a friend or group. The connections you make now point you toward growth on a social level. You might receive significant gifts or bonuses this month. Your love life is both earthy and romantic. It's a good time for settling in or keeping things status quo. You might come up with interesting ideas about improving your financial state. Pluto's move back into your partnership sector this month points to more attention to renovating a close relationship. While it may seem as if you're going over old ground, this review can ultimately work in your favor. Saturn turns retrograde in your solar ninth house on the 17th, and Neptune does on the 30th. There could be some slowdowns, delays, or backtracking with matters related to education, travel, or publishing. It's not the time to rush decisions! Simplifying, building, structuring, and stabilizing efforts produce the best results at this time. Allow yourself to dream and think big, but try not to overdo things, as you'll end up too exhausted when actual opportunities present themselves. Even so, learning and teaming up through study groups or friendships based on shared beliefs and interests can be most beneficial. Transits in June help strengthen your resolve to pursue long-term goals. Your confidence comes from realistic dreams and pursuits. Successes are far more likely through patience and concerted efforts. There can be beneficial relationships with friends and associates. You might take on a teaching, advising, or training role. You may be saying goodbye to something, figuratively speaking, and clearing the decks for new beginnings with the New Moon on the 18th. It's a time of the year for some soul-searching. This lunation has the power to push you on a new path of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment which can come in very handy once the Sun is in your sign. Getting comfortable with your inner needs and desires is a highly appropriate goal, and understanding and processing recent events are part of this. If you can manage it, this is a good time for a refreshing retreat or quiet change of pace. The Sun moves into your sign on the 21st, and Mercury follows suit on the 26th, launching a more visible, decisive, influential, and personally powerful period of the year for you. Dreams, goals, and projects you've put on a shelf are renewing. Your willingness to take care of details or tidy up certain areas of your life can figure strongly, and it's highly productive. |
Lively, stirring energy is with you in June, dear Leo. Mars in your sign all month is energizing – you're ready to take on a challenge and interested in innovating, being the first, and taking the lead. Venus moves into your sign on the 5th, and Venus attracts rather than pursues, so you have both yin and yang energies going for you this month. Life is exciting! There can be significant events surrounding matters of status or career and general life direction as you begin the month. You gravitate toward information, people, or situations that encourage you to grow, rise to a challenge, and elevate your goals. Pluto's move back into your work and health sector also suggests more renovating in your practical affairs. Nevertheless, your social life and personal goals take center stage in June. You're in great shape for personal appeal and socializing. More often than not, transits frame you well, support your efforts, and highlight your unique and desirable traits. While your love life has been complicated recently, and others may have even undervalued your worth, you are now strutting your stuff. Incredibly magnetic, the world appreciates your style. The creative and dynamic energy around you is hard to resist or ignore. You have a new and credible vision of what you want to accomplish. With the Sun in your solar eleventh house until the 21st and Mercury there from the 11-26, you are in an excellent position for collaboration. Learning and sharing ideas can figure strongly. The Full Moon on the 3rd can bring a revelation about romance, children, or creative endeavors. Presenting your ideas, studying, teaching, and connecting are likely to go well this month. You can have many different interests or projects going that excite and motivate you. You may gain clarity about a person's feelings for you. Both Saturn and Neptune are transiting your solar eighth house, and they turn retrograde in June, on the 17th and 30th, respectively. For several months, you can benefit from a review of debts, support, emotional health, and your close relationships. You might need to reassess how much time and energy you can afford to invest in these matters, or you may be dealing with delays or refinements of plans. Once you recognize the need for restructuring, simplifying, and stabilizing your life, you'll have a stronger sense of the benefits of these retrograde cycles. In fact, great energy is with you for evening out your expectations regarding support, which helps improve your life as you let go of unhealthy pressures. You recognize what to cut out of your life to succeed and improve your financial picture and career outlook. There can be psychological discoveries that help liberate you from certain difficulties or from attitudes that have held you back. Later in the month, you're moving into a period of review and reflection. The Sun and Mercury head into your privacy sector on the 21st and 26th, respectively. Even so, you remain stimulated to assert your independence and push personal plans forward. Excellent energy is with you for meeting responsibilities and enjoying a feeling of certainty or purposefulness. It's a time for accepting reality and feeling stronger for it. Emotional or intimate matters benefit from clearer expectations. |
June brings career and responsibilities into strong focus, dear Virgo, but a lot is going on behind the scenes in your life with Venus and Mars steaming up your privacy sector. Venus is in this area of your solar chart from the 5th, and Mars is a guest all month. You may be working on a project independently or enjoying a private theme in your love life. Support for your career, or a whole new vision of where you want your professional life to go, comes now. Career matters can be fruitful in June, and the New Moon on the 18th ties it all together. A new opportunity might present itself, or a project might open up. Professional charisma runs high, but try to avoid situations that could lead to gossip. Your intuition about business is excellent this month, and your ideas or advice can be in higher demand. Your smarts and know-how help you advance. Or, you're taking in valuable information that helps you further your goals or improve your career and business. There can be progress, growth, or good news related to higher learning, travel, or publishing, and you can connect with the right people and information to feel that you're heading somewhere you want to go. An expanded worldview figures strongly. Still, the Full Moon on the 3rd reminds you to pay more attention to your home and family life. If you've been spending too much time on your obligations to the outside world, this is a period for returning things to balance. Further, despite the public focus, aim to take opportunities to rest and relax. Think about new ways to approach your life and pursue your goals. Learning your heart's desire is important now so that when you're ready to pursue it, you know which direction to head! Saturn and Neptune, both in long-term transits of your partnership sector, turn retrograde this month, pointing to a need to remind yourself of the work you need to do to stabilize critical areas of your life, especially your relationships, work, and health. Some backtracking or slowing down is possible, and simplifying rather than taking on additional responsibilities makes the most sense now. You might see someone or your relationship needs from a slightly different perspective in the months ahead. You may need to revise your outlook or approach; these cycles will eventually reveal the right path. You are forming or strengthening alliances, and you recognize the great need for reliability and steadiness in a key relationship. A partner could be vital in helping or motivating you to bring more order into your life. It's a time to strengthen your legal position in a business or venture or your knowledge of a particular subject. You're especially resourceful and can fish out a solid opportunity. It's an excellent period for brainstorming. You are confident and moderately so, which can be an ideal, balanced approach to life and your general outlook. A long-term partnership may grow from a shared interest or adventure. From the 21st, you gain more interest in fulfilling goals related to your sense of community and personal happiness. Friendships can be in stronger focus. The people you connect with stir new ideas. They're also very interested in you! Transits in the last week of June encourage you to explore your needs for friendship, new faces and places, and a sense of community. You're capable of tremendous effort to further your personal objectives in the last week of the month. It's a good time to put more faith in a friend or special project and believe in your capabilities. A reinforcing, supportive alliance or conversation that builds your confidence and optimism can figure strongly. You're establishing rules, guidelines, plans, and strategies. |
You can find many reasons to feel encouraged and optimistic in June, dear Libra. Warm energy is with you for sharing viewpoints, spending time with others, and learning. Think non-routine for best results. This month, the ordinary will not do! You need to feel inspired, and the good news is that you will likely get what you wish for. You have much energy to pour into friendships, group projects, or goals this month, and these areas of life can be particularly dynamic. Personal charisma and creativity in group settings are potent. There can be romantic or partnering opportunities through friends and groups. The Full Moon on the 3rd calls your attention to communications, schooling, means of transportation, mobility, neighbors, or siblings. It reminds you to take care of your daily affairs to free yourself up to satisfy your yen for adventure. At the top of the month, you might connect with the right resources or tools to feel more personally empowered or eliminate a bad habit, debt, or dependency. It's a time to recognize your attachments and examine what you may be holding onto that keeps you from feeling personally powerful. Still, with the Sun in your spirit sector until the 21st and Mercury there from the 11-26, you seek intellectual stimulation and are willing to see the big picture rather than focus on minor problems. Of course, if this is taken too far, you'll fall behind on practical details. You're bringing a healthy spirit of friendship to your relationships in June. Self-expression, social confidence, and an improved outlook can figure strongly. People are showing definite interest in you. You're looking for the purpose behind what you're learning, and you're particularly intuitive and visionary. While there is a big focus on learning and reaching beyond your regular routines in June, friendships and connections play a strong role this month. There can be excitement and change involved with friends, networks, or group associations. Long-distance friendships can be satisfying. You're generally in good hands this month. Both Saturn and Neptune are transiting your solar sixth house, and they turn retrograde in June (on the 17th and 30th, respectively). There can be slowdowns, delays, or backtracking with daily affairs, work, health, or routines. These cycles set up a better period for review and reflection than innovation in these life departments. While you may encounter some waning motivation or delays, you are well-positioned to simplify, edit, and build what you already have in place. You might reassess commitments to specific programs, projects, or jobs in the months ahead. June puts you in great shape for a positive lifestyle change that will benefit you for years to come. Your realism leads to a remarkable ability to make solid plans, particularly related to finances, relationships, health, diet, and work, with a special focus on balance. You can better manage your time and find jobs or routines more rewarding. Sensible fitness and health programs are in the spotlight. It's a fine time to handle support, debts, and taxes logically and realistically. A theme of career and responsibilities builds from the 21st. You must keep on your toes and could find you're in demand. It's a good time to bring more structure to your life, mainly through work and daily routines. People tend to put their trust or faith in you, and you might discover good advice and information that helps you with your practical affairs. Your goals and ambitions are in the spotlight and your confidence soars. |
June is a good month for getting in touch with your innermost desires, dear Scorpio. At the same time, it holds dynamic energy for pursuing your goals and ambitions. You're in great shape for taking the time to plan and strategize rather than charge ahead, although this can change by the fourth week of the month. Both personal and professional development are in focus. On the personal side, you're a student of human nature this month, including your own! You have little interest in superficial activities, and an intimate relationship or special project can be in focus. While your private life is active, professionally speaking, you enjoy an invigorating and creative peak. Your charisma is strong with Venus (from the 5th) and Mars (all month) in your solar sector of goals, career, responsibilities, and reputation. Relationships can be notable and rewarding through business or career-related avenues. People notice your performance, and the feedback is motivating. Your work might take a more creative direction, or you're going places, and people who can help you move closer to your goals tend to see you in a wonderful light. It's a great time to put in some extra effort to help this along. Events and circumstances around the Full Moon on the 3rd can demand a change in your spending habits and budget or prompt a new perspective. If you've been underutilizing a particular resource or asset, which can include a talent, you'll see this now. You're discovering relationship needs and exploring how they impact your sense of independence. Strong forces are challenging you to move out of your comfort zone to move forward. Through partnership or cooperation with others, you'll get to the inner balance necessary to achieve your personal goals. You're likely to see what has held you back from sharing yourself with others in healthy ways or forming close alliances. With the Sun in your intimacy sector until the 21st and Mercury there from the 11-26, there can be excellent opportunities to open up communications about deeper needs and desires. Intimate relationships can thrive as you put more effort and pride into them. The desire to change, evolve, and improve can grip you this month, and a plan may come together after the New Moon on the 18th. Becoming less dependent on others, whether financially or emotionally, is a focus, and it works so well for you that it may very well stick. This is a time for taking off and achieving your goals. Saturn and Neptune are longer-term transiting your sector of joy, and in June, they both turn retrograde. Your perspective on romance and creativity can shift. The coming months are good for reevaluating, consolidating, and perhaps rebuilding endeavors related to the pursuit of pleasure, romance, comfort, and creative expression. Brand-new major projects may not take off quickly. In truth, they may only serve to stress you out, as this is a time for conserving energy and simplifying your life. Aim to level things out. More structure or discipline with leisure time can benefit you. A hobby might become a business, or a casual relationship stabilizes or moves to a new level. Negotiations can be successful, and establishing reasonable boundaries makes sense. You might discover very constructive channels for your creativity. A partner or a relationship can inspire you to reach new heights or learn a new skill. From the 21st, you'll spend less time reflecting and ruminating and more time living spiritedly. You feel more outgoing or adventurous. Your non-material goals are increasingly important, and a breath of fresh air on mental levels is vital for your well-being. You might feel better about a relationship or relationship status, perhaps more confident that you're heading in the right direction. It's also a beautiful time to work on creative projects or studies. |
Relationships and negotiations are in focus for you this month, dear Sagittarius. June stirs up the need for significant developments in your life: a New Moon awakens a desire to start fresh in your relationships, and a Full Moon activates a strong urge to change your personal image to reflect the inner changes that have been in the works. You're working on making your connections work this month. June can be a time for discovering a new passion or interest, or rekindling an exciting project or study. Venus and Mars are guests in your sector of spirit and adventure--Venus from the 5th and Mars all month. These influences help fuel your energy and motivate you to reach beyond your normal limits. You're finding the time to pursue extracurricular interests and activities that help nourish your soul and inspire you higher. You have more courage to try new things and are motivated to learn, share, and connect. Romantic opportunities might emerge while you're learning, pursuing your studies, through the internet, or venturing outside of your usual routine. Partnerships are in sharp focus this month and are notably supportive and spirited. While June is a strong month for socializing, connecting, and enjoying the people in your life, you're also making strong connections that advance your practical or daily affairs. Your ruler, Jupiter, meets with the Moon's North Node in your solar sixth house, bringing positive energy for work, habits, and health and connecting you with people or information that encourage growth and improvement in these areas. You could be doing more specialized work or find that you're in high demand, and work increases or improves. Getting your daily schedules, routines, and health programs into shape is a focus and can contribute to your growth, professionally and personally. Still, the Full Moon on the 3rd occurs in your sign, and your emotions are on your sleeve as you explore your needs for autonomy and companionship. You'll get a great idea of any feelings you've brushed aside, buried, or otherwise ignored. Of course, knowing your heart is empowering, even if you don't yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want. Be sure to reach out and move a little out of your comfort zone for the best results. Luckily, this comes easily with current Venus and Mars transits. You're in great shape, especially from the 11-26, to talk things through with others. Negotiations and agreements are beneficial. Others can be your sounding board. Listen when they compliment you or recognize your talents and potential – the feedback can be precious to you now. There can be increased warmth in a relationship or good conversations and bonding as you share your broader goals and beliefs. It's also a good time for counseling and gathering beneficial information from others. Good communication skills can reverberate positivity to other areas of life as well. Pluto's move back into your finance sector until January suggests you have more renovating and changing to do with money and things. From the 21st, you dig deeper and look within yourself or to a significant other for sustenance. It's a fine time for both joint ventures and immersive, absorbing solo projects. A passion project can be most attractive at this time! With Saturn and Neptune turning retrograde this month, domestic matters and finances can be areas of slowdowns, review, delays, or backtracking in the months ahead. Considering the long term will help you understand the importance of this period. Aim to simplify and work on projects already underway so that you can catch your breath. A Jupiter-Saturn connection is wonderfully grounding, in fact. It's easier than usual to move at a steady pace. Work and home life combine in wonderful, constructive ways. More structured family systems help you give more to your work and wellness pursuits. Your job works well around your family life so you can enjoy both more thoroughly. You'll find that moderation is the primary key to happiness now! Slow and steady wins the race. You are in an excellent position to strengthen your future by taking care of the present. You see things more clearly and realistically, aiding decision-making and boosting confidence. |
June spotlights work, health, research, and close relationships, dear Capricorn. A good work-life balance is quite possible now as you pay your work and personal life their due attention. Still, the month is most notable for your commitment to progress, often behind the scenes. You are sharper, more directed, and more focused than usual. Also on a personal level, you naturally deemphasize those connections and pursuits that are superficial this month. You mean business! Fortunately, you have plenty of cosmic support for your efforts, especially if you heed the message of the Full Moon on the 3rd: you need to make some time for spiritual and emotional renewal as well. You continue to expand your personal horizons through recreation, creative endeavors, or romantic relationships this month. Finding ways to let off steam and detox is beneficial. However, you're in especially great shape to get work done and focus on wellness goals in June. Activities that get your life and mind tidy and organized are in favor. More often than not, your intuition with health or work methods is excellent. Mars spends the month in your solar eighth house, and Venus is in this sector of your solar chart from the 5th. Consequently, a relationship can be pleasantly surprising or deep, and your private world is animated. If not a relationship, you may be awakening to buried desires. You have more courage to do something different, creative, and unique. While acquaintances could find you withdrawn or aloof, you're more present in closer relationships, and charisma in love matters runs high. With the help of Venus from the 5th, you're in a better position to straighten things out and resolve conflicts related to money, support, and power dynamics. Pluto's re-entry into your sign this month returns you to do a little more work or renovation with your image, personal presentation, and outlook. Pluto will continue in Capricorn until January on its prolonged transition out of your sign. Saturn, your ruler, turns retrograde this month, and later, Neptune does as well. Both planets are transiting your communications sector. You might consider reviewing and revising or editing some projects and commitments. A short dip in motivation is possible for certain learning, personal interests, communications, and socializing activities. There can be delays related to these matters, or pending decisions can pull you down temporarily. Returning to an unfinished project rather than taking on a new one is likely the most successful strategy in the months ahead. Find ways to reconnect with the purpose or meaning behind the things you're doing, as this will help you get back on track sooner. After the New Moon on the 18th, letting go of something that has expired or outgrown its usefulness is in focus, leading to a real sense of freedom and liberation. A wonderful connection between Jupiter and your ruler occurs this month, and you enjoy a healthy confidence about most areas of your life, especially communications, learning, entertainment, and love. Your judgment is solid for making long-term plans. A project, romance, or pursuit is fulfilling. Your realism and willingness to take the bad with the good help you succeed. There can be satisfying studies, personal interests, or communications projects. From the 21st, you begin a more relationship-focused period of the year. Besides recognizing the need for support and companionship, you're finding ways to better balance and smooth out your life. You're well-positioned to attract someone's support and confidence. In the last days of the month, practical news, tidbits, and advice can circulate, and you feel on top of things. Your feet are on the ground, and this is an empowering feeling. |
The month ahead can be quite lively for relationships and self-expression, dear Aquarius. Directness and openness in your interactions tend to enhance your connections. The best version of yourself shines through in your love relationships or business partnerships at this time. It's a powerful period for love, charm, and creativity. You begin the month with an open mind and heart so that new information coming in can expand your perspective. There is more faith in your emotional life and the ability to grow through your experiences. Fortunate connections or opportunities emerge for improving your domestic life or living conditions and arrangements. Stimulating and spicy moments with others are par for the course in June care of Mars in your partnership sector all month and Venus there from the 5th onward. Relationships are likely to be lively. Assert yourself, but do so with knowledge of your heart. Otherwise, decisions may be too impulsive. There's also a positive buzz surrounding your creative projects or ideas, which are catching on well. You're discovering (or rediscovering) the things that bring joy to your life with the Sun in your solar fifth house to the 21st and Mercury there from the 11-26. Entertaining, recreation, romance, leisure, and hobbies appeal more than usual. Around the 3rd, a friend may need your assistance, or you might reach out to others for collaboration. While you're having a great time doing your own thing in June, sometimes a little extra support can help you do even better. A Full Moon can awaken your feelings about someone or rekindle an interest in a project you haven't yet fully pursued. Others can open up doors for you, or you feel inspired to do your best and pursue a dream upon the encouragement of a friend. You want to enjoy your life more fully this month, and opportunities emerge for creative expression and entertainment. You're well-positioned to clarify feelings, come to agreements, and even make romantic overtures. Conversations about love, children, creative arts, hobbies, or entertainment can be in focus and beneficial. Your desire to be heard and seen as unique is growing. Saturn and Neptune turn retrograde in June (on the 17th and 30th, respectively), and both are currently transiting your resources sector. In the months ahead, you're in good shape to review some of your commitments, aspirations, and responsibilities, mainly related to your finances, business, security, self-worth, natural talents, resources, and comfort levels. There may be delays related to some of these things or a temporary pulling back from specific projects until you come to new conclusions. In a general sense and particularly related to money matters, it's a better period for review, editing, and reflection than innovation. Still, you can accomplish much. June brings a positive focus on steadiness and security. You're willing to put in the effort to make constructive changes to money, home, and family matters that boost our self-esteem and sense of security. You want to structure and discipline yourself, especially with money and personal belongings, and the results help you succeed and enjoy your personal life more thoroughly. It's a powerful time for organizing your things! It's also a fine time for coming into your own, seeking more from life, and asking what you can do to make life more rewarding. Business matters are strong, and you're likely to feel comfortably supported and supportive. Reasonable expectations help you achieve what you set out to do. The last nine days of the month inspire a new focus. You're entering a more introspective cycle, and it becomes you. From the 21st, the spotlight transitions to your daily routines, work, health, and habits. You begin to invest more time and energy into your work and wellness programs. You also give more thought to self-care or self-improvement programs. |
With the spotlight on your domestic and daily affairs this month, dear Pisces, you're well-positioned to enjoy a lower profile. You can be enormously effective with your work, duties, and health, and you might solve problems in the home or improve living conditions. Overcoming emotional hurdles can figure strongly. Charisma can lead to social opportunities or recognition for your creativity and flair, particularly through your work. Enjoying your daily activities helps motivate you. You might seek a companion for pursuing health and wellness goals. It can be a particularly creative month for your work. If there have been some tensions with a co-worker or roomie, they're likely to resolve now. News, communications, and information are opening up as you begin the month, bringing on a new perspective and connecting you to others in new and stirring ways. Surprising revelations come around the Full Moon on the 3rd. This lunation encourages you to reach high. A sudden awareness of your duties and responsibilities can push you to take action. You might experience a cosmic nudge to handle professional matters or to review and adjust your career goals. Still, the month is largely family-focused. Home life requires more attention than usual. Making lasting, significant changes that improve your domestic world is certainly on your mind again this month, but now you're in a better position to do so. A solid plan forms after the New Moon on the 18th. There can be significant progress or benefits related to your personal life. Sound energy is with you for mending fences, enjoying others, and expressing your feelings. Conversations can be clarifying and helpful. There can be more activities on the home front or valuable lessons from loved ones. You're more able to express yourself with the people closest to you. Pluto's move back into your social sector for a stay until January points to a return to a friendship problem. Saturn and Neptune, both transiting your sign, turn retrograde this month (on the 17th and 30th, respectively), reinforcing an inward turn. You might begin to recognize areas of excess and focus on projects you've already taken on rather than adding new ones to your life. It's best to keep in mind the overall purpose of the rather new Saturn transit of your sign–that you are learning to rely on yourself and get your life in better order. Returning to a previous project may be particularly rewarding during this cycle and is more likely to be successful than a brand-new one. If you're in need of inspiration or sourcing it from all the wrong places, your energy levels might dip temporarily. However, this reorientation process works in your favor, giving you a chance to see your dreams in a new light in the months ahead. A beautiful connection between Saturn in your sign and Jupiter forms this month, and pouring your energy into a special project can be absorbing in all the right ways! The focus is on order and organizing, which can be very satisfying. You might lay the foundation for a significant project or venture. Self-discipline and more order in your life enable you to put particular effort into your studies and communication projects. With more respect for your ideas and pursuits, you feel all the more productive. You also recognize the value of a more balanced approach to personal growth. From the 21st, a more playful, creative, and romantic cycle emerges, and over the following weeks, you'll find ways to have a little more fun. Heartfelt activities are in focus now. Relaxing, recreational pursuits can appeal and can even be therapeutic. Your best self shines through in what you're doing as you close out the month. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
June 2023 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- April 2023 Ephemeris
- May 2023 Ephemeris
- June 2023 Ephemeris
- July 2023 Ephemeris
- August 2023 Ephemeris
- September 2023 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Taurus Chart: May 19, 2023
- Full Moon in Sagittarius Chart: June 3, 2023
- New Moon in Gemini Chart: June 18, 2023
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: July 2023
- Time Line Aspects: August 2023
- Time Line Aspects: September 2023
- Time Line Aspects: October 2023
- Time Line Aspects: November 2023
- Time Line Aspects: December 2023
- Time Line Aspects: January 2024
- Time Line Aspects: February 2024
- Time Line Aspects: March 2024
- Time Line Aspects: April 2024
- Time Line Aspects: May 2024
- Time Line Aspects: June 2024

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2023 – Overview