This Month in Astrology – October 2020
October 2020
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Influencing the first two weeks of October is the New Moon in Virgo that occurred mid-last month. It promised us opportunities to take charge of our lives by organizing, editing, refining work, and paying better attention to health. This is a fertile and productive time. We might take charge of our daily routines, work, or pursuit of wellness.
Two Full Moons occur in October: one on the 1st of the month and one on the last day of the month (31st). On October 1st, the Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries, reminding us to consider how we are honoring ourselves in the context of our close relationships. New revelations can occur now, particularly regarding our physical bodies, leadership skills, ability to initiate and begin new things, and close partnerships. This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other, and between independence or autonomy and dependence or companionability.
Mars turned retrograde on September 9th and is retrograde throughout October. We’re in the position to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. There can be passive-aggressive behavior during this cycle that continues until November 13th. We may be instigating problems or arguments rather than dealing with issues directly. However, this can be a good time to learn more about our inner motivations and desires, as well as to reconsider old projects and interests. See the full discussion of this Mars retrograde in Aries.
Pluto turns direct on the 4th. Intensity is with us in the days (and perhaps weeks for the sensitive) surrounding this date with a strong focus on ambition and the need to feel empowered. Over the coming weeks and months, the power to make deep changes in our lives becomes more insistent and direct (less internalized). We are less likely to brood over changes that we feel have been thrust upon us and more likely to make necessary changes.
Jupiter forms a sextile to Neptune on the 12th for the third and final perfection. This transit first formed in February and recurred in July, following roughly alongside the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction and Jupiter-Chiron quintile. We’re prompted to check in with our needs for imagination and dreams or spirituality, helping us moderate some of the more extreme expressions of the Jupiter in Capricorn transit. We’re discovering ways to incorporate and manage our expectations, faith, and dreams. This influence helps us maintain a sense of proportion and to consider our morals and spiritual values as we pursue our objectives. It’s a time for connecting with idealistic and humanitarian goals, making connections with people from vastly different backgrounds than us and learning from their perspectives, and otherwise widening our experiences and broadening our minds.
Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Scorpio on the 13th and will remain retrograde until November 3rd. Mercury is retrograde from October 13-27 in the sign of Scorpio, after which it returns to the sign of Libra.
With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio from the 13-27, good energy is with us for getting in touch with our instincts, motivations, and “dark” side. Now is the time to explore our more intimate and emotional natures and consider how these affect our decision-making processes. An increased sensitivity or emotional “radar” is likely. We should watch that we don’t get into a paranoid frame of mind, or read too much negativity into what others say, however.
Retrograde Mercury in Libra from the 27th forward is especially slow to reach a decision – possibly painfully slow, as our minds bounce back and forth between the alternatives, finding merits for any and all of them. This period may affect our close partnerships the most. We might rethink old positions and relationships, and our observations tend to be particularly idealized. In a general sense, retrograde Mercury periods send us to the past for more or previously hidden information. They’re cycles for learning to let go of control, and for thinking about issues in a brand new way.
The New Moon on the 16th occurs in the sign of Libra and is a tense configuration as it opposes Mars and squares Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. This lunation forms a trine to the North Node. Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, opposes Neptune. This is a time for taking charge of our relationships and giving them their due attention, as well as working on our negotiation and partnering skills. The resolution of conflicts is in focus and the objective, although it can be a real challenge getting there. While we’re seeking to learn and grow from situations, blocks, and challenges, we can be battling overblown expectations and ghosts from the past.
The second Full Moon of the month occurs on the 31st in the sign of Taurus. It serves to reawaken an urgent interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires. We should watch for stubbornness at this time, although some self-interest is healthy and necessary. The Moon is tightly aligned with Uranus, bringing some excitement and/or tension to our lives, leading to a new perspective. Unpredictability can stir things up, and surprises are likely. New spins on how to get comfortable can be in focus.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Oct 1 | 5:05 PM | Full Moon | 9 Ari 08' |
Oct 2 | 4:48 PM | Venus enters Virgo | Ven 0 Vir 00' |
Oct 3 | 11:00 PM | Pluto quincunx True Node | Plu 22 Cap 29' quincunx TNo 22 Gem 29' |
Oct 4 | 9:33 AM | Pluto Direct | Plu 22 Cap 29'D |
Oct 9 | 8:39 PM | Quarter Moon | 17 Can 10' |
Oct 12 | 3:06 AM | Jupiter sextile Neptune | Jup 18 Cap 45' sextile Nep 18 Pis 45'Rx |
Oct 13 | 9:05 PM | Mercury Retrograde | Mer 11 Sco 40'Rx |
Oct 16 | 3:31 PM | New Moon in Libra | 23 Lib 53' |
Oct 18 | 1:02 PM | Ceres Direct | Cer 28 Aqu 36'D |
Oct 22 | 3:34 AM | Vesta enters Virgo | Ves 0 Vir 00' |
Oct 22 | 6:59 PM | Sun enters Scorpio | Sun 0 Sco 00' |
Oct 23 | 9:23 AM | Quarter Moon | 0 Aqu 36' |
Oct 27 | 9:33 PM | Mercury Retrograde enters Libra | Mer Rx Lib |
Oct 27 | 9:41 PM | Venus enters Libra | Ven 0 Lib 00' |
Oct 29 | 5:00 PM | Jupiter quincunx True Node | Jup 20 Cap 45' quincunx TNo 20 Gem 45' |
Oct 31 | 10:49 AM | Full Moon in Taurus | 8 Tau 38' |
(See the full table for 2020)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
The month ahead can bring a strong focus on relationships, dear Aries. There can be ups and downs in a partnership or close friendship, but ultimately a good time for sorting out problems. October begins and ends with a Full Moon! The Full Moon on the 1st is in your sign. Epiphanies occur now–your feelings are coming to full bloom. It's a time when things come to light about you, so it's best to keep some things on the down-low this week. If you want certain things to gain exposure, this can be the time but do consider that with Mars retrograde in your sign, you may not be understood the way you want to be understood. Venus heads into your work and health sector on the 2nd, where it will stay until the 27th. You're ready to create a better environment in your daily life. You might partner up to get work done or to accomplish fitness goals. Enjoying your work, chores, or routines can figure strongly. Retrograde Mars does suggest that there's a lot to unpack, improve, and edit before you truly feel free and ready to move on. Your desire to assert your independence or go your own way runs more deeply than usual, but the pressures to keep cool or stick to the rules are especially active now, causing some tension or a dilemma. Consider the possibility that dialing down your ambitions just a little could reduce excess stress. It may very well be that you can do so without loss. There can be times when you feel blocked or uncertain about how to go about pursuing your desires or fulfilling your wishes. Avoid pushing matters, but do pay attention to strong feelings. Regarding attitudes toward daily affairs, routines, health and wellness, money, or personal possessions, you're feeling some real progress. You're open to new and improved approaches. Bright ideas can figure strongly. Letting go of fear can open up creativity and improve your health! Combining work and play comes naturally and works well for you. There can be an exciting find or purchase, or the excitement of redesigning or reorganizing your personal space. You may benefit from past work, good deeds, and experience, particularly in your profession. Finding moments to detox, relax, decompress, detach, and rest can improve your mood and attitude toward work when you get back to it. If you provide services, you're in a great position to receive positive feedback. Mercury is retrograde starting on the 13th, and while there can be some slowdowns, you'll find the second half of October useful for reviewing and revising certain matters. You could discover that you're frequently turning to the past to understand the present better. This is a beneficial process, in fact. It's best to budget rather than do too much spending and borrowing at this time. Tensions can prompt the need for a fresh start or brand new approach with partnerships, close connections, negotiations, and relationship goals. The New Moon on the 16th can help clear the slate. New thinking on financial matters, recent decisions, or intimate relationships is especially notable around the 25th. This can be about moving along a new path, but it can also be about putting a mental focus behind you, particularly if you've been dwelling on a past relationship or problem that is draining you of energy and keeping you stuck in the past. Even if some communication channels seem less effective in the second half of October, the situation can motivate you to find new and creative ways to get your message across. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring on news or realizations about money and resources that change things up. Unpredictability can throw you a bit off-center, but this is also a highly creative, stimulating time for connecting with your needs and wants. |
You're in fine shape for special attention to your health and work this month, dear Taurus. After the New Moon on the 16th, you're especially ready to take charge. Self-improvement is in strong focus. With Mars retrograde all month and Mercury retrograde from the 13th onwards, looking at past projects, discovering inconsistencies in current endeavors and plans, and editing work are all in focus. Aim to get a project right before moving forward or releasing it. This is a strong time for revising, editing, and perfecting. Take the time to work hard at something you love or something you believe in, as you can make significant progress. October begins and ends with a Full Moon! On the 1st, there can be an important realization about rest, relaxation, or true feelings about a matter. The need to pull yourself back from the routine is likely now. It's not the time to make sweeping decisions, however. Instead, this is a time to recognize your feelings, instincts, and hunches, and then gradually let an improvement plan unfold. Venus spends the 2-27 in harmony with your sign as it transits your sector of joy, pleasure, and expression. Your magnetism and sense of fun are strong. You not only share your affection more freely, but you also receive love and compliments more confidently. Pluto's direct turn reinforces your desire to improve your relationships. Faith in a system or conviction for a particular belief returns, and your desire to explore the world increases with Pluto's change in direction on the 4th. Your interest increases in sharing your ideas, an educational pursuit, or learning experiences. Nevertheless, Mars continues to transit your privacy sector all month, and it remains retrograde. There is a retiring quality to your personality again this month. You are stepping back from your goals, just a little, to gain a new perspective. You might identify a pursuit that is better off put to rest. Some matters are up in the air, and you could feel a bit stuck, playing a waiting game. You could also suffer from a sense that you're not ready or prepared for a situation. You might find yourself fixating on an unresolved, frustrating matter from the past. Retrograde Mars can undoubtedly stir up restlessness with your current routines. Know that, in time, direction and purpose will reveal themselves! Tame impatience, which can lead to messy situations. October brings fun opportunities to enjoy and express yourself. You're open to experimenting with feelings, longings, and ideas. Unusual or different pastimes, people, and pleasures can appeal. It's a period for following your heart. Exploring creative pursuits can be in focus. Your feelings for someone can expand and grow, and a person who's holding a torch for you may express their appreciation. You might enjoy a new line of study or develop a current interest. You're inspired to grow, improve, explore, and discover. This is a busy month for bonding through shared interests or ideas. Networking, courses, or extracurricular activities might introduce you to new ideas and people that encourage you. Mercury's retrograde in your partnership sector from the 13th onwards suggests some slowdowns or delays, likely related to a significant person in your life. Frustrations with your routines, health, or work can magnify around the 16th, motivating you to make a fresh start. A sense of discouragement or disillusionment can lead to a strong desire to make improvements. In fact, the desire to enjoy yourself more fully can motivate you to make needed changes. You'll pay special attention to getting things right, fixing errors, and sorting things out. It's not the time to push something big–instead, look at the details and get the smaller, essential jobs out of the way. The 22nd brings the Sun into your partnership sector, and your relationships come into stronger focus. You benefit from the ability to see the dysfunctional elements of the past around the 25th, and new insight can nudge you along a different path. A partner can have much to contribute now, or you might make significant mental discoveries through a one-on-one conversation. Retrograde Mercury returns to your health and work sector on the 27th, alerting you to projects or programs that require a second look. Venus heads into the same sector on the same day! More interest in your routines, health, and wellness can figure strongly now. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 31st is revelatory. You are likely to come to a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings that you may have buried. Feelings or realizations occurring now can be surprising! Tensions related to restrictions or limits can be strong, but they help push you to make personal changes. |
October is a month for finding ways to enjoy and express yourself more fully, dear Gemini. Misunderstandings and slowdowns are likely with Mars retrograde all month and your planetary ruler, Mercury, retrograde from the 13th forward. However, if you avoid pushing things that aren't ready to move, the month is strong for connecting with your heart. You'll benefit from catching your breath and reviewing recent projects. October can also be a time for repairs and refinements in the home or with family. The month begins and ends with a Full Moon! The Full Moon on the 1st awakens your feelings regarding your social life, connections, happiness goals, and sense of community. Mars is retrograde in this same sector, and it's complicated! While feelings are big now, it may not be the time to act on them. Venus spends the 2-27 in your home and family sector. You seek more harmony, comfort, beauty, and balance in your home environment and family life. Safety, prosperity, and familiarity seem to drive your love life, spending habits, and pastimes or pleasures. Real estate matters can be favorable now. You gain inspiration from your deeper connections with a person or project, private matters, family connections, and realizations or discoveries about psychological issues. October is useful for identifying unnecessary elements in your routine or attitudes, making it easier to streamline. You may be actively doing research, and you can apply yourself with increased focus and dedication now. Retrograde Mars tends to stir up previously buried anger or resentment, particularly on the 8-9 and 13th. Unrest with friends and lovers may push to the surface, but you'll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience or frustration passes. Still, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy yourself. A new way of approaching emotions, feelings, intimacy, and family or household matters can be successful. You could be making purchases or design changes to your domestic world, and it's refreshing. Detaching yourself just a little from a matter can help you break ground with a previously tricky topic. Be willing to break down barriers. Getting rid of clutter in your home can be especially helpful for improving your outlook, as you can feel lighter and freer. Your increased desire to find peace in your domestic life, family, and work can lead to agreements and favorable circumstances. While Mercury turns retrograde in your work and health sector on the 13th, you have plenty of supportive influences for improving these affairs. You're beginning to see old routines, work projects, and ventures in a brand new light. While it's not yet the time for new launches, it can be a turning point of sorts when it comes to thinking on these matters, putting you on the path towards increased clarity. The New Moon on the 16th can usher in a new beginning with love, romance, creativity, pleasure, entertainment, or leisure. There can be tensions stirred now, however, particularly with friends, groups, or associates. You'll have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your personal life in order. Innovative ideas can take seed now. The second Full Moon occurs on the 31st, bringing some excitement or tension to your inner world or private life. You're gaining a new perspective on rest, reflection, downtime, and tying up loose ends or putting a project to an end. |
The month ahead is on the quiet side, dear Cancer, with an emphasis on your sector of home and family and some key planets retrograde. There's a general need or desire to look to the past before moving forward. Mercury's retrograde begins in your romance and creativity sector on the 13th and then moves into your home and family sector on the 27th. Reviving or reworking old projects are possible themes. While you shouldn't get stuck in the past, a review is entirely appropriate, and possibly even profitable and beneficial. You might breathe new life into old projects or consider ways to break out of a rut. Mars is retrograde all month, continuing from September. On the 1st, you can arrive at important realizations about your work, true calling, business, career, reputation, or true feelings about the direction your life is taking. Listen to your intuition about a matter, but take your time before acting on it. Mars is stirring your ambitions as it transits your solar tenth house, and will continue to do so until January. However, with its retrograde motion, you could feel stuck or frustrated at times. Misunderstandings can be more frequent. Venus spends much of the month (the 2-27) in your communications house, bringing a more lively spirit to your life. You present your ideas and comments with charm and ease during this cycle. Making social connections and sharing your thoughts come more smoothly and naturally. Your studies, games, learning, and connecting tend to be more enjoyable and satisfying. While some areas of life seem a little slow or up in the air, there can be a feeling of a breakthrough with a close relationship. You might come to a decision that has been a long time coming. You might be surprised to discover an ally or a newfound faith in someone you already know. You can learn valuable things about someone special in your life, finding new layers to a person or special relationship. A partnership can be a source of inspiration, and the realization of a happiness goal seems more likely through the support or positivity of a significant person. October can bring some pleasant opportunities for mental stimulation and variety. There may be a surprising new attraction, craving, or interest. You are pushing boundaries just a little in your conversations and interactions, leading to interesting discoveries. It's a great time for personal appeal on a mental level. You might discover new and more satisfying ways to express yourself--you're expanding your options! Whether it's a project, personal writing, or a connection, you want to expand and grow. You're magnetizing good things to you quite naturally, and you express both your feelings and ideas with the same ease. The New Moon on the 16th can usher in new beginnings and approaches related to your family, domestic world, or living conditions/arrangements. Feelings of being divided or tense can motivate you to make improvements. There can be tensions stirred now, particularly on the professional front or regarding responsibilities and reputation or performance. You'll have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your personal/home life in order. The Sun heads into your sector of joy, pleasure, pastimes, and creativity on the 22nd, encouraging you to follow your heart. You might see a past matter related to hobbies, creativity, romance, or children in a brand new way. The information, conversations, or connections you make around the 25th can be meaningful. The Full Moon on the 31st relates to your social life. You might arrive at important emotional revelations about people in your life and your need for them, or about your place in a group, with friends, or even in the community. Surprises, rebellious feelings, and sudden changes in direction can be part of the picture. |
You have a stronger desire than usual to communicate and connect this month, dear Leo. Siblings, relatives, or neighbors tend to play a more vital role in your life. Your curiosity and need for variety can lead to a busy pace. There is a lot to deal with in the short term, but you can also find time for long-term vision and planning. Watch for overstraining on physical, emotional, and mental levels. October begins and ends with a Full Moon! Around the Full Moon on the 1st, sudden interests can lead you along a new path or motivate you to rekindle an old interest. Be choosy about what you take on now, however, since Mars is retrograde in the same area of your solar chart. The 8-9 and 13th can be especially complicated. It's best to fight impatience and instead take the time to feel, learn about, and understand your desires and drives. Frustration can center on intellectual planes, so do watch for speaking prematurely or making too much of something said. Make safety an important priority, as impatience can lead to errors in judgment. Aim to manage stress through constructive channels, if possible, during this retrograde Mars cycle that lasts until November 13th. Venus spends much of the month (the 2-27) in your solar second house, encouraging you to enjoy yourself. The focus is on building or enjoying your resources, and attracting the right things to you comes naturally. Getting along well with others can be one way to boost your business or income. There can be relaxing moments to enjoy, explore, and develop your talents. You might also more fully enjoy activities that soothe, comfort, and boost your confidence. While some key areas of your life can feel slow-moving or up in the air, the motivation to pursue a new or previously shelved health/wellness program can return. Observe and strategize before moving ahead if you can. You're inclined to enjoy getting comfortable in October, but you want to approach things differently. You're particularly willing to explore a new feeling, idea, or interest related to money, business, or work. New or updated methods can improve your life. You're attracted to unusual solutions and things, and you're taking more interest in your psychological health. Finding moments to detox, relax, and enjoy yourself can improve your productivity once you get back at it. You could find yourself in an excellent position to make your money work for you. There can be promising developments with family, home, financial affairs, or an exciting purchase. Mercury turns retrograde on the 13th, bringing on more delays and other obstacles or slowdowns. However, there is much to enjoy and learn, even if (and perhaps because) you're waiting. The New Moon on the 16th can usher in a new beginning with your daily affairs, communications, contacts, and personal interests. There can be tensions stirred with opinions and ideas, and disagreements can arise. Social pressures are also on you now. You'll have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your daily affairs in order. Domestic matters assume more importance from the 22nd forward. Through new information, musings, conversations, or meetings around the 25th, you may gain further insight into past matters, particularly related to childhood or family and home life. These can ultimately lead to new ideas and directions that are significant for you. Retrograde Mercury returns to your communications sector on the 27th, just when Venus begins its transit of the same area of your solar chart. Matters surrounding studies, transportation, and essential communications can involve some confusion, delays, or backtracking. However, this can be a good time for doing some catch-up work--you may very well enjoy yourself as you do. The Full Moon on the 31st can brings some excitement or tension to your public or professional life, reputation, responsibilities, or long-term goals. You might awaken to a new calling or a fresh idea. |
While the month can feel a bit slow-moving, dear Virgo, you're in a good place for finding a balance between work and play. You may be reviewing different elements of your life and wondering where things are going. Your desires seem more complicated than usual, and when you do know what you want, you may not see an easy way to go after it. This can lead to creative solutions and detours, however. If you aim to let some things unfold naturally, you're likely to discover many opportunities to enjoy yourself in places you may not have considered. You might review, edit, and perfect current projects rather than taking on new ones just for the time being. Money matters can be important and in focus, but complicated at times this month. Fortunately, you have Venus moving through your sign from the 2-27. This is a wonderful cycle favoring personal attraction and attention, particularly as Venus picks up some supportive aspects as it moves through Virgo. You open yourself to pleasure and love, and your affections are strong and clear. People notice and want you more than usual. You might feel more attractive or project more warmth. Venus in your sign most of the month encourages your confidence in what you have to offer the world. Make time and room for improvising and enjoying yourself, perhaps letting things flow and loosening up on a matter that has had you all wound up. Breaking out of your routine from time to time not only refreshes your mind, but it can also lead you to new and innovative solutions and methods. Seek out ideas that inspire you. October begins and ends with a Full Moon! The first one can bring a financial or intimate matter to a turning point. If you've been dependent on a situation, person, or habit, you now recognize a need to detach. With Mars retrograde in this same sector of your solar chart, there can be more to this story unfolding, but awarenesses now are integral to future change and improvement. Acting on news and realizations may need to wait, but you're now awake to your situation. While some areas of life feel slow or backed up, others are gaining momentum. You're rebuilding your enthusiasm for hobbies, mental interests, projects, studies, and romance. This comes at a good time with communications, learning, and personal interests receiving more attention in your life. Retrograde Mars in your intimacy sector continues to stir up previously buried matter. Resentments can surface if people in your life are not taking something (or you) seriously enough. This transit can slow things down, particularly in the areas of finances, support, and relationships. Navigating the waters can be a little tricky, but you have plenty of outlets through which to express yourself in October. Mars might awaken a need to reorganize your finances or stir up feelings about a past relationship. You're looking at your projects, entertainment, love in your life, relationships, and relationship needs in new ways. While there can be some communication fits and starts, projects dear to your heart can be most satisfying this month. You can quite enjoy studying, teaching, and connecting. You're likely to have many different interests or projects going that excite and motivate you. While life is busy, it feels energizing rather than chaotic to you. Mercury does turn retrograde on the 13th, but while this phase might lead to some misunderstandings, you're sure to find alternative ways to express yourself. If you focus on taking care of projects and pursuits that are already underway, this can be an enriching period. Efforts made towards editing, revising, refining, and reviving seem well worth your time. Around the New Moon on the 16th, you're likely to realize the need for a fresh start/approach with money, income, valuables, self-esteem, or comfort matters. There can be tensions stirred now, particularly with funds owed, intimacy, or support, but these things can motivate you to improve and grow. You'll have to do some juggling while the primary focus is on getting your financial life in order. October can bring opportunities to win someone's trust or favor. You're expressing yourself in playful, fun, and attractive ways. From the 27th, you can be in a good position to find lost items or discover information that you may have missed the first time around. The second Full Moon of the month occurs on the 31st, bringing excitement to your ideas, philosophy, communications, connections, sense of adventure, and urge to truly live and experience things rather than go through the motions. Epiphanies occurring now lead to a new perspective. Unmet and unspoken needs are likely to find a platform now. |
October is strong for self-development, dear Libra, and you can find yourself quite devoted to settling in, building, and planning. You're putting more energy into building your money, resources, and talents. Taking care of valuables and attending to prized personal possessions can be part of the picture. You may be putting more effort into creating a comfortable, updated, or otherwise improved home life. You have a greater desire to be independent and take care of your own needs in October. At times, there can be frustrating or inflamed situations with a partnership or significant person due to retrograde Mars in your opposing sign. Relationships can require extra care around the Full Moon on the first day of the month. There can be an important realization about your feelings for someone or about a particular partnership that motivates you this month. Relationship goals may need refinement. You’re approaching your relationships differently now, so expect different results as a matter of course! Mars is retrograde in your partnership sector continuing this month, and a review of your situation is vital before you can go forward with more confidence. From the 22nd, you'll be especially motivated to improve your financial state, but new initiatives may need some review and extra thought before moving forward with them. While this is a time of personal power each year, a reflective turn is likely as your ruling planet, Venus, spends much of the month (the 2-27) in your privacy sector. This transit encourages spending more time to yourself, going under the radar in some areas of life, and sorting out or processing your feelings. External or material achievement assumes less significance to you than what's going on in your private life in October. You may be a little more tentative than usual about your affections or pastimes. You may instinctively sense that you're not quite ready for brand new beginnings in some areas, although the New Moon on the 16th can clear the state, helping you reinvent yourself. Pluto turns direct this month, and both finances and domestic matters can see a positive turning point. Your determination builds to resolve challenges as you feel increasingly more equipped to manage problem areas. Letting go of something that's been dragging you down may be part of this energy, and home-related projects move forward. There can be continuing drama this month if you feel a little torn between others' wants and needs and your own feelings and fears. If you've been holding onto something too tightly or if you're nursing some resentment, things can reach a head early October. Fortunately, this gives you the chance to resolve long-standing problems. The goal now would be to ease off just a little to release some pressure. Frustrations with others' behavior or confining situations tend to run high, particularly if you've felt that others seem to be putting their agendas ahead of yours. Avoid ego wars that keep you stuck in frustrating situations. You may need to take a look at the problematic issues in a partnership so that you can later take action to make some crucial changes. For now, sudden moves are not advised. Your affectionate nature is a little withdrawn, pensive, and more private than usual until the 27th, after which Venus transits your sign, bringing pleasant attention your way. While you have personal presence and power this month, you can be rather hard to get in touch with on some levels. October has its magical spots. Improving relationships with family and co-workers through increased understanding can figure strongly. You have a new way of looking at your work, services, and health that benefits you all around, immensely improving your spirit. You might also feel more valued and valuable in your work or inspired to take better care of yourself. Incredible energy is with you for resolving a business or money problem or an issue of respect in a relationship. Mercury turns retrograde on the 13th in your finances sector, and will eventually dip back into your sign on the 27th. The need to review your finances or budget can emerge. It's a period for looking to the past for answers to current problems or delaying some matters while you make changes and refinements, especially related to finances. The New Moon on the 16th is all about you and presenting a new look, image, or more authentic version of "you" to the world. Yes, you're still reflecting and considering your next step, but you have more power than usual to take charge and to make an impact in the days after this lunation. This is a time for a new beginning of sorts. It's likely to cause a few ripples on the home front or with family. Still, it's a good time to resolve to leave a bad situation behind you, mainly related to money matters and relationships. If you've had the feeling of being in the background, overlooked, or ignored, you’ll want to make changes now. You have fantastic support for turning over a new leaf in the weeks ahead of this lunation, although there can be some challenges juggling everything you want to accomplish. Your love life can require some review - this is not the time for pushing things forward - but personal magnetism increases considerably from the 27th onwards. The last week of the month is more outgoing--it's a great time to turn a few heads and one of the better times of the year (continuing into November) for personal attraction. Around the Full Moon on the 31st, there can be new information about finances or a reveal of intimate feelings that rocks your world a little, nudging you in a new direction. Revelations related to debts, support, what you owe, and dependencies are meaningful now since they lead to a new perspective. Unpredictability can stir up problems, but this is also a highly creative, stimulating time for connecting with your true feelings on a matter. |
The month opens with a Full Moon, dear Scorpio, and there can be a flurry of activity related to work, health, and duties. If you've been neglecting your chores or your health, you might get a wake-up call now. Otherwise, the first three weeks of October are best for winding down, healing, and processing. Mercury's retrograde in your sign from the 13th also suggests some withdrawal and introspection. The 22nd forward is more visible for you, and the 25th is powerful for the very beginnings of a significant new idea. From the very start of October, you’re awakening to the need to improve your work-rest balance by paying more attention to your need for order in your daily life. In fact, the month holds two Full Moons -- one on the first of the month and one on the last day! The first one brings your attention to deadlines or pressing matters related to work or health. Mars is retrograde in the same sector of your solar chart all month, pointing to the need to review recent strategies and pursuits along these lines. While some introspection is excellent for you now, you have Venus moving through your social sector from the 2-27, enhancing your appeal and enjoyment of exchanges with others. Friendships or your popularity get a nice boost. You are more willing than usual to accommodate, change, and grow in your interactions, and far less likely to stick with old patterns that are no longer performing. Business income is in better shape. The focus is on equality and positive energy with love, and friends are more supportive. Your modern planetary ruler, Pluto, turns direct on the 4th, ending an over five-month retrograde cycle. This change of direction brings wake-up, take-charge energy. Issues that have been buried or swept under the rug might emerge. You can finally come to a decision or conclusion about something you've been stewing over for some time. A project can unblock, or news arrives that pushes your studies or a venture forward. With clarity, both your motivation and energy levels take off. While your ambition for making improvements to your daily routines remains strong, it's not without its complications these days due to retrograde Mars (continuing all month). There can be some frustration if things are not moving swiftly or straightforwardly. You want to up your game with nutrition, health, fitness, and work, but things aren't always flowing. Watch for putting so much effort into a project that consumes most of your attention. If the need to be right, correct, and in control is wreaking havoc and causing unhealthy tension, it's time to ease off some of the unnecessary pressure so that you can better manage your daily affairs and keep your life organized and running smoothly. The month's energies are useful for getting rid of something you no longer need. Sometimes, it's about turning the other cheek! Either way, it can be liberating. Someone might inspire you, and it's likely mutual. Love and friendship can bring pleasant surprises, or teaming up can bring rewards. Approaching people and relationships differently seems the way to go. It's also a good time to feed your imagination and pursue creative writing or pursuits that help you express yourself in new ways. Expanding your mind and connecting with others through the mind are in focus. Falling in love through the power of words is not out of the question. You might find more meaning and purpose through your relationships, creative pursuits, children, or recreation and hobbies. Sharing ideas, personal thoughts, feelings, and memories can figure strongly. Your sense is strong for ideas that have real potential for success in the long term. You may gain clarity about a person's feelings for you. Mercury transits your sign most of the month, turning retrograde on the 13th. Your voice and curiosity are robust, but there may be the need to look to the past for answers before pushing forward. Watch for talking about something prematurely during the retrograde period. Conversations and interactions can be tricky in spots. Some personal plans may stall, but they also benefit from a period of review. There are times when pausing and allowing your emotions to catch up with your mind can serve you well. As such, delays occurring now can be blessings in disguise. The 13th gets trickier with the retrograde shift and a Sun-Mars opposition. This can bring your attention to something that's not working in the world of your work, daily routines, or health, or the need to make adjustments and meet deadlines. The New Moon on the 16th can usher in a fresh start for your relationship with endings and closure, rest, regeneration, and emotional healing. Allowing yourself time to detox, process, and digest is essential. There can be tensions stirred now, particularly on the work front or related to chores, duties, health, and self-care efforts. Social pressures are also on you now. You’ll have to do some juggling, but the primary focus should be on getting your inner world and private life in order. You can enjoy personal transformation through projects, friendships, and connections in October. You might benefit from a gift or enjoy giving to someone, and this feels great. Enjoying what you have, some indulgence, and getting comfortable can appeal, but it's also an excellent time to grow a business, bank account, or idea. Splurging can be fun but so can reinvesting in something you care about. The Sun heads into your sign on the 22nd, and you're in great shape for finding yourself. On the 25th, you're likely to see recent decisions or plans in a new light. Mercury moves back into your privacy sector on the 27th, and more rumination is expected. Looking at past projects with fresh eyes can figure strongly now. While the Sun is newly in your sign when this happens, and you have more clout and personal presence, there can be some mystery surrounding you. Decision-making may be particularly challenging if you rush it, but allowing yourself more time works well. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring excitement or tension to partnerships, negotiations, and agreements. A new perspective on relationships can result. It's a time of surprises as you connect with your true feelings on a project or relationship. |
October is an excellent month in which to pursue your interests without too much in the way of interference, dear Sagittarius. It's particularly strong for learning, sharing, publishing, and different or varied activities. Restlessness can sometimes distract you, but overall you're in a good position to balance your attention to routine and responsibility with your attention to discovery and exploration. Mars continues its retrograde all month, and a retrograde Mercury cycle from the 13th forward suggests the need to get plans right before going forward. Some introspection is in order, and a more mature look at others and your own relationship needs can empower you. Listen to your intuition on the 24-26, when ideas for the future can be golden. You may not know all the details just yet, but that's just fine--it's about the vision now. October opens and ends with a Full Moon! The Full Moon on the 1st can usher in an important realization about a romance or special project as it occurs in your solar fifth house. Listen to your intuition about a matter, even if it comes on suddenly and surprises you. Mars is retrograde in the same sector of your solar chart, and a review of recent choices or endeavors seems important before you regain your motivation. Venus moves to the top of your solar chart on the 2nd, and until the 27th, you have the chance to improve your reputation or find more enjoyment in your work, goals, and responsibilities. Cooperation has its share of rewards. This influence is super for your public image and professional endeavors. Forward movement and take-charge energy are with you for money or resources, even if at times you worry too much about these things. You can feel empowered to improve issues surrounding self-worth, money, handling matters of the past, and income. You may be cutting the cord regarding a project or even an attitude that has been pulling you down. A business or financial matter might move forward or unblock--a shining light in a month when many other issues aren't as free-flowing. A cautious or conservative streak with money and possessions does continue, but you're aiming to rise above fears or insecurities. A change of pace with your practical affairs, career, or health can be just what you need this month. It's a time for moving forward with less baggage, and your approach or attitude demands something different. Even though you are uncertain whether or not you should be sharing certain observations this month, it's a mostly good time to harmonize with others. Mercury’s retrograde in your privacy sector from the 13th suggests that you'll benefit from more attention to your inner world as October advances. Some of the decisions made and projects started in the last couple of weeks can require reconsideration. Delays are possible. It’s a time for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were not obvious then, but entirely relevant now. A frustrating matter from your past can emerge around mid-month but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. A social or romantic issue reaches a boiling point. The New Moon on the 16th indicates a new beginning in your social life, with happiness goals, or regarding your involvement with others. There can be tensions stirred in your personal life, and you'll have to do some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your social life in order. You can be called upon to become more involved or to contribute to the group/community. You're looking for inspiration. Venus aspects this month can help set up valuable opportunities to improve your life. You project your value and worth to associates and those in authority, which can positively impact your income, if not now, down the road. You are selling yourself in your career this month, and you have a particular influence on others. You gravitate toward experiences that help reinforce your feelings of faith in a person, your talents, or a cause. Others tend to put their confidence in you, and you are motivated to reinforce their favorable opinion of you. Pouring your heart and passion into a work or money-making project can be especially rewarding and successful. The Sun's move into your privacy sector on the 22nd marks the beginning of a month-long period ideally used for healing, processing, and reflecting. You might see old problems or projects in a new light. Retrograde Mercury retreats into your social sector on the 27th, where it will remain for the final week of its retrograde cycle (until November 3rd) and beyond. Communications with associates, groups, and friends can be subject to misunderstandings. New approaches are necessary for old problems, and while a resolution is not likely to come just yet, you can lay some groundwork now. There can be some excitement or tension stirred up around the Full Moon on the 31st related to work, health, routine, and habits, prompting a new perspective. Unpredictability can rustle up some problems now, but this is also a highly creative, stimulating time for connecting with your true feelings on self-care or your chores, services, or job. |
Your responsibilities are certainly in focus in October, dear Capricorn, but your happiness goals and social life are also strong themes. Mars remains retrograde (all month), and Mercury retrogrades from the 13th onwards, pointing to some need to take things slowly or cautiously. Nevertheless, opportunities to enjoy and express yourself are bound to emerge. The month begins and ends with a Full Moon. The Full Moon on the 1st awakens your need to pay more attention to your domestic world or security, familiarity, and nurture needs. From the 2-27, Venus supports your sign, traveling your solar ninth house, bringing your feelings and affections into the light after weeks of reflection. You're more likely to embrace the moment. This position of Venus can also highlight and enhance your naturally attractive qualities. You are looking for more unique and exciting experiences and ideas. Connecting with others through your interests can figure strongly. While retrograde activity is significant this month, you just had Saturn turning direct in your sign, and on October 4th, Pluto does the same. These shifts give you a sense of moving forward on a personal level despite the general slowdowns. You are less likely to dwell on problems and more likely to take matters into your own hands, take charge of your impulses, and resolve issues. Opportunities can emerge to make changes to your friendships that benefit you for some time to come. Retrograde Mars can cause some problems as it stirs up buried matter. There can be times when you feel on edge and unsure how to resolve things. You may need to loosen your grip on an issue keeping you on high alert or under stress. Consider that your strong sense of pride and privacy may trip you up at times, as you tend to shoulder many responsibilities without sharing the load. There can be some magical moments in October. You're finding yourself in some ways, and you might experiment with new channels for self-expression, personal enjoyment and entertainment, pleasures, and learning. A break from the routine is recommended. Attractions and desires can be sudden and unusual. You seek to feed your spirit, imagination, or romantic needs alongside your more worldly pursuits. It can be a time of increased personal meaning and purpose, particularly through your projects, studies, and contacts. Friendly gestures or overtures can figure strongly--people are showing their interest in you. Friendships and mending broken fences are in favor. The 13th is tricky. Mercury turns retrograde on this date and the Sun opposes retrograde Mars. Mercury’s retrograde suggests that some recent ideas, plans, or decisions can meet with delays, or they may require review and reconsideration in the second half of October. Past friendships can figure more strongly in your life. The Sun-Mars influence has shorter influence but is nevertheless powerful. An epiphany about your domestic or personal life occurring now can push you to make essential changes. Pay close attention to any emotional slush, anger, or resentment that surfaces now, as it may help you understand some of the tension that has recently been with you. Challenging family or home life issues could arise. The New Moon on the 16th can usher in a new beginning on the career front or regarding your status, responsibilities, life path goals, or relationship with higher-ups. You'll still need to pay attention to personal matters, and social pressures are also on you now. These require some juggling, but the central focus should be on getting your professional life in order. October is strong for connecting with others in affirming, positive, and helpful ways. You might enjoy interesting topics, debates, or educational entertainment. Studies can be fun, and you’re drawn to people who are genuine, generous, and honest, and who enjoy similar ideas and interests as you. On the 27th, retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector, and it’s important to pay more attention to what you’re communicating, particularly in public or professional settings. You may be too quick to jump to conclusions, but keep in mind that information is likely incomplete. Venus moves into this same area of your chart on the same day, helping boost your reputation and enjoyment in pursuing your more worldly goals or ambitions. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring up some surprising feelings and exciting news. A celebration is possible with the Full Moon in your sector of joy, pleasure, and self-expression. Feelings for someone or a project can blossom. |
You enjoy some real enthusiasm and desire for new ideas this month, dear Aquarius, although, at times, there can be a sense of being held back as your attention is often demanded elsewhere. You might aim to feed your desire for different experiences by adding new or varied activities to your daily routines. Career and reputation matters can get a little tricky in the second half of the month, but also a satisfying area of focus. These matters gain more importance to your sense of well-being. The month begins and ends with a Full Moon. The Full Moon on the 1st can lead to an epiphany about your daily affairs, mobility, studies, or general mental outlook and communications. These areas of your life are complicated again this month with Mars retrograde. However, as you become more aware of your needs, you'll discover ways to make improvements. Venus spends much of the month in your solar eighth house (from the 2-27), and you seek more depth from your projects, activities, and relationships. You're especially skilled at resolving differences during this cycle. Backing or support may be easier to come by, or you might arrive at an attractive arrangement. Mars turned retrograde in September and will continue until November 13th. There can be some frustrating slowdowns, which can be especially prominent this month around the 8-9 and 13th. Conflicts or frustrations can help you recognize anger if it's been hanging around, disrupting your life in indirect ways. You may feel tense about deadlines or impatient with matters that aren't accelerating at the pace you'd like. Consider that guardedness of your privacy and unwillingness to explore the deeper issues may be at the root of some tensions. Minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root. Consciously try to slow down and tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may lose relevance and importance later on. Watch what you communicate at this time. Disorder in your daily affairs, as well as with communications and transportation, can be disruptive. While Mercury's retrograde from the 13th forward can add to the retrograde confusion this month, some areas of your life feel clearer. You might revive or renew projects that you've been working on behind the scenes or that you shelved in the past. Extending help or support to others may be in focus, and it's rewarding. A pleasant surprise or coincidence can bring a little extra fun and joy to your world around the 10th. You might choose to put your faith or trust in someone, and this feels good! Indeed, letting go of the negative energy of mistrust can be therapeutic. It can be a time of increased personal meaning and purpose on an emotional level, as well as through your relationship with your practical world, resources, money, business, and belongings. You can find imaginative and inspired ways to boost your self-image, finances, or income. You might learn something useful that helps you in your career or enjoy thinking and talking about plans for the future and long-term goals. People may be speaking highly of you. From the 13th, it may be wise to stick to projects that are already in the works rather than take on brand new endeavors. Some delays or mix-ups are possible but do look for opportunities in the second half of October to make valuable refinements and changes. It can be worth your while to look to the past for answers on how to manage current responsibilities, observe trends, and reconsider past plans and projects. The New Moon on the 16th can inspire you to seek a sense of mission or purpose regarding learning new things, broadening your horizons, reaching a little higher for your goals, publishing, or promotion. Your perspective or belief system is changing. You recognize the need to live your life more fully, although restlessness can predominate until you find your way. People are intrigued by you and drawn to you. Someone might entrust you with a secret. You can be quite motivated by research, a relationship, or passion projects this month. Peaceful agreements regarding money, power, and sharing with a partner, ex-partner, creditor, or debtor can figure strongly. Life-path goals can be set around the 25th, but be prepared to do your research before going ahead with them. The past holds valuable lessons to carry forward with you. While decisions should probably wait because thinking is brand new, you can use this period for gaining a better understanding of your projects, goals, and needs. Aim to be vigilant about communicating prematurely about matters for which you don't have all the facts in the last week of the month. The Full Moon on the 31st can stir up excitement or tension to the home, family, and personal life or your emotional world, leading to a new perspective. You're connecting with your true feelings and inner needs, and it can lead to creative ideas. |
You're in fine shape to build health, improve daily routines, and take care of business in October, dear Pisces. Close relationships tend to fare especially well. There can be problems with speaking or acting too soon with Mars retrograde all month and Mercury retrograde from the 13th forward. It may be better to wait on making big decisions, both financially and emotionally, until you see things more clearly. Full Moons bookend the month. The Full Moon on the 1st awakens your need to attend to money, resources, and ownership matters. It comes at a time when Mars is retrograde in your resources sector, and a review of these affairs becomes necessary. Epiphanies occurring now help you see where change is needed. Venus spends much of the month in your partnership sector (from the 2-27). You're in great shape for enhancing close relationships. You're inclined to put more loving attention into your interactions, and the rewards for doing so are great. An optimistic, hopeful, and generous approach with others is in favor. Others are putting their faith in you, and this, in turn, motivates you to step up your game even further! Love is gracious, and others see you in a very positive light. A sense of stability and faithfulness in love and friendship can motivate you now. While there can be some slowdowns with current retrograde activity, some uncertainties in your social life are clearing up this month. Small changes with friends made now can impact the future in significant ways. New ideas and approaches to your social life can emerge and empower you. While there are excellent aspects for relationships this month, Mars is retrograde all month, and slowing down, in general, is vital. This is a time for patience – working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground. Retrograde Mars can stir up buried problems related to money, respect, and values, which can be particularly prominent around the 8-9 and 13th. If you've kept too much to yourself, the stress can get to you. Issues aggravated now tend to be about boundaries, possessiveness, or respect on an emotional level, and money on the material plane. You want to hold your own with Mars currently transiting your solar second house, and if you are in the position to depend on others, it can frustrate you. There can be a tug of war going on with someone (or within yourself) over money, possessions, and matters of control. Communication channels can open up this month. An unusual idea or method may very well lead to exciting discoveries, and perhaps some beautiful feelings. You could feel a stronger sense of purpose as a result of your interactions or new projects and plans. You're sure to meet with opportunities to transform your connections. Good communication skills can reverberate positivity in many areas of life. Mind you, Mercury is retrograde from the 13th onwards, reinforcing the need to slow down before pushing forward. You may need to review educational plans, or there can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You'll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective, however, so even if blocks are irritating, you might get the chance to reconsider certain plans to your advantage. The New Moon on the 16th can prompt you to get a handle on your intimate or financial life. Retrograde Mercury returns to your intimacy sector on the 27th, and if problems are re-emerging, then it's time to look at them a little differently, perhaps by seeing more details or looking at the larger perspective. The Full Moon on the 31st can bring some excitement or tension to your communications, daily affairs, transportation, neighborhood, personal interests, or contacts. A new perspective on any of these matters can emerge. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
October 2020 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Aries Chart: October 1, 2020
- New Moon in Libra Chart: October 2020
- Full Moon in Taurus Chart: October 31, 2020
Looking Ahead:
- November 2020: Time Line Aspects
- December 2020: Time Line Aspects
- January 2021: Time Line Aspects
- February 2021: Time Line Aspects
- March 2021: Time Line Aspects
- April 2021: Timeline Aspects
- May 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- June 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- July 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- August 2021: TimeLine Aspects

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2020 – Overview
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview