This Month in Astrology – November 2021
November 2021
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On November 4th, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Scorpio, encouraging us to move out of our comfort zone and welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It’s a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning.
We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship to help add purposefulness and depth to our lives. Intimate relationships need a brand new approach, and we can see this more clearly now.
This lunation tightly opposes (partile) Uranus and more loosely squares Saturn. Our interactions can be on the volatile side. It’s important to address our needs for independence and concerns about career or ambitions as we go forward.
On November 17th, Jupiter forms a semi-square with Chiron. This outer-planet tranist is the final of three (previously in April and August). This minor aspect is subtle. It can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward.
On November 19th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus, and it’s a partial Lunar Eclipse, serving to awaken an urgent interest in the physical world and in our own sensual needs and desires. We should watch for stubbornness at this time, although some self-interest is healthy and necessary.
This umbral Lunar Eclipse, the Frost Moon, harmonizes with Pluto and squares Jupiter. It’s the first in a set of eclipses that occur along the Taurus-Scorpio axis (the last eclipse in this sign set will happen in October 2023). This set will stir the need to balance our lives between collecting and sharing, the simple and complicated, tangibles and emotional complexities. Emotions, feelings, and revelations now are pivotal–they get the ball rolling.
On November 26th, Saturn forms a sextile with Chiron, and is the final of three hits for this longer-term influence–the first happened in February, and the second in June. It’s a time for feeling competent, effective, and secure. This transit helps us express our unique qualities or go our own way without stirring up controversy, all through acting professionally and respectfully. There’s no need for show-boating with this aspect. It helps to humble us, and with increased realism, we can pursue our goals with better chances of success.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Nov 4 | 5:14 PM | New Moon in Scorpio | 12 Sco 40' |
Nov 5 | 6:44 AM | Venus enters Capricorn | Ven 0 Cap 00' |
Nov 5 | 6:35 PM | Mercury enters Scorpio | Mer 0 Sco 00' |
Nov 8 | 4:24 AM | Pallas Direct | Pal 9 Pis 03'D |
Nov 11 | 7:46 AM | First Quarter Moon | 19 Aqu 21' |
Nov 14 | 3:23 PM | Juno enters Capricorn | Jun 0 Cap 00' |
Nov 16 | 9:04 AM | Vesta enters Sagittarius | Ves 0 Sag 00' |
Nov 17 | 8:05 PM | Jupiter semi-square Chiron | Jup 23 Aqu 53' semi-square Chi 8 Ari 53'Rx |
Nov 19 | 3:57 AM | Full Moon Partial LUNAR Eclipse | 27 Tau 14 |
Nov 21 | 9:34 PM | Sun enters Sagittarius | Sun 0 Sag 00' |
Nov 24 | 10:36 AM | Mercury enters Sagittarius | Mer 0 Sag 00' |
Nov 26 | 8:04 PM | Saturn sextile Chiron | Sat 8 Aqu 40' sextile Chi 8 Ari 40'Rx |
Nov 27 | 7:27 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 5 Vir 28' |
(See the full table for 2021 and the full table for 2022)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I usually write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, and I always start with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
You're in a great position to look within for answers in November, dear Aries. You're less inclined to jump into action in most life departments and more prone to plan and formulate strategies for going after what you want. It can be a month for settling outstanding accounts. Shared finances, power, and intimacy can be strong themes. Themes related to shared assets and transformational activities are at the forefront. As well, self-improvement efforts can be very successful this month. You're not interested in superficial harmony now — you want to see deep, long-lasting changes. You're also more focused and able to concentrate. Mars, the planet of action and energy and your planetary ruler, charges through your solar eighth house all month, marking a time for dealing with power politics in relationships or taking charge in your intimate life. Desires run more deeply than usual, or they seem a little more complicated! Someone else might draw out your own passions and desires, or a passion project excites you now. Relationships with loved ones can be more intense or heated this month. Finances may be complicated, but you have a real chance of sorting out tricky ownership matters or clearing out some debt. The 16-17 can bring an issue to a head related to money or personal possessions on a mundane level, and possessiveness or respect matters in relationships. Your private world holds special appeal in November. There can be times when you're entirely absorbed in quiet activities, research, projects, or close relationships. It's a time for going in deep and enjoying what you do. Support tends to be more and more available to you if you're seeking it. It's easier than usual to muster up some help, material or emotional. Dates to watch for impatience are the 9-10 and 16-17. You could feel tense about being dependent on someone's support or approval, and you could be craving more financial freedom. Changes that put you back into the driver's seat are imminent with respect for important others' contributions and input. Watch for impulsiveness related to personal finances or a relationship. Venus enters your reputation and responsibility sector on the 5th and will spend quite some time there. Rather than the usual four weeks or so, Venus will stick around until March 6th, some of that time in retrograde motion. You're bringing more creativity, grace, and charm to your work. There can be increased opportunities to socialize or network through your business or career. Important business relationships may develop during these periods, or there can be enhanced relationships with a parent, boss, or superior. You're in a lovely light on professional and public levels. You might connect with people in high places or those who can help your cause. Bringing a fresh attitude, idea, or method to the table can figure strongly, and you're especially open to making progress, moving on, and embracing different approaches. With money, responsibility, or work, you may have reason to breathe a sigh of relief, or there is a bit more freedom or leeway to enjoy now. The Full Moon on the 19th is a Lunar Eclipse. It comes as a reminder or turning point related to your money, values, valuables, resources, and talents — in other words, your greatest assets, material or otherwise. New discoveries are possible now, or there is a significant revelation about your assets or business that demands some action. This is the first eclipse in a set that affects your money and sharing axis until October 2023! Unrest or discontent stirred now can get the ball rolling for making essential changes with how you make, spend, and share your money and talents or other resources. Your attitude towards money, personal things, valuables, and income will transform in the coming two years. Your spirits lift considerably in the last week of the month. It's a strong period for love, communication, learning, and making connections. Others see you as especially unique, interesting, and helpful. It's an excellent time to teach, guide, and learn, or simply share ideas and bond with others as you do. You express yourself with more enthusiasm and faith, which goes over very well with others, making you feel especially heard and reinforced. The last week of November is excellent for nurturing your mind, body, and spirit with different activities, books, courses, cultural activities, and connections with people who have different ideas and perspectives. |
There is a strong focus on the agendas of others and your close relationships in November, dear Taurus. With a strong planetary emphasis on your partnership sector, other people in your life, particularly those closest to you, have much to show you about yourself and your direction. Often, these messages come through your intuition when faced with people's actions. Especially after the New Moon on the 4th, relationships are evolving. This lunation brings new energy to partnering. It's a time for recognizing the critical role relationships play in your life, or it helps you understand your relationship needs and goals. There can be reminders of your need for closeness. New beginnings related to close relationship goals and needs are possible now, and it can be a time for enhancing or attracting a one-to-one relationship. However, there are obstacles involved. It’s essential to address your needs for independence and concerns about your career or ambitions. While November brings vital energy for relating, you're also exploring your need for autonomy. There can be competitive feelings, but this is a time to work with others instead of against them. You're aiming for more equality with the effort put forth in a partnership or significant friendship. In focus and favor are one-on-one connections, business or personal, and counseling set-ups. Negotiations can be rewarding. You could connect with especially exciting or enticing people, or an existing relationship is active and animated — perhaps a little demanding at times, but overall, a learning process that contributes to growth. Problems that have been festering have a way of surfacing. Events occurring around the 9-10 and 16-17 can push your buttons. Watch for a tendency to project your own desires onto others. You could feel some pressure to define or lock something down. Don’t let others goad you unless you do need a push to get going! There can be some tension around these dates as something pushes for a resolution. Mutually beneficial connections can be a goal, and your appeal runs high. Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. Be sure to get a word in edgewise, even though it’s an important time to consider the input of others. A partner or special friend can inspire or motivate you to follow a dream or work up to your potential. It can also be a time in which you have more courage to pursue a relationship. Watch that you don’t pass the buck during this cycle – own and acknowledge your role in conflicts or strife that might emerge now. You are undoubtedly magnetizing people to you this month, and you’re likely to seek out more excitement or passion in an existing relationship. Partnering up with someone can bring about wonderfully creative ideas, plans, and projects. Venus moves into your spirit sector on the 5th, and it will spend more time than usual here – from now until March 6th, part of the time retrograde. You tend to set your ideals in love high--you're seeking inspiration, or someone might awaken a new perspective or way of thinking in you. Anything that is non-routine becomes that much more appealing. Learning and developing your skills can be both pleasurable and empowering. Activities involving communications, projects revolving around technology or alternative therapies, and love connections are favored. A relationship may strengthen through shared or respected ideals, opinions, and beliefs. With a Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 19th, there can be a watershed moment or a personal matter coming to a head. You recognize strong feelings on an issue, which can set you on a new path. You’re making incredible discoveries about your life plan, body, and attitude/outlook. This lunation marks the beginning of an eclipse set that will continue for another two years! You’ll be exploring matters of independence and interdependence now and until October 2023. Emotions, feelings, and revelations now are pivotal–they get the ball rolling. Even with inner contradictions likely now, this is a time for recognizing a need for positive change. Keeping in mind that sudden urges and desires may be more about internal unrest than emotional truth, it makes sense to take more time to arrive at conclusions. The last week of November can bring themes of money, business, and your intimate life. It's a fine time for talking about your needs--others are responsive and some of the usual barriers and boundaries dissolve. Family matters tend to run smoothly, and there can be an opportunity to enjoy yourself, an invitation, or simply a delightful, playful mood. Inhibitions tend to drop. Clearing the air can feel good, or you might see an intimate relationship or financial issue more clearly now. You're becoming your own boss in some significant way. You’re doing a lot of work on yourself and your relationship with your inner world, and this reflects back positively in your ability to manage your responsibilities and thrive or succeed in the outside world. |
November is a powerful month for handling the details of your life, dear Gemini. You're getting a leg up on your chores, work, or mundane affairs. It can be a time to put new spins on your routines, daily duties, and tasks. Organizing vital areas of your life will go a long way towards a stronger sense of accomplishment. You might work longer hours than usual or push harder in health and fitness routines. Work or services that benefit from sharp thinking skills are in particular favor from the 5-24. You're incredibly self-motivated. You are taking more pride in your work, services, or self-care efforts. If you need to get back on track with managing routines or pursuing health programs, this is a good month for doing so. Especially on the 9-10 and 16-17, watch for the temptation to take shortcuts with your work, that instead of saving time, can cost you in the long run. Avoid impatience with people and your words, even if the pace around you is hectic or you're frustrated with co-workers or routines. Avoid pushing your body too hard, but do release frustration through creative channels such as safe exercise. You're also interested in bringing more balance to a close relationship or coming to a better understanding of your intimate relationships and their power dynamics. You may want to share some of your deeper feelings with someone special. Shared resources and finances can get a nice boost. Easygoing energy is available to you for the more intricate, complex, and tangled side of relationships. Attracting resources from outside sources comes more easily. From the 5th forward is a good time to work out money problems with someone. The motivation to produce something uniquely useful is powerful as the month progresses. You thoroughly enjoy your everyday life. You're in a good place to take on challenging projects designed to improve your lifestyle, daily routines, and sense of well-being. You're ready to apply yourself with vigor to getting well or producing in your job. The New Moon on the 4th is an additional boost for shining in the work you do and lifestyle changes. Even though November is important for effort and work, the Full Moon on the 19th serves as a reminder to slow down if you've been pushing yourself too hard. Feelings about a past issue become undeniable, or a previously hidden or secret matter unearths. You might decide to embrace or let go of a situation, relationship, or powerful feeling instead of staying on the fence. This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse and is the first in a set of eclipses that challenge you to correct your work-rest balance in the coming two years. It can mark a turning point related to a work or health matter. You can become actively aware of the need to take time to recoup, balancing attention to your physical health with care of your emotional health. It can also be a time of great hunches and intense awareness of situations that no longer work for you and need to change going forward. It's not the time to make sweeping decisions, however. Instead, this is a time for recognizing your feelings, instincts, and hunches and then gradually letting a plan to handle things unfold. Close relationships, partnering, and negotiating come into focus from the 22nd. The Sun and Mercury move into your partnership sector on the 21-22 and 24th, joining forces on the 28th. You're in a good position to strengthen relationships, make fortunate connections, repair difficulties, and enjoy a feeling of being supported and supportive. Conversations can be mind-opening. There is a sense that reaching out to others is good for you and can help move you forward. |
Cancer![]() Cancer Compatability November 2021 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Cancer: Pleasure, love, and creative expression figure strongly in November, dear Cancer. It can be a spirit-feeding, pleasurable time in your life. It's a wonderful month for personal charisma, and you could be spending more energy and time on entertainment, leisure, hobbies, and children. While you should watch for hastiness, it's a favorable period for approaching the world of creativity and self-expression with more boldness. Love connections can be stimulating and possibly over-stimulating at times. The New Moon on the 4th can affect you in several different ways, as it occurs in your sector of romance, hobbies, creativity, and children. A fresh start is possible in one or more of these areas. The feeling that you're more often in sync with the world around you can be motivating. Your sector of joy gets hearty attention in November: Mars is there all month, the Sun transits this sector until the 21st, and Mercury passes through from the 5-24. There can be fun turns of events surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. Small risks or innovations can be rewarding. As you pour more of your energy and heart into romantic relationships and creative pursuits, your relationships and project take on new life. Enthusiasm for hobbies, entertainment, and other forms of playful expression runs high, and opportunities emerge to enjoy yourself more thoroughly. Challenges this month are mainly related to fluctuations, unpredictability in your social life. You could receive or give off mixed signals. In fact, unreliability can prompt you to make essential changes in your personal life. Matters of time, energy, and opinion can flame up, especially around the 9-10 and 15-16. Mental excitement may cross the line into irritation or aggravation. On the 5th, Venus moves into your partnership sector for an extended stay. It may not be the time to tackle deep issues, but it is a strong period for pleasant interactions. You are adaptable and companionable – even more than usual. You're seeking more harmony and balance to a key relationship during this cycle. It's a solid time to recognize the power of your relationships and connect with people who gift you with an essential perspective on your life. You’re in a fantastic position for clarifying feelings and coming to agreements this month. The Full Moon on the 19th can point to sudden involvement with others, perhaps a friendship matter coming to a head. It's a time of revelations, unveilings, and important discoveries. This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse, and it's the start of an eclipse set that brings new themes to your life for the coming two years. You'll be seeing your friendships, connections, and happiness goals in a whole new way. You're awakening to a need for kindred spirits, more involvement with friends or the community, and self-expression through creative mediums. This eclipse has a way of turning your attention to areas of your life that have become dysfunctional or unsatisfactory. This eclipse set also has a way of challenging you to balance your attention to your personal life with outside responsibilities. If you've been paying too much attention to a love affair to a point that friendships are suffering, for example, you'll begin to see the need to make changes. Jupiter's transit of your intimacy sector is on its last leg--it will move into harmony with your sign in late December. You'll be awakening to new worlds, experiences, and interests. For now, aim to enjoy Jupiter's final full month benefiting your finances and relationships. The Sun and Mercury move into your work and health sector on the 21-22 and 24th, joining forces there on the 28th. Health and wellness goals, work, and daily routines come into stronger focus. Schedules, habits, and organization in your life assume more importance, making the weeks ahead especially useful for taking care of details that help get your life into smoother working order. You're taking more pride in these systems. The last few days of the month are especially strong for making connections through work or health routines. Your sense of well-being heightens. It feels good when people recognize and value your helpfulness. Self-improvement efforts are gratifying now, and ideas to improve your life in key ways are abundant. There can be an epiphany or realization about a health issue, or there can be a solution regarding a work or service matter. |
You could be quite dedicated to improving your home and family life this month, dear Leo. If things are out of whack on the home front, you will do whatever you can to turn things around. Domestic life is busy, and it's a strong time for home projects and strengthening ties with those closest to you. Even so, there can be friction involved with fiery, active Mars in your home sector all month. The New Moon on the 4th gives you fresh-start energy for domestic matters, family, home, and personal matters. Changes or instability on the career front can affect your home life, and now is the time to make some adjustments and improvements. In fact, there is a strong focus on home and family life, rest, replenishment, and familiarity all month. While your heart is with the home this month, there can be some hectic moments. It can be a great time for taking action on repairs, renovations, or reorganizing, and active family involvement. Watch for temper tantrums or making angry or too-revealing statements around the 9-10 and 16-17 in particular, when you're inclined to speak or act before you think about the consequences. There can be tensions balancing your personal life, work, and relationships. An ongoing issue with personal freedom might resurface. Nevertheless, you feel more informed and "in the know" this month, and decision-making is more straightforward as a result. Your sector of soul/home is well-traveled in November: Mars is there all month, the Sun to the 21st, and Mercury from the 5-24. As such, there can be many opportunities to improve relationships with family -- and with yourself. It's helpful energy for creative improvements to the physical home AND your emotional life. Ideas for making home life more comfortable and livable are abundant. You'll need to be especially active on the domestic front to benefit from these energies the most – Mars here becomes temperamental and disruptive if it doesn't have something constructive to do! You can lay down foundations, set up a base of operations, or improve foundations already in place. You're thinking in terms of the long haul now. In some cases, it can be a time of the very beginning of major long-term ventures. Venus moves into your work and health sector on the 5th for an extended stay, and you seek more harmony and pleasure in your daily routines and working life. There can be social or romantic opportunities through your job or pursuit of your duties, health, and wellness. Venus here helps inspire a feeling of joy in doing your part. Venus will turn retrograde next month, prompting a redo or reassessment of relationships, work, or health. Especially in the second half of November, you can feel more empowered through your special attention to work, health, wellness, good habits, and routines. It can be a good time to partner up to work or improve health. You might find that detaching yourself from expectations and being in the moment leads to greater pleasure with the work you do or services you provide, as well as in the relationship department. As you approach the world in a more relaxed, creative way, you're likely to develop intelligent solutions to practical problems. The Full Moon on the 19th can bring revelations related to your career or your general life path. Discoveries made now can be emotionally-charged. You may even discover or awaken to a dream job or path that motivates you in a new direction. This Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse. It's the first of many cosmic pushes (over the coming two years) towards a better balance between your home and working life, professional and personal life, attention to performance, and attention to quiet. This eclipse can illuminate a matter related to your career or a major life goal. You may be in the position to show off your professional and responsible side, or there may be revelations about your responsibilities. Watch for displays or outbursts, as they can be more public and impactful now than you expect. Your romantic life begins to assume more importance as November progresses. From the 22nd, new adventures are in store as you find ways to satisfy an itch for excitement and recreation. You're still highly focused on your home and family life, but you're branching out and coming out of your shell more often. It's a fabulous time for creative projects. The last week of the month is favorable for announcing or showing your creative work. It can also be a time to make pleasant connections, enjoy people in your life, express your ideas or art, and exchange information. There can be candid exchanges, in fact, and you can play a role in helping someone heal and move forward. |
With a busy communications sector this month, dear Virgo, you’re likely to find much to do, and your interests are many! With plenty of items on your to-do list, tension is entirely possible at times. However, keeping busy comes naturally and mostly pleasurably in November. You’re particularly motivated to learn, communicate, and connect. The last week of the month should be more peaceful. Until then, your curiosity leads the way to a variety of experiences. You are reaching out to others and enjoying the connections you're making this month, and a new or renewed personal interest can be exciting. Chores and errands can feel more excessive with your attention elsewhere. It's a rather busy, communicative, and connected time. You can transform restlessness into productivity if you manage your energy well. Avoid stress by making lists and plans rather than going at all that you need to do haphazardly. Orderliness will certainly help. The New Moon on the 4th gives you a cosmic nudge toward learning, connecting, or sharing. New beginnings are in store, and surprising schedule changes, deadlines, new perspectives, or unpredictable changes can be at the heart of these. Especially from the 9-10 and 15-16, watch for impulsive words and moves. It's a mentally high-energy time, and it's best to keep in mind that a lot is going on in your head, and you may end up talking ahead of yourself and possibly misrepresenting yourself if you’re not careful. You’re passionate about what you do and probably very excited about sharing ideas or stating your case. It may be best to keep some emotional distance if engaging in debates. Holding on too tightly to a specific method, belief, or point of view may not be worth the tension. Know when to let go, and avoid pushing. Fortunately, learning is quick and easy. Relationships with classmates, siblings, and acquaintances are in stronger focus. A love opportunity may emerge through communications. You might be the go-to person for information and know-how this month. Studies and mental interests are rewarding. In fact, November stands out for motivation and energy on mental levels, and it's good to find ways to ride these things to your advantage. You have a strong taste for something new, unique, and creative regarding connecting, learning, and communicating, and your initiative is powerful. Aim to be active and enterprising in your communications to benefit the most from Mars energy, or you may end up feeling undirected, spinning your wheels, and restless. You're making contact, writing, speaking, and learning more fearlessly and assertively. Do watch for impatience while driving, talking, writing, walking, and getting around. Avoid using words as weapons, but do express your frustrations with words in a constructive fashion. From the 5th, Venus transits your joy and pleasure sector on an extended stay, enhancing your attractiveness. You’re expressing a playful, deserving, and confident energy that draws in people. It's good energy for awakening your inner artist and exploring fun interests and hobbies. While Venus is retrograde in this sector starting December 19th, you may be rediscovering old interests or even relationships. This Venus transit brings with it a sweet release from normal pressures. People are more likely to see your finer and kinder qualities. The Full Moon on the 19th reminds you of your need for inspiration and your spirit for adventure. Buried feelings need some form of release. As this lunation is a Lunar Eclipse, epiphanies can be significant. Announcements, awards, or completed projects can generate quite a bit of attention. While you could feel overwhelmed with what you need to learn, do, or understand at this time, discontent now can spur you to make meaningful improvements. If you’ve been ignoring your needs for mind expansion, then circumstances now tend to force the issue. An idea that you’ve been toying with may blossom now. Take your time to process and digest new information coming your way. This eclipse is powerful for gaining perspective on a matter relating to communications, connections, education, travel, sense of adventure, and your urge to truly live and experience things rather than go through the motions. Your worldview is changing, and this affects your choices, decisions, and path forward. Tension is likely, but it’s motivating. This eclipse introduces a new theme into your life that will stick with you for the coming two years. It’s about communicating, transit, getting to where you want to go, and exploring ideas and beliefs. The last week of November encourages a stronger desire to enjoy the peace and security of family life and less interest in venturing out. There can be nice opportunities to bond with those closest to you. Meaningful conversations about or with family are likely with a Sun-Mercury alignment in your sector of home and heart. Things may be coming together on the home front or regarding living conditions, and ideas can blossom now. |
November can be a productive but comfortable month for you, dear Libra, as you focus on putting your efforts into building and producing. Finances, security, and communications are in focus. You have a greater ability to use your talents more resourcefully and to your advantage this month. Independent or competitive (not so much cooperative) activities are highly favored this month. Transits tend to stir your ambition surrounding business affairs, material concerns, and finances. You're more inclined to go after what you want and to expect more from others as well. You're ready to make a fresh start when it comes to making your life more secure and taking better care of your assets after the New Moon on the 4th. Your solar second house is busy this month: Mars is there throughout November, the Sun until the 21st, and Mercury from the 5-24. These transits put the focus on personal possessions and valuables, sensual comforts and pleasures, financial security, and money matters. You're likely to receive gifts or happy financial news in November. Favorable energy is with you for moving projects forward, gaining momentum as the month advances, but it's best to do so patiently and gradually. You don't want to rush through things and burn out — with a substantial showing of cosmic energy in your solar second house, it's a time to patiently apply yourself to those endeavors that mean something to you — or that spell security! While last month was for new ideas, November is for fleshing out the practical details. These transits also indicate a bolder approach to business, earnings, defending your territory, and proving your worth. Your attitude towards your practical affairs is proactive, confident, fresh, and positive. You want to take charge of your money and things, and the drive for more financial independence can be strong. It's a generally good time for discovering ways to boost your feelings of comfort or security. It's also solid for enterprising ideas. You want to rely on yourself. Especially around the 9-10 and 16-17, mental tension could work against you if you succumb to impatience. Try not to make hasty moves or communications. Remember that the same energy that generates so much enthusiasm can also lead to impatience, so watch for skipping necessary steps. If others are not doing their share or if you can't entirely rely on someone or a source of support, you're likely to express your frustration. Venus moves into your sector of heart and home on the 5th for an extended stay. During this cycle, your love of home, familiarity, comfort, and security increases. It's an excellent time to get extra rest, settle in, and learn about yourself and your emotional needs. Making peace at home or with family can figure strongly. Forward movement on a home project can be exciting, even if it's born of necessity or frustration with current circumstances. Aim to build up your confidence now and save pushing your boundaries in the next Venus cycle. On the 19th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse brings illumination or culmination to a matter related to finances or close relationships. True feelings emerge, or epiphanies happen related to sharing, give and take, power dynamics, ownership, intimacy, and finances. You may be dealing with inflated feelings about a person, relationship, or situation, and this theme is likely to recur going forward. This eclipse is the first in a set of eclipses that sets off a new two-year theme for you related to money and sharing. Events and realizations occurring now set the ball rolling. The Sun heads into your communications sector on the 21-22, and Mercury follows suit on the 24th. Because your interests and the demands on you can be very diverse at this time, it can be challenging to focus, but branching out can serve you exceptionally well now. You recognize what needs to be repaired, healed, and improved in your environment, communications, and interactions with others. Make a point of involving yourself with things you genuinely love, causes you can get behind, and otherwise finding meaning through extracurricular activities. Pay particular attention to details, news, and ideas emerging in the last few days of the month as they can be significant. It's a mentally busy time, but it's also important to find the moments to center yourself. |
This is your birthday season, dear Scorpio, which is always a time for grabbing opportunities. This year, you have more than usual emphasis on your sign. The Sun is in Scorpio to the 21st, Mercury is in your sign from the 5-24, and Mars transits Scorpio all month. Your personal ambitions are strong in November. You have great ideas and all the right motivation to do the work to get them going. Even so, you can feel a bit out of the loop or not yet on board mentally until the 5th, but you'll find that the remainder of the month compensates. Especially from the 5-24, you are expressing yourself and speaking up more often and more confidently. Your own needs feel paramount this month, and if you're not getting what you want, you're likely to take a stand. Generally speaking, things are playing in your favor. With Mars in your sign all month, your independence and freedom are crucial to you, and your desire nature is powerful. You may need to tone it down a little, but if you use this period well, you'll have all the courage necessary to make your dreams happen. You more readily assert yourself and actively pursue your interests. Many of these interests are about health and lifestyle or work and habits. Job offers are more likely at this time. After the 4th, you might be undergoing a personal makeover of sorts. Not everyone in your life is gung-ho, but you may very well need to go off in your own direction now. Especially if others are unreliable or erratic, you'll recognize the need to fall back on yourself. You may experiment with new ways of presenting yourself and approaching the world. This New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th marks a new beginning – a time for a mini personal reinvention if you feel the need for a refreshing change. People see you a little differently, and you might want to work this in your favor as much as you can. Try not to make hasty moves, both on physical and mental planes, with Mercury and Mars coming together in your sign on the 9-10. Tap into the excitement factor of this combination, but don't put so much pressure on yourself that you blow your opportunities. This combination forms a square to Saturn, and feeling blocked can figure strongly. Your temper can be quick, and some restlessness is possible if you don't find healthy outlets for excess energy. Be active while avoiding haste for best results. While the spotlight is certainly on you this month, and it's important to take care of personal matters, it can also be a time for reaching a turning point in a partnership. The Full Moon in your birthday month is always about close relationships. It can be a time of coming to terms with your feelings for someone or recognizing needs you've overlooked or brushed aside. This year, it occurs on the 19th and is a Lunar Eclipse, which is most potent. Some partnership drama is possible. Listen to your feelings but don't make decisions while distracted – wait it out. This eclipse is the first of several directly affecting your sign for the coming two years. As this series prompts an exploration of partnering and independence in your life, the discoveries you will make are likely to be highly significant. If feelings of discontent magnify right now, they help motivate you to make improvements. Partnerships are changing, and this is a time when your needs for others become more apparent. As you explore your needs for relationship and independence in the coming two years, these things will sometimes seem pitted against one another until you find a balance. Events and feelings occurring now seem to get the ball rolling. Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your home and family sector. It will move on in December, benefiting romance and recreation. Until then, you'll find creative ways to boost your domestic world. Venus spends time in your communications sector from the 5th, and will stay for far longer than the usual four weeks--until March 6th. Juno also heads into the same area of your solar chart mid-month. Your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be wonderful, and some might enjoy sharing or publishing a piece of work, joining an online group or workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend. It's a great period for finding pleasure in your connections and personal interests and improving relationships with siblings, acquaintances, and neighbors. You can feel a sense of self-mastery through specialized learning and skills development. While the Sun moves out of your sign on the 21-22, you continue to host Mars until December 13th. Still, your focus begins to shift somewhat as your instincts are to build something, whether it's a hobby, particular interest or idea, or a work project. As you close out November, you're likely to find that boosting your confidence is about meeting challenges and responsibilities as they arise. The last few days of the month are powerful for practical, health, wellness, and money-making ideas that spark excitement in your life. |
The first few weeks of the month tend to be quiet for you, at least on the surface, dear Sagittarius. Your inner world, on the other hand, is especially active. It can be a period of gathering your energies and closing projects. There can be some fuss about money owing or funding around the 19th, but shortly after this, you're feeling more in your natural element. Much activity is happening within you and behind the scenes. You could be doing a lot of preparation work and some reassessing of primary goals or work. Be sure to find extra time for yourself to reflect and rest. Otherwise, past events and behaviors could subtly undermine your progress. In other words, it can benefit you to pay unresolved matters their due attention! You begin November segueing from a connected, involved period to a period of retreat and rest. Many life departments require review and reflection. You can feel especially excited about a behind-the-scenes project, activity, or even relationship this month. You may be taking an unofficial sabbatical of sorts when it comes to major decisions. While you may not be blossoming in an apparent sense quite yet, this is an excellent period for preparing yourself for busier times to come. While it may not be the most decisive or energetic period in your life, you find more comfort in private moments and require a little more rest than usual. If you don't recognize this need, you could encounter circumstances that force the issue! It's an important cycle for discovering what you truly desire and which pursuits may not be as worthwhile for you. You don't always feel in the loop or noticed in the first three weeks of November, but you may very well need a break now. The 4th brings a New Moon that reinforces your ability to put the past behind you. The need for a fresh approach to taking downtime or to your spiritual side overcomes you now. An erratic or unpredictable schedule can prompt this need. Venus spends time in your resources sector from the 5th onward, which is good news for improving your comfort levels. You might receive gifts or treat yourself a little more often during this somewhat indulgent cycle. At the same time, you can find more joy in the things you already have in place, and it can be pretty magical. Juno heads into the same sector mid-month, further encouraging special attention to money, comfort, personal things, and business matters. It can lead to a stronger sense of balance and personal power. There can be a surge of excitement about money-making or work matters this month, and new ways to improve your health, job, or routines can figure strongly. A change of pace does you a world of good, and it feels nice to be looking forward to the future with excitement. Watch for impatience and the temptation to take shortcuts that can end up costing you more than you saved, as well as a tendency to speak of a matter too soon, particularly when Mercury and Mars join in your privacy sector and form a square to Saturn (the 9-10). Similarly, on the 16-17, a change of --or overloaded-- schedule can trigger frustrations. Pushing yourself beyond your limits can lead to various problems or health complaints, so do your best to learn what those limits are. On the 19th, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus signals that eclipses are transitioning out of your sign axis. It's likely to pull up some discontent and dissatisfaction, but it's also good for motivating you to make improvements. Work, health, and routines or habits come into strong focus now. There can be a bit of a scramble to get your life into better working order, and the benefits of doing so are significant. You'll be doing a lot of balancing of work/rest and emotional health and physical health in the next couple of years, and realizations occurring now can spur this process along. With all Full Moons, seek out balance and compromise, and for this one, give special consideration to what's healthy for you, both mentally and physically. The Sun and Mercury move into your sign on the 21-22 and 24th, and they align on the 28th, inspiring big ideas. You're moving into your birthday month a little "sleepy" this year, but you'll come into your own by mid-December. For now, transits tend to favor any task that involves getting your point across effectively. You're in great shape for creative, romantic, and expressive activities. Listening to others and contributing, too, can be rewarding, and you're likely to enjoy the lively, dynamic energy around you. You might enjoy being a mentor. There can be important realizations, epiphanies, and clarifications in the last few days of November. An idea can come into full bloom or the information you've been waiting for arrives. |
November brings a lively agenda and special focus on your happiness goals, dear Capricorn. You are in demand! New beginnings on the social front are likely. It's an excellent time to connect but be careful not to overbook, as later this month, you require extra privacy and rest. Until the 5th, romantic relationships can be complicated, after which time you're clearer about your affections. The New Moon on the 4th also helps clear paths. You're turning over a new leaf with friendships. Unpredictability in your personal life can stir the desire or need to begin anew. You might connect with others or your cherished dreams and goals with a new mission. Venus moves into your sign on the 5th. While Venus typically spends four weeks or so in a sign, it will stick with you all the way until March 6th. This phenomenon is due to an upcoming retrograde that will happen from December 19th to January 29th. During that period, romance and pleasure become hotspots for you, and you are ready to rethink exactly how they figure in your life. You may be reviewing a financial endeavor, new venture, or relationship during the retrograde period. Venus boosts your appeal from the 5th nevertheless. Mars spends the month in harmony with your sign, and others see you in a most pleasant light. It’s a fine time for finding ways to creatively connect and enjoy yourself. Mercury supports you by getting your message across as you intend it more often than not. You might turn heads and gain a few more followers or simply the attention of someone special. You feel a little more courageous about expressing yourself. The month stands out for making connections, contributing and sharing your ideas, and finding inspiration for new goals and projects. You are feeling especially confident about what you have to offer. You may be taking the lead in a group, or people may be looking to you for guidance. It’s a brilliantly fertile time for networking, creative contributions, teamwork, hobbies, websites, and money-making ideas. You're receiving important signals and messages about your feelings related to friends and lovers in November. November’s challenges are primarily about wrestling with unpredictability in your personal life. There can also be concerns about money, resources, talents, or earnings. Look for ways to restructure, organize, and budget as the means to boost up your sense of security. If you can simplify, you could have fewer ups and downs. Allow discontent to motivate you to make positive changes and improvements or to release adverse situations or frustrations and put them behind you. It’s easy for you to get quite fired up about issues close to your heart this month. Your feelings about friends can also be more intense in November. All month, you are rather anxious to turn over a new leaf, excited about new ideas, and ready to put plans into motion. You’re willing to put more energy into personal enjoyment and your social life. New ideas are abundant, although not always easy to put in motion. Those that survive after facing resistance or obstacles (especially around the 9-10), however, are likely strong and successful. Juno heads into your sign mid-month, perhaps prompting you to reinvent yourself in some way. This cycle encourages a more visible expression of personal power after a period in which you may have been attending to your inner stores of courage or power. The Lunar Eclipse on the 19th brings a brand new theme into your life related to romance, creativity, children, or hobbies. A big turning point can happen in your social life or with a creative project. It's a time for shedding some of your inhibitions and listening to your heart, but it's best to take your time before jumping into action. Your true feelings about a person, romance, or project can come on like a flood and can change everything! For some, letting something go makes room for a rush of new creativity flowing. You’ll be seeking your joy in the coming two years, and from epiphanies that get the ball rolling now, a mission to improve your life can emerge. Handling financial security issues seems most important for your sense of freedom, optimism, and confidence. Working on securing particular areas of your life can improve your home life or relationships with family and roommates. Living arrangements get a nice boost--material benefits may come from real estate or family. Alternatively, you may have more resources to invest into home or property. The Sun and Mercury head into your privacy sector on the 21-22 and 24th, and they meet there on the 28th. You're in great shape to gain a better understanding of your sentimental life, family, and loved ones. You might come to a better understanding of why something happened in your past, or you may find special meaning in helping others, support, volunteer work, and connections with family. Details reveal themselves, and these allow you fill in the blanks. Taking the time to relax, refresh, and get in touch with your inner world can be especially rewarding. |
Others take more notice of you in November, dear Aquarius. Watch for distinct opportunities to advance your career interests or improve your reputation, especially in the first few weeks of the month. There can be a new beginning of sorts happening on the career front from the 4th. Alternatively, you can reach a turning point about life path goals and responsibilities. It's a good month for getting things done and taking care of your responsibilities. Your ability to take professional risks or to be proactive with your responsibilities is stronger. The New Moon on the 4th can give you a push for a new beginning on a professional front. Still, there can be some initial frustration or indecision surrounding changes in your home or personal life that temporarily throw you off-kilter. They can also push you towards realizing your goals. You may need to deal with unpredictability with living conditions or arrangements if they interfere with your outside responsibilities and goals. Very creative, dynamic energy is with you for manifesting your goals or furthering your career goals. You’re excited about a project under development or about what you have to offer, and this is highly motivating! You tend to stand out for your accomplishments or performance. Courage is with you for trying new things and possibly redesigning or renovating a project. Fiery, energetic Mars moves through your sector of career and reputation all month, the Sun is there to the 21st, and Mercury, from the 5-24. You're taking the lead and initiative more often and pursuing your ambitions with vigor, but also with particular attention to detail. It can be an excellent month for getting the kind of feedback you need to make meaningful changes, particularly about your career, but watch for naysayers and resistance around the 9-10. For some, this can instead be a time when you’re wrestling with your fears of advancement and success, and how these things might limit your personal life. Other potential frictions in November can stem from impatience with rules and regulations or a desire to go your own way when the world seems to want something else! Venus moves into your privacy sector on the 5th, drawing some of your attention to your private world, downtime, and need for rest. Another cycle beginning mid-month emphasizes empowerment through your stronger connection to your inner world. You can be especially productive in activities behind the scenes, and you may seek some extra silence or time to yourself to regroup. These things help you build strength. Activities that help you heal and release pressure are especially useful. There may be a new development in an attraction or a private matter in a relationship. Enjoy the courage to express or explore your usually secret desires or wishes. Emotions run high around the Lunar Eclipse on the 19th. It's powerful for realizations and feelings related to home, family, and safety or security. These feelings prompt you to make changes and improvements in the weeks following. This Full Moon can be about recognizing your need for family, or it’s a call to action as your personal life needs some attention. This eclipse stirs up feelings about living conditions or arrangements, personal life, emotional world, home, or family. Finding a better balance between your professional and personal life is a growing theme in your life this year and the next, and this eclipse can get the ball rolling. There may be home repairs, moves, family drama, or changing living conditions for some. Energies begin shifting towards happiness goals rather than professional ones from the 22nd. A sharper focus on happiness goals, social matters, friendship, and pleasure figures strongly. Decision-making improves as you see your prospects more clearly. Your goals and dreams seem more doable, and this lifts you up high. You are investing a lot of yourself in your projects and ideas, and it's rewarding, filling you with a stronger sense of purpose. There is a little more openness, sincerity, and warmth expressed now, and it's motivating. It's a good time for bringing an idea to full bloom. You can be excited about emerging new ideas for long-term plans and projects, or the full details of a plan come together. Jupiter will not be in your sign for much longer (until December 28th), so take advantage of any opportunities that this happy planet provides you. Get ready for a new cycle, beginning as the year closes, in which building up your resources, and possibly your bank account, is in focus. You're also in good shape for working on personal interests and projects, making valuable connections, and taking on useful or satisfying studies. |
With your spirit sector well-represented this month, dear Pisces, you can feel the need to break out of a rut or a routine. Due to this emotional orientation, you're less interested in daily affairs and details and more attuned to the need to feed your spirit. November favors promotion, group activities, making important contacts, and venturing beyond your normal routine. The last week of the month brings an energy shift towards career and responsibilities. There is a strong underlying theme of wanting to be a free spirit this month. Sharing, learning, and connecting with new people or cultures can lead to a stronger feeling of personal fulfillment. The New Moon on the 4th brings fresh energy to your life. While this lunation can stir some controversy or conflict, it's good for a sense that you're starting fresh on a spirit level–you’re looking to feel freer, or you’re searching for more meaning. Looking beyond your usual routine comes naturally now, and it’s time for a new beginning. Obstacles, rebellious behaviors, or disorderliness can prompt the need for something more. While introspection has been good for you in recent weeks, now you’re participating more than observing. You have a great hunger for new experiences and knowledge. You bounce back much more quickly from minor stresses and problems--you’re blossoming now. With active, energetic Mars in your solar ninth house all month, you’re in a great position to assert your needs and pursue your desires. You gravitate to new experiences and ideas. Mercury’s influence here from the 5-24 can bring a larger audience or recognition to you for your ideas. It’s a great time to self-publish, publish, learn, teach, connect, and share. You might enjoy an exciting new project or a revival of one already in progress. Studies and the sharing of ideas are fertile grounds for you. Teaching or guiding can be in strong or stronger focus, and you're sharing your enthusiasm. It can also be a good time for competitions and athletics. Inner discontent is possible if you want to branch out but find it challenging to get where you want to go, possibly due to disorganization in your daily life or upset schedules. Be a little more cautious than usual with mechanical things, driving, walking, and the like, as impatience can trip you up, sometimes literally. Dates when these things are more likely are the 9-10 and 16-17. Haste makes waste when it comes to paperwork and communications, so try not to miss important steps. Watch for the temptation to sound off if something that's communicated frustrates you. People seek you out! Venus moves into your friendship sector on the 5th, gracing your networking and socializing with good, warm energy. It will spend quite some time there (until March 6th) due to an upcoming retrograde. Camaraderie is of particular importance in your love life. This transit subtly improves your social life and your appeal as a friend or colleague--you’re more approachable and companionable. You get along better with the team, or you might share some of your talents or expertise with associates with great results. Your tastes are for the new, different, and progressive. It can also be a fantastic period for business income strategies or mutually beneficial agreements. Another socially-oriented transit begins mid-month, and you can be even more invested in your friendships and special projects. It can be time to gather more strength through your connections, long-term plans, and happiness goals. You seek more harmony and balance in your social life. The Full Moon on the 19th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it brings a sudden awareness of the need to take better care of your daily affairs. There can be deadlines and realities of paperwork or errands to deal with now. Try to balance logic and emotion. Be firm and genuine to yourself in your dealings with others but avoid hasty words and moves. This eclipse stimulates your senses and can lead to a revelation. Try not to be too hasty with movements and communications. Whatever develops under this Full Moon, it’s meant to push you forward, even if at first it slows you down. Watch out for processing too much information or for sensory overload — be discriminating with what you take in. A writing or learning project can come to a turning point, and there can be publicity or promotion playing a significant role in your life or stress over a looming deadline. Note that this is the first in an eclipse set that will stick with you for the coming two years. This set brings challenges and rewards to your communication or transportation systems, beliefs, education, sense of adventure, and mental world. Events around now seem to get the ball rolling with this new theme in your life. The Sun moves to the top of your solar chart on the 21-22, and Mercury does the same on the 24th. You're beginning an important cycle for career, ambition, performance, and accomplishment. It's a time for putting your natural talents to good use. You are getting a strong sense of what you truly value on practical and professional levels in the last week of November. Focus on the unique elements that you bring to your work and your partnerships, and watch as you attract the right resources and people to you as you do! Feeling more secure about your performance plays a significant role in your success. Next month, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion (and what some might consider luck), re-enters your sign. Choose now to become clear what it is you'd like to change, seek, or conquer. For now, it’s about tying up loose ends so that you’re ready for the personal opportunities of the next phase in your life. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
November 2021 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- October 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- November 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- December 2021 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- January 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- February 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- March 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- April 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- May 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- June 2022 Ephemeris (with additional points)
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
- Full Moon in Aries Chart: October 20, 2021
- New Moon in Scorpio Chart: November 4, 2021
- Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Chart: on November 19, 2021, in Taurus
Looking Ahead:
- December 2021: TimeLine Aspects
- Time Line Aspects: January 2022
- Time Line Aspects: February 2022
- Time Line Aspects: March 2022
- Time Line Aspects: April 2022
- Time Line Aspects: May 2022
- Time Line Aspects: June 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: July 2022
- Time Line Aspects: August 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: September 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: October 2022
- TimeLine Aspects: November 2022

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2021 – Overview
The Astrology of 2022 – Overview