This Month in Astrology – March 2025
March 2025
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
Last month, on February 27th, the New Moon occurred in Pisces, and this lunation influences the first weeks of March 2025. This energy prompts us to make a clean break or a “fresh start.” We awaken to the need for a spiritual vision or more magic in our lives. It’s time to revitalize ourselves through experiences that require imagination, compassion, gentleness, or that simply represent a “break” from the routine. We may put something behind us in order to begin anew.
On March 1st, Venus stations and turns retrograde in the sign of Aries. Venus will remain retrograde until April 12th, but it will divide its time between the signs of Aries and Pisces. This retrograde gives us the chance to look over and review our affections, relationships, and finances. We may question a current project or commitment during this cycle.
Retrograde Venus affects us mainly in the areas of love and finances but also extends to some areas of business and pleasurable pursuits. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it’s a time for reviewing our attitudes and attachments rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. Old friends and lovers may reappear, perhaps complicating current relationships, or we might more reminisce about past conditions. There can be a call to deal with relationship issues from the past. It can be a real challenge getting closer to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be in stronger favor.
Some of the more challenging associations of Venus in Aries, and later, Pisces, may be particularly prominent and/or hard to take, including egoism, arrogance, impatience, and vagueness. Those who have Aries or Pisces strong in their charts can be more introspective, distant, or hard to reach during this cycle. It can be a time to reevaluate our relationship needs, but major love decisions are best saved for after the cycle ends on April 12th, and better yet, beyond the shadow phase (after May 16th).
Our perceptions can certainly skew, and we can come out of the retrograde cycle with regret if we have acted hastily, particularly with money, love, and pleasure, as the tendency to change our minds later is strong. Read more about Venus Retrograde. Note that retrograde Venus returns to Pisces on March 27th.
There are two eclipses this month falling along two different sign axes. The first is on March 14th, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. It brings sudden awareness to our lives, particularly of areas that require more order. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things that we may have been neglecting or putting off, especially regarding our work, services, habits, health, and routines.
This eclipse is the second of a set of seven occurring along the Virgo-Pisces axis from September 17th, 2024, to February 20th, 2027. The first one was a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. While we’ve been focusing on building our faith since September 2024, this March eclipse in Virgo prompts us to consider getting organized and how it affects the work-rest balance. Read more about this eclipse.
On March 15th, Mercury stations and turns retrograde in the sign of Aries. This retrograde cycle will last until April 7th. This is a strong period for reviewing our initiative, courage, and independence. We may be looking at projects, items, situations, problems, and even people in new ways. Mercury starts its shadow phase on March 1st so that issues encountered, conversations, and projects started from the top of the month can very well come up for review later. Having both Venus and Mercury retrograde in the signs of Aries and Pisces is notable. Note, too, that Mercury will retrograde back into the sign of Pisces on March 29th. Read more about this retrograde in its calendar page.
On March 29th, the New Moon occurs in Aries, and it’s a Solar Eclipse, the final one of a set of six eclipses along the Aries-Libra axis. This Solar eclipse can highlight and challenge our issues surrounding independence and personal courage. We might take steps towards self-mastery and self-empowerment by tackling things that undermine us. Circumstances nudge or encourage us to see where we haven’t been true to our authentic selves, and it’s a final push to correct imbalances. Read more about this eclipse on its calendar page.
On March 30th, Neptune enters Aries. Although Neptune flirts with Aries in 2025, it won’t be consistently in the sign until late January 2026 forward.
While Neptune is in Aries, we idealize independence, courage, bravery, freedom, and fresh starts. However, we may not see ourselves clearly, or we might struggle with defining ourselves and our boundaries during this period. We might also inflate our importance in times of insecurity, which can be quite detrimental. Presenting false images of ourselves that we end up identifying with can be especially tempting during this period.
Neptune is in Aries from March 30, 2025, to October 22, 2025, and later from January 26, 2026, to May 21, 2038. Read more about this Neptune ingress on its calendar page.
Note that Neptune’s move into Aries tends to echo some of March’s themes that spotlight Pisces-Aries energies in sometimes confusing or atypical ways.
Date | Time | Event | Position |
Mar 1 | 7:36 PM | Venus Retrograde | Ven 10 Ari 50'Rx |
Mar 3 | 4:03 AM | Mercury enters Aries | Mer 0 Ari 00' |
Mar 6 | 11:31 AM | First Quarter Moon | 16 Gem 21' |
Mar 14 | 2:54 AM | Full Moon Total LUNAR Eclipse in Virgo | 23 Vir 57' |
Mar 15 | 2:46 AM | Mercury Retrograde | Mer 9 Ari 36'Rx |
Mar 19 | 1:59 PM | Juno Retrograde | Jun 1 Sag 57'Rx |
Mar 20 | 5:01 AM | Sun enters Aries | Sun 0 Ari 00' |
Mar 21 | 6:14 AM | Vesta Retrograde | Ves 18 Sco 28'Rx |
Mar 22 | 7:29 AM | Last Quarter Moon | 2 Cap 05' |
Mar 27 | 4:40 AM | Venus Rx enters Pisces | Ven Pis Rx |
Mar 29 | 6:58 AM | New Moon Partial SOLAR Eclipse in Aries | 9 Ari 00' |
Mar 29 | 10:18 PM | Mercury Rx enters Pisces | Mer Pis Rx |
Mar 30 | 7:58 AM | Neptune enters Aries | Nep 0 Ari 00' |
(See the full table for 2025)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
March is a month of stop-and-start energy, dear Aries. While your ruler, Mars, has finally ended its retrograde (on February 23rd), Venus turns retrograde in your sign on March 1st and Mercury on the 15th, pointing to some further backtracking before your promised new beginnings from the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th. Generally speaking, use March for budgeting rather than buying, and if possible, prioritize rest and relaxation. It's a time of preparation, and taking care of your well-being is crucial during this period. March is a strong month for getting your bearings. It’s possible you're keeping people at an emotional distance this month, but you’re in special need of time to reflect. For some of you, a past love may reappear, or you could face feelings of destiny or fate in your partnerships. Others have your interests in mind however complicated feelings can be at this time. In some ways, you're gearing up. Home and family projects are picking up steam. Venus is visiting your sign, Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, and the Sun begins its transit on the 20th. Personal plans and pursuits are on the front burner. Working behind the scenes benefits you. Additionally, Venus’ retrograde affords you a little more time to explore your inner world. Nevertheless, some important influences are urging you to rest, recoup, and relax this month. It's not a month of smooth flow. Until the 20th, the Sun in your privacy sector points to the need for rest and reflection. Waiting on something or someone can be a blessing in disguise, however, particularly if you work on editing and refining things as you wait. With this simultaneous emphasis on your privacy sector and, all month, Mars continues its transit of your home and family sector, a good part of you is a little “hard to get” now even with the extra social attention and admiration you’re receiving. It’s a necessary healing phase. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you. Mars is picking up speed, and while there may have been some serious stop-and-go energy in your personal life and with home projects or family in recent months, now you’re back on track and zipping through things quite happily. This sometimes comes at the seeming cost of your independence, but all in all, you’re in good shape for taking charge of matters. Home life can be animated, and family life can demand more of your time. Your personality, image, attitude to anything new, initiating qualities, immediate responses to stress, self-identity, and communications are all themes that retrograde Venus touches. Refining and possibly redefining some of these things may be in order. Be aware that you may sometimes come across aggressively without the explicit help of charming Venus, and consider toning things down for better results both personally and professionally. The Full Moon on the 14th is a Lunar Eclipse, and it brings some chaos on the job or daily front, but nothing you can’t handle. This eclipse reminds you of the need to find a work-rest balance. It calls you to action, mainly to take better care of daily routines, wellness, and work matters. Seeing the flaws in current systems can be irritating but can lead to significant improvements. Relationships can be up and down this month. In a general sense, partnerships are going well. You recognize the benefits of companionship, even if it sometimes impedes your sense of freedom or independence. Venus entered your sign in February, augmenting your overall charm and perhaps bringing gifts, money, and favors your way. This month, Venus is retrograde (from the 1st forward), prompting introspection. It’s time to revise your plans and put off new initiatives until you have more confidence in them. Others may not be getting you–perhaps misunderstanding your intentions–for the time being, especially on the level of affection. It's certainly a month emphasizing your personal life rather than your worldly ambitions. Mercury's retrograde from the 15th forward further points to the need to review recent undertakings and projects. There can be information clogs until next month, but the pause can help you catch up and make different choices and important edits. You're observing details that you've overlooked in the past and could uncover some especially important information. The 22nd to the 24th is strong for this new, improved perspective. Take note of information and ideas coming to you from dreams and intuition, but consider that some of your moments of introspection could be misinterpreted. The Sun in your sign from the 20th forward gives you more power and courage. It’s an intense time for considering new goals, intentions, and resolutions. You’ve seen yourself, your relationships, and your experiences in a new light, which can lead you down new paths. Venus retreats into your privacy sector on the 27th, and Mercury does the same on the 29th, prompting further rumination. Looking at past projects with new eyes can figure strongly. Your mind may be looping back to the same old problems. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th brings a feeling of newness to your life. Still, take your time before moving forward. Starting fresh and with independence can figure strongly. This eclipse marks the end of an eclipse set involving your sign, and you should see some conclusions to your quest for self-reliance and understanding in the weeks following. On the 30th, Neptune enters your sign! While there is some more work to do in Pisces later this year, it will become a long-term visitor of your sign starting in early 2026, bringing more wonder and mystery to your life and persona. |
Your social life and happiness goals are big themes for you in March, dear Taurus. However, as sociable as the climate is this month, much is going on behind the scenes on an inner level, and this increases further as the month advances. Matters from the past, particularly regarding love and relationships, are cropping up now for review. Love is complicated and sometimes confusing, but you’re ultimately learning what’s best for you. Venus, your ruler, turns retrograde on the first day of the month, signaling a period of reflection. The retrograde lasts until April 12th and begins in your privacy sector, then dips back into your social sector from the 27th. You will likely pull back a little as you take the time to revise and perhaps question some of your plans. Matters from the past creep up and demand your attention. Mercury turns retrograde in the same sector of your solar chart on the 15th, and the focus is on old problems. These slowdowns don't necessarily clip the wings of Mars, which is rather newly direct after retrograde motion since December. However, there can be some obstacles to navigate. Your feelings and plans are complicated. With Mars animating your personal interests, mental outlook, and daily life, you might decide to work hard on ventures already in place or pour energies into study and learning and strike a compromise. While all-new endeavors look very appealing, it’s better to finish what you started before moving on. This month, rushing won’t get you there faster. As well, it’s probably best to keep many of your projects and even your affections on the down-low for now. Money requires some shuffling around, and it’s best to hold onto it in March. You may not always feel up to engagements, but you’re in demand now and can benefit from some mingling. There’s no shortage of invitations and things to do; what’s important now is your ability to pick and choose between them. Secrets and whispers delight in the month ahead, and you may willingly make a few sacrifices to be with a special someone or to spend more time alone and away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. It’s a good idea to sort out your feelings before coming to any concrete decisions or conclusions. Mars spends the entire month in your communications sector and is picking up speed. It’s a good time to get back into old studies or reanimate your personal interests. You’re passionate and excited about learning and sharing. With Venus retrograde this month, there can be some coolness as people are reassessing their feelings for the time being. However, patience will get you through this--and so will some interesting projects! You may come across a little abruptly at times, but you have a lot going on and much to keep you busy and engaged. When it comes to a belief, idea, or simply what you believe is a fact, you can quickly become impatient with others if they are not catching on to your thinking. Tune into your intuition and pay attention to critical spiritual signposts. You can benefit from your associations, but you do need some time to yourself so that you can firm up projects or learning endeavors. Retrograde Venus may bring past loves back into your experience, whether literally or on your brain, but either way, this is about processing. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th can bring love feelings to bloom or a romantic relationship to a turning point. Since this is part of a series of eclipses that lasts until 2027, you won’t have all the answers yet, but you’re certainly on your way. Awakening to a passion or strong feelings can be illuminating. With Mercury's retrograde from the 15th onward, some inconvenient delays or turnarounds can redirect you or temporarily make decision-making more challenging. Still, it’s a good cycle for redoing and refining work already in progress or backtracking over the past to find answers. You need more time to yourself with the Sun’s move into your privacy sector on the 20th. It’s a powerful time for healing, relaxing, and getting in touch with your inner world. The past illuminates meaningfully for you this month, particularly around the 22nd to the 24th, and the focus is on love and past relating patterns. What happened in the past can be tricky, so tread softly, but consider looking at old matters in new ways. More information could surface about a private issue that will help you make better decisions about the future. For now, process and digest things rather than finalize. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th reinforces a need to look within. This set of eclipses pulled up essential themes revolving around whether you’re attending to a healthy work-rest balance. You’re not exactly putting everything on hold, but there’s a call to take more time for yourself to recharge. This eclipse helps with the motivation and energy boost needed to deal with the past or private matters, let go of things you no longer need, and attend to your mental and emotional wellness. It’s a great time to clear the decks. Circumstances now and in the future help you complete unfinished health or work-related business. |
There's a strong focus on your responsibilities, leadership, career, or reputation this month, dear Gemini. With Venus retrograde from the 1st of March and Mercury from the 15th, developing current ventures and projects is better than taking on new ones. Some complications surrounding friends and lovers are possible this month, but reconnecting with long-lost friends and better understanding your social and happiness goals can be the result. Others are more aware of what you've accomplished and perhaps also what you haven't achieved. It's a time for subtly upping your game--March doesn't favor bold moves but is great for preparing and laying the groundwork. This can be a time of dedication to your goals, career, and ambitions, even if gains are not measurable just yet. With retrogrades this month, there could be some emotional distance between you and a buddy or group, or old problems can re-emerge. It's possible that it's only about giving one another space rather than keeping a distance, but make sure the people you care about know your intentions. It may be helpful to back up a little to gain perspective. Avoid, if you can, secret involvements or actions, as attractive as they may be, with so much up in the air in your life in the affections department. Social relationships are, at times, perplexing. You may be playing a waiting game, not knowing where you stand, or you could be experiencing ups and downs in your relationships. Professional interests and ambitions are active one moment and then chill the next, and the same is true of your personal life. On the other hand, Mars has recently turned direct after retrograding since December, and you can enjoy increased motivation for money, taking care of your things and practical affairs, and building special projects. You might also thoroughly enjoy developing your talents. Mars is picking up speed, which can motivate you to focus on building and developing. This is a good idea now – the month favors building upon projects already in progress. You can experience a lovely re-energized feeling with business and financial matters. Even with slowdowns, you have a spirit for advancement and excitement about the future. Your desire to be efficient kicks in wonderfully now. It’s a time to easily work through tricky problems and challenges. Watch for impatience with money. With retrograde Venus, the judgment of value may not be up to par, and with Mars in your resources sector, you're inclined to rush into purchases. Don't be afraid to take the lead or work with superiors to further your interests; just be sure to make yourself clear rather than rely on the idea that people immediately get what you mean. Even with business and practical matters in focus, and gaining momentum, the social side of things can be a little off at times. Balancing family and relationships can be a challenge around the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th, although tricky. This eclipse season reminds you to balance your attention to home life and outside responsibilities. Feelings that you've kept at bay or haven't yet acknowledged are impossible to ignore now! Stirrings on the home front can remind you to pay more attention to your domestic world. If you've been over-extending yourself, you'll now find ways to get more downtime. The Sun turns your attention to enjoyment, friends, teamwork, and networking from the 20th forward. Your long-term happiness goals move to the front burner, and you can feel inspired! However, if not, this is a time to experiment with new ideas and plans or dream up new visions of more fulfilling activities. You might gain new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems, particularly related to friends and relationships or a significant project or pursuit in your life. New information about old issues can come to light, particularly around the 22nd to the 24th. You might learn something about–or make contact with–someone from your past. Around the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on the 29th, make a resolution to make the most of friendships and group involvements. The changes you make or feel are likely to be empowering, even if your first instinct is to resist them. Your social life has evolved over the past two years, and in the weeks following this eclipse, this becomes especially evident. From this same date, it's best to pay more attention to what you're communicating in public or professional settings. You may be too quick to jump to conclusions but remember that information is likely temporarily incomplete. Neptune's move into your social sector on the 30th boosts a theme of some mystery surrounding your friends and associations, but it can also be a time for an entirely different perspective on your social life and needs. |
The month ahead puts a strong focus on learning, sharing, and broadening your horizons, dear Cancer. You've felt a little freer and more assertive as Mars, currently transiting your sign, recently ended its retrograde period. You're rediscovering your initiative and rebuilding your enthusiasm. However, March also brings Venus and Mercury retrograde periods, which can point to some slowdowns or complications. These are temporary and ultimately can be quite helpful but can serve to frustrate you at times. Career or reputation matters could be causing you some concern in March, but try not to fret over details. Instead, come up with a better game plan. It’s important to recognize where you might be overshooting or putting too much pressure on something to work a certain way. Ambitions run high, but goals may require more time to achieve. Be patient and look for ways to improve the ventures or projects you already have in place rather than taking on something brand new. Pushing can lead to irritating delays, and the need to set your own pace is strong this month with Mars in your sign. Opportunities to begin anew and get back on track from a stronger position will arise in the months ahead, particularly if you do the leg work now. Opportunities to break the routine are likely to emerge. Learning, sharing ideas, publishing, studying, or promoting are rewarding themes in your life. Something that connects you with a new, different, or broader audience or with other ideas and cultures can be in focus now, and it’s gratifying. A change of pace or scenery can be beneficial now. Mars in your sign can undoubtedly keep you looking forward, which is a good thing, but it can sometimes encourage you to push faster or harder than is advisable. This can certainly bring about a state of restlessness and discontent at times, which can wear you down if you’re not careful. Aim to finish what you started before moving on. Generally, you feel more confident and ready to pursue your goals with gusto. There can be times when this is a little raw with Venus retrograde, but as you get the hang of Mars energy, you’re likely to wear it well. Redoing work or returning to old material or conversations and problems can make you feel a little stuck at times, but redirections can be helpful in the long run. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th can be revealing, although it can also reveal flaws. Adjustments become necessary before regaining confidence in a project. This eclipse can bring discoveries, ideas, and changes in your mindset or attitude. Watch for impulsive self-expression, but give weight to your emotions and any epiphanies occurring now. This eclipse reminds you to connect with your true feelings about what you’re learning, communicating, and sharing. From the 20th, your focus tends to be more organized, if a little past-oriented. This is one of the most goal-oriented times of the year, and it can also be one of the more public ones – people take notice of you, and you can be more accountable than usual. If you've been working hard, rewards for your work are on the horizon. The month requires patience! What you do and say has more impact than usual, so be on your best behavior! This is a critical time for reevaluating your projects and goals, and you have an exclusive window into the past that helps you make better decisions for the future, especially around the 22nd to the 24th. A Solar Eclipse occurs on the 29th, bringing additional power to your sector of career and reputation. It can be a time for a significant turning point. There can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life. Changes in goals, plans, and priorities may be in the pipeline. Decisions about the direction of your career are likely to be finalized as you go forward. Neptune's move into Aries, your career and performance sector, echoes some of the themes of March. There's more mystery surrounding your longer-term goals, but also a chance to see them from a different perspective. |
Close personal relationships, sharing, and learning are in focus this month, dear Leo. You can be in a rather introspective phase, often going within for answers but also making some astute observations as you step back from the action just a little. This is not to say you’re inactive – in fact, you’re particularly busy in March – but that you’re conserving some of your energy for plans and strategies. It’s a good month to deepen a connection, but prepare for some complications. Transit, legal, or educational plans may not be moving forward at the speed you’d like. With Venus retrograde from the 1st of the month and Mercury retrograde from the 15th, affecting your axis of communication and transportation, there can be delays and changes of heart. Still, your confidence is improving steadily. You have good opportunities to research, investigate, and plan. Mind you, Mars is still transiting your privacy sector, and this suggests you’re in a hatching phase for projects and plans, generally speaking. This doesn’t mean, however, that you’re stagnant — far from it. It can be a time to make a beautiful connection within (self-discovery) or with someone special. Being direct or a bit daring in your emotional life pays off. Love is private, intimate, and passionate in the month ahead, and discoveries are rich. You’re observing, editing, refining, and strategizing, and these are perfect activities for the current astrological climate. Learn to be okay with temporarily not knowing, and you'll do especially well now. However, Venus is not helping you in the usual or obvious way, for example, through charm, and you should watch for this. Although you're a little less concerned with material matters right now, it's important not to neglect them. Venus is helping you on other levels as you look back with a different set of eyes, and you can better understand past relationships and projects in the process. Money that is shared, borrowed, or loaned can be bigger topics on the table in March. Priorities can be challenging to see, and you may want to watch for pouring your energies into issues that truly don’t serve you well. You might also more clearly see what approaches or expectations you had in the past that sent you along the wrong path, especially around the 22nd to 24th. It’s a good time to set up new intentions. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th brings some financial matters to light, demanding your attention. It may temporarily obscure some facts, but it's also an opportunity to see flaws in a project or system. This can be annoying, but it’s likely to be constructive, and valuable improvements can result from this illumination. There can be revelations or realizations revolving around money, valuables, or values. It’s a time to face feelings and plan for a stronger sense of security, predictability, and safety. Self-sufficiency can be a goal. With Venus retrograde from the 1st and Mercury retrograde from the 15th affecting your axis of communication and transportation, you may be contending with delays and changes of heart. With Mars in your privacy sector all month and Venus retrograde, you’d be wise to focus your energies on tying up loose ends and a work-in-progress rather than brand-new beginnings. You need some time to process feelings and affections. Still, with Mars in the background of your chart, you’re not as inclined to come on strong. As such, some of the social flubs common with retrograde Venus are not as likely for you this time. From the 20th, you're motivated to branch out and mix up the routine. In some ways, you’ll be spending less time reflecting and ruminating and more time living spiritedly. A new perspective can see you redefining some of your beliefs, ideals, goals, and dreams, especially around the 22nd to the 24th. Through conversations or musings, you can gain significant insight into mysteries from your personal history. You’re returning to old problems with a different attitude, taking care of unfinished business, and making refinements to projects that are not quite complete. From the 27th, you may need to go over financials or intimate conversations that you thought were final but now need more attention. If problems are re-emerging, then it’s time to look at them a little differently, perhaps by seeing more details or looking at the larger perspective. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th is the final one in a set that has activated your communications axis in recent years. It certainly reinforces and energizes your need to branch out, make a mark on the world, and communicate. Ideas, beliefs, communications, and transit have been changing as your perspective on your life evolves. This eclipse helps clear the path to new beginnings related to publishing, sharing, traveling, transit, connecting, and learning. If you’ve been holding back from extracurricular activities, you'll now want to make plans to pursue your interests boldly. |
Close relationships are a strong focus of the month, dear Virgo, as you’re inclined to develop a one-to-one connection more than you are to branch out and spread your energy around socially. The emphasis is on "us" rather than "me" for much of March. Not only do you seem to need the energies and support of others, they are more dependent on you as well. While it’s not a time to sweep matters under the rug, some care should be taken with all love matters this month, particularly those surrounding shared finances and intimacy due to Venus and Mercury retrograde cycles. It’s a good month for redesigning your budget, but it’s not strong for making big purchases. You could easily regret your purchases or relationship commitments later, so take the time to think about things before you leap forward. While Venus is retrograde virtually all month (from the 1st forward), Mars is supporting your sign, boosting your energy and motivation levels. Mars was fairly recently retrograde but is now picking up more speed. You can feel re-energized about or through a partner, friend, or associate. Enjoyable conversations and connections are in focus, and it can feel great to cooperate with someone or move ahead with something important to you. Relationships tend to benefit from a plan, activity, or special mission. Happiness goals are inspiring and motivating. Still, watch for the drama level to rise too high in your social life, particularly with Venus’ charm and people skills not working up to par. Your usually keen attention to detail is sometimes lacking this month, not due to inability but because of emotional orientation. Your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde from the 15th forward, and Venus, which rules your values, is retrograde from the top of the month. These things can skew your perceptions somewhat. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th is in your sign and can bring a sudden revelation. There can be some disappointment or exposure of a flaw in a project or relationship, but even if it’s annoying, you might end up tightening up a key area of your life to your benefit in response. It's a powerful time for connecting with your feelings that may have been brewing under the surface. It's often quite raw around an eclipse, and something is hidden from your view so that another area of your life can magnify, so take your time with your observations. Let things unfold. All inner planets are in relationship sectors in your solar chart this month, although some are in your intimacy sector, which can boost your relationship with yourself just as much as an intimate connection. Mind you, with Venus, the goddess of love, retrograde virtually all month, complications are likely. You may be rethinking your needs or those of a partner and dealing with debts from the past, too, since Venus spends most of March in your sector of shared resources. Take your time and don’t push matters. Go over your finances carefully, get counsel if needed, and avoid disputes over money. Fortunately, you’re likely to have some help. Recognizing the need for others is essential now, but avoid taking this point to dependency levels, especially given that people can be a little distant emotionally for the time being. Others may not always come through for you in the usual ways. Ideally, these things redirect you in helpful ways, and the edits you make now support you later. There can certainly be some tension or upheaval related to money, possessions, or intimacy, but while you can feel a little in the dark about your feelings on these matters, you are looking at things differently, which can ultimately be helpful. If you receive further information about a past relationship, this can be eye-opening and help with closure. Even if things get nowhere or seem to go backward, it’s a necessary process for illuminating where you stand and what you will take forward with you into the future. A bit of detachment can help you. From the 20th, you’re digging deeper and looking within yourself or to a significant other for sustenance. Intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision as you have recently redefined what you want and need from others, as well as what you expect from yourself. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th helps give the push to sort things out and start fresh. Financial new beginnings may be in store, and doors might open to you for following a passion. It can empower you to make lifestyle or psychological changes. You might take charge of your finances, particularly money shared with others or from sources other than your income. However, take your time to ease into these things naturally. |
March brings an introspective theme to your life, dear Libra, as there's an emphasis on your work and health sector and a retrograde of your ruling planet, Venus. It's not necessarily about lacking confidence but more about recognizing the need to look within for answers. Questioning your plans is likely and perhaps necessary. With Venus in your partnership sector and retrograde from the 1st onward, a close partner may be distant or hard to read this month, or there can be some struggle with defining your relationship needs or goals. Some disconnects in the love department are possible. These will begin to clear up in mid-April. For now, try not to push matters (or others). Give them and yourself some space as you process and digest things. Relationships can be tricky, especially if you focus too intensely on problem areas. Venus, still retrograde, will retreat into your work and health sector on the 27th. Mercury also retrogrades in the same sectors, beginning on the 15th, and misunderstandings are possible. Mentally prepare for delays. Mars picks up the pace in your career sector, firing up ambitions, and focusing on your work can be satisfying this month. You’re willing to put in the effort to reach your goals. Doing your best work and taking pride in it are a focus for you now. There can be outside recognition for those things you do above and beyond the call of duty, or you could allow the pride you feel for your efforts to motivate you further. After some months of reassessing your career or life path, motivation is returning to pursue your dreams and grab what you want from life. Do watch for a too-aggressive approach. You can reach great heights but could be missing the mark just a little on a social level. Venus is not helping you in the usual way, and you might want to watch for this. On the 14th, a Lunar Eclipse can prompt strong feelings, particularly about your need for downtime. It’s important to pay particular attention to your work and chores this month, but if you’re overdoing this and failing to take care of your need for mental or emotional refreshment, you’ll get a reminder around this time. Arriving at a balance between work and rest is a challenge, but it’s within reach, and it can be rewarding. As much as you’d like to spread your wings, there can be one obstacle after another this month. Try to be patient. There is an increasing focus on partnership and relationship matters this month, and personal needs or plans might frequently go to the back burner. From the 20th, the Sun transits your opposite sign, and you seek a more balanced state of being. There can be a stronger focus on companionship or partnerships. From the 22nd to the 24th, especially, you’re in a better position to understand your relationships. You might gain new insight into an old problem or reconnect with someone from your past. You might open your eyes to something now, as you’re now truly ready to see it. You benefit from the ability to see the dysfunctional elements of the past and new insight can nudge you along a different path. A partner can have much to contribute now, or you might make significant mental discoveries through a one-on-one conversation. Set intentions and goals that better reflect these redefined wants and needs, as well as your expectations of others. Energies are powerful for a fresh start or turning point after the Solar Eclipse on the 29th. This eclipse can bring new and exciting energy to your relationships, but progress may not be obvious until Mercury and Venus turn direct in April. This doesn't mean things are stagnating; in fact, much is going on under the surface of things. |
You gravitate to seeking more fun and enjoyment in your life in March, dear Scorpio. There can be a stronger focus on creative projects and leisure time, but work, routine, and health matters are strongly on your mind. Both your sectors of play and work are strong, with the latter increasing as the month advances. A partner may be a little distant or hard to reach this month. Venus is retrograde from the 1st forward, and as your partnership sector ruler, relating can be affected more than usual. Occurring in your work and health sector, there can be some slowdowns in projects or waiting games revolving around health or your job. These matters will clear up starting in mid-April and require you to be patient and understanding. Looking back to old jobs, projects, and even co-workers can be a tendency and may benefit you. Going over past errors or problems is likely, especially with work, chores, wellness, and, from the 27th forward, romance and entertainment. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th brings your obligations to friends or groups to light. You could be so wrapped up in your personal life that you now need to reach out to others and remind them that they matter to you. There can be some drama in your social life. You might also come to powerful realizations about long-term happiness goals. You need this background to make meaningful choices later, but consider that it’s best to sit with your feelings for a while to get to that point. In recent months, you may have been more focused on refining your approach to getting what you want than pursuing your desires. However, motivation is rebuilding, and you’re becoming more direct and active, primarily because you have a stronger sense of purpose. You’re in particularly good shape for pursuing intellectual interests and studies. However, with Venus retrograde concurrently, there can be tact and decorum missing sometimes, leading to problems that may not be resolved immediately. Mars is, quite fortunately, traveling in harmony with your sign, guiding you through the month more smoothly than most other zodiac signs. It’s a time to break out of a routine or a rut. Mini getaways can be a breath of fresh air now. New adventures and experiences can suddenly seem desirable after many months of keeping things on the down-low. Projects may stall or could need review. Some things may feel a little hollow to you now, prompting some re-examination. Even so, this review is necessary and can lead to some very happy improvements, eventually! If you can swing it, working independently or setting your own pace on the job may be preferable with the social climate, which is just a little chilly temporarily. Love relationships may not be exceptionally straightforward or warm, but your heart may need some time to sort things out anyway. Others find you charming, although they can also be hesitant. It's important to pace yourself in March. It's not the time to speed ahead with new endeavors. Pleasing energy connects communications and learning with creativity, and the urge to get something done is with you. You can feel a strong desire to produce but also a strong desire/need to pull back this month, and it’s best to keep things moderate. Although there can be some slowness to contend with, you are learning new things about old problems, particularly related to work, health, and relationships. The desire to be productive, useful, and helpful is powerful, and you might feel especially motivated to make changes or to pursue a new path that improves your life. This can be as simple as an attitude change in light of recent revelations. Seeing where you may have been chasing the wrong things in the past can be part of this. Resolutions to change these patterns could emerge now, and you have extra support from the cosmos in this respect. Brand new beginnings in the material world should probably wait, but that doesn’t mean you can’t begin anew on an emotional level, especially after the Solar Eclipse on the 29th. This eclipse is a final cosmic push that motivates you to care for unfinished business related to work and health matters. Decisions that you’ve let hang or otherwise put off can begin to feel pressing. If your routine is less than satisfactory, you need to look at where you can improve, and energy for makeovers is strong and building. |
You can be quite focused on your personal life this month, dear Sagittarius. You're motivated to improve your domestic or inner world. After some months of uncertainty, you’re more confident and direct about pursuing a special project. It can also be a fine time to investigate, research, or get a lead on a matter that once stumped you. Still, while Mars has finally turned direct, March brings both Venus and later Mercury into retrograde cycles. From the 1st forward and until mid-April, someone may be distant or in a phase of rethinking matters. These conditions are due to a Venus retrograde period that encourages a look back before charging ahead. Take this time to re-assess your goals on social, romantic, or creative levels. There is much to discover about the past that can benefit you now and in the future. While your emotional life is a little more complicated than usual, you’re also braver and more confident about dealing with the trickier areas. The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th can mark the culmination of a major work project or a scurry of activity on the job or in your public life as it happens at the top of your solar chart. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities in your professional life. A career matter or responsibility can loom, but this can also be a time to gain recognition for your hard work. The drive to improve your home life can also motivate you to work harder or pursue a promotion or better position. March is a month for spiritual healing, home and family, and creative expression. Pacing yourself is crucial. You may be struggling with a desire to take a few risks and the need to stick with safe bets, as both ends of the pole are compelling. Focus on fixing problems and redesigning or organizing rather than new projects. You’ll also attract an admirer or more, but keep in mind that with retrograde Venus, old flames have a way of reappearing, or that’s where you’re focused. Review the past, but also aim to put it behind you. With Mercury retrograde from the 15th forward, there may be some backtracking over old problems, conversations, and perhaps even contracts and negotiations. The Sun moves into your romance and creative expression sector on the 20th. You’re ready to enjoy yourself! It’s a smooth, supportive cycle that encourages a more self-expressive, free-spirited approach to your life. If you’ve been working too hard or overthinking, this is a time for finding ways to let go of stress and adding more playful or creative activities to your life. The last week of the month is strong for reorienting yourself in a new direction on an emotional level with slate-cleaning events in your sector of romance and creativity: the Sun aligns with retrograde Venus, then retrograde Mercury, and then the Moon in the sign of Aries! The Sun shines its light on your past, particularly relating to romantic relationships or opportunities gone by, and you can feel incredibly motivated to make things better going forward with a new set of expectations and redefined needs. The insight you gain now makes it so much easier to seek those pursuits, people, and things that truly fit your life going forward. Further, information, conversations, or connections you make now can be integral to redirecting you along a new and improved path. With Neptune moving into your joy sector on the 30th, you tend to follow what inspires you and gives you energy. This move is a positive one for your home life and living conditions, as you're heading out of a period of uncertainty on these fronts. It's a good idea to get in touch with your inner needs and desires before pushing ahead with brand-new initiatives. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th prompts you to express your feelings and do more creating, romancing, enjoying, and entertaining. There can be opening doors, new beginnings, or restarts along creative or romantic lines. You can be enthusiastic about making changes in these areas. For some, a new romance might emerge in the weeks ahead, although retrogrades can delay this or stir a focus on past matters in the interim. |
CapricornMarch 2025 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Capricorn: Information gathering is a strong theme in March, dear Capricorn. With much emphasis on communications, learning, and social and family interactions, it should be a busy, engaging month. Your attention has now turned more fully to learning, communicating, and networking. It’s an important month for stand-out ideas and insight. You are more communicative, involved, and sociable with Mars now back on track and picking up the pace in your partnership zone. The desire to express yourself and share your experiences with others is powerful. Still, if a love or home matter appears to stall this month, it may be time to slow down and process things. Venus retrogrades from the 1st forward, beginning in your home and family sector and later returning to your communications sector. You could be reassessing certain projects and pursuits, especially if something now feels somewhat hollow. Mercury follows a similar pattern, although its retrograde begins on the 15th. You could also find that you experience creative blocks or slowdowns in projects this month, which are likely to clear up mid-April. Taking a step back may be necessary as you reassess what you want and need. It's not the time to make long-term commitments. Take things one day at a time. Relationships with family or comfort in the home can sometimes be complicated. Reviving old domestic projects or returning to previous conditions may be beneficial this month. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be particularly useful to you now, especially if it’s a work in progress to which you are returning. What you find valuable and worth your while can be evolving now. Still, it’s a fine time to discover information that was previously hidden from your view. You might look at something from an entirely different perspective, particularly related to family relationships and career. For many months, Mars was moving sluggishly or backward but is now approaching its regular speed. You may be focusing less on technical challenges and more on the people in your life. Mind you, there can be times this month when you feel others are in the driver’s seat. However, consider that you may need a bit of a break from being in charge. As long as you trust a partner, you may benefit from enjoying the view. While Mars in your partnership sector can pull up some needed confrontations with others, with Venus retrograde concurrently, there can be tact and decorum missing, leading to problems that may not resolve for weeks. Be watchful of this tendency and protect what’s most precious to you. There are perhaps so many different things to do that you sometimes have difficulty concentrating. However, the need to overcome problem areas is powerful now, so take advantage. Different interests or channels for communicating can change your perspective. On the 14th, a Lunar Eclipse opens up desires to learn or experience new things, which can be a compelling discovery. This eclipse generates both emotional and mental energy, but focusing it all takes time. It might motivate you to fit more extracurricular activities into your life or expand your skills, knowledge, and reach. From the 20th forward, home and family are a strong focus - your increased pride in these things can prompt you to make subtle improvements. You seek more familiarity, safety, and comfort. Domestic matters assume more importance now and in the coming weeks. Slate-clearing astrological events occurring from the 22nd to the 29th help you gain insight and a new understanding of what you want and need, leading to a new beginning on an emotional level. Reconnecting ties with people you love may prove particularly satisfying now. The Solar Eclipse on the 29th motivates a fresh approach or changes with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that’s familiar is beneficial now, and events happening at this time remind you of their importance. This eclipse is the final one in a set that has had you striving towards a better work-life balance in the past couple of years. There can be new schedules and long-term projects coming into play in your life in the coming weeks and months. Changes that benefit both family and home life and your career are on the horizon.
You’re more focused on your lifestyle, finances, personal possessions, comfort levels, and personal interests in March, dear Aquarius. It’s an excellent period for reviewing expenses and making budgets. Building and developing projects, enjoying simple pleasures and comforts, and money matters are themes. There can be a chance to redo a special project or return to a project or study that once seemed to be a lost cause. It’s a good month for looking to the past for inspiration and insight into what may work for you in the future, particularly regarding learning and mental interests. Second chances are gifts in March! Still, we can't pretend there aren't some frustrating slowdowns. With Mars picking up speed and rather freshly direct in your solar sixth house, especially as it harmonizes with the Sun in your resources sector, you can be engaged with working and building. You’re enterprising and resourceful, and you can feel a stronger desire to improve your life. It wasn’t very long ago that Mars was retrograde in your work and health sector, but its current motion refuels your motivation to get things done. You feel more accomplished and proud of yourself for taking charge; as confidence builds, things come together nicely. This transit fires you up to take care of your daily affairs, handle chores and routines, and charge through your work like a boss. It can help you clear your head if feelings are up and down. Pacing yourself is vital in other life departments, however. Indeed, there can be some tensions with interpersonal matters, particularly with Venus retrograde from the 1st forward and less apparent charm, warmth, and diplomacy. Mercury turns retrograde on the 15th, too, and communications can sometimes be off or get lost in the shuffle. However, if you can rally the necessary cooperation, you can achieve much this month and next. While you could feel a pinch or there can be some need to reassess money matters, you’re ready to take charge. You have extra energy to pour into your work and pursue health and wellness. Your pride in your work and talents is intense, and you may be looking to use your assets more to your advantage. Responsibilities to others, particularly financially, become hard to ignore around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th. Seeing flaws or facing criticism may be catalysts for changing dependencies and support systems. You may want to wait before launching your more important business or financial plans until after mid-April. However, pay particular attention to the ideas coming to you throughout March, and do your research. This eclipse brings buried or long-brewing situations to the surface. While resolutions may not come yet, events and realizations can get the ball rolling. You tend to attract things and people to you rather than aggressively pursue your goals. Some miscommunications are likely to happen this month, with Mercury retrograde from the 15th. Double-check documents, applications, and financial transactions. You can be preoccupied with people and situations from the past, and while this shouldn’t be overdone, it can be valuable. Some of your interests are waning, but it’s better to treat this as a break or pause rather than an ending. Relationships may not be exceptionally straightforward, or fellow students or acquaintances may not be overtly helpful for now, but working independently often suits you just fine this month. The Sun heads into your communications sector on the 20th, and it’s a time of increased curiosity, learning, and mental activity in your life. Mercury's retrograde is already complicating some communications. The impetus is to reach out and communicate more than usual, but there can be obstacles in your way. Even so, this cycle encourages you to explore different ideas, learn new things, or develop current studies and interests. You could see past relationships, projects, and expectations in a different light, which can lead to redefining what you now want and need from your connections and your studies. You can feel as if you’re starting fresh through the insights and plans emerging from the 22nd to the 29th. It’s a strong time to put negative attitudes behind you and to go forward pursuing your true heart’s desires. Perhaps you now recognize a line of study, personal interest, or another “calling” that’s a better fit for you. A Solar Eclipse on the 29th might push a decision to begin a new course of study or end a particular pursuit or project to clear the path for a new one. New or different ways to approach learning, sharing, commuting, and connecting can come into play. Still, take your time with anything brand new. On the 30th, Neptune moves out of your finance sector and into your communication zone. While it's not completely done with your sector of resources, you are heading toward a clearer, more enlightened period for your relationship with your money and things. |
March is a promising month for personal plans and enjoyment, dear Pisces. You’re likely to feel particularly motivated and have the room to fit in some special pursuits quite comfortably. You benefit from the Sun in your sign and Mars, having ended its retrograde recently (in February), in a supportive position to you all month. While Mars was sluggish for several months, it’s picking up speed now–so can your projects and confidence! You feel braver as life tends to speed up, and you worry less about your next move. You may have more faith in a love relationship, a pet project, or your affections. Independence and spontaneity are more important to you. Still, March is complicated by two eclipses and both Venus and Mercury turning retrograde. It's a time for reassessing your finances, dependencies, or emotional needs in a relationship. It’s not an ideal period for significant purchases or new commitments with Venus retrograde from the 1st onward. If you do make a big outlay, you could regret it next month. It’s better to hold on to your money now if you can. This retrograde cycle begins in your finances sector then will move back into your sign on the 27th. It will last until April 12th. As such, you could reconsider recent ventures or play a waiting game with money (and perhaps also love or intimacy). Money and possessions are tricky areas this month, and so are matters of ownership and dependency. You may feel a little too dependent on others now, particularly if you’re waiting on a big payment or if you’re experiencing a slowdown in business, which can stir the pot. Avoid an abrupt, impatient, or defensive manner for best results. These are things that most commonly trip people up during retrograde Venus cycles. Problems with purchases made–or changes of mind regarding spending–are very likely. You might think twice about making significant investments or purchases, particularly of comfort or luxury items. While Venus is looking back, Mars is picking up speed and in harmony with your sign, energizing your creative endeavors, hobbies, or romance. This transit helps keep things moving fairly well, especially considering the retrograde of Venus from the 1st and Mercury from the 15th. This can be an optimistic period--you’re ardent in pursuing what you want. Your responsibilities to a special someone are hard to ignore around the Lunar Eclipse on the 14th. Personal epiphanies and revelations about relationships are likely. This is an important year for exploring matters related to independence and partnering, and events or feelings experienced now play an important role in this process. Mercury’s retrograde from the 15th forward suggests the need to take things a step at a time. While Mercury is retrograding in your sign from the 29th forward, even more patience is necessary! Take care of unfinished business for the best results. Some personal plans may stall, and decisions may not be easy, but you’ll do well if you give yourself the room and space to reach conclusions. March is a time for reassessing your finances, dependencies, or independence needs. It’s not an ideal period for new commitments. If you do make a significant outlay, you might later regret it or return it. However, you see money matters from a new and helpful perspective and motivation to turn over a new leaf regarding finances and relationship expectations can be strong after the Solar Eclipse on the 29th. Turn your attention to things you already have and think about how you can rework or recycle them for the best results. This is a good time for finding the motivation and determination to complete a project, particularly business-related, that you’ve put on a shelf. However, it's not yet time for hard and fast decisions. You may be hesitant to dig down too deeply or open up about personal matters with others this month. People can’t seem to touch deeper matters with you. New information about an old problem can emerge, or you may talk or think yourself to the point of a whole new perspective on business, money matters, or relationships. You might get a second chance or look at a project, purchase, or relationship. Some might find a lost item of value around the 22nd to the 24th. The insight gained now helps you begin anew and clears the slate for newly defined goals. You might find it easier than usual to let go of personal possessions or other attachments that are cluttering your life, both literally and figuratively speaking. The Sun leaves your sign and enters your resources sector on the 20th, turning your focus more squarely on your practical affairs, money matters, and building or developing your projects and resources. A slow and steady approach is appropriate. While the Solar Eclipse on the 29th is the final one in a set occurring in your sharing axis, it's also a new beginning. You're getting a final nudge toward reorganizing your relationship with money and things to your benefit. On the 30th, your modern planetary ruler, Neptune, moves out of your sign and into your resources sector. While this is a huge shift, Neptune's not yet truly finished in your sign (the permanent moving-on phase will happen in 2026). For now, you benefit from more clarity regarding your personal identity. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
March 2025 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- March 2025 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- April 2025 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- May 2025 Ephemeris
- June 2025 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- July 2025 Ephemeris (with additional points)
- August 2025 Ephemeris (with additional points)
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Pisces Chart: February 27th, 2025
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Chart: March 14th, 2025
- New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries: March 29th, 2025 (Additional Points)
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: March 2025
- Time Line Aspects: April 2025
- Time Line Aspects: May 2025
- Time Line Aspects: June 2025
- Time Line Aspects: July 2025
- Time Line Aspects: August 2025
- Time Line Aspects: September 2025
- Time Line Aspects: October 2025
- Time Line Aspects: November 2025

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2025 – Overview
The Astrology of 2026 – Overview