This Month in Astrology – January 2023
January 2023
On this Page:
This Month’s Highlights
Inner Planets
Horoscopes for the Month
Void of Course Dates this Month
On December 23rd, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Capricorn, stirring a new beginning. This energy sticks with us into January, and we recognize that having some boundaries and rules in place frees us up to enjoy ourselves as we meet our responsibilities. This lunation offers us the opportunity to set practical, attainable goals and work on developing maturity, self-discipline, and common sense. We’re prompted to consider and prepare for the future.
On January 6th, a Full Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer. This lunation can bring a sudden need/desire to connect with our families or our own hearts. Something is exposed or illuminated, prompting us to get in touch with those things in our personal lives that we may have been neglecting or putting off.
On January 12th, Mars turns direct after retrograde motion since October 30th, 2022. Slowly but surely, confidence in our ability to assert ourselves and to effect change increases. We begin to rebuild our enthusiasm, projects that have stalled move forward, and we feel more confident and assertive. Mars will leave its post-retrograde shadow on March 15th, 2023.
On the 18th, Mercury turns direct after retrograde motion since December 29th. Information unclogs and delays lift. While Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn until the 18th, we may have little tolerance for small talk and tend to express ourselves after much deliberation. Plans may be considered then reconsidered. We are in a good position to reevaluate professional or life path plans and goals. It’s also a fine time to explore what ambition or our reputation means to us. From the 18th, information unclogs slowly but surely. Mercury begins retracing its steps, now in direct motion, and its shadow ends on February 7th.
On January 21st, the New Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius, stirring a new beginning. It prompts us to make a clean break or a “fresh start.” We awaken our minds to a need for a vision, socializing and brainstorming, expressing feelings of friendship, and developing more objectivity in our lives.
We’re determined to start fresh. In the sign of Aquarius, friendship, brotherhood, group activities, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, humanitarian efforts, or joining a group will be a strong focus. New beginnings regarding any or all of these matters are possible now.
Uranus turns direct on January 22nd after approximately five months of retrograde motion. As Uranus gains speed in the coming weeks, our urge to express ourselves uniquely, to take some chances or risks, to rebel, to listen to our own instincts, and to stir up change are re-awakened. We begin to see clearly that we can make changes — that we are not always victims of changes thrust upon us.
Date | Time (ET) | Event | Position |
Jan 2 | 9:09 PM | Venus enters Aquarius | Ven 00 Aq 00' |
Jan 6 | 2:57 AM | Saturn semi-sextile Neptune | Sat 22 Aqu 58' semi-sextile Nep 22 Pis 58' |
Jan 6 | 6:08 PM | Full Moon in Cancer | 16 Can 22' |
Jan 12 | 3:56 PM | Mars Direct | Mar 8 Gem 08'D |
Jan 13 | 1:31 AM | Juno enters Aries | Jun 00 Ari 00' |
Jan 14 | 9:10 PM | Last Quarter Moon | 24 Lib 38' |
Jan 18 | 8:12 AM | Mercury Direct | Mer 8 Cap 08'D |
Jan 20 | 3:29 AM | Sun enters Aquarius | Sun 00 Aqu 00' |
Jan 21 | 3:53 PM | New Moon in Aquarius | 1 Aqu 33' |
Jan 22 | 5:58 PM | Uranus Direct | Ura 14 Tau 57'D |
Jan 26 | 9:33 PM | Venus enters Pisces | Ven 00 Pis 00' |
Jan 28 | 10:19 AM | First Quarter Moon | 8 Tau 26' |
(See the the full table for 2023)
See also: This Week in Astrology week to week for more detail.
This Month’s Overview Horoscopes
The following horoscopes outline how the above astrological influences might affect each individual sign.
Overview horoscopes fill in here as I write them, ideally during the week before the month begins. It is not unusual to see some signs temporarily missing as I write the twelve of them over the course of a few days, starting with the featured sign of the month (birthday month).
Responsibilities to the outside world are in the foreground this month, dear Aries. While you can be pretty goal-oriented and interested in performance, there are also lovely opportunities to socialize, mingle, and enjoy yourself in January. Certainly, you are in good shape in terms of popularity in your professional dealings, but as the month advances, it’s more about friendships, networks, and group settings. Until the 18th, there can be some rethinking, redoing, and backtracking on projects, and while sometimes frustrating, it’s essential work that helps you make the necessary edits. From the 12th, your planetary ruler turns direct, and your confidence builds. It's a turning point for your energy and desires. It's also a time to put behind you any challenges with self-expression, pushing/selling your ideas, or with neighbors and siblings. From the 12th, you're more actively fixing problem areas. January is strong for enjoying connecting and nurturing long-term dreams and aspirations. You feel less pressured to perform and produce and more accepted and supported by others. Around the 6-7, you may gain new insight into your life path, direction, or career. This is a time for seeing recent decisions, projects, and events in a new light, and having a stronger sense of what you want from life moving forward. Pay particular attention to conversations or information coming in related to long-term goals, work, and responsibilities. While this is not yet the time for making sweeping decisions along these lines, it’s an important time for gaining a better understanding of your goals and for redefining your expectations to match them. Still, the Full Moon on the 6th brings your attention back to your domestic world. Finding a more satisfying balance between your inner and outer life can be a focus now. Mercury turns direct on the 18th, ending a cycle that involved looking to the past, making refinements and edits to projects, and rethinking problems from a different perspective. With the changeover, there can be some chaos revolving around communications that are misunderstood, lost, overwhelming, or overlooked. Otherwise, there is a satisfying feeling that you’re putting problems behind you. Blockages are lifting! Recent transportation and communication problems are sorting out as January progresses. Take things slowly but surely, and if you find yourself regretting recent decisions, work on fixing them one step at a time. On the 20-22, the Sun moves into your social sector, a New Moon occurs there, and then Uranus, its ruler, turns direct. These events bring great punch to friendships, networking, happiness goals, dreams, and hopes. It's a powerful time for collaboration. You’re capable of tremendous effort to further your personal objectives. Later in January, you remain busy, but in a far more straightforward way - in other words, you can make measurable progress instead of focusing mainly on fixing problems before moving ahead. Daily affairs become more manageable. Your original ideas can capture the attention of higher-ups. Happily, energy and motivation levels return for learning or other personal interests and hobbies. |
You can be particularly inspired by ideas exchanged this month, dear Taurus, and enjoy a change of pace. Venturing forth on unfamiliar ground, whether mentally or physically, can bring up opportunities and benefits. Helping others or learning new things can be especially pleasurable. Venus helps boost and preserve your reputation. Nevertheless, there can be some complications with your plans until the 18th, and double-checking your schedule and communications may be in order. Key planets are ending their retrograde phases in January: Mars on the 12th, Mercury on the 18th, and Uranus (in your sign) on the 22nd. While the process is slow, it's steady, and you're coming back into your own and feeling more confident. Delays are lifting, information comes through, and desires become clearer. Educational or publishing matters thrive as plans come together. You can expect more straightforward communications from the 18th and a stronger understanding of your talents, assets, and money situation from the 12th. Until then, there can be a fair amount of indecision and a state of limbo at times. Changes, backtracking, and obstacles tend to redirect you on a more appropriate path — it's mostly a matter of staying flexible. As January progresses, you're naturally drawing success and resources your way. You see more progress with finances and money-making endeavors, and you're getting a better handle on your priorities. From the 20-22, the Sun heads to the top of your solar chart, a New Moon occurs up there, and Uranus, the ruler of this area of your chart, turns direct! These things bring a rush of energy to your career, responsibilities, reputation, and life path goals. They usher in a stronger focus on long-term goals and performance. You are getting a solid sense of what you genuinely value on practical and professional levels. Focus on the unique elements that you bring to your work, and watch as you attract the right resources and people to you as you do. Enthusiasm is on an upward swing. Aim to be on the lookout for old projects that may have relevance to you now. You are more inclined to see opportunities you've overlooked in the past. There can be a turnaround in financial and business-related areas late month. While you likely benefited from some slowing down earlier in January, you're now more forward-looking, direct, and spontaneous. Finances, family and home matters, and personal development are high on your list and are in good shape now. There can be a re-energized feeling with business and financial matters. Aim to share your spirit for advancement and excitement about the future for the best results now. |
You're focusing on making inner changes and connecting with your deeper feelings this month, dear Gemini. Special subjects and projects readily absorb your attention, and you're quick to throw yourself into things you love. A desire to change, evolve, and improve is strong. You recognize the need to take better care of yourself and your resources in January. Emotionally, this is a time to take charge and work on changing your life from the inside out. You're more inclined to focus your energy on one or two important projects. You're in good shape for getting into better touch with your inner power and recognizing or building upon support from others. January begins with a strong need for inner change, transformation, and self-mastery. Your focus turns outward later in the month, but the inner work you do is powerful. Slowly but surely, you feel that things are moving forward. Some key planets end their retrogrades, including Mars, currently transiting your sign, and your ruler, Mercury. Until then, it may be better to wait on making big decisions (both financial and emotional). Certainly, there can be a real focus on the past and some roadblocks to clear. Settling matters from the past can be in order. A new perspective on money matters or a close relationship can steer you on an improved course. Perhaps you're seeing that you've been dwelling too much on a past relationship or problem and this has been unnecessarily weighing you down. You are now feeling the need to move past it and move on. The Mars retrograde in Gemini has been crucial for getting in touch with your genuine needs and wants, which have been a subject of review with the Mars retrograde since late October. You may have felt anxious to get going but held back. From the 12th, energy and motivation levels increase. There may be a good turn on a financial or business level. People are backing you up, and this feels good. From the 18th, you'll enjoy even more clarity as well as forward movement related to your relationships, work, health, partnerships, finances, intimate connections, and negotiations. Results or news come in, making it easier to make informed decisions. Solving problems and absorbing research keep you happily occupied this month, but you're more often coming out of your shell and enjoying diverse interests and connections as January advances. Especially from the 20th, you seek more activity, variety, or adventure. It's an excellent time to teach, guide, and learn or share ideas and bond with others as you do. You're in high demand for your insight and perspective. The last week of the month is solid for clarity and motivation. Your confidence skyrockets and your desire for action is also growing. You're clearer about what you desire! The rewards for your efforts are also more evident and motivating. |
January features a strong focus on relationships and connections, dear Cancer, and quality projects and activities. Relationships and negotiations are in focus–you’re working on making your connections work. Even with some backtracking, you’re sorting things out and bringing more balance to your life. The Full Moon on the 6th brings powerful energy for coming into touch with buried feelings, needs, and desires. Mercury is retrograde to the 18th and Mars to the 12th, and it’s a time for developing strategies and making adjustments rather than pushing ahead with all-new endeavors. Personal energy levels remain on the low side this month, but your outlook improves as the month advances. It’s easier to turn to others, if needed, as they tend to be there for you. From the 12th forward, once Mars has turned direct, you are less inclined to hold onto resentments, and while further inner work is necessary, it’s clearer what exactly that is now! Mars will stay in the background of your solar chart, directing your attention behind the scenes for a while longer, and it makes sense to reorient yourself. Mars will enter Cancer on March 25th, when you're more likely to push your plans ahead. Venus is in your intimacy sector from the 2-26, and the Sun heads into this area of your chart on the 20th. From the 20-22, your intimacy house enlivens, in fact. Your focus on the hidden, deeper elements of your life strengthens. It’s a good time to look within for answers. Growing a special relationship can figure strongly. In the last few days of January, you're ready to take charge of an emotional matter that may have been long overdue. If there was procrastination or a feeling that you were “on the fence” earlier in the month, you’re now clearer about how to move forward. Circumstances may be such that you consider letting go of a bad habit. Mind you, Mars is still transiting your privacy sector, and this suggests you’re in a hatching phase for projects and plans. You don’t have to be stagnant during this cycle, and you’ll see proof of your desire to get things done now. Being bold in your emotional life can pay off. |
January brings an emphasis on health, work, and routine, dear Leo, and a focus on close relationships or collaboration. It's a time to get a handle on the "little things" that make your life run more smoothly. You can be dealing with errors made in the past or delays, and you might be waiting on information, but your edits and efforts can help you in the future. The Full Moon on the 6th reminds you to also focus on healing and reflecting so you can bring your renewed self back to your work and self-care programs. You want to be useful and productive. This month's strong themes are getting organized, improving health, increasing efficiency, and harmonizing with others. With Mercury retrograde until the 18th, you can be in limbo or feel like you're falling behind. From the 18th forward, it's easier to handle your work, chores, job, and routines directly and confidently. Mars turns direct on the 12th, and motivation levels improve as you clearly see your desires. Aim to take these slowdowns in stride, and while backtracking isn't always fun, you can make substantial changes and refinements that will ultimately benefit you greatly. While Mars has been retrograde, there could have been some frustration with goals or dreams not manifesting soon enough. Ideally, you go back over old ground, this time with new eyes. Studies and plans move forward from the 12th. Friendships might straighten out, and emotional complications sort out, too. You're learning who is in your corner, and your desires and affections clarify. As with most matters this month, it's best not to expect immediate results. Have faith that, slowly but surely, you'll get where you want to go. A more social theme and a focus on close relationships, and especially partnerships, builds as January advances. You have Venus in your partnership sector from the 2-26, blessing one-to-one connections. With this transit, you seek harmony and agreement. It's a good time to bring more balance to your life, make peace with people, express your interest and affection, and go to greater lengths to understand others. Then, the 20-22 ramps things up: the Sun enters this sector, a New Moon occurs there the next day, and then Uranus, the ruler of your partnership house, turns direct. All signs point to moving forward with others. New beginnings, clarity, and improvement are in focus. Technological projects benefit from improvements in the last week of January. If you can find a way to have fun and make money, teach and learn at the same time, or similar, you should embrace the opportunity. Collaborations with others can be magical now. Your mood is optimistic, helping you bring projects to completion and connect more confidently with others. There's good news for your motivation levels, and re-energizing energy is with you through a partner, friend, or associate. |
There is a strong focus on your social and romantic life, creative endeavors, friendships, hobbies, and the need for more satisfying outlets for expressing yourself in January, dear Virgo. You find new or renewed ways to express your playful side or to release tension in pleasurable ways. While there is a strong focus on romance, children, or creative projects, by the Full Moon on the 6th, responsibilities to friends or groups you may have been neglecting will make themselves known. Finding a balance by dividing your time more evenly is important now. It's a strong time for new thinking along romantic and/or creative lines, especially around the 6-7. There could be a reconnection with an old friend that gets you thinking or seeing a past relationship in a new way. You're reconsidering previous conclusions about your needs for romance and pleasure. It can also be a time for bringing back old hobbies and pastimes. It's a playful period when you're discovering your needs for pleasure, entertainment, and positive feedback. You're putting your unique personal stamp on whatever you're doing--a wonderful process of self-discovery. However, there are times when you can feel in limbo or falling behind until the 18th while you wait for news or need to do some backtracking. Fortunately, the editing work you do now can pave the way for happy successes later. Mars ends its retrograde cycle on the 12th, and there can be a pleasant turnaround of confidence with your goals, business, career, debts, support, and practical affairs. Where you're heading becomes clearer. Perhaps more importantly, you know what you want. Motivation levels may have dipped recently, but now, you're more inspired. Another retrograde ends, this time your planetary ruler, on the 18th. Recent complications both in your professional and personal lives are likely to decrease. Career matters pick up the pace, and getting straight answers becomes easier. While responsibilities and work continue to keep you on your toes, there is a stronger focus on moving forward now and less on straightening out problems. Love relationships are far less complicated, and self-expression is more fluid. Venus spends the 2-26 in your sector of work, routine, and habits. Later, from the 20-22, this area of your solar chart gets even more attention: the Sun heads into it, a New Moon occurs there, and its ruler, Uranus, turns direct. There's a pleasant focus on taking better care of your daily affairs and health. You more readily apply yourself with purpose and intent in later January. You're proud of your efforts, motivating you further. Goals seem within reach. After weeks of reassessing your career or life path, motivation is returning to pursue your dreams. You have the desire to take decisive action and the confidence to forge ahead. |
January brings a stronger focus on home and family life, dear Libra. Your instincts to rest up and improve your sense of security and safety shouldn't be ignored. You're likely to pay special attention to personal matters and domestic affairs, but your penchant for entertainment, romance, and creative self-expression is also strong. You end the month far more interactive than you begin it with the Sun's move into your sector of joy and key planets no longer retrograde. With Mercury retrograde to the 18th and Mars retrograde until the 12th, there can be minor problems and delays to manage, which can undoubtedly slow you down. Remember that the backtracking you need to do now can strengthen plans. The Full Moon on the 6th reminds you to find a balance between attention to home and family life and focus on professional or "outside" responsibilities. Easing up on the pressure you put on yourself to shine in both areas can help. In recent weeks, waning energy or enthusiasm levels may have redirected your energy into different channels. You may have rediscovered old studies, interests, and passions that spark a new interest. From the 12th, you're more confident about what you want. You don't need to put as much effort into getting others to understand, see, and support you and your ideas. There can be an epiphany experienced surrounding home and career. There can be a turning point or forward movement for studies, projects, publishing efforts, legal affairs, or a partnership. Courage, confidence, and clarity are returning now! Projects and personal interests can bring greater rewards. Don't try to take on too much all at once, however. Easing forward is best after a retrograde period. This comes at a time when your social or romantic life is picking up pace, and you're naturally coming out of an introspective period. The 20-22 brings a boost of energy, enlivening you in ways that carry through to the end of January. You're expressing your individuality, unique personality, and ideas in powerful and attractive ways. Creative projects or pastimes help you release stress and tension. You're ready to share yourself, your feelings, and your ideas with others. In the last week of January, you might go to greater lengths or take extra steps to reach out and help others. You are spirited and self-expressive. While you may have been more focused on refining your approach to getting what you want in life than actually pursuing your desires recently, you are becoming more direct and active. It's a great time for pursuing intellectual interests and studies and skill-building efforts. Your love life is more vital and interesting. |
January can be busy for connecting, learning, and communicating, dear Scorpio. It's a time to diversify and follow your curiosity. You might often find yourself immersed in day-to-day affairs. There can be many and varied things to do this month. The Full Moon on the 6th can stir cravings for bigger things or some distance from the mundane affairs of your life, and you'll be seeking some escapes. You'll likely gain new insight into your current interests, projects, and communications around the 6-7. You might rediscover an old interest or conclude that something you've been pursuing is no longer up your alley. This can be the beginning of new thinking on learning pursuits and projects. Ideas now can spark a long-term venture. Mercury is retrograde until the 18th, which complicates things. Delays or misunderstandings can be notable. Further, what you genuinely want to do may be up in the air until Mars ends its retrograde on the 12th. In some ways, the cosmos are asking you to slow down and curb recent excesses so you can get yourself back on track. This way, you can more easily see areas that have been tripping you up, false paths, or where your heart truly wasn't invested. Whether this is about taking on too much or avoiding responsibilities, you'll get a better sense of your next steps. While Mars was retrograde in recent months, you may have explored frustrations and deeply buried matters. Ideally, you've found better tools for managing your life on an emotional level. Retrogrades are about taking a second look at things, and this can be an opportunity or a blessing in disguise. From the 12th, you're clearer about what you want and don't feel quite so tortured by (or tied to) your past! From the 18th forward, there's more clarity with your projects and communications. You can put some editing work behind you, or word comes that moves things ahead. The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, a New Moon occurs in this area of your chart the next day, and this sector's ruler turns direct on the 22nd. All signs point to a fresh start in your personal life! It's a great time to rest, recover, and find your center. Making improvements in your domestic world can be satisfying. Close relationships get a nice boost. You're getting a handle on problems related to emotional attachments, dependencies, sexuality, or financial support. There are solutions, outlets, or even breakthroughs occurring now that suggest steady forward motion. You have an increased need to be around family or familiar situations. Work on or around the home can be especially productive in the last week of the month. Things flow naturally, and minimal interference makes it easier to take action and make effective decisions. You're more aware of your need to feel secure, and taking steps toward your security goals seems natural now. Perhaps even more notable is your motivation to pursue a particular project or relationship after weeks of uncertainty. |
You want to establish yourself and build and develop projects this month, dear Sagittarius. Later January brings circumstances that motivate you to reach out, connect, learn, and share. Until then, you're connecting with your ambition regarding business affairs, material concerns, and finances. You may have to rework a money-making idea or your budget, but the improvements made now will take you further in the long run. Fortunately, your astrology encourages a take-it-easy approach this month, and it’s well-timed– you’ll find it more natural than most other signs to slow things down. Money owed can be a focus around the Full Moon on the 6th. An epiphany about your feelings or final word on a financial matter can emerge. Dealings with others haven't been straightforward with Mars retrograde in your partnership sector since late October. Support for your personal endeavors hasn't been at its peak, but from the 12th forward, relationship dynamics smooth over, and your confidence improves. You feel that you can truly begin to move forward. More clarity comes to your love life, and relationships regain momentum. There can be nice developments on romantic and creative levels later in January. From the 18th, you’re more decisive as new or previously delayed information emerges and blocks on your projects or endeavors lift. Recent indecision is likely to clear up, and contemplation pays off. Gradually, you’ll make more informed choices as new information comes in. For the most part, knowing and attracting what you want comes naturally. People seek out your company and desire you more than usual. Venus is in your communications sector from the 2-26, and the Sun heads into the same area of your solar chart on the 20th. These transits encourage you to make connections, branch out, and reach out. Love and communications tie in strongly with one another, emphasizing communicating with friends and lovers, connecting with people with similar intellectual interests, or finding love through telecommunications or learning environments. You're expressing yourself with more charm. Mars turning direct in your relationship sector also improves your confidence in a relationship or with others, in general. Good energy is with you for expanding your personal horizons through creative endeavors or romantic relationships now. Especially in the last week of January, you're regaining motivation and spirit. You’re likely to feel a stronger sense of renewal. Working or taking action with someone can be satisfying and productive. You’re ready to act on a plan or idea and prepared to take on a challenge. You’re likely to feel refreshed and a little braver or interested in seeing results as you close out the month. Connecting can bring unexpected opportunities. |
January can be a month of meaningful changes on both internal and external levels, dear Capricorn. You begin the year with Mercury retrograde in your sign, but the month also brings several direct turns--Mars on the 12th, Mercury on the 18th, and Uranus on the 22nd. As such, you can begin the month looking back, but as January progresses, delays lift and information unclogs. That said, with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn to the 18th and Mars retrograde until the 12th, take your time with big decisions and feel things out. Avoid pushing matters–most decisions don't need finalizing just yet. Work and partnership can be a little more complicated this month, and it's important to reflect on recent projects. The Full Moon in your opposing sign on the 6th brings you into better touch with your feelings, but what to do with them may not yet be clear. Don't put pressure on yourself – let things unfold. You may feel very close to a project or decision only to discover a roadblock, delay, or merely a sense that you're not quite ready for it all to come together. It's your birthday season, which is often a time for grabbing opportunities. This year, you may start slowly, but the month is a time of building ambitions. It's a slower month than usual, but definitely not a loss. In fact, you can get a whole lot accomplished now. Delays with personal plans may be part of your month, but things should be moving more smoothly after the 18th when Mercury in your sign ends its retrograde. By that time, Mars will have also ended its retrograde. With Mars turning direct on the 12th after more than two months of retrograde motion, you begin to see rewards for work and health efforts. Work complications tend to iron out as you move forward. You may feel inspired to work a little harder for the things you love or focus more on health and wellness pursuits with added confidence and motivation. While it's an essential time for pursuing your personal goals, expressing yourself independently, and taking care of your needs, there's a sub-theme gaining traction: the focus is on your money and talents with Venus in your solar second house from the 2-26 and the Sun joining in on the 20th. From the 20th, you can be considerably more content or patient. Problem-solving and new ideas regarding work, money, and health matters can figure strongly in the last week of the month. You're expressing yourself with the kind of ease that attracts new opportunities your way. The drive and desire to get things done ramps up in the month's final days, making you more efficient than usual. An opportunity emerges to combine enterprise and prudence--your specialty! |
You can feel especially in charge of your emotional life, including family and home matters, dear Aquarius. You may also get the chance to showcase your creativity, and studies can be particularly rewarding in January. At the same time, you have a greater need for rest, relaxation, and some level of withdrawal from demanding situations until the 20th. Certainly, the month builds in momentum as it advances. You're turning over a new leaf after the 20-22–the ball is in your court. For one, the Sun enters your sign, and for another, a New Moon occurs early in your sign. Then, your planetary ruler, Uranus, turns direct. It can be a time of personal reinvention if you need a refreshing change. People see you a little differently, so aim to work this in your favor as much as possible. By this time, Mercury and Mars will have turned direct, and you begin a power period for pleasure, personal magnetism, and self-confidence. The first few weeks of the month could involve some rethinking of your plans. It's a time of gathering your resources for the weeks ahead. As much as possible, avoid pushing things. You're often inclined to reflect on recent experiences and absorb their lessons. Looking to the past for insight into the problems of the present is, in fact, very valuable. Still, the Full Moon on the 6th keeps you on the ball with work and health goals--you'll be setting aside time for these things. It's a great time to process recent events and find ways to put dysfunctional matters behind you. As you do, you free up emotional space for inviting new energy into your life. Forward movement with plans or news you're waiting for can arrive after the 12th, when Mars turns direct. This change of direction brings an end to delays and lack of clarity with studies, romance, creative pursuits, and communications. Mercury does remain retrograde until the 18th, but you're gathering motivation and the clarity that comes from knowing what you want. You feel stronger from the inside out, ready to tackle a problem or take on a challenge as the month advances. Venus is in your sign from the 2-26, and others see you as especially desirable and likable, and perhaps more importantly, you treat yourself more gently! Ideally, you've discovered areas where your approach or methods can improve, and now you're ready to make changes. It's a time of gaining confidence about a love relationship or your own feelings. Life tends to speed up, and you worry less about your next move in late January. You may be making some waves, but all in the name of progress! |
January brings a continued focus on friends, group activities, collaboration, networking, or long-term projects, dear Pisces. It also introduces a new theme of rest, recuperation, and special attention to inner guidance. You do need to pay particular attention to managing your time effectively, however, with Mercury retrograde until the 18th and Mars until the 12th. Delays and backtracking can be part of the picture. Aim to take a break from too much action, pressure, and decision-making and focus on your happiness goals. You’ll have plenty of time to rework your plans to your liking later, so do what you can to avoid stressing over details. Consider that when Mercury stations---around the 16-18--misunderstandings can magnify involving a friend, dream, or a plan, confusing all involved. After this time, you’ll likely be clearer about your goals, friendships, and alliances. Significant ideas or conversations give you new insight into recent events, decisions, or problems around the 6-7, mainly related to friends and relationships or a plan or dream. The insight you gain now may be a little new or raw but it can help pave the road to new beginnings and attitudes. A conversation with someone from your past or feedback can help you get in touch with your relationship needs. The Full Moon on the 6th can bring a nice opportunity to follow your heart or finalize a creative project. Mars turning direct on the 12th brings forward movement to money, gifts, bonuses, family, domestic matters, and personal talents. Ideally, delays in these areas in recent weeks lead to rerouting that helps you understand your situation and desires more clearly. From the 12th, you have more emotional fuel for enjoying and pursuing your interests. While your personal life remains busy, it’s a straightforward kind of “busy” that you can handle. When problems exist, dealing with them is far easier when you know exactly what they are. Even further, a feeling of being in limbo or on the fence about matters lifts after the 19th. Information comes in that helps clarify things and move life forward. The last week of January brings a more substantial need to withdraw, heal, and catch your breath. It's a period for wrapping up your solar year and making the most of solitude, reflection, and private time. Still, you are well-positioned to both change and stabilize critical areas of your life, particularly emotions, debts, relationships, living conditions, and family. There can be excellent support at home or with family now. It's a great time to sort out your living arrangements and money situation. Home repairs, moves, or other domestic developments can figure strongly. Desires are more explicit, and you feel confident about new launches and new beginnings. |
Detailed Monthly Horoscopes are here.
January 2023 Aspects TimeLine:
See also: This Week in Astrology for more detail.
See also: Table of Planetary Transits, Sign Changes, New/Full Moons, and Retrogrades for the Month
This Month’s Ephemeris:
This Month’s Ephemeris with extra points and abbreviations rather than glyphs:
Ephemerides with additional points are for Eastern Time. The North Node and Lilith are the True positions. Retrogrades are underlined. Extra points are Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Lilith. These come from the excellent software, Sirius 3.0.
- November 2022 Ephemeris
- December 2022 Ephemeris
- January 2023 Ephemeris
- February 2023 Ephemeris
- March 2023 Ephemeris
- April 2023 Ephemeris
This Month’s Void Moon Dates:
Using the table below: The Moon is Void of Course from the time of its last aspect listed below until the Moon enters a new sign. Generally speaking, these periods are not ideal for launching new endeavors, although they’re not impossible periods, either.
The times given below are Eastern. These should be adjusted for different time zones. For example, for Pacific Time, subtract 3 hours from the given times.
See Void of Course dates and times for the full year.
New & Full Moon Charts:
- New Moon in Capricorn Chart: December 23, 2022
- Full Moon in Cancer Chart – January 6, 2023
- New Moon Chart: January 21, 2023, in Aquarius
Looking Ahead:
- Time Line Aspects: January 2023
- Time Line Aspects: February 2023
- Time Line Aspects: March 2023
- Time Line Aspects: April 2023
- Time Line Aspects: May 2023
- Time Line Aspects: June 2023
- Time Line Aspects: July 2023
- Time Line Aspects: August 2023
- Time Line Aspects: September 2023
- Time Line Aspects: October 2023
- Time Line Aspects: November 2023
- Time Line Aspects: December 2023

Take a peek at the year ahead with in-depth Future Forecast Reports from Cafe Astrology.
See also:
The Astrology of 2023 – Overview