July 27 to August 2, 2015
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LoveScopes: Love Horoscopes for each zodiac sign.
Overview: What’s happening this week with Venus, the goddess of love and relationships, and Eros, the god of erotic love.
Bottom Line: With both Venus and Mars in Water signs, our feelings run deep and we are a little more cautious in affairs of the heart. We come alive in warm, nurturing, and mutually respectful relationships. While Eros is in normally bold, adventurous Sagittarius, it’s also retrograde, and we may not be as outgoing or direct when it comes to expressing our desires.
Note: If you know your Ascendant, reading your horoscope for your Ascendant will give a more accurate forecast.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Aries and Aries Ascendant: Until May 7th,Venus is in your expressive third house–a pleasant place in your solar chart. During this cycle, talk is good–perhaps even great. Listen to others, express yourself, and get yourself out there. Communicate! Even if you feel like you want to be left alone, others will find ways to intrude. This is a period in which you can successfully use charm, flattery, and your sense of humor to make peace with others and to turn a few heads. This week, you have more opportunities to improve relations with relatives, and to socialize, especially in your immediate environment. You’re expressing yourself with charm and grace right now, whether it’s through what you say or what you write. From May 7th to June 5th,Venus is in your solar fourth house. You are at your magnetic best when you listen to your gut feelings during this cycle. Your heart is with your home and family, and that’s just fine. You don’t need to hide yourself away, however. Emphasize your home-loving and nurturing qualities, and others will see you in a most positive light. This is an excellent cycle under which to bring more harmony and pleasant interactions to your relationships with loved ones. Watch for a tendency to wall yourself up.Mars is in Taurus until June 11thMars is bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your finances and desire for security and comfort. Sexuality is steadier than usual, earthy, and organic. Security and harmony are craved.This week, you are in a Moon cycle in which you, your mannerisms, and your appearance are the focus. This cycle is sure to give you a big boost of energy and your fair share of attention until the next New Moon. Until the 16th, with Eros in your solar second house, you feel sexier in an earthy way. You come across as more attractive when you feel secure, tended to, and comfy. Security actually turns you on now, and others will find your assertiveness in this area mighty attractive. You may be inclined towards more sexual possessiveness during this cycle, and “self-love” could increase along with a greater urge for physical satisfaction of your sexual needs. For the time being sexual intricacy is not as attractive. Your sexual nature is now rooted in the senses.
See also Aries 2015 Preview Horoscope, Aries 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Aries 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Aries Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Taurus and Taurus Ascendant: Until May 7th,Venus is moving through your solar second house. You’re at your magnetic best when you emphasize the secure and sensual side of your nature. Let others know they can depend on you. You could be a little extravagant with your spending now, especially if you are unhappy with your love life! Possessiveness (as long as it isn’t taken too far) makes you feel secure just now. From May 7th to June 5th, Venus is in your expressive third house–a pleasant place in your solar chart. During this cycle, talk is good–perhaps even great. Listen to others, express yourself, and get yourself out there. Communicate! Even if you feel like you want to be left alone, others will find ways to intrude. This is a period in which you can successfully use charm, flattery, and your sense of humor to make peace with others and to turn a few heads. This week, you have more opportunities to improve relations with relatives, and to socialize, especially in your immediate environment. You’re expressing yourself with charm and grace right now, whether it’s through what you say or what you write. Until June 11th, Mars is bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your manner of self-expression. Mars is officially out of “hibernation” mode in your privacy sector and is now in your sign. This makes you hard to ignore! You’re wearing your passions on your sleeve, and you’re getting a lot of attention. You’re prouder than ever, and you’re likely looking for instant gratification! This week, you are in a Moon cycle in which privacy and recuperation are the focus. This is an especially spiritual cycle for you–a time when you renew your energy and consider what things are important to you, and what things have run their natural course. Until the 16th, with Eros journeying through your own sign, this can be an exceptional period overall for romance and sexuality. We’re all tuning into your particular romantic and sexual style, and this can feel pretty fabulous for you. Increased sexual activity and/or desire is featured in this Eros cycle. Opportunities for sexual fulfillment abound. During this cycle, you may easily and quickly become infatuated. Your sexual attractions are formed quickly, and you prefer to do the pursuing in relationships for the time being. Even so, this is also a time when you can be quite independent, and some of you are quite happy pleasing yourself during this period.
See also Taurus 2015 Preview Horoscope, Taurus 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Taurus 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Taurus Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Gemini and Gemini Ascendant: Until May 7th,[includes/lsvenus1.html] From May 7th to June 5th, Venus is moving through your solar second house. You’re at your magnetic best when you emphasize the secure and sensual side of your nature. Let others know they can depend on you. You could be a little extravagant with your spending now, especially if you are unhappy with your love life! Possessiveness (as long as it isn’t taken too far) makes you feel secure just now. Until June 11th, [includes/lsmars12.html] This week, you are in a Moon cycle in which socializing and networking are the focus. It’s time to expand your social circle and to make more contact with groups and friends. Until the 16th, what goes on in closed quarters is what turns you on the most. Share a dream or a secret with your lover, and it’s bound to boost your sex life! There may be a sexual lull in your life during this period. However, there is an equal possibility that you can improve your sex life by bringing more spirituality and fantasy into the picture. Unusual sexual fantasies, attractions, and dreams could feature now. Listen to what your subconscious is telling you in this regard. You may discover new facets to your sexuality if you do.
See also Gemini 2015 Preview Horoscope, Gemini 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Gemini 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Gemini Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Cancer and Cancer Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, and with Venus now in your own sign–a blessing indeed–you’re feeling on top of the world. It’s all about you, and you’re paying attention to your image and mannerisms. You probably won’t need to do much to attract attention, but anything that boosts your feelings of self-worth will help you benefit from this exciting transit. The rest of the world seems to be speaking your love language right now. Turn on the charm! It’s a great time to exert your personal influence, as you are coming across as especially cooperative and graceful. Your people skills are above par. You have romantic energy working for you big time. Your love life is bound to step up a notch. It’s a passionate time, although you are unlikely to be displaying a whole lot of self-discipline. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your romantic affairs and pleasure-seeking activities. This position of Mars gives you a big boost of confidence, and your personal magnetism runs high. To be appreciated, adored, and admired is what you hunger after. It’s a time of creativity, drama, and passion–you love being in the spotlight. Because you are very comfortable with your sexuality, you can help your partner overcome any sexual hang-ups they may have. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle for you in which sensual pleasure and comfort levels are the focus. It’s time to get in touch with exactly what pleasures and comforts you. In the long term, this will allow you to share yourself more sincerely with others in an intimate way, as you will be bringing a more self-assured “you” into your relationships. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This means Eros is in your work and health sector. Sexuality becomes very much a part of your routine–you recognize it for both its mental and physical health benefits during this cycle. For the time being, you may seek renewal through sex, with a strong conviction that sex is healthy and good for you.
See also Cancer 2015 Preview Horoscope, Cancer 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Cancer 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Cancer Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Leo and Leo Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, the sign just behind yours, placing the goddess of love in your solar twelfth house. This cycle indicates that you’re more attracted to secrets, whispers, and private affairs for the next while. Inspired and imaginative sexuality is on the agenda with Venus in your privacy sector. It’s a cycle in which all that is hidden and private attracts. Until August 12th, you are bound to find love in hidden or unexpected places. Your dreams and intuition are telling you something–and it’s magical. In love, it’s best to avoid taking premature action. You’re laying low, and that’s just fine. Unconditional love is the way to go. You are called upon to be selfless, to help, to understand, and to serve. It could be hard to find satisfaction if you don’t go this route. You are more impressionable now, and in the mood for secrets. This cycle could mark the beginning of a secret affair. Also, circumstances or your own reserve may prevent you from openly declaring or expressing your love needs. Love yearnings that cannot be fulfilled in any direct way arise. Hold off on decisions about love for now. Lay low, reflect, and enjoy. This is a quiet cycle that is part of a natural process. For some, it’s a period of letting go in preparation for the Venus in Leo cycle that begins August 12. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to to your home life. The tendency to rub people the wrong way now should be watched. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle for you in which you are more communicative and busy than usual. This is a great time to present your ideas and to improve your communication skills. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This puts Eros in your romance and pleasure sector–an exciting place for the god of erotic love to be. What fun! It’s a time of new beginnings in the romance department. You have a bigger than usual appetite for sexual pleasures–and tremendous charm. It’s time to have a little fun with your fantasies. As well, it’s easier to find like-minded people during this cycle. Your sexual style is especially well-received. Your partner’s desire for you is especially important to you now. You could be given to flirtatiousness and infatuations.
See also Leo 2015 Preview Horoscope, Leo 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Leo 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Leo Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Virgo and Virgo Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th. placing the goddess of love in your solar eleventh house. Bring a spirit of friendship into existing partnerships, and if you are single, look for love opportunities in groups and with or through friends. Friends are bound to lean on you a little, and it feels good. Remember that you are at your most magnetic when you’re expressing your humanitarian side openly, schmoozing with friends, and enjoying group activities. It’s all about friendship and camaraderie now. During this Venus cycle, you are bound to meet with people who share common ideals or goals. Your especially friendly, cooperative attitude is a major part of your charm this month. You need and want to socialize now. Differences between people you love are not causing problems during this period. This is an easy, flowing position for Venus. Take advantage of the smooth, magnetic energy by surrounding yourself with people. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your communications, casual contacts, and everyday activities. During this cycle, you tend to go after what you want through communication and the power of the mind. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle in which privacy and recuperation are the focus. This is an especially spiritual cycle for you–a time when you renew your energy and consider what things are important to you, and what things have run their natural course. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This places Eros in your solar fourth house, and you are most turned on in intimate, comfortable settings. Coziness makes you feel warm and fuzzy–and sexual. Quiet, intimate moments are most appealing. Intimacy and warmth are powerful stimulants for you during this cycle. You may be seeking to achieve psychic and emotional renewal through sex.
See also Virgo 2015 Preview Horoscope, Virgo 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Virgo 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Virgo Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Libra and Libra Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, placing the goddess of love in your solar tenth house. You are more attractive when you show your responsible, managerial, ambitious, and constant side during this Venus cycle. Having a steady and reliable sexual partner is especially attractive to you now. Don’t phone in sick this month! Love can be found on the job, or erotic undertones may be in play. Socializing and making friendly contacts at work can help boost your career. Cooperation benefits you professionally or enhances your reputation. Attending an important social event is possible now. A romance or beneficial friendship that begins as a business connection could be part of the picture. You may also feel that you especially love what you’re doing at the moment on a professional level. You may make a good friend or meet someone especially charming through your work. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your finances and desire for security and comfort. Sexuality is steadier than usual, earthy, and organic. Security and harmony are craved. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle in which socializing and networking are the focus. It’s time to expand your social circle and to make more contact with groups and friends. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This means Eros is journeying through your communications sector, and your style of communication boosts your magnetic powers. It’s time to let your lover know what you want and what has been making you especially happy. Erotic talk works for you right now. You may be more inclined to write letters to your lover, or enjoy writing and reading erotica. For the time being, it may be difficult for you to turn your mind off during sex, making it difficult for you to simply “let go”.
See also Libra 2015 Preview Horoscope, Libra 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Libra 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Libra Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Scorpio and Scorpio Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, placing the goddess of love in your adventure sector. This is an expressive and outgoing position for Venus. You are more obviously magnetic during this cycle. It’s a wonderful position for Venus, so take advantage by spreading your good humor. It’s time to get noticed. During this cycle, you’re at your most magnetic when you’re being adventurous. If you feel you’re stuck in the same old routine, do yourself a favor and plug into your interests. Do something you haven’t done before, and you’re more likely to attract who and what you want. Expressing your philosophical point of view is best right now. A deep discussion could take your heart forward by leaps and bounds. Different people (those who you don’t normally consider your “type”) attract you. You’re looking for new and different people, and experiences. The exotic and the unknown now have more appeal to you than the familiar. Sharing your philosophical interests with a romantic partner may be especially appealing now. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your manner of self-expression. Mars is officially out of “hibernation” mode in your privacy sector and is now in your sign. This makes you hard to ignore! You’re wearing your passions on your sleeve, and you’re getting a lot of attention. You’re prouder than ever, and you’re likely looking for instant gratification! A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle in which career matters come to the fore. Feeling secure and comfortable on the job is important to you now. Showing your authority and a “take charge” attitude is important now, but gentleness is important as well. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. You feel sexier in an earthy way. You come across as more attractive when you feel secure, tended to, and comfy. Security actually turns you on now, and others will find your assertiveness in this area mighty attractive. You may be inclined towards more sexual possessiveness during this cycle, and “self-love” could increase along with a greater urge for physical satisfaction of your sexual needs. For the time being sexual intricacy is not as attractive. Your sexual nature is now rooted in the senses.
See also Scorpio 2015 Preview Horoscope, Scorpio 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Scorpio 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Scorpio Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, placing the goddess of love in your intimacy sector. All that is deeply personal and that lies below the surface boost your mood. During this cycle, it feels especially sexy and rewarding to keep secrets. Be a good listener, trust your instincts, and connect with your innermost desires. Tuning into your partner’s point of view will help improve your love life considerably right now. Your intimate relationships are intensified, and either you or your partner (or, ideally, both of you!) want a deeper, more intimate and meaningful union. This is an excellent cycle under which to work on resolving differences in values or problems with joint finances in a close relationship. Watch for suspiciousness. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your private life. The tendency towards pulling back or using indirect methods in order to go after what you want is strong during this cycle. Sexual energy can be privately delicious, serving, or repressed, depending on your nature and current life circumstances. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle in which self-expression and adventure are on the agenda. It’s a good time to travel, learn, and do things you normally don’t do. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This means Eros is journeying through your own sign, making this an exceptional period overall for romance and sexuality. We’re all tuning into your romantic and sexual style, and this can feel pretty fabulous for you. Increased sexual activity and/or desire is featured in this Eros cycle. Opportunities for sexual fulfillment abound. During this cycle, you may easily and quickly become infatuated. Your sexual attractions are formed quickly, and you prefer to do the pursuing in relationships for the time being.
See also Sagittarius 2015 Preview Horoscope, Sagittarius 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Sagittarius 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Sagittarius Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Capricorn and Capricorn Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, your opposite sign, placing the goddess of love in your partnership sector. This is a cycle in which cooperation and harmony in relationships satisfies an instinctive need. If you have a partner, get out the massage oil, tune into your lover’s needs, and let him or her grab the spotlight for now. It’s time to let others shine. If you’re single, your unselfishness and willingness to listen will help boost your magnetic appeal. You are coming across as especially smooth, and your good nature is bound to attract some attention. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, vitality, and possibly some strife to your friendships. You might come on strong in your outer or public life, which can attract some and intimidate others! You are more assertive and direct under this influence. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle in which intimacy and sharing issues become especially important to you. This is an especially good cycle for you to learn more about your deepest needs and desires. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. What goes on in closed quarters is what turns you on the most. Share a dream or a secret with your lover, and it’s bound to boost your sex life! There may be a sexual lull in your life during this period. However, there is an equal possibility that you can improve your sex life by bringing more spirituality and fantasy into the picture. Unusual sexual fantasies, attractions, and dreams could feature now. Listen to what your subconscious is telling you in this regard. You may discover new facets to your sexuality if you do.
See also Capricorn 2015 Preview Horoscope, Capricorn 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Capricorn 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Capricorn Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, placing the goddess of love in your solar sixth house. You are at your magnetic best when you stay disciplined, stick to your schedule, and honor others’ schedules as well. Do your best to be on time. If you’ve been off track, be kind to yourself, but make sure you re-commit to your personal goals. During this cycle, you are most successful performing tasks that involve cooperation and team harmony. You are more likely to fuss over your lover and show your affection through practical gestures. Try to avoid nitpicking and over-analyzing love. Unless you take steps to prevent it, there is the possibility of your love life becoming too routine during this cycle. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your public life and to your career and public life. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle that emphasizes partnerships and partnering. Your special someone might be asserting him or herself. Do your best to listen. Feel out your partner’s comfort zones. In the long run, you’ll learn a whole lot about how you can take your relationship further. This could very well be the start of a new relationship for singles. Keep your eyes open! Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. Journeying through your sector of friendships, the lines between friends and lovers could blur. You may be a little detached on a sexual level for the time being. You are more intrigued by the unusual, finding variety exciting in your sex life during this cycle.
See also Aquarius 2015 Preview Horoscope, Aquarius 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Aquarius 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Aquarius Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Pisces and Pisces Ascendant: Venus is in Cancer until August 12th, placing the goddess of love in your romance and pleasure sector–a very happy place! You’re at your magnetic best, and you’re feeling especially playful. Take a break from the daily grind, but don’t hide yourself away. Do something interesting with special children in your life. Emphasize your fun-loving side. It’s all about charm–and you have it! It’s natural for you to gravitate towards like-minded and like-hearted people–and vice versa. Mars is in Scorpio until September 13th, bringing heat, urgency, and vitality to your desire for adventure, higher learning, and travel. This is a strong cycle for pursuing your desires without causing too much of a stir. A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th launching a cycle that occurs in your sector of work and health. It’s time to take charge of your daily routines. It’s a great time to start fresh at work or at the gym! Work, service, and health routines are the focus. Eros is in Sagittarius until September 6th. This places this sensual asteroid in your solar tenth house, and erotic undertones may be found on the job. You may also display more responsibility towards your sexual partners during this cycle.
See also Pisces 2015 Preview Horoscope, Pisces 2015 Yearly Love Horoscope, Pisces 2015 Yearly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes, and Pisces Daily Horoscope.
Note: These horoscopes interpret the positions of Venus, Mars, the current New Moon cycle, and Eros relative to your sign. These cycles last longer than a week, and thus interpretations will not change from week to week until the factors themselves change signs.
Venus is in Cancer all week.
Venus is in Cancer from July 18-August 12. We treat lovers with sympathy and tenderness, providing the emotional nurturing that they need. We tend to “play it safe” when it comes to relationships. Love and devotion is most important to us, and provides us with a sense of inner security. We seek a deep love in which we can merge souls and personalities with our lover. We are quite devoted to our partners, and we seek such devotion in return. However, we could also become possessive, manipulative, and stifling. Familiarity is more important to us now. Our fear of rejection is overdeveloped, and we offer our hearts cautiously as a result. We pay more attention to our lovers’ feelings than their words. We feel threatened if a lover acts in an impersonal, overly independent, or detached manner. Safe and solid relationships are more appealing. Romantic and emotional hurts are very hard to forget. In Cancer, Venus is nurturing, protective and self-protective, cautious, and fertile. We experience many emotional ups and downs in love under this influence due to increased sensitivity and impressionability. We are tender, romantic, and attached. Cancer love is dedicated, warm, and devoted. We show our love through our devotion, care, and concern. We are affectionate and cuddly, and are at our best when we feel safe and secure.
Venus is in a Water sign and Mars is in a Water sign. With both Venus and Mars in Water signs (both are in Scorpio), we come alive in warm, nurturing, and mutually respectful relationships. Deep down, we fear getting hurt, and rejection is something we try very much to avoid, as it can run deep. We are more sensitive and warm lovers. Not always communicative in bed, we value partners who seems to know how to please us intuitively. We are not always direct about what we want. We need to feel safe and our partners must demonstrate loyalty and commitment to us in order for us to be at your best and most secure.
A New Moon occurred in Leo on July 26th. With the New Moon in Leo, a cycle that runs until the next New Moon on August 25th, we may make some Leo-related resolutions for our love relationships. Playfulness, romantic drama, and pride are the focus. During this Moon cycle (from July 26-August 25), we have the chance to improve our ability to express ourselves romantically and creatively. The New Moon in Leo teaches us how to take pride in ourselves as unique individuals, to assume responsibility for our lives, and to give of ourselves warmly and generously to others. This New Moon period is an excellent time to meditate upon some of the characteristics of Leo. Think about the keywords for this self-expressive fire sign — such things as proud, magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active, and open — and consider ways to incorporate these traits into your personality. We all have Leo somewhere in our charts. Seek this month to improve those areas of life. It’s time to awaken the “inner child” in ourselves and to find ways to creatively express it. With this potent Leo energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us well beyond this Moon cycle.
This week: Venus opposes Pluto on Sunday and Monday, and there can be intense feelings, some emotional distress, and struggles against, or for, control. Feelings of being used can emerge, possessiveness can be a problem, and fears of betrayal or attachment can drive our behavior in our relationships. On Thursday, Venus squares Uranus – another challenging influence that brings up the issue of dependence. Circumstances experienced now can seem to pit freedom versus intimacy or closeness. We may be acting on whims or we might experience sudden, unusual attractions, likely because of our fears of loss of independence. Feelings steady Friday morning, when Venus trines Saturn and then Chiron. However, other aspects not involving Venus active on Friday and Saturday can stimulate rebelliousness and arguments.
Eros is in Sagittarius this week.
Eros is in Sagittarius from July 17 to September 6. ( in
) Eros in Sagittarius is enthusiastic and exuberant sexually. Sex is meant to be fun for Eros in Sagittarius, and some roughhousing and plenty of hearty laughs are turn-ons during this cycle. Sexuality is sometimes viewed as if it were a sport now. We may surprise others with a very open and almost innocent attitude toward sex and intimacy. Sex is a bit of a game, and how this attitude is received will depend a lot on the audience! There can be a bit of an addiction to the chase, and avoidance of intimacy when it feels restricting in any way. Tenderness and romance are not the kinds of expressions that come as easily to Eros in Sagittarius. Laughter and fun are aphrodisiacs for this position of Eros. Sexual exploration and freedom are important, as well as a need for sexual honestysex without the frills and trappings that we may find to be unnatural and even dishonest now. Eros in Sagittarius can show up as passion for knowledge, hunger for new experiences, and a love of travel and exploring new lands and cultures.
Timing and the Moon: Best Times to Have a First Date This Week: According to the principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs from approximately 11:20 PM EDT on Tuesday, July 29th, until approximately 10:45 AM EDT on Thursday, July 31st, while the Moon is in Virgo.
Bottom Line: With both Venus and Mars in Water signs, our feelings run deep and we are a little more cautious in affairs of the heart. We come alive in warm, nurturing, and mutually respectful relationships. While Eros is in normally bold, adventurous Sagittarius, it’s also retrograde, and we may not be as outgoing or direct when it comes to expressing our desires.
See also:
Love & Romance Forecast Report
Best Days for Love for Each Sign of the Zodiac