Free Reports: Compatibility Report Scores
How to interpret the scores in the free Compatibility Report with Birth Times.
Numbers over 1200, in any of the three columns, are considered very high and significant.
I’ve had the free compatibility report section on my site since 2002, and it’s only now, in 2019, that I am writing about the compatibility scores! There is a reason for this–it’s because scoring systems have a lot of caveats. People love scores, but they don’t always read the fine print about them. The scores are in place as relative guidelines to help make a quick judgment of whether or not a particular aspect is strong (close in orb and between significant planets/points) and either challenging (represented by a negative value) or flowing (represented by a positive value).

Compatibility Aspect Chart
For example, an aspect that has a value of 168 is a relatively high positive number, and is this way because the aspect is between significant planets, is relatively close in orb, and is generally considered a strengthening, easy, or flowing aspect. An aspect with a value of 52 is also considered an easy aspect but may not be as close in orb or between inner, personal planets such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. An aspect with a value of -651 is one that’s considered quite difficult in nature and is likely between significant inner planets as well as very close in orb.
In the Compatibility Report with Birth Times, you’ll see a list of the planetary aspects between the two charts in a table.
Look to the totals at the end of the table, and note the highest values you see, whether negative or positive. Generally speaking, we want to see synastries that have a lot of interaction, so high values can point to a significant bond, although they don’t necessarily speak to the quality of the bond. Numbers over 1200 would be considered high values and a stronger bond. Celebrity examples of especially high total activity values are Beyonce and Jay-Z (although their times are under question), Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, and Ashton and Demi.
For example:
Beyonce and Jay-Z have the following values at the end of their table:
1963 -1207 756
The highest value is 1963, which is unusually high. This means there are many close aspects between key planets/luminaries. The positive value is 1963 and the negative value is 1207 with a sum of 756. The final value of 756 is also unusually high.
Another example:
Angelina and Brad
730 -1092 -362
The highest value whether negative or positive is 1092. It happens to be a negative value so that the sum or final score is also negative (-362). This doesn’t mean their relationship is negative but that there are more close challenging aspects than positive ones. Their total activity is rather high, which creates a bond.
An example of a celebrity couple who’ve been together for decades but that also have a final score in the negatives are Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. Their final score is -275. However, their bond is strong since the highest value is 1393 and this value is very high (over 1200).
A final positive score of 200 or more is above average.
To sum, it’s nice to have a final positive score, and the higher the better. A final positive score of 200 or more is above average. However, people can bond strongly with high activity values since they seem to bring out stronger reactions in one another, and this means that the bottom line is not always truly the final sum.
In truth, while it’s not extremely difficult to rate astrological aspects between charts, it is difficult to make a definite statement about whether two people are good together. Some people are drawn to challenging relationships, while others pass them by. A relationship can be filled with easy, flowing aspects but it may not stick. It’s also difficult to make a blanket statement about a couple, whether celebrity or not, that defines the relationship as good or challenging. People can stay together for years for many reasons, and it’s not always about love or the strength of a bond, for example, so longevity is not necessarily a reliable factor. For these reasons, I feel that the total activity rather than final sum is the most telling value, and even with that in mind, shouldn’t be the final judgment of something as complex as a relationship.
If you’d like to experiment with famous couples, the best source for birth data with Rodden ratings is’s AstroDataBank. The ratings help tremendously–this way, you know whether or not you are working with questionable birth times and sometimes even birthdates or years. It’s always preferable to work with charts that are rated AA or A.
Here are some examples:
Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn (both data sets rated AA): 1393 -1668 -275
Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry (both data sets rated AA): 1395 -1224 171
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt (birth data rated AA and A): 1292 -888 404
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (birth data rated AA and A): 730 -1092 -362
Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter (birth data both rated AA): 389 -1224 -835
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel (both birth data rated AA): 1038 -541 497
Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom (birth data rated AA and A): 1644 -683 961
Laura Prepon and Ben Foster (both data sets rated AA): 1056 -335 721
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens (both data sets rated AA): 2030 -597 1433
Alison Brie and Dave Franco (both data sets rated AA): 1940 -526 1414
Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green (both data sets rated AA): 1187 -776 411
Ashton Kutcher (rated C, so questionable birth time) and Demi Moore (data rated A): 584 -2725 -2141
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (both data sets AA or A): 1391 -1127 264
Ashton Kutcher (rated C, so questionable birth time) and Mila Kunis (questionable time): 1122 -816 306
Justin Bieber (data rated B) and Selena Gomez (data rated C): 1087 -798 289
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen 912 -598 314
Back to Free Reports Section.
The compatibility report with ratings can also be generated with no birth times–just birth dates: Compatibility Report for Birthdates.
Compatibility Report for Unknown Birth Times: Note that the compatibility scores are not set and final for unknown birth times. While the known birth times get the same score no matter when you generate the report (as long as the information for the two charts is the same), this is not the case for unknown birth times since the aspects between charts (and how close they are to being exact) cannot be known definitively without times. Instead, the compatibility score falls along a range.
With the Compatibility Report for Birthdates (unknown times), the first birthdate entered is set to noon as the best average, and the second birthdate entered takes on the time of day of when you enter the chart (example, if you enter the chart at noon, the birth time is set to noon, and if you enter the chart at 6 am, the birth time is set to 6 am). This is by design, but it also means that the scores change slightly depending on which date you enter first and what time of day you enter the second chart. This allows one to experiment and reflects the reality* that the score will fall within a range and changes depending on when the individuals are actually born, which is currently unknown.
*The reality is that if a person is born one minute into the day, their planetary positions will be slightly different than if they were born one minute before midnight (at the end of the day). With this discrepancy, the aspects their planets and points make with another person’s chart will have different orbs and perhaps either drop off or add on with a different time of day.
For example, a person born on September 1st might have their Sun at 8 Virgo 37 at the start of the day or 9 Virgo 36 if they were born at the end of the day. This is a range that can affect the scores. If the second person has their Mercury at 10 Pisces 45, the first person’s Sun is opposite the second person’s Mercury either way, but the orb ranges from 2 degrees 8 minutes to 1 degree 9 minutes.
As such, the score for this aspect is a higher negative value the later the first person is born in the day since this tense aspect gets closer in orb. This, naturally, affects the final compatibility score.
You can also use my Zodiacal site for a synastry report with Cosmodynes ratings. Because it’s a database, a free account is necessary to use this particular charting program.
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See Also: Using the Free Report Section.
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