Report Orders FAQ
Looking for astrology reports? Cafe Astrology is primarily dedicated to offering free, informative, and diverse articles. However, we offer some services and products at low prices. Astrology reports for order are available here and in our new shop interface. All computer reports are delivered via email attachments within 24 hours of order placement. These computer reports are high-quality and low-priced.
Delivery of reports
All computerized reports are delivered typically within approximately 24 hours of order placement, sometimes slightly longer, as long as the complete and correct information is entered. If information is incomplete, please allow 24 hours from the time we receive the full information.
Although reports are computerized, we process orders manually. It is important to note that we are not available around the clock and this is the reason reports are not instantaneously delivered. To minimize delays, be sure to fill out all required information as clearly as possible.
If data is missing or ambiguous, we will send you an email requesting the missing information or requesting clarification. Please read the Data Entry information below for tips on entering the correct information in a clear format.
Reports are sent via email, not snail mail. Reports are in PDF format, but Word format (.rtf) can be requested. Most computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, but this can also be downloaded free of charge at
Payments are currently made through Paypal, a third party. The email address registered with Paypal is the email address we receive. Unless stated otherwise, that is the email address we will use to send you the reports. Please keep in mind that we are likely to receive the primary email address registered with Paypal regardless of what email address you use to sign into your account. The primary email address can be changed in your Paypal account.
If you would like to specify a different email address, please use the “Optional Instructions” field that appears during the payment process. Once payment is complete, you are brought to a page that is titled Successful Payment. On this page, there is an option to send an email with the subject line “Additional Information About My Order”. If you forgot to add specific instructions or to specify a different email address during the payment process, you can now send an email with these instructions. Additionally, you can always send an email to with instructions.
If You Have Not Received Your Order after 24 Hours
Please understand that we manually process orders, and that someone is not standing by to answer emails at all hours of the day. Our time zone is Eastern. We process orders in batches and do our best to fill orders in a timely fashion. If you have not received your order within 24 hours of order placement, please let us know by sending an email to with your order details or the email address with which you made the order through Paypal.
Please also check your email for a request from us for more information, as many times a customer does not fill in all of the required information. If your order was missing information or we have a question about clarifying an order detail (for example, a city that is misspelled or not in the software’s atlas), we will send an email requesting information or clarification. Please allow us time (24 hours) after receiving your reply to then fill your order!
If you are receiving emails from us that do not contain attachments, but are not receiving the emails with attachments, then there is a problem with your email account receiving attachments from us. Frequently, adding our email addresses to your email address book, or your “white” or “allow” list will solve the problem. In fact, it is a good idea to add to your allow lists or email address book as soon as you order from us, so that problems with emails are minimized. Delivering reports through email can be tricky at times, but we do our best to get your order to you! Sometimes providing us with a different email address is a quick solution to email delivery problems.
If data is missing or ambiguous, we will send you an email requesting the missing information or requesting clarification. Please read the Data Entry information below for tips on entering the correct information in a clear format.
Ordering and Payment
Currently, our site is set up with a Paypal shopping cart. This keeps our costs low, which means we can sell our reports at a lower price.
Payments through Paypal are considered safe and secure, allowing our readers to pay for reports and services instantly using their credit card, debit card, or e-check.
Some readers express concerns about “phishing”, which is an issue for many sites and online services, including eBay, PayPal, and most banks. Phishing is not a problem if you know what NOT to do, and that is, never click through a link on an email from a site that contains your payment information, passwords, or any other sensitive data. If you receive an email from Paypal, particularly one that reports problems with your account or something on those lines, do not click on the links in the email. Instead, go to Paypal’s site directly and check into your account. Any problems, if they exist, will be reported on the site itself.
Please also note that you will receive an automatic confirmation email from Paypal to the email address used to make payment. This is a payment confirmation. Paypal sends us an email at the same time with the details of your cart. Payments are processed by Paypal and not us. As such, payments are completely customer-driven. We don’t receive credit card or banking information, so we cannot charge your card for additional services, as is sometimes requested by customers. However, if you have ordered twice or made a mistake in your order, please write to and we can put in a refund for your payment.
Special Requests
- Different email address
- Different House systems
- Request for an .rtf format instead of .pdf
- Start dates of forecast reports, which can be a date in the future or in the past if you are interested in studying how astrological influences affected you in the past.
If you would like to make a special request such as one listed above, please use the “Optional Instructions” field that appears during the payment process. Once payment is complete, you are brought to a page that is titled Successful Payment. On this page, there is an option to send an email with the subject line “Additional Information About My Order”. If you forgot to add specific instructions or to specify a different email address during the payment process, you can now send an email with these instructions. Additionally, you can always send an email to: with instructions. We process reports manually.
The default house system for reports is Placidus. If you would like us to use a different house system, such as Equal, Koch, Whole Sign, etc., please request it.
We regret that we cannot put rushes on orders.
Report Content/Refunds
Full representative samples of each report that we offer are provided with the report’s description. Please do not expect anything other than the same format as the sample. For example, if the sample report does not include interpretations of Chiron, your report will not include these interpretations. Some of our reports are offered elsewhere on the Internet, so if you have purchased computerized reports from other businesses, it is a good idea to check out our full samples to make sure you are not double ordering. We cannot provide refunds for anything except a mistake that we have made, as our descriptions and samples provided are fully representative of the products we provide. Also, because full samples of the reports are provided, we do not refund customers on the grounds that the reports were not as they expected. Please do not expect more than what is stated in the description and shown in the sample. Please read the report descriptions and view the samples before placing an order.
Please also note that an opinion from, or consultation with, an astrologer is not included in the purchase price of a computerized astrology report.
Data Entry
In order to avoid confusion, please double check the information you enter for your order. Generally, the following information is requested for a report, and in the case of a compatibility report, the following information is requested for the two people involved:
- Name (First name only is absolutely acceptable).
- Birth Day (example, Aug 15/68)
- Birth Time (example, 7:25 AM; Do not adjust this time – provide the birth time as given at the place of birth).
- Birth Place (City, state/country).
For some reports, the current place of residence is also requested. The city and state/country should be provided.
Regarding the birth dates, we need birth month, birth day, and birth year. It is best to write out the birth month, in abbreviation form is fine, instead of providing us with a numeral for the date. This is because date formats are different in different countries, and a date such as 07/06/1968 is ambiguous as a result. It might be July 6th, 1968 in the US, or June 7th, 1968 in the UK or Australia, for example. Please be as clear as possible. If it’s not clear, please understand that we may send you an email requesting clarification of your birth details, and that this may delay your order.
We request a name in order to label the report. In some cases, the name is used within the body of the report. The name is not involved in the report’s calculations and does not affect the actual interpretations, so it can be an initial, a nickname, a first name, or the full name–that’s entirely up to you.
Some reports (the Vedic Compatibility report, the Child Star report, and the Love Ties report) require the sex/gender of a person. You will be asked for gender only if it is necessary for the report. For example, the pronouns “he/she”, “him/her”, etc. are used in the Child Star and Love Ties reports.
If There is a Mistake
Before reading, please check the birth data on a report that you receive for accuracy. Although we do our best to check that we have entered the birth details correctly, we do make mistakes and we will correct them as soon as we can. Customers also make mistakes and typos, and we are as gracious as possible about them. We hope that customers are as gracious as we are when it comes to mistakes/typos! We try to avoid them, but mistakes do happen, and we apologize for the inconvenience when they do. If we or you have made a mistake, please let us know – there is no need to reorder; simply send an email with the details of the mistake and we will make the correction.
FAQ for Specific reports
Relationship Report Package for Unknown Birth Times
If one or both birth times is unknown, this is the best option. The report includes the Romantic Compatibility report (an unknown birth time version of it) as well as two other relationship reports designed for unknown birth times–the Couples report and Compatibility & Conflict report.
Thus, you receive three reports, each approximately 10 pages long.
When birth times are unknown, they are entered as noon, as this is the best average. The data and interpretations for time-sensitive information (such as the Ascendant and house positions) is not included in these reports, as these factors cannot be determined in the absence of a birth time for one or both persons.
If both birth time are known, please opt for a different relationship report, as this report is for unknown birth times.
If one birth time is known and not the other, please specify this information. When one person’s birth time is known, this improves the reports’ accuracy.
Solar Return Reports
Solar Return reports are based on the Solar Return chart for a particular birthday year. This chart is drawn for when the Sun returns to the exact position at your birth, and this can be on your birthday or within a day or two on either side of your birthday in any given year.
Thus, you might see something like this: Solar Return May 18, 2009, 2:04 PM EDT, even if your birthday is actually May 19, 1966 at 1:01 AM PST. This is normal. As long as the birth information itself is entered correctly (you can check that under Birth Data), the time of the Solar Return is accurate.
If your birthday occurs in April, your Solar Return will occur in April as well (with the possible exception of births at the very beginning or very end of the month, in which case the Solar Return might occur on the last day of March or the first day of May). The report will cover your “birthday year” from April to April.
By default, we use the location at the time of the birthday for generating Solar Return reports. If you are requesting a Solar Return report for an upcoming birthday, please enter the city, state/country of your expected location at the time of your upcoming birthday in the second field titled “Location on Birthday”. Note that we need both the birth location and the Solar Return location.
Vedic Compatibility Reports
At the moment, this is the only report offered on our site that uses Vedic Astrology and is based on the sidereal zodiac. Moon signs are compared, but as stated in the report’s description, Moon signs may be different than the Moon sign placement in other reports we offer due to the different zodiac used. All other reports are based on the tropical zodiac. Positions in the sidereal zodiac are approximately 23 degrees earlier than in the tropical zodiac. With 30 degrees per sign, a person born with the Moon at 25 degrees Gemini, for example, in the tropical zodiac will have a Moon at approximately 2 degrees Gemini in the sidereal zodiac, so the Vedic report will list that person’s Moon sign as Gemini. However, if a person is born with the Moon at 20 degrees Gemini, for example, in the tropical zodiac, the Moon will be at approximately 27 degrees Taurus in the sidereal zodiac, and will be listed as Moon in Taurus in the Vedic report.
Progressions Report
By default, the Progressions report calculates Secondary Progressions and uses the popular R.A.M.S. MC method for progressing the houses. We also progress the chart using the current rather than birth location by default. If you prefer other settings, please make this request with your order.
Please note that there are many different methods or techniques for progressing the Ascendant. If you prefer a different one than the R.A.M.S. MC method for the Progressions report, you can request it. However, some specialty reports, such as the Sky Log report, use the Solar Arc MC method which can vary somewhat from the R.A.M.S. MC method, and this setting cannot be changed. You can read more about the different methods of arriving at the progressed Ascendant and progressed houses here.
Why do different forecast reports list different positions of the planets?
There are many different forecasting techniques used in astrology, most common ones being transits, progressions, and planetary returns.
The Solar Return report will not show the transits to your natal chart. It is based on the Solar Return chart that shows the positions of the planets in the sky at the time that the Sun returned to its exact birth position. In other words, if the Sun is in the 6th house in the Solar Return chart, it does not mean that the Sun is TRANSITING your natal 6th house. This is because the house cusps of the Solar Return chart are not the same as the house cusps of your natal chart.
General horoscopes for Sun signs do not show the same transits as transits to your natal chart unless you read the horoscopes for your Ascendant sign. When you read horoscopes for your Sun sign, horoscopes refer to a solar chart, not your natal chart. A solar chart puts the Sun on the Ascendant, not the actual sign that you have rising based on your birth time. Of course, some people do have their Sun on their Ascendant, and in those less common situations, there isn’t much of a discrepancy.
The Time Line report interprets transits, secondary progressions, and solar arc directions, as well as eclipses as transits. These are to your actual natal chart.
The Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc Directions positions are also not the same as transits nor are they the same as planetary returns. They are calculated points using your natal chart and progressing or directing your chart to a later date. They have no connection to transits.
The positions of transits in the Time Line report and the positions of Solar Return planets in the Solar Return chart are not related. There is no comparison. The only thing that is expected to be the same in the Solar Return chart is the position of the sign by degree (it will be exact) and sign, but not by house. The Ascendant, Midheaven, houses, etc. are not expected to be the same as the natal chart.
You can learn more about your chart through our Astrology Articles.
Don’t have your chart yet? Find out how to get it online for free through our article, How to Obtain Your Natal Chart.
Our Privacy Policy:
Email addresses are kept private and never used for mailing lists, unless you formally subscribe to our email newsletter, in which case your email address is used solely for this purpose. We do not sell email address lists. Additionally, birth information submitted to us, whether through report orders or natal chart help, is only used for the intended purpose.